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Sedona Method Questions And Answers

Here are my responses to some questions that pop up again and again.

How do you welcome the feeling and allow it to be present? Ask yourself ---

Could you just allow yourself to feel the feeling?

Could you allow it to be completely present?

How do you release on a fear of loss in the future? Ask yourself --

Could you let go of wanting that to happen?

Would you...


You´ll notice the above directions are straight out of the Sedona Method basic
course. There is no great mystery with releasing. The directions are simple. Ask
the questions and pay attention to your feeling response not your mental

To release on a goal, resistance etc. just follow the steps Lester Levenson

The greatest error any of us can make is to attempt to complicate releasing to

satisfy the ego.

Finally in terms of using releasing during an activity. I use releasing while playing
tennis. I do this by paying attention to how I´m feeling.

Usually I ´m preoccupied with winning, not losing and playing at my best. So as

these feelings surface I will simply allow them to be present and let them go. As
a result I feel more in the flow, play better and enjoy the game more.

To sum up there is only one secret to getting the most out of the Sedona

--- Use It As Given!

Later on after you have mastered the basics you can put your own variation on it
if you choose even though this is not necessary.

Could it get any better?

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