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Customer Success Story

“BNA Fixed Assets Web saves CBS more

than two person-months each year, which
lets us focus on more strategic efforts…”
– Hamadi Bengabsia, Executive Director
of Tax Technology, CBS Corporation

CBS Tunes in to Significant Time Savings

with Centralized Tax Depreciation System
With BNA Fixed Assets™ Web, CBS eliminated
manual efforts while improving accuracy and control

Calculating Depreciation and calculate bonus depreciation. It

for More than 500,000 Assets took weeks of effort and a dedicated
person to do this.”
The CBS Corporation is a household
name with roots reaching back to the The long cycle time for consolidation
beginnings of the broadcast industry. also made it difficult for CBS to
Today the company reaches audiences in perform accurate quarterly reporting
all 50 states and important international and projections. “We had no
markets, and has operations in virtually real-time visibility into tax liability
Challenge: every field of media and entertainment. and depreciation and no way to
Eliminate manual efforts With more than 600 legal entities and perform accurate ‘what-if’ analyses,”
to consolidate fixed hundreds of divisions — each one commented Bengabsia.
assets data and calculate performing tax depreciation calculations
tax depreciation Divestiture Triggers Change
for more than 500,000 fixed assets in
total — the corporate tax department With the major divestiture of Viacom
Solution: in 2006, CBS faced additional regulatory
had the enormous task of consolidating
BNA Fixed Assets™ Web and reporting requirements which
and reconciling all the data. That’s why
Results: CBS turned to BNA Software for help. impacted fixed assets management and
Eliminated manual tax depreciation. The time was ripe to
efforts, which saved two
Consolidation Results look for a tax depreciation system that
person-months per year.
in Significant Manual Efforts would eliminate the manual efforts and
Improved accuracy and Within CBS, each business unit used give the corporate tax department at
control with real-time different software to calculate tax CBS centralized control and visibility
access to fixed assets depreciation for fixed assets. Sometimes of fixed assets tax data.
and tax depreciation data. an ERP system was used, some business
CBS put together a list of must-have
units used General Ledger systems, and
capabilities, including: a centralized
some relied solely on Excel spreadsheets.
database for calculating and
This data would then go to the corporate
reporting tax depreciation, automatic
tax department for consolidation and
consolidation of data from all the CBS
preparation of the tax return.
business units, real-time reporting and
“It was very labor intensive,” said analysis, and automatic, up-to-date tax
Hamadi Bengabsia, Executive Director of depreciation calculations. It was also
Tax Technology at CBS, “we had to use critical that the solution integrate easily
Excel extensively to consolidate fixed with the SAP, Oracle, and JD Edwards
assets data from the various companies ERP/GL systems in place within the CBS
and business units, reconcile that data, business units, as well as the company’s
tax compliance package, CORPTAX®.
Customer Success Story

CBS Chooses BNA Fixed Assets™ Web compliance software used by CBS.
“It’s very easy to export the BNA
After evaluating several solutions,
data, whether it’s for the 4562 or to
CBS selected BNA Fixed Assets™ Web,
post the book-to-tax adjustments,”
the only system that could meet CBS’s
added Bengabsia.
requirements. “There are so many
reasons why BNA Fixed Assets Web Faster Reporting, Real-Time Visibility
was the right choice — from its ease
“With BNA, we now have a very robust
CBS Corporation of use to requiring no IT efforts to its
and flexible reporting and analysis tool,”
Company Snapshot: flexibility. For instance, some business
explained Bengabsia. “The built-in and
units load data by class and some by
• M
 edia and Broadcasting: ad-hoc reports provide a substantial
asset type, BNA lets us work with both,”
television, radio, outdoor, added value to the department in
explained Bengabsia.
interactive, publishing, analyzing the depreciation data.”
corporate With real-time visibility into the
The tax depreciation system from BNA
centralized data, the tax department is
• #177 in the Fortune 500 Software enabled CBS to:
able to respond quickly and accurately
• S tandardize its depreciation policies to requests for reports. Automatic
• A
 nnual revenue: forgreater accuracy and control consolidation lets CBS report by division,
$13 billion • Ensure accurate and timely tax groups of divisions, legal entities, or the
depreciation calculations entire corporation, with CBS controlling
• Employees: 25,580
• Perform what-if analyses in real time the groupings.
• P
 P&E net value: for improved decision making
$3 billion • Automatically consolidate and report Stronger Controls, Greater Accuracy
on fixed assets data
• M
 anaged assets: Now that CBS has a centralized tax
• Perform mass data changes easily
More than 500,000 depreciation system, the business units
only need to focus on the book data.
Automatic Consolidation Saves CBS
• A
 ccumulated The corporate tax department handles
Two Person-Months of Effort
depreciation: $531 million all the tax depreciation calculations and
“Our efficiency has improved data, quickly and easily, using BNA Fixed
tremendously now that we have a Assets Web. This not only improves
centralized system and no longer need efficiency, but results in more control
to manually consolidate data,” said and better accuracy.
Bengabsia. “BNA Fixed Assets Web saves
CBS more than two person-months “We were able to standardize our
each year, which lets us focus on more depreciation policies, with BNA Fixed
strategic efforts that can potentially save Assets Web automatically enforcing
the company money and help us make them, which is a great benefit,”
better business decisions.” commented Bengabsia. “Plus, all
the calculations are visible and
Another time saver is the seamless
documented, which is especially
integration with CORPTAX, the tax
valuable for Sarbanes-Oxley compliance.”

About BNA Software

Established in 1983, BNA Software specializes in developing expert solutions for tax
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news and analysis of legal and regulatory developments for over 80 years, we deliver
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the highest degree of tax, regulatory, and compliance expertise in every BNA Software
solution and service engagement.

©2010 BNA Software, a division of Tax Management Inc., Arlington, VA.

All rights reserved. All other company and product names may be
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