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Sample 1

My career aspirations are not childhood dreams but rather a work of consistent absorption
of knowledge and learning about my interest domain. It was all about finding my path and
the journey started from my curiosity about Semiconductors. Growing curiosity and a
normal penchant for science and especially physics and mathematics saw me opting for
Electrical and Electronics Engineering for my under-graduation at XYZ University, Delhi. From
thence started my understanding of the domain which slowly and gradually grew into
admiration and then a strong passion in Power Systems. Now, with the help of a master’s
degree in the chosen discipline from the ABC University, USA, I want to realise my aspiration
of contributing to the area Power Systems in the Electronics domain.

Pursuing Electrical and Electronics Engineering was by far the wisest decision of my life for
the subjects fell within the natural scope of things in my life. I was able to assimilate the
information and readily implement the same in a variety of projects. While my performance
was good in subjects throughout my graduation, I was effectively fascinated by Power
Systems. Due to the strong affliction for Power Systems, I worked on my major project on
Power System. The project completed under the mentorship of Prof Bakshi excellent
appreciation and a ‘Bravo’ from the organisation, further instilling in me the confidence to
keep working in the domain. More importantly, the work also presented to me the wide
possibilities of the technology and left me desirous of learning more. The strong inclination
guided me in the last semester as well when I opted for backend courses on Power Systems.

Learning about Power Systems, I knew I wished to make a career within the said domain and
decided that I would gain a better understanding by pursuing masters in electrical
engineering and becoming an expert within the sector. My humble beginnings offered me
the modest living amidst strong respect for academic excellence. My grandfather, an English
teacher, would often take out time to condition my mind and encourage me to take the path
of education. Supported by equally informed parents, I succeeded throughout my school
years in every domain. Such has been my journey that, I have the honour of being the
Captain of the Cricket Tournament School Team. Moving with such a feathered cap, my
graduation year was bound to have an illustrious tenure and as promised, it was.

Like in school, I was as active as I could be both in and out of the class in the college as well.
From being the Class Representative to the organiser of the Fresher’s Induction Programme
for the 2016–17 batch, I ensured that I was always where the action was. My technical
aptitude and acumen put me in the top place and I was the designated Event Coordinator of
the Technical Paper Presentation during the college’s Cultural Festival. My participation
further added to my mental aptitude with the skills like teamwork and leadership. Assisted
by such attributes, I moved on towards my career choice and opted for a job which would
help me with my aspirations. The experiences further gave me the opportunity which further
ensured that I was selected in and joined PQRS Industries, Mumbai as an Engineer.

Over the past year, I have extensively led teams and learned the art of adoption, execution,
direction, and implementation. My performance soon gave my manager the confidence and
I was given the opportunity to lead the team all by myself while my manager was transferred
to another unit. My ability to handle the team, manage the technology and most importantly
handle the various challenges has won me recognition in the organisation. This gave me a lot
of opportunities to grow in my career. All of my experience has brought to light the inherent
need of constant learning, as well as the necessity of innovation and I, believe that I have
now reached the stage where I must now further enrich my knowledge.

After my masters, I would work as a Senior Engineer in a firm like my current employer
where I would be able to put together my fresh academic knowledge and old professional
experience. It gives me a great satisfaction in applying my knowledge, which I have learned
till now, to develop further understanding and solving practical problems. For me, no other
profession promises creative satisfaction and intellectual independence, like the industry I
am presently in, does. Ten years down the line, I see myself working as part of a leading
research group, contributing my bit to the field of Power Engineering.

I now seek to further delve into the research division of the technology and bring myself to
the level of expertise in design verification and validation. Moving on to ABC University, USA,
I seek to enrich my understanding level and gain the necessary understanding of the latest
in Power Systems. I am competent and confident for the same and strongly believe that
master’s at this juncture would give me the necessary push and momentum that would
hasten my steps towards my aspired career of an Expert.

The Master’s Programme in Electrical Engineering with special emphasis on Power Systems
offered by your University is the perfect match for my career aspirations. I am impressed by
the extensive curriculum and the excellent peer network the institute offers. More
importantly, I am particularly keen on ongoing research on Power Systems and look forward
to learning. I am also rather excited about the Electrical Lab at the University and the
excellent infrastructure which would assist me in my aspirations to carry on my own
independent research. To sum up, I have the skill and the aspirations and now seek the right
platform to move towards my goals and your university provides me the same.
Sample 2

Statement of Purpose
With an aim to be an instrumental part of the Electronics industry, I undertook my
undergraduate degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from the reputed
Smt Kashibai Navale College of Engineering affiliated to University of Pune. My academic
background in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering coupled with my innate
interest to explore the nuances of the industry, I have realized and observed a drastic yet
consistent sophistication in the electronic products and services across the world. My
exposure to the development and functioning of products and services like high definition
TV infrastructure, mobiles, tablets, broadband Internet services, satellite broadcasting and
GPS technique has intrigued me to the core and led me to believe that there is much more
to create, explore and discover in this field. Thus, my decision to now pursue my graduate
degree in Electronics and Communications seems the most logical extension of my academic

During my undergraduate study, amongst the subjects I was exposed to, courses like Digital
Signal Processing, Computer Networks, Mobile Communication, and Telecommunication
Switching System enthralled me. Also, emphasis on practical sessions based on Coding and
Modulation Techniques, Spectrum Analyzer, Digital Storage Oscilloscope, MATLAB software
and Networks greatly enhanced my interest in the field of Communication.

I have always garnered an interest in developing projects that positively affect the society as
a whole. Pursuing my interest, in my third year of under graduation, I along with my team
members, developed the project “Advanced Bus Tracking System & Management for
Passengers”. The project involved a system that displayed inside the bus as well as on the
platform the nearest and approaching buses, stations and approximate distances between
stations. For this, we deployed use of (AT89C51) Microcontroller and (CC2500) Transceiver.
My role in the project was to design the circuit and the printed circuit board (PCB) using
Proteus software. Moreover, we developed, simulated, and implemented the code of the
project using Keil software. In India, where population density of people (and of buses) is
very high, the project instantly clicked with the passengers while testing with the
Transportation Department.

Later, the project “Advanced Bus Tracking System & Management for Passengers” advanced
into more people centric “Smart Passenger Assistant System with Advanced Bus Security”
based on Embedded System & Wireless Communication. As part of this project, the safety
systems in the bus sent warning messages to emergency numbers in case of accident and
fire. Here, we used the Arduino platform and designed the circuit and the Printed Circuit
Board (PCB) using Eagle software to make the system even more versatile. During this
project, I learned extensively about sensors, GPS and GSM technologies. This project led me
to visit Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) - India’s largest telephone company and Prasar
Bharati (Doordarshan) - the oldest and largest public broadcaster, to gain first-hand
experience of these technologies. The scale at which the various baseband systems
employed in the reception and transmission processes of real time data work, captivated
me. I also gained a whole new perspective about Antenna and Wave Propagation System.
I am currently undergoing training at BSNL, where I have learned the basic concepts of
Telecommunications. As part of this training, I also aim at learning different technologies
involved in current generation telecommunications products. My long-term goal is to work in
the research and development sector, where I want to develop product designs with high
efficiency and productivity which will prove beneficial for society. I believe pursuing MS in
Telecommunications and Network Engineering will lead me towards fulfillment of my career

At University of ABC, I would expand on my technical horizons by learning from theoretical

courses like Wireless, Cellular and Personal Telecommunications, Fiber Optics, and Network
Security. I would also expose myself to the practical aspects of Telecommunications, by
working at the Antenna Lab and Wireless Systems Lab. The research being undertaken in the
field of Antenna Design and Wireless Communications is closely aligned with my interests.
The opportunity to work and study under Prof. ABC and Prof. XYZ will serve to enhance my
understanding of the subject, and give me the edge I require to become a successful
Engineer in this field. If given an opportunity, I assure you my dedication, diligence and my
desire to excel would allow me to make a remarkable contribution to the university. I look
forward to a positive response from the admission committee.
Sample 3


Life has always been a smooth flowing brook with small dashes here and there. It has certainly
reached a critical juncture when I have to desire where to turn and what to do next and my idea
of life can be best quoted by this very famous quotation:



Electronics Communications is an industry that has changed our lives. In a very short period it
has changed the way we have looked at things since centuries. It is one industry that is going
to shape our future for centuries to come. Hence my desire to do masters in electrical
engineering with communications as my major .My interest in Electrical dates back the early
days of my high school. My career objective is to pursue research in the field of Electrical
Engineering. I am of firm conviction that suitable opportunity to pursue graduate studies will
help in my endeavor towards realizing my goal, paving the path for self-actualization.

The field of electrical & electronics engineering has always fascinated me. I picked up the
rudiments of electronics field and electrical engineering. The reason for choosing Electronics
and Communication stream was not a hasty decision. My interest started developing in the
early stage of my life, when I studied about the invention of computers, moreover about its
large size. The transformation from the large size to small palmtops enticed me to know about
the factors that are responsible for making computers, also the electronic gadgets so small. I
was taken aback after seeing a small chip for the first time in my school days, furthermore
when it came to my knowledge that this single chip contains more than 1000 transistors, it
really became impossible for me to believe, “integrated circuits” was the answer I received, but
wasn’t able to penetrate the fundamentals of it. From then, everyday I come across with small
circuits and spent hours to solve the mystery and finally decided to enter into the cave of

Hindsight, I can see myself as an inquisitive child, born to a middle-class family of ordinary
educational and cultural background. My father, though he is a business man he inculcated in
me the seeds of logical thinking and intriguing ideas. Quite conceivably, much before formally
joining school, I developed a flair for technology.
I did my schooling from Cardinal gracious school, in the idyllic atmosphere of which I
gradually flourished as a versatile person. Then I joined Oxford junior College, wherefrom I
secured 80.1% in the higher secondary exam. At this point of time, I achieved a rare feat of
scoring full marks in Mathematics and general science in both secondary and higher
secondary board examinations. As the school plays a stepping stone in every child’s life, it
even encouraged me to do some other extra curricular activities other than academics; it
helped me to become a better and an extrovert child. This encouragement and involvement
helped me to have an open and a positive attitude in life. I actively participated in INTER

My fascination towards ‘ELECTRONICS N COMMUNICATION’ basically developed as early as in

the 10th grade when I took part in a science exhibition. I was then really fascinated by the
complexities of different structures and their working. The interest and fascination has evolved
into a determination to study the subject deeply and to do some valuable research in the field.

Therefore my quest to attain knowledge landed me up in G.S Moze College of engineering

college where I took Electronics & comm. Where I got the opportunity to study Electrical
Engineering at a great depth. My keen interest in this direction was another positive point,
which gave me an edge above other students. I excelled it with FIRST DIVISION (60.1%) though
there were others who scored better than me but I was appreciated for the depth and clarity of
my knowledge and the way how I presented my papers.

The subject of research which interests me very much are embedded systems. Networking,
microwave engineering and electromagnetic theory is another research subject which arouses
my curiosity. The subject electronics and Communication which I had in my graduation
introduced me these topics in theory.

With the advent of time, I started enjoying and thought to carve my theoretical knowledge,
which forced me into a fantastic world of projects and working models.
As the time was spinning my amusement for the progress in this field was getting wider
With a thought to prove myself, I decided to craft some working models so I in my II year
created AM generator/transmitter and FM receiver/transmitter, my efforts were appreciated and
gave me immense confidence to do something significant. This fortified me to strive the
arduous topic in Electronic design & the outcomes of my efforts, with the agglomeration of the
aplomb and conquest of my tasks in the III year were:-

1) SMPS & UPS designing.

2) Audio amplifier.
3) Data acquisition system.
4) Ring counters using flip flops.
5) Study of state machines.
6) Basic arithmetic calculator using logic gates.
7) LED sequel generator.
8) 7 segment display controller.

The conviction lead me to accomplish something whopping and this driving force ended up
with the making of my major project in my IV year which was “MICROCONTROLLER
BASED TOTAL CAR SECURITY SYSTEM” (using Microcontroller AT89C51 , DS 232 , Data
Cable, and a GSM handset). It essentially had a microcontroller which was embedded to a
GSM handset through a serial data cable & the microcontroller can scan all the data of the
handset using AT commands. Whenever any code SMS was sent to the fixed GSM handset
near the microcontroller the microcontroller sends the signal to its output ports for doing
the following activities:

Slide the power windows and get it locked

Jam all the doors which will not be in the regular use.
Cut the fuel supply
Ignition is switched off.

This diminutive travail of mine which was done under professor’s guidance was extremely

As a student member of various forums in my College, I have been actively associated with
various workshops and seminars. I also had the opportunity to prepare and present a seminar
ROBOTICS” After a lot of appreciation I was encouraged to try my hands on other exciting
things which would impart me enormous knowledge . I attended the ‘TECH FEST’ held in IIT
MUMBAI. The TECH FEST charged my brain cells and I thought to prepare a paper
presentation, and with this determination I prepared a paper in IIT DELHI on “ROBOT &
ARTIFICAL INTELLIGENCE ALGORITM” this presentation encouraged my confidence and
boosted my communication skills. Along with all this I even have a good software proficiency

OPERATING SYSTEMS: windows 9x/2000/xp/nt, MS DOS
OTHERS: Ms word/excel/ PowerPoint.

Please refer to attached RESUME for details of my Projects, extra

curricular activities and achievements.

Having done a rigorous groundwork in both theoretical and applied electronics & comm.. , now
I am in a position to peep into the realm of higher studies. I am extremely hard working and
sincere in all my endeavors; I am an ambitious person with immense will power .It has been my
long cherished dream to become a researcher and eventually come out as a good electrical
engineer, equipped enough to contribute to the larger community. Though I have secured a
little less than of what your requirement is that is 1100 in my GRE score. But to gain more
expertise, I wish to undertake my graduate study at your prestigious University, which has the
best of facilities. I think yours is a right place that would suit my interests and aspirations the
best. If you give me a chance to prove myself as a researcher, it would be a fine opportunity to
realize my dreams and to give a proper fulfillment to my otherwise brilliant academic career.

Thank you, for considering my candidature as a prospective graduate student.

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