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Jira Caesar-Hester

Ms. Wilson

English 2 Honors

03 October 2019

Personal Narrative

It was November of 2014. I had to wake up before the sun did. I was exhausted but also

excited because I loved going on airplanes for some reason. I remember my first time on an

airplane, and as a toddler, it can go two ways. I unfortunately had a bad experience. Every time

it felt as if my heart would drop all the way down to my toes. I cried the entire time there and

back. The worst thing about it was when my ears popped, that has to be one of the worst

feelings in the world. Luckily, I didn’t have to ride another plane for a very long time. We get to

the airport and my mom was so scared that we were going to miss the flight. She would yell,

“Come on move your feet, you guys are walking too slow”, of course, I couldn’t keep up with

her. She walks like 100 miles per hour. We did end up making the flight, like I knew we would. As

soon as we stepped off the plane, there was a HUGE gust of hot wind blown right at us. One

thing I didn’t realize is that winter in North Carolina is like a mild summer in the Dominican

Republic. For the next 3 hours, we were getting our bags, and getting a ride to our resort. It took

forever. We got to the resort and it was beyond beautiful, there was so much to do and see. It

was just pure paradise. I was already in love with the resort from the start and never wanted to


The next day was full of adventure. I rode horses on the shoreline of the beach, went

snorkeling, and I even got to swim with dolphins. It was a wonderful day but that was also the

day when the rest of the guests would be arriving. A.K.A my crazy family. Yes I love them very

much but whenever I'm with them, it’s a storybook with no end. The big day came fast, it was

exciting but also very nerve-wracking. I was the flower girl, which seems so simple right. All you

have to do is put the flowers in the aisle, piece of cake. Well no, not for me, because I let the

pressure get to me. We take a trolly to the wedding venue and I just have this odd feeling that I

was missing something. So I asked my grandma,” You grabbed the flower basket off of the table

right?”, her response made my breath stop and my eyes watery, she said, “No, I looked at it and

thought someone else would have picked up, but it had just crossed my mind”. I said, “How can

a flower girl have no flowers, that’s like the main reason for a flower girl!”. I was beyond upset

but there was nothing I could do about it, and now all I could do was walk down the aisle


The wedding had started, the groom's attendants and the bridesmaids enter. The music

starts to slow down as I walk up the aisle. Even though I didn’t have the flowers as planned, I

was still beyond happy and excited for my mother. The music changes, the wind picks up, the

lanterns started to glow, and it was as if the entire world stopped and paid attention to this very

moment. It felt like I could even hear the ocean listening in, waiting in on what was going to

happen next. Then, you see her, my mother, the bride. Her dress was silky, and smooth. The

light was reflecting off of her eyeshadow, making every inch of her face sparkle. Her hair was

blowing in the wind like she was a disney princess. Her walk was effortless, and at this very

moment, it felt like everything was right in the world. The wedding ceremony continued and my

step dad had gotten a microphone and began to speak. He gave me my own ring which

symbolises a new beginning for our family and I was to always wear it. At that moment, I began

to think about how my family was about to change. It kind of hurt thinking about adding

someone new into my life. It was kind of heartbreaking to realize that my birth parents wouldn’t

be together. I had never thought about that until then. I now had to learn to accept change and

build off of it. And whether I was ready or not, it was going to happen. That’s why the ring is so

important. It holds a memory. From that day on, I always wore the ring and it’s meaning with it.

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