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MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT & HIGHWAYS. SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE WORKS (Fifth Revision) Published By the Indian Roads Congress, on Behalf of the Govt. of India, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways Copies can be had from Indian Roads Congress, Jamnagar House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi & Sector 6, RK. Puram, Kama Kot Marg, New Delhi Fist Pabohed opened Reprinted Repriria Ropintes opted ‘Second Revision Repinied Reprni Fepinios Reprints Fpenies Thi Revision Repentes Reprinted FReprmes Reprinted opined Four Revsion Reprrzes pried Reprinios eprinad Reprints Repenied Reprints Repiniod epinise FRepincsa Reprinted Reprints Repinted Ropers epintod Reprints Reprint Repintes Reprise epentee opines ernie Repinins Fit Revson apa, 1973 November, 675 ay 1878 Soplamber, 1981 (tiater,1983 ‘or 1086 February, 1068 ‘August, 608 on, 1800, i shne, 1992 Fobrsry 1068 sy 1083 oe, 1905 Jsruaty, 197 (ncerparaae Crgendu Not & 2 end Col 128159. 602) ean, 198 Sra 009 May 1098 February, 2000 September, 2000 (Sacton700Geosynhets" Chang to “Geosynthetics ang Reinforced Ear) ‘Ages, 2001 anary,2002 Marc 3002 Septet 2002 November 2002 march, 2003, June, 2003 sy, 2005| Decanter, 2008, May, 2008 ‘September, 2006 pa, 2008, ‘riche, 2008 Mae, 2008, Soptamser, 2008 Mah, 2007 ‘August 2007 Feoruy, 2008 (Riahis of pubicaton and Tanslton are served) Pres ena Ose Press, ct Mayapus nd Aras Phase-t New Deis *1064 (1000 ces) te PREFACE TO THE FIFTH This edition of the Specifications for Road and Bridge orks marks the Fifth Revision, in the last decade and a hal, signficent developments have taken place in the Fighwaye ‘sector, The massive National Highways Development Projects (NHDP) undertaken by the: Government of Ina is in progress involving execution ofa large number of high value road Projects. These require adoption of latest Intrnational practices so as to echieva technical ‘exccellence and the best quali. Concrete bridges have aso undergone major changes with sdeveopment of new structural forms, new methods of computer based analysis and design {and development of high strength materials, IRC:112 for conerete bridges based on the limit state method has come into force. Over the past few years, many IRC codes have also been completely revised necessitating extensive changes inthe Ministry’ specifications for road and bridge works. ‘Some ofthe important addtions inthis revision of Speciestons for Road and Bridge Works caver stone mastic asphalt, microsurfacing, sand asphalt base course, prefabricated vertical rains (PVD), natural geo textes, geo calls for use in base and sub bese in pavement ‘and siope protection, variable message sign boards, sol naling, cold applied retrovefective pints, ausible and vibratory pavement markings, solar powered road markers, traffic ‘contol & safety devices in construction zone, traffic impact altenuators and advance trafic ‘management system. Some of the new areas covered in aridges include high performance conereie, HOPE sheathings, Pol-PTFE bearings, jack down method of wel sinking, dynamic: testing of piles and mechanically woven wire craigs for gabions, ‘The Fith Revision of the Specifcations for Road and Eridge Works is the result of the: Concerted efforts ofthe officers of the Roads Wing and other professionals who contbuted to the drafting ofthis cocument. | wish to express my gralitude to all of them and the Indian Roads Congress for undertaking the assignment of bringing out this publication Feedback end suggestion for further Improvement would be welcome from users of this Co (©. Kandasamy) DG(RO) & SS 03-01-2013 CONTENTS Section No. Section TitleClause No. Page No. 100 GENERAL 101 Introduction 1 102 Defnitons 1 103 Materials and Test Standards, 5 104 ‘Sieve Designations 5 405 Scope of Werk 6 106 Construction Equipment 10 107 Drawings " 408 Site Information " 109 Seting Out " 10 Public Utes 13 1 Precautions for Safeguarding the Environment 15 ne ‘Acrangement for Taff During Construction 19 113 ‘General Rules forthe Messiirement of Works for Payment 22 14 ‘Scope of Rates for Different tems of Work 24 15 ‘Methodology and Sequence of Work 28 : 116 Crushed Stone Aggregates 28 17 ‘Supply of Quarry Samples 28 18 ‘Approval of Materials 28 | 19 Use of Surfaces by Traffic 28 120 Field Laboratory 29 121 Supply of Project Record 33 200 SITE CLEARANCE 201 Clearing and Grubbing ar 202 Dismanting Culverts, Bridges and Other Structures! { Pavements 39 300 EARTHWORK, EROSION CONTROL AND DRAINAGE I 301 Excavation for Rosdway an¢ Drains 45 302 Blasting Operations 53 303 Prespliting Rock Excavation Slopes. 58 eT Contents 304 Excavation for Structures cy 305 Embankment Consttuction 63 306 Soll Erosion and Sedimentation Contra! 7 207 Tuafing with Sods 79 308 Seeding and Mulching 2 309 ‘Surface!Sub-Surface Drains 85 310 Preparation and Surface Treatment of Formation a ait Works to be Kept Free of Water 30 312 Water Courses at Culverts 90 313 Rockll Embankment o 314 Ground Improvement for Weak Embankament Foundation Using Geosynthetc Drains and Stone Columns 2 400 ‘SUB-BASES, BASES (NON-BITUMINOUS) AND SHOULDERS aot Granular Sub-Base 103 402 Lime Treated Soil or Improved Sub-GradelSub-Base 112 403 Cement Treated Soil and Coment-Flyash Treated Sub Base/Base 116 404 Waler Bound Macadam Sub-BaselBase 121 405 Crushed Cement Concrete Sub-Base 129 408 Wet Mix Macadam Sub-Base/Base 131 ; 407 CCrusher-Run Macadam Base 136 408 ‘Shoulders, Islands and Median 198 409 (Cement Concrete Kerb and Kerb with Channel 142 410 Footpaths end Separators 143 500 BASES AND SURFACE COURSES (BITUMINOUS) sor General Requirements for Buminous Pavement Layers 149 502 Prime Coat Over Granular Base 166 503 “Tack Coat 168 ' 504 Bituminous Macadam 170 505 Dense Bituminous Macadam 174 508 Sand Asphalt Base Course 163 507 Bituminous Concrete 188 508 Close-Graded Premix Surfacing/Mixed Seal Surfacing 192 een ed Contents 509 ‘Surface Dressing 510 (Opon-Graded Premix Surfacing sit Seal Coat 512 Slury Sea! 513 Fog Spray 514 Miero-Surfacing 515 ‘Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) 516 Mastic Asphalt Sir Crack Prevention Courses 518 Bituminous Colé Mix (Inctucing Gravel Emulsion) 519 Recycling of Bituminous Pavement 520 ‘Supply of Stone Aggregates for Pavement Courses 600 CONCRETE PAVEMENT 601 Diy Lean Cement Concrete Sub-Base 602 Cement Concrete Pavement 700 GEOSYNTHETICS 701 Geosynthetics for Road and Bridge Works 702 Gootextiles for Drainage, Seperation and Erosion Contra t 703 Geogrid 704 ‘Geocomposte Drains 705 .Goocel for Stone Protection 708 Gaosynthetic Mat 07 Natural Geotextle 708 Paving Fabrics/Glass Grids 800 TRAFFIC SIGNS, MARKINGS AND OTHER ROAD APPURTENANCES. 801 ‘Traffe Signs 02 ‘Overhead Signs 03 Roa Markings 804 Reflecve Pavement Markers (Road Studs) and Solar Powered Road Markers (Solar Studs) 805 Distance Indicator Posts 808 Road Delinestors 194 198 205 207 213 215 210 225 231 234 242 249 255 263, 299 302 307 312 314 316 ate 325 335 383 396 357 ‘1000 1100 807 808 808 810 en 812 aia ara ats. 816 Contents Boundary Stones Fencing “Tubular Stee! Rating ‘Structural Stee! Rating Crash Barriers Road Traffic Signals Trafic Control and Safely Devices n Construction Zone. Traffic impact Attenuators ‘Semi Automatic Tol Collection System ‘Advanced Traffic Management Systams (ATMS) QUALITY CONTROL FOR ROAD WORKS 01 902 903 General Controt of Alignment, Level and Surface Regularity (Quality Contr! Tests During Construction MATERIALS FOR STRUCTURES 1001 002 1003 1004 1005 1008 +007 1008 1009 1010 tort 1012 tora 1014 1015 General Sources of Materials Bricks ‘Stones and Blocks Cast Iron Cement Coarse Aggregates Fine Aggregates Stoel Water Timber Concrate Admixtures, Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Pipes Storage of Materials ‘Tests and Stendard of Acceptance PIPE FOUNDATIONS 101 1102 1108 Description Subsurface Investigations Type of 357 359 359 360 364 386 art 372 381 415 4i7 an 439 439 440 440 449 442 443 487 449 453 451 453 487 457 458 1200 104 1105 1108 1107 108 +09 a0 am ama 113 a4 a5 as 47 18 a9 Contents Matorik Test Piles Precast Concrete Plas Cast In Stu Concrete Piles Steo! Piles Timber Pies Driving Equipment Driving Raker (Incined) Pils Plo Tests Pile Cap Important Considerations, Inspection/Precautions for Different Types of Piles, Tolerances ‘Tests and Standards of Acceptance ‘Measurements for Payment Rate WELL FOUNDATIONS 4201 202 1203 1204 1208 1208 1207 1208 1209 1210 rant 112 y213 rea 1218 1216 Desription General Selting Out and Preparations for Sinking Cuting Edge wail Cure Floating Calssons Well Steining Well Sinking Bottom Plug ‘Sand Filing Top Plug ‘Well Cap ‘Tolerances ‘Tests and Standards of Acceatance Measurements for Payment Rate 488, 459 459 461 485 468 465 467 470 470 an 472 474 475, 475, 475 479 479 479 480 482 483 483 494 495 495 495 495 496 496 497 1300 1400 1500 Contents BRICK MASONRY 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305, 1308 1307 1208 1309 4310 a1 i312 1313 t314 1318 1316 Description Materials Personnel ‘Cement Mortar Soaking of Bricks Joints Laying Jointing Old and New Work Curing Scatfelaing Equipment Finishing of Surfaces Coping for Wing/Return/Parapat Wel ‘Acceptance of Work Measurements for Payment Rate STONE AND CONCRETE BLOCK MASONRY 1401 Description 1402 Materials 1403 Personnel 1404 Type of Masonry 1405 Construction 1408 Pointing 1407 Curing 1408 Scaffolding 1409 Weep Holes 1410 Jointing with Existing Structures vant Coping for Wing/Return/Parapet Walls 4412 Tests and Standard of Acceptance 1413 Measurements for Payment 144 Rate FORMWORK 1501 Description 1802 Materials 501 501 501 501 502 502 503 503 504 508 508 505 509 508 509 515 516 518 515 516 516 516 516 516 519 519 Contents 1503 Design of Formwork st9 4604 Workmanship 519 1505 Lining of Formwork s2t 1808 Precautions 521 1807, Preparation of Formwork Before Concreting 522 1808 Removal of Formwork 522 1509 Re-Use of Formwork 523, 1810 Specialized Formwork 523 1811 ‘Tests and Standards of Acceptance 524 4812 Measurements for Payment 524 1613 Rate 524 1600 STEEL REINFORCEMENT 4601 Description 827 1602 General s27 1603 Protection of Reinforcement 527 1604 Bending of Reinforcement 827 1605 Placing of Reinforcement 528 1608 Bar Spicas 520 1607 Testing and Acceptance sat 1608 ‘Measurement for Payment 531 1609 Rate 532 1700 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE 1701 Description 535 1702 Materials 535 1703 Grades of Concrete 535 1704 —_Proportioning of Concrete 538 1705 Admixtures 543 1708 Size of Coarse Aggregates Baa 1707 Equipment 545 1708 __Btchinh, Mixing, Trensporting, Placing and Compaction 546 1709 Construction Joints 550 1710 Conereting Under Water 581 tm CConereling in Extreme Weather 552 1712 Protection and Curing 1713 Finishing Contents 1714 Concrete with Blended Cements or Mineral Admixtures 555 1715 High Performance Concrete 556 {716 Tolerances 558 1717 Tests and Standards of Acceptance 558 1718 Measurements for Payment 562 1719 Rate 582 1800 PRESTRESSING 1801 Description 565 1802 General 585 1803 Materials 565 1804 Testing of Prestressing Steel and Archorages 6a 1805 Workmanstip, 568 1808 Supenvision 72 1807 ——_Tensioning Equipment 872 1808 Post Tensioning 573 1808 Grouting of Prestrassed Tendons 574 1810 Pre-Tensioning 575 tet Protection of Ends 579 1812 Safety Precautions During Tensloning 973 4819 Surface Preparation 879 1814 —_Transporiation Storage and Hancling of Precast Girters 680 1815 Tolerances 581 1816 Tests and Standards of Acceptance 581 1817 Measurements for Payment 581 tee Rate 582 1900 ‘STRUCTURAL STEEL 1901 Description 585 1902 General 585 1903 Materials 585 1904 Fabrication 589 1905 Erection 605 1906 Painting ete 1907 Tests and Standards of Acceptance e168 1808 Measurements for Payment ers 1909 Rate 620 Contents 2000 BEARINGS 2001 Description 2002 General 2003 Steel Bearings, 2004- Special Bearings 2005 Elastomer Seerings 2008 Pot Bearings 2007 Inspection and Testing 2008 ——_Testand Standards of Acceptance 2008 Measurements for Payment 2010 Rete 2100 OPEN FOUNDATIONS: 2101 Description 2102 Materials 2103 General 2104 Workmanship 2105 Tests and Standards of Acceptance 2108 Tolerances i 2107 Measurement for Payment 1 2108 Rate 2200 ‘SUBSTRUCTURE 2201 Description 2202 ‘Materials 2203 © General 2204 Piers and Abutments 2205 iar Cap and Abutment Cap 2208 Dirt Wall, Return Wall end Wing Well, 2207 Tests and Standards of Accertance 2208 ‘Tolerances in Concrete Elements 2209 Measurements for Payment, 210 Rate 2300 CONCRETE SUPERSTRUCTURE 2301 Description 2302 Materials me 623 623 624 638i 633, 648, 659 559 959 660 663 663 686 666 609) 669 69 670. ort ert ert 672 672 675 ers Contents 2303 General 675 2304 Reinforced Concrete Construction 675 2305 Prestressed Concrete Construction 676 2308 Cast inPlace Voided Siabs 682 2307 Tolerances a2 2208 Tests and Standards of Acceptance 683 2309 Measurement for Payment 683 2310 Rate 84 2400 ‘SURFACE AND SUB-SURFACE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION 2401 Description 67 2402 Extent and Number of Bores 687 2403 Depth of Bores aa, 2404 Detailed Investigation 68 2408 Dialed Investigation for Bridge Foundations Resting on Rock 609 2406 Boxing 692 2407 Records of Boring end Trial Pits 692 2408 Methods of Sampling 694 2409 Procedure for Taking Samples 694 2410 Preservation, Handling and Labeling of Samples 96 2att ‘Tests for Investigation of Shallow Foundations | of Bridges, 607 i 2412 Tests for Investigation for Deep Foundations oF Bridgos 607 2413 Testing of Material for Foundations of Guide Bunds and High Embankments 698 2414 Measurements for Payment 6098 2015 Rate 700 2500 RIVER TRAINING WORK AND PROTECTION WORK 2501 Description 703 2502 Guide Bund 703 2508 Apron 704 2504 _PitchingRevetment on Slopes 708 2905 _Rubble Stone/Cement Conerete Block Flooring Over Cement Concrete Bedding ™ 2508 Dry Rubble Flooring m2 te - Contents 2507 Curtain Wall and Flexible Apron ! 2508 Tests and Standards of Acceptance 2509 Measurements for Payment 2510 Rete 600 EXPANSION JOINTS 2601 Description 2602 General 2603 Performance Requirements | 2004 Filler Joints ! 2605 _—Reinforced Etastomeric Joint 2608 Single StripfB0x Seal Joint | 2607 ‘Modular StglBox Seal Expansion Joints 2608 Asphalic Plug Joint 2609 Compression Seal Joint 2610 Installation of Expansion Joirts 2sit 2612 Testing and Acceptance Standerds 2613 Tests and Standards of Aoceptance 2614 Measurements for Payment i 2615 Rate 2700 WEARING COAT AND APPURTENANCES 2701 Description 2702 Wearing Coat 2703 Railings and Crash Barrier 2704 Approach Slab 2705 Drainage Spouts 2705 = Weep Holes 270T Tests and Standerds of Acceptance 2708 Measurements for Payment 7703 Rate 2800 REPAIR OF STRUCTURES 2801 Description 2802 General 2803 Seating of Cracks by Injection of Epoxy Resin 1 ” m2 713 713 ma 723 723 124 725 726 728 730 732 134 736 744 70a 748, 748 18 781 751 752 784 758 755 755 755 756 759 758 759 2 2804 2806 2807 20 2809 2810 2am 2e12 2813 2e14 2815 PIPE 2901 2002 2903 2908 2905 2908 2907 2908 2909 2010 2ont Contents Replacement of Spalled Concrete by Epoxy MortaniPolymer Mortar Epoxy Bonding of New Conerete t2 Old Concrete ‘Cement Grouting Guniting’Shotereting Frotectve Surface Coating of Consreta by Acrylic. Etastomerie Coating Protective Surface Coating of Concrete by Patenied Systems of Coating| Replacement of Bearings Repair and Replacement of Wearing Coat External Presivessing Tests and Standards of Acceptance ‘Measurements for Payment Rat CULVERTS: Scope Materials Excavation for Pipe Bedding for Pipe Laying of Pipe sointing Backiling Headwals anc Other Ancilary Worts Opening to Tratic ‘Measurement for Payment Rate MAINTENANCE OF ROAD 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 General Restoration of Rain Cuts Maintenance of Earthen Shoulders Bituminous Work in Connection with Maintenance ‘and Repair ‘Maintenance of Cement Concrete Read x 768 769 769 ™ 73 775 776 176 ww 78 779 173 783 783 783 704 784 785 785 7386 786 786 786 789 738 791 797 Contents 3100 REINFORCED EARTH 301 Scope 801 3102 Design 801 3103 Reinforcing Element 801 3104 Earth Fil 804 3105 ——_Facia Material 805, 3108 Construction Detalls 807 3107 Reinforced Soi Slopes 810 3108 System Responsibility, Performance Bond an 3109 Measurement for Payment B12 310 Rate an 3200 SOIL NAILING 3201 Scope a2 3202 Nall Installation Methods eat i 3203 Construction Materials 82 3204 Facing Types a2 8205 Construction Sequence 623 1 3208 Geotechnical Aspects 223 i 3207 Analysis of Fllure Modes eae 8208 Intil Design Considerations 824 3208 Other Design Considerations 825 9210 Field Pullout Tasting 826 sat ‘Measurement for Payment 827 3212 Rates war [ 3213 References 820 APPENDICES 1 ‘Appendix 1 List of RC Publications Referred to in the Specifications 831 ‘Appendix 2 List of Indian and Foreign Standards Refeired to in the ‘Spocieations 833 Appendix Method of Sieving for Wet Sols to Determine the Degree of Pulverisation 247 ‘Appendix _Ant+-Siripping Agents Used for Bituminous Materials and Mixes «B48 Appendix —1200/1-1 History of Sinking of Well 255, | 1200/1-2 Plan of Well Nos. 856 1200/2 Ti and Shi in Well Nos 857 a ‘Appendix ‘Appendix Appendix Appendix 1500/1 1700/1 18001 ‘80012 1800/3 180018 2800 Contents Information to be Supplied by the Uenutacturers of Proprietary Systems Specification for Construction Joins Tests on Sheathing Ducts Prestressing Report ‘Specifications for Grouting of Pos-Tensioned abies in Prestressed Concrete Brdges Grouting Record 859 861 art 873 883 cal General Section 100 101 INTRODUCTION ‘These specifications shall apply to all such road and bridge works as are required to be ‘executed under the Contract or otherwise directed by the Engineer-in-Charge (hereinafter referred to as the Engineer. In every case, the work shall carried out tothe satisfaction fof the Engineer and conform ta the location, lines, dimensions, grades and cross-sections shown on the drawings or as decided by the Engineer. The ually of materials, processing of materials as may be needed at te site, salient festures ofthe construction work and quality ‘of finished work, measures for safety of workers and public and trafic arrangements during ‘execution shall comply with the requiremonts set forth in succeeding sections. Where the drawings and Specifications describe a portion of the work only in general terms, and nt in ‘complete detail, It shall be understood that only the sound engineering practice is to preval, ‘materials and workmanship ofthe best quality are to be employed andthe instructions of the Engineer are tobe fully complied with Alls of Indian Roads Congress (IRC) Specifications and recommended Codes of Practice ‘which have been referred in these Specifications is given at Appendix-1. The latest edition of all Speciicatons/Standards/Codes of IRC tl 60 (sist?) days before the final date of submission ofthe tender, shall be adopted, In case of any conflict or inconsistency in the provisions of the spplicable Specifications! | StandardsiCodes of IRC, provisions contained in these Spacticaions shall apply. 402, DEFINITIONS ‘The words like Contact, Contractor, Engineer (synonymous with Engineer-in-charge), Drawings, Employer, Government, Works and Work Site used in these Specifications shall be considered to have the meaning as understood from the definitions of these terms given Inthe Gonaral Coneitons of Contract. “The following abbreviations shall have the meaning as setforth below= AASHTO : American Association of Stele Highway and ‘Transporation Officials ASTM ‘American Society for Testing and Materials Bs. Britsh Stendard published by the Brilsh Standards Insttution Bis Bureau of Indian Standards Boa Bil of Quantities car California Bearing Ratio Re Indian Roads Congress a a a Section 100 General Is Indian Standard published by te Bureau of Indian Standarde an Quality Assurance ‘The various olements in the cross-section of @ road referred t in these Specifications are ‘shown in the cross-sections in Figs, 100.1, 100.2 and 100.3. 5 Fig. 100.1 Terms Used in the Specifications to Describe Road Cross-Section Elements ‘wth a Flexible Pavement a ae Fig. 100.2 Terms Used in the Speci ations to Describe Road Cross-Section Elements with a Concrete Pavement Fig. 100.3 Terms Used in the Specifications to Describe Road Cross-Section Elements of a Dual Carsiagoway 4 | a eee ———————— Gonerat Section 100 Treated shoulders shown in the cross-section shall be of following types:- |) “Hard” shoulders which have select gravelmoorum, any other ‘compacted granular layer or bricks, 1) "Paved" shoulders which have a bituminous surfacing over granular layers. li) "Ties" or ‘Wiened” concrete shculders of same thickness as the ‘carriageway pavement 103 MATERIALS AND TEST STANDARDS “The rolovant standards for materials, as well as the testing procedures, have been indicated ‘at appropriate places inthe specticaions. A lst of theee standards with ther full tle are Included at Appendx-2, 108 SIEVE DESIGNATIONS The sieve designations referred to inthe Specifications correspond to those specified by Bureau of indian Standards in IS:460. Table 1001 gies the list of the commonly used IS sieves, ‘Table 100-1: Designation of Test Sieves: 1 Designation Conforming t18:460 in am) (in Micron) 7125, 850 108 +90 “710 6 600 +63 500) 53 425 355 300 748: +250 375 212 +315 “180 26.5 180 5 ll tS Section 100 General “24 “125 190 108 “160 +90 132 ra 12 +63 950 53 78.00 745 870 +560 8 475 2 4.00 3.35 +280 236 "200 470 7140 148 4.00 1) “ar the principal sizes stated in 80-565 2) Steve sizes given in BS:410 & ASTLE 11 are same at in ISHEO 3) Only sieves wih square openings shal be use 105 SCOPE OF WORK 105.4 ‘The work to be carried out under the Contract shall consist of the various items es generelly described in the Contract Documents es well a in the Bill of Quantities fumished in the Contract Documents 105.2 Conformity with Drawings/Allowable Deviations 1052.4 All works performed and all materials furnished shall be in conformity with {he lines, grades, typical sections, dimensions, material requirements, and tolerances shown intho drawings or as indicated in the Specitcation. 6 rp es * General Section 100 1052.2 __The works to be porformed shal also include all general works preparatory to the construction of roads, bridges, structures, canal crossings, dralnage and all other related Works. The works shal include work of eny kind necessary for the due and satisfactory construction, completion and maintenance of works to the Intent and meaning ofthe drawings tnd these Specifications and futher drawings and orders that may be issued by the Engineer fiom time to time, The scope of work shall Include compiance by the Contractor with al Conditions of Contract, whether specifcaly mentioned or not in the various Sections of these Specifications, all materials, apparatus, plant, equgment, tools, fuel, water, siting, timbering, transport, offices, stores, workshop, staf, labour and the provision of proper and sufficient protective works, diversions, temporary fencing ard lighting, Ishallinclude all works. related to safely of road user. t shall also Include salaly ofworkers at constuction ste, frat= aid equipment, suitable accommodation for the staff and workmen with adequate sanitary ‘arrangements, the effecting and maintenance of al Insurances, the payment of all wages, salaries, fees, royalties, duties or other charges arising ou of the erection of works and the. requir clearance of rubbish, reinstatement and clearing-ip ofthe site as may be required ‘on completion of works, safety ofthe public and protection of the works and adjoining land! sbuctures, 105.3 ‘The Contractor shall ensure that all actons are taken to buld in quality ‘assurance (QA) n the planning, management and executioy of works. The quality assurance ‘shallcoverallstages of worksuch asseltingout,selectonofmaterals, selection of construction ‘methods, selection of equipment and plant, deployment of personnel and supervisory staf, {ually control testing, ec. The QA programme shall coverthe details as per IRC:SP:47 and IRC:SP:57. These shall broadly cover quay assurance aspects ofall services rendered, el items to be supplied and all actives tobe performed under the contract including temporary stuctures and equipment which will influence the quality of the complated works or the progress ofthe contract. ‘As a minimum, it hall caver the faliowing |) Organisation and management resporsiilty, 1) Document and data control, li) Construction programme, i) Method statement, ¥) Process contol, i) Working, inspection, testing and documentary procedures, vil) Arrangement for smooth and safe trafic flow during construction and maintenance, vil) Control and documentation of purchasing and handling of mates, Section 100 General ik) Maintenance of records for non-conformity and timely corrective actions, X) Internal quality eit, x) Training of stat, xi) Environment Management Plan (EMP). ‘The QA plan shell be submitted tothe Enginoer for approval, notlater than 28 days trom the {ate of signing ofthe contract agreement. The work of buiing in quality assurance shall be deemed to be covered in he scope of the work. 108.4 ‘The Contractor shal furish, at least 7 days in advance, unless otherwise stipulated in the contrac, his programme of commencement ofeach item of work, including the method statement including deployment of plant and equipment for the works included In the contract and any other work for which the Engineer may demand the method siatement, He shal provide al information tothe satisfaction ofthe Engineer fo ensure iis adequacy, The Sole responsibiity forthe safety and adequacy ofthe methods adcpted by the Contractor wl, however, rest onthe Contractor, irespocive of any approval given by the Enginaer 105.5 Inspection of Materials Before Incorporation 405.54 ‘All materials shall be inspected, tested and accepted by the Engineer as per these specifications, before incorporation in the work, The frequencies and mathods of sampling end testing materials, including those required for definite purpose and not covered by these specications shall be in accordance tothe relavant IRC or BIS or AASHITOIASTM BS Standards in order of priory. 108.52 All materials or work not conforming to the requirements ofthe Specifications ‘shall Be considered unacceptable and rejected. The unaaceptabe materials or work that are ‘jected shall be immediately remaved unless the defects are corrected and approved by the Engineer. I tne Contractor falls to comply promply with any cider of the Engineer made Under the provisions ofthis Clause, the Engineer has the authorty to remove and replace unseseptable materials or work and to deduct from money due tothe Contractor the cost of removal and replacement. 105.6 Inspection of Matorials at Source ‘The Engineer may choose to inspect material at source, Inthe ever, the folowing conditions shall be met, 2) The Contractor and the manufacturer of raterial shall assist and ‘co-operate with the Engineer in eaeying out tne inspection. b) The Engineer shall have right to enter areas of plant where the ‘manufacture or production of material is cared out ae a a General Section 100 1057 Delivery, Storage and Handling of Materials, 1057.4 ‘All materials shall be handled and storedin appropriate manner to preserve their quality and fitness forthe work. During the handling ofell aggregates or other construction ‘materials, special cre shal be taken to prevent contamination. Furthermore, aggregate shall be handled in such a manner as to prevent sagregation. 105.72 _ Vehicles uséd in transporting construction material shall be kept clean end in proper working condition so as to prevent the loss of materials during transportation and meet the requirements of the Specifications 105.73 The Contractor may be alowed to store materials and equipment within the Fight-f-way at location approved by the Engineer, but shal be responsible forthe restoration ‘and repair of any damage to plantation, signs, property or any assets resulting from such ‘operations, Any additional space that may be needed for storage purpases and for placing ‘of plant and equipment shall be provided by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Employer 105.8 Matorials Furnished by the Employer ‘When the Contract provides that certain materials requred to compote the work will be supplied by the Employer, such material will be delivered or made avilable tothe Contractor atthe location(s) specified in the Contract. “The Contractor shall be responsibla forall damages occurring to the materials furnished by ‘he Employer while the materials ar in his possession. Any demurrage or storage charges shall elso be the responsibilty of the Contractor. ‘The Contractor shall include the cost of handling, transportation and placing all Employer- furnished materials in the Contract unit price forthe relevant pay item. 105.9 Laws to be Observed ‘Tho Contractor shall observe and comply with all Central and Stato laws, local laws and ‘ordinance wiih affect those employed on the work or affect the conduct ofthe work ‘The Contractor shall provide all safeguards, safety devices, and protective equipment and {ake any other actions necessary for safety and health of employees on the project. 405.10 Patentod Dovices, Materials anil Processes Ifthe Contractor is required or desires withthe approval ofthe Engineer to use any design, dovice, material or process covered by trademark, patent or copyright, the Contractor shall 9 | Section 100 Generat tan the right for its uso by egal agreement with the patartee or ower. A copy of the ‘aareement shal be furnished tothe Engineer. Corirac prices shal include al royals ona costs arising from patents, wedemarks and copyrights, 106 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT In addition to the conditons indicated in the Contract Documents, the following conditions Fegarding use of equipment in works shall be satisfied: ®) The Contractor shall be required to give a tial un ofthe equipment for ‘establishing their capabiity to achieve the laid down Specifications and tolerances to the satisfaction of the Engineer befors commencoment of the work ») All equipment provided shall be of praven efficiency and shall be ‘Operated and maintained at all imes'in e manner acceptable to the Engineer ©) Plants, equipment and instruments proved shall have adequate ‘sensithvty, city for calibration to desired lnvel end shall be robust ©) Plant, equipment and instrument provided shall have data logging ‘arrangement and control systems i enable aulomatc feedback control of process; ©) Plants, equipment andinsiuments providedshall have adequate safety features and pollution control devices: 4) Plant, ogulpmont and instuments provided shall be operatod by skiled ‘and qualified operator; 9) All the plantiequipment to be deployed on the works shall be got proved fiom the Engineer for ensuring ther finess and effiiensy ‘before commencement af work; F) Any material or equipment not meeting the approval of the Engineer ‘shal be removed from the ste forthwith No equipment shall be removed from site without permission of the Engineer: 5) The Contractor shallalso make avaliable stand by equipment and spare patts; and ') The Contractor shal ako make available equipment for site qually ‘control work as directed by the Engineor. 407 DRAWINGS: 107.4 ‘The drawings provided in the Tender Documents shall be used as reference only. The Contractor shall study the nature and type of work ard ensure that the rales 10 ee - General ‘Section 100 ‘and prices quoted by him in the Bll of Quanties have due consideration of the site and ‘complexities of work involved during actual execution/cons:ruction, 4072 ‘The Contractor based on his surveys ane Investigations, shall submit the \working drawings (hatd and soft copy) to the Engineer for each activity at least 45 days in ‘advance ofthe scheduled dat tothe start ofthe actvty as par his approved work programme. “The working drawings shall clearly shovr the modifications, If any, proposed with reference to corresponding tender drawings, The Engineer shall review the working drawings including the modfcations proposed, If any, revise the drawings, if rquired, aporove and issue to the ‘Contracior two copies of Good for Construction (GFC) drawings al least 28 days in advance ‘of the scheduiled dato of the start ofthe activity. 1073 Examination andior approval by the Encineer of any drawings or other documents submitted by the Contractor shal nt relieve the Contractor of his responsiblties, or isbifties under the Contract. 4074 “The tendered ratesiprices forthe work shall be deemed to include the cost of preparation, supply and delivery of all necessary drawings, print, tracings and negatives ‘which the Contractor is required to provide in accordance withthe Contract. 108 SITE INFORMATION 108.4 ‘The information about the ste of work and site conditions in the Tendor Documents is given in good faith for quidance only but It shall be the responsitiliy of the ‘Contractor to satiafy himself regarding all aspects of site conditions. 108.2 ‘The location of the works and the gonoral site particulars are as shown in the Site planfindex plan enclosed with tho Tender Documents. 1083 \whoreas the rightotavay to the bridge stesiroad works shall be provided {o the Contractor by the Employer, the Contractor shall have to make his own arrangement {or the land required by hi for site offices, field laboratoy, ste for plants end equipment, ‘maintenance and repair workshop, construction workers’ camp, stores ete. 409 SETTING OUT 4094 “The Contractor shall estabish working bench marks tled with the Reference bbonch mark in the area goon afte taking possession ofthe site, The Reference bench mark for the area shall be as indicated inthe Contract Documents and the values ofthe same shall bbe obtained by the Contractor from the Engineer. The working bench marks shall be at the rate of four por km and also at or near al érainago structures, over-bridges and underpasses. ‘The working bench marksilevels should be got approved from the Engineer. Checks must bbe made on these bench marks once every month and adjustments, if any, got approved " neem ‘Section 100 Gonerat seremeentiner and recorded. An uptodate record of all bach mars incleng approved eee any. shall be maintained by tho Contactor and also copy sunched etre Engineer for his record, 109.2 Fray ites and levels of frmation sid slopes, drainage works, cariagoways that cosa Shall bo careful set out and Kequenty checked, care bang taken ones ‘hat correct gradients and cross-sections are cbiained everywhere, 109.3 A crder to facilitate the seting out of the works, the centre line of the the Enginoe tantay must be accurately esteblshed bythe Contractor anéepproved by Breve go shit then be accurtaly referencodin a manner satsfacory tthe Gopher, Sy euet 80. intra in pain and ong terrains and 20 m irate in Ply teva ge aan polis 28 drected by the Engineer, wih marker pogs and chainage bones cars 109.4 On constuction reaching the formation level sage, the canire fine shall rane bY the Contractor and when approved by the Ergineer, shal be sceurtey Te ranoed na manner satstactory tothe Engineer by marker pegs Sat athe ote linn, 109.5 Nereferonce peg ormarker shal be moved or withtawn without he approval Seem erate and no earthwork or stuctura work shall commence unl te Sete ne rat been referenced, 109.6 meq, Contactr wil be the sole responsible part fer safe-guarding al survey bench marks, beacons, etc. The Engineer will provce the Contractor wath, Sptanecessary for setting outte centrelineAlcimansions endlevels showron ne srawings the Contactor se gens fering ar of or ssued under the Cantact shal be varied $y cro or en te ste and he shal immedail infor tho Eniner af any sere With tra selene ances in such dimensions and levels. The Contacior shal, in convene Zhe ex na cutof te conten, survey the torain along the radand shal cobras Baa os SPE 8 roe along the road conte ine and cons cectons ee 98 required by the Engineer. ro, conatuction staking shell be done by personnel who are trahed and ‘experienced in ‘onstruction layout and staking ofthe type and kind requited in the sentnoct, a General Section 100 ‘The Contractor shall correct any deficient staking or constuction work which resuited from inaccuracies in the staking operations or from the Contractors failure to report inaccuracies in the plans or survey data furnished by the Department. 109.7 ‘Aller obtaining approval ofthe Engineer, work on earthwork can commence, ‘The profile and cross-sections as per Section 305, shall orm the basis for measurements ‘and payment, The Contractor shall be responsible for ersuring that all the basic travarse Points are in place atthe commencement ofthe contract and, if any, aro missing, or appear {ohave been disturbed, the Contractor shall make arrangenents to o-establish these points. ‘survey File" containing the necessary data willbe made available for this purpose. fin the ‘pinion ofthe Engineer, design modifications ofthe centre line or grade are advisable, the Engineer will ssue detailed instructions to the Contractor and the Contractor shall perorm ‘the modications in the field, 2s required, and modify the ground levels onthe cross-sections accordingly as many times as required ‘There will be no separate payment for any survey work performed by the Contractor. The ‘ost ofthese services shall be considered as being included inthe rate ofthe tems of work in the Bill of Quenttes, 109.8 Precision automatic levels, having a standard deviation of #2 mm per km, {and fitted with micrometer attachment shal be usad for all double run leveling work. Setting ‘ut ofthe road alignment and measurement of angles shell be done by using Total Station with traversing target, having an accuracy of one second, Measurement ofcistances shall be done preferably using precision instruments like Distomst. +09. “The work of setting out shall be deemed fo be a part of general works preparatory tothe execution of work and no separate payment shall be made forthe same, 10 PUBLIC UTILITIES 110.4 Drawings scheduling the affected services like water pipes, sewers, oll | pipelines, cables, gas ducts etc. owned by various authorits including Pubic Undertakings and Local Authorities included inthe Contract Documents shall be verified by the Contractor for the accuracy ofthe information prior tothe commencerrant of any work. ‘The Contractor shall noty al uty agencies who may have installation inthe work area and secure their assistance in locating and identifying al tliies before staring any work that may cause any damage to such utiles. ‘The Contractor shall schedule workin such a manner as to protect existing utility faciltles ntl they are relocated, abandoned or replaced. ‘The Contractor shall ensure that all utlties encountered within the Right of Way Le. OFC Cable, telephone, power, water suppy, sewerage or any others, remain operatonal at all 1 Section 100 General kines. Any uty, if damaged, due to construction operation, shall be promptly repaied by the Contractor a his cost 110.2 "Notwithstanding the fact thatthe information on effected services may not be exhaustive, the final position of these services within the works shall be supposed to have been indicated based on the information furnished by diferent bocies and tothe extent {he bodies are famiar withthe final proposals. The intermediate siages of the works are, however, unknown atthe design stage, these being dlctatad bythe Contractor's methods of working. Accordingly, the Contractor's programme must take into count the petiod of notice {an¢ duration of aversionary works of each body as given on the Drawings and the Contractor Imust also allow for any effect of these services and alterations upon the Works and for arranging regular meetings withthe varlous bodies at the commencement of the Contract ‘end throughout the period ofthe Werks, the Contractor shall have no objection if the publ lity bodies vary their decisions in the execution of ther propcsals in terms of programme lend construction, providod that, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor Ras received ‘reasonable notice thereof before the relavant alterations are putin hand 1103 No removal of or alterations to the uty shall te caried out unless writen Instructons are issued by the Engineer. 1104 ‘Any services affected by the Works must be temporarily supported by the Contractor who must also take all measures reasonably required by the various bodies to Protect their services and property during the progress ofthe Werks. 105 ‘The Contractor may be required to carry out certain works for and on beh ‘of various bodies, which he shall provide, withthe prior aporoval of the Engineer. 106 ‘The work of temporarily supporting and protecting the public uty services uring execution of the Works shall be deemed to be part of the Contraet and no extra payment shall be made forthe same. 107 ‘The Contractor shall be responsible to co-ordinate with the service providers for cuting of trees, silting of utiles, removal f encroachmants etc to make ate lunencumbered for completion of work. This will incude frequent follow-up meetings, Co. ordination for making project site unencumbered shall be deemed to be part of the Conticer ‘and no extra payment shall be made for the seme, In some cases, the Contractor may be required to cerry out the removal or in servicesiutities on specif orders from the Ergineer for which payment Shall be made to him. Such works, however, shall be taken up by the Contractor ony after biaining clearance from the Engineer and ensuring adequate safely measures, 1“ 5 General Section 100 1 PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFEGUARDING THE ENVIRONMENT ama ‘The Contractor shal take all precautions for safeguarding the environment during the course ofthe construction of the warks. He shel ebide by al lave, rules and regulations in force {govorning polution and environmental protection that are applicable in the area where the works are situated. m2 Borrow Pits for Embankment Construction Borrow pits shall be selected only afer testing the sutabity of materials for use in construction and shall not nermelly be dug in the right-of way of the road. The stipulations in Section 305.22 shall govern. The borrow ps shal nat be ft in @ condition likely to cause hazard to human and animal life. The Contractor shall seek rir approval rom the concemed authorities for operating the borcow pits. m3. Quarry Operations ‘The Contractor shall obtain materials from quarries only ater obtsning the consent of the | Mining Departmentor other concemed authartes. The quany operations shall ba undertaken within the purview ofthe rules and regulations in force 114 Control of Soll Erosfon, Sedimentation and Water Pollution ‘The Contractor shall carry out the works in such a manner tht soll erosion i fully controlled, ‘and sedimentation and polution of natural water courses, ponds, tarks and reservoles is avoided. The stipulations in Clause 306 shall govern ms Pollution from Plants and Batching Plants ‘Stone crushing and screening plants, Bituminous hot mix plants, concrete batching plants el. shall be located sufficiently away from habitstion, agicutural operations or industrial establishments, The locations shall be as permissible under the laws governad by local bodies! adminstration ofthe area. The Contactor shall take every precaution to reduce the levels of noise, vibration, dust and emissions from his plants and shal be fully cesponsibiefor any claims or damages caused tothe owners of property, fds and residences in the vicinity and violation of pollution control norms, if ary. 116 ‘Substances Hazardous to Health ‘The Contractor shall not use or generate any materials in tha works which are hazardous to 16 ee ‘Section 100 General the health of persons, animals or vegetation. Where itis necesséry to use some substances \which can cause injury to the health of workers, the Contractor shall provide protective Clothing or apatiances to his workers. m7 Use of Nuclear Gauges ‘Nuclear gauges shall be used only where permitted by the Engneer. The Contractor shal provide the Engineer with 2 copy ofthe regulations governing the safe use of nuclear gauges he intends to employ and shall abide by such regulations. m8 Environmental Protection 111.84 ‘The Contractor must take all reasonable steps to minimize dust nuisance during the construction ofthe works along the haul roads and the worksites by sprinking Water ata frequency specifies by the Engineer. All existing highways and roads used by vehicles or equipments of the Contractor or any Cf is sub-contractors or suppliers of materials or plant, and simiarly any new roade which ‘are part of the works and which are being used by trafic, shall b kept clean and cloar of all dustimud or other extraneous materials dropped by the said vohices. Similar, all dust! mud or other extraneous materials from the works spreading or these highways shall be immediately cleared by the Contractor. Clearance shall be effected immediately by sweeping and removal of debris, and all dust, mud {and other debris shal be removed entirely (rom the road surface. Aditionally, if so directed by the Engineer, the road surface shall be hosed or watered using suitable equipment. Damages to existing road: Any structural damage and loss of ridng surface caused to the existing roads by the Contractor's construction vehicles! equipment shall be made good without any extra cost ‘Compliance with the foregoing wll not relisve the Contractor of any responsibilty for complying With the requirements of any authoriy in respect ofthe roads used by him 11182 Air Quality ‘The Contracior shall device and implements methods of working o minimize dust, gaseous ‘and ather airbome emissions and carry cut the Works in such a manner es to minimize ‘averse Impacts onthe air quality ‘The Contractor shall uilze effective water sprays during delivery, manufacture, processing nd handing of materials when dust sikely to be created, and to dampen stored materials ‘suring dry and windy weather, Stockpiles of fiabla materials shall be covered with clean 16 a General Section 100 {arpauins, with applications of sprayed water during dry and windy weather. Stockpiles of ‘materials or debris shall be dampened prior to their maverient, except where this is contrary to the Specification ‘Any vehicle with open load-carrying area used for transsorting potentially dust-producing material shal! have property fing side and tall boards. Materials having the potential to produce dust shall not be loaded to a level higher than th side and tall boards and shall be covered with clean tarpaulins in good condition. The tarpaulin shall he properly secured anc extend atleast 300 mm over the edges ofthe side and tallboards. 1118.3 Water Sources and Water Quality |The Contractor shall provide independent sources of water supply, such as bore wells, for use In the Works and for associated storage, workshop and wark force compounds. Prior _epproval shall be obtained from the relevant State Authorises and all instalations shall be in ‘compliance with local regulations, ‘The Contractor shall protect all watercourses, waterways, ditches, canels, érains, lakes, reservoirs and the like from pollution ae 2 reul of the execution of the Works, Allwater and thor liquid waste products Ike petroleum products and chemicals arising on the Site shall be } collected and disposed of ata location on or off the Site and in a manner that shall not cause. ‘lther nuisance or pollution, The Contractor shall at all imes ensure that all existing stream courses and drains within ‘and adjacent to the Site are kept safe and tre from any debris and any materials arising {fom the Works. The Contractor shall nat discharge or deposit any mattar arising from the ‘execution ofthe Works Into any water course except wth the permission of the Engineer and the regulatory authority concerned. 184 Construction Camps. ‘The construction camps shall conform to the Stato and National building regulations as applicable. The area forthe storage of polluted materials shal be stored on impervious floors ‘and shall be surrounded by impervious ditches in order to avoid sping of polluted material to surrounding erees, ‘Construction camps shal be property arranges to avoid noi pollution othe nearby habitants ‘and to avoid contamination of water courses from wastewater drainage. To prevent such Contamination, wastowatar generated at the campsites shall be discharged into soak pis, ‘Human excreta shall be treated though septic tanks prior to discharge and shall conform to directives and guidelines of the State. Water accumulated In tyres, empty vessels and Containers of all nature wil be regularly cleaned to avoid the related health hazards, The Contractor shall provide and msintan in a neat and sanitary condition accommodations for ” a Section 100 anna General {he use of he employees and workers as may be necessary to comply with the requirements of Central, State, and iocal regulations Spilling of oll ane bituminous products during construction and transport shall be avoided to ‘reduce the chances of contamination of surace as well as ground water, 119 Occupational Health anid Safety of the Workforco Fhe Contract shall prepare end submit to the Engineer the Occupational Heath & Safety Frocadures/Practces forthe workforce in all quamy sites, plan ses, work sites, camp fc, n accordance with the appleable laws, 111.40 Control and Disposal of Wastes ‘The Contractor shall control the disposal of al forms of waste generated by the construction operations and in all assocaled activites. No uncontrofed depostion or dumping ahall oe permitted. Wastes to be so controlled shall include, but shall not be linilad foal forms ot {vols and engine os, al types of bitumen, cement, surplus aggregates, gravels, biturines mixtures et, ‘The Contractor shall make specific provision fo the proper disposal af these and ‘any other waste products, conforming to local regualions and acceptable fo the Engineer, wat ‘Transport of Hazardous Matorials Transpor of hazardous material, in buik or in sealed containers, stall mast the requirements ofthe State regulations. Prior to ordering transport ofhazardous materalin bulk. the Gontrctor ‘must obtain ‘he approval ofthe relevant authoriy as well as ofthe Engineer. The transport oF ‘ese, petro, gaseous material, chomical and explosives for quarying shel be govered by safety laws ofthe focal authorities, Precautionary measures and cenformity with regulations, Shall be slate in a Methad Statement forthe approval ofthe Enginsor. Sealed contairar of ‘hazardous materials shal be stored in e well-ventilated room, well guarded and secured waz Emergency Response ‘The Contractor shall plan and provide remedial messures to be implemented inthe event of occurrence of emergencies such as spilages of ol or bitumen or chemical fre: rhe Contactor shall provide the Engineer with a slatement of the measures he intends ta implement in the event of such an emergency, which shall include a statement of hon ho Intends to provide personnel adequately trained to implement such measures 111413, Measurement for Payment The compliance of all provisions mada inthis Clause 111 shall be deemed to be incidental ‘0 the work and no separate messurement or payment shall be mate, The Contractor shall o£ 8 General Section 190 bbe deemed to have made allowance for all such complance with these provisions in the Preparation of his bid for items of work included in the Bill of Quantities end full compensation for such compliance shall bo deemed to be covered by the bid price. 112 ARRANGEMENT FOR TRAFFIC DURING CONSTRUCTION 124 Goneral ‘The Contractor shall at all times, carryout work on the hgiway in a manner creating least interference to the fow of traffic while consistent with the saisfactory execution of the ‘same, For all works involving improvements fo the existing highway, the Contractor shall, in accordance with the directives ofthe Engineer, provide and maintain, during execution of the work, @ passage for trafic elther along 2 par of the existing carriageway under improvement or along a temporary diversion constricted clase to tha highway. Bafore taking up any construction oF maintenance operation, the Contractor stall prepare a Traffic Management Pan for each work zone and submit itt the Engineer fer prior approval. This plan should include inter ali |) Provision ofa qualified safety officer with support staffto serve asa site safety team |i) _ Provision of traffic safety devices and road signs in construction zones {a per IRC:SP:55 and olher relevant IRC Codes and para 112.4 li) Safety measures forthe workers engaged including personal protection equipment |v) First aid and emergency response arangements ¥)_Delails end drawings of arrangements in compliance with other sub Sections of this Secton, 1122 Passage of Traffic along a Part of the Existing Carriageway under Improvement For widennglstrengthening existing carageway where pat width ofthe existing cartiagaway is proposed tobe used forpassage otra, treated shoulders shallbeprovdedon thesie.on "hich works notin progress. The treatment the shoulder shall consist of proviing atleast +150 mm thick granular (Wet Mix MacadamWeter Bound Macadam) base course covered with bituminous surace dressing in a with of atleast 1£ m end the treated shoulder shall, be maintained thoughout the period during which Wao uses the eame to the satstection ofthe Engineer. The continuous length, in which such werk shal be carried out, would be limited normally to 500 m ata place. However, whare work is allowed by the Engineer in longer stretches passing places at east 20 m ong with asitonel paved width of 25m shall be provided at every 0.5 km ioral 19 Section 100 Generat {ote oF eccent widening of ex'sng two-ane to four-lane, the dona twolanes would Pe ctted stand! the trae diverted toi and only therear the required eckneee erate tomes at completed, with the approval of the Engheet, the treated shoulder shoe lemantes, the debris disposed of andthe area cearet as par the cirecion woe Engineer, 12a Passage of Traffic along a Temporary Diversion ieamatanes where is oot possibi t pass the trafic on part wth of the carriageway, Semporary diversion shal be constructed with 7 m cariageway ard 2.6 m earthen shoricers $7,2ach side (total width of roadwey 12 m) with the folowing provision for road esunt nx tea 7 m wie ) Earthwork 4) 200 mm (compacted) granular sub-base {i} 225 mm (compacted) granular base course iv) Priming ané Tack Coat and ¥)__Premic carpet with Seal CoatMix Seal Surfacing 7 [oration of such stretch, alignment andongitudinal section of diversion including junctions {2nd temporary rose drainage provision shall be as approved by tre Engineer, 1124 ‘Trafic Safety and Control Prose eer fered ton Sub-Secton 112.1, Before taking up any constuction ar agrees eran mogramme forthe diversion of tac on the highway shall bedravm upin conse with the Engineer i geRstrution equipment working or parked on or within the trafic lnes or shoulders under "Trafic maintained” conditions shail be equipped with fishing yelow bescore ag) actor shal conduct all operations to minimize any drops (abrupt changes in OF coma ae Waffe. Dropofis inthe vavelad way shal be protected by a hedge Shezmpacted stable material capable of caning trafic (he wedge being 1 wakes horizontal or fattor), ed a General Section 100 ‘The Engineer shall authorize other methods, to protect drop-otfs when conditions do not allow a wedge of compacted, sable matetial Warning signs, barricades, warning lights, and all other traffic contol devices shall not be removed if the hazard has not been eliminated. Ony upon receipt of specific writen authorization from the Engineer, the Contractor may remove or cease to maintain warning signs, baricades, warning lights, and all other traffic contol devices. ‘The barricades erected on either side ofthe carriageway/sortion ofthe carriagoway closed to ‘tafic, shal be of strong design to resist violation, and painted with alternate black and white siriges. Red lanterns or warring ights of similar type shal be mounted on the barricades at right end kept ft throughout from sunset o sunrise, At the points where traffic is to deviate ftom its normal path whether on temporary diversion or part width ofthe cariagaway) the channel or traffic sal be clearly marked with the ad of | pavement markings, painted drums ora similar device tc the directions of the Engineer. At right, the passage shall be delineated wih lanterns or other suitable light source Including solar energy buibs. (One-way trafic operation shallbe establishad whenever the trafic is tobe passed over part of the carriageway inadequate for two-lane traffic. This shall 3e dane with the help of temporary trafic signals o lagman kept positioned on opposite sides during all hours. For regulation of trafic, the flagmen shall be equipped with ed and green lags and lanternefihts (On both sides, suitable regulatoryiwarning sign as approved by the Engineer shall be installed for the guidance of road users. On each approzch, at least two signs shall be put | Up, one close tothe point where transition of carriageway begins and the other 120 m away. ‘The eigne shall be of approved design and of reflective type, as directed by the Engineor. 1 1125 Maintenance of Diversions and Traffic Control Devices, ‘Signs, lights, bariore and other ‘raffle control devices, adequate lighting and othor frrangements, as wol as the riding surface of dversions and treated shoulders shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition til such time they ae required and as directed by the Engineer. The tomporary travelled way shall be kept free of dust by frequent applications of water, necessary 128 Measurements for Payment and Rate Allarrangements, as cantained inthis Section 112 or safety ofroad users, during construction Including provision of tomporary dlversionsitemporary cross drainage structures/treatad shoulders shall be measured and paid as per the BOQ. However their maintenance, » ° * ° 9 9) Name of the manufacturer and name of the productirocess/ system along with authenticated copies of the licenselcallaboration agreement; General features ofthe produciprocessieystem; Details ofthe product development and development testing: Acceptance test and ortoria; Instaliation procedure; Maintenance procedure and schedule: Warranty proposal ar rr Section 100 General The Engineer may order additional test forthe purpose of acceptance. Additonal charges for test, i any, forthe productpracess/system shall be borne by the Contactor. 16 CRUSHED STONE AGGREGATES Where ihe terms crushed gravelishingle, crushed stone, broken stone or stone aggregate ‘sppear in any part of the Contract Documents or Drawings issied for work, they refer to Crushed gravel/eushed shinglecrushed stone aggregate obtained from inlograted crushing plant having appropriate primary crusher, secondary cone crusher, vertical shaft impactor ‘and vibratory soreen uniess specified otherwise. Stone retained o1 4.75 mm sieve shall have atleast two faces fractures. nT ‘SUPPLY OF QUARRY SAMPLES Raw and processed samples of the mineral aggregates from the approved quay shall be ‘submitted by the Contractor at his cost. 8 APPROVAL OF MATERIALS ‘Approval of ell sources of material for work shall be obtained in writing from the Engineer before their use on the works, 9 USE OF SURFACES BY TRAFFIC 110, Ordinary, no construction trafic shall be allowed on pavement under construction unless authorized by the Engineer. Even in that case, the load and intensity of construction trafic should be so regulated that no damage is caused tothe sub-grade oF pavement layers already constructed, Where necessary, service ads shall be constuctod for this purpose and the same shall be considered as incidental tthe work 1192 ‘The wheets or the tracks of plant moving over the various pavernent courses shall be kept free of deleterious materials, 1103 Bituminous bese course shall be kept clean and uncontaminated as long 28 the same remains uncovered by a wearing course or surface tealment. The only trafic ppermited access to the base/binger course shall be that engagedin laying and compacting the wearing course or that engaged on such surface treatment where the basolbinder course. 's to be blinded andlor surface dressed. Should the baselbinder course or tack coat on the baselbinder course become contaminated, the Contractor shall make good by cleaning it to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and if this is impracticable, by removing the layer and replacing it to Spectications without any extra cost to the employer 28 ST : General Section 100 119.4 ‘On Dry Lean Concrete sub-base, no heevy commercial vehicles like trucks ‘and buses shall be permitted after its construction. Light vehicles, Ff unavoidable, may, however, be alowed after 7 days ofits construction with prior approval ofthe Engineer. No Vehicular trafic, shall be alowied on a finished concrete gavement fora period of 28 days of Its construction and untl the joints ae permanently sealed and cured, 120 FIELD LABORATORY 1204 ‘Scope ‘The work covers the provision and maintenance of an adsquatoly equipped field laboratory 88 required fr site contol on the quality of materials andthe works, 1202 Description ‘The Contractor shall arrange to provide fully furnished and adequately equipped field laboratory The fleld laboratory shel preferably be located adjacent to the site office of the Engineer and provided with amenitis like weter supply, electric supply ele. as forthe sito office of the Engineer as described inthis Section “The layout and size ofthe fed laboratory shal be as indcated in the drawings, in case no | ov@woar| as] wa oad a ‘The above mentioned quantities should be taken as @ guide only, for estimation of quantities for construction ete. Application of binding matariais may not be necessary when the screenings used aro of ‘rushable type such as moorum or gravel. 126 Bi ‘Sub-Bases, Bases (Non-Bituminous) and Shoulders Section 400 4043 Construction Operations 4043.4 Proparation of Base ‘The surface of the sub-gradelsub-base/base to receive the water bound macadem course shall be prepared to the specified grade and camber ard cleaned of dust, dirt and other extraneous material. Any ruts or sof yielding placos shel be corrected in an approved manner and rolled until frm surface is obtained, ‘Where the WEM is to be laid on an existing metalled road, damaged ares including epressions and potholes shall be repsired and made goad withthe sultable material, The existing surface shell be scariied and re-shaped to the required grade and camber before. spreading the coarse aggregate for WBM. ‘As far as possible, laying water bound macadam course over existing bituminous layer may be avoided since it wil cause problems of inter drainage of the pavement atthe interface of two courses. It fs desirable to completoly pick out the existing thin bituminous wearing ‘course where water bound macadam is proposed ta be lad over i 4043.2 Inverted Choke/Sub-surface Drainage Layer lfwater bound macadem is tobe laid crocly over the sub-grade, without anyother intervening Pavement course, a 25 mm course of screenings (Grading 8) or coarse sand shall be epreed ‘on the prepared sub-grado befare application ofthe aggregates is taken up. In case ofa fine sand of siy or clayey sub-grade, itis advisable to lay 100 mm insulating layer of eoreening ‘of coarse sand on top of fine grained soll the gradation el which wil depend upon whether itis intonded to act as a drainage layer as woll. As a prefered alternative to inverted choke, _2ppropriate geosynthetics performing functions of seperetion and drainage may be used ‘over the propared sub-grade as directed by the Engineer. Section 700 shall be applicable for use of geosynthatic, 404.33 Lateral Confinement of Aggregates Forconstruction of WM, arrangamontshallbe made or the ateralconfinementofaggregates. “This shall be done by bulding adjoining shoulders along with WEM layers, The practice of ‘constructing WM in a trench section axcavated inthe finished formation must be completely avoided. Where the WM course is fo be constructed in narrow wide for widening of an existing Pavement, the existing shoulders should be excavated to their full depth and width up to the sub-grade level excopt where widening specifications envisages laying of @ slablsed ‘sub-base using in-situ operations in which case the same shauld be removed only upto the sub-base level 125 { 2 Fn eh ‘Setion 400 ‘Sub-Bases, Bases (Nor-Bituminous) and Shoulders 40:34 Spreading Coarse Aggregates ‘Thecoarse aggregates shall be spread uniformly and evenly upon the prepared sub-grade! subbase in the required quantities trom the stockpiles to proper profile by using templates pPlesd across the road about 6 m apart, in such quanties that the thickness of each ‘compacted layer is not more than 75 mm. In no case shall these be dumped in heaps dteclly. (07 fe area where these are to be laid nor shall their hauling over a partly completed base bbe jermitted. Wherever possibie, approved machanical devices such as aggregate spreader shal be used to spread the aggregates uniformly so as to minimize the need for manual rectication afterwards No ‘sgregation of coarse aggregates shall be allowed and the coarse aggregates, as spread ‘shaibe of uniform gradation with no pockets of fine material ‘Thewurface ofthe aggregates spread shall be carefully chacked wih templates and al high OF low spots remedied by removing ot adding aggregates as mey be required. Tho suriace ‘shallbe checked frequently with-a straight edge while spreacing and rong so as fo ensure 2 finshed surface as por approved drawings. ‘The cosrse aggregates shall not normally be spread more thar 3 days in advance of the ‘subsaquent construction operations, 404.35 Rolling Immedistely following the spreading of the coarse aggregates, roling shall be started with three wheeled power rollors of 80 to 100 KN capacity or tandem or vibratory rollers of 80 to 4100 kW state weight. The type of roller to be used shall bo approved by the Engineer based (on tri run, Except on superelevated portions and carriageway with unidirectional crossall, where the ‘eling shall proceed from inner edge to the outer, rong shall begin from the edges gracually Progressing lowards the center. First the edge/edges shall be compacted with roller eunning forward and backward, The roller shall then move inward perlll tothe cantor ne ofthe toad, in successive passes uniformly overlapping preceding tracks by a leest one-half width. Rolling shall be carried out on courses where coarse aggregates of crushed! broken stone fe used, til the road metal is partially compacted. This will be ‘ollowed by application of sereenings and binding material where required in Clauses 404.33 and 404,97, However, where screenings are not to be applied as In the case of agaregates like brick laterite and Kankar for sub-base construction, the compaction shall be sontinded until the aggregates are thoroughly keyed. Roling shall be continued and light sprinkling of waler ‘shal be done til the surface is well compacted...Roling shall no: be done when the subs 126 a ‘Sub-Bases, Bases (Non-Bituminous) and Shoulders Section 400 ‘rade is sof or yielding or when it causes @ wave-like motion inthe sub-grade or sub-base cours. The rolled surface shall be checked transversely with templates and longitudinally with 3 m straight edge. Any iregularies, excosding 12 mm, shall be corrected by loosening the surface, adcing or removing necessary amount of aggregates end re-rling untl the entre surface conforms tothe desired camber and grade. In no case shal the use of screenings be permitied to make up depressions Material, which gets crushed excessively during compaction or becomes segregated, shall be removed and replaced with suitable aggregates. 4043.6 Application of Screenings ‘Alter the coarse aggregates have been rolled to Ciause 404.3.5, screenings to completely fil tho interstices shall be applied gracuslly over the surface. These shail na! be damp or wet atthe time of application. Dry rolling shall be cone while the sereenings are being spread co that vibrations of the roller cause them to settle Inio the vods ofthe coarse aggregates. The ‘screenings shall not be dumped in piles but be spread uniformly In successive thin layers either by the spreading motions of hand shovels or by mechanical spreaders, or drecty ‘fom tipper with suitable grit spreading arrangement. Tipper operating for spreading the screenings shall be equipped with pneumatic tyres and operated 20 as not 10 distur the ‘coarse aggregates. ‘The soreenings shall be applied ata slow and uniform rate (in three or more applications) s0 {3 to ensure filing ofall voids. This shall be accompanied by dry roling and brooming with ‘mechanical brooms, hand brooms or both Inno case shallthe screenings be applied 50 fast {and thick 2s to form cakes or ridges on the surface in sucha manner @s would prevent filing ‘of voids or prevent the direct bearing ofthe roller onthe coarse aggregates. These operations shall continue untiino more sereenings can be forced inte voids ofthe coarse aggregates. ‘The spreading, roling, and brooming of screenings shell be carried out in only such lengths ‘ofthe road which could be completed within one day's operation 4043.7 Sprinkling of Water and Grouting ‘Ater pplication of screenings, the surface shall be copiously sprinkled with water, swept and rolled. Hed brooms shall be used to sweep the wel screenings ino voies and to distribute them evenly. The sprinkling, sweeping and ling operation shall be continued, with additional ‘seroonings applied as necessary untl the coarse aggragates have been thoroughly keyed, vwell-bonded and firmly set nis full depth and a grout has been formed of screenings, Care shall be token to see that the sub-base or sub-grade does not get damaged due to tho ‘dion of excessive quantities of waler during construction. vr ‘Secon 400 ‘Sub-Bases, Bases (Non Bituminous) and Shoulders {In se of ime treated sol sub-base, construction of water bounc macadam on top oft shall bbe ken up after curing as per Clause 402.3.9 and ae directed by the Engineer. Appication of binding material : After the application of scteonings in ecordance with Clauses 40.3.6 and 404.3.7, the binding material where itis required to be used (Classe 404,2,7) shall be applied successively in two or more thin ayers at slow and uniform Fate After each application, the surface shall be copiously sprinked with water, the resulting ‘lure swept in with hand brooms, or mechanical brooms to fillthe voids properly, and rolud \durirg which water shall be applied to the wheels ofthe rollers necessary to wash down the binging material sticking to them. These operations shall continue until the resulting slurry ‘after'ling of voids, forms a wave ahead of the wheels ofthe moving fall, 404.18 Setting and Drying ‘After'ne final compaction of water bound macadem course, the pavement shal! be allowed to dryovemight. Next morning hungry spots shal be lied with sereenings or binding materi 4 dicted, ighty sprinkled with water if necessary and rolled. Notraffic shall be alowed on the read unt! the macadam has sel. The Engineer shall have the discretion fo stop hauling ‘raffic fem using the completed water bound macadam course, i in his opinion it would ‘causeexcessive damage tothe surface, ‘The compacted water bound macadam course shall be allowed :0 completly dry and set before tha next pavement course is lid over i 404.4 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work 404.44 ‘The surface fnish of construction shall conform to the requirements of Cause 902, 04.4.2 Control on the quality of materials and works shall be exercised by the Engineer in accordance with Section 900. 4044.3 _Thewalerboundmacadamwork shallnotbe carriedoutwinen the atmospheric temperature is less than 10°C in the shade, 40.4.4 Reconstruction of Defective Macadam j ‘The finshed surface of water bound macadem shall conform to the tolerances of surface ‘eauiary as prescribed in Clauso 902. However, here the sufaceieguay of he couse, exceeds the tolerances orwherethe courseis otherwise defecivedustosub-gradessolmking | with the aggregates, the course to its full thickneas shall be scarified over the affected arta, reshaped with added material or removed and replacod with fresh material as apptcablo and ro-compacted, The area teated shall not be less than 10 sqm. Inno case shall depressions be filed up with screenings or binding material 128 Sub-Beses, Bass (Non-Bituminaus) and Shoulders Section 400 4048 Arrangements fr Trafic During the period of constuction, the arrangements for traffic shall be done as per Clause 112, 404s Measurements for Payment Water bound macedam shall be measured as frished workin postion in cubic metres 4047 Rate ‘The Contract unit rate for water bound macadam sub-basefbase course shall be payable in {ull for carying out the required operations including full compensation for all components listed in Clause 401.7 () 0 (y), including arrangement of water used in the work as approved by the Enginaor. 405 CRUSHED CEMENT CONCRETE SUBSASE 4054 Scope ‘This work shall consist of breaking and crushing the damaged cement concrete slabs and re-compacting the seme as sub-basefbase course in one or more layers. The work shell bbe performed on such widths and lengths as may be specified, in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications and in conformity with the tines, grades and cross- sections shown on the drawings or as otherwise directed by the Engineer. 405.2 Materials 405.24 Coarse Aggragates ‘Coarse aggregates for this work shall be broken cement concrete slabs crushed to a size ‘not exceeding 75 mm and as far a8 possible, conforming to one of the gradings given in ‘Table 400-9. 405.3 Construction Operations 405.34 General rushed coment concrete sub-base course may be constructed in one or two layers, ‘depending upon the thickness ofthe concrete slabs dismartied and crushed, The thickness ‘ofeach layer shall not exceed 75 mm compacted thickness, 129 alla Seton 400 ‘Sub-Bases, Bases (Non-Bituminaus) and Shoulders 40:32 Preparation of Surface ‘Thi surface ofthe subgrade shal be prepared in accordance wth Clause 404.31, 40:33 Spreading of Aggregates Thesub-baso material of grading specified inthe Contract shalbe spread on the prepared | Subyrade withthe help of @ motor grader of adequate capacity its blade having hydraulic Cowal suitable fr inal austment and for maintaining the required slope end grade ding {the speraton, or other means as approved by the Engincer 4053.4 Rolling lmredlately folowing the spreading of the coarse aggregates, roling shall be started with {hres wheeled power rollers of 80 to 10C KN capacity or tandem or vibratory rollers of 80 to {100 IN static weight. The type of roller to be used shall be approved by tho Engineer based fon tral run, Excent on superelevated portions and carriageway with unidirectional cross-fll where the ‘olin Sail preceed from iner edge tothe outer, roling shall bogi om the edges gradually Progressing owards the centr. Fist tha edge/edgos shall be compacted with roller unnng forwattane backward. Theale shall hen move inward parallel tothe canter ne ofthe roe, in surcessive passes uniformly overlapping preceding tracks by a: least one-half width, Roling shall be continued and light sprinkling of water shall be dane til the surface Is well ‘compacted. he alle’ surface shell be checked transversely with templates and longitudinally with $m Staight edge. Any iregulriles, exceading 12 mm, shall be correcied by loosening the surface, adsing or removing necessary amount of aggregates and re-roling untl the cals surface conforms to the desired camber and grade, 405.4 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work [he susface fish and contr on the quality of materials and works shall be exercised by the Enginesr in eccordance with Section 900, 405.5 Arrangements for Traffic i ‘During the period of construction, arrangement for rafficshallbe dene as per Clause 112. | 130 eee en J esses Sts Non Sins) an Shar soci to {056 easier for aynent axle ninco ant poner ss, hing en eangctng hes material 28 sub-bese course shall be measured as a single item in terms of the volume of sub-base laid in position in cubic metres. 4057 Rate “The Contract nitrate for crushed cement concrete sub-base course shall be payment in full {or carrying out the required operations including full compensation for: 1) making arrangements for traffic to Clause 112 except for initial treatment to vergesishoulders and construction of diversions; 11) breaking the coment concrote slabs, crushing, sieving and recompacting the slab material as sub-base course; i) _alltabour, tools, equipment and incldantals to complete the work tothe Specifications; |y) carrying out the work n part widths of road where cirected; and ¥) carrying out the required tests for quality control 406 WET MIX MACADAM SUB-BASEIBASE 4064 Scope ‘This work shall consist of laying and compacting clean, crushed, graded aggregate and granular materiel, premixed with water, toa dense mass on a prepared sub-grada/sub- basal base or existing pavement as the case may be in accordarce with the requirements of these ‘Specifications. The material shall bela in one or more lyers as necessary tones, grades {and cross-sections shown on the approved drawings or as directed by the Engineer. ‘The thickness of a single compacted Wet Mx Macadam layer shall not be less then 75 mm. \When vibrating or other approved types of compacting equipment are used, the compacted pth ofa single layar of the sub-base course may be uplo 200 mm withthe approval of the Engineer. 4062 Materials 406.24 Aggregates 406.2.4.4 Physical Requirements Coarse aggregates shall be crushed stone, f crushed gravel/shingle Is used, not less than 131 -— r Setion 400 Sub-Bases, Bases (Non-Bituminous) and Shoulders SCpercont by weight of the gravelshingle pieces retained on 4.75 mm sleve shall have at ‘eat two fractured faces. The aggregates shall conform to the physical requirements set fom in Table 400-12, ft water absorption value ofthe coarse aggregate is greater than 2 percent, the soundness ‘tes shall be carried out on the material dalivered to site es per |S:2366 (Pert). ‘Table 400.12: Physical Requirements of Coarse Aggregates for Wettix Macadam for Sub-baca/Base Courses. ‘SNe. Test Test Method Requirements 1) |tosAngeles Abrasion value 18:2306 (Parl) | 40 percent (tax) ‘Aggregate Impact value 18:2886 (Part) or | 30 percent (Max) 1315840 {Combined Flakiness and Elongation) —1S:2986 (Part*) | “35 parcent (Max)? indices (Total) . ‘To determine this combined proportion, the flaky tone fom a represenlave sample ‘should first be soparaiod out. Fakiness index Ie welght of faky stone metal divided by \weiht of stone sample. Only the elongated parties be separated out from ha remaining (or-faky) stone meta, Elongation index is weight of elongated patie divided by total Non-fshypatctes. The values of akiness index and elongation index so found are added &. 4062.12 Grading Requirements ‘The aggregates shall conform to the grading glven in Table 400-3. “Table 400-13: Grading Requirements of Aggregates for Wet Mix Macadam 1S Sieve Designation Percent by weight passing the IS Siove 58.00 mm. 100 45.00 mm 35100 26.50 mm 5 22.40 men 60-80, 1.20 mm 40-60. 475mm 25-40. 2.38 mm 15-20) {600.00 micron B22 75.00 micron O58 132 Cc —— ‘Sub-Bases, Bases (Non-Bituminaus) and Shoulders ‘Section 400 ‘Material finer than 425 micron shall have Plasticity Index (PI) not exceeding 6. “The final gradation approved within these limits shal be graded ftom coarse to fine and shall ret vary from the low imit on one sieve to the high imit en the adjacent sieve or vice verse, 408.3 Construction Operations 408.31 Preparation of Base Clause 4043.1 shall apply. 408.32 _ Provision of Lateral Confinement of Aggr While constructing wet mix macedam, arrangement shallbe made forthe lateral confinement Cf wet mix. This shallbe done by laying materials in adjoining shoulders along with that of wet ‘mi macadam layer and folowing the sequence of operations described in Ciause 404.3.3, 408.33 Preparation of Mix ‘Wet Mix Macadam shall be prepsred in an approved mixng plant of sutable capacity having provision for controlled addition of weter ad forced/ postive mixing arrangement fike pugmill ‘or pan type mixer of concrete batching plent, Th plant shall have following features: |) For feeding aggregates~ three! four bin feeders with variable speed moter fi) Vibrating screen for removal of oversize aggregates i) Conveyor Belt 1M) Controlled system for addition of water \) _ Forcedipositive mixing arrangement like pug-millor pan type mixer Wi) Centralized contro! panel for sequential operation of various devices and precise process contro! vil) Safety devices ‘Optimum moisture for mixing shall be determined in accordance with 'S:2720 (Par+8) after replacing the aggregate fraction retained on 22.4 mm sieve with material of 4.75 mm to 22.4 mm size, Whila adding water, due ellowence shoud be made for evaporation losses. However, t the time of compaction, water inthe wel mie should not vary from the optimum value by more than agreed limis. The mixed material should be uniformly wet and no ‘segregation should be permite 133 Secon 400 ‘Sub-Bases, Sases (Non-Bituminous) and Shoulders 40614 Spreading of Mix Imrresiately fter mixing, the agoregates shall be spread unifomly and evenly upon the prepared sub-gradelsub-baserbase in required quantiles. In no case shal these be dumped in heaps direcly on the area where these are to be laid nor shall their hauling over a party ‘cometed stetch be permite ‘The nix may be spread by @ paver fisher. The paver finisher shall be solf-propelied of ‘adequate capacity with following features |} Loading hoppers and suitable cistibution system, so es to provide a ‘smooth uninterrupted material flow for different layer thicknesses from the tipper tothe screed. |i) Hydraulisally operated telescopic screed for paving width upto to {8.5 mand fixed screed beyond this, The screed shall have tamping and vibrating artangement for inital compaction cf the layer. it) Automatic leveling control system with electronic sensing device 0 maintain mat thickness and cross slope of mat during laying Procedure. |n excaptonal cases where itis not possibie forthe paver to be ulized, mechanical means like motor grader may be used with the prior approval ofthe Engineer. The motor grader shall ‘bo capable of spreading the material uniformly all over the surface. The surface ofthe aggregate shall be carefully checkad with templates and all high or low pots remedied by removing or adding aggregate as may be required. The layer may bo {estedby depth blocks during construction. No segregation of larger and fine particles should be allowed. The aggregates as spread should be of untorm gradation with ne pockets of fine material, The Engleoer may permit manuel mixing an /or laying of wat mix macadam where small {Quantity of wat mix macadam is to be executed. Manual mixinglaying in inacosesibel remote locations and in stations where use of machinery isnot feasible can also be permited, Where manual mixingaying's intended tobe used, he same shall be done with the approval of te Engineer. 406.6 Compaction ‘Alter the mix has been laid fo the required thickness, grade and erossfalcamber the same Shall be uniformly compacted to the full depth with suilabe roller, Ite thickness of single ‘ompacted layer does not exceed 100 mm, @ smooth wheel roler of 80 to 100KN weight may be used. Fora compacted single layer upto 200 mi, the compection shall be done with {he help of vibratory roler of minimum static weight of 80 to 100 INV with an arrangement 134 Sub-Bases, Bases (Non-Bituminaus) and Shouklers Section 400 for adjusting the frequency and amplitude. An appropriate frequency and emplitude may be selected. The speed of the roler shall not exceed § kmh {n portions having unidirectional cross fallsuperelevation rling shall commence from the lower edge and progress gradually towards the upper ega. Thereafter, colle should prograss parallel tothe center ne ofthe road, uniformly over-lappirg each preceding track by atleast ‘one-third width until the entice surface has been rolled. llemate tris of the roller shall be terminated in stops atleast 1 m away from any preceding stop. ‘n portions in camber, roling should begin at the edge withthe roller running forward and backward uni the edges have been fimiy compacted, The ‘aller shal then progress gradually towards the conter peralle! to the centerline ofthe road uniformly overiapoing each of the precoding track by atleast one-third wcth until the entre curface has bean rolled ‘Any displacement occuring as a result of reversing ofthe direction ofa roller or from any ‘ther cause shall be corrected at once as specified andlor removed and made good. ‘Along forms, Kerbs, wells or other places not accessible fo the rlle, tho mixture shall be thoroughly compacted with mechanical tampers or 2 plate compactor. Skin patching of en ‘area without scalfying the surface to permit proper bonding ofthe added material shall not be permitted Rolling should not be done when the sub-grade is soft or yielding or when itcauses a waver ‘ike motion in the sub-base/base course or sub-grade. If inagulartes develop during roling wich exceed 12 mm when tested with a 3 m straight edge, the surface should be loosened ‘and premixed material added or removed as required bere rong again so as to achieve ‘uniform surface conforming tothe desired grade and cressfal.n no case shall the use of ‘unmixed material be permited to make up the depressions. RRoling shel be continued tl the density achloved is atleast 98 percent ofthe maximum cry ensity for the material as determined by the method outinad in 1S:2720 (Pert). ‘Aer completion, the surface of any ished layer shall be well-closed, free from movement under compaction equipment or any compaction planes, ridges, eracks end loose materia ‘Aloose, segregated or otherwise defective areas shall be nade good to the ful thickness of the layer and recompacted. 406.36 Setting and Drying Aller final compaction of wet mix macadam course, the rad shall be allowed to ery for 24hours, 135 Se Seton 400 ‘Sub-Bases, Bases (Non Bituminous) and Shoulders 4004 Opening to Trafic Novehicular trafic shall be allowed on the finished wet mix macadam surface, Construction ‘equpment may be allowed with the approval af the Engineer. 406s, Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work 4065.1 Surface Evenness “Thesuiface fnsh of construction shal conform to the requirements of Ciause 902, 40652 Quality Control Cortrolon the quality of materais and works shallbe exercised bythe Engineer accordance ‘withSection 900, 406s Rectification of Surtace Iregularity Whee the surface irregularity of the wot mix macadam course exceeds the permissible folennces or where the course is otherwise defoctive duo to sub-grade soll getting mixed withthe aggregates, the full thickness ofthe layer shall be ecarfied over the affected area, Fo-staped with added premixed material or removed and replaced with fresh premixed — ‘material as applicable and recompacied in accordance with Clase 406.3. The area treated in the aforesaid manner shell not be loss than m long and 2 m wida, In no ease shall depressions be filed up with unmixed and ungraded material or fnas. 4062 ‘Arrangement for Traffic During he period of construction, arangements for raf shall bs done es per Clause 112. 406.8 Measurements for Payment Wet mix macadam shall be measured ae frished workin positon in cubic metres. 406.9 Rate ‘Tho Contract unit rate for wet mix macadem shall be payment in full fer carying out the requited operations including full compensston for ell components listed in Clause 401.7. 407 CRUSHER-RUN MACADAM BASE 407-4 Scope ‘This work shall consist of furnishing, placing and compacting crushed stone aggregate 136 ‘Sub-Bases, Bases (Non-Bituminous) and Shoulders Section 400 ssub-base and base courses constructed in accordance with the requirements set forth in these Spectications and in conformity wih the lines, gredes, thickness and cross-sections, shown on the drawings or as drecled by the Engineer. 4072 Materials ‘The materia to be used forthe work shallbe crushed rock. If crushed gravelshingle is used, not less than 80 percent by weight ofthe gravel/shinglo aleces retained on 4.75 mm sieve shall have at least two fractured faces. It shall be free fom any organic matter and other ‘deleterious substences and shall be of such nature that can be compacted readily under ‘watering and roling to form a firm, stable base. The aggregates shall conform to the grading fang quality requirements given in Tables 400-14 and 400-16, ‘The grading to be adopted shall be as inccated inthe Contract 4073 Construction Operations 4073.4 Preparation of Sub-grade ‘The surface of the sub-grade shall be prepared in accordance with Clause 404.3.1. Any tuts, deformations or sof yielding places which occur in the sub-base or sub-grade shall be corrected and compacted tothe required density before the aggregate base course is placed thereon, 407.32 Spreading, Watoring, Mixing and Compaction, ‘The aggregate shall be uniformly deposited on the approvad subgrade by means of hauling vehicle with or without spreading devices. Aggregate wil >e gitributed over the surface to the depth speciid on the drawings or as érected by the Engine. Table 400-14: Aggrogato Grading Requirements Sieve Size Percent passing by weight SS mm max size 37.5 mm max Se Sam 100 45mm. 87-100 400 24 mm 50-85, 90-100, 58mm 2545 3585 710 mm 10-25 10-30, 90 mm. 2-5 2-5 137 ae ‘Secon 400 Sub-Bases, Bases (Non Bitumineus) and Shoulders ‘Tab 400-15 : Physical Requirements of Coarse Aggregates for Grusher-Run Macadam Base | [ Test [Test Nethod| Requirements 11) [os Angeles Abrasion value 182986 | 40 maximum (Pata) hsoarogate Impact value 's2386 | 30 maximum (Par) or Is5640 2). [eombined Flakiness and Elongation Indices (Tolal) | 1S:2366 | 35 maximum™ (Pant) 3). | Weter absorption sa3e8 | 2 percent (Pat3)_| maximum [4)_ [liquid Limit of material passing 425 micron 1S2720 | 25 maximum (ats) [5) | Psticty index of material passing 425 micron 1sz720 | 6 maximum (Pants) the water absorption is more than 2 percent, soundness tet shall be caried out as per 18.2886 (Parts) o To determine this combined proportion, the flaky stone fem a representative sample should fst be separated out. Fakinase index ie woight of faky store metal cved By \woight of stone sample. Only the elongated particles be saparatad out fom the remaining {non-aiy) stone metal Elongation index is weight of elongated particles divided by tote! on-aky particles. The valve of akiness index and elongation index ao fount are adced & ‘Ator the base course material has been deposited, it shall be thoroughly blade-mixed to full pth ofthe layer by alternately blading the entre layer tothe cemer and back tothe edges ‘of the oa. it shall than be spread and finshed to the required eress-section by means of a motor grader. \Weter shall be applied prior to and during all blading and processing operations to moisten the material sufcienty to prevent segregation ofthe fine and coa'se particles. Water shall be applied in sufficient amounts during construction to assist in compaction, Compaction shail commence immediately after the sproading operation. I the thickness of Single compacted layer does not exceed 100 mm, a smooth wheal roller of 80 to 100 KN, Weight may be used. For a compacted single layer upto 200 mm, compaction shal be done sith the help of vibratory roller of minimum static weight of 80 to 100 KN or equivalent capaciy, ‘The speed ofthe roller shall not excaed 5 kml. Each layer of material shall be compacted to ‘ot less than 88 percent ofthe maximum density as determined by IS:2720 (Part), 138 ‘Sub-Bases, Bases (Non-Bituminous) and Shoulders Section 400 4074 Opening to Traffic Novehiculartratficshallbe allowed on the finishedcrusher-sunmacadam surface, Construction equipment may be allowed withthe approval ofthe Engineer. 4075 ‘Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work ‘The surface finish of construction shall conform tothe requirements of Clause 902, Control on the quality of matarals and work shall be exercised by the Engineer in accordance ‘with Section 900. 47s Arrangements for Traffic During the period of construction, arrangements for trafic shall be done in accordance with Clause 112. 4or7 Measurements for Payment CCrusher-run macadam base shall be measured as fhishec work in postion in cuble metres. ora Rate ‘The Contract unt rate for crusher run macadam base shallbe payment in ful for carrying out ‘he required operations including full compensation forall components asin Clause 401.7 (i) 10). 408 SHOULDERS, ISLANDS AND MEDIANS 408.4 ‘Scope ‘The work shall consist of constructing shoulder (harG/pavecfearthen with brick or stone block ‘edging) on either side of the pavement. median in the read dividing the carriageway into ‘separate lanes and islands for channelising the traffic at unetions in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades and cross- sections shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. 408.2 Materials ‘Shoulder on either side of tho road may be of selected eatthigranular materialpeved ‘conforming to the requirements of Clause 305/40 and the median may be of selected earth ‘conforming to the requirements of Clause 305, 139 eee ‘Secon 400 ‘Sub-Bases, Bases (Non Bituminous) and Shoulders MecaniTraffc islands shall be ralsed and kerbed at the perimeter and the enclosed area {ileuith earth and suitably covered with gress tutishmubs as pet Clause 307 endior paved 8 pr Clauses 4103.4 or 410.35 Pavel shoulders shall consist of sub-base, base and surfacing courses. as shown in the tawings and materials for the same shall conform to relevant Specifications of the corresponding items. Where paved or hard shoulders are not provided, the pavement shall ‘be povided with brick/stone block edgings as shown in the drawings. Tha brick shall conform to Ciuuse 1003 of these Specifications. Stone blocks shall conform to Clause 1004 of these ‘Speeications and shall be of size 225 mm x 110 mm x 75 mm, 408.3 Size of ShouldersiMediansitslands ‘Shouter (earthen/hard/paved)imedianirafc istend dimensions shall be as shown on the ‘drawings or as directed by the Enginear, 408.4 Construction Operations 408.41 Shoulders ‘The sequence of operations shall be such thatthe construction of paved shoulder is done in layers each matching the thickness of adjoining pavement layes. Oniy after a layer of >pavenent and cocresponcing layers in paved and earth shoulder portion have been laid and =| ‘compacted, the construction of next layer of pavement and shouler shall be taken up. Whore the materials in adjacent layers are diferent, these shal be laid together and the avert layer shall be compacted first. The corresponding layer in paved shoulder portion be compacted thereatier, which shal be followed by compacton of esch shoulder layer. ‘ejacent layers having same material shall be laid and compactad together, In all cases where paved shoulders have to be provided slong side of existing carriageway, the existing shoulders shall be excavated in full width and to tre required depth as per Clause 301.3.7. Under no circumstances, box cutting shall be done for construction of shoulders | ‘Compaction requirement of eertnen shoulder shall be as por Téble 300-2, in the case of bituminous courses and concrete pavement, work on shoulder shall start only after the pavement course has been laid and compacted During alstages of shoulder construction, the required crossfll shall be maintained to drain off surface water. | Regardless ofthe method of laying, all shoulder constuction mateial shall be placed directly 140 ‘Sub-Bases, Bases (Non-Bturhinous) and Shoulders ‘Section 400 on the shoulder. Any piled material dragged on tothe pavement surface shall be immediately removed, without damage to the pavement, and the area so affected thoroughly cleaned, 408.42 Median and Islands Median and islands shall be constructed ina manner simi to shoulder up to the road level, ‘Thereatter the median and Islands, if raised, shall bo raised atleast 300 mm by using ker’ stones of approved material and dimensions and suitably fnished and painted as directed by ‘the Engineer. tf not raised, the median and islands shell be dferentiated fromthe shoulder! Pavement as the case may be, as drected by the Engineer. The confined area ofthe madian ‘and islands shall be filed with local earth or granular material or any other approved material ‘and compacted by plate compactoripower rammer. The confined area ator illng with earth Shall be turfed with grass or planted with shrubs, or fished with tlesfslabs as provided in the drawings. 408.43 Brick/Stone Block Edging ‘The brck/stone biocks shal be laid on edge wth the lenath paleo the transverse direction ‘ofthe road. Thoy shal be lad on a bed of 25 mm sand, eat carefully railed into postion by a light roller and made flush withthe finished evel ofthe pavement 408.5 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Works “The surface finish of construction shail conform tothe requirements of Clause 902. Control (on the quality of materials and works shall be exercised by the Engineer in accordance with ‘Section 900. 408.6 Measurements for Payment ‘Shouider (earthen/Mard/saved), island and mesian onstructon shallbe measured as fished ‘work in positon as below: 5) For excavation in eum, 1) For earthworkigranular fl in cum, li) For sub-base, base, surfacing courses in units as for respective item ix) Forkerb in running metre; length of kerb for median shall be measued for each side soparetely. ¥) For turfing, shrubs and tiefsab fish in sqm, For bricklstone block edging in running metre, the length for brick! stone block edging for median edging shall be measured for each sido separately 141 — ‘Seaton 400 ‘Sub-Bases, Bases (Nor-Bituminous) and Shoulders 4ot7 Rate [The Contract unit rate for shoulder (hardipavediearthen with rick or stone block edging), {stad and median construction salle payment in fulforcamying out the requited operations {ncicing fall compensation forall components listed in Clause <01.7 (i to (v) a8 applicable, ‘Theale for brek/stone biock edging shal include the cost of sand cushion. 408 CEMENT CONCRETE KERB AND KERB WITH CHANNEL, 40st ‘Scope ‘Thiswork shall consist of constructing cement concrete kerbs and kerbs with channel in the Cental median andlor along the footpatns or separators in conformity withthe lines, levels and dimensions as specified In the drawings or as crected by the Engineer. 4091 Materials Kertsand kerb with channel shallbe providedin coment concrete cf Grade M 20 in accordance with Section 1700 of these Specifications, 409.3 ‘Type of Construction ‘Those shall be castin-situ construction with suitable kerb casting machine in all situations ‘excel a locations where continuous casting with equipment is not practicable. In those locations precast concrete blocks shall De used. 409.4 Equipment ‘A continuous kerb casting equipment of adequate capacity and controls, capable of laying {he kerbs in required cross-sections end producing a well-compatted mass of concrete ree (of volts and honeycomis, shall be used, 409.5 Construction Operations 409.51 Kerb shallbe lai on firm foundation of minimum 10 mm thickness f cement onerete of M 15 grado cast in-situ or on extended width of paverient. The foundation shall have @ projection of 50 mm beyond the kerb stone. Before laying the foundation of loan Concrete, the base shall be leveled and slightly watered to make damp, 409.52 _ In the median portions in the straight reaches the kerb shall be cast in continuous lengths. In the portions where footpath is provided andior the slope of the carriageway is towards median (es in case of superelevated portion, there shall be sufficient (eptrecess latin the kerb to facilitate crainage openings, 142 ‘Sub-Bases, Bases (Non-Bituminous) and Shoulders ‘Section 400 4095.3 _Altor laying the kerbs ard just prior to hardening ofthe concrete, saw cut {grooves shall be provided at 5 m intervals up to rished rad level or as specified by the Engineer. 409.54 Kerbs on the drainage ends such as along the footpath or the median in superelevated portions; shall be cast with monolithic concrete channele ae indicated in ‘drawings. The slope of the channel towards drainage pipes shall be ensured for efficient trainage ofthe road surface. 409.55 Vertical and horizontal tolerences with respect to true fine and level shall be 28mm. 409.6 ‘Measurements for Payment Cement concrete kerb/kerb with channel including foundaton shall be measured in linear ‘metre forthe complete tem of work 409.7 Rate The Contract unit rates for cement concrete Kerbikerb with channel including foundation for ketb shall be paymentin full compensation for furnishing al materials, labour, tools, quipment forconstruction and other incidental cost necessary to comslete the work 0 FOOTPATHS AND SEPARATORS 04 ‘Scope ‘The work shall consist of constructing footpaths andlor soparators at locations 2s specified In the drawings or as directed by the Engineer, The lines, levels and dimensions shall be as por the drawings. The scope of the work shall Include provision ofall drainage arrangements 2s shown in the drawings or as dractod by tha Engineer. 4102 Materials ‘The footpaths and separators shall be constructed with any ofthe folowing types: 18) Castin-stu coment concrete of Grade Vi 20 as per Section 1700 of the ‘Speeifcations, The minimum size ofthe pane's shall be as specified in the drawings. 143 EER ‘Secon 400 ‘Sub-Bases, Bases (Non-Situmincus) and Shoulders ) Precast cement concrete blocks and interlocking blocksfiles of grade rot less than M30 as per Section 1700 of the Specifications. The thickness and size ofthe cement concrete blocks or interfocking blocks! tiles shall be 2s specified inthe drawings. ©) Natural stone slab cut and dressed from stone of good and sound ‘qual, uniform in texture, free from defeds and at least equal to a ‘sample submitted by the Contractor and eppraved by the Engineer. “The thickness and size ofthe natural stone slab shall be as spectied in the drawings. 4102 Construction Operations 410.4 Drainage pipes below the footpath originating from the kerbs shall be fist Chute as per provisions of the drawings, or ae spacfec 410.2 Portion on back side of kerbs shall be filed anc compacted with granular ‘sub-tase material as per Clause 401 of the Specicetions in specified thickness. 410.13 The base for castin-stu cement concrete panel tikes) nature stone slab shallbe prepared end fnished tothe required lines, levels and dimensions as indicated inthe drawings. Over ine prepared base, precast concrete interlocking blockstesinatural stone slabs andor cast-h- situ slab shall be selfiald as described in Clauses 4103.4 and 410.35, laid a the required slope and connected to the crains/sumpsistorm water drain/drainage | 410.34 Tilos/Natural Stone Slabs | ‘The blocksttiles/slabs shall be sot on a layer of average 12 mm thick coment-sand mortar (1:3) laid on propared base in such a way thal thore is no rocking. The gaps between the blocktiesistabs shall not be more than 12 mm and shall be filed with cement-sand mortar (1:3), 410.35 Cast-in-situ Cement Concrete ‘The panels of specified size shall be cast on the prepared base in panels of specified size ina staggered manner. Construction joints shall be provided as per Section 1700 of the Specitcations. F 41036 Precast Concrete Blocks and Interlocking Concrete Block Pavements ‘The precast concrete blocks and interlocking conerete block pavement shall be laid on @ . : Sn Jub-Bases, Bases (Nen-Bituminous) and Shoulders edging of sand of thicknass spectied inthe drawing. The grading ofthe sand layer shall be ssn Table 400-16, Table 400-16 1S Sieve Size Percent Passing 952mm 100 4.75 mm S100 2.36 mm ‘20-100 3.18 mm 50-05, 1600 micron 25-60 300 micron 10-30 150 micron = 75 micron 0-10 the joints shall be filed with sand passing a 2.35 mm size wlth the grading as in “able 400-17, ‘Table 400-17, IS Sieve Size Percont Passing 2.36 mm 00 718 mm 30-100 1600 micron 60-90) 300 micron 30-60) 150 micron 156-30 TS micron (0-10 Te bedding sand slightly moist, tha moisture content being about 4 percent, The bedding sand shall be compacted by vibratory plate compactor. ‘Te blocks shal be lai othe levels indicated on the drawings and to the pattern directed by ‘he Engineer. The surface tolerance shall be +10 mm with respect to the design level. The blocks shall be embedded using a hammer. a0 ‘Measurements for Payment Footpaths and separators shall be measured in Squm between Inside of kerbs. The edge restraint block and kerb shall be measured separately in near meter. The tems pertaining to ‘drainage shall be measured separately. 145 ‘Secion 400 ‘Sub-Bases, Bases (Nor-Bituminous) and Shoulders 4105 Rate CConract unit rates shall be inclusive of full compensation for all labour, material, tools, ‘equiment for footpaths including the base, Cost of providing pipes and arrangement for thetrdischarge into aporoprate drainage channels shall be incidental lo the construction of footaths. 148 500 BASES AND SURFACE COURSES (BITUMINOUS) em } Bases and Surface Courses (Situminous) Section 600 501 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT LAYERS. 5014 Goneral Bituminous pavement courses shall be made using the materials described in the ‘Specifications. The us of machinery and equipment mentioned in various Clauses of these Specifications is mandatory. Details ofthe machinery andequipmentereavalableinthe Menvalfor Construction {and Supervision of Bituminous Works. The equipment mandatory fer any particular project shall be in accordance with the Contract Speciicatons for that project. 501.2 Materials 501.241 Binder ‘The binder shall be an appropriate type of bituminous material complying with the relevent Indian Standard, as defined in the appropriato Clauses of these Specifications, or as otherwise specitied herein. The choice of binder shall be stipulated in the Contract or by ‘he Engineer. Where viscosity grades of bitumen are specified, they are refered to by & {designation in accordance with IS:73. Where modified bitumen ie specified, shall conform to ‘he requirements of IRC:SP:53 and IS:15462; and the folaing provision ofthis Specification, shall apply. |) Mosited bitumen trom refinery sources or blended at approved central Plant or at site using appropriate indssral process and plant with high ‘shear mil, and testing facilis to achieve stable anc homagenous mix shall be used, The use of high shear mixer or any other device capable of producing a homageneous blend i essential when the modifiers in powder form ‘i) Transportation tanks and storage tans shallbe insulated and equipped with effective heating systom and circulation agitating device tomaintain the specified temperature, hamogereily and viscosity of the bitumen during transit and storage, it) Separation, diference in softening polnt (R&B), shall not be more than 3°C for eny type of specified modited bitumen when tested as per ‘Annex B of IS:15452 Solection criteria for viscosity grade bitumen, based on highest and lowest daily mean emperatures ata particular sit, are given in Table 500-1 Selection eritera for modified bitumen shall be in accordance with IRC:SP:63. “9 OO ‘Secion 500 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) “Table 500-1 : Solection Critora for Viscosty-Graded (VG} Paving Bitumen ‘Based on Climatic Coneltions | [Lowest Daily ean Ai] Highest Daily Mean Air Temperature, © Temperature, °C _ [Less than 20°C 201030" | More than 30°C ire than 10°C VG-10 VG-20 VG-30 =10°C oF ower VG=10 VG-10 vG-20 Bott the highest dally mean air temperature and the lowest dally mean air temperatures menioned in Tables 600-5 and 500-8 can be obtained for the weather station nearest to the projet site fom the Indian Meteorological Organization (IMO). This dally mesn high temyereture on a specific day Is the same as dally “normal” high temperature for that day as usually reported in some newspapers. The highest of tte 365 daly mean high air temyeretures (which usualy occurs on some day in May or June) s used in Tables 500-5 and 5003, Likewise, the lowest dally mean air temperature (which usually occurs on some day in January) can also be obtained from the IMO. Since these are mean temperatures based on the ererage of 30-40 years data, these temperatures are signifcenly lower than the absolute ‘maxinum temperatures, which may have occurred in a specific year. 50122 Coarse Aggregates G “The coarse aggregates shall consist of crushed rock, crushed gravel or other hard material retained on the 2.36 mm sieve. They shallbe clean, hard, durable, of cubical shape, fee from dust and soft or friable matter, organic or other deleterious matter. Where the Contractor's ‘selected source of aggregates has poor affinity fr bitumen. the Contractor shall demonstrate through test suits that withthe use of ant-stripping agents, the stripping value is improved to saisfy the specification requirements. The Engineer may appre such a source and, as 2 condiion for the approval ofthat source, the bitumen shall be treated with approved anti- stripping agents, as per the manufacturer's recommendations, atthe cost ofthe Contractor. \Where crushed gravel is proposed for use as aggregate not less than 90 percent by welght of the crushed material retained on the 4.7 mm sieve shall have at loast two fractured faces, except that inthe case of bituminous concrete the requirement in this regard shall be 95 percent, ‘The aggregates shall satisfy the physical requirements set forth in the individual relevant clause for the material. 501.23 Fine Aggregates Fine aggregates shell consist of crushed or naturally occuring material, or @ combination of the two, passing 2.98 mm sieve and retained on the 75 micron sieve, They shall be clean, 150 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) ‘Section 500 hard, durable, dry and free from dust, and soft or fisble matter, organic er other deleterious ‘matter. Natural sand shall not be alowed in binder and wearing courses, However, natural ‘sand upto 50 percentof the fine aggregates may be slowed in base courses. Fine aggregates shall have @ sand equivalent value of not lass than 50 when taetad in accordance withthe requirement of 18:2720 (Pert 37). The plasticity indax of tho fraction passing 0.425 mm shall not exceed 4 when tested in accordance with IS:2720 (Part 5). The fine aggregates shall satsfy the physicel requirements sol frthn the incvidualrelovant-clause for the material in question, 50124 Sources of Material ‘The sources of materials proposed to be used by the Contractor ehall be tested to the satisfaction ofthe Enginoor who shall give tha necessary epprovel. The Engineer may from fimo to time withdraw approval of a specifi source, or attach conditions to the existing approval. Any changa in aggregate source for bituminous mikes shall require a new mix {design and laying is, where tho mixis based on ajob mix design. Stockpiles from diferent sources, approved or otherwise, shall be kept separate, such that there ie no contamination between one material and enother. Each source submitted fr approval shall contain material sufficient for at least 5 days" work. 501.3 Mixing Pre-mixed bituminous materials shall be prepared ina hot mix plant of adequate capacity and capable of yielding a mix of proper and uniform quality with thoroughly coated aggregates. [Appropriate mixing temperatures are ghven In Table 800-2 of these Specifications. the aitferance in temperature between the binder and aggregate shall at no time exceed 14°C, In lotder t ensure uniform quality ofthe mix ané beter coating of aggregates, the hot mix plant shall be callorated from time to time, The essential features ofthe hot mix plants are given in Annex A of IRC27, “Table 500-2: ttxing, Laying and Rolling Temperatures for Bituminous Mixes (Degree Celelus) Bitumen | Bitumen | Aggregate | Mixed | Laying | “Rolling Viscosity | Temperature Tomperaturo| Material _| Temperature | Temperature Grade ‘Temperature| [ve-40 760-170 | 160-475 | 160-170 | 780Min | 100 in lvex0 1s0-165_|_150-170_| 150-165 _| 14OMin_| _90.Min Ive20 145-165 |_145-170_| 145-165 | 195Min | 86 Min lve-0 s40-100 [140-105 | 140-160_[ 13min | 80Min . Roling must be complete before the mat cools o these minimum temperatires 181 eee ‘Secon 500 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) I continuous type mixing plent is used, the Contractor must demonstrate by laboratory ‘anaysis that the cold feed combined grading is within the gracing limits specified for that bituninous bound material. Inthe case of a designed job mix, the bitumen and filer content ‘shall derived using this combined grading, 5018 ‘Transporting Bituninous materials shal be transported in clean insulated and covered vehicles. An asphalt Felese agent. such as soap or lime water, may be applied to the interior of the vehice to prevent sticking ane to faciitate discharge of the material 5045 Laying 50154 Weather and Seasonal Limitations Laying shall be suspended: |) Inpresencs of standing water on the surtaca: |) When rains imminent, and during rains, fog or dust storm; Ii) When the base/binder course is damp; jv) When the air temperature onthe surface on which itis to be lad is less than 10°C for mixes with conventional bitumen ands lass than 15°C for ‘mixes with mediied bitumen; ¥) When the wind speed at any temperature exceeds the 40 km per hour at2 m height 501.82 leaning of Surfaco ‘The surface on which the bituminous work isto be laid shall be cleaned of al loose and ‘extraneous matter by means of a mechanical broom and ai Jet. The equipment for applying 2 high pressure air jet rom @ compressor to remove dust or loos? matter shal be available fulltine atthe ate 501.53 Spreading Prior to spreading the mix, the base shall be prepared by carrying out the required operations ‘a8 per Ciause 501.8 depending upon th site conditions, Except in areas where paver cannot ‘get access, bituminous materials shall be spreed, levelled and tanped by an approved self propelied paving machine equipped with an elecycnic sensing device. The essential features Of the paver finisher shall conform to Annex A of IRC:27. AS socn as possible after arrival at site, the materials shall be supplied continuously to the paver and laid without delay, The 182 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 ‘ate of delivery of material to the paver shall be regulated to enable the paver to operate ccontinuousiy. The travel rate of the paver, and its method af operations, shall be adjusted to ensure an even and uniform flow of biturinous material across the scread, ‘oe from dragging, tearing and segregation of the material. In areas with restricted spece (auch ae ‘confined space, foot ways, of irregular shane and varying thickness, approaches to expansion joints, etc.) where paver cannot be used, the meteral shall ba spread, reked and levelled with ‘suitable hand tools by tained staf ‘The minimum thickness of material laid in each paver pase shall be In accordance with the minimum values given in the relevant parts of thesa Specifiations, When laying binder ‘course or wearing course approaching an expansion joint of a structure, machine laying ‘shall stop 300 mm short ofthe joint. The remainder ofthe pavement up tothe joint and the ‘corresponding area beyond it, shall be laid by hand, and the joint or joint caviy shal be kapt clear of surfacing material Bituminous material, with a temperature greater than 145°, shall not be laid or deposited (on bridge deck water-proofing systems, unless precautions against heat damage have been approved by the Engineer. 501.54 Bituminous material shall be kept clean and uncontaminaleé. The only trafic permitted to run on bituminous material to be overiaié shallbe that engaged in laying and compacting the next course of, where a binder course is to he sealed or Surface draesed, that engaged on such surface treatment. Should any bituminous material became contaminated, the Contractor shall make it good to the satisfaction of the Engineer, in compliance with Cisuse 501.8. Binder course material shall be covered by sither the wearing course or surface treatment, ‘whichever is specified inthe Contract. 501.6 Compaction Bituminous materials shall be laid and compacted In layers, which enable the specified thickness, surface level, rogularity requirements and compaction o be achioved. Compaction of bituminous materials shall commence 2s saon as possible after laying Compaction shall be substantially completed before the temperature falls below the minimum, roling temperatures stated in the relevant part of these Specifications. Roling of the Jonaitudinal joints shall be done immediately behind the raving operation. After this, roling shal commence af the edges and progress towards tho canter longitudinally except that on super-elevated and unidirectioally cambered portions, it shall progress from tho lower ta the Upper edge parallel to the center line of the pavement. Ralng shall continue unt all roller ‘marks have been removed from the surface. All deficiencies in the surface after laying shall 153 meat Secin 500 ‘Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) bbe mde good by the attendants behind the paver, before inal ‘ling is commenced. The Initicir breakdown roling shall be done with 8-10 tonne static weight smooth-whee! roles, ‘The termediate rong shall be done with 8-10 tonne static weight or vibratory roller or with 8 priumatc tyre roller of 12 to 15 tonne weight, with a tyre pressure of atleast 0.58 MPa, ‘The Contractor shall demonstrate the effcency’of the equipment proposed to be used by ccarnyng compaction trials. The procedure for site trials shall be submitted to the Enginat for axproval. The finish roling shall be done wih 6 to 8 tonne smooth wheel tandem roles. Rollig shal continue until the specified compaction is achieved. Whee compaction is to be determined by density of cores, the requirements to prove the perfomance of rollers shall apply inorder to demonstrate that the specified density can be achiered. In such cases the Contractor shall spaciy the plant, and the method by which he Intens to achieve the specified level of compaction and finish et temperatures above the minirum spectfied roling temperature. Laying tals shall then demonstrate the acceptabilly (of theplant and method used, Biturnnous materials shall be roled ina longitudinal direction, with the driven rolls nearest the per. The roler shall fst compact material acjacent to jonis and then work from the lowero the upper sie ofthe layer, overlapping on sucbessive passes by at least one-third of the with ofthe rear rl or, in the case of preumati-tyred roller, atleast the nominal width of 300mm. In porions with super-elevated and unidirectional camber, ater the edge has been rolled, the roller shall progress from the lower to the upper edge. Rollers should move ata speed of not more than §km per hour. The roller shall not be permitted to stand on pavement which has not bean fully compacted, and necessary precautions shall be talen to prevent dropping of ol, grease, peti diesel or otter foreign matter on the Paverent ether when the rollers are operating or standing. The wheels of roller machine shall be in. good working order, to prevent the mix from adhering tothe wheels. Only sufcient moisture to prevent adhesion between the wheels of rollers and the mix should be used, Surplus water shall not be alowed to stand on the patially compacted pavement. 5017 Joints $017.4 ‘Where joints are made, tne material shall be fully compacted and the joint ‘made fush in one of the folowing ways: 42) _Aljoints shall be cut vertical to the ful thickness of the previously lad ‘ix, All loosened material shall be discarced and the vertical face coated with @ suitable viscosity grade hot bitumen, or cold applied ‘emulsiied bitumen. While spreading the material along the joint the material spread shall overlap 25 mm to 50 mm on the previously laid mix beyond the vertical face of the joint. The thickness of the loose 154 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) ‘Section 500 ‘overlap material should be approximately a quarter more than the final ‘compacted thickness. The overlapped mix shall be dragged back othe hot lane so thatthe roller can press the small excess ino the hot side ‘ofthe joint to obtain a high joint densi. b) By using two or more pavers operating in echelon, where this is practicable and in suffcient proximity for edjacant widths’ to be fully ‘ompacted by continuous rong. 501.72 —__Alllongitucinal joints shal be oftset al feast 300 mm from paral jints in the 'byer beneath or as directed, and in a layout aporoved by the Engineer. Joints in the wearing ‘course shal coincide wit ether the lane edge or the lana marking, whichever Is appropriate Longitudinal joints shall not be situeted in whee! track zones, 5017.3 For transverse jints method a) above shel epply. Transverse joints in the successive and agjining layers shall have a minimum offset of 2 m. 5018 Proparation of Surface 501.84 ‘Scope Tis work shall consist of prepering an existing granular or black-topped surface for laying bituminous course. The work shell be performed on such widhs and lengths as shown onthe {rawings of as instructed by the Engineer. The existing surface shall be firm and clean, end eated with Prime or Tack coat whore specified in the Contract 50182 Materials $01.82.1 For Scarifying and Re-laying the Granular Surfaco ‘The material used shall be coarse aggregates salvaged from the scarfication ofthe existing sfenuiar base course supplemented by fresh coarse aggregates and screenings so that ‘aggregates and scresnings thus supplemented correspand fo Clauses 404 or 406, 501.8.2.2 For Patching Potholes and Sealing Cracks Where the existing surface to be overlaid is bkuminous, meteral required for patching and ‘sealing cracks shall bein accordance with Clauses 3004.2 and 3004.3, or as directed by the Engineer. 501.8.2.3 For Profile Corrective Course The type of material for use as profie corractve course shall be es chown on the drawings 155 rr ‘Secion 500 Bases and Surface Coursos (Bituminous) OF ai directed by the Engineer. Where itis to be laid a8 part ofthe overlay/ strengthening coune, the profile corrective course material shall be of the same specification as that of | the Geriay! strengthening course. However, if provided as a separate layer, it shall be ofthe specication and details given in the Contract. 501.13 Construetion Operations 501.134 Preparing Existing Granular Surface Whee the existing surface is granular, allloose materials shall be removed, and the surface lightl watered where the profle corrective course to be provided as a separate layer cso Sranuar. Where the profe corractive course of bituminous material isto be laid over the | ‘existiig granular surface, the latter shall, afer romoval of all locee material, be primed in accorience with Clause 502 and a tack coat applied in accordance with Clause 603, The srface of all granular layers on which bituminous works are to be placed, shall be ‘ree fom dust. All such layers must be capable of being swept, after the removal of any ‘non-‘rtegra loose material, by means of @ mechanical broom, wahout shedding significant uantlies of material and dust removed by iret, washing, of other means approved by the Engineer Alter deaning, the surface shall be correct to line and lovel within the tolarances specified for base course, 501.832 Scarifying Existing Bituminous Surface \Where specified or shown onthe drawings, the existing bituminous lyer inthe specified width shall be removes with care and without causing undue eisturbance tothe underlying layer, by 8 suitable method eppraved by the Engineer. After removal of al loose and disintegrated ‘material, he underlying layers which might have been disturbed shall be suitably reworked ‘supplementing the base material as necessary with suitable frech stone aggregates and ‘omparted to line and level. The compacted fnished surfaca shallbe primed in accordence with Clause 602. Reusable materials shall be stacked as diractec by the Engineer with all leads and lis. 501.8.33 Patching of Potholes and Sealing of Cracks Where the existing surface to be overlaid is bituminous, any existing potholes and cracks Shall be repaired and sealed in accordance with Clauses 3004.2 and 3004.3 or as directed by the Engineer. 1 | -™-_—_—_———_ d | Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 501.834 Profile Corrective Course 8) Applicaton of Profile Corrective Course |) A profilo corectve course for correcting the existing pavement Profil hall be laid to varying thickness as shown on the Drawings. 1) Any high spots in the existing black-topped surface shall be removed by @ miling machine 3° other approved metnod, and al loose material shall be removed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Wi) Where the maximum thickness of profle cortecive course will be not more than 40 mm, the rofla corective course shall be constructed as an inogral part ofthe overlay course. In othor cases, the profs corectva course shall be constricted os. 2 ‘separate ayes, adopting such construction provecures and using ‘such equipment as approved bythe Engineer, to lay the specied ‘ype of materia, fo thickness and tolerance as specified for the course t9 be provided. Iv) The proflle corrective course shall be lsd to tolerances and densities as specified for wearing couse Hit is Ted Integral with the wearing course. The profie corrective course shal be aid to tolerances and densities as spectied for base course its to be covered witha wearing couse ayer. ) Laying on Granular Base : After preparing the granular surface in accordance wth Clauses 501.8.3.1 and 601 8.3.2, the profle corecve Course shall be lid using material as described in Clauses 60°.0.2.9 ‘and 501.8:3.4 (a), oF 28 otherwise described in the Contact, and ‘compacted t the requirements ofthe aartculer Specification | «Laying on Existing Bituminous Surface : Tho existing bituminous i surface shall be prepared in accordance with Ciauso $01.83 , end | after applying a tack coat conforming to Clause 503, the bituminous | profs corrective course shall be lid using material 2s described Clauses S01.8.2.3 and 601.8.3.4(a) and campactod tothe requirement i ofthe Specification 4) Correction of Local Depressions, Camber and Super-Elevation : Where local sags or depressions accur in the existing pavement, a specif filing operation shal be instucted by the Engineer, which should be laid in accordance with Fig. $00. Normally, the maximum layer thickness at any point should rot exceed 100 mm, In placing } rmutiple its, they should be arranged according to the correct method eilestrated i 187 ne ee Seton 500 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) LLM pL Re (@y incorrect meTHoD Profle comective course material tobe in accordance wih ne thickness Fig, 500-1 : Methods for Providing Corrective Course for ‘Short Sags and Depressions Note: For carrection of camber or super-elevation ofthe existing carriageway, the method shown in Fig, $00.2 shail be adopted, depending on the profile ofthe existing cariagoway, 501.835 Covering the Profile Corrective Courses Profile corrective course shall be so planned thatthe layer shall be covered by the designed baselvearing course at the earliest opportunity, before opening toregular trae, 901.84 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work ‘The relevant provisions of Section 900 shall apply. 501.85 —_Arrangoments for Traffic During construction operations, arrangements for traffic shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Clause 112, =— e ‘Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) ‘Section 500 Cave |: Deficiency in camber being rectiie by orofle corrective course = Case il: Deficiency in super-slevaton baing rected by profie corrective course __ ‘Case Il: Converting two-sided camber to one-sided cross al crng provision ofa dual eaviageway Fig. 502 : Correction of Camber of Super-Elevation 5018.6 Environmental Protection ‘The provisions of Clause 111 and the provision of Annex Ato Clause 801 shal apy 5018.7 Measurement for Payment 501.871 Cleaning of the Surface ‘The work of cleaning of the surface using mechanical broom an airjt shall be Incidental to the work of preparation of surface. 501.8.7.2 — Scarifying ‘Scarying the existing bituminous surface shall be measured and peid for on a square motre basi. 159 Secion 500 Bases and Suface Courses (Bituminous) 501373 Prime Coat rire coat shall be measured and paid for on a square metre bess, 501474 Tack Coat ‘Tackcost shall be measured and paid for on a square metre bass. 5014.75 Potholes and Crack Sealing ‘The vorkoffillng potholes shall be measured separately and be paid for in square metres or ‘on weight basis in tonnas as spaciiad in tho Contract “The wor of eealing cracks by applying fog spray or emulsion slury seashell be measured Jn square metres, forthe area covered by the spray. “The work of sealing cracks of size 3mm to 6 mm in width shall measured in square metres oF iniinesr meters as speciied in the Contract. “The work of sealing cracks of size greater than 6 mm width shall be measured In linear motr 501.176 Profile Corrective Course Profit corrective course shall be measured as the volume lad in postion in cubic metres, cf in tonnage, as stipulated in the Contract. The volume shall be calculated by ploting the exact profe of corrective course as required, and laid, superimposed on the existing ppavenent profi. Cross-sectional areas ofthe profile corrective course shall be measured at Jntervals of 10 m centre fo centre on straight sections and at 6 mcenter to centre on curves longiucinaly and at seven locations transversely, for two lane carriageway, an at three locations transversely fr single lane end the volume shall be calculated using the method of cond areas. 501.877 Filling of Local Depressions ‘The work offing depressions where instructed io be carried out seperately shall be measured by the weight of the bituminous material placed in positon, 501.88 Rates 501.881 Rate for Scarifying “The contract unitate for scarfying existing bituminous surfaces, including reparinglteworking 160 > Fi | Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 cisturbed underlying layers and removing and stacking reusable and unusable materials, shall include but not necessarily be limited to, the cos: af all Iabour, supply of materials | ‘ngeded for repairreworking, hire charges of tools and plant, and transportation of sceriied ‘materials with leads and its 501.8.8.2 Rate for Premixed Bituminous Material ‘The contract unit rate for premixed bituminous material shall be payment in fl for earsying Out the required operations including full compensation fer, but nat necessarily limited to |) Making arangements for vatf to Clause 112 except for intial treatment to verge, shoulders and construction af dversions; i) Cleaning of the surface; | )) Providing all materials to be inosrporated in the work inclu | arrangement for stock yaré, all oyales, fees, rents where necessary ‘and all leads and lifts; | |v) Mixing, transporting, laying and compacting the mix, as specified inclucing all wastage in cutting joint V) _Alliabour, tools, equipment, pint including installation of hot mix plant, Power supply units and all machinery, incidental to complete the work lo these Specifications; vi) Carrying out the work in part widlys of the road whare directed: vi) Carrying out all tests for control ef qaity: vill) The rate shall cover the provision of bitumen at the application rate ‘specified in the contract, withthe provision that the variation in actual percentage of bitumen used shall be accessed and the payment adjusted accordingly as per Contract |x) The rates include for all testing, mix design, transporting and testing of ‘samples, and cores and tests as diected by the Engineer: and 2%) The cost of al plant and laying tials as spectied to prove the mixing ‘and laying methods shall be deemed to be included in the Contractor's rates. 501.8..3 Rate for Potholes and Crack Sealing ‘The rate for patching potholes shall be 28 per Clause 3004.26, ‘The rate for seating cracks by applying fog spray shall be es per Clause 513.9, ‘The rate for sealing of cracks of width 3 mm or more shell be as per Clause 3004.3.3.. 161 SS Secon 500 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) | | “Thecontract unit rate for cracks between 6 mm and 15 mm shall be measured on a linear | ‘mete basis, and the rate is to include forall materials, tools, plat, labour, end transport | 5018..4 Rate for Prime Coat “TheContract unl rate for prime coat shall be as per Ciause 6028, 5013.85 Rate for Tack Coat “TheCentract unit rate for tack coat shall be as per Clause 603.8, 5013.86 Rate for Filling of Local Depressions “TheContract unit rate for fling of local depressions shall be payment in ful for ()furishing all naterils, (i) all works involved including trimming, cleaning, backing, priming, appication of tack coat, filing with bituminous matoral in layers and compacting each layer (ll) labour, tools, equlement and incidentals to compete the works in accordance with the Spesifeations. ‘TheContract unit rate for profile corrective course witen aid separately shall be payment in full for carrying out the required operations as specified, and shall Include all components | i 5013.87 Rate for Profile Corrective Course listed in Clause 501.8.8.2. 162 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 Annex ‘A'to Clause 501 Annex) PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 1 GENERAL 1.1 This Appendix sets out limitations on the Contacto specifically intended to protect the environment. 4.2. The Contractor shal ake all necessary measures and precautions end ‘otherwise ensure that the executien of the works and all associated ‘operations on or offsite are carried out in conformity with statutory ‘and regulatory environmental requirements including those prescriued elsewhere in these specifications, 113 The Contractor shall tke all measures and precautions to avold eny ‘nuisence or cisturbance arising from the execution ofthe Works. This shall wherever possible be achieved by suppression ofthe nuisance at ‘source rather than abatement of the nuisance once generated. 414 In the event of any spol, debris, waste or any deleterious substance ‘rom the site boing doposited on any adjacent land, tha Contractor shall, immediatly remove all such material and restore the aifected area to its original stato tothe satisfaction of the Engineer. 2 WATER QUALITY 24 The Contractor shall prevent any interference with the supply to ‘or abstraction from, and prevent any pollution of, water resources. (including underground percolating water) as a resuk of the execution of the Works, 22 Areas were water is requlaly or repettvely used for dust suppression [purposes shall be led to fall to specielly-consirucied settlement tanks to permit sedimentation of particulate matter. After setlement, he water ‘may be reused for dust suppression and rinsing 2.3. All water and other liquid waste products arising on the site shall be Collected and disposed of ata location on a off the site and in a manner that shall not cause nuisance or polkton 2.4 The Contractor shall not discharge or deposit any matter arising from the exécution ofthe Works into any waters except wih the permission ‘of the Engineer and the regulatory authorities concerned. 25 The Contractor shall at al imes ensure that ll exsting stream courses ‘and drains within, and adjacent to, tre sit are kept safe and free from ‘any debris and any materials arising from the Works, 163 re Secon 500 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) 26 The Contractor shall protect all watercourses, waterways, ditches, | canals, drains, lakes ard the like from pollaion as a result of the | ‘execution ofthe Works, 3 ‘IR QUALITY | 8.1. TheContator sal devise and arangemotads of waking tomininize Gust gaseous or ober arhore emissions ard cary outte Works | fuch a manera fo minimize adverse mpacison a ql, \ 42 The Contractor shall ule efecve war sprays dng dalven, | mmrufecre, Wocesshg end hanging of maaas when dats tel) | tobe cested, and io dampen stored materials during ry and wincy | woah Stekptes of fatlometerle eral be covered win oan | tarpaulins, with application of sprayed water during dry end windy 1 weather. Stockpiles of material or debris shell be dampened prior to | their movement, except where this is contrary tothe Speciation. | 3.3. Any vehicle with an open load-carrying area used for transporting: pot ut potucrg matt hal ae propery ing wo and | itch wae ga te sate) | loaded to a level higher than the side and tal boards, and shall be covered with a clean tarpaulin in good condtion. The tarpaulin shall be properly secured and extended at least 30C mm over the edges of the side and tall boards, 34. Inthe evant that the Contractors permitiedto use gravel or earth roads for haulage, he shall provide sutable measures for dust palliation, if these are, in the opinion of the Engineer, necessary. Such measures ‘may include sprinkling water on the road surface at rogular interval 4 Noise 4.1. The Contractor shall consider noise abutment measures in his planning ‘and execution of the Works, 42. The Contractor shall tke all necessary messures so thatthe operation ‘ofall macharical equipment and constructien pracesses on and off the ‘te shall not cause any unnecessary or excessive noise, taking into ‘account applicable environmental requirerrents. The Contractor shall use all necessary measures and shall mairtain all plant and slencing equipment in good condition so as to minimize the noise emission during construction works. 168 ~ i Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 5 CONTROL OF WASTES 5.1. The Contractor shal contol the disposal of allforms of waste generated by the construction operations snd in all associated activities. No tuncontrolad deposition or dumping shall be permitted. Wastes to be so Controlled shall include, but shal rot be limited to, al forms of fuel and engine ils, all typos of bitumen, coment, surplus aggregates, gravels, bituminous mixos otc. Tha Contrsetor shall make specific provision for the propor disposal of these and any other waste product, conforming to local regulations and acceptable to the Engineer, EMERGENCY RESPONSE 6.1. The Contractor shall plan and provide for remedial measures to be implemented in the event of oczurrence of emergencies such as spillages of olor bitumen or chemicals, 6.2 Tho Contractor shall provide the Engineer with 2 statement of the ‘measures he intends to Implement in the event of such an emergency, ‘hich shall include a statement of how he intends to provide personnel ‘sdequately trained to implement such measures. MEASUREMENT 7.1 No separate measurement shall be made in respect of compliance by the Contractor wth these provisions. The Contractor shall be deemed to hava made allowance for such sompliance wih these provisions in the praparation of his prices for ams of work inckided in the Bill of (Quentiies and full compensation for such compliance will be deemed covered by them, 165 Sectior500 502 502.4 — Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) PRIME COAT OVER GRANULAR BASE Scope ‘This wirk shall consist of the application of a single coat of low viscosity quid bituminous materii to a porous granular surface preparatory to the superimposition of bituminous {reatrnint or mix. The work shall be carr out on a previously pregarad granular! stabized surfactto Clause 501.8. 502.2, Materials : 1 The primer shall be cationic bitumen emulsion $S1 grade conforming to 1S:8187 or madium curing cutback bitumen conforming to IS:217 of as spectied in the Contra. 502.2.2 __Quanllyof $S1 grade bitumen emulsion for varioustypes of granuiar surface shall beas given in Table 500-3, “Fel 500-2: Quantity of Bitumen Emulsion for Various Types of Granular Surfaces Type of Surface Rate of Spray (kg/sa.m) r wan iveM O.7=1.0 Stabilied soll bases/Grusher Run Macadam oo12 502.2.3 _Cutback for primer shall not be prepared at the ste, Type and quantity of ‘culbact bitumen for varius types of granular surface shall be as given in Table 600-4. ‘Table 500-4: Type and Quantity of Cutback Bitumen for Various Types of Granular Surface Type of Surface Type of Gutback | Rate of Spray ‘(kalsa.m) Mn WC 30 06-09 Stabilize soll bases! Crusher Run Macadam MG 70 09-12 5022.4 The correct quantly of primor shall be decided by tre Engineer and shall be 5 such that can be absorbed by the surface without causing run-of!of excessive primer and to-achieve desired penetration of about 8-10 mm, 5023 Weather and Seasonal Limitations Primer shall not be applied during a dust storm or when the weather is foggy, rainy or windy lor when the temperature in the shade is less than 100. Cutback bitumen as primer shall not 166 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 be appliod to 8 wet surface, Surfaces which ae to receive emulsion primer should be demp, butno free or standing weter shall be present. Surface can 2@ Just wet by very light sprinkling of water 5024 Construction 5024.4 Equipment ‘The primer shall be applied by a selfpropolied or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped {or spraying the material uniformly at speciad rates and tenparatures. Hand spraying shall ‘ot be allowed except in small areas, inaccessible to the disibuter, orn narrow strips where pémer shall be sprayed with a pressure hand sprayer, or as directed by the Engineer, 50242 Preparation of Road Surface ‘The granular surface to be primed shell be swept clesn Ly power brooms or mechanical ‘sweepers and made free from dust. All loose material end other foreign material shall bbe removed completely. if sol’ moorum binder has been used in the WEM surface, part Of this should be brushed and removed to a depth of about 2 mm so as to achieve good penetation 502.43 [Afr preparation ofthe road surface as per Clause 502.42, the primer shall be sprayed Uniformly atthe specified rate, The method for application ofthe primer will depend on the 'ype of equipment tobe used, size ofnazzies, pressure atthe spray bar and speed of forward Movement. The Contractor shall demonstrate at a spraying trial, thatthe equipment and ‘method to be used is capable of producing a uniform spray, thin the tolerances speciied No heating or dilution of S81 bitumen emulsion ane shall bo pormitied et site, Temperature of cutback bitumen shail be high enough to permit the primar to be sprayed effectively though the els ofthe spray and to cover tho surface uniformly. 50244 Curing of Primer and Opening to Traffic ‘Aprimed surface shall be alowed to cure for atleast 26 hours or such other higher period as is found to be necessary to allow all the moisturevolatils to evaporate before any subsequent surface treatment or mix is laid. Any unabsorbed primer shall fst be blotted with a ight ‘ppication of sand, using the minimum quantty possible, A primed surface shal not be ‘pened to trafic other than that necessary fo lay the next course. 5025 Quality Control of Work For control of the quality of materials and the works carted out, the relevant provisions of Section 800 shall epply, 167 SS — ‘Section 500 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) su6 Arrangements for Traffic Dring construction operations, arrangements for trafic shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Cause 112. se7 Measurement for Payment Pime coat shall be measured in terms of surface area of application in square metres. 508 Rate “The contract unit rate for prime coat shall be payment in full for carying out the required ‘operations inclucing ful compensation forall components lsied in Ciause 401.7 (i) to (¥) lard es applicable to the work specified in these Specifications. Payment shall be made on ‘the basis ofthe provision of prime coat at an application rate o! quantity at 0.6 kg per square imatre or atthe rate specifiad in the Contract, with adjustment, plus or minus, for the variation beween this quantity and the actual quantity approved by the Engineer after the preliminary ‘is rforred to in Clause 502.43, 56 ‘TACK CoAT 50.1 Scope “The work ehall consist of the application ofa single coat of lw viscosity liqud bituminous ‘terial to existing bituminous, cement concrete or primed granular surface preparatory to the superimposition ofa bituminous mix, when specified in the Contract or as instructed by th Engineer, The work shall be carried out on @ previously prapared surface in accordance ‘wih Clause 501.8. 503.2 Materials “The binder used for tack coat shal be ether Cationic bitumen emulsion (RS 1) complying ‘wat [S:8887 or sultable low viscosity paving bitumen of VG “0 grade conforming to IS:73, “The use of cutback bitumen RC.70 a8 per IS:217 shell resticted only for sites atsub-zero ‘temperatures or for emergency applications as directed by the Engineer. The type and grade of binder for tack coat shall be 2s specified in the Conlract or as directed by the Engineer. 503.3 Weather and Seasonal Limitations Bituminous material shell not be applied during & dust storm ar when the weather is foggy, rainy or windy or when the temporature in tha shade Is loss than 10°C, Where the tack coat 168 ( Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) ‘Section 500 consists of emulsion, the surface shall be sighlly damp, bst not wet. Whare the tack coat is ‘of cutback bitumen, the surface shall be dry. 5034 Construction 503.44 Equipment ‘The ack coat shallbe applied by asel-propelled o towed bitumen pressure sprayer, equipped {or spraying the material uniformly at a specified rate. Hard spraying shall not be permitted ‘except in small areas, inaccessible tothe distributor, or narow strips, shall be sprayed with ‘a pressure hand sprayer, or as directed by the Engineer. 503.42 Preparation of Base “The surface on which the tack costis to be applied shal be slean and froe from dust, dc, and ‘ny extraneous material, and be otherwise propared in ascordance with the requirements ‘of Clauses 501.8. The granular or lablized surfaces ehell be primed as per Clause 502. Immediately before the application of the tack cost, the surface shall be swept clean with ‘2 machanical broom, and high pressure air jt, oF by ather means as diroctod by the Engin 503.43 Application of Tack Coat “The application of tack coat shall be at the rate specfiedin Table $00-5, and it shall be applied Lniformiy rate of application of Tack Coats not specified inthe contract, thon it shall be the rate specified in Table 500-5, No dilution or heating t site of RS1 bitumen emulsion shall be permitted. Paving bitumen if used for tack coat shal be heated to appropriate temperature In bitumen bolle's to achieve viscosty less than 2 poise. The normal range of spraying {temperature for a biturinaus emulsion shall be 20°C to 70°C ane for cuiack, 50°C to 80°C. ‘The method of application of tack coat will depend on the ype of equipment to be used, size ‘of nozzles, pressure atthe spray bar, and speed or ferward movement. Tha Contractor shall demonstrate at a spraying tal, that the equipment and method to be used is capable of producing a uniform spray, within the tolerances specied.. “Table 500-5: Rate of Applicaton of Tack Coat ‘Type of Surface Rate of Spray of Binder in Kg per sq.m Bituminous surfaces 0,200.30 [Granular surfaces weated with primer 025-030 [Cement concrete pavement 0.30035, 1 i 2 ‘tion 50 ‘Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) 93.44 Curing of Tack Coat “Tne tack coat shallbe left o cure unt al he volatiles have evaporated before any subsequent ‘onstruction is started, No plant or vehicles shall be allowed on the tack coat other than those ‘sential forthe construction, 5135 Quality Control of Work Far control ofthe quality of materials end the works carried out, the relevant provisions of ‘Section 900 shall apply. 5136 Arrangements for Traffic Daring ne peri of construction, arrangements for tafic shat be made In accordance with, ‘the provisions of Clause 112. 57 Measurement for Paymont “Teck coat shall be measured in toms of surface area of application in square metres. 58 Rate ‘Tre contract unit rate for tack coat shall be payment in fll for carrying out the required ‘operations Including for li components listed in Clause 401.8 (i) 0 (v) and as applicable to ths work specified in Uiese Specifications. The rate shall cover the provision of tack coat, at 0.2 kg per square metre or at the rats specified in the Contact, withthe provision that the variation between this quantly and actual quantity of bitumen used willbe assessed and the payment acjusted accordingly. 508 BITUMINOUS MACADAM 5044 ‘Scope “This work shall consist of construction in a single course having 50 mm to 100 mm thickness Corin multiple courses of compacted crushed aggregates premixed with a bituminous binder on a previously prepared base lo the requirements of these Specifications. Since the bituminous macadam is an open-cradad mix, here is a potential that it may tap water or ‘moisture vapour within the pavement system. Therefore, adjazent layer (shoulders) should have proper drainage qualty to prevent moisture-induced damage to the BM, 508.2 Materials 504.21 Bitumen ‘The bitumen shall be viscosity graded paving bitumen complying with Indian Standard ‘Spoeifcatin for paving bitumen, IS:73 or as specified inthe Cenivact. The type and grade of 170 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 bitumen fo be used would depend upon the climatic conditions and the trafic. Guidelines for selection of bitumen are given in Table 500-1. 50422 Coarse Aggregates. ‘The coarse eggregates shall consist of crushed rock, crushed gravel or other hard material retained on 2.96 mm sieve. It shall be clean, hard, durasle and cubical shape, free from dust and soft organic and other deleterious substances. The aggregate shall satisty the Piysical requirements sgeciied in Tabla 500-6, Where crushed gravel Is proposed for ‘use as aggregate, not less than $0 percent by weight of the crushed material retained on 4.75mm sieve shall have atleast two ractured faces resuling from cushing operation. Before approval ofthe source, the aggregates shall be tasted for slipping. Where the Contractor's selected source of aggregates have poor afnity for bitumen, asa condition for the approvel of that source, the bitumen shall be treated with approved anti-stripping agents, as per the: ‘manufacturer's recommendations, without addtional payment 5042.3 Fine Aggregates Fine: aggregates shall consist of crushed or naturslly occurring mineral material, or @ combination of two, passing 2.98 mm sieve and retained on75 micron sieve. It sll be clean, hard, durable, free from dust and soft organic and other deleterious substances. Natural sand shall not be used inthe binder course. Table 500-6 : Physical Properties of Coarse Aggregate Property Test Requirement Test method [cleanness [Gran see analyse Max. St passing | 182985 Part! (0.075 mien fide shape |Gomnined Fatinoss and Mas, 35% TSD365 Pant Elongation Indices Sirenath tos Anois Abason ax 40% TSaaHs Pan jue or Asareaate Impact Value Max. 30% 18:2386 Part Darang Souncness (Sodium or Soydes Magnesium) |Sacium Sulphate Max. 12% ts286 Pat v Magnesium Suiphate Max 18% 1.2986 Pant V ' Water absarpion [Water absorption Mae 2% 15:2386 Pest ii Stoning [Coating and Stipping of | Win, Retahad Coating | 186261 [Situmen Aggregate 5% Watersenstiviy [Retained Tense srengiit| Min 80% [AASHTO 263 ! 5 Ifthe minimum retained tonsil strength as below 80 percent se of ant etringing agent 's recommended to meat the minimum requirements im 2 seetion 500 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) 942.4 Aggregate Grading and Binder Content The combined grading of the coarse aggregates and fine aggregates, when tested in ‘ecordance with 1S:2386 Part 1, wel sieving method, shall conform to fimits given in “ible 600.8. The fype and quantly of bitumen and appropriate thickness is also given in “able 500-7 425 Proportioning of Material ‘he combined aggregate grading shall not vary from the lower limit on one stave to the Tigher limit on the adjacent sieve to avoid gep grading. The eggregate may be proportioned ind blended to produce a uniform mix complying with the requirements in Table 600-7. “he binder content shall be within a tolerance of + 0.3 percent by welght of total mix when indviduel specimens are taken fer quality control tests in accordance with the provisions of Section 900, 043 Construction Operation soa. Weather and Seasonal Limitations, “he provisione of Clause 601.5.1 shall apply “Table 500-7: Aggregate Grading and Bitumen Content Grading 7 2 Nominal maximum aggregate size" aommn Tamm Layer thickness 30-100 mit B75 mm BB Sieve size (rim) Cumulative % by welght of total agoregate passing 45. 00 315 30-100, 26.5 75-100. 700 78 = 30 100 732 3581 3668 45; 7322 16— 36, 2.36 4-19 4219 03 2-10) 2-10) 0.075 0-8 O-8 ‘Bitumen content * porcent by 3a 34" mass of total mie ‘Nominal maximum aggregate size isthe largest spected sieve sizo upon which any of the sggregate meter is retained, TTT TT TTT aces and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 ” Corresponds to specie gravy of the Aggregate being 27. in case aagragates heve specie gravy more than 2.7, bitumen content can be reduced proportonately. Further, for regions where highest daly mean air tamperalu Is 30°C or lowar and lowest dally mean aic temperature is ~10%C or lower, be bitumen content may be increased by 0.5 percent 04.3.2 Preparation of the Base weiss enc nse epunan ot vxprtenoron ‘The provisions of Clauses 501.3 and 501.4 shal apply. 504.35 Spreading |The provisions of Clause 501.5.3 shall apply. 508.36 Rolling Compaction shal be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Clauses 501.6 ‘and 501.7. Roling shall be continued unl the specified density is achieved, or where no density is ‘specified, until there is no further mavement under the roller. The required frequency of ‘esting is defined in Clause 903, 504.4 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work ‘The surface finish of the completed construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause £02. For control of the quality of materials and the works carried out, the relevant provisions of Section 900 shall apply. 1 2 ee Section 500 Bases and Suriace Courses (Bituminous) The bituminous macadam shall be covered with ether the next pavement course or wearing ‘course, as the case may be, within a maximum of forty-eight hour. if there is to be any ‘elay, by the Contractor the course shall be covered by a seal coat to the requirement of Clause 912 before opening to any vraffic. The seal coat in such cases shall be considered ‘neidantal to the work end shall not be pad for separately. | sous stot ger | cost Arawenors Tie | During the period of construction, arrangements for trafic stall be made in accordance with, hhe provisions of Clause 112. 5087 Maasurement for Payment | Bituminous macadam shall be measured as fished work in cubic metres, or by weight in netic tonnes, where used as regulating course, or square metres at the specified thickness 3s indicated in the Contract or shown on the drawings, or as otherwise directed by the Engineer 5048 Rate The contract unit rate for bituminous macadam shall be payment in ful for carrying out the requirod operations as spacifad. The rate shall include cast for all components listed in Clause 501 8.8.2 505 DENSE BITUMINOUS MACADAM 505.4 Scope ‘The spiecification desorbes the design and construction procedure for Dense Bituminous Macadam, (DBM), for use mainly, but not exclusively, in base/binder and profle corective courses. The work shall consist of construction in a single or multiple layers of DBM on previously prepared base or sub-base. The thickness of a single layer shall be 50 mm to 100 mm. 505.24 Bitumen ‘The bitumen shall be viscosity grade paving bitumen complying with the Indian Standard Specification 18:73, modifed biuren complying wilh Clause 501.21 or as otherwise 5082 Materials | specified in the Contact | “The type and grade of bitumen to be used shall be specified inthe Contract. 174 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 50522 Coarse Aggregates The coarse aggregates shall consist of crushed rack, crushed gravel or other hard material retained on 2.36 mm sieve. They shallbe clean, hard, durable, of cubical shape, fee from dust and soft or friable mater, organic or other deletarious substances. Where the Contractor's selected source of aggregates nas poor afi for bitumen, the Contractor shall produce test results that withthe use of ant-stripping agents, the stripping value is improved to satisfy the ‘specification requirements, The Engineer may approve such a soures and as a condition for ‘he approval ofthat source, the bitumen shal be treated wih an approved ant-stipging agent, {8 per the manufacturer's recommendations, atthe cost af the Contractor. The aggregates: shall satisfy the requirements specified in Table 500-8, Whore crushed gravel is proposed for use as aggregate, not less than 90 percent by weight of ‘he crushed material retsined on tho 4.75 mm sieve shall nave at least two lraciured faces. 5052.3 Fine Aggregates Fine aggregates shall consist of crushed or naturally occurring mineral material, or a ‘combinaton of the two, passing tha 2.36 mm sieve and relaineg on the 78 micron sieve. ‘These shall be clean, hard, durable, dry and fee from dust, and sol or fiable matter, orgari¢, or other deleterious matter. Natural sand shall not be ellewed in binder courses. However, ‘natural sand upto 50 percent ofthe fine aggregate may be allowed in base courses. The fine ‘aggregate shall have a sand equivalent value of not ess than 50 when tested in accordance, with the requirement of 1S:2720 (Part 37), The plastcty index of the fection passing the: 0.426 mm sieve shall not exceed 4, when tested in accordance wit IS:2720 (Part). 50524 Filler Filter shall consist of finely divided mineral matter such as rock dust, hydrated lime or ‘cement approved by the Engineer. Tho filer shall be graded within the limits indicated in “Table 500-2, ‘The filer shall be free ‘fom organic impurities and have a plasticity Index not greater than 4, The Plasticity Index requirement shal not apply i fll is cement or lime. Where the 2agregates fail to meet the requirements of the water se‘sitvty test in Table 500-8, then 2 percent by otal weight of aggregate, of hydrated ime shall be used and percentage of fine ‘aggregate reduced accordingly, 5052.5 Aggregate Grading and Binder Content, 505.2.5.1 When tested in accordance wih IS:2986 Part 1 (wet sieving method), the ‘combined grading ofthe coarse and fine aggregates and filer forthe particular mixture shall fall within tho limits given in Table 500-10 for grading 1 or 2 as specified in the Contract. To ‘void gap grading, the combined aggregate gradation shel not vary from the lower iit on ‘one sieve to high limit on the adjacent sieve. 15 SST Seton 500 Basos and Sriace Courses (Bituminous) “Tole 500.0: Pysica! Requirements for Coarse Aggrgate for Dense Bituminous Macadam | Property Test Specification | Method of Test [Craniness (us) | Gralnsize analysis | MaxS% passing | 18:2086Pert| | 0.075 mm sieve | Pate shape [Combined Flakinossana | Max 25% | 1822986 Part! Elongation Indices” Stenath Los Angeles Abrasion ax 35% | 182086 Part IV Wale or JAgaregate Impact Value Max 27% [Beabitty SoundnesseiterSodum| Max 2% | ISaa0Panv Suiphate or Magnesium Sulphate Max 18% [Miter Absorption [Water Absorption Max 2% 18:2586 Past ll Stpping [Coating and Stipping of | Minimum-etained | 1S:6244 Bitumen Aggrogate Mix | coating 95% liter Sensitivity [Retained Tensile ‘in. 80% | AASHTO 289 strongth"* : “To determine this combined proportion the tak stone ftom @ reprasantatve sample Should fst be separated out. Flakiness index is weight of flaky stone metal dvied by ‘Weight of sione sample. Only the elongated paricies be separated out from the remaining {Gor-aky) stone metal. Elongation Index is weight of elongated particles cvded by total Pon flaky partes, The values of flakiness index and elorgetion index so found are added op 1 the minimum retained ton test st ‘agents recommenced lo men the requ ‘able 500.9 : Grading Requirements for Mireral Filler ‘Sieve fom | ComuatvePovcont Passing by Weight of Tota Aggregate | 06 100 { 03 25 = 100 oars 5 100 f 1 \ i Bases and Surface Courses (Bhtuminous) Section 500 Table 500-10 : Composition of Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam Grading 1 2 Nominal aggragato sizo" 375mm 265mm Layer thickness 75— 100 mm 50-75 mm IS Sieve! (mm) ‘Cumulative % by weight of total aggregate passing a 400 75) 25— 100 100 265 3-93 ‘90-100 19 5 7195 132 3575 56-50 85 = = 475 30-54 3054 2.36 28-42 28-42 118 = = 06 5 5 03 7a 7a OA, = = (0.075 28 28 Bitumen content % by mass Min 4.0 Min 4.5 of total mi . “The nominal maximum particle size Is tho largest specified sieve size upon which any of the aggregate is retained. - Corresponds to speci gravily of aggregates being 27. In case aggregate have spectic ‘graviy more than 27, the minimum biuren cortant ean be reduced proportionally. Further te region where highest daly mean ait tenpralue Is 30°C or lower and lowest daly sir temperature Ie ~ 10°C or lowar, tho bitumen content may Be Increased by 08 porcont 505.2.5.2 Bitumen content indicated in Table 500-10 Is the minimum quently. The ‘quantity shall be determined in accordance with Clause 635.3, 505.3 Mix Design The bitumen content required shall be determined folowing the Marshall mix design procedure contained in Asphalt Instiute Manual MS-2. ‘The Fines to Bitumen (F/B) ratio by weight of total mix shall range from 0.6 to 1.2. 7 Section 500 ‘Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) 5u34 Requirements for the Mix _Aartfrom conformity withthe gracing anc qualiy requirements for individual Ingreciants, the rmiture shall meet the requirements set out in Table SOO-tt “Table 500-1 : Requirements for Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam faperies | Wiconiy [oid titan] Tot toa ovate Pavin| Harem | esa cate | ‘Compaction level 7 blows on each face of the specimen | rium sabi | 80 720] (00 |MSHTOTRSS seme) wamantow ay [Bea ase | 88-8 | SHTOTENS Tht Qaiont | 2-8 B vse (i asruomt Hanis as | eis Fes wih 5-78 ‘ehtamon (8) Teaing of appease ie inn Taba anise Tense Sera soe aan aero 2a Svea hina” | ininor pent vos a beraleonco MA) hogogto VA) ere ss32_BinderContent “The binder contont shall be optimized to achieve the requremenis of the mix set out in “Toole £0011. The binder content shall be selected to obtain 4 percent air voids in the mix design. The Marshall method for determining the optimum binder content shall be adopted {8 described in the Asphalt Insitute Manual MS-2. \Where maximum size ofthe aggregate is more than 28.5 mm, the modified Marshall method {ising 150 mm dlamoire specimen described in MS-2 and ASTM D S561 shall be used. This method requires modified equipment and procedures. When the modified Marshal testis eed the spectied minimum stably values in Table 600-12 shall be mutiplied by 2.25, and the minimus flow shall be 3 mm, 178 J Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 ‘Table 500-12 Minimum Percent Voids In Mineral Aggregate (VMA) Nominal Maximum Minimum VMA Percent Related to Particle Size(mm) Design Percentage Alr voids 30 40 50 265 110 20 130 378 100 no 720 [Note Inerplate minimum voi in the mineral aggregste(VMA) for desgned percentage ar volés values between those Istd, 505.33 Job Mix Formula ‘The Contractor shall submit tothe Engineer for epprovalatleest 21 days before the start the ork, the job mix formula proposed for use inthe works, together with tne folowing deta: 1). Source and location of all materials; |i) Proportions ofall materials exprasted as fllowe: 2) _ Binder type, end percentage by weight of total mix; b) Coarse aggregatelFine aggrezate/Mineral filer as percentage by eight of total aggregate inck.ding mineral filer, it) A single definte percentage passing each sieve for the mixed aggregate: IN) The incivicual gracings of the individual aggregate fraction, and the proportion of each in the combined grading V) Tho results of mix design such as maximum specifc gravity of lose mix (Gmm), compacted specimen densities, Marshal stabiity.fiow, ar ‘voids, VMA, VFB an related graphs and test resuits of AASHTO T 283 Moisture suscepitbilty test i) Where the mixers a batch mixer, tre indvidual weights of ach type of ‘aggregate, and bindar per batch; vl) Test resus of physical charactristcs of aggregates to be used: vil) Mixing temperature and compacting temperature. ‘While establishing the job mix formula, the Contractor shall ensure that itis based on @ correct and truly representative sample of the materials that wal actually be used in the work and thatthe mix and its diferent ingredients satisty the physleal and strength requirements of these Specifestions. 179 Sectin 500 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) ‘Apprwval ofthe jod mix formula shall be based on independent testing by the Engineer for \whichsamples of all ingredients ofthe mic shal be furnished by tne Contractor as required by the Engineer. ‘The proves job mix formula shall remain effective unless and untl a revised Job Moc Formiais approved, Should @ change in the source of materials be proposed, a new job mix formta shall be forwarded by the Contractor to the Engineer for approval before tho placing of thematerial 505.34 _—Plant Trials ~ Permissible Variation in Job Mix Formula (Once the laboratory Job mix formula Is approved, the Contractor shall carry out plant ‘rials 0 establish that the plant can produce @ uniform mix corforming to the approved job trx formula, The permissible varialions of the individual percentages of the various Ingresdents Inthe actual mic from the job mix formula fo be used snl be within the limits a8 ‘specifeg in Table 600-13 end shall amain within the gradation band. These variations are inten to apply to individual specimens taken for quality contol tests in accordance with Section 800. ‘Table 800-13 : Permissible Variations in the Actual Mlx from the Job Mix Formula Deseription| Baselbinder Course [Aggregate passing 19 mm sieve or larger 28% [Aggregate passing 13.2 mm, 9.5 mm 27% [Aggregate passing 4.75 mm 26% [Aggregate passing 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 06 mm 25% [Aggregate passing 0.3 mm, 0.18 mm 24% [Aggregate passing 0.075 mm 22% Binder content £0.3%6 Mixing temperature #10 505.35 Laying Trials ‘Once the plant tials have been successfully completed and approved, the Contractor shall carry out laying trials, to demonstrate that the proposed mix can be successfully laid and ‘compacted all in accordance with Clause 601. The laying trial shall be carried out on a 180 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) ‘Section 500 suitable area which is not to form part ofthe works. Tre area of the laying trials shall be 2 minimum of 100 sq.m of construction similar to that ofthe project road, and it shal be in all respects, particulary compaction, the same as the project construction, on which the bituminous material i to be lal, ‘The Contractor shall previously inform the Engineer of the proposed method for eying and ‘compacting the material, The plant trals shall then establish ifthe proposed laying plant, ‘compaction plant, and methodology is capable of producng satisfactory results. The density ofthe finished paving layer shall be determined by taking cores, no sooner than 24 hours ater laying, or by other approved method. The compacted layers of Dense Graded Bituminous ‘Macadam (DBM) shall have a minimum feld density equal to or more than 82% ofthe density based on theoretical maximum specific gravity (G,,) Ob'ained on the day of eampaction in ‘acoordance with ASTM D 2041 (Once the laying trials have been approved, the same plant and methodology shall be applied ‘0 the laying of the material on the project, and no variation of ether shall be acceptable, Luniess approved in writing by the Engineer, who may athis dlscretion requir further laying tials, 505.4 Construction Operations 505.44 Weather and Seasonal Limitations “The provisions of Clause 501.5.1 shall aly. 505.42 _-Proparation of Baso “The base on which Dense Graded Bituminous Matera is to be lad shall be prepared in aczordance with Clauses 501 and 902 as appropriate, oras directed by the Engineer. 505.43 Geosynthetics Where Geosynthetics are specified in the Contract, ths shall be in accordance with the requirements stated in Clause 703, 5054.4 Stress Absorbing Layor Where a stress absorbing layer speciiedin the Contrac this shal be applied in accordance wih the requirements of Clause 817. 505.45 Prime Coat, \Where the material on which the dense bituminous macadam Is to be laid is other than @ 181 ‘Secin 500 ‘ases and Surace Courses (Bituminous) bitunan bound layer, @ prime coat shall be applied, as specified, in accordance with the Droviions of Clause 502, or as directed by the Enginger. 805.46 ° Tack Coat When the material on which the dense bituminous macadam ist be laid is ether bitumen bounsayer or primed granular layer, tack coat shall be applied, a3 specified, in accordance: with te provisions of Ciause 503, or as dracted by the Engineer. 505.47 Mixing and Transportation of the Mix. ‘The povisions es spectiad in Clauses 601.3 and 501.4 shall apply. Table 500-2 gives the ‘mixing eying and rong temperature for dense mixes using viscosity grade bitumen. Incase of moified bitumen, the temperature of mixing and compaction shal be higher than the mix with \scosiy grade bitumen, The exact temperature depends upon the type and amount ‘of moter used and shall be adopted as per the recommendations of the manufacturer. In order b have uniform quality, the plant shall be calibrated from tins Io te. 505.43 Spreading ‘The povisions of Clauses 6015.3 and 501.54 shall apply. 505.43 Rolling ‘The general provisions of Ciauses 501.6 and 501.7 shall apply, as modified by the approved laying tials. The compaction process shall be carried out by the same plant, and using the sme method, as approved in the laying tals, which may be varied only withthe express ‘spproval of the Engineer in writing 508.5 Opening to Traffic Itshall be ensured that the traffic is not allowed without the spprovalof the Engineer in wring, ‘on the suriace until the dense bituminous layer has cooled to the ambient temperature. 505.6 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work ‘The surface finish of the completed construction shall conform to the requirements of Cause 902. All materials and workmanship shall comply with the provisions set out in Section 900 ofthese Specifications, 508.7 ‘Arrangements for Trafic During the period of construction, arrangements for trafic shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Clause 112. 182 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 505.8 Measurement for Payment Dense Graded Bituminous Materials shall be measured as fnished work either in cuble motres, tonnes or by the square metre ata specified thicknass as Indicated in the Contract rawings, or documents, or 8s otherwise directed by the Engineer, 5059 Rate ‘The contract unit rate for Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam shall be payment in full for camying cut all the required operations as specified and shall include, to all components, Fsted in Ciause 601,8.8.2. The rate shall include the provision of bitumen, at 4 percent and 45 peroent by welght ofthe total mixture for grading 1 anc gracing 2 respectivaly ‘The variation in actual percentage of bitumen used shel be assessed and the payment adjusted plus or minus accordingly. 506 SAND ASPHALT BASE COURSE 506.1 Scope ‘This work shall consist ofa base course composed of a mikture of sand, mineral fller whe required and bituminous binder, placed and compacted upon a prepared end accepted sub- base in accordance with these Specifications and the Mnes, levels, grades, dimensions and cross sections shown on the Drawings or es directed by ths Engineer, ‘Note: Sand Asphalt Base course is used in specl stuaions tke qually coaree aggregates, not being avalible win economical leads andor water needed for conventional base course not boing ready avaiable, as in desert areas. 506.2 Materials 06.2.1 Bitumen ‘The bitumen shall be paving bitumen of viscosity grade VC 30 or VG 20, as specified in the Contract, conforming to 18:73, 60622 Sand ‘The sand shall be clesn, naturally occurring or blended material free from any deleterious ‘substances, dry and well graded within the limits given in Tatle 500-14 and with other physical properties conforming fo the requirements ef this Table, 103 ee EE Sect 800 ‘Baces and Surface Courses (Bituminous) “Table 500-14: Sand Grading and Physiest Requirements ‘Sieve Size (mm) ‘Cumulative Percentage by Weight of Total Aggregate Passing 95 400 475) 85-100 238) 100 1.18 70-98 060 5-35 030) 0-75 045) 70-40 0.075 4-10 Plasticity index (4) Bmax. ‘Sand equivalent ((S:2720 Part 37) 30 min. Los Angeles Abrasion Value “0 max, (5:2386, Part 4) ‘Note: Maximum thickness for sand asphaltis 80 mm. 506.23 Filler ‘Whenrequited, filer shall consist of finely vided mineral matter auch as rock dust, hydratod lime or e2ment as approved by the Engineer. The filer shall confarm to Clause 508.2.4 506.3 ‘Mix Design 506.94 Requirements for the Mix ‘Apart from conformity withthe grading and quality requirements for individual ingredients, tho ‘mixture shall meet the requirements sot out in Table 500-15. 506.32 Binder Content ‘The binder content shall be optimized to achieve the requirements of the mix set out in ‘Table 500-15, The Marshall method for determining the optimum binder content shall be ‘adopted as described In the Asphalt Institute Manual MS-2. 188 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 ‘Table 00-15 : Requlrements for Sand Asphalt Base Course Parameter Requirement Minimam stably (kNat 60° 2.0 Minimum Row (nm) 2 ‘Compaction level (Number of blows) Dats Percent air voids 35 Percent voids in mineral aggregate (VMTA) 76 mi. Percent voids filed with bitumen (VEB) 65-78 5063.3 Job Mix Formula ‘The Contractor shall develop the job mix formula proposedfor use in the works and submit it to the Engineer for approval together wit the folowing details 1) Source and locaton of al materials; Proportions of all materials expressed as follows where each Is ‘applicable: 2) Binder, 98 percentage by weight of total mixture; b) San/Minera filer as percentage by weight of total agoregate Including mineral fer; fi) A single definite percentage passing each sieve for the mixed ‘aggregate: iv) The results of tests enumerated in Table 500-15 as obtained by the Contractor; ¥) Test results of physical characteristics of aggregates to be used; Vi) Mixing temperature and compacting temperature, ile working out the job mix formula, the Contractor shall evsure that its basad on a correct ‘rd tuly representative sample of the materials that will actually be used in the work and that the mixture and its diferent ingrecients satisfy the physicl end strength requirements of these Spectications. ‘Approval of the job mix formula shall be based on independent testing by the Engineer for Which joint samples of all ingredients of the mix shall be furnished by the Contractor as requited by the former, ‘The approved job mix formula shall remain effecive uness and unt modified by the Engineer. Should a change In the source of materials be proposed, a new jab mix formula ‘shall be established by the Contractor ang sparoved by the Engineer before actully using the materia, 185 SE ‘Setion 500 ‘Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) 5083.4 Permissible Variation from Job Mic Formula ‘The Contractor shall produce a uniform mix conforming to the approved job mix formula, subect to the permissible variations ofthe indvidual percantages ofthe verious ingredionts Im fe actual mix from the job mix formula to be used, within the limits as speciied in ‘Tab 600-12, with the concition thet the gradation after the variation remains within the {racation envelop. These variations are intended to apply to indvidual specimens taken for ‘qualty conto tests in accordance with Section 900. 5064 Construction Operations 5064.1 Weather and Seasonal Limitations ‘Clavse 501.5.1 shal apply. 50642 Preparation of Base The surface on which Sand Asphalt Base course Material Is to be laid shall be prepared, shaped and graded in the profile raquired for the partcular layer in accordance with Clauses 501 and 902 as appropriate or as directed by the Engineer. The surface shall be thoroughly swept clean free from dust and foreign matter using a mechanical brush, and the dist blown off by compressed air In confined locations where mechanical plant cannot ‘get a:cess, other methods shall be used as approved by the Enginee. A prime coat, where ‘species, shall be eppiied in accordance with Clause 502 or as drected by the Enginoer. 506.43 Tack Coat A tack coat over the base shall be applied in accordance with Ciause $03, or otherwise as directed by the Enginser, 506.44 Preparation and Transportation of the Mbxture. ‘The provisions of Clauses 601.3 and 501.4 shall apply. 506.45 Spreading ‘The provisions of Clauses 01.5.2 o 01.5.4 shall apply. Laying must be accomplished at 2 suiteble temperature to ensure proper compaction, Guidance fer mixing and compaction ‘femperature forthe particular bitumen may be taken from Table 500-3 and shall correspond, to 8 viscosity of 2 Poise (0.2 Pa.s) and 3 poise (0.3 Pa.s) respectively, based on the original {unaged) bitumen properties, 186 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 50646 Rolling Clause 501.6 shall apply. Generally the inlal or breakdown raling shall be done with {8-10 tonne static weight smooth-thesled rollers, The internediate roling shall be done with 8-10 tonne static weight or vibratory rollers or with a pneumatic tyred rol of 12-15 tonne weight having 2 tyre pressure of at least 0.56 MPa. The fnish rong shall be done with 8-10 tonne deadweight smooth wheeled tandem rollers. The exact pattem of rong shall be established atthe laying tals. 06.5 Opening to Traffic It shall bo ensured thatthe traffic isnot allowed without the express approval ofthe Engineer In writing, on the surface unl the paved mat has cooled below 60°C in its entire depth. 506.6 ‘Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work ‘The surface finish of the completed construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause 902, For control of the quality of materials and the works carried out, the relevent provisions of ‘Section 900 shall apply 5067 ‘Arrangements for Traffic During the period of construction, arrangements for trafic shall be made In accordance with the provisions of Clause 112. 0 Measurement for Payment ‘Sand Asphalt iase course materials shall be measured as fhished work, fr the erea covered, in cubic metres, metric tonnes, o in square metres, at a sp2ciied thickness, as stated inthe Contact, 506.9 Rate “The Contract unit rate for Sand Asphalt Base course materials shall be payment in full for ‘carrying out the required operations including full compensation forall components Iisted In Clause 50%.8.8.2 (i) to (x). The rate shall cover provision of § percent of bitumen by weight ofthe total mixture. “The variation inthe actual percentage of bitumen used willbe assessed and the rate, adjusted plus or minus, as applicable. 107 eee ‘Seton £00 ‘Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) 501 BITUMINOUS CONCRETE soit ‘Scope Thiiwork shall consist of construction of Bituminous Concrete, for use In wearing and profle ccotecive courses. This work shall consist of construction in a single layer of bituminous SSonoie on a previously prepared bituminous bound surface. A single layer shall be 30 /40 mm80 mim thick 5072 Materials 80721 Bitumen ‘The situmen shall conform to Clause 504.2.1, 50712 Coarse Aggregates ‘The ‘oarse aggregates shail be generally as specified in Clause 504.22, excopt that tho ‘egrets shall satisfy the physical requiremenis of Table 500-16 and where crushed gravel 's breposed for use as aggregate, not ess than 95 percent by weight of the crushod metoria ‘elaiad on the 4.75 mm sieve shall have at least two fractured feces. ‘Tle $00-16 : Physical Requirements for Coarse Aggregate for Bituminous Concrete Property Test ‘Specificetion | Method of Test [Cleariness (cusi) | Grain eize analysis ‘Max 5% passing | 18:2386 Parti 0.075 mmsieve Partide shape | Combined Flakiness and Max 35% | 1S:2368 Parti Elongation indices Sterath Los Angeles Abrasion Value or] Max 0% | 12366 Pat | [Aggregate Impact Value Max 24% JDuratiny |Souncness eithersSodium Max 12% | 1S:2506 Pat Sulphate or | Magnesium Sulphate Max 18% Polishing Polished Stone Value Min 55 BST2 14 [Water Absorption | Water Absorption ‘Max 2% | 18:2386 Part i Stripping [Coating and Stripping oF Minimum retained | 1S:6241 Bitumen Aggragate Mix coating 95% [Water Sensiiviy [Retained Tensile Strengih™ Min 80% | AASHTO 355 . {the minimum retained tense test stengln fas below BD percent, use of ant striping ‘gents recommended to meet the equltement, 188 i Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) 507.23 1e Aggregates Tho fine aggrogates shall be all as specifedin Clause 56.2.9. 50724 Filler Filer shall be as specified in Clause 605.24 5072.5 Aggregate Grading and Binder Content ¥ Section 600 When teste in accordance with IS:2986 Part 1 (Wet gracing method), the combined grading ‘of the coarse and fine aggregates and filer shall al within the imits shown in Table 800-17, The grading shal be as speci inthe Contract. ‘Table 500-17: Composition of Bituminous Consrete Pavement Layers Grading 7 2 Nominal aggregate size ‘Smm 782 mm Layer thickness ‘50 mm 30-40 mm TS Slovo! (mm) Cumulative % by weight of total aggregate passing 45 a5 265 100 2 30-100 100 732 58:79 90-100 35 5272 70-88, 475 35:55 5371 2.38 20-44 42.58 1.18 20-34 Baas 06 1627 20-38, 03 7020 16.28 0.15, 53 72:20 0.075 28, 410 Bitumen content % by mass Min 62° Mina of total mix Notes + . ‘Tho nominal maximum partic sie isthe largest space sieve siz up on which any of the eagrogat retain, 5 Coresponds to specific gravy of aggregate boing 27. In case aggregate have specie sgreviy more than 2.7, the minimum bitumen cortént can be reduced proporionetaly. Further the region where highest dally mean ai temperature is 10°C or lower and lowest aly air temperature Is = 10°C or lower, the bitumen cantont may be increesed by O5percent 189 es) ‘Seeton 500 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) 50.3 Mix Design 50134 Requirements for the Mix. (Classe 505.3.1 shall apply. 50132 Binder Content Classe 50.8.2 shall apply 50133 Job Mix Formula | Classe 505.33 shall poy 50734 Plant Til Permissible Variation in ob Mx Formula “The requirements for plant tils shal be as speced in Clase 505.34, and permissible lis for variation a given in Table 500-1. “able 50-18: Porssibe Variations in Plant Mic rom fo Job Mix Formula Deseription Pornissibie Varation Agyaato passing 19 mm sive or ager 27% |Aguregate passing 13.2 mm, 9.5 mm_ £ 6% |Aguregate passing 4.75 mm 5% Agyegate pasing 238 mm. 1.18 nm. OB Am 14th [Agategsle passing 0.3 mm, 0.15 mm 23% [Agitegel pasting 0.075 mm 215% Birer content 303% [ng temperature E10 50735 Laying Trials The requrements orang nals Shall be as speced In Clause 506.3. The compacted layers of luminous concrete (80) sal havea minimum eld daly equal tor mere hen 82 percent ofthe average theoretical maximum specie gral (Gx) blalpad onthe day of compaction n accordance wih ASTM E2081 074 Construction Operations 507.44 Weather and Seasonal Limitations ‘The provisions of Clause 601.6.1 shall apply. 190 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 600 507.42 Preparation of Base The surface on which the bituminous concrete isto be laid shell be prepared in accordance with Clauses 501 and 902 as appropriate, or as directed by the Engineer. The surface shall be thoroughly swept clean by mechanical broom and dust removed by compressed ai In ‘ocations where a mechanical broom cannat get access, other approved methods shall be used 28 cected by the Engineer, 507.43 Geosynthetics Where Geosynthetics are specified in the Contract, this shall be in accordance with the ‘requiromants stated in Ciause 703. 50744 Stress Absorbing Laye Where stress absorbinglayeris specitiadin he Contract, nis shallbe applied in accordance with the requirements of Clause 517. 5074.5 Tack Coat ‘The provisions as specified in Clause 504.46 shall apply 507.46 Mixing and Transportation of the Mix ‘The provisions es specified in Clauses 601.3, 801.4 and 5044.7 shall apply 507.47 Spreading ‘The general provisions of Clauses 601.6 and 501.7 shall apply, as modified by the approved laying tals 90748 Rolling ‘The general provisions of Clauses 501.6 and 501.7 shall apply, as modified by the approved laying ties. 507.5 Opening to Traffic Provisions in Clause 504.5 shall apply. 507.6 Surface Finish and Quality Control ‘The surface finish of the completed construction shall conform to the requirements of 191 to ‘Section 500 ‘Bases and Suface Courses (Bituminous) Classe 902. All materials and workmanship shall comply with the provisions set out in Settion 900 ofthese Specifications. 5077 Arrangements for Traffic Duaing the porid of construction, arrangements for trafic shall be made in accordance with ‘theprovisians of Clause 112. 5018 Measurement for Payment “Themeasurement ghall be 2s specified in Clause 505.8, 5019 Rate “rin contract unit rte shal be all a6 specfid in Clause $04.9, except that the rate shal Incade the provision of bitumen at 6.2 porcont & 54 percent for grading 4 and grading 2 by |wght of total mix respectively. The variation in actual percenlage of bitumen used will be [astessed and the payment adjusted plus and minus accordingly. 508 CLOSE-GRADED PREMIX SURFACINGIMIXED SEAL SURFACING 5084 Scope sont “The work shall consist ofthe preparation, laying and compaction of @ close (preded premix surfacing material of 20 mm thickness comgosed of graded aggregates remixed witha bituminous binder on a previously prepared surface, in accordance with the Fecuirements of these Specifications, to serve as a wearing course. 503.12 Close graded premix surfacing shall be of Type A o: Type B as specified in the Contract documents. Type A grading is recommended fot use in areas having rainfall rece than 150 em per year In ofner reas Type B gracing may be used. 503.2 Materials 508.21 Binder “The provisions of Clause 510.1.2.1 shall apaly. 5082.2 Coarse Aggregates “The provisions of Clause § shall apply. 492 OO Bases and Surface Course’ (Bituminous) Section 500 508.23 Fine Aggregates Tha fin sopregates shal consist of rushed rock, or natural sand ora mitre of oth These sree clean, hard, durable, un-coated, mineral parses, ey; and tree tom injrous son ‘oF faky particles and organic or deleterious substances, 508.24 Aggregate Gradation The coarse and fine aggregates shal be 60 graded or eombined as to conform lo one or the ‘other gradings given in Table 600-18, as specified in ths contract Table 500-19 : Aggregate Gradation ‘Cumulative Percent by Weight of 1 Slove Designation (mm) “otal Aggregate Passing Type A Type 8 2mm = 100 412mm 100 8-100 58mm oa 3182 28 mm 438 5-25 0.030 mm On5 08 508.2.5 _Proportioning of Materials Zhe total quently of aggregates used for Type A or 8 cose-graded premix surfacing shall be 2.27 cube metre per square metre area, The quantiy cf bindor used for preming shell be 720 kg and 18.0 kg per 10 squere metre area for Type Aand Type B surfacing respectively 508.3 Construction Operations ‘The provisions of Clause 510.1.31 through Clause 510.13. shall apply 508.4 Opening to Traffic Talc may be allowed after completion of th final roling when the mix has cooled down to the surrounding temperature. Speed restrictions may be imposed atrial stages, 508.5 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work Sectio 00 Beses and Surfeco Courses (Bituminous) 508.6 ‘Arrangements for Traffic Duriny the period of construction, arrangements for afc shall bain accordance with the provisons of Clause 112 508.7 Measurement for Payment Closegreded premix surfacing, ype Aor 8 shal be measured as ished work, fr the ares Sfectad to be covered, in square matte ata specified thicknest, Te area wil be the not area wovered, 508.8 Rate ‘The oriract unit rate for closo-graded premix surfacing, Type Aor B shall be payment in fut Fees out te reqlved operations Including fll compensation fr all components sted In Clause 801.8.6.2. 509 SURFACE DRESSING 509.1 ‘Scope “This wok shall consitof the application of one coat or two coats of surface dressing, each aan won eting of a layer of bruminous binder sprayed on a freviously prepared, base, Heri a sover of stone chips rolled info form a wearing course tothe requirements of these Spectications. 509.2 Materials 509.24 Binder “The binder shall ether be bitumen conforming to 18:73 or rapd seting cationic bitumen sre ion {a8-2) conforming to IS:8887. Grade of bitumen shal depend upon the climatic eanation Por selection of grade of bitumen guidance may be teken trom Table 600-1. The Giosof binder tobe used shal be stated inthe Contact, or as dected by the Engineer 50922 Aggregates “The stone chips (cover aggregate) shall conform to the requirements of Clause 50.2.2. Seat nat thelr Sater absorption shal be restricted to a maximum of 1 percent and they ext ave a Polished Stone Value of minimum 60. (in BS:612 iPart-114)], of not less then Sarthe size ofthe aggregate shall depend upon the type of surtace on which iis lad end hs toc intensity The chips shall be single sized, clean, hard durable, of cublcal shape: aoe ‘hae ram dust and soft or friable matte, organic or ather deleterious matter end conform feone of tha gradings given in Table 500-21. The size of the aggregate shall depend upon the type of surface on which ts laid and the traf intensity. Tele 600-20 may be used es sguicance, 134 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 Pre-coated Chips : As an sltemative tothe use of an edhesion agent er wherever specified in the Contract, the chips may be pre-coated before thay are spread except when the j ‘sprayed binder fim is a bitumen emulsion. Pre-coating the chips may be carried out by mixing agaregates with 0.75 to 1.0 percent of bitumen ty weight of chips in suitable mixer. The chips shall be heated to 160°C and mixed with the binder heated to its application | temperature, The pre-coated chips shal be sllawed to cue for atleast one week or until they ‘become non sticky and can be spread easly, ‘Table 500-20 : Recommended Nominal Sze of Aggregates (mm) "ype of Surface Traffic Intensity n Torms of Number of Vehicles Per Day in the Lane Under Consideration “1000-2000 200-1000 20-200 Very ara 10 é 6 Hard 13 70 6 | Normal 3 70 6 | ‘Soft 8 8 13 Very soft 19 13 Table 500-21 : Grading requirements for Aggregates used for Surface Dressing 1S Sieve | Cumulative Percent by Weight of Total Aggregates Passing for Designation (mm) ‘the Following Nominal Sizes (mm) 18 3 0 é 285) 700 9 35-100 100 13 040 35-100 400 a5 oF 0-40 5-100 700 63 OF 035 35-100 47s 0-10 3.35 a5 2.36 oz 02, oz 10 0.60 02 0.075 one ons i= bis Minimum 65% by | Passing 19 | Passing 132 | Passing 9.5 and | Passing 6.3 and }weight of aggregate| an¢ retained | and retained on | retained on 6.3 | retained on 3.35 on 132 95 195 i ‘Section 500, Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) 50.2.3 _Rates of Spread of Binder and Chips “Tie rate of spread of binder and chips wil depend upon the rominal size ofthe ageregate aid the extent ofits embedment into the surface, The rate stall be determined as per the ppocedure given in Manual for Construction and Supervision of Bituminous Construction ‘Aiproximate rate of epplleation of aggregates, and binder under average conditions are {gen in Table 600-22. “Table 500-22 : Approximate Rate of Application of Binder and Aggregetes Binder (Keim) ‘iominal Aggregate Aggregates en Uncoated Aggregates [Coated Aggregates) “Ct; Bitumen _|_ Emulsion Bitumen nt @ 12 18. 10) 014-0015 13 10) 15 08 0.008-0.011 10 os 13 27 0,007-0.008. 6 075 11 26. 0.008-0.005. Tote! Blumen for coated aggregates excludes quant of biumen required for coating. 5192.4 Anti-Stripping Agent \Vihere the proposed aggregate fails to pass the stipping test then an approved ant- Supping agent (Appendix 4 for detas) may be added tothe binder in accordance with the Tonufacture’'s nstuctions. The effectiveness of the proposed ant-stripping agent must be ‘omonsivated by the Contractor, before approval by the Engines. 098 Construction Operations 993.1 Weather and Seasonal Limitations ‘couse 601.61 shall apply. 993.2 Preparation of Base “Thebese onwhich the surface dressings tobe lad shallbe prepared, shaped and consitioned {othe epeeted ines, grade and cross section in accordance vith Clause 601 oras directed by the Engineer Prime coal, where needed, shall be provided as per Clause 502 or a8 directed by the Enginaer. Where the existing surface shows signs offatting up, the excess bitumen ‘shal be removed as crocted by the Engineer. The bituminous surface to be dressed shall be thoroughly cleaned either by using a mechanical broom andar compressed a, or any other ‘approved equipmentimetiod as specified in the Contractor directed by the Engineer. The 196 - = Bi Bases and Surface Courses (Situminous) Section 500 Prepared surface shall be dust free, lesn and dry, (except inthe case of cationic emulsion \where the surface shall be slightly damp), 5093.3 Application of Binder ‘Afier preparation of base, paving grate binder heated to an appropriate temperature fr bitumen emulsion shail be sprayed uniformly using mechanical sprayers, During the ‘operation the ratio between truck speed and pump revouton shall be maintained constant with the help of automatic control. When work resumes, the binder shall not be sprayed on the eartier completed surface. This can be done by covering the completed work with btumen lmpregnated paper. Excessive deposit of bituminous mataral shall be immediately removed. ‘The equipment descived in IRC:SP:24 with synchronized spraying and compaction shall be Preferred for better contol and uniformity in construction. ‘The spraying temperatures for binder are given below: Binder Grade Whirling Spray Jats Slot Jets Mine Mare Mine arc ve 10 180 200 165 175 509.34 Application of Stone Chips Immediately ater application of the binder, clean, dry chips (In the case of emulsion the Chippings may be slightly damp) shall be spread uniformly by moans of a machanicel chip spreader on the surface so as lo cover the surface completely with a single layer of chips. 509.35 Rolling Rong ofthe chips stould preferably be carried out by 8 pneumatic tyre roller in accordance with Clauses 501.6 and 501.7. Roling shall commence at the edges and progress towards the centre except in super-elevated and uni-directional cambered portions where it shall proceed from the lower edge to the higher edge. Each pass of the roller shall uniormly overlap not less than one-third ofthe track made inthe preceding pass. While roling is in progress, addtional chips shall be spread by hand in necessary quantities required to meke Lup rreguleies. Roling shall continue until all aggregate particles are firmly embeddedin the binder and present a uniform closed surface. 509.36 Application of Second Coat of Surface Dressing Where surface dressing in two coats is speciied, the second coat should not be applied unt ‘he frst coat has been open to trafic for two weeks. The surface on which the sacond coat is 197 Sn re ‘Secon 600 ‘Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Iaicmust be clean and free of dust. The construction operations or the second cost shall be ‘the tame as described in Clauses 510,2.3 to 5103.5, 5094 Opening to Traffic ‘Trafic shail not be permitted to run on any navy surface drasead area untl the following day. {In sjecial circumstances, however, the Engineer may allow tha oad to be opened to trafic Imrrediatly after rong, but in such cases trafic speed shall be limited to 20 km per hour untilne folowing day 8095 ‘Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work ‘The surface finish of construction shall conform tothe requirements of Clause 902 For control on the quality of materials and the works carrled out, the relevant provisions of ‘Secton 900 shall apply, 509. ‘Arrangements for Traffic During the period of construction, srrangomonts for traffc shall be made in accordance with the povisions of Clause 112. 509.7 ‘Measurement for Payment Each coat of surface dressing shall be measured as fished work forthe area instructed to bbe covered, in square metres, 509.8 Rate ‘The Contract unit rate for surface dressing, based on the approximate rales of application ‘or binder given in Table 600-22 and each size of chippings given in Clause 509,2.3, shall be ‘adjusied, plus or minus, for the diference between the approximate rate of spread and the fate ofspread determined based on design anc approved by the Engineer. The adjusted rate shall be payment in ful for carrying out the required operations including full compensation for all components listed In Clause 601.8.8.2, 510 OPEN-GRADED PREMIX SURFACING st04 Opon-Graded Premix Surfacing using Viscosity Grade Paving Bitumen 50.4.4 ‘Scope ‘This work shall consist of preparation, laying and compaction of an open-graded premix surfacing material of 20 mm thickness composed of small-sized aggregate premixed with 198 + Bases and Surface Courses (Btuminous) Section 500 bituminous binder on a previously prepared base, in accordance withthe requirements of these Specifications o serve as a wearing course, 5101.2 Materials 510.24 Binder ‘The binder shall be viscosity grade bitumen of a sutable grade as specfed inthe Contract, oF as directed by the Engineer, and satisiying the requrements of 18:73, For selacton ot Stade of bitumen guidance may be taken from Table 500-1 510, 2 Aggregates ‘The aggregates shall conform to Clause 604.22 except thatthe water absorption shall be limited toa maximum of 1 percent. The Polished Stone Value, shall net be less han 58, wher tested as per 8S:872-114 5101.29 Proportioning of Material ‘The materiais shall be proportioned in accordance with Teble 600-23. ‘Table 900-23: Quantities of Materials Roquired for 10 mt of Road Surface for 20 mm Thick Opon-graded Premix Surfacing Materials Quantity [Aggregates 42) |Nominal Stone size 13.2 mm (passing 22.4 mm slevoand retained on] O18 aP 11.2 mm sieve) ») [Nominal Stone size 11.2 mm (passing 13.2 mm sieveand retained on| 0.09 m? [5.6 mm sieve} Total! 0.27 m* Binder 8) For 0.18 m of 13.2 mm nominal size stone of 52 kg ttumen perm? | 9.5 kg ) [For 0.091 of 11.2 mm nominal size stone of 56 kg btumen perm | 5.1 kg Total] 14.6 kg 199 Se Seat ‘Secion 500 Bases and Suface Courses (Bituminous) 51013 "Construction Operations 5101.31 Weather and Seasonal Limi ions. Clause 501.5.1 shall apply. 910.32 Preparation of Surface ‘The anderlying surface on which the blurrinous surfacing Isto be lad shall be prepared, shaped and conditioned to the specified ines, grade and cross-section in accordance with Clause 501. A prime coat where needed shall be applied in accerdance with Clause 502 0s direces by tha Enginesr. 510133 Tack Coat ‘A tact coat complying with Clause 608, shall be applied aver the base preparatory to laying of the surfacing 510.134 Preparation of Promix Hot mix plant of appropriate capacty and type shall be used forthe preparation ofthe mix ‘matetal, The hot mix plant shall have separate dryer arrangemert fr heating aggregate, ‘The temperature ofthe binder and aggregate atthe time of mixing, laying end compaction shall be in conformity with the tamperature given in Table 500-3. The difference In temperature between the binder and aggregate shall al no ime exceed 14°C. Mixing shall be thorough fo enuure that a homogeneous mix is obtained in which all parties of the aggregates are coated uniformly, ‘The nix shall be immediately transported from the mixer to the point of use in suitable vehicles or hand barrows. The vehicles employed for transport shall be clean and the mix being transported covered in ransit if so directed by he Engines, 510.135 Spreading and Rolling ‘The pre mixed material shall be spread on a previously prepareé base to Clause 501 by a paver uniess specified otherwise in the Contractto the desired thicsness, grades and crossfall (camber. The cross-fall should be checked by means of camber boards end iregularies levelled out Excessive use of blades o° rakes should be avoiced, As soon a8 sufficient length of bituminous material has been laid, roling shall commence with 810 tonne rollers, smooth wheel tandem type or other approved equipment. Rolin shall begin atthe edge and rogress towards the centre longitudinally, except that on superetevated and uni-directional ‘cambered portions, ft shall progress from the lower to upper edge paralolto the centre line of the pavement, Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) . ‘Section 500 | When the roller has passed over the whole area once, any high spots or depressions, which become apparent, shall be corrected by removing or adding pramixed materials, Rolling shal then be continued unt the entire surtace has been rolled an all the relle marks eliminated, In each pass of the ror the preceding track shal be overiepped uniformly by at least one third wath, The roller wheels shall be Kept damp to prevert the premix fram achering to tne ‘heels. n no case shal fueiMubriating ol be used fortis purpase, Excess use of water for this purpose shal also be avoiged, Rollers shall not stand on newly lad material Roling operations shall be completed in every respect before the temperature of the mix falls below the raling temperature indicated In “Teble 5003. sto. 8 Seal Coat ‘Aseal coat conforming to Clause 511 of the type specified Inthe Contract shall be applied to the surface immediately after laying the surfacing 5101.4 Opening to Traffle 'No trafic shall be allowed on the road unt the seal coat has baen ld. After the seal coat is laid the road may be opened to traffic according to Clause 5114, 5101.5 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work ‘The surface finish of construction shall conform fo the requirements of Clause 902. For Centol of the qualty of materals and the works carried out, the relevant provisions of ‘Section 200 shall apply, 510.16 Arrangements for Trafic During the perio of construction, arrangements for tafe shall be made In accordance with the provisions of Clause 112. 510.17 Measurement for Payment (Open graded premix surfacing shat be measured as Mhished work, for the area instructed to be covered, in square metres. | 91048 Rate ‘The contract unit rete for open-graded premix surfacing shell be payment in ful for cerrying ‘out the required operations including full compensatior for ll components. listed in Clause 801 8.8.2. 201 2 a meme Seaton 500 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) sna ‘Open Graded Promix Surfacing Using Catiorie Bitumen Emulsion 51024 Scope “This work shall consist of the preparation, laying and compaction of an open graded premix ‘Surfing of 20 mm thickness composed of small-sized aggregate premixed with a cationic, bitumen emulsion on a previously prepared surface, In aosordarce with the requirements of thes Specifications to serve as a wearing course. 51022 Materials 5102.21 Binder “Thebinder for Promix wearing course shall be Cationic Bitumen emulsion of Medium Setting (MIS) grade complying with 1S:8887 or as specified In the Contract 510222 — Agaregate ‘Therequrements of Clause 511.1.2.2 shall apply 5102.3 Proportioning of Materials ‘The materials shall be proportioned as per quantities given in Tables 500-24 ‘Table 600-24: Quantities of Aggregate for 10 m* Area ‘Aggregates fa) [Coarse aggregate nominal 13.2 mm size, passing IS 22.4 mm sieve] 0.18 mF land retained on IS 11.2 mm sieve ) [Coarse aggregate nominal 11.2 mm size; passing IS 13.2mmsieve and] 009m retained on 1S'5.6 mm sieve Binder 20t0 2549 510.24 Construction Operations 510.241 Weather and Seasonal Limitations Glause 501.5.1 shall apply except thatthe minimum ar temperature for laying shal be 10°C, Cationic bitumen emulsions shall not normally be stored below OC, 202 = I Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 510242 Preparation of Surface ‘The underlying surface on wich the premix surfacing Isto be laid shall be prepare, in ‘accordance with the requirements of Clause 504.3.2 for a newly primed surface, and in ‘cordance with Clause 505.4.2 where an existing bituminous surface is tobe overai, 510.243 Preparation of Binder Bofore opening, the cationicbitumen emulsion drums shallbe rolled at slow speed. to andro at east times, fora distance of about 10 metres, to diskbute any storage sedimentation 102.44 Tack Coat ‘A tack coat complying with Clause 503, shall be applied over the surface preparatory to laying ofthe surfacing where specified in the Contract, as directed by the Engineer. 5102.45 Preparation of Premix remixing of cationic bitumen emulsion and aggregates can be carried out In @ suitable 'rixer such 2s cold mixing plantas per IS:5435 (Revisea) or concrete mixer or by pay loaders exceptional cases where approved by the Engineer. Where specified in the Contract, ‘continuous mixing operation shall be done eltherin batch a continuous hot mic plant suitable {or emulsion mixes. \When using conerete mixer for preparing the premix, 0.135 cum (0.08 eum of 13.2 mm size ‘and 0.045 cum of 11.2 mm size) of aggregates par batch shall be used. This quentity wil be {for 5 sq.m of toad surface with 20 mm average thickness, ‘The aggregates required for one batch shall be prepared adjacent tothe mixer. ‘The coarse aggregate of 13.2 mm size shal be placed into the mixer followed by 5 to 6.5 kg ‘of Cationic bitumen emulsion and then the 11.2 mm size aggregate shall be added. followed | __by106.5kg of Cationic bitumen emulsion. After the materials have been mixed thoroughly, | the mix shal be immediately transported to the laying site in suitable vehicles. Too much | mixing shell be avoided, 510.246 Spreading and Rolling ‘The premixed cationic bitumen emulsion and aggrogates shell be spread uniformly by apaver Within 10 minutes of applying the tack coat ll leveling, raking ete, shoul be completed within 26 minutes of the time of mixing, 203 re ‘Section 500 ‘Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) ‘Tie mix shal be spread uniformly to the desired thickness, grades and crossfall (camber) ‘Tre cossfall shal be chocked by means of camber boards andimreguiartos levelled out Too ‘mich raking isto be avoided. Ts rllng shal start immediately after laying the premix. A smooth wheeled tandem roller of 6-10 tonnes shall be used, unless other compaction methods are approved by the Engineer, Dated on the results of laying tras, if necessary. While roling, wheels of roller shovld be {lean and kept moist o prevent the prem from adhering to the wheels. In no ease shal fue labicating oll be used for this purpose. Use of water for this purpose shall be src imitod 0 an absolute minimum, Roling shall commence at the edges and progress towards the centre longitudinally except in be case of superetevated and uni- 55% [Duabity ‘Souncness (either Sodium ar Magnesium) -5 oles Sodium Sulphate 1S:2386 (5) < 1256 ‘Magnesium Sulphate 18:2366(P-5) War Absorption Water Absorption 18.2386 (3) <2 a Polishing requirement does nol apply when the coarse aggregate Is used for intermediate (binder) cours, 51523 Fine Aggregates Fine agaregaies (passing 2:36 mm sieve and retained on 0.075 mm sieve) shall consiet of 100 percent crushed, menufactured sand resuling from crushing operations. The fine ‘aggregete shall be clean, hard, durable, of fatty cubical shape and free from soft pieces, ‘organic or other deleterious substances. The Sand Equlvalent Test (IS:2720, Part 37) value {or the ine aggregate shall not be less than 60. The ine aggregates shall be non plastic. 51524 Mineral Filler ineral filer shall consist of finely divided mineral mattar euch as stone dust andlor hydrated lime. Fly ash shall not be permite as a filer. The filer shall be graded within the limits Indicated in Table 500-36 220 4 = 2 | sees and SutaceCouses tunes) seaton 500 | Table 500-38 : Grading Requirement of Mineral Fill f 1S Sieve (mm) Cumulative % Passing by Weight of ‘Total Aggregate 06 100 03, 95-100, 0.075 85-100 ‘The filer shall be inert material free irom organic impurties and shall have plasticity index not greater than 4. Pasty index requirement will not apaly if filer is hycrated lime. Where ‘he complete SMA mixture fails to satisty the requicement of Moisture Susceptbilty Test (AASHTO T 283), a least 2 percent by total weight of aggregate of hydrated lime shell be Used as filer and the percentage of fine aggrogate reduced accordingly 5152.5 Stabilizer Additive | | | | ony potted eotuose fbres shal be wand The dosage rt for ease fs Is 03 forcent minimum by weight (on ease fre bese) of th al mix. Te dosage at shal be Conirmed so thatthe bitumen daidown des nt exceed 0.3 percent when ine designed mix is sted in accordance wih ASTI &300, | 5152.6 The cellulose fbres to be used in pallets shall mest the following requirements: Maximum fle tength = &mmm ‘Ash content + maximum of 20 percent nonvoltla Oilabsorption + more than times ofthe fre weight Moisture content less than S percent by welght \When the Contractor submits the proposed job-mix formula for SMA for approval, it shall include the fibre manufacturer's most reconly dated actus tost data chowing thatthe flores ‘eet the sbove requirements. The contractor shal prtac’ the cellulose from moisture and ‘contamination prior to incorporating it into the SMA. 5153, ‘SMA Mix Design | sta ‘The combined grading of the coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and mineral | filer (incusing hyarated ime ifused) shall be within the limits shown in Table 500-37, zai eee ems] Settion 500 ‘Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Table 500.87 : Composition of Stone Matrix Asphalt ‘SHIA Designation Simm SMA 18mm SHA Course where used Wearing course | Binder (intermediate) course Nominal aggregate siza 13 mm 49mm Layer thickness 40-50 mm 45-75 mm | 1S Siave (mm) ‘Cumulative by weight of | Cumulative % by weight of | total aggregate passing | total aggregate passing 265 S 700 19 100 90-100, | 132 20-100 45-70 95 50-75, 25.60 75) 20-28 20-28 2.36 16.24 1624 7.18) 1321 1321 0.600 12-18 12418 (0.300 1020 7020 (0075 B12 eZ 51532 The SMA mixture will be designed using AASHTO MP8, Standard ‘Spectication for Designing Stone Matix Asphalt and AASHTO PP 41, Standard Practice for Designing Stone Matrix Asphalt. Tha SMArmixture shall be compacted with 60 blows on each side using the Marshal! procedure given in the Asphalt Institute MS-2 (Sixth edition). The ‘designed mix shal meet the requirements given in Table 600-3 Table 500-88 : SMA Mix Requirements ‘Mix Design Parameters Requirement Ar void content, percent 40 Bitumen content, necent 5.8 in [Conuicia Fores 0.3 percent minimum by weight of total mix Voids in mineral aggregate (VIA), percent [17 min. [Voids in Coarse Aggregates (VCA) mix |Less than VCA (dryrodded) percent [Asphalt drain down, peroent ASTM D 6390|0.5 max. (Annex ¢ of RC:SP-79) ‘Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR), per cant) 88 min, [AASHTO T 283 (Annex E of IRC:SP:79) a Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 5154 ‘SMA Production 518.44 ‘ixing ‘The SMA mix shall be prepared in a hot mix plant of edequate capacily and capable of \elding a mix of proper and uniform quality with thorough pated aggregate, When viscosity grade bitumen is used, the mix temperature shall range from 180°C to 185°0. Incase ofmodifed bitumen, the temperature ofmixing and compaction shal be higher then the smixwith viscosty grade bitumen. The exact temperature depends upon the type and amount of modifi used and shell be adopted as per the racommendations of the manufaciorer in ‘order to ensure uniform quality of mix, the plant shall be calibrated Irom ‘ima to tino, 5154.2 Handling Mineral Filler ‘Adequate cry storage will be provided for the mineral filer and provisions shall be made for proportioning the filer into the mixture uniformly and in the desived quantities. This necessary because reatvely large amounts of mineral filer are required la SMA mixes 5154.3 Fibre Additive For batch plant, the fore wil be added directly into the weigh hopper above the pugmil ‘Adequate Gry mixing time Is required to disperse the fter uniformly throughout ths hot sagtegate, Dry mixing time wil be increased by 5 to 10 seconds. Wet mixing time shall ba increased by atleast § seconds. For drum mix plant, a separate fibre feeding system shal be uilized thet can accurately and uniformly nttoduee fore In the drum at such a rate ae not tolimt tne normat production of mix tough the drum. At notime shall tere be any eviderice cffibre in the baghouse/wvasted haghouse fines. 5155 ‘SMA Placement and Compaction 518.541 Preparation of Existing Bituminous Surface ‘The existing bituminous surface shall be cleaned ofall lose extraneous matter by moans (of mechanical broom and high-pressure air jet rom compressor or any other absroved ‘equlpmentimethed. Any potholes andlor cracks shall be repalted end sealed, 915.52 Tack Coat Clause 503 shat! apply 51553 Transportation Clause 501.4 shail apply 223 Secton 500 ‘ases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) 515.4 Laying 515.441 Weather and Seasonal Limitations (Clause 6015.1 shall apply. 515.642 Spreading Clause 5015.9 shall apply 515.85 Compaction Claus 501.6. shall apply, except that the uso of pneumatic roller ehall not be permitted if there s a possibilty of pick-up. ‘The cansiy of the fnished paving layer shall be determined by taking 150 mm diameter cores. The density of finished paving ayer shall not be less than 94 percent ofthe average. (samp size N=2) theoretical maximum speci gravity ofthe locse mix (G.,) obtained on ‘that dty in accordance with ASTM 02041. That is, no more than 6 percent ar voids shall bo allowed in the compacted SMA mat. 518.55 Joints (Clauss 601.7 shall apply, 5156 Quality Control and Surface Finish ‘The sirface finish of construction shall conform to the requiements of Clause 902 For contol of the quailty of materials supplied and work earriee out, relevant portion of Section 900 shal apy 515.7 Control of Traffic {t shall be ensured that traffic is not alowed on the SMA surface until the paved mat has cooled to ambient temperature in its entire depth, 5158 Arrangements for Traffic During tne peri of construction, arrangements for traffic shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Clause 112, 5159 Measurement for Payment ‘SMA shall be measured as finished workin sq.m at this spactied thickness or in cum a specified inthe Contract. 224 Bases end Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 600 515.10 Rate ‘The contract unit rate for SMA shall be payment in fl for carrying out the required operations Including full compensation for all components listed in Clause 501.8.8.2, 516 MASTIC ASPHALT 5164 ‘Scope ‘This work shall consist of constructing a single layer of mastic asphalt wearing couree for road pavements and bridge decke, asic asphalt an intimate homogenous mixture of selected well-graded aggregates, filer ‘and bitumen in such proportions as to yield aplastic and ved ss mass, which when applied hot can be trowelled and floated to form a very dense impermeable surfacing 5162 Materials 516.24 Binder Subject tothe approval ofthe Engineer, the binder shall be a paving! Industrial grade bitumen ‘meeting the requirements given in Table 500-29. ‘Table 500-39 : Requirements for Physical Properties of Binder Property, ‘Test Method [Requirements Penetralion at 25°C 1831208 1625" Softening point, 51205 10 Loss on healing for6h at 165°C, Ye by mass Max | IS:1212 20, [Solubility in tchloroethyiene, % by mass Min. 181216 95 [Ash (mineral matter), % by mass Max. 1s127 Ee} . cold cimatic regions (emperatve less than 10°C), VG 40 grade bitumen may be sed, 51622 Coarse Aggregates ‘The coarse aggregates shall consist of crushed stone, crushed gravel/shingla or other stones. They shall be clean, hard, durable, of fay cubical shape, uncoated and free trom sof, organic or other deleterious substances. They shall satisfy the physical requirements ‘von in Table 500-6. 225 ‘Secon 500 ‘Bases and Sutace Courses (Bituminous) ‘Theperconiage and grading of the coarse aggregates to be incorporated in the mastic ‘aspialt depending upon the thickness of the fished course should be as specified In Tabb 500-40. ‘Table 500-40 : Grade and Thickness of Mastic Asphelt Paving and ‘Grading of Coarse Aggregates, “Application Thickness | Nominal | Coarse Aggregato Range (mm) | Size | Content, % by tas of Coarse | of Total ix Aggregate ‘eom) Roais and bridge decks 25-50 13 ax10 Heatilystressed.areasi.e-Juncions) 4060 7% 46210 and oll plazas Nominal size of coarse aggregate Trim 1S Siove (mm) (Cumulatie % passing by weight 9 00 132 88-96 2.36 05: Fine Aggregates : The ine aggregetes shall be the fraction passing the 2.36 mm and retained ‘on the 0.075 mm sieve consisting of crushar run screening, natural sand ora mixture of both, These stall be clean, hard, durable, uncoated, dry, and free from soft or flaky pieves and corgane or other deleterious substances, Filler : The filer shall be limestone powder passing the 0.075 mm sieve and shall have 4 calcium carbonate content of not less than 80 percent by weight when determined in accoréance with IS:1514 ‘The grading ofthe fine eqgregate inclusive of filer shall be ae given in Table 500-41. ‘Table 500-41: Grading of Fine Aggregate (Inclusive of Filler) 1S Sieve Percentage by weight of aggregate Passing 2.36 mm bul retained on 0.600 mm 0-25 Passing 0,600 mm but retained on 0.212 mm 10-30 [Passing 0.212 mm but retained on 0.075 mm 10-30 Passing 0.075 mm 30-85 228 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) 5168.3 ‘Mix Design 51634 Hardness Number ‘The mastic esphalt shall have a herdness number at the lime of manufacture of 80 to 70 at 25°C prior to the addition of coarse aggregate and 10 to 20 at 25°C atthe tme of ying after the edalton of coarse aggregate, The hardness number shall be determined in accordarce with the method specified in 19:1195-1978, 5163.2 Binder Content The binder content shall be so fixed as to achieve the requirements of the mix specified ln Clause 516.3.1 and shell be in the range of 14 to 17 percent by weight of totel mix as Indecated in Table 500-42. “Table 500-42: Composition of Mastic Asphalt Blocks without ‘Coarse aggregate Sieve Percentage by Weight of Mastic Asphalt Minimum ‘Maximum [Passing 2.36 mm but retained on 0.600 mm 0 22. [Passing 0.600 mm but retained on 0.212 mm 4 30 [Passing 0.212 mm but retained on 0.075 mm 8 8 [Passing 0.075 mm 25 45 Bitumen Content % by mass “4 7 5163.3 Job Mix Formula ‘The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval a least one month before the start ‘ofthe work he Job mix formula proposed tobe used by him for the wor, indicating the souros 4nd location ofall materials, proportions ofall materials such as binder and aggregates, single definite percentage passing aach sieve for the mixed aggregate and resulls of the tests recommended in the various Tables and Clauses of this Speciation, 5164 Construction Operations 516.44 Weather and Seasonal Limitations ‘The provisions of Clause 601.5.1 shall apply, except that lying shell nat be cariad out when the air temperature at the surface on which the Mastic Asphalt isto be lad is below 10°C, 22r a Sedion 500 ‘Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) 516482 Preparation of the Base ‘Thebase on which mastic asphalt isto be laid shall be prepared, shaped and conditioned to the profile required, in accordance with Clause 501 of 902 8s appropriate or os directed bby he Engineer. In the case of a cement concrete base, the surface shall be thoroughly over brushed clean end free of dust and other deleterious mattsr, Under no circumstances, ‘shal mastic asphalt be spread on a base containing a binder which might soften under high appication temporatures. f such material exsts, the same shall be cut out and repaired befce the mastic asphalt is lad. | 91643 Tack Coat, ‘A tack coat in accordance with Clause 503 shall be applied onthe base or as directed by the Engheer, 5164.4 Preparation of Mastic Asphalt Propsraionofmastcasphaltconsist oftwo stages. Thofretstage shallbe ming oflerand | {ine cagregates and then heating tho mitre oa temperature of 70°C to 210°C. Requted | _Suanity of bitumen shall be healed to 170°C to 180°C and addodto the heated aggregated. ‘They shall be mixed and cooked in an approved type of mechenicaly agjlated mastic cooker for scme time til the materials sre thoroughly mixed. Inaly the filer alone is lo be heated in the cooker for an hour and then half the quantly of binder is added, After heating and mixing for some time, the fine aggregates and the balance of binder are to be added. and further cooked for about one hour. The second slage is incorporstion of coarse aggregates land cooking the mixtures fora total period of 3 hours, During cooking and mixing care shall bbe taton to ensure thatthe contents in the cooker are at no time heated to a temperature exceeding 210°C, Where the malarial is not required for immediate use it shall be cas into blocks conslting of file, fine agaregates and binder, but without the addition of ccarse aggregate, weighing about 25 kg each, Bofore use, these biocks shall be reheated toa temperature of nt loss than 178°C and not more than 210°C, thoroughly incorporated wih the requisite quantty of ‘coarse aggregaios and mixed continuously Mixing shall be continued unt laying operations ‘18 completed s0 a5 fo maintain the coarse aggregates in suspenson. Atno stage during the process of mixing shall he temperature exceed 210°C. ‘The mastic aophalt biocks (without coarse aggregate) shall show on analysis a composition Within the limits 9 given in Table 500-42, ‘Themix hailbe ransportedto the laying sitgina towed mixer ransporterhaving arrangements {or stining and keeping the mix hot during transportation 228 iF e | | azo and Sues Cus (inte) Section 560 51645 Spreading ‘The mastic asphalt shall be laid, normally in one coat, 2: @ temperature between 175°C and | 210°C and spread uniiomnly by hand using wooden fleets or by machine en the prepared surface. The thickness ofthe mastic asphalt and the percentage of added coarse aggregate ‘shall be in accordance with Table 500-40 or as speciied by the Engineer. Where necessary, battens ofthe requisite dimensions should be employer. Any blow holes that appear in the surface shall be punctured wile the material is hot, and the surface made good by further | foating. Laying surface over existing bridge deck : Bofore laying bitumen over existing bridge deck, the existing cross falifcamber, expansion joint mambers and water drainage spouts | shall be carefully examined for their proper functioning i the bridge deck stricture and any Ceficiency found shall be removed, Loose elements in the expansion joint shall be firmly ‘socured. The existing wesring coat shall be removed, as per Clause 2809. The cracks in the ‘concrete surface, i any, shall be repsired end fil up properly or replaced by new concrete ‘of spectied grade before laying the bitumen mastic over bridge deck. Laying over now bridge deck : New concrete bridge deck which is not in eamberleross fall shall frst be provided with requized camber and cross fal by sultable concrate or bituminous treatment. Treatment where mastic asphalt is laid over a concrete surface : In case of laying over ‘concrete surface, folowing measures shall be taken 1) For proper bond with new concrete deck, surace shall be roughened by means of sif broom or wire brish and I shal be free from ridges and troughs. 2) Athin bituminous teck coat (with situman of grade VG 30) shall be _applied on the concrete deck before pouring mastic, The dack shall be ‘ry. The quantity of bitumen for tack coat shall be 8s per Table 500-6, 3) Affer applying tack coat, chicken-nesh reinforcement of 1.5 mm dia toe! wire with hexagonal or rectangular openings of 20-25 mm shall be placed and held properly in posiion on the concrete surface before Pouring mast 51646 Joints All construction joints shailbe properly and truly made. These joints shallbe made by werming ‘existing mastic asphalt by the apalication of an excess quantity of the hot mastic asphalt mix which afterwards shell be trimmed to leave It flush with the surfaces on either sie. 228 en (ae ences Secion 500 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) 81617 Surface Finish ‘The nastic asphalt surface can have poor skid resistance after floating. in order to provide resisance to skidding, the mastic asphalt aflor spreading, whis sil hot and in a plastic ondtion, shall be covered with a layer of stone aggregate, This aggregate shall be 13.2mm size (passing the 19.0 mm sieve and retsined on the 6.7 mm sieve) or 85 mm size passing the 13.2 mm sieve and retained on the 6.7 mm sieve) subject to the approval Of tht Engineer. Hard stone chips, complying withthe quality cequirements of Table 500-16, shallbe precoated with bitumen atthe rate of 2+ 0.4 porcent of YG 30 grade. The adition Of 2 rorcent of filer complying with Table 500-9 may bo requirec to enable this quantity of binde to be held without draining. The chips shall then bo applied at the rate of 0.008 cum Per 1 sg.m and roiled or otherwise pressed into the surface of he mastc layer whon the lempsrature ofthe masiic asphalt isnot less than 100°C. 516.5 Opening of Traffic Traffic may be alowed after complation of the work when the mastic asphalt temperature of ‘he cempleted layer has cooled tothe daytime maximum ambient temperature. 516.6 ‘Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work. ‘The surface finish of the completed construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause 902, For contol of the quality of materials and the works carried out, the relevant provisions of Section 809 shall apply, ‘The surface of the mastic esphall, tested with a straight edge 3 m long, placed parallel tothe eentrelino ofthe esrriegeway, shall have no depression greater than 7 mm, The same shall ‘also apply to the transverse profile wiven tested with a camber template, 516, During the period of construction, arrangements for trafic shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Clause 112. ‘Arrangements for Trafic 5168 ‘Measurement for Payment “Mastic asphalt shall be measured as finished workin square metres at a specified thickness, ‘or by weight in tonnes as stat Inthe Contract. 5169 R ‘The contract unit rate for mastic asphalt shall be payment in full forcartying out the required ‘operations inclusing full compensation forall components listed unser Clause 501.8.2 2. 230 | Besos and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Seaton 500 | tT CRACK PREVENTION COURSES sir Scope The work shall consist of providing one or two coats of an elastomeric rubber membrane known as Stress Absorbing Membrane (SAM!) over a cracked surface, followed by a covering cof aggregate chips, and a Stress Absorbing Membrane Inforayer (SAMI), which is matoral Similar to SAM or which consists of a bitumen impregnated geotextl, as specified in the Contract. st72 Materials 51724 Binder Binder shall be @ modified binder complying with the requirements of 1S:15462 and IRC:SP:53, according to the requitoments athe Contact, except that visooslty grade VG 10 complying with the requirements of 1S:73 shall b used inthe case af atitumen impregnated geotextle. 5172.2 Aggregate ‘The requirements of Clause §10.2.2 apply except that the Polished Stone Value requirement oes not apply in the case of SAM, Where required by the contract, aggregetes shall be pre-coated by mixing them with 0.75 to 1.0 percent of paving bitumen by weight of chips in @ suitable mixer, the chips being heatedto 160°C and the btunen tats application temperature. ‘The pre-coated chips shal be allowed to cure fora least ane week or unt they become non ‘icky and can be spread easily 5172.3 Rates of Spread of Binder and Aggregate ‘The rate of spread of binder and aggregate shall be as given In Table 500-83, as required by the Contract. 91724 © Gootextile ‘The geotextle as prescribed shall conform to the requirements of Clause 703.3. 5173 Construction Operations st734 Weather and Seasonal Limitations Clause 501.5.1 shall apply, 231 pee ‘Sesion 500 Bases and Suface Courses (Bituminous) 5113.2 Preparation of Base ‘Thebase on which the SAM, SAMI or bitumen impregnated gectexle isto be laid shall be prepared, in accordance with Clause 501 and as directed by the Engineer. The surface shall, bbe horoughy cleaned either by using a mechanical brush or ary other equipmentimathod ‘aproved by the Engineer. Dust removed in the process shall be blown off with compressed 5173.3 Application of Binder 5173.3.1 The equipment and general procadures shall all be in accordance with the Matual for Constuction and Supervision of Bituminous Works, The application temperature for nodiied binder shall be 160"-170°C. Binder for bitumen impregnated geotextlo shall be appied according to Cleuse 703.4.4. The surface on which the tinder is to be applied shall be dy, Table 500-43 : Quantily of Matorials Required for 10 sq.m of Road Surface for Stress Absorbing Membrane |S. | Type and Width of Grack | Specification of Sam | Quantity | uanly of Chipping Tobeapplied | of Binder gion 1) [iar acts and map ese] Siglo coaisaMter [8-10 | Ov0mPoGGmmenpe p20 3mm width aca of wo coat SAM 2) [tap acts or aligato|Singlecoat Sam | v0-12 | ottaPolbenmalno |cacks 3mm to 6 mm wn 3) [Nop cracks or allgair| Too coat SAM seks Sr to 9mm as coat saa | oxemPotsemmand 2 coat 8-10 | 1.2mm chips in: ratio 0.10 of 5.6 mm eps @) [eraste above © mem wits] Two coat ant land cracked aren’ above Aue coat 012m? of 11.2. chips 2ecoat 10] otomorsemm eins 5) [Attypesof cracks witerack| Single coat saw | 8-10 | 040m 186mm chine wth bata mm 6) [Altpescteracks win crack] SiglocoalSAmi | 10-12 OfOaPol 2am aie ith above sam 517.33.2 Binder quanty for bitumen impregnated geotexile shall be in the range 0.9 ‘o 1.2 liresim Binder quantity outside this range is permitted according to the geotextle ‘manufacturer's instructions and subject to the agreement of the Engineer. 232 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminaue) Section 500 517.34 Application of Aggregates ‘The equipment and general procedures shall al be in accordance wih the Manual for CConsiruction and Supervision of Bituminous Works. Immediately after application of the ‘modified binder, clean, dry aggregate shal be spread unformly onthe surface, 51735 Sweeping “The surface of SAMs and SAMIs shall be swept to ensure uniform spread of aggregate and that there are no loose chips on the surface, 517.36 Two Coat SAM or SAMI ‘Where a two coat SAM or SAMI is required by the Contra, the second coat shall be applied within 90 days ofthe rst cost. 51737 Gootoxtile Placement For bitumen impregnated geotextile, the requirements of Clause 703.44 shall apply. st74 Opening to Traffic Traffic may be permited over a SAM or SAMI 2 hours after rolling, but the speed shall be limited to 20 km, until the folowing day. Speed control measures are to be approved by the Engineer, prior to laying, Trafic shall not be allowed on te bitumen Impregnated geotextle layer unless itis over. 5175 ‘Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work ‘The surface fnish shell conform tothe requirements of C'suse 902. For contol on the qualiy of materals and the wotks carried out, the relevant provisions of Section 900 shall apply. 5176 Arrangements for Trae During the period of construction, atrangements for traffic shall be made in accordence with the provisions of Cause 112, sin7 ‘Measurement for Payment Each application of SAM, SARI or bitumen impregnated geotextilo shall bel measured as finished work, forthe area specified, in square metres. 238 = Es ‘Section 500 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) 5178 Rate {recontract unit rate for SAM, SAMI or bitumen impregnated ceotexte shall be payment 1? fl for carting out the required operations including full compensation fr al omnponta listet in Clause 507.8.8.2 518 BITUMINOUS COLD MIX (INCLUDING GRAVEL EMULSION) 5184 ‘The Design mix ‘The votk shall consist of providing a bituminous cold mix consistrg ofa mixture of unheated mingal aggregate and emulsified or cutback bitumen, lid ina single layer of 25-75 mmm the mix stall ether be a design mix ora recipe mix, 518.2 Materials 518.24 Binder ‘The tinder shall be a slow! macium setting bitumen emulsion conforming to 1S:8887 or a ‘medium curing cu-back conforming to 18:24. ‘The fhal selection of the binder shall be made only after laboratory evaluation with the ‘g9re7ees fo be used. A general guide forthe selection of the binder is given in the Mena! for Construction and Supervision of Bituminous Werks, ne binder with the highest residual viscosty at ambient temperatures that can reasonably be handled by the mixing and laying equipment progosed shall be used. 518.2.1.1 Aggregates he agurogates shall comply withthe requirements of Clauses 5052.2. and 6062.3. the Bagragates are not propery coated withthe binder, a small amourt of hydrated lime on sn ‘2pbroved antstrpping agent (see Appendix 4) shall be proposed ty the Contracioe for the ‘approval ofthe Engineer 5182.12 Aggregate Grading and Binder Content Teecembined aggregate gracing for the partcuar mixture, when tested in accordance with 'S:2386 Part |, (wot sieving method), shall fall within the limits shown in Table S00-24, 51822 MixDesign 518221 Requirements for the Mixture ‘oat rom conformity with the grading and quality requirements fr individual ingredients, the ‘mix shall moet the requirements set out in Table 500-45, 234 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Table 500-44 : Aggrogato Gras 19 and Bitumen Content Worinal Maximum os 72 190 ‘Size (ram) ‘Allowable 2535 3650 a5 Thickness (rom) 1S Sieve (mm) Cumulative % by weight of total aggregate passing 375, 5 E = 265 S = 700 190 = 700) 30-100 132 100 30-100 = 05 30-100 E 60-80 475, 60-80, 570 35:85 2.36 35-65 2555 20-50 0.30) 625 520, 3.20 0.075 20 28 28 ‘Binder Content, portent by welght of total mi cutback 48 Emulsion 710 ‘The binder content shall be determined by the modified Warshal Test. “Table 500-45: Mix Requirements for Designed Cold ix Parameter Emulsion™ Cutback Minimum Stability BawNaizZee | 22iNat 25°C for forpaving | maintenance 2.3 kN 25°C for paving Percent maximum stability loss on soaking 50° 25 nim Now (rn) 2 2 ‘Compaction level (number of Blows) 0 75 Per cont air veids ae 35 Per cent voids in mineral aggregate (VMA) | Soe Table 500-46 Per cont minimum coating? 50 Notes: ‘Using Marsha method fo emulsifed acphal-agg-agata cold mix design”. 235 Secon 500 ‘Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Appendix, MS-14 {Using “Marshell_methed for cutback esphattaggregale cold mix design; Append H, MS-14 With vacuum eaturation and immersion ‘Four days coak at 25°. ‘Refers o total vids inthemix occupa by air and water ‘Coating Test, Appendix F, MS-14. Teble 500-46 : Minimum Percent Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VIA) ‘Nominal Maximam Minimum VA Particle Sizo IS Sieve (mm) (Percent) 35) 760) 128 15.0 19.0 140 250) 130 375 720 518.222 Binder Content Thobitdercontentshallbeoptimizedby the Modified Marshall Testtoachleve the requirements (of the nix sot out in Table 600-45. The method adopted shall be that described in Appendix FF end Hf of Asphalt Incitute’s Manual, MS-14, 519.2.23 Job Mix Formula ‘The Contractor shall submit tothe Engineer for approval atleast one month before the start Of the work, the job mix formula proposed for use in the works together with the following ‘otalle: 4) Source and location ofa materials; 5) Proportions of sll materials expressed as follows where each is applicable 2) Binder, as percentage by weight of total nix; ») Coarse agaregateifine aggregate as percentage by weight of total ‘aggregate; |i) A single definite percentage passing each sieve for the mixed ‘aggregate; '\) The resuits of tests enumerated in Table 500-46 as obtained by the Contrector; 236 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 ¥) Test resuits of the physical characteristics of the aggregates to be used; vi) Spraying temperature of binder if appropriate. \While working out the job mix formula, the Contractor shall ensure that it is besed on a ‘correct and truly representative semple ofthe meterais that will actually be used in the work ‘and hat the mix and is sifferent ingredients satisfy the pysical and strength requirements of these Specifications, ‘Approval of the job mix formula shall be based on Indesendont testing by the Engineer for which samples selected jointy with the Engineer ofall Ingredients of the mix shall be {umished by the Contractor as required by the former. ‘Tho approved job mix formula shall ramsin effective unless and until modified by the Enginoer. Should a change In the source of materials be proposed, @ naw job mix formula shall be established by the Contractor end approved by the Engineer bofore sctualy using the materials. 5182.24 Permissible Variation from the Job Mix =ormuta 1X shall be the responsibitty of the Contractor to produce a uniform mix conforming to the ‘approved job mix formula, subject tothe permissible variations of the individual percentages ofthe various ingredients In the actual mix from the Job mix formula to be used, within the limits as specified in Tables 500-13 and 500-18. These vatiations are intended to apaly to individual specimens taken for quality contol tests in accordance with Section 800. 5182.3 Construction operations 518.2.3.1 Weather and Seasonal Limitations, Construction with cold mix must not be undertaken when ambient temperatures below 10°C are expacied, during rain, in standing water, or generally when poor weather is predicted. Bitumen emuisions and cutbacks depend on the evaporation of water andior solvent for the development of their curing and adhesion charactersics. Cold weather, rain and high hhumity stow down the rate of curing. Extra manipulation may be required to remove volatiles In coo! and humid conditions. Wind increases the rate of esaporation, 518.232 Preparation of the Base ‘The base on which cold mixis tobe laid shal be prepared, shaped and levelled ta the required profie in accordance with Clauses 501 and 802 as apprepriste, and a prime coat, where speciied, shal be epplied in accordance with Clause 502 cr as dlracted by the Engineer. 237 ‘Setion 500 ‘Bases and Surace Courses (Bituminous) 518233 Tack Coat ‘A tek coat in acoordance with Clause 503 shall be applied over the base on which the cold 'mixs to be lsd where specified inthe Contract. 518234 Preparation and Transportation ofthe Mix ‘Mixig can be carried out using one of the folowing types of mike, which fs provided with {equsment for spraying the binder ata controled rate and, if necessary forheating the binder to a.emperature at which it can be applied unilermly to the aggregate: @) rotary drum type concrete mixer for small jobs or asphalt cold mix plant ') batch or continuous type mixer without dryer AA Suificient number of haul trucks with emecth, clean bads should be available to ensure tontinuous operation of the mixing plant, The type of truck used for transporting the mixture from the mixer to the road site shall suit fo the Contactors proposed laying provedure methadology. 518.235 Spreading Designed cold mix shail be placed by a paver or grader as specified in the Contract The mix shall yotbe placed on any wet surface or when weather condition will otherwise prevent its Prope handling or finishing |i'spreading by motor grader, the grader shall have a blade that is straight and sharp and long {enough fo ensure frishing o lose, strsight, transverse tolerancesiand all joints and linkague, must be in good condition. The grader must be heavy enough to hold the blede fmly and Lunifomly on the surface while spreading the mix "climatic conditions and aggregate grading do not permit evaporation of moisture or volatiles without aeration by manipulation, a grader shall be used to place designed cold mix Other methods of spreading may be used as approved by the Engineer. 518.2..6 Compaction ‘stil compaction of the laié material shall preferably be cartied out using a pneumatic. “ler of weight appropriate tothe ayer thickness to be compacted wih single layer “sing 25-100 mm and ail compaction being in accordance with Clauses 501.6 and “res shall be used. Final rolling and smoothening ofthe surface should be , “whee! rolls. The Contractor shail cemonstrele at laying trials that his ‘compaction methods can achieve a satisfactory result 238, Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 5182.4 Opening to Traffic ‘Traffic shall not be allowed to run on new work until all the water or volatiles inthe mix have evaporated, 2s determined by the Engineer. The rate of evaporation will be infuenced by the temperature, humidity and wind conditions. 5182.5 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work The surface finish of consiruction shall conform to the requirements of Clause 902. For control of the quality of materials and the works carried out. the relevant provisions of Section 900 shall apply. 5182.6 Arrangements for Traffic During the period of construction, arrangements for trafc shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Ciause 112, 518.27 Measurement for Payment Designed Coid Mix shall be moasured as fished work, for-he rea covered, in cubie metres, by weight in metric tonnes, or by square metres at a spectied thickness as epecifed in the Contract, 5182.8 Rate ‘The contract unit rate for Designed Cold Mix shail be payment in fll for carrying out the ‘required operations including fil compensation forall components sted in Clause 501.8.8.2. ‘The rate shall cover the provision ofthe specified grade of sutback in the mix at 5 percent af {he weight of the total mix or emulsion at 8 percent of the weight of the total mix. However any variation in quantily of binder willbe assessed on the basis of the amount agreed by the Engineer and the payment adjusted, plus or minus, as per the rate for cutback or emulsion {quoted in the Bil of Quantities. st 3 Recipe Cotd Mix 518.34 Scope ‘The work consists of consiuction of Recipe Cold Mixes composed of aggregate and emulsion binder which ae laid immediately after mixing and while the emulsion fs stil substantially in ‘an unbroken stale. These mixes are considered sultabe for emergency and repair work and temporary road surface improvement, 239 ee ‘Secion 500 Bases and Suriace Courses (Bituminous) 51832 Matorials 51821 Binder Emusions of sufficient stabifly for mixing withthe particular greded aggregata should be ‘used Bitumen emulsion shall be slow! medium seting conforming to IS:8887. 518.122 Aggregates Any normal, clean, but not necessarily dry, aggregate shall be used, conforming to Clauies 505.2.2 and 5052.3 provided that it has sufficiently high erushing strength with regaitto the trafic to be carried. Typicel gradings are given in Table 500-47. | 518.223 Aggregate Grading and Binder Content Whertestedin accordance with S:2386 Part (wet sieving methods) the combined aggregate ‘gradig for the particular mix shall fell wthin the limits shown in Table 500-47. The actual ‘quanily of emulsion o be used shall be approved by the Engineer after seeing the results of tral nike made in the laboratory. 518.33 Construction Operations 518.331 Weather and Seasonal Limitations | As pet Clause 518.234 518.932 Preparation of Base As por Cause 61823.2, 518.933 Tack Coat ‘A tack coat in accordance with Clause 503 shall be applied over te base on which the cold ‘mix is tobe lid if specified inthe Contractor required by the Engineer. | 518.334 Preparation and Transportation ofthe Mix ‘As por Clause 518,2.3.4 518.3.3.5 Spreading As per Clause 518.235. 240 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 “Table 500-47 : Composition of Recipe Mixes Nominal size | 40 Single | 40 Open | 44 Open | 6 Medium (mm) and Type | Course | Textured Base | Textured Textured of Course Course Wearing Wearing Course Course ‘Allowable 5 75 31-50 21-30 “Thickness (mm) Sieve Cumulative % by weight of total aggregate passing 6 100 100 5 5 375 90-100 90-100 = - 285 85.90 35-85 5 ~ 19 a = 400 - 132 35-55 1535 80-100 5 o5 5 5 55.75 100 63 20-30 5 25-45, 90-100 3.35 10-20 070 1525 45-85 2.36 = S = 75-100 1.18 = = 5 10:30 060 = = 5 = 030 230 = = = 048 = = = = 0.075 = = 28 28 Emulsion grade and quantity Quentiy” 55t070 451065 70%080 85 to 100 Kg/tonne 518.336 Compaction ‘As por Clause 518.2.3.6, 2a ‘Secon 500 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) 81834 Opening to Traffic As jar Clause 518.2.4. 5183.5 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work AS por Clause 518.25. 518.6 Arrangements for Traffic As pir Clause 518.26, 518.17 Measurement for Payment AAs pir Clause 518.27. 518.18 Rate ‘The contract uit rate for Recipe Cold Mix shall be payment in fl fr carrying out the required ‘operaions including ful compensation for all components liste in Clause 501.8.8.2. The rate shall over the provision ofthe specified grade of emulsion at the lawer quantity inthe range for esch ype of mix indicated in Table 500-47. However any variaton of quantiy in emulsion will beassessed on the basis ofthe amount agreed by he Engineerand the payment adjusted Plus & minus, as per the rate for emulsion quoted in the Bill of Quantities. 519 RECYCLING OF BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 519.4 Scope ‘This work covers the recycling of existing bituminous pavement materials to upgrade an ‘existing bituminous pavement which hes served is initaly intended purpose. The work shall bbe performed on such wits and lengths as shall be directed ty the Engineer and may consist of pavement removal, stockpiing of materials from the cid pavement, addition of "ew bitumen and unlrested aggregates in the requista proportiors, mixing, spreading and compaction of the blended materials, ‘These specifications cover the hot process. 5192 Reclaimed Bituminous Materials for Central Plent Recycling si924 ‘The reclaimed bituminous material shall be used in the production of bituminous macadam and dense bituminous macadam subject to the Clauses 519.23 fo '518.2.8, and subject to satisfactory completion of full investigations in respec ofall ‘materials ently at the Contractor's cost and subject to the approval of the Engine 242 ” — EE Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) ‘Section 500 i J estimation purposes, an amount not greater than 60 per centof reclaimed bituminous material shall be assumed, 51922 Materials for Recycled Pavement |The recycled materiale shall be @ blend of reclaimed and new materials proportioned to | achiove a paving mixture with the spacified enginesring gropertos. The recisimed materiale shall be tested and evaluated to find the optimum blend neeting the mixture requirements, ‘Such testing and evaluation shall be carried out on rearesentative sample, either cores ‘sampled from he cariageway or semples taken from stockpiles in socordance with current practice. The sampling frequency should be suffciant to determine how consistent the Feciaimed material is and to provide representative samples for compostion analysis and measurement of propaties of recovered binder. AS an absolute minimum, ane sample to represent 500 m two lane carriageway shal be taken. 51923 Bitumen Extraction “The procedure described in ASTM D-2172 shell be used toquanttatvely separate aggregates and bitumen from any representative sample of reclaimed bituminous pavement. 519.24 Aggregate Evaluation Mechanical sieve analysis (IS:2996, Par |, wet sieving method) shell be performed on the ‘aggregate portion ofthe reclaimed bituminous pavement sample to determine the gracing, It 's essential thatthe reciaimed materials tobe recycled are consistent, as variable materials will cause probleme with the control of quaity and impede the efficiency of the recycling operation, Suitable sourcesof consistent material ether in existing pavements, fom stockpiled ‘of known origin or from another suitable source shall be entifed before a decision can be ‘made on the optimum percentage of reclaimed materia Afr selecting the proportion of reclaimed materials tobe recycled, the grading ofthe mixture may need adjustment, to mect Specification requirements, by the addition of selected aggregate sizes, 51925 Evaluation of Bitumen When the amount of reclaimed bituminous materials to be used in the mixture exceeds 10 percent, the penetration value of the recovored binder from the reclaimad bituminous ‘material, before mixing, shall excoed 15 pen, after recove'y of binder In accordance with the ‘requirements of BS:2000:Part 367, when tested In accordance with IS:1203. Provided tho 243 a i, Setion 500 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Abwve requirement is met, hardening ofthe old binder, during the original mixing process or {Argh ageing, can be compenseted for by adding softer bitumen, fo obtain the eppropriste ‘ins grade of binder, Thedeterminaton ofthe type and amount of binder required tobe added inthe fel mic is ‘essintially tial and error procedure. Afte mixing with recycled materials, the binder recovered from the mixture shall have a ‘ecwered penetration value not ies than the value specified in Table 500-48, Table 800-48 : Minimum Recovered Binder Penetration of Recycled Mixture Specified Grade of Binder Minimum Recovered Penetration Value of] Viscosity Grade _ Binder after Mixing 40 (45 pen) ar 30 (65 pen) 39 10 (80 pen) 54 519.26 Rejuvenators The te of rejuvenators, and a test to measure their efectiveness, ie given in Clause 519.63, 519.27 Untreated Aggregates {necessary fresh untested aggregates shallbe addedto the reciined bituminous pavement {© profuce a mix wih the desked grading, The aggregate shal be checked for quay requirements in accordance with Table 500-7 or Table 500-10 ac appropriate. Reclaimed 2agre6ale, if ary, or any aggregate normally used for the desired bituminous mix, or both, may be used for this purpose. 51928 Combined Aggregate Grading ‘The blend reclaimed and new aggregate shall mest the grading criteria specified in the relevant parts of Clauses 605 or 506, as appropriate and as approved by the Engineer, The Blend of agaregates shall be checked for resistance to tripping as specified in Tables 500-7 9 500-10 as appropriate 244 a Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) ‘Section 500 519.3 Mixture Design “The combined aggregate grading and binder content shall comply with the relevant tables in Causes 504 or 505 as appropriate. The mix design shal also comply withthe requirements of Table 500-10. There may be 2 variation on three to four sieves with respect to percent essing, the permissible variation shall not excsed $ to & parcent per sieve, si Redan Ol Pavement Matras |) tre removal of pavement mater oe rquted doyh shal be secompshed eter at | tnbimtomparans old peonoratoncevtdonpuaue (tl prove) coppored bye Engine 51041 Cold Removal Process Inthe cold process, the ripping and crushing operations shal be carried out using scarier, ‘fd rollers, or rgpers or by any ather means as direced by the Engineer. The removed materials shall be loaded and hauled for crushing to tre required size as directed by the Engineer. Altemativaly, cold miling or planning mechines can be used io reclaim bituminous pavement to controlled depths. Thereafter the bituminous layers are removed, any remaining ‘agaregata materials that are fo be incorporated in the recycled hot mix shall be scarified ‘and removed. When the paverient material removal s completed, any drainage deficiencies ‘shall be corrected. After that, the base/sub-base, as the case may be, shall be cut. graded ‘and compacted tothe required profile and density 519.42 Hot Removal Process In the hot process, the road surface shall be heated, by infra-red! hot-air heating system, before scarication. A self propelled plant fited with sulable arrangement for heating the existing bituminous surface shall be used. Arming drum shall folow the planer for removing the heated soft bituminous layer, The daptn, width anc speed of travel shall be acjusted to sult specinic requirements as directed by the Engineer. During the heating process, the surface temperature ofthe oad shal not exceed 200°C or more than 5 minutes. 519.43 Stockpiling In the cold process, the reclaimed bituminous pavement material shall be stockpiled with height of stockpiles not exceeding 3 m. The reclaimed untreated aggregate base/sub-base ‘matarial shall be stockpiled in the same manner as new aggregate. The number and location ‘of stockpiles shall be carefully planned for eficient operation of the hotsmix plant. 245 (ee ‘Secon 500 Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) 5195 Mixing and Laying the jaquirements of Clauses 604.3 oF $05.4, as appropriate shallapply. 5195 In Situ Recycling ~The Remix and Repave Processes 51984 ‘Scope In tht process of repaving, the existing surtace is preheated and scared but the scariied ‘mateial is not removed. A layer of fresh bituminous mix mataral prepared in the integrated 'mixirg unit of he plants then spread evenly on the scariied surface to give @ uniform profile ‘The spread material should be compacted 2s soon as possible ater laying. inthe process, {he tual thickness ofthe pavement is increased by up to 50 mm. In theremix process, the scarfied material should be taken from the mixing unt ofthe plant where Its recycled with fresh binder, aggregate and recyciing agent. Then the recycled mixtue is spread on the prehested surface and tamped and compacted to the required profi 519.62 Heating and Scarifying Surfaves to be treated shall be heated by plant with surfaces Insulated and fully enclosed. ‘The heated width of surfacing shall exceed the scared width by at least 76 mm on each side, except against the edge of the carriageway or kerb face. When new surfacing material 's spifod onto the road surface it shal be removed before the existng surface is healed and scarifed, Areas of unscarified material shall not exceed 50 mm x 50 mm, ‘The depth of scarfication shall be such thet the bottom ofthe scarlfed layer is parallel to and bbolow the finished road surface level by he thickness of wearing course material spectied Atolorance of 8 mm is permissible, Where street furniture and other obstructions occur, these shall be sultably protected or Femoved and the void covered. Surface dressing and large areas of road markings shall be removed by miling, planning scattying or by similar approved processes. ‘The heated surface shal be evenly scared to comply with the requirements ofthis Clause, When street furniture i fet in place or raised, the adjacent area svall be scariied by other ‘means, with the material ether left in place or removed, prior to pessage of the machine, If ‘umkure needs to be repositioned on completion of work, the new wearing course material ‘shall be used! to make good the road surface for a maximum width of 200 mm around the cbstruction, 286 ‘Bases and Surface Courses (Bituminous) Section 500 During the reheating process, the surface temperature ofthe road shall not exceed 200°C for more than § minutes, 519.63 —_Rejuvenator For Remix, when required, rejuvenator shall be uniformly sprayed across the fullwidth of the processed material. The machine shall incorporate & metre for continuous verification of {uantities which shal be within +5% of the specified rate. The volume of rejuvenator shall vary in relation tothe operating speed of tha machine, which shall be related tothe volume ‘of material mixed of soared, ‘The rejuvenator shall be a non-emulsiied aromatic exteet. Its properties shall be verified Using the Rolling Thin Flim Oven Test. Rejuvenation of the existing pavement may also be performed by adding new hot-mix bituminous material containing a sof binder fer restoring the binder in the existing pavement to the roquired viscosity. Use of rejuvenating ol may be resorted to in case the targel values ‘of viscosity, penetration and softening ave not met 51964 Mixing When required, new hotmix material shall be mixed wih the heated and scarifed ros pavement material in a pugmll within the Remix machine, cbserving the mixing temperatures ‘specified in Table 500.2, ‘tor mixing, the recycled bituminous materials shall be automaticaly led toa finishing unit, \uhich spreads and levels the mixture to the specified thickness and eroes-50 %] =50 %[>50 % | <50 %4]>60 9] =50 %|>80 % Harsh instalation [Type 4| 1400 | 900 {500 | 950 | S00 | as0 | 2500 | 1700 ontition | |Moderate Type nt] 400 | 700 | 400 | 250 | 400 | 260 | 2700 | 7300 nstatistion condition Less Sovere [Type ti] 600 [S00 | 300 | 180 | 300 | 180 | 2100 | aso instalation coniton| | Note: | 1) Allnumere values inthe above lable represent Hininum Avarage Rol Value (MARV) in | weaker principal crecion The MARV is derived statstcally asthe average value rue | ‘wo standard deviations, | 2) When the gectexties aro joined together by fit sewing, the seam strangh shal be atleast 60 percent of te matrial’s tensile srength Aled seame shall be sewn with thread as strong as the material nthe fabri. 3) The puncture strength if determined in accordance with ASTM D 6241, the minimum requirement in ters of "Neuron (NP shall be as folows stator conaion Seng propery requromont ARV) Punaur Sten fy Newon (spe laste eae Eongeton al Faire | 50% baw Fara rata coaion aa00 ac00 odors nstlaton coniion 2250 00 | [less Severe rstatoton conaton F700 000 | 10222 utravioet staity Requirements ‘The material shall satisty the ultraviolet stabity requirements specified in Table: 700-2, 303 ‘Sesion 700 Goosynthetios Table 700-2 Requirements for Ultra Violet Stability Site | Properes of Fabre Requirements (Retained Srengihy | Srab Stengin Rat tess than 70% tor 500 hours of 2 Tear Stongth owpoeue 3) [Puncture Strength [Burst Strength 70223 Hydraulic Requirements for Various Applications 7022.31 Subsurface Drainage ‘The geotextle shall conform to the physical requiremants specified in Table 700-3 ‘Table 700-3 : Geotexile Requirements for Subsurface Drainage [ insitu Passing 0.075 mm | Permittivity, per sec, as | Maximum Apparent Sieve (%) per ASTIM Opening Size, mm ASTM D Dasorisit4sz4-t995 | 4754ns:14294-1995 | =e 05 043 : Bio 50 02 025; > 50 O41 022 The ‘ype of geotextie shall be decided by the Engineer depending upon the Instalttion conditions, 702.232 Separation ‘The geotextle fr diferent subgrade soll conditions shall conform to the requirements given In Tables 700-4 and 700-5, Table 700-4: Geotextile Requirements for Separation (Subgrades Soaked CBR >3) S.No. Gootextile Property Requirement 4) _[Permitviy as per ASTM D 449% 0.02 seo" (per sec) 2) [Maximum Apparent Opening Size as per ASTM D 476% [0.60 mm ‘Tablo 700-5 : Geotentile Requirements for Separation (Subgrades Soaked CBR 3) ‘S.No. Geotextile P-operiy Requirement 4) [Pemmittviy as per ASTM D 44o1 0.05 sec (per sec) 2) [Maximum Apparent Opening Size as per ASTID 4751 [0.43 204 Geosynthetics Section 700 70223.3 Erosion Control ‘The geotextle for erosion control shall conform to raquirenents given in Table 700-6. Table 700-6: Geotextile Requirements for Erosion Control Tit Soll Passing rity, per Maximum Apparent Opening 0.075 mm ASTM D 4491 ‘Size, mm ASTM D 4751 <5 o7, 043) Bo 50 02. 025, 380, of 022 7023 Construction 7023.4 General Exposure of geotextes to the laments between lay down end cover shall be @ maximum of 14 days to minimize damaga potential. In trenches, after placing the backfill material, the geotextle shall be folded over the top Of the fter material to produce a minimum overlap of 200 mm for trenches greater than 200 mm wide. In trenches less than 300 mm wido, the overlap shall be equal to the width of the trench, The geotextila shal than be covered with the subsequent course. ‘Overlap at rll ends and at adjacant sheets shail be a mhimum of 450 mm, except when placed under water n such instances, the everlap shall bea minimum off m, Where seams ‘210 required in the longitudinal trench direction, they shall be joined by ether sewing or ‘overlapping. All seams and overlaps shall be subject tothe appraval ofthe Engineer. Care shall b taken during instalation s0 as to avoid any damage tothe geotextil. Damages, ‘fany, during installation shall be repaired by placing a gentextie patch over the damaged ‘rea and extending it im beyond the perimeter ofthe tear or damage, or as approved by the Engineer. 70232 Subsurface Drainage Construction shall conform to Clause 309.3 of the specications. 70233 Separation ‘ter preparation of subgrade as per the specications along the road alignment, geotextio shall bo rolled outs indicated in the crawings. The entre rf shall be placed on the subgrade 305 Secon 700 Geosynthetics ‘andlunrolled as smoothly as possible. Wrinkles and folds In the fabric shall be removed by strething as required Adjezent rolls of geotexties shal be overiapped, sewn, or joined as required, For curves, the geotxtie shall be folded or cut and overizpped in the direction ef construction, Folds in the geotxtie shail be stapled or pinned approximately 0.6 m oenire-o-conke Before covering, the eonition ofthe geotextle shall be checked for damage (ie, holes, nips, tears, etc) by the Exgineer. ‘Befos placing the frst it of granular sub-base on the geotexti, a trial stretch of 100 m ‘shailbe laid as per rol width to establish a proper construction methodology of placing and ‘comyacting the sub-base in a manner that no damages are caused to the separation layer of gostextl, 702.4 Filter Layer Under Stone Pitching for Erosion Control ‘The sectextle shall be placed in intimate contact of soll ensuring slight tension, to avoid \wrink@s or folds and shall be anchored on a properly shaped surface as indicated in drawings ‘and epproved by the Engineer. Isha be ensured thatthe placement the overtying material be pliced in such a manner that it does not tearpuncture the geotextle. Anchoring of the terminal ends of the gectoxils shall be accomplished as per drawings trough the use of key {rencies or aprons at the crest and toe of slope. The qootextla shail be pleced with the machine diction paral to the direction of water ‘low. Adjacent geotoxtile sheets shall be joined by ether sewing or overlapping, ‘The piching shall begin at the tos and proceed up the slope. Big sized boulders shall not be allowed 10 rall cown the slope. Any geotextle damaged shall be either replaced or repaired with e patch, as directed by the Enginoer, at the cost of the contractor. 702.4 ‘Measurement for Payment ‘The measurement for payment for sub surface drains shall be as per Clause 308. ‘The geotextie for separation end for fter layer shell be measured in equare metres as Per planned dimensions with no allowance for overlapping at trensverse and longitudinal Joints. Excavation, back fi, bedding and cover material shall be measured separately as per relevant clauses ofthe Contract. 7025 Rate ‘The contract unit rate for subsurface drains using geotoxtle shall be as per Cause 309.5, 306 Geosynthetics Section 700 ‘The contract unit rate forthe accepted quantities of geotaxtle for separation and fier layer in place shall be full compensation for furnishing, preperng, hauling, and placing geotextile Inducing all labour, freight, tools, equipment, and incidentals to complete the work as per specications, 703 GeocRID 703. Scope The work covers the use of geogtds In sub-base of pavement, erosion contol of slopes, Teinforced soi slopes and reinforced soil walls including supplying and laying as per design, ‘drawing and these spectcatione ‘The use of geogrids es a component for reinforced sol slopes and walls shall be es per Section 3100. 703.2 Materials 7032.1 Gor Googrids shall be either made from high tenacity polyester yarn jointed at eross points by ‘weaving, kniting or Bonding process wih appropriate coating or from polypropylene or polyethylene or any other suitable polymeric material by an appropriate process, Geogrids ‘manufactured by extrusion process are integra jointed, mono or b-drectionslly oriented or stretched meshes, in square, reciangular, hexagonal or oval mesh form, The geogrids ‘manufactured by weaving/kniting/boncing process shall be formed into a stable network such that ribs, filaments or yarns retain their cimensional stallty relative to each other including selvages. 7032.2 _Sub-base Reinforcement Googrid for use es reinforcement of sub-base layers cf Rexible pavements shall meet the requirement as per the design subject to the minmum requirements as given in ‘Table 700-7 03.2.3 Erosion Control “The geogri fr erosion control application shail have the minimum tensile strength of 4 kNim, \when tested as per ASTM D035 (Winimum Average Roll Value in Machine Direction). The ‘perture opening size shall be minimum 20 mm x 20 mm and average arid thickness shall be ‘inimum 1.0 mm. Geogti for erosion contol application shal be UV stablized. The geoadid shall have ultraviolet stably of 70 percent ster 500 hrs expesure as por ASTM 0 4355, 307 ON San Eeene Secion 700 Geosynthetics Table 700-7: Minimum Requirements for Geogrid for Sub-Baso of Flexible Pavement Properly, Test Method | Unit Requirement ‘Stiiness af 05% strain {iS0-10819 | kNim]=980; both in machine and cross Imactine dirsction Toile sirength @2% [ASTM DGGR7 _|ENim|=15% of T, ; both in machine and] tren [cossmachine direction Tensile strength @5% [ASTM DEGS7 _[ENim|220% of T, ; Both in machine eng| |stren lcross-mactine dlraction [Juntion Efficiency for |GRI-GG2-87or| - 90% of rb utimate tensile srength Jextuided geogrids _|ASTM.WK 14256| [Uitrviclet stably ASTM D4se5__ | ~~ | 70% aller S00 hrs exposure Note: » All numerical values inthe Tabla represent MARY in the speed direction, 2) ‘All geogrics shal be placa along machine diecton paral to the centre line of roadway aigament. 703.14 Reinforced Soil Slopes and Walls, The strength and other requirements shall be as per Section 3100, 703.3 703.34 Prior'o| Installation and Construction Operations ‘Sub-baso Reinforcement laying of geoari, the surface shall be properly prepared, cleaned and dressed to the species lings and levels as shown on the drawings. ‘The geogrd shall be laid within the pavement structure as shownon the drawings. ‘Geouts winforcement shall be placed flat, pulled Ught and held in 2ostion by pins or suitable ‘means untl the subsequent pavement layers placed, No vehiale shal be allowed on geogrid unless itis covered by atleast 150 mm thick sub-base materia. 703.32 Erosion Control ‘The geogrid for erosion control applications shall be installed in accordance with the | ‘manufacturer's recommendétion and as per Clause 708.3. 308 ” H Geosynthetics Section 700 703.33 Reinforced Slopes and Walls ‘The geogtd for reinforced slopes and walls shall be installed in accordance with the ‘manufacturer's recommendation and as per Section 3100. 703.4 Measurement for Payment ‘The geogrid shell be measured in square metres as per planned dimensions with no allowance for overlapping at joints, anchoring at toe and zrestof he slope. Excavation, back fil, bedding and cover material shall be measured separatly as per relavant clauses of the ‘Specifications, Reinforced sel sopes and walls shall be measured as per Section 3100. 703.5 Rate “The contract unitrate forthe accepted quantiles of geogrdin place shallbe in fullcompensation for furnishing, preparing, hauling, and placing geogrid including all labour, freight, tools, ‘equipment, and incidentals to complete the work as per specifications. For reinforced soll slopes and walls, Section 3100 shall govern. 704 GEOCOMPOSITE DRAINS 7044 ‘Seope “The work cavers the use of geocomposia drainage system: () Fin drains and (I) Prefabricated Vertical Drains, The work for fin Grains shallbe caried out n accordance with the requirements of these specications and tothe lines, grades, dimensions and other particulars shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The work for prefabricated vertical drain shall be carried out as per Ciause 314, Fin drain with plastic core shall be installed for affecting vertical andor horizontal drainage. Prefabricated vertical drains shal be Installed in soft saturated subsols at designed spacing ‘80.88 to aovelerate the rate of consolidation. 7042 Materials 704.24 Fin Drains Fin crains shall be made of light weight, three dimensional high compressive strength polyethylene core: and heat bonded or needle punched polypropylene/polyester geotextile provided on one side or both sides ofthe core a per the requirements, Geotextle used in @ 308 SS SSE SESE ‘Secon 709 Geosynthetics Grakage composite shall meet the requirements as specified in Tae 700-9. The properties thi core materia shall meet the requirements es indicated in Table 700-10, ‘Table 700-9: Geotextile Requirements for Fin Drains {nsitu Soil Passing | Permitivity, per soc ASTM | Maximum Apparent Opening O.75mm Sieve (%) | Dadaws:14324-1995 | Size, mm as per ASTM D 475408:14204-1995 = oF 0.43, 150 50 02 025 > 50 4 022 ‘Table 700-10: Properties for Fin Drain Gore Property ‘Test Method | Units | Minimum Average Roll Value [Tens strength ENISO-10310 | KH 16 ICBR Puncture Resistance ENSO-12236[ 3000. (Massper unit area ENISO-9864 | gin 710 [Thickness of Composite ENTSO-9863 | mm 45 in-plae |” ]ydraulic Gradient I= at 700 | EN 1SO-12988 | Un 055 lity [kPa pressure [Hydraulic Gradient. =1 at 200 045 kPa pressu 7042.2 Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVDs)/Band Drains ‘The PVDs!Band Drains shall meet the requirements as specified in Table 700-11 ‘Table 700-11: Properties for Prefabricated Vertical Drains/Band Drains S.No Property [estitiethod | Value ‘A__[Composite Drain [awa 100 mm 2)_[Thickness [ASTWTOS190_[>4 rim 3) [Tensile strength JASTM D4595[>2.00 kv 4) [Elongation st break 235% 5) [Dischargeli= 1.0 at 200KPa [ASTM DITTO [>1.5x 10° mS capacity |pressure 310 Geosynthetics Section 700 S.No Property ‘Test Netiod Value B (Core [eater PolypropyieneiPalyetnyiene 2) _ | Configuratonisiucture |Corugated, filament, dimpled, studded otc [Filter 7) [Material Polyesteripolypropylene 2) [Structure Nonwoven 3)_[Mess per unit area [ASTM DS231_[>120 gim® 4) [Tensie strength /ASTM 4632. |>500N 5) [Elongation at break 45% 8) _ [Trapezoid tear strength [ASTM D4533_[>150 N 7) [Permeability [ASTM D4dot_[>5 x 107 mis '8) [Apparent opening se [ASTM DA731 1043 Installation 7043.4 Fin Drains ‘The installation off rains shall be as per drawings. Where fin drains are assembled on sito, ‘he assembly area shall be clean and dry. No geotexile or core maleial shall be exposed to daylight (or any source of ultraviolet radiation) for a period exceeding 50 hours, Where fin rains are laid in a trench, the bottom of the trench shall ba ftee of regulates and shall ‘be brought tothe requled level. Rock and other hard protusions shall be removed and any ‘excass cut In the tench bottom shall be filed and compacted back to the required grade with sutable excavated or imported material as directed by the Engineer. Fin drains shall be capable of being connected longituinel or laterally info pipe systems or chambers for Inflow and outfow purposes. Joints parallel tothe direction of flow and any exposed edge shall be protected from the ingress of soll bya geotextle wapping witha minimum overiap of +150 mm or oer measures 8s approved by the Engineer. The splicing of ings of geotextie snd minimum overiap shall be as per the drawing or as arproved by the Engineer 1083.2 Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVD) ‘The installations for PVD shall be as por rolevant Clauses of Section 314. 004 Measurement for Payment Measurement for Fin drain shall bein running metre of itslangth. ‘Measurement for payment for PVDs shall be as per Clause 314.23. sit re ‘Seton 700 Goosynthoties 7045 Rate ‘TheContract unit rate for fin drains shall be payment in fl forall tems such 2s excavation, resing the sides and boliom, providing fin drains and instalation otc, including full conpensation for al materials, labour, tools, equipment incidanial to complete the work a ‘shoun on drawings with al leds and tts including removal ard disposal with all leads of tunsitable material, Provision of inlets, outlet pipes, Bedding, etc, wherever required shall be incienta to construction of crain. Unitrato for instalation of vertical drains shall be as per Clause 314.24. 705 GEOCELL FOR SLOPE PROTECTION 705. Scope ‘The wore covers the use of geccelis for erosion contol of soll slope including supplying and Jayiry as per design, drawings and these specifications, Geely fled with ical sol or with granular material shal be placed on cut or fil slope to hold op cover soi and allow vegetation to grow, 705.2 Materials ‘The eocellis a three dimensional sruciure consisting of saces of cells and resembles a honey combed structure. The geocell shall be made of 2 sulable polymeric material such as high éensity polyethylene stabilised with carbon black. 708.24 Strength and Other Requirements of Geoe: ‘Geocal shell meet the minimum specifications and properties specified in Table 700-12. ‘The goocells for erosion control messures shall have calls with neminal opening of 450 em? {o 1250 am? and perforations inthe cal wall shall be between 11% to 16% The col depth for {erosion control shal vay from 75 mm to 100 mm, Fr anchoring the cells on steep slopes suilabie arrangements shall be made as shown on the drawings, 708.3 Installation and Construction Operations Prior to laying of geocell on the slope, the surface shall be properly prepared, clean and ‘ressed tothe specified lines and levels as shown on the drawinge. 312 Geosynthetics Section 700 Table 700-12 : Requirements of Geocall fr Slope Protection Property Test method | Unit ‘Min, Required Value Density JASTM D1505 | gmlcm® 0.900 | [Environmental Sess |ASTMDI099 | Hrs ‘3000 crack resistance (ESCR) (Carbon Black Content sey Wah T5102 Strig/Cell Wall thickness [ASTMDSIO9 | __mm 120 [Sear Peat Strength Test Nper 25 mre 350 | of cell depth. | [Creep Rupture Stiengtm [ASTM D2890 (Groep Rupture Load al] | 10,000 hours shall be 1 kN | rium obtained from the 85% | redictionintervalat 10,000 hours! lconsidering logarithmic timel| | creep ruptire model | Trench keys along the crest and at the bottom of slope area shall be dug to fix the celiviar } system inthe ground Cfular section shall be expended to the predesigned shape and size, and placed over prepared slope. Geocell sections shall be fastened tagether using accessories es per ‘manufacturer's installation guide and the drawings. ‘After celular sections are secured to the slope, the cels shall be filed with the specified materials ensuring that no damage is caused to the cells. Fling of colls shall be dene from the toe of slope to crest of slope. ‘The fil shall be overfiled between 25 mm to 80 mm and material shall be sultably tamped to leave sol ush with top edge of cel walls. (Once the sil filing is completed, tufing/seeding shall bedone as recommended. 705.4 Measurement for Payment ‘The geocell protection work shall be measured as fisted work In square meters as per planned dimensions with no allowance for overianping at ints, anchoring at toe and crest of ‘ne slope. It shall alsa include the fixing and anchoring of cli inthe ground with accessories {8 per manufacturer's recommendation or as specified inthe design and crawings. The above also includes turing, seeding and ell other incidental tems to cover the work of vegetation on slopes, unless otherwise specified in the contrac, The quantities of cellular 313 + 706 GEOSYNTHETIC mar 706.4 Scope The Work covers the use of geosynthatic mals for contol of ercsion of slopes Inctuding schetong ane leyna the mat sprescing soland seeding to promo the design of vegans, {8 per design, craving and these specifcations 706.2 Material and Strength Requirements sapeyanetic mat shall be a thre-cimensiona stucture consisting of UV stabized rion. eer nate Bobprepsene, polyethylene, nylon or siilar polymer foe that arc ence prsuoanted atthe contact points to provide a mensional webs matir for Sol cero Po ncteres canton element i. reinforcing element ike googrd er stool wire mesh chor crete aera with the thee dimensional poymeric mas o provide stengie against erosive forees, if specified in the contract Jecoietme Stenath requirements for non reinforced and renerced tree dimension Fable Ona cna meet the minimum requirement as epectied in Table 7008 won Table 700-14 respectively 706.3 Installation Cosned oat Gesynthais mat onthe slope, he surtace shall be property Prepared, gleaned end dressed tothe specifed lines and levels es shown on the Srawings. Speciied 2 Geosynthetics ‘Section 700 ‘Table 700-19 : Tensile Strength Requirement fr Wormal (Non-Reinforced) ‘Three Dimensional Geosynthetic Mat for Erasion Control Application | (Less Severe Environmental Covlition) Property TestMehed | Units imum Average Rell Value Hensie strength raquirement (For slopes less|ASTMD £095 | KN 2 than 60°) Utraviolet stability at 500h, Retained svengih|ASTMD 455 | 30 orcantage with respect to original strength [Thickness last e525 _[ mm oo [Mass per unit area [ASTM D 3776 [amim®| 250 “Table 700-14: Tensile Strength Requirement for Reinforced Three Dimensional ‘Goosynthetc Mat for Erosion Control Appliation (Severe Environmental Conditions) Property Test Methoe | Units | Minimum Average; Roll Value. [Tensilo strength [For Slopes upto 60" | ASTM 5035 | KN 0. requirement [For Slopes up to 80" 35, [Uiravioist stability et S00h, Retained) ASTMD 4355 | 9% 80 strength percentage with respect to| origins strength Thickness. ‘ASTM D 6525_|_mam 2 Mass per unitares ofthe composite | _ASTMD 776 _| gmin 300 ‘The work of laying the mat shall begin atthe top ofthe sloxe providing anchor blenkets in @ 200 mm deep and 300 mm wide trench and anchoring with staples/pn. The mat shal then be unrolled down the slope in the machine direction. The Manket shall not be stretched but ‘shall have full contact with the gol, Tho blanket shall be anchored using staples or stakes. Edges of acjacent parallel roils shall be overlapped by agproximately 100 mm to 120 mm ‘and anchored with staples at 600 mm to 800 mm spacing depending on the slope. When bankets have to be spliced, the upper blanket ond shall te placed over lower blanket end (Shingle styl) with 300 mm overlap and anchoring with two staggered rows of staples at 300 mm spacing ‘Aminimum cover of sol shall be spread foliowad by spreading the seeds and fertiser. Inthe absence of rain, blankets shall be regularly watered for viele growth tl vegetation sustains onits oun, Many damage due o heavy downpours noticed, suitable coractive measures shall be taken Immediately. 315 RE Secon 70 Goosynthetice ‘Gul formations, if any shall be suitably corrected depending upon the site condition. ‘Theroated area shall be proteced from the movementof cattle (goat, sheep & cow). Grazing shailbe avoided til the vegetation sustains ani own 7068 Measurement for Payment The yessynthetic mat shall be measured in square metre as per planned dimensions with no allovance for everiepping at joins, anchoring at toe and crest ofthe slope, 706.5 Rate. ‘The ‘ontract unitate for geosynthetic mat for erosion control shallbe in full compensation for {furnishing and instaling the specified materials and growth of vegetative cover In secordance with the contract decuments including ste preparation, and for furnishing all labour, tools, lequlzment and incidentals to complete the work as per these Specicalions, 07 NATURAL GEOTEXTILE 707.4 ‘Scope ‘The ork covers the use of natural geotextles for contol of erosion of slopes including Supping and laying the mat spreading sol and seeding fa promote the growth of vegetation, 285 pe! design, drawing and these specications, ‘Natural Geotextie shall be used to control surface erosion of top cover soll en cut of fl slopes and fo facitate vegetation to grow. 707.2 ‘Strength Requirements ‘The natural fibre geotexties made of Jute shall meet the minimum requirement 2s stated in IS:14715 - Woven Jute Geotextles ~ Spocifcation. However for co fore geotextle, It shall meet the requirements as specified in Table 700-15, when used for erccion contol measures. ‘Teble 700-5 : Typical Specifications of Natural Geotextle (UARV*) using Coir Type of [Weight | Width [Thickness] Tensilo [Elongation] Water [Poromety] Price | (asm) | (cm) | (mm) | Strength | at Break | Holding | (905), . (kim) | (%) [Capacity] Micron mp [co (4) JOpen Mesh] “300 | 420 [a0 |-5 J25] 20 ~ = fabric Nonwoven] 450 | ~t80 | _40 | 78 [25] a0 Cy 5 Fabric * Minimum average rl value 318 = oD Geosynthetics Section 700) 7s Installation Prior to laying of natural geotextiles on the slope, the surface shall be properly prepared, ‘leaned and dressed tothe specified lines and levels as shawn on the drawings. Spectied trench keys along the crest and at tna bottom cf stope area shall be provided to fix the natural ‘gootextle in the ground. in case the soll isnot fertile, it shall be mixed with sutable amount of fertilizer or seeds. ‘The work of laying the mat shall begin atthe top of the slope providing anchor blankets in a 300 mm deep and 300 mm wide tench and anchoring with staples/pins. The mat shal then be unrolled down slope in the machine direction, The blanket shall not be stretched but shall have full contact wih the sol. The blanket shall be anchored using staples or stakes. Edges of adjacent parallel rols shall be overlapped by epproximately 100-120 mm and anchored with staples at 600-800 mm spacing depending on the sope. When blankets have to be ‘spliced, the upper blanket end shall be placed over ower blanket end (shingle style) with ‘300 mm overiap and anchoring with two staggered rows of staples st 300 mm spacing. Aminimum cover of sol shall be spread followed by spreacing the seeds and feritzer.A slow release supplementary fertlizer may be applied to speed up the growth ofthe vegetation. In the absence of rain, biankets shall be regularly watered for viable grows til vegetation ‘sustaine on its own Hany damage due to heavy downpours noticed, suable corrective measures shall be taken Immeciatoly. Gly formations, f any, shall be suitably corected depending upon the site conditions. “The treated area shall be protected from the movement of cats (gost, sheep & cow). Grazing hall be avoided tl the vegetation sustains on its own. 014 Measurement for Payment ‘The natural geotoxtie shall be measured in square metres as per planned dimensions with no allowance for overlapping at joints, anchoring at toe anc crest ofthe siops, 1075 Rate “The contract unitrae for natural geotextile mat for erosion canrol shal bein full compensation {or furishing and instaling the specified materais and growth of vegetatve cover in accordance with the contract documents including site preparation, and for furnishing all labour, tools, equipment and incidentals to complete the work as per these Specifications. ar i ‘Secion 700 Geosynthatios 708 PAVING FABRICSIGLASS GRIDS 7081 Scope ‘This work shell consist of laying geosynthetic materials elther non-woven paving fabric oF fibre glass coated grid over existing bituminous surface, incugng preparation of surface ‘and pining, stitching or overlapping of geosynthetic fabric etc, as pat of highway pavement strergthening in layers as shown on drawings or as directed by the Engineer 7082 ‘Material Requirements, 708.21 Paving Fabrics The paving fabric wil be a non-woven heat set material consistng of at least 88 percent by weight of polyolefins, polyesters or polyamides. The paving fabric shal be resistant to ‘chertical attack, rot and mildew and shall have no tears or defects which will adversely alter ‘ts physical properties, The fabric shall be specifically designed for pavement applications {and be heat bonded only on one sie to reduce bleed:-through of tack coat during installation ‘Tho fabric shal! meet the physical requirements given in Table 7OC-16. ‘Toble 700-16 : Physical requirements for Paving Fabrics (Minimum Average Rell Value) Property Units [Standard Requirements | Test Method [Grab Tensite Svength N 450) ‘ASTM D 4632 [Elongation % 250 ‘ASTM D 4632 Mass Per UnitArea: ‘omit 140 ‘ASTM D 8776 [AsphaltRetention | Kg/10 sqm 10° ‘ASTM D 6140 IMetting Point *c 150 ASTM D276 Surface Texture : [Heat bonded on One sde|Visual Inspection only ‘Note: * the product asphalt tention property must meet MARV provided by the manuacurer, 7082.2 Glass Grids ‘These willbe either a composite glass fibro reinforced googrid with continuous flament non= \woven Geotextle chemically or mechanically bonded tothe arid; or bituminous coated glass ‘ber geogrd with or without adhesive on one side ofthe grid. The physical and mechanical ‘ropertios of glass ari fabric shall conform tothe requirements given in Table 700-17. 318 | i | Geosynthetics Section 700 Table 700-17: Properties of Glass Fibre Grids Property [Units Requirement Tensilo Sirength in Both Median and Cross-Machine Direction Tonsil kNim ASTM 6837 | 50 1000 200 strength "Elongation | % 3a 3a >a lat break Minimurn Wash] rm 25x28 | t25xi2 | isn 10S Sze iMeting Pont | °C ASTD 276 | > 250 3380 3250 708.23 Asphalt Reinforcing Geogrids ‘These shall be made of high modulus polyester yams with low creep properties, The grid shall be connected to low weight non-woven polypropylene fabric. The composite shall have a bitumen fish, The properties shall conform tothe requemants given in Table 700-18, ‘Table 700-10 : Properties of Asphalt Reinforcement Geogrids Property Talis | Test Method) Requirement “Tensile strength in both MD and CD, Not less than FTensie srengih Nim | 1S0-10518 [2 EW 760 fh Elongation at break] % | 1SO-t0310.|7a.5%__| 72.8% | 125% IMesh Size 35x35 | 95x35) 35x35 20x20 | 20x20 | 20x20 eting Point % > 18) > 190 > 190 708.3 Installation 708.31 Weather Limitations ‘The air and pavement temperatures shall be at least 10°C for placement of het bitumen and atleast 16°C for placement of asphalt emulsion. The aspralt tack coat or Glass grid shall not be placed witen weather conditions are not suitable. 70832 Surface Proparation ‘The pavement surface shall be dry and cleaned of all dt and oll to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Cracks wider than’ mm shellbe cleaned andifiled with suitable bituminous material 319 Secbn 700 Geosynthetics ‘appre by the Engineer. Potholes and locally faled and cracked pavement sections shall be reared as directed by the Engineer. the existing pavement is rough or has been milled, 2 leviling course shall be provided prior to installation of the Glass gi. Tack Coat, ‘The ‘ick coat used to impregnate the fabric and bond the fabricto the pavement shall bo paviry grade Bitumen of VG-10. Gless finer grids with adhesive or one side may nat require a tactooat. The bck coat shall be appliad using 2 calibrated distributor spray bar. Hand spraying, squegee and brush application may be used only in ocations where the distibutor truck ‘cand reach, The tack coat shall be uniformly applied ata rate to bond the nonwoven scrim fo theexisting pavement surface. The tack coat application rate shall be 1 Kg per square metreor as specified in the contact. When using emulsions, the application rata must be incressed as directed by the Engineer to take into account the water content inthe emulsion. ‘The tenperature ofthe lack coat shal be sufficiently high to permita uniform spray. Bitumen shall tp sprayed at temperatures between 143°C and 163°C. For amulsions, the distributor tank temperatures shall be maintained betwoen 85°C ane 71°C. The target width of the tack coat ajpivation shall be equal tothe Giass grid width plus 100-150 mm, The tack coat shall bbe apiiied only as far in advance of Glass grid installation ass appropriate to ensure a tacky surfacs at the time of Glass grid placement. Trafic shall net be allowed on the tack coat Excest tack coat shall be cleaned from the pavement, 708, Paving Fabric Placement ‘The paving fabric shall be placed onto the tack coat using mechanical or manval lay down eequipnent capable of providing @ smooth installation with a minimum amount of wrinkling oF folding The paving fabric shall be placed before to the tack coat coo's and loses tackiness Aiter laying the paving fabric, some loose bituminous premix material shall be sprinkled Cn it inthe whee! path ofthe paver and the tipper to ensure thatthe fabric is not picked up ‘botwen the wheels. Paving fabric shall ntbe installed in areas where the bituminous overlay tapers to a thickness of less than 40 mm. Excess paving fabric which extends beyond the ledge of existing pavement or areas of tack cost application shall be trimmed and removed. \When bitumen emulsions are used, the emulsion shall be allowed t> cure propery such thet no watsrimoisture remains prior {0 placing the paving fabric. Wrinkles or folds in excess, (of 25 mm shall be single-lapped in the direction of the paving operation, Brooming andi © pneumatic ring willbe required to maximize paving fabric contact with the pavement surface. Additonal hend-placed tack cost may be required at laps and reps as determined by the Engineer to satisy bitumen retention of the lapped paving fabri. All areas whore Paving fabrics have been placed shall be paved the same day, No traffic except necessary ‘construction equipment will be allowed to drive on the paving fable. Turning of the paver ‘and other vehicles shall be done gradually and kept to minimum to avoid movement and 320 Geosynthetics Section 700 {damage tothe paving fabric. Abrupt sterts and stops shall also be avolded. Damaged fabric shall be removed and replaced with the seme type of fabric, Overiaps shall be shingla- lapped inthe direction of paving. Additional tack coat shell placed between the overlap to salty saturation requirements ofthe fabric. Overlap shallbe sufciant to ensure full closure ‘of the joint but not exceed 150 mm. Transverse joints shall be overlapped in the direction, cf the pavement by 100 to 160 mm or as per the manufacturer's recommendations or as Airected by the Engineer. Longitudinal joints shall be overiapoed by 20-30 mm or as per the: manufacturer's recommendations or as directed by the engineer. The overlay operations shall be comploted atthe earliest after laying the fabric. 7083.5 Glass Grid Placement ‘The glass grid shal be placed on the surface provided by the tack coat using mechanical or manual lay down equipment capsble of providing a sirooth instalation with a minimum ‘amount of wrinkling oF folding. On curves, the Gless grid must be cut and realigned to match Ihe curvature lass ori shall not be installed areas where the bltumincus overlay tapers toa compacted thickness of fess than 40 mm. When emulsions are used, the emulsion shall be alowed to cure propery such that no waterimoisture remains prior to placing the glass grid, Wrinkles severe enough to cause folds shall be sit and ai lt. Brooning andlor eubber-re rling wil, be required to maximize glass ord contact with the pavement surface. Additional hand-placed tack coat may be required at overlaps and repairs as requted by the Engineer. Turing and braking ofthe paver and other vehicies shall ba done graxually and kept to @ minimum to avoid movement and damage to the glass grid. Damaged composite shall be removed and replaced with the same type of composite and a tack coat. ‘Al areas where glass grid has boon placed shell be paved the sama day. No trafic except necessary constuction trafic shall be allowed to drive on the glass grid. Overlaps shall be shingle - lapped in the direction of paving. Additional tack coat shall be Paced between the overlap to satisfy saturation requirements ofthe febri. Overap shall be ‘sufficient to ensure full closure of the joint but not exceeding 160 mm. 70838 Overlay Placement Bituminous overay construction shal closely follow the placement of paving fabric or glass ‘fi. Excess tack coat that bleeds through the paving fabricorgless grid shal be removed by broadcasting hotmix orsand on the glass orld, Excess sandr hotmix hall beremoved before beginning the paving operation. in the event of rainfall prio to the placement ofthe esphalt Coveriey, the fabric must be alowed to dry completely before the overay is placed, Overlay asphalt thickness shall meet the requirements of the contract drawings and documents. The rinimum compacted thickness of the first lft of overiay axphalt concrete shall not be less, | than 40 mm. | sat _— ee ‘Secon 700 Geosynthetios 7084 Measurement “The paving fabri’ glass fibre googrd shall be measured in Square metres of paved area ‘covsred by the fabric/ glass fibre geogrid. 7085 Rate “The contract unit rate shall be for the accopted quantities of paving fabric. The rate shal be ll compensation forthe work performed and furnishing, preparing, hauling and placing ‘matrias including all labour, material, freight, tools, equipment and incidentals to complete the work as per contract. 800 TRAFFIC SIGNS, MARKINGS AND OTHER ROAD APPURTENANCES ‘Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurienences ‘Section 800) 801 TRAFFIC SIGNS Bont Scope ‘The work shall consist of the fabrication, supply and installation of ground mounted trafic Signs on roads. The dotals ofthe signs shal be as shown inthe drawings and in conformity With the Code of Practice for Road Signs, IRC:67-201C. 301.2 Materials The various materials and fabrication of the tral signs shall confor to the following ‘requirements: 01.24 Concrete Concrete for foundation shall be of M 15 Grad es per Section 1700 or the grade shown on ‘he drawings or otherwise as directed by the Engineer. eo122 Reinforcing Steel Reinforcing steo! shall conform to the requiremerit of 18:1786 unless otherwise shown on the drawing. 201.23 Bolts, Nuts, Washers High strength bolts shall conform to IS:1367 whereas precision bots. nu, etc, shall conform 10 18:1364, 8012.4 Plates and Supports Plates end support sections forthe sign posts shall conform to IS:226 and IS:2062 of any other relevant IS Specifications. 80125 Substrate Sign panels shall be fabricated on aluminium shoot, aluminium composite panel, fore lass sheeting, or sheet moulding compound, Aluminum sheets used for sign boars shall be of smooth, hard and corrosion resistant sluminium alloy conforming fo 5:73 Material Designation 24348 oF 1900, Aluminium Composite Materiel(ACM) sheets shall sandwiched construction with a thermoplastic core of Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) between wo thick skins/sheets of aluminium with overall thickness and 3 mm or 4 mm (as specified in te Contract), and aluminium skin of thickness 0.5 mm and 0.3 mm respectively on both sides, 325 a SUE EEREEenenmmmmmenee neaememmmeeieameneeet Secton 800, ‘Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances ‘The nechanical proportion ofACMandthatofaluminium skinshalleonformto the requirements giver in Table 600-1, when tested in accordance withthe test methods mentioned against acho! them Table 800-1: Specifications for Aluminium Composite Material (ACM) [ S.¥o. Description ‘Specification ‘Standard Test | Acceptable Value i, [Mechanical Properties of ACM “)_ |Pecioftstrengtnwithretrorefecivay ASTM D905 Win, Nira sheeting (Orum Peel Tost) 2 [Tensile strength ASTMEB Min. 40 Nima ‘3. ]0.2% Proof Stress ‘ASTM ES Min. 34 Nimmé “4. [Elongation ‘ASTM £8 Min. 6% 5 [Flexural strength "ASTM 390 Tain. 130 Nm 6__ [Flexural modulus ‘ASTM 393 | Min. 44.00 Nimm® 7) [Shear strength with Punch shear! ASTM 732 Min. 30 Nima test 5 _ [Properties of Aluminium Skin 4, [Tensile svength (Rm) ASTM ES ‘Min. 65 Nie 2|_ [Modulus of elasticity ‘ASTM E8 | Min 70,000 Nima '3|__|Elongation ASTM EB ‘ASO Min. 2% 4) [0.2% Proof Sess ‘ASTM G8 Min. 40 Nimn® 801.25 Plate Thickness ‘Shoulder mounted ground sings with a maxmum sige éimension not exceeding 600 mm Shall rothe less then 1.5 mm thick with Aluminium and 3 mim thick with Aluminium Composite Material. Allother signs be at east 2 mm tick with Aluminium and 4 mm thick with Aluminium Composite Material The thickness of the sheet shal be related te the sizeof the sign and ls support and shall be such thatt does not bend or deform under pravaling wind and othor loses. e0127 In respect of sign sizes not covered by IRC:67, the structural detals (Whickness,eic.) shall be 2s par the approved drawings or as dveciad by the Engineer. 01.3 Traffic Signs having Retro-Reflective Sheeting 01.3.4 General Requirements ‘The retto-eflectve sheeting used on the sign shall consist of the vite or coloured sheeting having @ smaoth outer surface which has the property ofrtro-reflection over its entre surface, 328 | <]Enivanco] White | Yalow | Orange] Green | Red [Blue [Fluorescent] Fluor | Fluor } Yellow!" | “scent | scent | ‘Green| Yellow [Orange |e [ooo 500 ao as [rao fsa (zo0___|[200 fea Jav0 290 [rear [ve [1 [200 z20__|t0 Ie aso Jaas [res |e [76 [a00 00 [is feaor ans 192 Jae aa [ear [s70 1305 le eso —|1e0 [50a [aa [rt fre fas [re fsaoe [a8 —]190 [sa ar [so [ 10 lo __[at | [leo Joo [20 [ao [re [soa esa | frac [as [0 7 fas [90 a0 [36 a7 a A Minimum Goetient of Retro reflection (FA) eae? (64-1. 8 \aluea for 0 abeervaton angles aro suzplemanaryreqvaments that shall 2p only Ve ssid by bw chore cotton ota on aay testy ‘hat sow nel eta an 0 pact oe vl feo econ sted rave | AEabc Alte onde 10 yur he shot cal ti wat 00 pera oe ona | protons | 801.343 Prismatic Grade Sheeting (Type XI) | ARetto-eflective sheeting ypically manufactured as 2 cube corner. The reflective sheeting || shall be retro-eflective sheeting made of micro prismatic retro-eflective material. The retro- 329 fe Sn Eee eS Sectan 800 Trafic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances refledive surface, after clearing with soap and water and in dry condition shall have the ‘mininum co-eficent of retro-reflecion (determined in accordance with ASTM E 810) as. ted in Table 800-6, ‘Tele 600-6: Acceptable Minimum Co-eficiont of Retro-Reflecton for Prismatle Grade ‘Shesting Type A (Type XI) (Candelas Per Lux par Square Metre) [obse-| Entrance | nits] Yoiow [Orange [Green] Rad | Blue | Brown | Faors | Faar-] Fino ‘vation| Angie seent | scent | scent Yetow| Yalow | Orange ‘Green EO a) =a [25 [aes [10s [ss | 60 [15] 10 | 260] 200 Pa = | seo [ess [200 | so [ar [a0] a7 | 460 [as [76 wae [220 | 105 [ rr fess] 10 [70 | 00] 90] [ao [ois aso aes | 19] 18 | sao] 250s Ee ie [0 ef ie [50 P40 [oe | P56 soe [as Tee 50 [yo [20 P10 [a6 fo ae A Minium Coetcient of Revo-reflection (RA) exif? (od-a-tn, 8 Values for 0.1 observation angles are supplementary requiteents that shall apply only when spaced bythe purchaser in the contactor ore, Wan totally wet, the acong shall show not less than 90 percent ofthe values of ro refactonInceated ih soe ‘Tabi. A the end of 10 years, the sheeting shal retain at leat 80 percent ois orginal rotrovenectance. 01.3.8 Adhesives The sheeting shall have a prossure-sensitve adhasive ofthe aggressive-tack type requiring ho heat, solvent other preparation for adhesion to a smooth clecn surface, in @ manner recommended by the sheeting manufacturer. The adhesive shall be protocied by an easily Femovable ner (removable by peeling without soaking in water or otier solvent) and shall bo Suitable for the type of material ofthe base plate used for the sign. The adhesive shall fora 2 durable bond to smooth, cortosion and viesther resistant surface of the base plate such {hat it shal nat be possible to remove the sheeting from the sign base in one plece by use of sharp instrument. The sheeting shall be applied in accordance with the manufacterers ‘specifications, 801.36 Fabrication Surface o be reflectoriseshallb elective preparedtorecaive the rtro-eflective sheeting The eluminium sheeting shail be ce-greased either by acid or hot sikaline etching and at 330 | j i | ‘Traff Sions, Mac 18 and other Road Appurtenances Section 800 scalaldust removed to obtain a smooth pin surface before the application ofretro-efective shooting. Ifthe surface is rough, epproved surface primer may be used. Afr cleaning, metal shall not be handled, except by sulable device or clean canvas gloves, between all cleaning ‘and preparation operation and application of reflective sheeting/orimer. There shall be no ‘opportunity for metal to come in contact with grease, ol or other contaminants prior fo the application of reto-eflective sheeting. Complete sheets of the material shal be used on the signs except where it s unavoidable. At splices, sheeting with pressure-sensive adhesives ‘shal be overlapped not less than 5 mm, Where screen printing with transparent colours is proposed, only but joint hall be used. The meteral shal cover te sign surface evenly and shall be free from twists, cracks and folds. Cutouts o produce legends and borders shall be ‘bonded with the sheating in the manner specified by the manufacturer. 01.37 Messages/Borders ‘The messages (legends, letters, numerals ele) and borders shall elt be screen-printed cr of cut out from durable transparent averiay or cut out from the same type of reflective heating for the cautionarylmandatary sign board. Screen printing shall be processed and finished with materials and in 2 manner spociied by the sheeting manufacturer. For the Informatory and other sign boards, the messages (logends, letters, numerals etc) and borders shall be cut out from durable tangparent overay flm or cut-out from the same reflective sheeting only, Cutouts shall be from durable transparent overlay materials a specified by the sheeting manufecturer and shal be bonded with the sheeting in the manner spectied by the manufacturer. For screen-printed transparent coloured areas on white sheeting, the co- ceffciont of retro-eflection shall not be less than 50 percent of the values of corresponding colour In Tablas 800-2 to 800-8 as applicable. Cut-out messages and borders, wherever sed, shall be either made out of retro-relective sheeting or made out of durable transparent overlay except those in black which shall be of no-refletve sheeting or opaque in case of durable transparent overiay. 801.38 _Colourfor Signs 801.3.8.1 Signs shall be provided with retto-reflestive sheeting andlor overiay film! screening ink. The reverse side ofall signs shall be painted grey. 801.382 Except in the case of ralnvay level crossing signs the sing posts shall be Painted in 250 mm side bands, alternately black and white. The lowest Band next to be ‘ground shall be in back. 801.383 The colour of the material shall be located within the area defined by the: ‘chromaticity coordinates in Table 800-7 and comply with he luminance factor when measured ‘as per ASTM D-4956. 331 — SSS |: ‘Secion 800 ‘Trafic Signs, Markings endother Road Appurtenances Table 800-7 : Colour Specified Limits (Daytime) Colour 1 2 3 4 Daytime Luminance Factor (Y%) xiy |x Ty Tx Ty lx] y [min | max. whi 0.803 | 0.300 | 0.368 [0,366 |0:340| 0.398 /0.2740.32) 18 | -- Yellow 0.498 |0.412| 0.567 /0.442/0.478|0.520|0.498 0.472) 24 | a8 [Grew 0.026 [0.390] 0.168 [0.364 | 0.286 [0.446 0207/0771} 25 [it Red 0.648 [0.351] 0.735 | 0.265] 0.629 0.281 | 0.56: /0.348| 25] 14 Blue 0.140 [0.038] 0.244 [0.210] 0.190] 0.255|0.06s0.216} 1 [10 JOrarge __ {0.588 [0.252] 0,696 [0.264 [0.570 [0.429] 0.506] 0.408| 12] 30 Brows 10.430 [0.40] 0.610 0.390 [0.560] 0.450/0.490/0390] 1] 6 Fluonsoent 0.387 [0.610/0:369/ 0.5846] 0.428| 0.496] 0.480/0.540| 60] =~ Yetlow-Green Fluorescent 0.478 [0.520]0.446 [0.483 |0.512|0421]ossr|oaa2| as 2 Yellow Fluorescent 0.583 [0.416 [0.535 0.400 0.505 |0.951| 0.645) 0.355] 25 | => [orange ‘The cours shal be durabie and uniform in acceptable hue when viewed in daylight or under ‘normal headlights et night f01.3.4 The Regulator/Prohibitory end warming slgns shal be provided with white background and red border. The legend symbol for these signs shall be in black colour The Mandatory sign shall be provided with Blue background and white Symbolletter 801.3.85 The colours chosen for Iformatory or guide signs shallbe distinc for diferent «Gsses of roads. For National Highways and Slate Highways, these signs shall be of greon psckaraund and for Expressway these signs shal be of bive background with white border legends and word messages. 801.39 Refurbishment Rae ing signs aro specie for refurbishment, the sheeting shall have a semiigd Suminlum backing or materials es per Clause €01.2.6, pre-coated wih aggressiveacc hoe 382 j Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances ‘Section 800 8013.10 Sizes of Letters, [9013.10.41 _Letiersize should be chosen wth due regard to the speed, classification and | lecation ofthe road, so that the sign is of adequate size for legibility but without being too large or obiusive, The size ofthe letter, in terms of x-heig, ta be chosen as per the design speed is given in Table 800-8. ‘able 800-8 : Acceptable Limits for Sles of Lettors | [Design [Minimum 5° Height | Minimum Sight Distance’ | Maximum Distance Speed | ofthe Letters | Clear Visibility Distance | from Centre Line Lesin.toe (eam) (mv) (ro) 40 100 45 2 50 725 50 14 5 150 eo 16 80 250 80 2 100 300 90 26 120 400. 15 32 ‘The thickness of the letters and their relaion to the xcheight, the width, the heights are Indicated in Table IV (a) ofthe Annexure-4 of R67 to facia the design of the informalory signs and definition plates. 801.3.10.2 For advance direction signs on non-urban roads, the leller size (%! height) should be minimum of 180 mm for Expressway, National and State Highways and 100 mm {or other roads. In case of overhead signs, tho sizo (X height) of lottrs may be minimum 300 mm. Thickness ofthe letter could be varied from 1/6 to 1/5 ofthe letter x size. The size Cf the inital uppercase leter shall be 1-1/3 imes x-height. In urban aceas, letter siza shall be 100 mm on ll dcectional signs. For easy and better comprehension, the word messages shall be writen In upper case letters only. 801.2.10.3 Lotter size on definition plates attached wih notel sized signs should be 4100 mm or 180 mm. In the case of small signs, it should be 100 mm. Where the message Is long, a5 for instance in "NO PARKING" and "NO STOPPING” signs, the message may Ds broken Into two lines and size of letters may be varied inthe lines 0 that the definion plate | isnot too large. The lettering on definition plates will be all in upper case letters, cen eee ‘The Contractor shat! obtain from the manufacturer a ten year warranty for satisfactory eld | pesformancs including stipulated rettoeflectence of the retretiective sheeting of micro- 333 sere ee ‘Setion 800 ‘raffle Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenences 'pésmalic sheeting and a seven-year warranty for high intensity rade and submit the same to {tp Engineer. The warranty shal be inclusive of the screen printed or cutout ltersioyends ‘aud thet bonding to the retro-eflective sheeting. The Contradorisupplier shall also furnish {f LOT numbers and cetication thatthe signs and malerials supplied againet the assigned wrk meets al the stipulated requirements and carry the stipulated warranty and that the Covractorisupplier isthe authorized converter ofthe particular sheeting ‘Asin shallbe dated during febriation with indelible markings indicat the startof waranty, ‘Tis warranty shall also cover the replacement obligation by the sheeting manufacturer oy ‘wel a8 contractor for replacementrepairrestoration of the retrorelloctve efficiency A ‘ottifcate in erginal shall be given by the sheeting manutecturer that its offered relro- ‘refsctve sheeting has been tested for various parameters such as co-efficient of relia. refacton, day/right time colour and luminance, shrinkage, fexbily near removal, adhesion, ‘imac resistance, specular gloss and fungus resistance the teste shal be earied out by 3 Gorernment Laboratory in accoréance with various ASTM procedures and the resuite most ‘shor thatthe sheeting has passed the requirements fr all the above menlloned pareiveiens ‘A cipy ofthe test reports shall be attached withthe certificate. 014 Installation 80144 “The traffic signs shall be mounted on support pasts, which may be of GI pipes Gorioming to 181298, Rectangular Hollow Section conforming ty I:4823 or Square Hollow ‘Section conforming to 1S:3589, Sign posts, thir foundations and sign mountings shall be o> Consructed as to hold these in a proper and permanent positon ageinst the nomal stor Wind loads or displacement by vandalism. Normally, signs wih an atea upto 0.9 sqm shell be mounted on a single post, and for grator area two or mare supports shall be rove, Postend{s) shall be frmiy fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundeton ‘The work of foundation shall conform to relevant Specifcations as specifed 801.42 All components of signs (including its back side) end supports, other than the reflective portion and G.1. posts shall be thoroughly de-scaled,ceanod, primed and painted uth two Coals of epoxy fibre glass! powder coaled paint. Any part ef support posk bates ‘ground shall be painted with protective paint. 801.43 ine signs shall be fixed tothe posts by welding in‘he case of steel posts and by botts and washers of suitable size. Aer the nuts have been tightened, the tas ofthe bel ‘shal be furred over with a hammer to prevent removal, 801.8 Measurement for Payment ‘he Measurement of standard cautionary, mandatory and information signe shall be in raenbers of diferent ypes of signs supped and fixed, while for dection and place ‘entiation sign, these shall be measured by area in square metros, 334 | ‘Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800 801.6 Rate ‘The Contract unit rate shall be payment in ul for the cost of making the road sign, including all materials, instaling tat the site furnishing of necessary test cartficates, warranty and Incidents to complate the workin accordence with these Specifications. 802 OVERHEAD SIGNS 302.41 Scope ‘The work shall consist of fabrication, supply and instalation of overhead traffic signs on ‘oads. The details ofthe signs shall be as shown in the drawings and in conformity with the Code of Practice for Road Signs, IRC:67-2010. 022 Height Overhead signs shall provide vertical clearance of not lats than 6.6 m over the entre width ‘of the pavement and shoulders except where a lessor vertical clearance is used for the esign of other structures. The vertical clearance to ovethead sign structures or supports ‘need not be greater than 300 mm in excess ofthe minimum clearance of other structures, 8023 Latoral Clearance 8023.4 The minimum clearance outside the usable roadway shoulder for signs mounted at the roadside or for overhead sign supports ether tothe right of let side of the roadway shall be 1.80 m. This minimum clearance of 1.80 m chal also apply outside of an ‘unmountable kerb. Where practicable, a sign should nat be less than 2 m fram the edge of the nearest trafic lane. Large guide signs should be farther removed preferebly 9 m or more ‘rom the nearest traffic lane, unless otherwise specifad. Lessor clearances, but not generally Jess than 1.80 m, may be used on connecting roadways or ramps at iter-changes. 8023.2 Where a median is 3.6 m or less in width, consideration should be given {o spanning over both roadways without a central suppor. Where overhead sign supports cannot be placed at a safe cistance aviay from the line of trafic or in an otherwise protected ste, they should eltier be so designed as to minimize the impact forces o protect motorists ‘edequately by @ physical barrier or guard ral of sutable design, 02.4 Materials for Overhead Sign and Support Structures. 02.4.4 ‘Aluminium elloy or galvanized steel to be used as truss design supports ‘hall conform to relevant IS. These shail be of sections and type as per structural design requirements as shown on the plans, es Sectin 800 ‘Traffic Signs, Markings and ohher Road Appurtenences 802.42 Aor steel trusses have been fabricated and all required holes punched or dillecon both the horizontal uss units and the vertical and support unis, they shall be galvanized in accordance with IS Specifications. 802.43 —_ Where aluminium sheets are used for road signs, they shall be of smooth, hard ind cortosion resistant aluminium alloy conforming to 1S:736 ~ Material Designation ‘243460 1800. The thickness of sheet shall be related to the sizeof the sign with minimum thickrass of sheet as 1.5 mm. 802.44 —_High strength bolts shell conform to IS:1367 whereas precision bots, nus lc. stall conform to 18:1364, 802.45 Plates and support sections for sign posts shall conform to 1S:226 and 15208, ' 802.45 The overhead signs shall be of miro prismatic reto-eflective sheeting. e025 Sizo and Locations of Signs 8025.1 __The size ofthe signs, lters and their placement shall be a specified inthe ‘Conirest drawings end Specicatons. 02.5.2 In the absence of details o for any missing details inthe Contract documents, the signs shall be provided as directed by the Engincer. 8026 Installation 302.6. From safety and aesthetic considerations, overhead signs shall be mounted (on overhead bridge structures. Where these are required to be provided at some other locations, the support system providing pleasing acsthetics, shoud be properly designed based on sound engineering principles, to safely sustaln the dead load, Ive load and wind load on the completed sign system. Fortis purpose, the overhead signs shall be designed to withstand a wind loading of 160 kg/m normal othe face ofthe sign and 30 kglm® transverse to the face of the sign. In adcilon lo the dead load of the structure, walkway loading of 250 kg concentrated lve load shall also be considered for the desgn of the overhead sign sbuctura, 8026.2 _The supporting structure aid signs shall be fabricated and erected as per ‘details given in the plans and at locations directed by the engineer. 1 8026.3 Sign posts, thelr foundations and sign mountings shall be so constructed as tofhold signs in a proper and permanent postion to adequately resist swaying inthe wind or displacement by vandalism. | 396 i Trafic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800 8026.4 The work of construction of foundation fr sign supports including excavation ‘and backfl, forms, steel reinforcement, concrete and ils placement shall conform to the relevant Spocications given in these Spacifcatons, 8026.5 The stuctures shall be erected with the specified camber and in such & ‘manner as to prevent excessive stressos, injury and defacement. 802.6.6 —_Brackets shall bo proved for mounting signs ofthe type to be supported by {he structure. For bettr visibly, they shall be adjustable to permit mounting the sign faces at ‘any angle between 3 truly vertical position and three degree from vertical, This angle shall be ‘biained by rotating the front lower edge ofthe sign forward, Al brackets shall be ofa length ‘equal tothe heights ofthe signs being supported. 8026.7 _Boforo orecting support structures, the botlom of each base plite shall be protected with an approved meterial which will adequately prevent any harmful reaction between the plate and the concrats. 802.68 The end supports shall be plumbad by the use of levelling nuts and the space between the foundation and base plate shall be completely led with an ant -shrink grout. 802.69 Anchor bots for sign supports shall be set tn proper locations and elevation with templates andi carefully checked efter construction ofthe sign foundation and before the concrete has set 802.6.10 All nuts on aluminium trusses, except those used on the flanges shall be {ighiened only until they are snug. This includes the nuts on the anchor bolls. A thread lubricant shall be used with each aluminium nut 802.611 All nuts on galvanized stee! tusses, with the exception of high strength bot connections, shal be tightened only toa snug condition. 802.612 Field welding shall not be permitted, 802.613 __After instalation of signs is complete, the sign shall be inspected by the Engineer, If specular reflection is apparent on any sign ts positioning shall be adjusted by the Contractor io eliminate or minimize this condition 02.7 Measurements for Payment 8027.4 ‘Aluminium o steel overead sign structure shall be measured for payment by the spectic unit (each) complete in place as indicated inthe Bill of Quantties and the Setailed drawings(s) a7 ‘Seetion 800 Traffic Signs, Markings end other Road Appurtenances 3027.2 Flat sheet aluminium signs with retro-eflective sheeting thereon shall be ‘measured for payment by the square metro, complete in place, 8028 Rate 3028.1 The Contract unit rate for overhead sign stucture shal! be payment in full ‘conpensation for furnishing all labour, materisis, tools, quipmart, excavetion for foundation, ‘conrete, reinforcement, panting of structural steel and sign back fabrications and installation, furnshing of necessary test ceriicatos, warrenty and al other Incidental costs necessary 10 conplete the work to these Specifications, 8028.2 —_The Contract unit rate for aluminium sheet signs shall include the cost of ‘maling the sign including all materials and fixing the same in postion and all ther incidental ‘cost nacessary to complete the work to these Specifications 803 ROAD MARKINGS 2031 Scope ‘The work shall consist of providing road markings of specified width, layout and design using pall of the required specifications as given in the Contract and as per guldelines contained In from IRC:35-1997, 2032 Materials oat markings shall be of ordinary road marking paint hot apeied thermoplastic compound, reflestorised paint or cold applied reflective paint as specified Inthe item end the material shailmeet the requirements as specified in these Specifications 8033 Ordinary Road Marking Paint 803.3. Ordinary paint used for road marking shall conform to Grade | as per Isst64, 803.3.2 The road marking shall preferably be lald with appropriate road marking rmactinery 803.4 Hot Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking 803.41 ‘Thermoplastic Mat 803.4141 General ‘The thermoplastic material shall be homogeneously compased of aggregate. pigment, resins {and glass reflecorizin beads. The colour of the compound shal bs white or yellow (IS colour No, 356) as specified in the drawings or es cirected by the Engineer. 338 —— Trafic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtanances Section 800 8034.2 Requirements : Composition: The pigment, beads, and aggregate shell be uniformly dispersed in the resin, The material shall be fae from all skins, dirt, {and foreign objects and shall comply with requirements inciated in Table 800.3, Table 800-9: Proportions of Constituents of Marking Material (Percentage by Waight) ‘Component White Yellow Binder 78.0 min 78.0 min, (Glass Beads 30-30) 30-30 [itanium Dioxide 70.0 min = [Calcium Carbonate and nen Filers “42.0mex. | See Note below [Yelow Pigments m= ‘See Note below Note: Amount of yellow pigment, calcium carbonate nd inet ier shall be atthe option ofthe ‘manutscturer, provided all ther requrements ofthis Specifeation are mat. ll) Properties: The properties of thermoplastic material, when tested in ‘accordance with ASTM D38/BS-3282-(Part |}, shall be 2s below: 2) Luminance \White: Daylight luminance at 45-65 percent min. as per AASHTO M209) ‘Yellow: Daylight uminance at 4-45 percent min. as per AASHTO. M249 1b) Drying time : When applied o: a temperature specified by the ‘manufacturer and tothe required thickness, the material shall set ta bear traffic in not more than 18 minutes, ©) Skid resistance: not less than 45 as per BS:6044, 6) Cracking resistance at low temperature: The material shall show ‘no cracks on application o consrete blocks. 2) Softening point: 102.5°C + 9.5°0 es per ASTM D 26, 4 Yellowness index (or white the moplastc paint: nat more than (0:12.88 per AASHTO M 249 ii) Storage fe : The material shall meet the requirements of these Specifications for a period of ona year. The thermoplastic material ‘must also melt uniformly with no evidence of skins or unmeited particles forthe one year storage perind. Any material not meeting the ‘above requirements shall be replaced by the manufacturerlsupplien! Contractor. 339 2 Section 800 ‘raffle Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances iv) Reflectorisation : Shall be achieved by incorporation of beads, the grading and other properties of the beads shall be as specified in Clause 603.4.2, ¥) Marking : Each container of the thermopleste material shal be clearly ‘and indelibly marked withthe following information: 1) The namo, trade mark or other ‘neans of identification of | manufacturer 2) Batch number 38) Date of manufacture 4) Colour (white or yetlow) 5) Maximum application temperature end maximum safe heating temperature, | i) Sampling and Testing : The thermoplastic material shall be sampled and tested in ascordance withthe appropriate ASTMIBS method, Tho Contractor shal fumish to the Engineer a ompy of cerifed test reports ftom the manuifecturers of the thermoplastic material showing results of ll tstsspecied herein and shal catty that the materia meets all requirements of his Speciation, | 803.42 _Reflectorizing Glass Beads 803.421 Generat ‘This Specification covers two types of glass beads to be used for the production of reflecorised pavement markings. Type 1 beads are those which are a constituent of the basic thermoplastic compound (ike Zable 800-9 and Type 2 beads are those which are to be sprayed on the surface vido | Cause 803.64. 803.422 The glass beads shall be transparent, colourless and free form mikiness, dark particles and excessive air inclusions, ‘These shall conform to the requirements spelt out in Clause 603.423, 803.423 Specific Requirements ®)_ Gradation : The glass beads shal meet the gradation requirements for the two types as given in Table 800-10, 340 ‘Traffic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800 Table 800-10: Gradation Requirements for Giaes Beads Siave Size Porcent Retained Type t ‘Type 2 Tem 0163. (850 micron 5t0 20 0105 | (600 micron = Bto20 425 micron 51086 = 1 '300 micron = 301075 | 180 micron e0 100 30 Below 180 meron = Ot 15 b) Roundness: The glass beads shall have a minimum of70 percent true spheres. ©) Refractive index: The glass beads sll have a minimum refractive Index of 1.50, ) Free flowing properties: The glass beads shall be foe of hard lumps ‘nd clusters and shall dispense ready under any conditons suitable {or paint striping, They shall pass the free Now-test. 803.424 Test Methods ‘The specific requirements shall be tested withthe fallowing methods: a wi Free-low test: Spreed 100 grams cf beads evenly ina 100 mm diameter ‘lass dish, Place the dish in a 250 mm inside diameter dessicator which 's fled within 25 mm of tie top of a dessicator plate with sulphuric acts ‘water solution (speci gravity 7.10). Cover the dessicator and lat it ‘stand for 4 hours at 20°C to 29°C. Remove sample fom dessicator, \ransfer beads fo @ pan and inspect for lumps or clusters. Then pour beads into a clean, dry glass funnel having @ 100 mm stem and 6 mm rice. f necessary, inate tow by lightly tapping the funnel. The glass spheres shall be free of lumps and susters and shall lw freely through the funnel, ‘The requirements of gradation, roundness and refractive index of glase beads and the amount of glass beads inthe compound shall be tested 2s per B5:6088 and BS:3262 (Part). ‘The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer a copy of certified test reports from the manufacturer of glass beads obtained from a reputed laboratory showing results of all tests spectied herein and shall certify 3a nents ‘Sectn 800 ‘raffle Signs, Markings and cther Road Appurtenances that the material meets all requirements of these Specifications. However, if so requied, these tests may be carried out as directed by the Engineer, 803.43 Application Propertios of Thotmoplastic Material 803.431 The thermoplastic material shall readily ge: sereedediexiruded at lempealures specified by he manufacturers for respective mothoc of appicalion to produce line spectied thickness which shall be continuous and uniferm n shape having clesr and sharpadges 803.432 The material upon heating to application temperatures shall notexude fumes, \Whichare toxic, obnoxious or injurious to persons or proparty, 803.41 Preparation ') The material shall be melted in accordance with the menufacturer’s Instructions in a heater wit a mechanical stirer to give a smooth consistency to the thermopiastic material to avoid local overheating, ‘The tempereture of the mass shall be within the range specified by the manufacturer, and shall on no account be allowed to exceed the ‘maximum temperature stated by the manufacture. The molten material Should be used as expeditiously as possible and for thermoplastic ‘materia which has natural binders ors otherwise sensitive to prolonged ‘heating the material shall not be maintained in a molten condition for ‘more than 4 hours, |) Alter transter to the laying equipment, the material shall be maintained \within the temperaturerange specifedby the manufacturer forachieving the desired consistency fr laying. 803.5 Reflectorised Paint Rellectorsed paint, if used, shall conform to the Specification by the manufacturers and spproved by the Engineer. Reflectorising glass beads for efiectoring paints whore used ‘hall Conform to the requiroments of Ciause 803.42. 803.6 Application 803.6.1 ‘Marking shall be done by machine. For locations where painting cannot pe done by machine, approved manual methods shall be used with prior approval of the Engineer, The Contractor shall maintain corirol over trafic while patting operations oe tn progress 80 as lo cause minimum inconvenience to traffic compatble with protecting the ‘workmen, 34a wm Trafic Signs, Markings and other Road Appurtenances Section 800 803.62 Where the compounds tobe applied to cement concrete pavement, a sealing primeras recommended by the manufacturer, shallbe apeled o the pavement in advance of Placing of the stripes to ensure proper bonding ofthe compound. On new concrete surface ‘ny litance andlor curing compaund shall be removed before the markings are spied, 8036.3 Thethermoplasticmatorialshallbe epplechotetterby sereeding or extrusion Process. After transfer to the laying apparatus, the matoial shall be led at a temperature. within the range spectiad by the manufacturer forthe particular method of laying being used. The paint shall be applied using @ screed or extrusion machine. 8036.4 The pavemanttemperature shall nt be less than 10°C during application. All surfaces to be marked shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dust, dir, grease, oil and all ther ‘foreign mater before application ofthe paint. ‘Themateral, when formed ino traffic stripes, must be ready renewable by placing an overlay cf new material directly over an old tine. Such new material shal so band self othe old line that no spiting or separation takes place, ‘Thermoplastic paint shall be applied in intermittent or coninuous lines of uniform thickness of at least 25 mm unless specified otherwise. Where artows or laters are to be provided, ‘rermoplastic compound may be hand-sprayed. In adition to the beads included in the material a further quantity of glass beads of Type 2, conforming to the above noted ‘Specification shall be sprayed uniformly inlo a mono-layer on to the hot pain ine in quick. succession ofthe paint spraying operation. The glass bezds shall be applied atthe rate of 250 grams per square metre area. 803.5 __The minimum thickness specified is exclusive of surface applied glass beads. “The method of thickness measurement shall be in accordance with Appendices B and C of BS:2262 (Part 3). 803..6 The markings shall be done fo accuracy wiin the tolerances given below: ')_Weth of ines and other markings shal! not deviate from the specified Width by more than 5 percent. ii) The position of ines, letters, fgures, arrows and other markings shall ‘ot deviate from the position spectied by more than 20 mm fi) The alignment of any edge of a longiudina ine shall not deviate from the speci alignment by mare than 10 mm in 15m, iv) The length of segment of broken longitudinal lines shall not deviate from the specified length by more thay 180 mm, In broken Ines, the length of segment and the gap between segments shall be as indicated (on the drawings; f these lengths ere altered by the Engincer, the ratio of te lengths of the pantad sections shall romain the a Seton 800 ‘Traffic Signs, Markings and other Rose Appurtenances 30067 Properties of Finished Road Markings ‘Thy finished tines shall be free ftom ruggedness on sides and ends and be parallel to the _geteral alignment of the carriageway, The upper surface of th ines shall be level, uniform ani ree from streaks, 12) The stipe shall not be slippery when wet '5) The marking shail not lit from the pavementin freezing weather. ©) After application and proper drying, the stipe shall show no appreciable ‘eformation or dlscoloration under traffic and under road temperatures, upto 60°C. ) The marking shall not deteriorate by contact with sodium chloride, calcium chloride or ol dripping from traffic. ©) _Thesstripe ormarking shall maintain ts orignal dimensions and postion, Cold ductiity ofthe material shall be such a to permitnermal movement with the road surface without chopping or cracking 1) The colour of yellow marking shall conforn to 1S Colour No. 358 es siven in 18-184 8035.8 Measurements for Payment 8035.81 The painted markings shall be measured in sq. metres of actualareamarked (excucing the gaps, i any). ease in tespect of matings the dectonal arovs end liting, ete, the | measurement shall be by numbers. | 803.88 Rate The Contract unt rate for road markings shall be payment in full compensation for furnishing all labour, materials, tools, equipment, including all incidental casts necessary for carrying Out the work atthe site conforming to these Specifications complete as per the approved

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