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6 MYA to 200k/150k YA

Only found in Africa

Homo Habilis First found at olduvai gorge, tanzania
2.6MYA - 1.5MYA first tool makers
'Choppers and cleavers'
Core tools Oldowan

First to leave Australia not found in the new world

Lower Paleolithic Major Technologies Homo Erectus
1.5MYA - 150kBP

Hand axes
First 'preconceived notion of tools'
Controlled use of fire
binary pattern of artifact distribution

found only in Europe

first evidence of possible ritual
Homo sapien neanderthalensis (shanidar cave, iraq - evidence
150,000-35,000BP for intentional burial of dead,
20 miles from Johannesburg care for handicap/elderly)
Robert Broom
Key People cemetery, 2 adults, 4 children (family group?)
C.K. Brain Swartkrans Le Ferrassie, France
South Africa
Use of fire dated to 1my BP Key Discoveries Child Burial in circle of goat skulls
Teshik Tash, Turkestan

7 Burials
Leakeys Key People
Shanidar, Iraq (44k YA) Flower pollen in grave
Homo Ergaster Olduvai Gorge Burial Sites crippled older man
Fossils Tanzania
Homo Habilus hyoid bone
Kebara Cave, isreal
60,000 YA Isimila Neatherthals and Cannibalism?
Krapina, Yguoslavia
John Desmond Clark Key People
Kalambo Falls Major Technologies Mt. Circeo, Italy

Astralapithicus aforensis Ritual Sites

Lucy Mousterian
Hadar - Ethiopia East Africa 150,000-40,000BP storing food for later use
Meat Caches

2.6MY Trophy Skulls, Hunting Symbolism

Gona - Ethiopia Middle Paleolithic
Carnivore Activity
Glynn Isaac Small nitch in a cave with a wall of rocks
750,000-1mya built up and cave bear cranium + various
"Bear Cult" long bones placed inside
Leakey Koobi Kenya Drachenlock, Switzerland can be interpreted as a shrine

Archeology could be a cache

Leakey Sites
Lake Turkana Regourdou, S. France
2-3mya Cheat-Sheet -
Near Beijing
October 29th 2007 Veternica, Yugoslavia
Pertershohle, Bavaria
First specimens of Homo Erectucs (Peking Man) Zhoukoudian
China Les furtins, france
in UP inhabited by Homo Sapien Asia Sites Flake tools
Dmanisi Controlled use of fire
Fully modern physical type Homo Sapien Neanderthalensis is a subspecies
850-780k ya Atapuerca / Gran Dolina
prepared cores
Stone tools Increased Technological complexity composite tools
Torralba Important Developments:
400k YA Spain
flake industry
18.5k YA Burials, intentional burials with offerings
Altamira small cemeteries
charcoal, ochre haematite cave paintings
Ritual Behavioral
Terra Amata
Le Moustier
Found all over the world, only
75k-35kya Combe grenal human species that has ever
lived in the new world and
40,000-10,000 YA
Homo sapien sapien Australia
50k YA
La ferraissie France
Burial of deceased, care for
crippled/enfeebled Europe
Differ in timeframe, not species
30k-32k ya 40,000-28,000BP
Chauvet Chatelperonnian
Art (Horses, Chimera etc)
Pincevent 32,000-27,000 BP
Scrapers, sharpened blade
Neander Valley Germany
Gravettian or Upper Perigordian
Mammoth hunters Dolni Vestonice "Backed" or blunted knives
Czech Republic Major Technologies
60-80k ya Solutrean
Bifacial leaf shaped points
burial sites Shanidar Cave
Iraq 17,000-10,000BP
Care for sick Upper Paleolithic Magdalenian
bone and antler tools

Blade technology
Bone and antler tools
cave art
florescence of art
portable art
Characteristics ornaments
population increase
systematic big game hunting
expansion of population into eastern
eurasia and new world

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