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Type of Army


Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

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additional armies

Massimo Torriani
Valentino Del Castello, Thomas Franzoni, Stefano Magliocchi and Kenneth Takacs Jr.
Copyright 2014
All rights reserved.
We would like to thank our playtesters for all their help: Claudio Bartolucci,
Giuseppe Bellissimo, Livio Bosotti, Massimo De Luca, Davide Garbillo,
Adriano Losi,Massimo Pinna, Giovanni Taverna, Andrea Vitroni…
and the wargamers at the Mediolanum Wargames Centre.

Translation: Andrew Carless

Page Layout: Valentino del Castello
Graphical Layout and Design: Andrea Carzaniga
Scenery: Victor Towers, Maxim Savarè
The miniatures are from:
Warlord Games -
Wargames Foundry -
The miniatures were painted by: War Paint Studio, Victor Towers, Maxim Savarè
No part of these rules may be reproduced by any means, including mechanical and/or
electronic methods, without the author’s prior written permission.

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Version 15.9

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Spartans 700 B.C. - 280 B.C.

1 Spartan Command, 4-12 Perioikoi Hoplites/Neodamodeis or Spartan Hoplites (at least 2 units must be Spartans), 0-8 Mercenary or Allied
Hoplites (after 275 use Mercenary Thureophoroi instead of Mercenary Hoplites); 1-8 Mercenary or Allied Peltasts, 0-4 Ekdromoi, 0-3
Skiritai, 1-8 Helots, 0-3 Mercenary Archers, 0-3 Mercenary Javelinmen, 0-4 Greek Cavalry, 0-4 Mercenary Light Cavalry
Army Characteristics:
 Spartan Hoplites can change facing by 90° and by 180° (after which they are disordered). They can also choose to Pull back.
 Perioikoi or Mercenary Hoplites cannot change facing by 90° but can change facing by 180° and become disordered. They may not choose to
Pull back or Move sideways.
 No Unit, apart from Skirmishers, can interpenetrate a unit of Hoplites of any type. Ekdromoi and Skiritai can interpenetrate a unit of
Hoplites of any type as long as they are not in formation.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Command, Determined, Heavy Infantry,
Spartan Command on foot:
spear, shield, sword, armour
5 6 1 5 N/A N/A N/A Pole weapon, Seasoned fighters, Spear Wall, 70
Perioikoi Hoplites or Neodamodeis
Compact Group (2), Heavy Infantry,
(Compact Group 2): 3 5 1 5+5 N/A N/A N/A Phalanx, Pole weapon, Spear Wall 33 each
spear, shield, sword, armour
Compact Group (2), Determined, Heavy
Spartan Hoplites (Compact Group 2):
spear, shield, sword, armour
4 6 1 5+5 N/A N/A N/A Infantry, Phalanx, Pole weapon, Seasoned 52 each
fighters, Spear Wall, Trained
Mercenary or Allied Hoplites (Compact
Compact Group (2), Heavy Infantry,
Group 2): 3 5 1 5+5 N/A N/A N/A Phalanx, Pole weapon, Spear Wall 33 each
spear, shield, sword, armour
Mercenary or Allied Peltasts: Evasion (Infantry), Light infantry, Move &
pelte, javelin
3 4 1 3 3 NE NE Shoot 32
Ekdromoi: Evasion (Infantry), Light infantry, Pole
spear, shield, sword
3 4 1 4 N/A N/A N/A weapon, Spear Wall 36
Skiritai: Closed ranks, Evasion (Infantry), Light
javelin, spear, shield or armour
4 4 1 3 3 NE NE infantry, Move & Shoot 39
Thureophoroi: Closed ranks, Light infantry, Move & Shoot,
javelin, spear, sword, shield
3 4 1 4 3 NE NE Pole weapon 34
melee weapon, javelin
2 2 - 4 2 ND ND Medium Infantry, Move & Shoot 17
Mercenary Archers:
composite bow, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Evasion (Infantry), Skirmishers 20
Mercenary Javelinmen: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers 18
Greek Cavalry:
sword, shield
3 3 1 3 N/A N/A N/A Medium Cavalry, Mounted 26
Mercenary Light Cavalry: Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry, Move &
javelin, shield
3 3 1 2 2 NE NE Shoot, Mounted 31

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

 The Spartan Command can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Spartan Command can be promoted to Legendary Command for +12 points.
 The Spartan Command can form a Compact Group (2) with a unit of Spartan Hoplites with the same AV at no extra cost. The Command is
the frontal unit and all their characteristics apply. The Resistance Value is 5+5. The Command unit gets the Phalanx characteristic.
 You can improve the Armour Value of the Command and the Hoplites (of any type) to 2 for +9 points per base.
 The Spartan Command and the Hoplites (of any type) with AV 1, can replace the Spear Wall characteristic with Pike Wall and also Pole
weapon with Long spear for +2 points per base (only after 225BC).
 The Spartan Command and the Hoplites (of any type) with AV 2, can replace the Spear Wall characteristic with Pike Wall and also Pole
weapon with Long spear for +4 points per base (only after 225BC).
 You can change up to two units of Spartan Hoplites into Hippeus for +4 points per base. They get the Relentless characteristic.
 Each unit of Peltasts can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Each unit of Skiritai can replace their javelins with slings (S: 2, M:1, L: NE) at no extra cost.
 Each unit of Skiritai can add the infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 Each unit of Mercenary Archers can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Each unit of Mercenary Archers can buy the Move & Shoot characteristic for +2 points per base.
 Each unit of Mercenary Archers can increase their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 Up to two units of Greek Cavalry can improve their TV to 4 and add the impetuous charge characteristic for +7 points per base (Thessalians).
 The Greek Cavalry (not the Thessalians) can add a spear as well as the Pole weapon and Impetuous Charge characteristics for +2 points per base.
 The Greek Medium Cavalry (not the Thessalians) can add hamippoi and the Close-up shot (2) characteristic for +2 points per base.
 The Cavalry can add javelins (S: 2, M: NE, L: NE) and the Move & Shoot characteristic for +2 points per base.
 The Mercenary Light Cavalry can reduce their AV to 0 for -5 points per base.
 All the units of Perioikoi or Mercenary Hoplites can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All the units of Hoplites, Peltasts and Skiritai can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Leonidas at Thermopylae - Jacques Louis David - 1814

Louvre Museum, Paris

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Athenians 490 B.C. - approx. 280 B.C.

1 Athenian Command, 4-12 Hoplites, 0-4 Ekdromoi, 2-4 Peltasts, 0-6 Mercenary or Allied Hoplites (after 275 use Mercenary Thureophoroi instead
of Mercenary Hoplites). 0-4 Mercenary Archers, 0-6 Psiloi, 0-4 Slingers, 0-2 Thracian Light Cavalry, 1-4 Greek Cavalry, 0-1 Scythian Cavalry
Army Characteristics:
 Hoplites cannot change facing by 90° but can change facing by 180° and be disordered. They may not choose to Pull back or Move sideways.
 No Unit, apart from Skirmishers, can interpenetrate a unit of Hoplites of any type. Ekdromoi can interpenetrate a unit of Hoplites of any type as
long as they are not in formation.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Athenian Command on foot: Command, Determined, Heavy Infantry,
spear, shield, sword, armour
4 5 1 5 N/A N/A N/A Pole weapon, Spear Wall 50
Hoplites (Compact Group 2): Compact Group (2), Heavy Infantry,
spear, shield, sword, armour
3 5 1 5+5 N/A N/A N/A Phalanx, Pole weapon, Spear Wall 33 each
Ekdromoi: Evasion (Infantry), Light infantry, Pole
spear, shield, sword
3 4 1 4 N/A N/A N/A weapon, Spear Wall 36
Mercenary or Allied Hoplites (Compact
Compact Group (2), Heavy Infantry,
Group 2): 3 5 1 5+5 N/A N/A N/A Phalanx, Pole weapon, Spear Wall 33 each
spear, shield, sword, armour
Thureophoroi: Closed ranks, Light infantry, Move & Shoot,
javelin, Spear, sword, shield
3 4 1 4 3 NE NE Pole weapon 34
Peltasts: Evasion (Infantry), Light infantry, Move &
pelte, javelin
3 4 1 3 3 NE NE Shoot 32
Mercenary Archers:
composite bow, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Evasion (Infantry), Skirmishers 20
Psiloi: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, sword
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers 18
Slingers: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
sling, sword
3 1 - 2 2 1 NE Skirmishers 19
Mountain Tribe: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, shield
3 1 1 3 2 NE NE Skirmishers 25
Thracian Light Cavalry: Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry, Mounted,
javelin, shield
3 2 1 2 2 NE NE Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot 30
Greek Cavalry: Medium Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted
javelin, sword, shield
3 3 1 3 2 NE NE Missile Troops, Move & Shoot 29
Evasion (Mounted), Expert missile troops, Light
Scythian Cavalry:
bow, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, 31
Move & Shoot

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

 The Athenian Command can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Athenian Command can be promoted to Legendary Command for +12 points.
 The Athenian Command can form a Compact Group (2) with a unit of Hoplites with the same AV at no extra cost. The Command is the
frontal unit and all their characteristics apply. The Resistance Value is 5+5. The Command unit gets the Phalanx characteristic.
 The Athenian Command and the Hoplites (of any type) can improve their AV to 2 for +9 points per base.
 You can improve the TV of two units of Hoplites to 4 and add the Determined and Seasoned fighters characteristics for +12 points per base.
 Each unit of Peltasts can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Each unit of Mercenary Archers can buy the Move & Shoot characteristic for +2 points per base.
 Each unit of Mercenary Archers can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Each unit of Mercenary Archers can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Psiloi can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Each unit of Slingers (Rhodian Slingers) can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Each unit of Thracian Light Cavalry can reduce their AV to 0 for -5 points per base.
 Units of Greek cavalry can buy the Pole Weapon and Impetuous Charge characteristics for +2 points per base (Athenian Prodromoi).
 Up to two units of Greek cavalry (not the Athenian Prodromoi) can improve their TV to 4 and add the Impetuous charge characteristic for +7 points
per base (Thessalians).
 Up to two units of Greek cavalry (not the Athenian Prodromoi nor the Thessalians) can buy the Evasion (Mounted) characteristic and become Light
Cavalry for +5 points per base.
 Units of Medium Greek Cavalry and the Athenian Prodromoi (not the Thessalians) can add Hamippoi with the Close-up shot (2) characteristic for
+2 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Thebans 490 B.C. - approx. 280 B.C.

1 Theban Command, 4-12 Boeotian or Theban Hoplites (after 275, instead of the Theban or Boeotian Hoplites, use the Thureophoroi Theban
Command and 6-12 Mercenary Thureophoroi), 0-1 Sacred Band, 0-4 Ekdromoi, 2-4 Mercenary or Allied Peltasts, 0-2 Mercenary Archers, 0-6
Javelinmen, 0-3 Slingers, 1-6 Greek Cavalry
Army Characteristics:
 Hoplites can change facing by 90° and by 180° (after which they are disordered). They may not choose to Pull back or Move sideways.
 No Unit, apart from Skirmishers, can interpenetrate a unit of Hoplites of any type. Ekdromoi can interpenetrate a unit of Hoplites of any type as
long as they are not in formation.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Theban Command: Command, Determined, Heavy Infantry,
spear, shield, sword, armour
4 5 1 5 N/A N/A N/A Pole weapon, Spear Wall 50
Thureophoroi Theban Command: Closed ranks, Command, Light Infantry,
iavelin, spear, shield, sword
4 5 1 4 3 NE NE Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 46
Boeotian or Theban Hoplites (Compact
Compact Group (2), Heavy Infantry,
Group 2): 3 5 1 5+5 N/A N/A N/A Phalanx, Pole weapon, Spear Wall 33 each
spear, shield, sword, armour
Sacred Band: Heavy Infantry, Pole weapon, Relentless,
spear, shield, sword, armour
4 6 2 5 N/A N/A N/A Seasoned fighters, Spear Wall, Trained 66
Ekdromoi: Evasion (Infantry), Light infantry, Pole
spear, shield, sword
3 4 1 4 N/A N/A N/A weapon, Spear Wall 36
Thureophoroi: Closed ranks, Light infantry, Move & Shoot,
javelin, Spear, sword, shield
3 4 1 4 3 NE NE Pole weapon 34
Mercenary or Allied Peltasts: Evasion (Infantry), Light infantry, Move &
pelte, javelin
3 4 1 3 3 NE NE Shoot 32
Mercenary Archers:
composite bow, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Evasion (Infantry), Skirmishers 20
Javelinmen: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, sword
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers 18
Slingers: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
sling, sword
3 1 - 2 2 1 NE Skirmishers 19
Impetuous Charge. Medium Cavalry,
Greek Cavalry:
javelin, sword, shield
3 3 1 3 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 31
Shoot, Pole weapon

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

 The Theban Command can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Theban Command can be promoted to Legendary Command for +12 points.
 The Theban Command can improve their AV to 2 for +9 points per base.
 The Theban Command can form a Compact Group (2) with a unit of Theban Hoplites with the same AV at no extra cost. The Command is
the frontal unit and all their characteristics apply. The Resistance Value is 5+5. The Command unit gets the Phalanx characteristic.
 You can improve the AV of the Hoplites (of any type) to 2 for +9 points per base.
 Each unit of Peltasts can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Each unit of Mercenary Archers can buy the Move & Shoot characteristic for +2 points per base.
 Each unit of Mercenary Archers can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Each unit of Mercenary Archers can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 Up to two units of Greek cavalry can improve their TV to 4 for +6 points per base (Thessalians).
 Units of Greek Medium Cavalry (not the Thessalians) can add Hamippoi with the Close-up shot (2) characteristic for +2 points per base.
 Up to two units of Greek Cavalry (not the Thessalians) can buy the Evasion (Mounted) characteristic and become Light Cavalry for +5 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Etruscan League 500 B.C. - approx. 280 B.C.

1 Etruscan Command (on foot, mounted or on a Chariot), 1-4 Etruscan Cavalry, 0-1 Light Etruscan Cavalry, 1-4 Hoplites Class I, 2-10 Warriors
Class II or Class III, 1-4 Infantry Class IV, 0-2 Warrior Priests, 0-2 Axe bearers, 0-3 Tribal Infantry, 0-1 Devoted, 1-4 Archers or slingers, 1-4
Javelinmen, 0-2 Samnite Cavalry, 0-4 Celt Warriors, 0-4 Italic Infantry
Army Characteristics:
 The Etruscans abandoned their mounts to go into battle. While they are mounted the Command (mounted) and the Etruscan cavalry (except
for Light cavalry) can only charge skirmishers, light cavalry and light infantry. If they contact or are contacted by other units or adopt the Spear
wall formation they become Heavy infantry and can charge any Unit (they lose the Mounted characteristic). Their base must measure 8x5cm and
must show cavalry and infantry; or you could replace the Cavalry base with an Infantry base.
 The Command Unit on a Chariot is purely representative and depicts Lars Porsena during the siege of Rome. While it is shown as a chariot it
can only charge skirmishers, light cavalry and light infantry. If they contact or are contacted by other units or adopt the Spear wall formation they
become Heavy infantry and can charge any Unit (they lose the Mounted and Impetuous charge characteristics). This Unit’s base measures 8x8cm
and must show the cavalry, the chariot and infantry.
 Hoplites, Warriors (Class II and III) or Devoted can’t Change Facing by 90° but are allowed to change by 180° becoming disordered. They may
not choose to Pull back or Move sideways.
 No Unit, except for Skirmishers or Axe-bearers can move through units of Hoplites, Warriors (Class II and III) or Devoted.
 A Unit that charges, is charged or is in contact with the Axe-Bearers loses the Pole Weapon or Long spear characteristics. The Axe-bearers can
charge any unit. The Axe-bearers can only be used before 400 B.C.
 Frightening: The Priests were noted for their prophecies and would go into battle with torches and draped with snakes. If a Unit is beaten
in melee by the Priests they must make a Discipline Test with a -1 penalty.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Etruscan Command on foot: Command, Heavy infantry, Pole weapon,
spear, shield, sword, armour
4 5 2 5 N/A N/A N/A Spear wall 55
Command, Medium Cavalry/Heavy
Etruscan Command mounted:
sword, spear, armour, shield
4 4 2 4 N/A N/A N/A infantry, Mounted, Pole weapon, Spear wall 54
(only when they become Heavy Infantry)
Command, Impetuous charge (Only
Etruscan Command on chariot with
Chariot), Light Chariot/Heavy infantry,
mounted Guard: 4 4 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Pole weapon, Spear wall (only when they
sword, axe, armour, lance, shield
become Heavy Infantry)
Medium Cavalry/Heavy infantry, Mounted,
Etruscan Cavalry:
sword, armour, lance, shield
3 3 2 3 N/A N/A N/A Pole weapon, Spear wall (only when they 39
become Heavy Infantry)
Evasion (mounted), Light cavalry, Mounted,
Light Etruscan Cavalry:
sword, armour, lance, shield
3 2 - 2 2 NE NE Mounted Missile troops, Move & Shoot, Pole 26
Hoplites Class I (Compact group): Compact group (2), Heavy infantry,
sword, spear, armour, shield
3 5 2 5+5 N/A N/A N/A Phalanx, Pole weapon, Spear wall
42 each
Warriors Class II or Class III (Compact
Compact group (2), Heavy infantry,
group): 3 4 1 5+5 N/A N/A N/A Phalanx, Pole weapon, Spear wall 31 each
sword, spear, armour, shield
Infantry Class IV:
2 2 - 3 3 NE NE Light infantry, Move & Shoot 17
Warrior Priests:
various weapons
3 3 1 4 N/A N/A N/A Frightening, Medium infantry, Relentless 33
Axe bearers: Close-up shot (2), Evasion (Infantry),
two-headed axe or axe, shield
3 2 1 3 N/A N/A N/A Impetuous charge, Skirmishers 29
Tribal Infantry:
melee weapon
2 2 - 4 N/A N/A N/A Medium infantry 15

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Devoted: Determined, Heavy infantry, Pole weapon,
sword, spear, armour, shield
4 5 2 5 N/A N/A N/A Spear wall 55
bow, sword
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Evasion (Infantry), Skirmishers 20
Javelinmen: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers 18
Slingers: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
sling, sword
3 1 - 2 2 1 NE Skirmishers 19
Samnite Cavalry: Impetuous charge, Medium Cavalry,
spear, sword, shield, armour
3 3 2 3 N/A N/A N/A Mounted, Pole weapon 33
Celt Warriors:
sword, javelin, shield
3 4 1 6 3 NE NE Frenzied Charge, Light infantry, Move & Shoot 37
Italic Warriors:
sword, javelin, shield
3 4 1 4 3 NE NE Light infantry, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 32

 The Etruscan Command (mounted or on Chariot) can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Etruscan Command (mounted or on Chariot) can be demoted to Inexpert Command for -2 points.
 The Etruscan Command can form a compact group (2) with a unit of Class I Hoplites with the same AV. The Command is at the front and all
their characteristics apply. The RV is 5+5. The Command unit gets the Phalanx characteristic.
 The Etruscan Command and the Hoplites (Class I, II or III) can buy the Close-up shot (2) characteristic for +2 points per base.
 The Devoted can buy the Trained characteristic for +5 points per base (only after 300 BC).
 The Infantry (Class IV) can replace their javelins with slings (S:2, M:1, L:NE), for +1 points per base.
 The Etruscan Cavalry can reduce their Armour Value to 1 for -5 points per base.
 The Celt Warriors can create Hordes. Their Resistance Value is 6+6 and they become Compact Group (2). The change costs -5 points per base.
 All units (except for Tribal Infantry) can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units (except for Tribal Infantry) can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Samnites 343 b.C. – 290 b.C.

1 Samnite Command on foot or mounted, 4-16 Samnite Infantry or Samnite Light Infantry, 1-3 Legio Linteata, 0-3 Allied Infantry, 0-4 Italic
Hoplite Infantry, 1-4 Javelinmen, 0-2 Archers, 0-2 Samnite Cavalry, 0-2 Allied Cavalry, 0-2 Gallic Warriors, 0-2 Allied Light Cavalry
Army Characteristics:
 The Samnite Command and Samnite Infantry are not disordered if they move through woods or broken ground. If they retreat they don’t push
but interpenetrate friendly units without disordering them.
 The Hoplites cannot change facing by 90° but can change facing by 180° and be disordered. They may not choose to pull back or Move sideways.
 The Legio Linteata cannot change facing by 90° but can change facing by 180° and be disordered. They may not choose to pull back or Move sideways.
 No unit, except for Skirmishers, can interpenetrate a unit of Hoplites.
 Tactician: The Samnite player has a Re-roll for the initial roll made to decide which side of the table you deploy on.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Samnite Command on foot: Closed ranks, Close-up shot (2), Command,
javelin, shield, sword, armour
4 5 1 5 N/A N/A N/A Medium Infantry, Pole weapon 46
Mounted Samnite Command: Command, Impetuous charge, Medium
sword, armour, shield
4 4 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Cavalry, Mounted 48
Samnite Infantry: Closed ranks, Close-up shot (2), Medium
sword, javelin, armour, shield
3 4 1 5 N/A N/A N/A Infantry, Pole weapon, 34
Samnite Light Infantry: Evasion (Infantry), Light Infantry, Move &
sword, javelin, shield
3 4 1 4 3 NE NE Shoot 33
Legio Linteata: Closed ranks, Close-up shot (2), Determined,
sword, javelin, armour, shield
4 5 2 5 N/A N/A N/A Heavy Infantry, Trained 54
Allied Infantry (Marsi, Paeligni): Closed ranks, Medium Infantry, Move &
sword, javelin, shield
3 4 1 4 2 NE NE Shoot 31
Italic Hoplite Infantry (Compact Group): Compact Group (2), Heavy Infantry,
spear, sword, shield, armour
3 5 1 5+5 N/A N/A N/A Phalanx, Pole weapon, Spear Wall 33 each
Javelinmen: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers 18
short bow, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Evasion (Infantry), Indirect Fire, Skirmishers 21
Samnite Cavalry: Impetuous charge, Medium Cavalry,
spear, sword, shield, armour
3 3 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Mounted, Pole weapon 35
Impetuous charge, Medium Cavalry,
Allied Cavalry:
javelin, sword, shield
3 3 1 4 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile troops, Move & 32
Shoot, Pole weapon
Gallic Warriors: Frenzied Charge, Light Infantry, Move &
sword, shield, javelin
3 4 1 6 3 NE NE Shoot
Allied Light cavalry: Evasion (Mounted), Light cavalry, Mounted,
javelin, shield
3 2 1 2 2 NE NE Mounted Missile troops, Move & Shoot

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

 The Samnite Command can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Samnite Command can be demoted to Inexpert Command for -2 points.
 The Samnite Command on foot and Infantry units can improve their AV to 2 for +5 points per base.
 The units of Samnite Infantry and the Legio Linteata can buy the Impetuous charge characteristic for +1 per base.
 The units of Samnite Infantry can replace the Closed ranks characteristic with Frenzied Charge at no extra cost.
 The units of Light Samnite Infantry can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 The Legio Linteata can form a compact group (2). The RV is 5+5. This change costs -5 points per base.
 Up to two units of Samnite Infantry can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 The Javelinmen can replace their javelin with a sling (C:2, M:1, L:NE) for +1 point per base.
 The Javelinmen can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 The Samnite Cavalry can reduce their AV to 1 for -5 points per base.
 The Italic Hoplite Infantry can improve their AV to 2 for +9 points per base.
 Each unit of Light cavalry can reduce their AV to 0 for -5 points per base.
 The Gallic Warriors can create a Horde. The RV is 6+6 and they become a Compact Group (2). The change costs -5 points per base.
 The Gallic Warriors can buy the Testudo characteristic for +3 points per base (Sentinum in 295BC). If they adopt the Testudo formation the
Gallic Warriors become Medium Infantry with all normal limits (they are disordered in Woods, run 25cm, don’t add 5cm, etc.). Once they leave
this formation they go back to being Light Infantry.
 All units in the Army can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units of Samnite Infantry and the Legio Linteati can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Rome (Camillan Reform) approx 350 b.C. - 220 b.C.

1 Roman Command on foot or mounted, 4-10 Hastati or Principes, 0-5 Triarii, 1-5 Rorarii and Accensi, 1-10 Roman Levies or Velites, 0-3 Italic
Infantry, 0-3 Italic Levies, 0-2 Equites, 0-3 Italic Cavalry, 0-3 Light Cavalry, 0-3 Medium Allied Cavalry, 0-2 Anti-elephant wagons
Army Characteristics:
 The Rorarii and Accensi can be used until 280 BC.
 You can buy a unit of Rorarii or Accensi for each unit of Hastati or Principes in your army.
 You can buy a unit of Velites for each unit of Hastati or Principes in your army. The Velites cannot be used at the same time as the Roman
Levies, Rorarii or Accensi.
 You can buy a unit of Triarii for every two units of Hastati or Principes in your army.
 If units of Hastati Pull back and contact a unit of Principes or Command on foot they don’t push or disorder them but they interpenetrate (and
 If units of Hastati or Principes Pull back and contact a unit of Triarii or Command on foot they don’t push or disorder them but they interpenetrate
(and vice-versa).
 Units of Hastati, Principes, Triarii or Command on foot can choose to fail the Discipline Test and retreat
 Anti-Elephant Wagons can only be used in 279 BC (Pyrrhus, Battle of Asculum – Ascoli Satriano). The unit should be on an 80mm x 80mm
base with four ox pulling a four-wheeled wagon with spikes pointing out from the front. These spikes also had pots of fire (pitch) attached to
them to frighten the elephants. Anti-Elephant wagons don’t perform a Control Test if contacted or charged by Elephants who, indeed, as soon
as they contact must perform an Elephant Trainer Test with a -1 penalty before any Close-up shots. Units beaten in melee by Anti-Elephant wagons
must perform a Discipline Test with a -1 penalty.
 Incendiary Pigs: Units with this characteristic force an Elephant Trainer Test the FIRST time they are contacted or charged by Elephants.
If the latter passes the test then a normal Control Test is required; if the Elephant fails their test and flee then the unit doesn’t have to perform a
Control Test. This characteristic is one use only.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Roman Command on foot: Closed ranks, Close-up shot (2), Command,
sword, armour, pilum, shield
4 5 2 5 N/A N/A N/A Heavy Infantry 49
Mounted Roman Command: Command, Impetuous charge, Medium
sword, armour, shield, spear
4 4 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Cavalry, Mounted 46
Hastati: Closed ranks, Close-up shot (2), Heavy
sword, pilum, breast-plate, shield
3 4 1 5 N/A N/A N/A Infantry, Impetuous charge 33
Principes: Closed ranks, Close-up shot (2), Heavy
sword, pilum, breast-plate, shield
3 5 2 5 N/A N/A N/A Infantry 39
Triarii: Determined, Heavy Infantry, Pole weapon,
spear, sword, armour, shield
4 5 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Spear Wall 53
Rorarii and Accensi:
spear, shield
3 1 1 2 N/A N/A N/A Light Infantry, Pole weapon 19
Roman Levies: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, melee weapon
3 2 - 3 2 NE NE Skirmishers 22
Velites: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, melee weapon
3 2 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers 20
Italic Infantry:
spear, sword, shield, armour
3 4 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Closed ranks, Medium Infantry, Pole weapon 34
Italic Levies: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, melee weapon, shield
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers 18
Equites: Impetuous charge, Medium Cavalry,
spear, sword, shield, armour
3 3 1 3 N/A N/A N/A Mounted, Pole weapon 28
Italic Cavalry: Impetuous charge, Medium Cavalry,
javelin, sword, shield
3 3 1 4 2 NE NE Mounted, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 32

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Unità VT VM VA VR Caratteristiche Costo
Light cavalry: Evasion (Mounted), Light cavalry, Mounted,
javelin, shield
3 2 1 2 2 NE NE Mounted Missile troops, Move & Shoot 30
Allied Medium Cavalry (Campanians, Dauni): Impetuous charge, Medium Cavalry,
javelin, sword, shield
3 3 1 4 2 NE NE Mounted, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 32
Close-up shot (3), Heavy Infantry,
Anti-Elephant Wagons:
Iron braziers, bows, slings, spears
3 4 2 3 3 1 NE Impetuous charge, Mounted Missile troops, 40
Pole weapon, Slow unit

 The Roman Command can reduce their TV to 4 for -6 points.
 The Roman Command can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Roman Command can be promoted to Legendary Command for +12 points.
 The Roman Command can be demoted to Inexpert Command for -2 points.
 The Roman Command on foot, the Hastati and the Principes can buy the Incendiary Pigs characteristic for +2 points per base (max 2 per army).
 Hastati and Principes can form compact groups (2). The RV is 5+5. This change costs -5 points per base.
 Each unit of Hastati can improve their AV to 2 for + 5 points per base.
 Up to two unit of Principes can improve their TV to 4 for +6 points per base (Evocati).
 Each unit of Principes can remove Close-up shot (2) and Closed ranks, replace their pilum with a spear and get the Pole weapon and Spear Wall
characteristics for +6 points per base.
 The Triarii can form compact groups (2). The RV is 4+4. This change costs -5 points per base.
 Up to four units of Hastati can improve their MV to 5 and get the Trained characteristic (Evocati) for +7 points per base.
 Up to four units of Principes or Triarii can improve their MV to 6 and get the Trained characteristic (Evocati) for +7 points per base.
 The Rorarii and Accensi can replace their spear with a javelin (C:2, M:NE, L:NE) for +2 points per base.
 If they have javelins, the Rorarii and Accensi can reduce their AV to 0 for -5 points per base.
 Each unit of Velites can improve their TV to 4, javelin characteristics to (C: 3, M: NE, L: NE), MV to 4 and become Light Infantry for +8
points per base.
 Each unit of Velites can improve their AV to 1 for + 5 points per base.
 Up to three units of Italic Infantry can improve their TV to 4 (Extraordinarii), their MV to 5 and get the Seasoned Fighters characteristic for
+10 points per base.
 Up to two units of Italic Cavalry can improve their TV to 4 and get the Veteran characteristic (Extraordinarii) for +10 points per base.
 The Equites can remove the spear and the Pole weapon characteristic for -1 point per base.
 The Equites can improve their AV to 2 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Allied Medium Cavalry can improve their MV to 4 and get the Veteran characteristic for +6 points per base.
 Each unit of Allied Medium Cavalry can replace the Impetuous charge characteristic with Frenzied Charge for +1 point per base.
 Each unit of Allied Medium Cavalry can improve their TV to 4 and get the Trained characteristic for +11 points per base.
 All units can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Syracusans 410 B.C. - 211 B.C.

1 Syracusan Command (on foot or mounted), 4-12 Syracusan Hoplites, 1-4 Greek Cavalry, 0-4 Campanian Cavalry, 0-2 Tarantine
Light Cavalry, 0-4 Archers, 1-4 Slingers, 0-2 Mercenary Gallic Warriors, 2-4 Mercenary Peltasts (before 275BC), 0-6 Mercenary
Hoplites, 0-4 Mercenary Thureophoroi (after 275), 0- 3 Mercenary Iberian Scutari, 0-2 Javelinmen, 0-1 Ballista (only after 399BC)
Army Characteristics:
 Syracusan Hoplites can change facing by 90° and by 180° (after which they are disordered). They may not choose to Pull back or Move sideways.
 No unit, except for Skirmishers can interpenetrate a unit of Hoplites of any type.
 Archimedes: AFter deploying the Syracusan player can switch the position of two units (Unit A is placed at Unit B’s position and vice-versa).
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Syracusan Command on foot: Command, Heavy Infantry, Pole weapon,
spear, shield, sword, armour
4 5 1 5 N/A N/A N/A Spear Wall 46
Command, Impetuous Charge, Medium
Mounted Syracusan Command:
spear, sword, armour, javelin
4 4 2 3 2 NE NE Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, 48
Move & Shoot, Pole weapon
Syracusan Hoplites (Compact Group 2): Compact Group (2), Heavy Infantry,
spear, shield, sword, armour
3 5 1 5+5 N/A N/A N/A Phalanx, Pole weapon, Spear Wall
33 each
Greek Cavalry: Medium Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted Missile
javelin, sword, shield
3 3 1 3 2 NE NE Troops, Move & Shoot
Campanian Cavalry: Medium Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted
javelin, sword, shield
4 3 2 3 2 NE NE Missile Troops, Move & Shoot
Tarantine Light Cavalry: Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry, Mounted,
javelin, shield
3 2 - 2 2 NE NE Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot
Archers: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
composite bow, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Skirmishers
Slingers: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
sling, sword
3 1 - 2 2 1 NE Skirmishers
Gallic Warriors: Frenzied charge, Light infantry, Move &
sword, shield, javelin
3 4 1 6 3 NE NE Shoot
Mercenary Peltasts: Evasion (Infantry), Light infantry, Move &
pelta, javelin
3 4 1 3 3 NE NE Shoot
Mercenary Hoplites (Compact Group 2): Compact Group (2), Heavy Infantry, Phalanx,
spear, shield, sword, armour
3 5 1 5+5 N/A N/A N/A Pole weapon, Spear Wall, Veteran
37 each
Mercenary Thureophoroi: Closed ranks, Light infantry, Move & Shoot,
javelin, Spear, sword, shield
3 4 1 4 3 NE NE Pole weapon
Mercenary Iberian Scutari: Close-up shot (2), Impetuous Charge, Light
sword or falcata, shield, soliferrum
3 4 1 5 N/A N/A N/A infantry
Javelinmen: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, sword
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers
Ballista 3 1 1 2 6 5 3 Lethal (ballista), Siege Weapon 40

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

 The Syracusan Command (on foot or mounted) can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Syracusan Command on foot can form a Compact Group (2) with a unit of Hoplites with the same AV at no extra cost. The Command is
the frontal unit and all their characteristics apply. The Resistance Value is 5+5. The Command unit gets the Phalanx characteristic.
 The Theban Command can improve their AV to 2 for +9 points per base.
 You can improve the TV of two units of Hoplites to 4 and add the Determined and Seasoned fighters characteristics for +12 points per base.
 You can improve the AV of the Hoplites (of any type) to 2 for +9 points per base.
 Each unit of Greek Cavalry can buy the Pole weapon and Impetuous Charge characteristics for +2 points per base.
 Each unit of Greek Cavalry can add Hamippoi with the Close-up shot (2) characteristic for +2 points per base.
 Up to two units of Greek cavalry can buy the Evasion (Mounted) characteristic and become Light Cavalry for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Tarantine Light Cavalry can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Tarantine Light Cavalry can improve their MV to 3 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Tarantine Light Cavalry can add the Impetuous Charge characteristic for +1 point per base.
 Each unit of Archers can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Each unit of Mercenary Peltasts can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Indians (Classic) approx. 500 BC. - 321 B.C.

1 Command on Elephant or War Chariot, 1-3 Light War Chariots, 0-3 Heavy War Chariots, 0-3 Royal Guard, 2-8 Archers, 0- 2 Tribe,
1-3 Elephants, 2-6 Light infantry, 0-2 Skirmisher Archers, 0-2 Skirmisher Javelinmen, 1-4 Light Cavalry and/oe 1-3 Medium Cavalry
Army Characteristics:
 The Elephant’s Close-up shot characteristic represents the men armed with javelins that moved with the Elephant.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Close-up shot (2), Command, Elephant,
Command on Elephant:
javelin, large sword, infantry escort
4 6 3 3 2 NE NE Frenzied charge, Missile Troops, Mounted, 69
Move & Shoot, Pole weapon
Command, Frenzied charge, Heavy War
Command on War Chariot:
javelin, sword
4 5 2 4 2 NE NE Chariot, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 52
Shoot, Pole weapon
Frenzied charge, Light War Chariot,
Light War Chariot:
javelin, sword
3 3 2 2 2 NE NE Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot, Pole 35
Frenzied charge, Heavy War Chariot,
Heavy War Chariot:
javelin, sword
3 4 2 3 2 NE NE Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot, Pole 38
Closed ranks, Determined, Medium
Royal Guard:
large sword, armour, shield
4 5 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Infantry, Seasoned fighters, Trained, 56
long bow, large sword
3 4 - 4 4 3 2 Indirect Fire, Missile troops 33
Forest or Mountain Tribes:
bow, large sword
3 3 - 3 3 2 1 Indirect Fire, Missile troops 26
Close-up shot (2), Elephant, Frenzied
javelin, large sword, infantry escort
3 6 3 3 2 NE NE charge, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 59
Shoot, Pole weapon
Light infantry:
spear, javelin, shield
3 4 1 4 3 NE NE Light infantry, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 32
Skirmisher Archers:
long bow, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 3 2 1 Evasion (Infantry), Skirmishers 22
Skirmisher Javelinmen: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers 18
Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry,
Light Cavalry:
spear, javelin
3 2 - 2 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 26
Shoot, Pole weapon
Medium Cavalry:
spear, sword, armour
3 3 1 3 N/A N/A N/A Medium Cavalry, Mounted, Pole weapon 27

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

 The Command on War Chariot or Elephant can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Command on War Chariot or Elephant can be demoted to Inexpert Command for -2 points.
 The Command on Elephant and each unit of Elephants can buy the Mahout characteristic for +2 points per base.
 Each Light War Chariot can replace their javelins with bows (S: 2, M: 1, L: 1) for +4 points per base. The unit drop the Pole weapon characteristic.
 Each Heavy War Chariot can replace their javelins with bows (S: 2, M: 1, L: 1) for +4 points per base. The unit drop the Pole weapon characteristic.
 The Royal Guard can get spears and buy the Pole weapon characteristic for +1 points per base.
 Up to three units of Light infantry can improve their AV to 2 and become Medium Infantry for +4 points per base.
 Each unit of Archers can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Each unit of Archers can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Skirmisher Archers can buy the Move & Shoot characteristic for +2 points per base.
 Each unit of Light Cavalry can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Medium Cavalry can add javelins (S: 2, M: NE, L: NE) for +2 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Mauryan Empire 321 b.C. - 180 B.C.

1 Command on Elephant or War Chariot; 0-3 Light War Chariots; 0-3 Heavy War Chariots; 0-2 Royal Guard; 0-4 Indo-Greek Infantry,
3-8 Archers; 0- 2 Tribes; 1-3 Elephants; 1-6 Light infantry; 0-2 Skirmisher Archers; 0-2 Skirmisher Javelinmen; 1-2 Light Cavalry
and/or 1-3 Medium Cavalry; 0-2 Scythian Cavalry
Army Characteristics:
 The Elephant’s Close-up shot characteristic represents the men armed with javelins that moved with the Elephant.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Close-up shot (2), Command, Elephant,
Command on Elephant:
javelin, large sword, escort
4 6 3 3 2 NE NE Frenzied charge, Mounted Missile Troops, 69
Move & Shoot, Pole weapon
Command, Frenzied charge, Light War
Command on Light War Chariot:
javelin, sword
4 4 2 3 2 NE NE Chariot, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 49
Shoot, Pole weapon
Command, Frenzied charge, Heavy War
Command on Heavy War Chariot:
javelin, sword
4 5 2 4 2 NE NE Chariot, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 52
Shoot, Pole weapon
Frenzied charge, Light War Chariot,
Light War Chariot:
javelin, sword
3 3 2 2 2 NE NE Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot, Pole 35
Frenzied charge, Heavy War Chariot,
Heavy War Chariot:
javelin, sword
3 4 2 3 2 NE NE Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot, Pole 38
Royal Guard: Closed ranks, Determined, Medium Infantry,
large sword, armour, shield
4 5 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Seasoned fighters, Trained, Veteran
Indo-Greek Infantry: Closed ranks, Heavy Infantry, Pole weapon,
spear, shield, other weapon
4 5 1 5 N/A N/A N/A Spear Wall
long bow, large sword
3 4 - 4 4 3 2 Indirect Fire, Missile troops 33
Forest or Mountain Tribes:
bow, large sword
3 3 - 3 3 2 1 Indirect Fire, Missile troops 26
Close-up shot (2), Elephant, Frenzied
javelin, large sword, escort
3 6 3 3 2 NE NE charge, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 59
Shoot, Pole weapon
Light infantry:
spear, javelin, shield
3 4 1 4 3 NE NE Light infantry, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 32
Skirmisher Archers:
long bow, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 3 2 1 Evasion (Infantry), Skirmishers 22
Skirmisher Javelinmen: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers 18
Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry,
Light Cavalry:
spear, javelin
3 2 - 2 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 26
Shoot, Pole weapon
Medium Cavalry:
spear, sword, armour
3 3 1 3 N/A N/A N/A Medium Cavalry, Mounted, Pole weapon 27
Evasion (Mounted), Expert missile troops,
Scythian Cavalry:
composite bow, sword
3 1 - 2 3 2 1 Light Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted Missile 31

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

 The Command on War Chariot or on Elephant can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Command on Elephant and each unit of Elephants can buy the Mahout characteristic for +2 points per base.
 Each Light War Chariot can replace their javelin with a bow (S: 2, M: 1, L: 1) for +4 points per base. The unit drop the Pole weapon
 Each Heavy War Chariot can replace their javelin with a bow (S: 2, M: 1, L: 1) for +4 points per base. The unit drop the Pole weapon
 The Royal Guard can buy a spear and the Pole weapon characteristic for +1 point per base.
 The Indo-Greek Infantry can improve their AV to 2 for +9 points per base.
 The Indo-Greek Infantry can form Compact Groups comprising 2 bases adding the Phalanx and Compact Group (2) characteristics. Their
Resistance Value becomes 5+5. This change costs -3 points per base.
 The Indo-Greek Infantry with AV 1 and in Compact Group can replace their spears with pikes replacing the Pole weapon characteristic with
Long spear and replacing the Spear Wall characteristic with Pike Wall for +2 points per base.
 The Indo-Greek Infantry with AV 2 and in Compact Group can replace their spears with pikes replacing the Pole weapon characteristic with
Long spear and replacing the Spear Wall characteristic with Pike Wall for +4 points per base.
 Up tothree units of Light infantry can improve their AV to 2 and become Medium Infantry for +4 points per base. These units are not
disordered when crossing woods or broken ground.
 Each unit of Archers can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Each unit of Archers can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Skirmisher Archers can buy the Move & Shoot characteristic for +2 points per base.
 Each unit of Light Cavalry can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 All units in the Army, except for Skirmishers and Forest or Mountain Tribes, can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army, except for Skirmishers and Forest or Mountain Tribes, can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Battle of’Idaspe - Charles Le Brun - 1673

Louvre Museum, Paris

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Achaemenid Persians 521 b.C. - 375 b.C.

1 Persian Command (Mounted or on Heavy War chariot with mounted Guard), 0-2 Huvaka (Cavalry dei Congiunti), 1-4 National Cavalry
(Medean and Persians), 0-2 Armoured Cavalry (Persian, Sacae, Armenian, Cappadocian, Bactrian, etc.), 1-3 Medium Cavalry (Cadusian,
Sogdian, Tapurian, Indian etc.), 1-2 Light cavalry with javelin (Paphlagonian, Aracosian, Thracian, etc.), 0-2 Light cavalry with bow (Sacae,
Parthian, Dahian, Bactrian, etc.), 0-2 Light Shiite Cavalry, 0-1 Arab Dromedaries, 2-10 Sparabara or 2-10 Takabara, 1-10 Archers, 0-6
Amrtaka (Immortals), 0-2 Peltasts (Phrygian, Paphlagonian, Thracian, Armenian etc.), 0-2 Mountain tribes (Curds, Misi, Pisidi, etc.), 0-1
Lycian Infantry, 0-2 Hoplites (Ionian, Greeks or Mercenaries), 0-2 Sailors (Lycian, Phoenician, Ethiopians, Sacae), 1-8 Asian Skirmishers,
0-1 Scythed chariots, 0-2 Heavy War chariots, 0-2 Light War chariots, 0-1 Elephants, 0-1 Indian Archers, 0-10 Satrapian Levies
Army Characteristics:
 Hoplites and Sparabara can’t Change Facing by 90° but are allowed to change by 180° becoming disordered. They may not choose to Pull back or
Move sideways.
 The engaged Scythed chariots use the second Melee Value (2). They only use the first value (4) if they charge, follow through or pursue. Scythed
chariots can charge, follow through or pursue Units that have adopted the Pike Wall formation.
 No Units, except for Skirmishers, can move through units of Hoplites or Sparabara
 You can only use the Sparabara and the Heavy War chariots before 465 B.C.
 You can only use the Takabara and the Armoured Cavalry after 465 B.C.
 The Persian Command Unit on Heavy War Chariot only represents figures such as Dario or Xerxes with their bodyguard.
 Mounted units (except for Elephants) that are beaten in melee by a unit of Arab Dromedaries performs a Discipline Test with a -1 penalty
(horses don’t like the smell of dromedaries).
Note: The palta was a sort of javelin. The spara was a large rectangular, leather-bound wicker shield.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Mounted Persian Command: Command, Impetuous charge, Medium
sword or axe, spear, armour
4 4 1 4 ND ND ND Cavalry, Mounted, Pole weapon 42
Persian Command on War chariot with
Command, Impetuous charge, Medium
mounted Guard: 4 5 2 4 2 1 NE Cavalry, Mounted, Pole weapon 52
spear, armour, sword, bow
Impetuous charge, Medium Cavalry,
sword or axe, palta, armour
4 4 1 3 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile troops, Move & 41
Shoot, Pole weapon
Impetuous charge, Medium Cavalry,
National Cavalry:
sword or axe, palta, armour
4 3 1 4 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile troops, Move & 39
Shoot, Pole weapon
Armoured Cavalry:
Pole weapon, Impetuous charge, Heavy
sword or axe, palta, shield, armour and 3 4 3 3 2 NE NE Cavalry, Mounted, Move & Shoot 51
Medium Cavalry: Impetuous charge, Medium Cavalry,
sword or axe, spear, palta, shield
3 4 1 3 2 NE NE Mounted, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 32
Light cavalry with javelin: Evasion (mounted), Light cavalry, Mounted,
javelin, sword, shield
3 2 1 2 2 NE NE Mounted Missile troops, Move & Shoot 30
Light cavalry with bow: Evasion (mounted), Light cavalry, Mounted,
bow, sword
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Mounted Missile troops, Move & Shoot
Evasion (mounted), Expert Missile troops,
Shiite Light Cavalry:
bow, sword
3 2 1 2 2 1 1 Impetuous charge, Light cavalry, Mounted, 39
Mounted Missile troops, Move & Shoot
Arab Dromedaries: Evasion (mounted), Light cavalry, Mounted,
3 2 - 3 2 1 1 Mounted Missile troops, Move & Shoot
sword or axe, spear, spara
3 4 1 4 ND ND ND Heavy infantry, Pole weapon, Shield Wall 32
sword or axe, palta, shield
3 4 1 4 2 NE NE Light infantry, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 31
sword, bow
3 2 1 3 3 2 1 Indirect fire, Missile troops 29

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Unità VT VM VA VR Caratteristiche Costo
sword, spear, bow, armour
4 4 1 4 3 2 1 Indirect fire, Missile troops, Pole weapon 42
Peltasts: Evasion (Infantry), Light infantry, Move &
sword, shield, javelins
3 4 1 3 3 NE NE Shoot 32
Mountain tribes:
javelin, sword or axe, shield
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Light infantry, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 18
Lycian Infantry:
sword, shield, armour
3 4 2 4 ND ND ND Medium infantry 32
Ionian Hoplites (Compact Group 2): Compact group (2), Heavy infantry,
spear, shield, sword, armour
3 4 1 5+5 ND ND ND Phalanx, Pole weapon, Spear wall 31 cad.
spear, sword or axe
3 4 1 4 ND ND ND Medium infantry, Pole weapon 28
Asian Skirmishers:
sword, bow
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Evasion (Infantry), Indirect fire, Skirmishers 21
Expendable, Frenzied Charge, Heavy
Scythed chariots 4 4/2 2 2 ND ND ND Chariot, Scythed wheels 38
Heavy War chariots: Frenzied Charge, Heavy Chariot, Mounted
javelin, sword
3 4 2 3 2 NE NE Missile troops, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 38
Light War chariots: Frenzied Charge, Light chariot, Mounted
javelin, sword
3 3 2 2 2 NE NE Missile troops, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 35
Close-up shot (2), Elephant, Frenzied
javelin, long sword, howdah, escort
3 6 3 3 2 NE NE Charge, Missile troops, Mounted, Move & 59
Shoot, Pole weapon
Indian Archers:
long bow, long sword
3 4 - 4 4 3 2 Indirect fire, Missile troops 33
Satrapian Levies:
sword or axe, shield
2 3 1 3 ND ND ND Impetuous charge, Medium infantry 21

 The Persian Command can be demoted to Inexpert for -2 points.
 The Persian Command can be promoted to Expert for +4 points.
 The Huvaka, National and Armoured Cavalry can replace their palta with bows (S:2, M:1, L:1) for +4 points per base.
 Up to three units of Light cavalry (with javelin, with bow or Shiite) can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 Up to two units of Light cavalry with bow can buy the Impetuous charge characteristic and improve their AV to 1 for +6 points per base
(Sacae or Bactrian).
 Each unit of Light cavalry with Javelin can reduce their Armour Value to 0 for -5 points per base.
 Each unit of Hoplites, of any type, can improve their Armour value to 2 for +9 points per base.
 The units of Sparabara can join together in a Compact group (2) with a unit of archers. The RV becomes 5+3. This costs -5 points per base.
 The Takabara can replace their palta with bows (S:3, M:2, L:1), lose the Pole weapon characteristic and buy Indirect fire for +6 points per base.
 Half of the units of Asiatic Skirmishers can replace their bows with slings (C: 2, M: 1, L: NE) adding the Move & Shoot characteristic and
losing Indirect Fire for -2 point per base.
 The Satrapian Levies can buy javelins (C:3, M:NE, L:NE) and the Move & Shoot characteristic for +3 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Persian LATE ACHAEMENID 375 B.C. - 330 B.C.

1 Persian Command on foot (Arstibara-Melophoroi) or mounted (Huvaka) or on Heavy War Chariot with infantry guard or on Heavy War
Chariot with mounted guard, 0-2 Huvaka (Kinsmen Cavalry), 0-1 Scythian Nobles, 1-4 National Cavalry (Medians and Persians), 1-2 Armoured
Cavalry (Bactrians, Saka, Massagetae, Armenians, Cappadocian etc.), 1-3 Medium Cavalry (Cadusians, Sogdians, Hyrcanians, Tapurians,
Indians etc.), 1-2 Light Cavalry with Javelin (Paphlagonians or Arachosians), 0-2 Light Cavalry with bow (Saka, Parthians, Dahae, Bactrians
etc.), 0-2 Scythian Light Cavalry, 2-4 Mercenary Hoplites or Iphikratean Epilektoi, 0-4 Amrtaka (Immortals), 0-8 Kardakes, 0-8 Takabara,
0-1 Phrygian and Bithynian Infantry, 0-1 Lykian Infantry, 0-2 Carian Hoplites, 0-1 Mardian Archers, 1-8 Asiatic Skirmishers, 0-1
Scythed chariot, 0-1 Elephant, 0-1 Indian Archers, 0-10 Satrapal Levies
Army Characteristics:
 Engaged scythed Chariots use the second Melee Value (2). They only use the first value (4) when charging, following through or pursuing.
Scythed chariots can charge, follow through or pursue units that are in the Pike Wall formation keeping their Frenzied Charge characteristic.
 The Persian Command on Heavy Chariot is purely representative and corresponds to men like Darius III surrounded by his bodyguard
(Arstibara-Melophoroi or Huvaka) and so is classified as Heavy Infantry or Medium cavalry.
Note: The palta was a sort of javelin.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Mounted Persian Command: Command, Impetuous Charge, Medium
sword or axe, spear, armour
4 4 1 4 N/A N/A N/A cavalry, Mounted, Pole weapon 42
Persian Command on foot: Command, Heavy Infantry, Pole weapon,
sword, armour, shield, pole weapon
4 5 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Spear Wall 52
Persian Command on Heavy War Chariot
Command, Heavy Infantry, Pole weapon,
with guard: 4 5 2 4 2 1 1 Spear Wall
pole weapon, armour, sword, bow
Persian Command on Heavy War Chariot
Command, Impetuous Charge, Medium
with mounted guard: 4 5 2 4 2 1 NE cavalry, Mounted, Pole weapon 52
pole weapon, armour, sword, bow
Huvaka: Impetuous Charge, Medium cavalry,
sword or axe, pole weapon, armour
4 4 1 3 N/A N/A N/A Mounted, Pole weapon 36
Scythian Nobles: Frenzied charge, Heavy cavalry, Long Spear,
sword, kontos, shield, armour
3 3 2 3 N/A N/A N/A Mounted 34
Impetuous Charge, Medium cavalry,
National Cavalry:
sword or axe, palta, armour
4 3 1 4 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 39
Shoot, Pole weapon
Armoured Cavalry: Heavy cavalry, Impetuous Charge, Mounted,
sword or axe, palta, barding and armour
3 4 3 3 2 NE NE Move & Shoot, Pole weapon
Impetuous Charge, Medium cavalry,
Medium cavalry:
sword or axe, spear or palta, shield
3 4 1 3 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 33
Shoot, Pole weapon
Light Cavalry with javelin: Evasion (Mounted), Light cavalry, Mounted,
javelin, sword, shield
3 2 1 2 2 NE NE Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot
Light Cavalry with bow: Evasion (Mounted), Light cavalry, Mounted,
bow, sword
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot
Evasion (Mounted), Expert Missile troops,
Scythian Light Cavalry:
bow, sword
3 2 1 2 2 1 1 Light cavalry, Mounted, Mounted Missile 38
Troops, Move & Shoot
Mercenary Hoplites: Compact Group (2), Heavy Infantry,
spear, shield, sword, armour
4 5 1 5+5 N/A N/A N/A Phalanx, Pole weapon, Spear Wall
39 each
Ificrates Epilektoi: Compact Group (2), Heavy Infantry, Long
spear, sword, palta and shield
4 4 1 5+5 N/A N/A N/A Spear, Phalanx, Spear Wall
38 each
Amrtaka: Medium Infantry, Move & Shoot, Pole
sword, palta, armour and shield
4 4 2 4 2 NE NE weapon
Kardakes: Compact Group (2), Heavy Infantry, Pole
armour, shield, long spear, sword
3 3 2 4+4 N/A N/A N/A weapon, Spear Wall
34 each

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
sword, palta and shield
3 3 1 4 2 NE NE Medium Infantry, Move & Shoot 27
Phrygian and Bithynian Infantry:
javelin, shield
3 3 - 4 3 NE NE Light Infantry, Move & Shoot 24
Lykian Infantry:
sword, shield, armour
3 4 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Medium Infantry 32
Carian Hoplites (Compact Group 2): Compact Group (2), Heavy Infantry,
spear, shield, sword, armour
3 4 1 5+5 N/A N/A N/A Phalanx, Pole weapon, Spear Wall 31 each
Mardian Archers:
sword, bow
3 2 - 3 3 2 1 Indirect Fire, Missile troops 24
Asiatic Skirmishers:
sword, bow
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Evasion (Infantry), Indirect Fire, Skirmishers 21
Expendable, Frenzied charge, Heavy War
Scythed Chariots 4 4/2 2 2 N/A N/A N/A Chariot, Scythed wheels 38
Elephants: Close-up shot (2), Elephant, Frenzied
javelin, large sword, howdah, infantry 3 6 3 3 2 NE NE charge, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 59
escort Shoot, Pole weapon
Indian Archers:
long bow, large sword
3 4 - 4 4 3 2 Indirect Fire, Missile troops 33
Satrapal Levies:
sword or axe, shield
2 2 1 3 N/A N/A N/A Medium Infantry 18

 The Persian Command can be demoted to Inexpert Command for -2 points.
 The Persian Command on Heavy War Chariot with mounted guard and each unit of Huvaka can replace the Pole weapon characteristic with
Long Spear (kontos) for +1 point per base.
 The Persian Command on Heavy War Chariot with mounted guard and each unit of Huvaka can buy the Seasoned fighters and Veteran
characteristics for +6 points per base.
 Each unit of Huvaka can improve their AV to 2 for +5 points per base.
 The National Cavalry can replace the Impetuous Charge characteristic with the Frenzied Charge characteristic for +1 point per base.
 The Armoured Cavalry can replace the palta with a bow (C: 2, M: 1, L: 1) for +4 points per base. The unit loses the Pole weapon characteristic.
 Each unit of Mercenary Hoplites can improve their AV to 2 for +9 points per base.
 Each unit of Mercenary Hoplites can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Up to three units of Light Cavalry (any type) can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 Each unit of Light Cavalry with javelin can reduce their AV to 0 for -5 points per base.
 The Mardian Archers can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Half of the units of Asiatic Skirmishers can replace their bows with slings (C: 2, M: 1, L: NE) adding the Move & Shoot characteristic and
losing Indirect Fire, at no extra cost.
 Each unit of Asiatic Skirmishers can add the Move & Shoot characteristic for +2 points per base.
 Each unit of Elephants can buy the Mahout characteristic for +2 points per base.
 Each unit of Indian Archers can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Indian Archers can buy the Move & Shoot characteristic for +2 points per base.
 Each unit of Indian Archers can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 The units of Amrtaka can create Compact Groups (2). The Resistance Value becomes 5+4. The rear unit must replace the palta with a bow
(C: 3, M: 2, L: 1) while the unit at the front must replace the palta with a spear and they get the Spear Wall characteristic but lose the ability to
shoot (C: N/A, M: N/A, L: N/A) and the Move & Shoot characteristic. The cost of both units becomes 43 points per base.
 All units of Amrtaka and Huvaka can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units of Amrtaka and Huvaka can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Alexander and Philip’s Macedonians 359 B.C. - 328 B.C.

1 Mounted Macedonian Command (Ile Basilikè), 0-2 Hetairoi (Companion Cavalry), 0-2 Thessalian Cavalry, 0-1 Podromoi, 0-1 Thracian Cavalry, 0-1
Paionian and Odrisian Cavalry, 0-2 Mercenary Cavalry, 0-2 Allied Cavalry (League of Corinth), 4-12 Pezhetairoi (Phalangite Infantry), 0-2 Hypaspists
in Phalanx or Flanking troops, 0-2 Mercenary Hoplite Infantry, 0-2 Allied Hoplites (League of Corinth), 0-2 Mercenary Peltasts, 0-3 Thracian or
Macedonian Peltasts, 1-6 Psiloi (Agrianians, Odrisians, Triballians, Illyrians), 0-3 Macedonian and Cretan Archers, 0-2 Slingers
Army Characteristics:
 The Phalangite Infantry can change facing by 90° and by 180° (after which they are disordered). They may not choose to Pull back or Move
 Hoplites cannot change facing by 90° but can change facing by 180° and be disordered. They may not choose to Pull back or Move sideways.
 The Agriani can charge any enemy unit despite the fact that they are Skirmishers.
 No Unit except for Skirmishers and Light Cavalry can interpenetrate Phalangite Infantry units or Hoplites.
 Steadfast. The Macedonian Command can force a Re-roll in melee and/or in Rolls to Hit.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Cuneo, Determined, Expert Command,
Macedonian Command:
xyston, sword, armour
5 5 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Impetuous Charge, Long spear, Medium 76
Cavalry, Mounted, Steadfast, Trained
Cuneo, Impetuous Charge, Long spear,
xyston, sword, armour
4 4 2 3 N/A N/A N/A Medium Cavalry, Mounted, Seasoned 46
Thessalian Cavalry: Cuneo, Impetuous Charge, Medium Cavalry,
spear, sword, armour
4 4 1 3 N/A N/A N/A Mounted, Pole weapon
Evasion (Mounted), Impetuous Charge,
spear, sword, javelin
4 3 1 2 2 NE NE Light Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted Missile 40
Troops, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon
Evasion (Mounted), Impetuous Charge,
Thracian Cavalry:
sword, javelin
3 2 1 2 2 NE NE Light Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted Missile 31
Troops, Move & Shoot
Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry,
Paionian and Odrisian Cavalry:
sword, javelin
3 2 - 2 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 25
Impetuous Charge, Medium Cavalry,
Mercenary Cavalry:
sword, javelin, spear, armour
3 3 2 3 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 36
Shoot, Pole weapon
Impetuous Charge, Medium Cavalry,
Allied Cavalry:
sword, javelin, spear, armour
3 3 2 3 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 36
Shoot , Pole weapon
Pezhetairoi (Compact Group 2): Compact Group (2), Heavy Infantry, Long
sarissa, sword, shield, armour
3 5 1 5+5 N/A N/A N/A spear, Phalanx, Pike Wall
35 each
Hypaspist Phalanx (Compact Group 2): Compact Group (2), Heavy Infantry, Long
sarissa, sword, shield, armour
4 6 2 5+5 N/A N/A N/A spear, Phalanx, Pike Wall, Trained
59 each
Hypaspists Flanking troops :
sword, shield, armour
4 5 1 4 N/A N/A N/A Closed ranks, Light infantry, Trained 43
Mercenary Hoplite Infantry: Compact Group (2), Heavy Infantry,
spear, shield, sword, armour
3 5 2 5+5 N/A N/A N/A Phalanx, Pole weapon, Spear Wall 42 each
Allied Hoplites (League of Corinth): Compact Group (2), Heavy Infantry,
sword, palta, shield, armour
3 4 2 4+4 N/A N/A N/A Phalanx, Pole weapon, Spear Wall 38 each
Closed ranks, Evasion (Infantry), Expert
Mercenary Peltasts:
sword, shield, javelin, Spear
3 3 1 3 3 NE NE missile troops, Light infantry, Move & 36
Shoot, Pole weapon

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Thracian or Macedonian Peltasts:
sword, shield, javelin, Spear
3 4 1 3 3 NE NE Light infantry, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 30
Psiloi: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, sword
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers 18
Agrianian: Evasion (Infantry), Expert missile troops,
javelin, shield, sword
3 3 - 3 3 NE NE Move & Shoot, Pole weapon, Skirmishers 30
Macedonian Archers: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
bow, sword
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Skirmishers
Cretan Archers: Evasion (Infantry), Expert missile troops,
bow, sword
3 1 - 2 3 2 1 Move & Shoot, Skirmishers
Slingers: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
sling, sword
3 1 - 2 2 1 NE Skirmishers

 The Macedonian Command can be promoted to Legendary Command for +8 points.
 The Macedonian Command, the Hetairoi and the Thessalian Cavalry can buy javelins (S:2, M:NE, L:NE) for +2 points per base.
 One unit of Thessalian Cavalry (Ilai Farsalica) can buy the Veteran characteristic and improve their AV to 2 for +9 points.
 One unit of Prodromoi (Sarissophòroi) can drop the Pole weapon, Mounted Missile Troop and Move & Shoot characteristics and the Shooting Value
(S: N/A, M: N/A, L: N/A) and buy the Long spear (sarissa) characteristic for -2 points.
 The Prodromoi and/or Paionian Light Cavalry can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 The Thracian Cavalry can improve their MV to 4 and become Medium Cavalry for +6 points per base.
 One unit of Mercenary Cavalry can improve their MV to 4 for +2 points.
 One unit of Mercenary Cavalry can improve their TV to 4 for +6 points.
 Each unit of Pezhetairoi can improve their TV to 4 for +6 points per base.
 Each unit of Pezhetairoi with TV4 can buy the Trained characteristic for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Pezhetairoi can improve their AV to 2 for +11 points per base.
 Each unit of Hypaspists can buy the Seasoned fighters characteristic for +2 points per base.
 One unit of Mercenary Peltasts (Cleandro’s Veterans) can buy the Veteran characteristic and improve their TV to 4 for +10 points.
 Two units of Psiloi can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 One unit of Slingers can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Alexander the Great Macedonians 328 B.C. - 323 B.C.

1 Mounted Macedonian Command (Agema), 0-2 Hetairoi (Companion Cavalry), 0-3 Asian Cavalry (Saka, Bactrians, Sogdians, etc.),
0-2 Asian Light Cavalry (Paropamisus, Arachosians, Indians etc.), 1-2 Light Cavalry with Bow (Scythians, Dahians), 0-1 Mercenary
Cavalry, 4-12 Pezhetairoi (Phalangite Infantry), 0-2 Hypaspists in Phalanx or Flanking troops, 0-2 Mercenary Peltasts, 0-1 Macedonian
Peltasts, 0-4 Persian Peltasts, 0-1 Agrianians, 0-2 Cretan Archers, 0-4 Asian Skirmishers, 0-2 Indian Archers, 0-1 Indian Elephants,
0-1 Light or Heavy Indian War Chariot
Army Characteristics:
 The Phalangite Infantry cannot change facing by 90° but can change facing by 180° and be disordered. They may not choose to Pull back or
Move sideways.
 The Agriani can charge any enemy unit despite the fact that they are Skirmishers.
 No Unit except for Skirmishers and Light Cavalry can interpenetrate Phalangite Infantry units.
 Steadfast. The Macedonian Command can force a Re-roll in melee and/or in Rolls to Hit.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Cuneo, Determined, Expert Command,
Macedonian mounted Command:
xyston, sword, armour
5 5 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Impetuous Charge, Long spear, Medium 76
Cavalry, Mounted, Steadfast, Trained
Cuneo, Impetuous Charge, Long spear,
xyston, sword, armour
4 4 2 3 N/A N/A N/A Medium Cavalry, Mounted, Seasoned 46
Impetuous Charge, Medium Cavalry,
Asian Cavalry:
spear, sword, armour, javelin
3 4 1 3 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 33
Shoot, Pole weapon
Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry,
Light Cavalry Asian:
javelin, sword, shield
3 2 1 2 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 30
Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry,
Light Cavalry with Bow:
bow, sword
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 27
Impetuous Charge, Medium Cavalry,
Mercenary Cavalry:
sword, javelin, Spear, armour
3 3 1 3 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 31
Shoot, Pole weapon
Pezhetairoi (Compact Group 2): Compact Group (2), Heavy Infantry, Long
sarissa, sword, shield, armour
3 5 2 5+5 N/A N/A N/A spear, Pike Wall, Phalanx
46 each
Hypaspist Phalanx (Compact Group 2): Compact Group (2), Heavy Infantry, Long
sarissa, sword, shield, armour
4 6 2 5+5 N/A N/A N/A spear, Phalanx, Pike Wall, Trained
59 each
Hypaspist Flanking troops:
sword, shield, armour
4 5 1 4 N/A N/A N/A Closed ranks, Light infantry, Trained 43
Closed ranks, Evasion (Infantry), Expert missile
Mercenary Peltasts:
sword, shield, javelin, spear
3 3 1 3 3 NE NE troops, Light infantry, Move & Shoot, Pole 36
Macedonian Peltasts:
sword, shield, javelin, spear
3 4 1 3 3 NE NE Light infantry, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 30
Persian Peltasts: Medium Infantry, Move & Shoot, Pole
sword, shield, javelin (palta), spear
3 3 1 4 2 NE NE weapon 28
Agrianian: Evasion (Infantry), Expert missile troops,
javelin, shield, sword
3 3 - 3 3 NE NE Move & Shoot, Pole weapon, Skirmishers 30

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Cretan Archers: Evasion (Infantry), Expert missile troops,
bow, sword
3 1 - 2 3 2 1 Move & Shoot, Skirmishers
Asian Skirmishers: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
bow, sword
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Skirmishers
Archers Indian:
long bow, large sword
3 4 - 4 4 3 2 Indirect Fire, Missile troops 33
Close-up shot (2), Elephant, Frenzied
Indian Elephant:
javelin, large sword, howdah, escort
3 6 3 3 2 NE NE charge, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 59
Shoot, Pole weapon
Frenzied charge, Light War Chariot,
Light War Chariot:
javelin, sword
3 3 2 2 2 NE NE Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot, Pole 35
Frenzied charge, Heavy War Chariot,
Heavy War Chariot:
javelin, sword
3 4 2 3 2 NE NE Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot, Pole 38

 The Macedonian Command can be promoted to Legendary Command for +8 points.
 The Macedonian Command and the Hetairoi can buy javelins (S: 2, M: NE, L: NE) for +2 points per base.
 The Asian Cavalry can improve their AV to 2 for +5 points per base.
 The Asian Light Cavalry can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Each unit of Light Cavalry with Bow can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 The Light Cavalry with Bow can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Up to two units of Light Cavalry (any type) can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 The Mercenary Cavalry can improve their AV to 2 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Pezhetairoi can improve their TV to 4 for +6 points per base.
 Each unit of Pezhetairoi with TV 4 can buy the Trained characteristic for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Pezhetairoi or Hypaspist Phalanx can reduce their AV to 1 for -11 points per base.
 Each unit of Hypaspists (any type) can buy the Seasoned fighters characteristic for +2 points per base.
 Up to two units of Hypaspist Flanking troops can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 One unit of Mercenary Peltasts can buy the Veteran characteristic and improve their TV to 4 for +10 points per base.
 Each unit of Agrianian can improve their AV to 1 for+5 points per base.
 Half of the Asian Skirmishers can replace their bows with slings (S: 2, M: 1, L: NE) for -1 point per base.
 Each unit of Indian Elephants can buy the Mahout characteristic for +2 points per base.
 Each unit of Archers Indian can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Each unit of Indian Archers can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Late Macedonian 260 B.C. - 148 B.C.

1 Mounted Macedonian Command, 0-4 Heavy Cavalry (Greeks, Macedonian, Thessalian), 0-2 Medium Cavalry (Greeks, Thracians, Galatians),
0-2 Light Cavalry (Greeks, Illyrians, Thracians), 4-12 Phalangites, 0-6 Thureophoroi, 0-4 Thorakitai, 0-2 Skirmishers; 0-3 Javelinmen, 0-3
Cretan Archers, 0-1 Ballista, 0-2 Galatian Infantry
Army Characteristics:
 The Phalangite Infantry cannot change facing by 90° but can change facing by 180° and be disordered. They may not choose to Pull back or
Move sideways.
 Up to two units of Phalangites can be replaced by Agema on foot paying the cost shown. You can’t have more Agema on foot than you do
 No Unit, except for Skirmishers, can interpenetrate units of Phalangite Infantry or Agema.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Command, Impetuous Charge, Medium
Mounted Macedonian Command:
spear, sword, armour
4 4 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Cavalry, Mounted, Pole weapon, Trained, 56
Heavy Cavalry (Greeks, Macedonian,
Impetuous Charge, Heavy Cavalry,
Thessalian): 4 4 2 3 N/A N/A N/A Mounted, Pole weapon, Trained 45
spear, sword, armour
Medium Cavalry (Greeks, Thracians or Impetuous Charge, Medium Cavalry,
Galatians): 3 3 2 3 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 35
javelin, Spear, sword, armour Shoot
Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry,
Light Cavalry (Greeks, Illyrians, Thracians):
spear, javelin
3 2 1 2 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 31
Shoot, Pole weapon
Agema (Compact Group 2): Closed ranks, Compact Group (2), Heavy
sarissa, shield, sword, armour
4 6 2 5+5 N/A N/A N/A Infantry, Long spear, Phalanx, Pike Wall
54 each
Phalangites (Compact Group 2): Closed ranks, Compact Group (2), Heavy
sarissa, shield, sword, armour
3 5 1 5+5 N/A N/A N/A Infantry, Long spear, Phalanx, Pike Wall
35 each
Thureophoroi (Argiraspids): Closed ranks, Light infantry, Move & Shoot,
javelin, Spear, sword, shield
3 4 1 4 3 NE NE Pole weapon
Thorakitai: Closed ranks, Medium Infantry, Move &
javelin, spear, sword, armour, shield
3 5 2 4 3 NE NE Shoot, Pole weapon
Skirmishers (Agrianians, Odrysians,
Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
Triballians): 3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers 18
javelin, melee weapon
Javelinmen (Illyrians or Thracians):
javelin, sword, shield
3 4 1 4 3 NE NE Light infantry, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 32
Cretan Archers:
short bow, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Evasion (Infantry), Skirmishers 20
Ballista 3 1 1 2 6 5 3 Lethal (ballista), Siege Weapon 40
Galatian Infantry:
sword, shield
3 4 1 5 N/A N/A N/A Frenzied charge, Medium Infantry 31

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

 The Macedonian Command can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 Each unit of Heavy Cavalry can add the Veteran and Seasoned fighters (Agema) characteristics for +6 points per base.
 Each unit of Heavy Cavalry can replace their spears with a xiston and replace their Pole weapon characteristic with Long spear (xyston) for +1
points per base.
 Each unit of Light Cavalry can reduce their AV to 0 for -5 points per base.
 Each unit of Agema on foot can add the Trained characteristic for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Phalangites can improve their TV to 4 for +6 points per base.
 Each unit of Phalangites with TV4 can add the Trained characteristic for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Phalangites can improve their AV to 2 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Cretan Archers can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Each unit of Thureophoroi can improve their AV to 2 for +4 points per base. These units are not disordered when crossing woods or broken
 Each unit of Thorakitai can buy the Phalanx and Spear Wall characteristics for +11 points per base.
 Each unit of Galatian Infantry can become Light infantry and improve their Resistance Value to 6 for +3 points per base.
 Each unit of Galatian Infantry can add javelins (S: 3, M: NE, L: NE) for +3 points per base.
 The units of Galatian Infantry create Horders. The Resistance Value becomes 5+ 5 or 6+6. They become a Compact Group (2). This change
costs -5 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

King Perseus of Macedon in front of Aemilius Paulus (after the Battle of Pydna) -
Jean François Pierre Peyron - 1802 - Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Late Seleucid 204 B.C. - 63 B.C.

1 Mounted Seleucid Command, 0-2 Hetairoi (Companions), 0-2 Cataphracts, 0-2 Politikoi (Town Cavalry), 0-2 Prodromoi (Thracian,
Macedonian, etc.), 1-3 Thureophoroi hippeis Auxiliary Cavalry (Galatian, Greek, Thracian, etc.), 0-2 Tarentines, 0-2 Hippakontistai,
0-2 Hippotoxotai, 0-2 Skythioi hippotoxotai (Sacae, Dahian, Parthian), 0-1 Arab Dromedaries, 0-2 Elephants, 0-4 Argiraspids, 2-12
Pezhetairoi, 1-6 Thureophoroi, 0-4 Thorakitai, 0-3 Peltasts, 0-3 Toxotai, 0-3 Tralli, 0-2 Cretan Archers, 0-4 Galatian Warriors (Celts),
0-2 Mountain tribes, 0-2 Judean Mercenaries, 0-1 Ballista, 0-1 Scythed chariots, 0-10 Town militia
Army Characteristics:
 The Phalangite Infantry (Argiraspids, Pezhetairoi, Thorakitai if in Phalanx) can’t Change Facing by 90° but are allowed to change by 180° after
which they are disordered. They may not choose to Pull back or Move sideways.
 No Units, except for Skirmishers, can move through units of Phalangite Infantry.
 Engaged Scythed chariots use the second Melee Value (2) - they only use the first value (4) if they charge, follow through or pursue. The Scythed
chariots can charge, follow through or pursue units that adopt the Pike Wall formation, keeping the Frenzied Charge bonus.
 A mounted unit beaten in melee by a unit of Arab Dromedaries (except for Elephants) perform Discipline Tests with a -1 penalty (horses can’t
stand the smell of dromedaries).
 The Elephant’s close-up shot characteristic represents the javelin-armed escort that is with them
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Command, Cuneo, Impetuous charge,
Mounted Seleucid Command:
spear, sword, shield, armour
4 4 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Medium Cavalry, Mounted, Pole weapon, 54
Hetairoi: Cuneo, Impetuous charge, Long spear,
xyston, sword, shield, armour
4 4 2 3 N/A N/A N/A Medium Cavalry, Mounted
Cataphracts: Cuneo, Heavy Cavalry, Impetuous charge,
kontos, sword, armour, bow
3 4 3 3 2 1 1 Long spear, Mounted
Politikoi: Impetuous charge, Medium Cavalry,
spear , sword, shield, armour
3 3 2 3 N/A N/A N/A Mounted, Pole weapon
Impetuous charge, Medium Cavalry,
spear, sword, shield, javelin
3 3 1 3 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile troops, Move & 31
Shoot, Pole weapon
Thureophoroi hippeis: Impetuous charge, Medium Cavalry,
spear , sword, shield
3 3 1 3 N/A N/A N/A Mounted, Pole weapon
Tarentines: Evasion (mounted), Light cavalry, Mounted,
sword, shield, javelins
3 3 1 2 2 NE NE Mounted Missile troops, Move & Shoot
Hippakontistai: Light cavalry, Evasion (mounted), Mounted,
sword, javelins
3 2 1 2 2 NE NE Mounted Missile troops, Move & Shoot
Hippotoxotai: Evasion (mounted), Light cavalry, Mounted,
sword. bow
3 1 - 2 3 2 1 Mounted Missile troops, Move & Shoot
Skythioi Hippotoxotai: Evasion (mounted), Light cavalry, Mounted,
sword, bow
3 2 - 2 3 2 1 Mounted Missile troops, Move & Shoot
Arab Dromedaries: Medium Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted
sword, bow
3 3 - 3 3 2 1 Missile troops
Close-up shot (2), Elephant, Frenzied
javelin, long sword, howdah, escort
3 6 3 3 2 NE NE Charge, Mounted Missile troops, Move & 61
Shoot, Pole weapon
Argiraspids (Compact group 2): Compact group (2), Heavy infantry, Long
sarissa, shield, sword, armour
4 6 2 5+5 N/A N/A N/A spear, Phalanx, Pike Wall
54 each
Machairaphoroi: Closed ranks, Close-up shot (2), Heavy
sword, pilum, armour, shield
3 5 2 5 N/A N/A N/A infantry
Pezhetairoi (Compact group 2): Compact group (2), Heavy infantry, Long
sarissa, shield, sword, armour
3 5 1 5+5 N/A N/A N/A spear, Phalanx, Pike Wall
35 each
Thureophoroi: Closed ranks, Light infantry, Move & Shoot,
javelin, spear, sword, shield
3 4 1 4 3 NE NE Pole weapon

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Thorakitai: Closed ranks, Medium infantry, Move &
javelin, spear, sword, armour, shield
3 5 2 4 3 NE NE Shoot, Pole weapon 40
Peltasts: Evasion (Infantry), Light infantry, Move &
javelin, sword, shield
3 4 1 3 3 NE NE Shoot, Pole weapon 32
bow, melee weapon
3 2 - 3 3 2 1 Indirect fire, Missile troops 24
Tralli: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
sling, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 NE Skirmishers 19
Psiloi: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, shield
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers 18
Cretan Archers: Evasion (Infantry), Expert Missile troops,
bow, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 3 2 1 Move & Shoot, Skirmishers
Galatian Warriors: Frenzied Charge, Medium infantry, Move
sword, shield, javelin
3 4 1 5 3 NE NE & Shoot
Mountain tribes:
javelin, melee weapon, shield
3 2 1 3 2 NE NE Light infantry, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 25
Judean Mercenaries:
sword, javelin, shield
3 4 1 4 3 NE NE Light infantry, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 32
Ballista 3 1 1 2 6 5 3 Lethal (ballista), Siege weapon 40
Expendable, Frenzied Charge, Heavy
Scythed chariots 4 4/2 2 2 N/A N/A N/A Chariot, Scythed wheels 38
Town militia:
spear, shield
2 3 1 3 N/A N/A N/A Medium infantry 18

 The Seleucid Command can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Seleucid Command can improve their Armour value to 3 for +15 points.
 Each unit of Elephants can improve their Armour value to 4 for +20 points per base.
 Each unit of Light cavalry can reduce their Armour Value to 0 for -5 points per base.
 Each unit of Light cavalry (any type) can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 Each unit of Skythioi Hippotoxotai can improve their Armour value to 1 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Elephants can buy the characteristic Mahout for +2 points per base.
 The Arab Dromedaries can improve their Armour value to 1 for +5 points per base.
 Two units of Argiraspids can become Machairaphoroi (after 168 BC).
 Up to four units of Pezhetairoi can improve their Tactical Value to 4 for +6 points per base.
 Each unit of Pezhetairoi with TV4 can buy the Trained characteristic for +5 points per base.
 Up to two units of Pezhetairoi can improve their Armour value to 2 for +11 points per base.
 Each unit of Thureophoroi can improve their Armour value to 2 and become Medium infantry for +4 points per base. These units are not
disordered when crossing woods or broken ground.
 Each unit of Thorakitai can buy the Phalanx and Spear wall characteristics for +11 points per base.
 Each unit of Galatians can become Light infantry and improve their Resistance Value a 6 for +3 points per base.
 The units of Galatians can form Hordes. Their Resistance Value becomes 5+5 or 6+6. They become a Compact group (2). This costs -5
points per base.
 All units can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Rome (Late Republic – Marian Reform) 105 B.C. - 29 B.C.

1 RomanCommand on foot or mounted, 3-10 Legionarii, 0-5 Javelinmen or 0-5 Velites, 2-6 Slingers, 0-6 Gladiators, 0-3 Allied
Medium Infantry, 0-3 Allied Warriors, 0-3 Thureophoroi; 0-3 Iberian Scutari, 0-3 Archers, 0-4 Allied Light Cavalry, 1-2 Medium
Cavalry, 0-3 Allied Medium Cavalry, 0-1 Ballista, 0-1 Elephant
Army Characteristics:
 You can only buy a unit of Velites before 80 B.C.. If you buy Velites you can’t have Javelinmen.
 You can’t have units of Thureophoroi and Scutari in the same Army.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Roman Command on foot: Close-up shot (2), Closed ranks, Command,
gladio, pilum, armour, shield
5 6 2 5 N/A N/A N/A Heavy Infantry 57
Mounted Roman Command: Command, Impetuous Charge, Medium
sword, armour, shield, spear
5 4 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Cavalry, Mounted 52
Legionarii: Close-up shot (2), Closed ranks, Heavy
gladio, pilum, armour, shield
4 6 2 5 N/A N/A N/A Infantry 47
Javelinmen: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers 18
Velites: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, melee weapon
4 2 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers 26
Slingers: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
sling, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 NE Skirmishers 19
sword, shield, armour
4 5 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Closed ranks, Medium Infantry 42
Allied Medium Infantry (Illyrians,
Thracians, Ligurians): 3 4 1 4 N/A N/A N/A Closed ranks, Medium Infantry, Pole weapon 33
sword, Spear, shield
Allied Warriors (Gauls or Galatians): Frenzied charge, Light infantry, Move &
sword, shield, javelin
3 4 1 6 3 NE NE Shoot 37
Thureophoroi: Closed ranks, Light infantry, Move & Shoot,
javelin, spear, sword, shield
3 4 1 4 3 NE NE Pole weapon 34
Iberian Scutari: Close-up shot (2) Impetuous Charge, Light
sword or falcata, shield, soliferrum
3 4 1 5 N/A N/A N/A infantry 33
short bow, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Evasion (Infantry), Skirmishers 20
Allied Light Cavalry (Numidians, Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry,
Thracians, Illyrians): 3 2 1 2 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 30
javelin, shield Shoot
Medium Cavalry: Impetuous Charge, Medium Cavalry,
spear, sword, shield, armour
3 3 2 3 N/A N/A N/A Mounted, Pole weapon
Allied Medium Cavalry (Italic, Gallic,
Impetuous Charge, Medium Cavalry,
Germanic, Iberian): 3 3 1 4 2 NE NE Mounted, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 32
javelin, sword, shield
Ballista 3 1 1 2 6 5 3 Lethal (ballista), Siege Weapon 40
sword, armour (lorica hamata), spear
3 5 3 3 N/A N/A N/A Elephant, Frenzied charge, Pole weapon 52

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

 The Roman Command can reduce their TV a 4 for -6 points.
 The Roman Command can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Roman Command can be promoted to Legendary Command for +12 points.
 The Roman Command and each unit of Legionaries can buy Cuneo (Caput Porcinum) for + 2 points per base (from 57 B.C.).
 Each unit of Legionaries can reduce their TV to 3 (Recruits, etc.) for -6 points per base.
 Up to three units of Legionaries can add the Trained characteristic for +5 points per base.
 Up to three units of Legionaries can add the Seasoned fighters, Trained, Veteran characteristics (Veteran, Guard) for +11 points per base.
 Each unit of Legionaries can drop the Close-up shot (2) characteristic for -2 points per base.
 Each unit of Slingers, Velitesand Javelinmen can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Velites can improve their Resistance Value to 4, the Javelin modifier to (S: 3, M: NE, L: NE), MV to 4 and become Light
infantry for +8 points per base.
 Each unit of Allied Medium Infantry can improve their AV to 2 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Allied Medium Infantry can add the Impetuous Charge characteristic for +1 point per base.
 Each unit of Iberian Scutari can improve their AV to 2 and become Medium Infantry for +4 points per base. These units are not disordered
when crossing woods or broken ground.
 Each unit of Iberian Scutari can drop the Close-up shot (2) characteristic for -2 points per base.
 The Allied Warriors can create Hordes. Their Resistance Value is 6+6 and they become Compact Group (2). The change costs -5 points per base.
 Up to two units of Light Cavalry can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points each (Exploratores).
 Each unit of Light Cavalry can replace their javelin with a bow (S: 2, M:1, L: 1) for +4 points per base. The unit drop the Pole weapon
 Each unit of Light Cavalry can reduce their AV to 0 for -5 points per base.
 Up to three units of Light Cavalry can improve their MV to 4 and add the Veteran characteristic for +6 points per base (not units with bows).
 Up to three units of Light Cavalry can add the Expert missile troops and Determined characteristics for +8 points per base (not units with bows).
 Up to two units of Medium Cavalry can improve their TV to 4 and add the Veteran characteristic for +10 points per base.
 Each unit of Allied Medium Cavalry can replace the Impetuous Charge characteristic with Frenzied Charge for +1 point per base.
 Each unit of Elephants can buy the Mahout characteristic for +2 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Vercingetorix throws down his arms at the feet of Julius Caesar - Lionel Royer - 1899 -
Crozatier Museum, Le Puy

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Gauls 390 B.C. - 52 A.D.

1 Gallic Command on foot, mounted or on Light War Chariot, 4-10 Gallic Warriors, 0-4 Gallic Nobles, 1-3 Gallic Fanatics, 1-3 Light Cavalry,
0-6 Medium Cavalry, 1-6 Mounted Nobles, 0-6 Light War Chariots, 0-4 Javelinmen, 0- 4 Archers or Slingers, 0-2 Soldurii, 0-4 Armed families
Army Characteristics:
 The Gauls can buy up to six Defences for +20 points each.
 The Gallic Command on foot and the Gallic Nobles are not disordered when crossing woods or broken ground.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Gallic Command on foot: Command, Frenzied charge, Medium
sword, armour, shield, javelin
4 4 2 6 3 NE NE infantry, Move & Shoot 51
Command, Frenzied charge, Medium
Mounted Gallic Command:
armour, javelin, sword, shield
4 3 2 4 2 NE NE Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, 49
Move & Shoot, Pole weapon
Command, Frenzied charge, Light War
Gallic Command on Light War Chariot:
armour, javelin, sword
4 4 2 3 2 NE NE Chariot, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 49
Shoot, Pole weapon
Gallic Warriors: Frenzied charge, Light infantry, Move &
sword, shield, javelin
3 4 1 6 3 NE NE Shoot
Gallic Nobles: Frenzied charge, Medium Infantry, Move &
sword, armour, shield, javelin
3 4 2 6 3 NE NE Shoot, Veteran
Gallic Fanatics: Fanatics, Frenzied charge, Light infantry,
sword, javelin
3 4 - 4 2 NE NE Move & Shoot
Light Cavalry: Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry, Mounted,
javelin, shield
3 2 - 2 2 NE NE Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot
Medium Cavalry: Frenzied charge, Medium Cavalry, Mounted,
javelin, shield, sword
3 3 1 4 2 NE NE 34
Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon
Mounted Nobles: Frenzied charge, Medium Cavalry, Mounted,
javelin, shield, sword
3 3 2 4 2 NE NE 39
Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon
Light War Chariot: Frenzied charge, Light War Chariot, Mounted
armour, javelin, sword
3 3 2 2 2 NE NE Missile Troops, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon
Javelinmen: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers
Slingers: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
sling, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 NE Skirmishers
short bow, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Evasion (Infantry), Indirect Fire, Skirmishers 21
Solduri: Closed ranks, Impetuous Charge, Medium
sword, shield, armour
4 5 2 5 N/A N/A N/A Infantry, Veteran 49
Armed families:
melee weapons
2 2 - 4 N/A N/A N/A Medium Infantry 15
 The Gallic Command can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Gallic Command can be deomoted to Inexpert Command for -2 points.
 The Gallic Command on foot can reduce their AV to 1 and become Light infantry for -4 points.
 The Gallic Warriors can create a Horde. The Resistance Value becomes 6+6 and they become a Compact Group (2). This change costs -5
points per base.
 Each unit of Archers can buy the Move & Shoot characteristic for +2 points per base.
 Up to two units of Light Cavalry can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 Each unit of Light Cavalry can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Light Cavalry can add the Impetuous Charge characteristic for +1 point per base.
 Each unit of Medium Cavalry can reduce their AV to 0 for -5 points per base.
 Each unit of Medium Cavalry can replace the Frenzied Charge characteristic with Impetuous Charge for -1 point per base.
 Up to two units of Mounted Nobles (or on foot) can improve their TV to 4 for +6 points per base.
 The Command and the units of Mounted Nobles (or on foot) can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army, except for Armed families, can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Dacian Peoples 85 A.D. - 106 A.D.

1 Dacian Command, 2-10 Dacian Warriors, 1-4 Dacian Fanatics, 2-10 Bastarnae Warriors, 0-4 Archers, 0-4 Javelinmen, 1-3 Light Cavalry,
0-3 Bastarnae Cavalry, 0-3 Allied Light Cavalry (Sarmatian), 0-3 Allied Heavy Cavalry (Sarmatian), 0-1 Scorpio, 0-4 Armed families
Army Characteristics:
 No Unit, except for Skirmishers and Light Cavalry, can interpenetrate units of Allied Heavy Cavalry (Sarmatians).
 The Dacians can buy up to six Defences for +20 points each
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Dacian Command: Command, Determined, Frenzied charge,
sword, shield, armour
4 5 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Medium Infantry 50
Dacian Warriors: Frenzied charge, Light infantry, Move &
sword, shield, javelin
3 4 1 6 3 NE NE Shoot 37
Dacian Fanatics: Fanatics, Frenzied charge, Lethal (sickle),
3 4 - 4 N/A N/A N/A Light infantry 37
Bastarnae Warriors: Frenzied charge, Lethal (sickle), Light
sickle, shield
3 4 1 6 N/A N/A N/A infantry, 44
bow, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Evasion (Infantry), Skirmishers 20
Javelinmen: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers 18
Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry,
Light Cavalry:
javelin, Spear
3 2 - 2 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 26
Shoot, Pole weapon
Bastarnae Cavalry: Medium Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted
javelin, Spear
3 3 2 3 2 NE NE Missile Troops, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon
Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry,
Allied Light Cavalry (Sarmatians):
short bow, sword
3 2 1 2 3 2 1 Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 36
Cuneo, Heavy Cavalry, Impetuous Charge,
Allied Heavy Cavalry (Sarmatians):
armour, sword, kontos, bow
4 4 3 3 N/A N/A N/A Long spear, Mounted, Mounted Missile 58
Ballista 3 1 1 2 6 5 3 Lethal (ballista), Siege Weapon 40
Armed families:
melee weapons
2 2 - 4 N/A N/A N/A Medium Infantry 15
 The Dacian Command can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Dacian Command can be demoted to Inexpert Command for -2 points.
 The Dacian Warriors can create a Horde. The Resistance Value becomes 6+6 and they become a Compact Group (2). This change costs -5
points per base.
 Each unit of Archers can buy the Move & Shoot characteristic for +2 points per base.
 Up to two units of Light Cavalry can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for + 3 points per base.
 Each unit of Allied Light Cavalry (Sarmatians) can add the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Each unit of Allied and Bastarnae Light cavalry (Sarmatian) can add the Impetuous Charge characteristic for +1 point per base.
 Up to two units of Allied Light Cavalry (Sarmatian) can increase their AV to 2 and become Medium cavalry, losing the Mounted Missile Troops
characteristic for +3 points per base.
 Each unit of Allied Cavalry (Sarmatians) can add the Seasoned fighters and Veteran characteristics for +6 points per base (Nobili Roxolani).
 One unit of Allied Heavy Cavalry (Sarmatians) can improve their AV to 4 for +20 points.
 Each unit of Allied Heavy Cavalry (Sarmatian) can add a bow (S: 2, M: 1, L: 1) for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army, except for the Armed families, can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army, except for the Armed families, can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Parthians 200 B.C. - 200 A.D.

1 Parthian Command, 1-8 Cataphract Squadrons, 4-16 Mounted Parthian Archers, 0-2 Cataphract Camels, 0-2 Peoples Militia, 0-2 Peoples
Archers, 0-2 Peoples Javelinmen or Slingers, 0-6 Mountain Tribes, 0-6 Greek City Militia
Army Characteristics:
 No Unit, except for Skirmishers or Light Cavalry, can interpenetrate units of Cataphracts.
 A Mounted unit (except for Elephants) that is beaten in melee by a unit of Camel Cataphracts performs the Discipline Test with a -1 penalty
(horse don’t like the smell of camels).
 Parthian Shot. Mounted Parthian Archers using the Move & Shoot Order can interrupt their movement, shoot and then complete their
movement. The movement can be in two different directions (forwards, fire, backwards). The total distance moved must respect the movement
allowance and the Order (e.g. Light Cavalry can move up to 35cm = 30 basic allowance + 5cm for the type).
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Parthian Command: Command, Cuneo, Impetuous Charge,
sword, kontos, armour
4 5 4 4 N/A N/A N/A Heavy Cavalry, Long spear, Mounted 86
Cataphract Squadron: Cuneo, Impetuous Charge, Heavy Cavalry,
sword, kontos, armour
4 4 4 3 N/A N/A N/A Long spear, Mounted 78
Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry,
Mounted Parthian Archers:
composite bow, sword
3 2 - 2 3 2 1 Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 35
Cataphract Camels (Hatrene Ally): Impetuous Charge, Heavy Cavalry,
sword, Spear, armour
4 4 4 3 N/A N/A N/A Mounted, Pole weapon
Pepoles Militia:
melee weapons
2 2 - 3 N/A N/A N/A Expendable, Light infantry 13
Peoples Archers:
2 1 - 2 3 2 1 Evasion (Infantry), Skirmishers 19
Peoples Slingers: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
2 1 - 2 2 1 NE Skirmishers 16
Peoples Javelinmen: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
2 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers 15
Mountain Tribe:
javelin, melee weapon, shield
3 2 1 3 2 NE NE Light infantry, Pole weapon 25
Greek City Militia (Compact Group 2): Compact Group (2), Heavy Infantry,
hoplite spear, sword, large shield, armour
2 4 1 4+4 N/A N/A N/A Phalanx, Pole weapon, Spear Wall 24 each
 The Parthian Command can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Parthian Command can be demoted to Inexpert Command for -2 points.
 Up to four units of Cataphract Squadrons can reduce their AV to 3 and add a bow (S: 2, M: 1, L: 1) for -16 points per base.
 Up to two Mounted Parthian Archers can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 The Peoples Militia (Archers, Slingers, Javelinmen) can improve their TV to 3 for +3 points per base.
 Each unit of Mounted Parthian Archers can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 The Parthian Command, the Cataphract Squadrons and the Mounted Parthian Archers can buy the Trained characteristic for +5 points per base.
 The Parthian Command, the Cataphract Squadrons and the Mounted Parthian Archers can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.
 The Parthian Command, the Cataphract Squadrons and the Mounted Parthian Archers can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points
per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Early Germanic Tribes 200 B.C. - 200 A.D.

1 Germanic Command on foot or mounted, 4-10 Germanic Warriors, 1-3 Germanic Fanatics, 1-6 Germanic Nobles, 0-3 Light Cavalry,
0-3 Medium Cavalry with Centeni, 0-2 Sarmatian Cavalry, 0-4 Javelinmen, 0-4 Archers, 0-2 Batavian Deserters, 0-2 Mounted Batavian
Army Characteristics:
 The Germanic Trobes can buy up to six Defences for +20 points each.
 You can only buy Sarmatian Cavalry after 100 A.D.
 You can only use the Batavian Deserters after 69/70 A.D.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Germanic Command on foot: Command, Frenzied charge, Light infantry,
sword, armour, shield, javelin, framea
4 4 2 6 3 NE NE Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 53
Command, Frenzied charge, Medium
Mounted Germanic Command:
armour, javelin, sword, shield
4 3 2 4 2 NE NE Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, 49
Move & Shoot, Pole weapon
Germanic Warriors: Frenzied charge, Light infantry, Move &
sword, shield, javelin, framea
3 4 1 6 3 NE NE Shoot, Pole weapon
Germanic Fanatics: Fanatics, Frenzied charge, Light infantry,
sword, javelin
3 4 - 4 2 NE NE Move & Shoot
Frenzied charge, Light Cavalry, Mounted,
Germanic Nobles:
javelin, shield, sword
3 3 1 3 2 NE NE Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot, Pole 34
Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry,
Light Cavalry:
javelin, shield
3 2 - 2 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 25
Close-up shot (2), Impetuous Charge,
Medium Cavalry with Centeni:
javelin, shield
3 3 1 4 2 NE NE Medium Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted 35
Missile Troops, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon
Sarmatian Cavalry: Cuneo, Heavy Cavalry, Impetuous Charge,
armour, sword, kontos, bow
4 4 3 3 2 1 1Long spear, Mounted
Javelinmen: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers
bow, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Evasion (Infantry), Indirect Fire, Skirmishers 21
Batavian Deserters: Closed ranks, Medium Infantry, Move &
spear, sword, shield
4 4 2 4 2 NE NE Shoot, Pole weapon 43
Mounted Batavian Deserters: Impetuous Charge, Medium Cavalry,
spear, sword, shield, armour
3 3 2 3 N/A N/A N/A Mounted, Pole weapon 33
 The Germanic Command can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Germanic Command can be demoted to Inexpert Command for -2 points.
 The Germanic Warriors can create a Horde. The Resistance Value becomes 6+6 and they become a Compact Group (2). This change costs -5
points per base.
 Up to three units of Germanic Nobles can improve their TV to 4 for +6 points per base.
 Each unit of Germanic Nobles can improve their AV to 2 and become Medium Cavalry for +3 points per base.
 Each unit of Germanic Nobles can replace the Frenzied Charge characteristic with Impetuous Charge for-1 point per base.
 Up to two units of Light Cavalry can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 Each unit of Light Cavalry can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Light Cavalry can add the Impetuous Charge characteristic for +1 point per base.
 Each unit of Archers can buy the Move & Shoot characteristic for +2 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Celtiberians 300 B.C. - 200 B.C.

1 Celtiberian Command, 3-20 Celtiberian Scutari, 0-4 Celtiberian Warriors, 0-3 Balearic Slingers, 2-20 Caetrati or Caetrati Skirmishers,
1-6 Light Cavalry, 1-4 Medium Cavalry
Army Characteristics:
 The Celtiberian Command is not disordered when crossing woods or broken ground.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Celtiberian Command: Close-up shot (2), Command, Determined,
sword or falcata, shield, soliferrum
4 5 2 5 N/A N/A N/A Impetuous Charge, Medium Infantry 53
Celtiberian Scutarii: Close-up shot (2), Determined, Impetuous
sword or falcata, shield, soliferrum
3 4 1 6 N/A N/A N/A Charge, Light infantry 40
Celtiberian Warriors: Close-up shot (2), Frenzied charge, Light
sword, shield, soliferrum
3 4 1 6 N/A N/A N/A infantry 36
Balearic Slingers: Evasion (Infantry), Expert missile troops,
sling, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 NE Move & Shoot, Skirmishers 23
Caetrati Skirmishers: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
sword or falcata, small shield, javelin
3 1 1 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers 23
Liberian Caetrati (Lusitanian): Evasion (Infantry), Light infantry, Move &
sword or falcata, small shield, javelin
3 2 1 3 3 NE NE Shoot, Pole weapon 28
Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry,
Light Cavalry:
sword or falcata, small shield, javelin
3 2 1 2 2 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 31
Shoot, Pole weapon
Medium Cavalry: Evasion (Mounted), Impetuous Charge,
sword o falcata, spear, shield, armour
3 3 2 3 N/A N/A N/A Medium Cavalry, Mounted, Pole weapon
Armed families:
melee weapons
2 2 - 4 N/A N/A N/A Medium Infantry 15
 The Celtiberian Command can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Celtiberian Command can be demoted to Inexpert Command for -2 points.
 Each unit of Celtiberian Scutari can improve their AV to 2 for +5 points per base. These units are not disordered when crossing woods or
broken ground.
 Up to three units of Celtiberian Scutarii can improve their Melee Value to 5 and reduce their Resistance to 5 at no extra cost (élite troops).
 The Celtiberian Warriors can create a Horde. The Resistance Value becomes 6+6 and they become a Compact Group (2). This change costs
-5 points per base.
 Up to three units of Caetrati can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 Up to two units of Light Cavalry can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 Each unit of Medium Cavalry can reduce their AV to 1 for -5 points per base.
 All units in the Army, except for the Armed families, can buy the characteristic Determined for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army, except for the Armed families, can buy the characteristic Veteran for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Iberian 300 B.C. - 72 B.C.

1 Mounted Iberian Command or Viriatus, 4-20 Iberian Scutarii, 0-3 Balearic Slingers, 0-2 Slingers, 2-20 Iberian Caetrati or Iberian Caetrati
Skirmishers, 1-6 Light Cavalry, 1-4 Medium Cavalry, 0-4 Celtiberian Scutarii, 0-4 Lusitanian Heavy Caetrati, 0-2 Legionaries (Sertorius’
Lusitanians 80 - 72BC)
Army Characteristics:
 After preparing the battlefield, the Iberian player can add a Broken Ground. Any limitations still apply (e.g. in the Ambush scenario you are
not allowed to put Broken Ground in the four central sectors).
 You can only choose one sort of troops (Celtiberian, Lusitanian). If you choose the Lusitanian Army under Sertorius, the Command Unit
must be Expert.
 Viriatus (147 - 133 BC): If you choose Viriatus’ Army the Command Unit must be Expert. Up to three units of Iberian Caetrati can buy the
infiltrator characteristic for +3 points each. Viriatus can buy both Lusitanians and Celtiberians. After the battle, before calculating points, if
Viriatus’ Unit is still on the battlefield roll 1d6. A “1” means Viriatus has been assassinated and the Command Unit is eliminated. Do not perform
Scatter Tests but this loss counts for points calculations. The assassination of Viriatus does not lead to the army Fleeing as this happens after the battle.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Mounted Iberian Command: Command, Impetuous charge, Medium
javelin, shield, armour
4 4 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Cavalry, Mounted, Pole weapon, Veteran 51
Close-up shot (2), Expert Command,
sword or falcata, shield, soliferrum, spear
4 5 1 6 N/A N/A N/A Evasion (Infantry), Impetuous charge, Light 54
infantry, Pole weapon
Iberian Scutarii: Close-up shot (2), Impetuous charge, Light
sword or falcata, shield, soliferrum
3 4 1 5 N/A N/A N/A infantry,
Balearic Slingers: Evasion (Infantry), Expert Missile troops,
sling, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 NE Move & Shoot, Skirmishers
Slingers: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
sling, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 NE Skirmishers
Iberian Caetrati: Evasion (Infantry), Light infantry, Move &
sword or falcata, small shield, javelin
3 2 1 3 3 NE NE Shoot, Pole weapon
Iberian Caetrati skirmishers: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
sword or falcata, small shield, javelin
3 1 1 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers
Evasion (mounted), Light cavalry, Mounted,
Light cavalry:
falcata or sword, javelin, small shield
3 2 1 2 2 NE NE Mounted Missile troops, Move & Shoot, Pole 31
Medium Cavalry: Impetuous charge, Medium Cavalry,
falcata or sword, spear, shield, armour
3 3 2 3 N/A N/A N/A Mounted, Pole weapon
Celtiberian Scutarii: Close-up shot (2), Determined, Frenzied
sword or falcata, shield, soliferrum
3 4 1 6 N/A N/A N/A Charge, Light infantry
Lusitanian Heavy Caetrati: Evasion (Infantry), Light infantry, Move &
sword or falcata, shield, armour, javelin
3 3 2 3 3 NE NE Shoot, Pole weapon
Legionaries: Closed ranks, Close-up shot (2), Heavy
sword, pilum, armour, shield
3 5 2 4 N/A N/A N/A infantry
 The Iberian Command can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Iberian Command can be demoted to Inexpert Command for -2 points.
 Each unit of Iberian or Celtiberian Scutarii can improve their Armour Value to 2 and become Medium infantry for +5 points per base. These
units are not disordered when crossing woods or broken ground.
 Each unit of Iberian Scutarii can transform their Impetuous Charge in Frenzied Charge for +1 point per base.
 The Iberian Scutarii can form Hordes. Their Resistance Value becomes 5+5. They become Compact group (2). This costs -5 points per base.
 Up to two units of Medium Cavalry can improve their Armour value to 3 and become Heavy Cavalry for +14 points per base (Sertorius, 80-72 B.C.).
 Up to two units of Light cavalry can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 Up to three units of Iberian Caetrati or Iberian Caetrati Skirmishers can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 Up to three units of Celtiberian Scutarii can improve their Melee Value to 5 but reduce their Resistance Value to 5 at no extra cost (Èlite troops).
 All units can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Numidian 300 b.C. - 100 b.C.

1 Numidian Command (Mounted) or Numidian Command with Guard (Gallic or Hispanic), 4-12 Mounted Numidians, 2-8 Javelinmen, 0-4
Quala’im (Slingers), 0-1 Ligurian Deserters (Jugurtha, 118-105 B.C.), 0-4 Gaetulic Dorkin - Infantry similar to Legionaries (Jugurtha, 118-105
B.C.), 0-2 Gaetulic Cavalry (Jugurtha, 118-105 B.C.), 0-2 Elephants (Jugurtha, 118-105 B.C. - Juba I, 55-46 B.C.), 0-1 Hispanic or Gallic Guard
(Juba I, 55-46 B.C.), 0-6 Iberian Scutarii (Bogud, 47 B.C.), 0-2 Iberian Caetrari (Bogud, 47 B.C.), 0-4 Numidian Dorkin (Bogud, 47 B.C.)
Army Characteristics:
 You can only choose one sort of troops (Bogud, Jugurtha, Juba).
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Command, Evasion (mounted), Impetuous
Numidian Command: charge, Light cavalry, Mounted, Mounted
javelin, shield, armour
4 4 1 4 3 NE NE Missile troops, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon,
Numidian Command with Gallic or Command, Evasion (mounted), Impetuous
Hispanic Guard: 4 4 2 4 2 NE NE charge, Medium Cavalry, Mounted, Move & 56
javelin, shield, armour Shoot, Pole weapon, Veteran
Mounted Numidians: Evasion (mounted), Light cavalry, Mounted,
javelin, shield
3 2 1 2 2 NE NE Mounted Missile troops, Move & Shoot
Javelinmen: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers
Quala’im: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
sling, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 NE Skirmishers
Ligurian Deserters:
sword, shield, javelin
3 4 1 4 3 NE NE Light infantry, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 32
Gaetulic Dorkin: Closed ranks, Close-up shot (2), Determined,
sword, pilum, armour, shield
4 4 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Heavy infantry, 45
Determined, Impetuous charge, Medium
Gaetulic Cavalry:
javelin, sword, shield
3 3 1 4 2 NE NE Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted Missile troops, 37
Move & Shoot, Pole weapon
Elephant: Elephant, Frenzied Charge, Mounted Missile
spear, javelin, sword, light armour
3 5 3 3 2 NE NE troops, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon
Gallic or Hispanic Guard: Impetuous charge, Medium Cavalry, Mounted,
javelin, shield, armour
4 4 2 3 2 NE NE Move & Shoot, Pole weapon, Veteran
Iberian Scutarii: Close-up shot (2), Impetuous charge, Light
sword or falcata, shield, soliferrum
3 4 1 5 N/A N/A N/A infantry
Iberian Caetrati: Evasion (Infantry), Light infantry, Move &
sword or falcata, shield, javelin
3 2 1 3 3 NE NE Shoot, Pole weapon
Numidian Dorkin: Closed ranks, Close-up shot (2), Heavy
sword, pilum, armour, shield
3 5 2 4 N/A N/A N/A infantry
 The Numidian Command can be demoted to Inexpert Command for -2 points.
 Up to three units of Mounted Numidians can improve their Tactical Value to 4 and add the Determined characteristic for +6 points per base.
 Up to three units of Mounted Numidians can improve their Melee Value to 4 and add the Veteran characteristic for +6 points per base.
 Up to three units of Mounted Numidians can buy the Impetuous Charge characteristic for +1 point per base.
 Up to three units of Mounted Numidians can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 Each unit of Mounted Numidians can reduce their Armour Value to 0 for -5 points per base.
 Up to two units of Javelinmen can buy the Expert Missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Up to two units of Quala’im can buy the Expert Missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Up to three units of Javelinmen can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 Each unit of Iberian Scutarii can improve their Armour value to 2 and become Medium infantry for +5 points per base. These units are not
disordered when crossing woods or broken ground.
 Each unit of Elephants can replace their javelins with bows (S:2, M:1, L:1) for +4 points per base.
 Each unit of Elephants can buy the Mahout characteristic for +2 points per base.
 All units can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Late Sarmatian 200A.D. - 500 A.D.

1 Sarmatian Command, 3-8 Sarmatian Spearmen, 2-16 Mounted Sarmatian Archers, 0-4 Peoples Militia, 0-4 Spearmen, 0-4 Archers or
Peoples Archers, 0-2 Peoples Javelinmen, 0-2 Allied Medium Cavalry (Alans), 0-4 Allied Light Cavalry (Alans)
Army Characteristics:
 No Unit, except for Skirmishers and Light Cavalry, can interpenetrate units of Sarmatian Spearmen or the Sarmatian Command.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Sarmatian Command: Command, Cuneo, Heavy Cavalry,
sword, kontos, armour
4 5 3 4 N/A N/A N/A Impetuous Charge, Long spear, Mounted 66
Sarmatian Spearmen: Cuneo, Heavy Cavalry, Impetuous Charge,
sword, kontos, armour
4 4 3 3 N/A N/A N/A Long spear, Mounted 58
Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry,
Mounted Sarmatian Archers:
armour, composite bow, sword
3 2 1 2 3 2 1 Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 36
Peoples Militia:
melee weapons
2 2 - 3 N/A N/A N/A Expendable, Medium Infantry 13
spear, shield
3 2 1 4 N/A N/A N/A Medium Infantry, Pole weapon 24
3 1 - 3 3 2 1 Indirect Fire, Missile troops 22
Peoples Archers:
2 1 - 2 2 1 1 Evasion (Infantry), Skirmishers 17
Peoples Javelinmen: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
2 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers 15
Allied Medium Cavalry (Alans): Impetuous Charge, Medium Cavalry,
spear, sword
3 2 1 3 2 NE NE Mounted, Pole weapon 33
Allied Light Cavalry (Alans): Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry, Mounted,
bow, sword
3 2 - 2 3 2 1 Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot 31
 The Sarmatian Command can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Sarmatian Command and up to two units of Sarmatian Spearmen can buy the Trained characteristic for +5 points per base.
 Up to two units of Sarmatian Spearmen can improve their AV to 4 for +20 points per base.
 The Sarmatian Command and up to four units of Sarmatian Spearmen can add a bow (S: 2, M: 1, L: 1) for +4 points per base.
 Up to three units of Sarmatian Spearmen can add the Seasoned fighters and Veteran characteristics for +6 points per base (Nobili Roxolani).
 Up to three units of Mounted Sarmatian Archers can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Up to three units of Mounted Sarmatian Archers can improve their AV to 2 and become Medium Cavalry for +3 points per base.
 Each unit of Spearmen can create a Compact Group (2) with a unit of Archers. The Resistance Value becomes 5+3. The change costs -3 points
per base.
 The Sarmatian Command, the Sarmatian Spearmen and the Mounted Sarmatian Archers can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points
per base.
 The Sarmatian Command, the Sarmatian Spearmen and the Mounted Sarmatian Archers can buy the Determined characteristic for +4
points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Rome (Late Eastern Empire) 284 a.d. - 378 a.d.

1 Roman Command (Mounted or on foot), 2-10 Comitatenses or Limitanei-Pseudocomitatenses, 0-10 Sagittarii, 0-4 Sagittarii Skirmishers, 0-2
Funditores, 0-2 Exculcatores, 0-3 Auxilia, 1-5 Auxilia Palatina, 0-2 Ballista, 0-2 Equites Sagittarii Clibanarii, 1-2 Cataphracts, 0-6 Equites, 1-8
Mauri Equites, 1-10 Equites Sagittarii, 0-2 Mercenary or Allied Mounted Archers, 0-1 Visigoth Nobles, 0-6 Visigoth Warriors, 0-4 Visigoth
Archers, 0-1 Armenian Nobles, 0-1 Armenian Cavalry, 0-3 Mounted Armenian Archers, 0-2 Armenian Archers, 0-3 Armenian Warriors, 0-1
Arab Nobles, 0-4 Arab Cavalry, 0-1 Arab Camels, 0-2 Arab Archers, 0-4 Arab Warriors
Army Characteristics:
 No unit apart from Skirmishers or Light Cavalry can interpenetrate a unit of Clibanarii, Cataphracts or Armenian Heavy Cavalry.
 The Hun composite bows have the Lethal characteristic at Short range.
 The units of Auxilia and Auxilia Palatina, are Medium Infantry but are not disordered when moving in woods or across broken ground.
 A Mounted unit (except for Elephants) that is beaten in melee by a unit of Arab Camels performs the Discipline Test with a -1 penalty (horse
don’t like the smell of camels).
 You can only have one type of ally (Visigoth, Armenian, Arab).
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Mounted Roman Command: Command, Impetuous Charge, Medium
sword, armour, spear
4 5 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Cavalry, Mounted, Pole weapon 49
Roman Command on foot: Close-up shot (2), Command, Heavy
sword, armour, plumbata, shield, spear
4 5 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Infantry, Pole weapon, Spear Wall 55
Comitatenses: Close-up shot (2), Heavy Infantry, Pole
sword, spear, plumbata, armour, shield
3 5 2 4 N/A N/A N/A weapon, Spear Wall, Veteran 49
Limitanei - Pseudocomitatenses: Closed ranks, Close-up shot (2), Medium
sword, spear, plumbata, armour, shield
3 4 1 4 N/A N/A N/A Infantry, Pole weapon 32
short bow, sword
3 2 - 3 3 2 1 Indirect Fire, Missile troops 24
Sagittarii Skirmishers:
composite bow, sword
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Evasion (Infantry), Skirmishers 20
Funditores: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
sling, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 NE Skirmishers 19
Exculcatores: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers 18
sword, javelin, spear, shield
3 4 1 3 2 NE NE Closed ranks, Medium Infantry, Pole weapon 33
Auxilia Palatina: Determined, Medium Infantry, Pole weapon,
sword, javelin, armour, shield
4 5 1 4 2 NE NE Spear Wall 47
3 1 1 2 6 5 3 Lethal (scorpio), Siege weapon 40
Equites Sagittarii Clibanarii: Cuneo, Heavy Cavalry, Impetuous Charge,
kontos, sword, armour, bow
4 4 4 3 2 1 1 Long spear, Mounted
Cataphracts: Cuneo, Heavy Cavalry, Impetuous Charge,
kontos, sword, armour
4 4 4 3 N/A N/A N/A Long spear, Mounted
Equites: Impetuous Charge, Medium Cavalry, Mounted,
javelin, melee weapon, shield
3 3 2 3 2 NE NE Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot
Mauri Equites: Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry, Mounted,
javelin, melee weapon, small shield
4 2 1 2 2 NE NE Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot
Equites Sagittarii: Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry,
composite bow, melee weapon, shield
3 2 1 2 3 2 1 Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops
Evasion (Mounted), Expert missile troops,
Mercenary or Allied Mounted Archers (Huns):
composite bow, melee weapon
3 2 - 2 3 2 1 Light Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted Missile 45
Troops, Move & Shoot
Visigoth Nobles: Impetuous Charge, Medium Cavalry,
sword, spear, shield, armour, axe
4 3 2 4 N/A N/A N/A Mounted, Pole weapon
Visigoth Warriors: Close-up shot (2), Cuneo, Determined,
axe or sword, shield, spear (framea)
3 5 1 5 N/A N/A N/A Impetuous Charge, Light Infantry, Pole weapon
Visigoth Archers:
short bow, sword
3 2 - 3 3 2 1 Missile troops 23

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Armenian Nobles: Heavy Cavalry, Impetuous Charge,
spear, armour, sword, shield, barding, bow
4 4 3 3 2 1 1 Mounted, Pole weapon
Armenian Cavalry: Heavy Cavalry, Impetuous Charge,
spear, armour, sword, shield, barding, bow
3 4 3 3 2 1 1 Mounted, Pole weapon
Mounted Armenian Archers: Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry, Mounted,
composite bow
3 2 1 2 3 2 1 Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot
Armenian Archers:
bow, sword
3 2 - 3 3 2 1 Indirect Fire, Light Infantry 24
Armenian Warriors:
javelin, sword, shield
3 3 1 3 3 NE NE Light Infantry, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon 28
Arab Nobles: Impetuous Charge, Medium Cavalry,
armour, scimitar, spear
4 4 2 3 N/A N/A N/A Mounted, Pole weapon 41
Arab Cavalry: Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry, Mounted,
javelin, shield, sword
3 2 1 2 3 NE NE Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot 31
Arab Camels: Medium Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted
javelin, shield
3 3 1 2 3 NE NE Missile Troops, Move & Shoot 30
Arab Archers:
bow, melee weapon
3 2 1 3 2 2 1 Evasion (Infantry), Missile troops 30
Arab Warriors:
spear, shield
3 3 1 4 N/A N/A N/A Medium Infantry, Pole weapon 26

 The Roman Command can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Roman Command can be promoted to Legendary Command for +12 points.
 The Mounted Roman Command can improve to AV 3 and become Heavy Cavalry with the Cuneo characteristic for +16 points.
 The Roman Command on foot and all the Comitatenses and Limitanei-Pseudocomitatenses can buy the Long spear characteristic for +1 point
per base.
 The Roman Command on foot and all the units of Comitatenses and Limitanei-Pseudocomitatenses can buy the multiple close-up shot
characteristic for +2 points per base. The multiple close-up shot characteristic allows the unit to use close-up shot twice (instead of once).
 Half the deployed Comitatenses can improve their TV to 4 and add the Trained characteristic for +11 points per base (Palatini).
 Each unit of Comitatenses can reduce their AV to 1 and become Medium Infantry for -8 points per base. These units are not disordered when
moving in woods or across broken ground.
 Each unit of Limitanei-Pseudocomitatenses can improve their AV to 2 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Comitatenses and Limitanei-Pseudocomitatenses can remove the plumbata from their equipment, losing the close-up shot (2)
characteristic for -2 points per base.
 Up to two units of Auxilia Palatina can improve their AV to 2 for +9 points per base.
 The units of Comitatenses and Limitanei-Pseudocomitatenses can create a Compact Group (2) with a unit of Sagittarii. RV is 5+3. This change
costs -5 points per base.
 Up to four units of Sagittarii or Sagittarii Skirmishers can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 Each unit of Sagittarii or Sagittarii Skirmishers can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Sagittarii or Sagittarii Skirmishers can buy the Move & Shoot characteristic for +2 points per base.
 Any two units from amongst the Cataphracts, Equites Sagittarii Clibanarii or Equites can buy the Trained characteristic for +5 points per base
(Scholae Palatine).
 Each unit of Cataphracts and Equites Sagittarii Clibanarii can reduce their AV to 3 for -20 points per base.
 Each unit of Equites Sagittarii can reduce their AV to 0 for -5 points per base.
 Each unit of Equites Sagittarii can improve their AV to 2 for +4 points per base, becoming Medium Cavalry.
 Each unit of Equites Sagittarii can buy the Move & Shoot characteristic for +2 points per base.
 One unit of Equites Sagittarii can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points.
 Each unit di Equites can replace their javelin with a spear (C: ND, M: ND, L: ND) and buy the Pole weapon characteristic for -1 points per base.
 Up to two unis of Mauri Equites can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 Up to two units of Funditores can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Persian Sassanid 225 A.D. - 476 A.D.

1 Sassanid Command, 1-10 Savaran, 1-8 Savaran Cataphracts, 1-10 Mounted Sassanids, 0-2 Allied Arab Cavalry, 0-4 Allied Arab Light
Cavalry, 0-2 Allied Arabs on Camels, 0-4 Archers, 0-2 Kamandaran Archers, 0-3 Slingers, 0-3 Javelinmen, 0-5 Paighan Spearmen, 1-5 Peoples
Spearmen, 0-6 Mercenary Infantry (Kurds), 1-4 Daylami, 0-4 Elephants
Army Characteristics:
 No unit, except for Skirmishers and Light Cavalry, can interpenetrate units of Savaran Cataphracts or the Sassanid Command.
 A Mounted unit (except for Elephants) that is beaten in melee by a unit of Allied Arabs on Camels performs the Discipline Test with a -1
penalty (horse don’t like the smell of camels).
 Parthian Shot. Mounted Sassanids (Light Cavalry) using the Move & Shoot Order can interrupt their movement, shoot and then complete
their movement. The movement can be in two different directions (forwards, fire, backwards). The total distance moved must respect the
movement allowance and the Order (e.g. Light Cavalry can move up to 35cm = 30 basic allowance + 5cm for the type).
 The units of Dailami are not disordered when crossing woods or broken ground.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Sassanid Command: Command, Cuneo, Heavy Cavalry,
sword, kontos, armour, bow
4 5 3 4 2 1 1 Impetuous Charge, Long spear, Mounted
Savaran Cataphracts: Cuneo, Heavy Cavalry, Impetuous Charge,
sword, kontos, armour
4 4 3 3 N/A N/A N/A Long spear, Mounted
Savaran: Cuneo, Impetuous Charge, Medium Cavalry,
armour, club, composite bow
4 4 2 3 3 2 1 Mounted, Move & Shoot
Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry,
Mounted Sassanids:
composite bow, melee weapon
3 2 - 2 3 2 1 Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 35
Allied Arab Cavalry: Cuneo, Impetuous Charge, Medium Cavalry,
armour, shield, Spear, sword
3 4 2 3 N/A N/A N/A Mounted, Pole weapon
Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry,
Allied Arab Light Cavalry:
javelin, shield, sword
3 2 1 2 3 NE NE Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 31
Allied Arab Camel troops: Medium Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted
javelin, shield
3 3 1 2 3 NE NE Missile Troops, Move & Shoot
composite bow, melee weapon
3 2 1 3 3 2 1 Missile troops 28
Kamandaran Archers: Evasion (Infantry), Expert missile troops,
composite bow, melee weapon
3 1 1 2 3 2 1 Skirmisher
Slingers: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
sling, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 NE Skirmisher
Javelinmen: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers
Paighan Spearmen:
spear, shield
3 2 1 4 N/A N/A N/A Medium Infantry, Pole weapon 24
Peoples Spearmen:
2 2 - 3 N/A N/A N/A Expendable, Light infantry, Pole weapon 14
Mercenary Infantry (Kurds):
javelin, melee weapon
3 2 - 3 3 NE NE Light infantry, Move & Shoot 20
Daylami: Closed ranks, Medium Infantry, Move &
spear, shield, javelin, sword
4 4 1 4 3 NE NE Shoot, Pole weapon 39
Close-up shot (2), Elephant, Frenzied
Indian Elephants:
javelin, large sword, howdah, escort
3 6 3 3 2 NE NE charge, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 59
Shoot, Pole weapon

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

 The Sassanid Command can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Sassanid Command can be promoted to Legendary Command for +12 points.
 Up to two units of Savaran Cataphracts and Savaran can buy the Seasoned fighters and Trained characteristics (Immortals) for +7 points per base.
 Up to two units of Savaran Cataphracts and Savaran can buy the Trained Characteristics (Pusthigban) for +5 points per base.
 Up to four units of Savaran Cataphracts can reduce their AV to 2 and become Medium Cavalry for -14 points per base.
 Up to four units of Savaran Cataphracts can add a bow (S: 2, M: 1, L: 1) for +4 points per base.
 Up to three units of Savaran Cataphracts can improve their AV to 4 for +20 points per base.
 Up to three units of Savaran can improve their AV to 3 and become Heavy Cavalry for +14 points per base.
 One unit of Mounted Sassanids can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic (Zhayedan) for +4 points.
 Up to three units of Mounted Sassanids can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 Up to three Arab units (of any type) can improve their TV to 4 for +6 points per base.
 Each unit of Allied Arab Camel troops can replace their javelin with a bow (S: 2, M: 1, L: 1) for +3 points per base.
 Each unit of Javelinmen can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Paighan Spearmen can create a Compact Group (2) with a unit of Archers. The Resistance Value is 5+3. The change costs -3
points per base. The Spearmen are the front unit.
 One unit of Daylami can buy the Trained characteristic (Daylamite Guard) for +5 points per base.
 Up to three units of Daylami (not Compact Group) can become Light infantry and add the Evasion (Infantry) and Infiltrator characteristics for +6
points per base.
 Up to three units of Daylami can improve their AV to 2 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Daylami can create a Compact Group (2) with a unit of Archers. They lose the Move & Shoot characteristic and Shooting Value
becomes (S: N/A, M: N/A, L: N/A). The Resistance Value is 5+3. The change costs -6 points per base.
 Each unit of Mercenary Infantry can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Elephants can buy the Mahout characteristic for +2 points per base.
 The Sassanid Command, the Savaran Cataphracts, the Savaran, the Mounted Sassanids and the Daylami can buy the Veteran characteristic
for +4 points per base.
 The Sassanid Command, the Savaran Cataphracts, the Savaran, the Mounted Sassanids and the Daylami can buy the Determined
characteristic for +4 points per base.

Sassanid War Elephants fighting the Armenians at the

Battle of Avarayr (450 A.D.) - Medieval miniature

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Picts 300 A.D. - 500 A.D.

1 Pict Command on foot or on Light War Chariot, 4-16 Pict Warriors, 1-6 Picts Fanatics, 2-10 Light Cavalry, 0-5 Light War Chariots,
1-6 Javelinmen, 2-10 Archers or Skirmisher Archers
Army Characteristics:
 After preparing the battlefield, the Pict player can add an extra wood. Some limits may still apply (i.e. in the “Ambush” Scenario where you can’t
place any scenery in the central areas).
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Pictish Command on foot: Command, Frenzied charge, Light infantry,
sword, armour, shield, javelin
4 5 1 6 3 NE NE Move & Shoot 49
Command, Frenzied charge, Light War
Pictish Command on Light War Chariot:
armour, javelin, sword
4 4 2 3 2 NE NE Chariot, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 49
Shoot, Pole weapon
Pictish Warriors: Frenzied charge, Light infantry, Move &
sword, shield, javelin
3 4 1 6 3 NE NE Shoot, Pole weapon
Pictish Fanatics: Fanatics, Frenzied charge, Light infantry,
sword, javelin
3 4 - 4 2 NE NE Move & Shoot, Pole weapon
Evasion (Mounted), Impetuous Charge,
Light Cavalry:
3 2 - 2 2 NE NE Light Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted Missile 26
Troops, Move & Shoot
Frenzied charge, Light War Chariot,
Light War Chariot:
armour, javelin, sword
3 3 2 2 2 NE NE Mounted Missile Troops, Move & Shoot, Pole 35
Javelinmen: Evasion (Infantry), Move & Shoot,
javelin, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 NE NE Skirmishers
bow, melee weapon
3 2 - 3 3 2 1 Indirect Fire, Missile troops 24
Skirmisher Archers:
bow, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 2 1 1 Evasion (Infantry), Skirmishers 20
 The Pictish Command can be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Pictish Command can be demoted to Inexpert Command for -2 points.
 The Pictish Command, Pictish Warriors and Pictish Fanatics can add throwing axes and the Close-up shot (2) characteristic for +2 points per base.
 The Pictish Warriors can create Horders. The Resistance Value is 6+6 and they become Compact Group (2). The change costs -5 points per base.
 The Pictish Fanatics can create Horders. The Resistance Value is 4+4 and they become Compact Group (2). The change costs -5 points per base.
 Up to two units of Javelinmen can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 Up to two units of Light Cavalry can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 Up to two units of Pictish Warriors can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +3 points per base.
 Up to two units of Light Cavalry can improve their Resistance Value to 3 for +2 points per base.
 Each unit of Light Cavalry can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Light Cavalry can replace Impetuous Charge with Frenzied Charge for +1 points per base.
 Up to two units of Light Cavalry can improve their TV to 4 and buy the Veteran characteristic for +8 points per base.
 Each unit of Archers or Skirmisher Archers can buy the Move & Shoot characteristic for +2 points per base.
 Up to two units of Archers or Skirmisher Archers can buy the Expert missile troops characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

Huns 370 A.D. - 476 A.D.

1 Mounted Hun Command, 1-6 Nobles, 4-12 Hun Archers, 0-2 Sciri or Eruli Cavalry, 0-3 Alan Cavalry, 0-6 Allied Frankish, Thuringian,
Ostrogothic, 0-6 Gepid or Ostrogoth Nobles, 1-8 Gepid, Ostrogothic or Asian Light Cavalry, 0-12 Germanic Warriors, 0-6 Gepid or
Ostrogothic Archers
Army Characteristics:
 The Army can buy the Bad Reputation characteristic for +10 points.
 Hun composite bows have the Lethal characteristic at Short range.
Missile Fire
Unit TV MV AV RV Characteristics Cost
Command, Evasion (Mounted), Medium
Mounted Hun Command:
sword, composite bow, armour
4 4 2 4 3 2 1 Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, 67
Move & Shoot
Evasion (Mounted),Medium Cavalry,
Hun Nobles:
sword, composite bow, armour
4 3 2 3 3 2 1 Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops, Move & 59
Evasion (Mounted), , Expert missile troops,
Hun Archers:
composite bow, melee weapon
3 2 - 2 3 2 1 Light Cavalry, Mounted, Mounted Missile 45
Troops, Move & Shoot
Sciri or Eruli Cavalry: Impetuous Charge, Medium Cavalry,
bow, sword
3 2 1 2 3 2 1 Mounted, Mounted Missile Troops
Alan Cavalry: Impetuous Charge, Medium Cavalry,
spear, sword
3 3 2 3 N/A N/A N/A Mounted, Pole weapon
Allied Frankish, Thuringian, Ostrogothic: Cuneo, Impetuous Charge, Light infantry,
sword, shield
3 5 1 5 N/A N/A N/A Pole weapon
Gepid or Ostrogoth Nobles: Cuneo, Frenzied charge, Mounted, Medium
javelin, shield, sword
4 3 1 4 2 NE NE Cavalry, Move & Shoot, Pole weapon
Gepid, Ostrogothic or Asian Light
Evasion (Mounted), Light Cavalry,
Cavalry: 3 2 - 2 2 NE NE Mounted, Move & Shoot 24
javelin, shield
Germanic Warriors: Frenzied charge, Light infantry, Move &
sword, shield, javelin, framea
3 4 1 6 3 NE NE Shoot, Pole weapon 38
Gepid or Ostrogothic Archers:
bow, melee weapon
3 1 - 2 3 2 1 Evasion (Infantry), Skirmishers 22
 The Hun Command be promoted to Expert Command for +4 points.
 The Hun Command can be promoted to Legendary Command for +12 points.
 The Hun Command and Hun Nobles can reduce their AV to 1 for -5 points per base.
 The Hun Command and Hun Nobles can buy spear and the Pole weapon and Impetuous Charge characteristics for +2 points per base.
 The Hun Command and up to three units of Hun Nobles can add the Long spear (kontos) and Cuneo characteristics for +4 points per base.
 Each unit of Hun Archers can improve their AV to 1 for +5 points per base.
 Each unit of Hun Archers can add spears and le Pole weapon and Impetuous Charge characteristics for +2 points per base.
 Each unit of Gepid or Ostrogoth Nobles can drop their javelin (S: N/A, M: N/A, L: N/A) for -2 points per base.
 Each unit of Gepid or Ostrogoth Nobles can add Centeni (aggregated on foot) and buy the Close-up shot (2) characteristic for+2 points per base.
 The Germanic Warriors can create Hordes. The Resistance Value is 6+6 and they become Compact Group (2). The change costs -5 points per base.
 Each unit of Allied Franks can add the Close-up shot (2) characteristic for +2 points per base.
 The Hun Command, Hun Nobles and Gepid or Ostrogoth Nobles can improve their AV to 2 for +5 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Determined characteristic for +4 points per base.
 All units in the Army can buy the Veteran characteristic for +4 points per base.

Alexandre Romani (Order #19767927)

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