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AA10 Ev3 Profit and Loss

Tecnólogo en Gestión Logística

Ficha 1852702


Johann Sebastián Cano Flórez

Oscar Eduardo Guaje Duran
Elber Arvey Ceballos
Carlos Eduardo Herrera Giraldo
Bogotá, Diciembre de 2019
1. Unscramble the letters

Identifique la palabra oculta según la definición dada y escriba la respuesta en el

espacio correspondiente.

a) This is something you have been given CEREIDVE

Answer Received

b) This is when you make money ROTPIF

Answer Profit

c) You can speak to people far away with this PHELOENET

Answer Telephone

d) When you get something ready before it is needed PEPRAER

Answer Prepare

Resuelva el código secreto con el fin de encontrar la frase oculta teniendo


cuenta el ejemplo.

example: (code) FBGL = HAIR (English)

English= A D E H I N O P R S V X Code= B X Y F G Q K T L M C W



2. Complete las oraciones.

Use las siguientes palabras para completar las oraciones en el texto.

loss, recorded, rent, profit, expenses

Capital Expenditure - Purchasing fixed assets which will last a number of years,
equipment, machinery, premises, motor vehicles. These assets are profit in
the balance sheet and not in the expenses and loss account. Revenue
Expenditure - recorded involved in the day-to-day running of the business,
e.g. wages, rent, insurance, advertising, telephone. These expenses are
recorded in the profit and the profit loss account.

3. Analice la siguiente tabla de ejemplo y lea la interpretación de los datos.

*Trading Account for the year ending December 08.

$ $ $

Sales 50000000

Less returns 1’900.000


Opening stock 1’250.000

Purchases 24’275.000

Less Returns 1’900.000 22’475.000


Less closing stock 1’875.000

Cost of goods sold 21’850.000

Gross profit 26’250.000

The company had sales of antennas of $’50’000.000 COP at the year end. Less
returns, this came to $48’100.000 COP. The company had opening stock in the
headquarters of $1’250.000 COP and closing stock of 1’875.000. The company
had purchases of $24’275.000 COP, less returns of $1’900.000 COP. The cost of
the goods sold came to $21’8500.000. This makes the gross profit at the end of
the year of $26’250.000 COP.

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