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Republic of the Philippines


Gov. Pablo Borbon Campus II, Alangilan Batangas City, Philippines 4200

College of Engineering, Architecture and Fine Arts Telephone No. (043) 425-0139 loc.118





Chavez, Mark John T.



October 15, 2019

Engr. Rosalynn G. Hernandez


Case study: Analysis for Effects of Load Characteristics on Power System Voltage Stabiltiy

The statics ZIP load model is used to describe the load characteristics and the method of
P-V Curve is adopted to analyze the system voltage stability under both normal operation and
contingencies to find the maximum magrin of real power transfer, load characteristics will be
changing from time to time and may affect the system voltage stability to some extent. In order
to investigate the effects of load characteristcs on the system voltage stability. System studies
include the analysis of effects from different load models with three types of compositions and
those with three kinds of single composition on the system voltage stability of a large power
system under normal operation and contingencies. The results will be of use to the practices of
system planning and operation

Voltage instability incidents have frequently occurred around the world in recent years as
reported in Kunder, 1994 and Grigsby, 2007. The voltage stability and the reactive power margin
are cucial to the security and reliability of a power system. Voltage control and stability
problems are being received more attentions in power system operation and planning. With
heavy system loading and weak interconnection ties the problem of voltage instability becomes
more likely to happen

Voltage instability and voltage collapse might cause an outage in a local system, or even
result in a system wide blackout. Voltage stability is concerned with the ability of a power
system to maintain steady voltages at all buses in the system under normal operating conditions
as well as after being subjected to a disturbance. Voltage collapse is the process by which the
sequence of events accompanying voltage instability leads to low unacceptable voltage level.
Taylor, 1994, Van Custem, 2008 and HUan, Tsen and Ke, 2019 indicate when a power system is
subjected to a contingency, the reactive power demand will increase and lead the system to an
unstable situation.

Voltage instability is typically associated with relatively slow variation in network and
load characteristic. Power system loads include the sub-transmission and distribution networks
that connect consumer to the transmission networks and generation. Since loads are aggregates
of many different devices.

The knowledge of the various load class and load characteristics that are present in the
sub-transmission and distribution networks is critical to the ability of a power system to maintain
an acceptable equilibrium/security before and after a disturbance. The major cause of some
recent blackouts around the world has been attributed to the heavy loading conditions
compounded by the lack of real-time measurements and tools required for effectively monitoring
these load conditions and their characteristics.


This paper presents a study carried out to investigate the impact of customer load
modelling and its characteristics on voltage stability assessment in the smart grid. Four case
studies were conducted. Load models comprising of exponential, ZIP, and dynamic loads were
considered. The results obtained showed different system responses for the various load models.
Also, the impact of the various load models on the performance of voltage stability assessment
indices was studied. It was observed that the accuracy of the FVSI and the LQP indices was
affected. However, the RVSA indices demonstrated robustness for the various load models and
for the case studies investigated. Future work will consider the RSCAD modelling of composite
load models as a combination of static and dynamic load models respectively. The static
composition of the composite load model would be the combination of the polynomial and
exponential load models, while the dynamic composition of the composite load model will be
carried out using first-, third-, and fifth-order models of induction motors respectively.


The static composition of the composite load model would be the combination of the
polynomial and exponential load models, while the dynamic composition of the composite load
model will be carried out using first-, third-, and fifth-order models of induction motors
respectively. Future work will consider the RSCAD modelling of composite load models as a
combination of static and dynamic load models respectively.

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