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St Mary’s College

Cover Lesson Form

Teacher: AMc Period: 1 2 3 4 5 Date: 11th November 2019

Class: Year 7 Subject: Music Number of students on roll:

Room number: Mu1 SEND: 6 PP: 9 EAL: 11
Learning objective: (this must be displayed on the board throughout the lesson)
To be able to create effective promotional materials for a new pop or rock band

Paper, Coloured Pencils

Activities: (what should be done) Time to spend on How it will be assessed / how will
each task: progress be evident?
The students have been working on a band topic on the
JamPods, during which they have been learning to play
rock band instruments (guitar, bass, drums, keyboard etc).
They formed little bands over the last few weeks, in
today’s lesson I would like them to think about creating
and branding their brand-new rock or pop band.
Verbal contributions
Please instigate a short discussion about the importance
of marketing and branding in popular culture. Why is it
important? Key points to draw out:

- Gives a band an identity and image

- Helps audiences relate to them
- Helps people understand the style of music the
group might perform
- Encourages people to buy and download music

Once students are clear about the purpose of branding Written work/Design ideas
and marketing they should work in pairs to begin creating
a campaign for their new band. They should:

1) Think of a name for their band, being clear about

whether they are a ‘pop group’ (One Direction,
Little Mix etc) or a ‘rock band’ (Coldplay, Greenday,
Kaiser Chiefs etc)
2) Design a cover for their debut album, including
designing a band logo, ensuring that the album has
a catchy, appropriate title and that the design
matches the style of music they will play
3) Write some lyrics for the lead single off this debut
Students not sitting at desks can either work on the floor or
alternatively use the large tables in the corner, but please
use the space as you see fit.

The ‘seating plan’ refers to the groups that they work in

and so isn’t really applicable for this lesson. They are
therefore free to select their own pairs for this task though
of course manage this as you see fit.

Please collect this work in, as we will try and use the band
branding ideas towards the end of the term when they are
fully working in groups with their instruments.

Home learning task:

The following students require additional support Strategies to support these students:

For further information / guidance see: Any additional comments:

K Iannidinardi next door The group are generally well behaved and there are no specific
issues or problems. Some of the boys can occasionally be a little
silly but a few warnings sorts this out.

Signed by HOD:

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