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Research and Practice
Cite this: Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2012, 13, 307–313
Jigsaw cooperative learning: Acid–base theories
a b
Leman Tarhan* and Burcin Acar Sesen
Received 5th July 2011, Accepted 17th March 2012
DOI: 10.1039/c2rp90004a

This study focused on investigating the effectiveness of jigsaw cooperative learning instruction on first-
year undergraduates’ understanding of acid–base theories.Undergraduates’ opinions about jigsaw
Published on 16 April 2012. Downloaded on 7/9/2018 3:05:13 PM.

cooperative learning instruction were also investigated. The participants of this study were 38 first-year
undergraduates in chemistry education department in an education faculty in Izmir, Turkey. A
prerequisite knowledge test was applied to both experimental (N = 18) and control groups (N = 20)
before the treatment in order to identify undergraduates’ prerequisite knowledge about ‘acids and bases’.
Independent t-test was conducted to compare the prerequisite knowledge test scores for groups and no
significant difference was found in terms of mean scores (t = 0.42,
p 4 0.05). The subject of ‘‘Acid–Base Theories’’ (Arrhenius, Brønsted–Lowry and Lewis Theories) was
taught using jigsaw cooperative learning in the experimental group and with regular teacher-centered
approach in the control group. After the instruction, the acid–base theories concept test
was administrated to investigate undergraduates’ conceptual understanding. Independent t-test results
showed significant difference in terms of mean scores (t = 4.65, p o 0.05).The results also indicated that
undergraduates in the experimental group had fewer misconceptions and understood the concepts more
meaningfully than undergraduates in the control group. In addition, individual interviews reflected that
undergraduates had positive opinion about jigsaw, and they believed jigsaw is an e ffective cooperative
learning technique that promotes positive attitudes and interest, develop inter personal skills as well as
their learning achievements.

Introduction in which students in the small groups work together to complete

an assigned task (Cooper and Mueck, 1990).
It is well known that students can develop their own ideas about Researchers have indicated benefits of cooperative learning as
scientific phenomenon based on many factors such as real-world higher academic achievement, greater persistence through
experiences, media, books and interaction with people (Driver and graduation, higher level reasoning and critical thinking skills,
Erickson, 1983). According to constructivism, learning occurs in the deeper understanding of learned material, better attention and
mind of learner, and during this process students integrate their prior less disruptive behavior in class, lower amounts of anxiety and
knowledge with new knowledge (Bodner, 1986). If their existing stress, more motivation to learn and achieve, positive attitudes to
conceptions are different from the scientific view, misconceptions subject matter, higher self esteem (Cooper and Mueck, 1990;
are formed (Osborne and Freyberg, 1985; Nakhleh, 1992). From this Johnson et al., 1991; McKeachie, 1986). This shows that students
view, students’ misconceptions can interfere with students’ learning achieve more, improve their social skills, and increase their
of correct scientific principles or concepts (Driver and Erickson, capacity to work productively together while working in
1983; Taber, 2000). Researchers have asserted that students in the cooperative learning environment.
teacher-centered classes could not achieve the adequate conceptual There are many cooperative learning techniques and most widely
understanding (Acar Sesen and Tarhan, 2011; Hsu, 2008; Kaya, used of them are Student Teams-Achievement Division (STAD;
2007). Therefore, they claimed that students should be engaged Slavin, 1980), Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT; Slavin, 1980),
active learning environments (Acar and Tarhan, 2007, 2008; Learning Together (Johnson and Johnson, 1994); and Group
Doymus, 2008a, b; Hand and Treagust, 1991; Sisovic and Bojovic, Investigation (Sharan and Hertz-Lazarowitz, 1980), Jigsaw (Aronson
2000). Cooperative learning is one of these active learning et al., 1978.; Slavin, 1980). The cooperative learning technique
approaches selected for this study is jigsaw, which enhances cooperative learning
by making each student responsible for teaching some of the learning
a Science Faculty, Chemistry Department, Dokuz Eylul University, issues to the group. In this structure, students are members of two
35160 Buca, Izmir, Turkey. E-mail:
bHasan Ali Yucel Education Faculty, Department of Science different groups, the ‘home group’ and the ‘jigsaw group’ (Fig. 1).
Education, Istanbul University, 34452 Eminonu, Istanbul, Turkey. E- Initially, students meet in their home groups and each member of the
mail: group is

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examples of acids and bases according to the Arrhenius,

Brønsted–Lowry and Lewis theories is more than the percentage
of students who gave the scientific definitions, and they
suggested cooperative learning in place of normal lecture classes
to overcome this ineffectively construction of knowledge.
Hawkes (1992) observed that the Arrhenius acid–base theory
confused students, and when asked to use the Brønsted theory,
which applies to a variety of bases, students’ thinking was still
domi-nated by the Arrhenius theory, in which only OH ion-
producing substances are considered as bases. For this reason
Hawkes (1992) suggested that the Brønsted theory should be
introduced first, and that the Arrhenius theory should only be
used as a historical footnote. In the other hand, Demerouti et al.,
Fig. 1 The jigsaw cooperative learning process.
(2004) reported that students from upper secondary school were
more familiar with the Arrhenius theory, and they did not use the
Brønsted theory to explain the properties of acids and bases.
Published on 16 April 2012. Downloaded on 7/9/2018 3:05:13 PM.

assigned a portion of the learning issues to learn as an ‘expert’

(Slavin, 1980). The home groups then break apart, like pieces of As a conclusion, the results of those studies underlined that
a jigsaw puzzle, and students move into jigsaw groups, which students have some difficulties and misconceptions about acid
consist of members from the other home groups who have been and base theories.
assigned the same portion of the learning issues. While in the
jigsaw groups, the students discuss their particular material to
Purpose of the research
ensure that they understand it. Students then return to their home
groups, where they teach their material to the rest of their group The purpose of this study was to investigate the e ffectiveness of
(Colosi and Zales, 1998). jigsaw cooperative learning instruction on first-year under-
Researchers underlined that jigsaw is an e ffective cooperative graduates’ understanding of ‘acid and base theories’. Under-
learning technique that promotes positive attitudes and interests graduates’ opinions about jigsaw cooperative learning were also
in the learning issues, development of communication skills investigated in the context of this study. For this reason, the
between students and also higher learning achievement in science following research questions were investigated;
(Lazarowitz et al., 1985; Colosi and Zales, 1998; Doymus, What is the first-year undergraduates’ prerequisite knowledge
2008a; Eilks, 2005; Young et al., 1997). In the field of chemistry about acid and base theories at the beginning of the instruction?
education, relatively little research has been done on the use of Does jigsaw cooperative learning contribute to better
jigsaw techniques. In the one of the study, Eilks (2005) discussed conceptual understanding of acid and base theories in first-year
using a modified jigsaw-classroom method to teach atomic under-graduates’ than teacher-centered approach?
structure in the 9th and 10th grades, and found that the jigsaw What are the opinions of experimental group undergraduates
techniques have potential to improve students’ attitude towards about the treatment based on jigsaw cooperative learning?
science. Doymus (2008a) investigated the effect of jigsaw
cooperative learning versus individual learning methods on
students’ understanding of chemical equilibrium in a first-year Methodology
general chemistry course and found that students in the jigsaw Participants
class were more successful than those in the individual learning
class. In another study, Doymus (2008b) examined the The participants of this study consisted of 38 first-year under-
effectiveness of jigsaw technique to teach ionic bonding, graduates (18–19 years of age) enrolled in a General Chemistry
covalent bonding, hydrogen bonding and van der Waals forces, Course at chemistry teaching department in a faculty of education
and found the same results as his previous study. cited in Izmir, which is located in the west of Turkey. The under-
The subject of acids and bases are also an important and graduates were from different cities in Turkey. The socio-economic
fundamental concept in chemistry learning as early as primary status of the them was similar and the majority of them were from
school, right through the university level. Researchers have middle to upper class families. The undergraduates enroled in faculty
shown that students have many misconceptions related to acid of education to be a chemistry teacher based on the scores taken in
and base theories (Banerjee, 1991; Bradley and Mosimege, 1998; university entrance examination.
Cross et al., 1986; Rayner-Canham, 1994; Schmidt, 1995). The place of acid and base theories in the turkish curriculum
Bradley and Mosimege (1998) asserted that university students
have problems with Arrhenius theory. They found that 38% of The concepts of acids and bases are taught initially in the eighth
them were able to identify the important objection against the grade (age 13–14) Science and Technology Lesson according to
theory. Cross et al., (1986) also indicated that 47% of the first- Turkish Educational System. Students learn the subject of acid
year university students gave the Brønsted–Lowry definition and and base theories in high school chemistry lesson. In this grade,
only 14% gave the Arrhenius definitions of acids. Vidyapati and the Arrhenius Theory is presented first, then Brønsted–Lowry
Seetharamappa (1995) investigated higher secondary school Theory and finally, though not in as much detail, the Lewis
students’ concepts of acids and bases. In this study, it was found Theory are explained. In the university level, the three theories
that the percentage of students citing the right are thought in a detailed in general chemistry lesson.

308 Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2012, 13, 307–313 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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Instruments What is your opinion about the effects of jigsaw cooperative

learning application on you and your friends’ chemistry
The prerequisite knowledge test. According to constructivism, achievements?
learning as an active process where learners are involved by
If you compare the jigsaw cooperative learning technique to
constructing new knowledge based on their prior knowledge and
the teacher centered approach, how can you explain the
experiences (Driver and Bell, 1986; Driscoll, 2005). Therefore,
differences about the learning process and the roles of
students’ prior knowledge should be determined before they learn
instructor’s and students?
new knowledge.
Acids and bases are related to many other chemistry concepts such Procedure
as atom, molecule, solubility, solution, the periodic table,
electronegativity, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, thermo- 38 undergraduates were randomly assigned to experimental (N =
dynamics, and chemical equilibrium. Researchers have underlined 18) and control groups (N = 20). Before the instruction, the
that the causes of student difficulties in acid–base chemistry have prerequisite knowledge test was applied to both groups to
been ascribed to the existence of many misconceptions related to identify undergraduates’ pre-knowledge related to the ‘acid and
these aforementioned concepts (Demirciog˘lu, 2003; Nakhleh and base theories’. The results revealed that there was no significant
Krajcik, 1993; Nakhleh, 1994; Smith and Metz, 1996; Schmidt, difference between mean scores of groups (Table 1). The
Published on 16 April 2012. Downloaded on 7/9/2018 3:05:13 PM.

1997; Sheppard, 1997). For this reason, in this study, the prerequisite experimental group was taught using jigsaw cooperative learning
knowledge test consisting of 16 multiple-choice items was developed
and control group was taught using traditional course content
by the researchers to identify under-graduates’ understanding the
based on teacher-centred instruction during the same instructional
period. These two groups were instructed by the same competent
concepts that effects learning of acids and bases. The items of the test
chemistry instructor.
were constructed by considering students’ misconceptions
determined in the literature (Ebenezer and Gaskell, 1995; Gri ffiths Instruction in the experimental group
and Preston, 1992; Peterson et al., 1989; Sanger, 2000). Each item
had one correct answer and four incorrect answers (distracters). The Before the instruction, undergraduates in the experimental group
distracters are derived from actual student misconceptions gathered were informed about cooperative learning and jigsaw technique.
from the literature. For the content validity and error reduction, the Their and instructors’ responsibilities, utilization of resources
items were evaluated by seven chemistry educators. The prerequisite were also explained.
knowledge test was piloted with the sample of 152 under-graduates In an cooperative learning environment, group formation is
for the reliability. After the item analysis the reliability coe fficient very important for success. In this study, stratified random
(KR-20) of the test was found to be 0.77. sampling was used as a method of group formation. This method
of group formation involves creating small subgroups (strata) of
undergraduates stratified along a specific dimension and then
The acid–base theories concept test. A acid–base theories concept randomly choosing group members from each of these strata. By
test by 10 multiple choice items with an open-ended part, where design, stratified random sampling yields groups that are
students are required to explain the reasons for their answers, was balanced across the dimension used to form the strata (Fraenkel
developed to identify undergraduates’ understanding of ‘acid and and Wallen, 2005). In this study, the undergraduates in the
base theories’. Prior to the development of the tests items, the content experimental group, were stratified random to six home groups
boundaries were defined and instructional objectives were identified. considering their chemistry achievements. As presented in Fig. 2,
The test items were constructed by considering students’ learning there were three under-graduates in each home group. Each
difficulties and misconceptions determined in the literature (Bradley member of the groups was assigned a portion of acid–base
and theories and then they moved into three jigsaw groups including

Mosimege, 1998; Demirciog˘lu, 2003; Ozmen, 2003; Ross and six members to be expert. Jigsaw group-1 studied Arrhenius
Munby, 1991; Schmidt, 1991; Toplis, 1998; Vidyapati and Acid–Base Theory, jigsaw group-2 investigated Brønsted–Lowry
Seetharamappa, 1995). Each item had one correct answer and Acid–Base Theory, and jigsaw group-3 searched Lewis Acid–
four distracters. The distracters are derived from actual student Base Theory. During this process, they were encouraged to
misconceptions gathered from the literature. The contents of the develop their hypothesis and to make task distributions in the
test were validated by seven chemistry educators for the fifteen minute period under the guidance of the instructor. Then,
appropriateness of the items to the instructional objectives. The they were directed to study their own subtopics outside the class.
test was piloted with the sample of 153 undergraduates for the Undergraduates benefited from library, textbooks and internet,
reliability. The reliability coefficient (KR-20) of the test was and they worked under the supervision of the instructor to
found to be 0.86. achieve the learning objectives. Undergraduates then returned
Each answer was evaluated by researchers and two expert their home groups and taught their own expertise subtopics to the
chemistry instructors. The scores were compared and discussed rest of their group.
until an agreement was reached.
Jigsaw group studies
Semi-structured interviews. 15-minute period semi-structured Jigsaw group-1. First jigsaw group was responsible to study
individual interviews were carried out with all the experimental Arrhenius Acid and Base Theory. After their research about the
group students to determine their opinions about the treatment subtopic outside the class, they discussed their findings and made
based on jigsaw cooperative learning. The interviews were a presentation in their group under the guidance of the instructor.
conducted around the following questions; In this way, undergraduates would able to explain;

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Lewis bases are any substance that can donate a pair of

nonbonding electrons,
Lewis acids are those which can form a new covalent bond
by accepting a pair of electrons and Lewis Bases are those that
can form a new covalent bond by donating a pair of electrons,

formation of complex ions according to Lewis theory,

identification organic molecules that act as a Lewis acid or
Lewis base,
the limits of Lewis theory.
After the presentations of each jigsaw group, a 15 min break
was taken. In the third lesson, undergraduates were moved to
their home groups to complete their task related to the ‘Acid–
Fig. 2 Studies in home and jigsaw groups. Bases Theories’.

Home group studies. Each undergraduate in the home groups

Published on 16 April 2012. Downloaded on 7/9/2018 3:05:13 PM.

Arrhenius investigation on galvanic conductivity of

electrolytes, taught their own expertise subtopics to the other undergraduates
under the guidance of the instructor. After all the undergraduates
salts dissociate when they dissolve in water to give charged
learned the subtopics, they began to investigate the di fferences,
particles which Arrhenius called ions,
limits of the theories, and they classified some acid and base
why acids have similar characteristics, since they all give H + samples as HCl, H2S, H2CO3, HSO4 , HMnO4, HNO3, HC2H3O2,
ions when they dissolve in water,
why bases have similar characteristics, since they all give NaOH, NH3, NH4Cl, Na2CO3, CaO, BF3, SO3, CH2ClCOOH,
OH ions when they dissolve in water, CH3NH2 according to the acid–base theories. After this 45-
ionization equation of Arrhenius acid and bases in the water, minutes period group study, class discussion was conducted
related to Acids and Base Theories. During this learning process
identification of Arrhenius acid and bases, it was aimed undergraduates learn;
the limits of Arrhenius theory.
Arrhenius theory can only classify substances when they are
Jigsaw group-2. The second jigsaw group studied Brønsted– dissolved in water since the definitions are based upon the
dissociation of compounds in water,
Lowry Acid and Base Theory. In the second lesson, the group
members discussed their studies in their group under the Arrhenius theory does not explain why some compounds
guidance of the instructor. After this study that all the under- containing hydrogen such as HCl dissolve in water to give acidic
graduates would able to explain; solutions and why others such as CH4 do not,
Brønsted and Lowry separately proposed a new set of Arrhenius theory can only classify substances as bases if
definitions for acids and bases, they contain the OH ion and cannot explain why some
acids are any substance that can donate H + ion to a base, compounds that don’t contain the OH such as Na 2CO3 have base-
like characteristics,
bases are any substance that can accept H+ ion from
an acid, Brønsted theory explains acids and bases can be ions or
the role of water in acid–base reactions, neutral molecules,
the reason of formation hydronium ion in the water, Brønsted theory explains bases can be any molecule with at
least one pair of nonbonding electrons,
dissociation of Brønsted and Lowry acid and bases in the
water, Brønsted theory explains the role of water in acid–base
part of the acid remaining when an acid donates a H + ion is reactions; H2O accepts H+ ions from acids to form H3O+ ions,
called the conjugate base and the acid formed when a base Brønsted theory can be applied to solutions with solvents
accepts a H+ ion is called the conjugate acid, other than water and even in reactions that occur in the gas or
solid phases,
acids and bases can be ions or neutral molecules accord-ing
to Brønsted and Lowry theory, Brønsted theory relates acids and bases to each other with
conjugate acid–base pairs and can explain their relative strengths,
acid and bases can be applied to solutions with solvents
other than water and even in reactions that occur in the gas or Brønsted theory explains the relative strengths of pairs of
solid phases, acids or pairs of bases,
the limitations of Brønsted–Lowry theory. Only Lewis theory explains formation of complex ions,
Only Lewis theory explains organic molecules acid or base
Jigsaw group-3. The third jigsaw group was studied on Lewis
Acid and Base Theory. After their study outside the class, they Instruction in the control group
presented their studies in their group under the guidance of the
instructor. In this way, undergraduates would able to explain; Undergraduates in the control group were instructed via teacher-
centered approach. This instruction included lecture, discussion
Lewis acids are any substance that can accept a pair of and problem solving. Throughout the lesson in the control group,
nonbonding electrons, the same instructor presented the same content

310 Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2012, 13, 307–313 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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as the experimental group to achieve the same learning Table 3 Independent sample t-test results of the acid–base theories
objectives that detailed instruction in the experimental group concept test
section. During this process instructor used blackboard and Group N Mean SD t p
asked some questions related to the subject. Undergraduates
also used regular textbook. While the instructor explained Experimental 18 24 4.1 4.6 0.002
Control 20 16 6.7
the subject, the undergraduates listened to her and took notes.
They solved the problems related to Acid–Base Theories. In
addition, the some problems were assigned as homework in cooperative learning significantly had higher scores than those
order to ensure time equation in the experimental group. taught by teacher-centred approach in terms of acid–base theories
concept test mean scores (t = 4.6, p o 0.05, Table 3).
Results and discussion Undergraduates’ responses to each item in the acid–base
theories concept test reflected that undergraduates in the
As indicated before, researchers have asserted the reason of experimental group had significantly fewer misconception
students’ misconceptions in acids and bases are related their prior and understood ‘Acids and Bases Theories’ more meaningfully
knowledge and learning difficulties about some chemistry subjects than undergraduates in the control group (Table 4). While two
such as particulate nature of matter, solubility, chemical reactions, of the misconceptions in Table 4 were first identified in this
Published on 16 April 2012. Downloaded on 7/9/2018 3:05:13 PM.

stoichiometry, ionic dissociation of substances, chemical bonding study, six of them had been previously documented in the
and chemical equilibrium (Furio-Ma´s et al., 2007; Nakhleh and literature.
Krajcik, 1993; Nakhleh, 1994; Ross and Munby, 1991; Sheppard, Results reflected that undergraduates in the control group
2006; Smith and Metz, 1996). For this reason, undergraduates’ commonly had difficulties about Lewis Theory, and they
prior knowledge and possible misconceptions were identified via a confused Arrhenius and Brønsted–Lowry Theories. For
prerequisite knowledge test. The independent sample t-test was example, one of the item, it is asked to undergraduates to
used to compare the mean scores. As shown in Table 1, the mean identify the acids and bases in the reaction of HS + CH 3Cl -
scores of the experimental and control groups were 21 and 22 CH3SH + Cl according to ‘Acid–Base Theories’. It was
respectively, and there were no significant differences in terms of required undergraduates to answer this item as HS is Lewis
prerequisite knowledge test (t = 0.4, p 4 0.05). base, because it is an electron pair donor. While undergraduates
Undergraduates’ responses to the prerequisite knowledge in the experimental group correctly answered this item, 85% of
test indicated that they had misconceptions related to identification the undergraduates in the control group gave the wrong answer.
chemical bonds and inter molecular forces, confusion ionic 45% of them identified HS as Lewis acid because of having
and covalent bonds, confusion London and dipol-dipol forces, hydrogen. 40% of them thought that HS is Brønsted–Lowry
solubility, and chemical equilibrium (Table 2). Because these acids, because of giving proton.
concepts were important for learning ‘Acid and Base Theories’, In the other item, undergraduates were required to explain
undergraduates in both group were taught these concept before some sample reactions according to Lewis Theory. 45% of the
and during the instruction. undergraduates in the control group classified the reaction
Instruction of Arrhenius, Brønsted–Lowry, and Lewis between NH3 and BF3 molecules as Lewis Theory, because
Acid–Base Theories was conducted with jigsaw cooperative they believed that new complex products as BF3NH3 should
learning in the experimental group and with teacher-centered be formed according to Lewis theory. Those undergraduates
approach in the control group. Immediately after the instructions also could not explain the reaction between CN and H2O
the acid–base theories concept test was administrated to determine molecules deped on Lewis Theory. In the other hand, 40% of
undergraduates’ understanding. The independent sample t-test undergraduates in the control group could not explain this
results showed that the undergraduates who trained with jigsaw reaction according to Lewis theory and they indicated that
there is no electron transfer between NH3 and BF3 molecules.
Table 1 Independent sample t-test results of the prerequisite knowledge Those misconceptions underlined that over 35% of the
test undergraduates in the control group did not understand
Group N Mean SD t p electron transfer between acids and bases depend on Lewis
theory, could not explain the basic characteristics of some
Experimental 18 21 7.4 0.4 0.68 samples do not include OH ions, confused H+ ion and
Control 20 22 5.4 proton. This situation indicate that undergraduates commonly
Table 2 The percentage of undergraduates misconceptions determined in the prerequisite knowledge test

Undergraduates’ misconceptions Exp. Grp (%) Cont. Grp (%)

HCl is an ionic compound. 67 70

H2 includes hydrogen bonds. 44 30
London forces are stronger than dipole–dipole forces. 56 40
Because HF molecule can ionize in the water, it has high solubility. 67 75
If equilibrium constant bigger than 1, the reaction occurs more rapidly. 33 40
All the acids and bases are strong electrolyte. 50 60
Hydrogen is a metal in I-A group of the periodic table. 55 55
Only solutions of ionic compounds conduct electricity. 39 40

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Table 4 The percentage of undergraduates’ misconceptions about ‘‘Acid and Base Theories’’

Undergraduates’ misconceptions Exp. Grp(%) Cont. Grp(%)

Because HS has hydrogen, it is Lewis acid. 0 45
Because HS give its proton, it is Brønsted–Lowry acids. 6 40
CN ion takes proton from the base and thereby it is Arrhenius base. 0 35
There is no electron transfer between NH3 and BF3 molecules. 6 40
Acids are the substances that only give H ions and bases are the substances that only gave OH ions. 11 45
Bases are the substances that give proton and acids are the substances that gain proton. 11 50
+ a
Arrhenius theory explains transferring of H and Brønsted–Lowry theory explains transferring proton. 6 55
a 0 45
According to Lewis Theory, ions should be combined to make new products.
Firstly identified misconceptions in this study.
Table 5 The percentage of experimental group undergraduates’ opinions about jigsaw cooperative learning

Experimental Group Undergraduates’ Opinions about Jigsaw (%)

2012. Downloaded on 7/9/2018 3:05:13 PM.

Using jigsaw cooperative learning in all the chemistry lessons may increase my chemistry achievement. 67
Because we shared our ideas and knowledge, I learned better. 50
I learned chemistry is not memorization. 61
I wish jigsaw cooperative learning is used in all the lessons. 44
I learned the research techniques in the library and internet. 72
I began to like chemistry after jigsaw cooperative learning instruction. 56
Working with friends increased my interest to chemistry. 44
Instructor’s monitoring helped us to plan our research. 78
I would rather educated by instructor than studying in the group. 22
The feedback given by the instructor helped us to reduce errors in our study. 83
I feel my confidence level in investigating has improved after the group study. 61
I enjoyed while working in my group. 78
I liked to study with my friends in the groups. 44
Working in groups developed the relations between friends. 50
Published on 16 April

prefer to define acid and base according to Brønsted–Lowry undergratuates are not accustomed to this type pf learning.
Theory, and had difficulties in explaining Lewis acid–base Threfore, application of jigsaw or the other cooperative learning
theories and confused acid and base theories with each other as techniques should be used most widely in chemistry and science
mentioned by the other researches (Bradley and Mosimege, classes. Additionally, undergarduates generally have positive
1998; Demerouti et al., 2004; Zoller, 1990). This can be caused attitudes and interest towards jigsaw techniqe. These findings are
because the regular chemistry curriculum generally highlights in agreement with previous research findings which revealed that
Arrhenius and Brønsted–Lowry Theory, and the differences the jigsaw method increased students’ attitudes and interest (Dori
between these theories do not give apprehensible as indicated in 1995; Doymus et al., 2004).
the previous studies by Carr (1984), Schmidt (1995), Vidyapati
and Seetharamappa (1995).
In the light of the results of this study, it can be said that jigsaw
cooperative learning instruction is successful in improving The present study was conducted to investigate the e ffectiveness
students’ conceptual understandings and preventing misconcep- of jigsaw cooperative learning instruction over teacher-centered
tions. The findings are consistent with earlier studies as those of approach on first-year undergraduates’ understanding of ‘Acid
Doymus (2008a, 2008b), Eilks (2005) which revealed that the and Base Theories’. The results reflected that jigsaw is an
jigsaw method leads to higher achievement. effective cooperative learning technique that promotes positive
In order to identify undergraduates’ opinions about jigsaw attitudes and interest, develop inter personal skills, and increase
cooperative learning application, 15-minute period semi-structured conceptual understanding. Additionally, there are limited studies
individual interviews were conducted with all the undergraduates in on students’ understanding of chemistry concepts via jigsaw
the experimental group after the instruction. As shown in Table 5, cooperative learning. Therefore, it is believed that this study will
undergraduates indicated that this instruction positively e ffected their contribute to the chemistry education literature. In the light of the
attitudes towards chemistry, learning achievements, responsibilities, results, it is suggested that jigsaw cooperative learning should be
and social skills. 67% of the undergraduates indicated that jigsaw used widely in chemistry instruction.
cooperative learning increased their chemistry achievements, and
61% of them began to think that chemistry is not memorization. In
the other hand only 44% of them required using jigsaw cooperative References
learning in all the lessons. This result underlined that although Acar Sesen B. and Tarhan L., (2011), Active-learning versus teacher-
undergraduates recognize the power of jigsaw cooperative learning, centered instruction for learning acids and bases, Research in Science
more than half of them do not want to be taught via jigsaw. They also & Technological Education, 29, 205–226.
Acar B. and Tarhan L., (2007), Effect of cooperative learning strategies on
do not want to study in group. This results underlined that students’ understanding of concepts in electrochemistry, International
Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 5, 349–373.

312 Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2012, 13, 307–313 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
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