Midterm Test Draft

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That which pleases God, I strive to do always


Senior High School Department
Kabacan, Cotabato
A.Y. 2019-2020
2nd Semester Midterm Examination in READING AND WRITING - Grade 11- Set A

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Abilities No. of items Score

Grade and Strand: _____________________________________________________________ U 41
Region Code: L School ID: 405599 A/A 27
Division Code: 05 LRN:_______________ E 12
Teacher: Carole Janne A. Endoy Date:_______________ Total 80

General Instruction:
This sixty minutes examination is devised how well you have learned the lessons during the 2nd semester
midterm. Read, understand and follow carefully the directions given in all sub-tests. Choose the best answer. Write
your answer on the space provided after the item.

UNDERSTANDING MULTIPLE CHOICE. Direction: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answer on the space provided using CAPITAL LETTERS.
1. This term has been ordinarily regarded as literary or artistic category. 1._____
A. Genes B. Genre C. Narrative D. Discourse
2. What are the three literary genres? 2._____
A. Songs, musical, drama
B. Haiku, Sonnet, Limerick
C. Prose, Poetry, Drama
D. Ballad, Elegy, Drama
3. It is the use of words to exchange thoughts and ideas in an orderly and organized manner. 3._____
A. discourse B. text C. speech D. writing
4. It is a type of writing that is similar to everyday speech and langue. Its form is based on sentences 4._____
and paragraphs.
A. Prose B. Poetry C. Song D. Limerick
5. Is it consists of language that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities. It has a strong musical quality in 5._____
which the words are highly charged with meaning.
A. Prose B. Poetry C. Song D. Limerick
6. Which among the following is NOT a literary text? 6._____
A. “Things Fall Apart”
B. “Game of Thrones”
C. “Philippine 1987 Consitution”
D. “The Raven”
7. Which among the following is NOT an informational text? 7._____
A. “Calculus and Geometry”
B. “Driver’s Manual”
C. “Philippine 1987 Consitution”
D. “The Raven”
8. It a form of prose narrative in which situations and characters are invented by the writer. 8._____
A. Fiction B. Nonfiction C. Tale D. Myth
9. This is a long, narrative poem that tells a story about the adventures and achievements of one or more 9._____
heroic figures of legend, history, or religion.
A. Ballad B. Limerick C. Epic D. Farce
10. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a connected discourse? 10._____
A. Ideas are linked logically.
B. There is a logical organization and development of theme.
C. There is no coherence and cohesion between text.
D. There is use of repetition, reference, conjunctions, connectives, and other transitional devices.
11. Which of the following connectives is NOT used in showing similarity. 11._____
A. Similarly B. In other words C. In Addition D. Likewise
12. What is coordinating conjunction? 12._____
A. Connective that always work in pairs such as either-or and neither-nor.
B. Connectives that join ideas together such as for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
C. Connectives that join ideas together that are dependent on each other such as after, although,
D. None of the Above
13. These are materials that used in school, their purpose is to educate people. 13._____
A. Magazines B. Gadgets C. Textbooks D. Visual Aids
14. It is a type of drama that is humorous and has a happy ending. 14._____
A. Comedy B. Farce C. Tragedy D. Melodrama
15. This quality of a text means “the parts are connected.” 15._____
A. Cohesion
B. Coherence
C. Intentionality
D. Acceptability
16. This quality of a text means “the overall text has meaning.” 16._____
A. Cohesion
B. Coherence
C. Intentionality
D. Acceptability
17. This quality of a text means “the writer’s attitude and purpose can be discerned.” 17._____
A. Cohesion
B. Coherence
C. Intentionality
D. Acceptability
18. This quality of a text means “the text is recognized.” 18._____
A. Cohesion
B. Coherence
C. Intentionality
D. Acceptability
19. This quality of a text means “there is a quantity of new or expected information” 19._____
A. Informativity
B. Situationality
C. Intertextuality
D. None of the Above
20. This quality of a text means “the text’s topic is situationally and culturally appropriate.” 20._____
A. Informativity
B. Situationality
C. Intertextuality
D. None of the Above
21. This quality of a text means “the text can be linked to preceding discourse.” 21._____
A. Informativity
B. Situationality
C. Intertextuality
D. None of the Above
22. It is generally considered as written material, especially longer pieces of writing such as book, letter, 22._____
or a newspaper.
A. Text B. Book C. Textbook D. Materials
23. Who proposed the 7 qualities of a text? 23._____
A. Ralph Keeney
B. Jorgensen and Philips
C. Einstein
D. Aristotle
24. It is the key, the core, the significant message of a reading selection. 24._____
A. Plot B. Sequence C. Central Theme D. Lesson
25. What is a correlative conjunction? 25._____
A. Connective that always work in pairs such as either-or and neither-nor.
B. Connectives that join ideas together such as for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
C. Connectives that join ideas together that are dependent on each other such as after, although,
D. None of the Above
26. What is a subordinating conjunction? 26._____
A. Connective that always work in pairs such as either-or and neither-nor.
B. Connectives that join ideas together such as for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
C. Connectives that join ideas together that are dependent on each other such as after, although,
D. None of the Above
27. The sentence below uses a coordinating conjunction. Identify what coordinating conjunction is used. 27._____
I do not know what is strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the White City Fall.
A. strength B. but C. will D. what

28. The following transitional devices are used to: 28._____

However, nevertheless, on the other hand, in contrast, on the contrary
A. To compare B. To contrast C. To connect D. Conclusion
29. What technique for selecting and organizing information uses visual displays to show relationships 29._____
between or among ideas?
A. Brainstorming
B. Graphic Organizer
C. Listing
D. Jotting
30. All of the following are strategies in effective reading EXCEPT ____? 30._____
A. Previewing
B. Photocopying
C. Visualizing
D. Paraphrasing
31. Which of the following is the function of an outline? 31._____
A. to organize ideas or information
B. to select appropriate words or phrases
C. to read long passages or texts
D. to write ideas about a given topic
32. Which of following is NOT an example of a graphic organizer? 32._____
A. Venn Diagram
B. Google Map
C. K-W- L
D. Fishbone Diagram
33. The teacher instructed the students to develop a paragraph describing a scenic view on a particular 33._____
place. What are the appropriate transition words they may use to achieve coherence in their text?
A. In front of , beside, behind
B. First, then, next, finally
C. Similarly, most likely
D. In contrast, differently
34. The teacher instructed the students to develop a paragraph describing a sequence of events. What 34._____
are the appropriate transition words they may use to achieve coherence in their text?
A. In front of , beside, behind
B. First, then, next, finally
C. Similarly, most likely
D. In contrast, differently
35. It is a process of generating creative ideas and solutions though intensive and freewheeling group 35._____
A. Diagramming
B. Graphic Organzier
C. Brainstorming
D. Paraphrasing
36. Who said that “almost everybody does brainstorming wrong” so he suggested effective on how to 36._____
make brainstorming successful.
A. Ralph Keeney
B. Jorgensen and Philips
C. Einstein
D. Aristotle
37. What is the first thing to do to make brainstorming successful? 37._____
A. Identify objectives of a possible solution.
B. Lay out the problem you want to solve.
C. Try to generate solutions individually.
D. Work as a group.
38. A graphic organizer that is used to diagram the use of hours in a day. 38._____
A. Fishbone Diagram
B. Cycle Diagram
C. Clock Diagram
D. KWHL Chart
39. This diagram shows logical relationship between groups. It can be used as a tool in comparing and
contrasting two objects or concept.
A. Fishbone Diagram
B. Cycle Diagram
C. Clock Diagram
D. Venn Diagram
40. This graphic organizer provides a visual layout for organizing the possible alternatives to a problem 40._____
along with their advantages and disadvantages.
A. Fishbone Diagram
B. Cycle Diagram
C. Clock Diagram
D. Decision-making Diagram



SEQUENCING OF EVENTS: Indicate the number sequence (1-5) of the sentences on the space
provided after the each item so that a coherent paragraph will be formed.

55. These knights fight over land and ladies and power. 55.____
56. The best movies are those set in the days of knights and castles. 56.____
57. And of course, the good knight always wins, getting the land and power, and kissing the lady. 57.____
58. I really love historical movies. 58.____
59. These movies features battles with sword fights between knights in full armor. 59.____

60. And for the smoker’s teeth become yellow, stained with the nicotine. 60.____
61. For the smoker, it causes many of the health problems our overburdened medical system has to deal 61.____
62. Smoking is a nasty habit. 62.____
63. These diseases include many kinds of cancer and emphysema. 63.____
64. For the nonsmoker, it also causes diseases of the heart and lungs. 64.____

or UNRELATED. Write M if the statement is a main idea, SD is the statement is supporting
detail and U if the statement is unrelated.

65. Lakatan is a variety of Philippine banana. 65._______

66. Bananas in the Philippines have different varieties. 66._______
67. Bananas rot easily. 67._______
68. Julian accomplished a lot today. 68._______
69. Julian was able to finish his homework. 69._______
70. Julian likes riding his scooter. 70._______

71-73. ENUMERATE at least 3 forms of Fiction Narratives


74-76. ENUMERATE at least 3 forms of Nonfiction Narratives


77-80. ENUMERATE at least 4 forms of Drama


**************************************END OF EXAM***********************************
JER. 29:11

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher HSD PRINCIPAL

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