Introduction To Swedish:English-Swedish Vocabulary - Wikiversity PDF

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Introduction to Swedish/English–

Swedish vocabulary
Introduction to Swedish

Introduction · Common phrases · Alphabet · Nouns & pronouns · Verb tenses · Adjectives · Numbers
and plurals · Spelling · Definite forms · Time and dates · Possessive forms · Agreement of forms ·
Traveling · Swedish-English vocabulary · English-Swedish vocabulary

English Swedish First occurrence

to be called something (att) heta något Common phrases in Swedish
bad dålig* Common phrases in Swedish
a day en dag Common phrases in Swedish
to do (att) göra Common phrases in Swedish
English engelska Common phrases in Swedish
from från, ifrån Common phrases in Swedish
good/fine bra Common phrases in Swedish
good bye hej då, adjö (formal) Common phrases in Swedish
good day god dag Common phrases in Swedish
good evening god kväll Common phrases in Swedish
good morning god morgon Common phrases in Swedish
good night god natt Common phrases in Swedish
to have (att) ha Common phrases in Swedish
hello, hi hej Common phrases in Swedish
hi hi Common phrases in Swedish
hello (polite form) god dag Common phrases in Swedish
pardon me förlåt Common phrases in Swedish
sorry förlåt Common phrases in Swedish
to live (att) bo Common phrases in Swedish
old gammal Common phrases in Swedish
to understand (att) förstå Common phrases in Swedish
you (singular) du Common phrases in Swedish
hi hejsan Common phrases in Swedish

Language classification: this is a

Swedish language resource.

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