Functions and Powers of Intellectual Property Organisation of Pakistan

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Functions and Powers of Intellectual Property Organisation of Pakistan

This brief overview explains, in very general terms, the functions and powers of Intellectual Property
Organisation of Pakistan. These brief notes are for general guidance only and should not be taken as a
substitute for thorough and professional legal advice.

What is IPO Pakistan? And how does IPO Pakistan protect intellectual
property rights in Pakistan?
Before 2005, intellectual property situation in Pakistan was going through phases of a constant decline.
Internationally speaking Pakistan was perceived as a country with little or nor protection or
management of IP and there was severe criticism against Pakistan for export of pirated optical discs
throughout the world.

On 8th April, 2005 the Government of Pakistan took evasive action to redress these issues of the
international community by taking the following three pronged parallel decisions:

Formation of Intellectual Property Organisation of Pakistan (IPO-Pakistan) for enforcement,

coordination and better management of IP in Pakistan;

Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) was empowered to eliminate piracy through addition of Copyright
Ordinance, 1962 in the schedule of Federal Investigation Agency Act thus authorising the FIA to
investigate Copyright related offences in Pakistan; and

Activation of Pakistan Customs to cut off and restrain import and export of pirated goods including
optical discs to and from Pakistan

Intellectual Property Rights Related Legislation of Pakistan

Intellectual Property Organisation of Pakistan Ordinance, 2005

Objective for Establishment of Intellectual Property Organisation of Pakistan (IPO - Pakistan)

To provide for protection of IP rights in Pakistan

Functions and Powers of Policy Board of the IPO-Pakistan

Under section 4 of the Ordinance, a policy board of the organisation is constituted. Under section 5 of
the Ordinance, the policy board is entrusted with the following functions and powers:

Setting of objectives and policy guidelines of the organisation

General direction and administration of the organisation

Promote a modern system for protection of intellectual property rights in Pakistan

Approve policies, plans and programs of the organisation

Formulate procedures and necessary framework for utilization of funds generated

Functions and Powers of Intellectual Property Organization (IPO) Pakistan

The organisation shall have all powers and functions as stated in section 11 of the Ordinance including
the following:

Administer and coordinate all government systems for the protection of intellectual property rights
under the laws specified in the Schedule and the rules and regulations made thereunder

Prescribe, regulate or implement measures and standards on any matter related to or connected with
intellectual property

Accredit or certify and regulate any person as intellectual property Agent

Appoint such employees, consultants and experts as deemed necessary on terms and conditions
prescribed by the Federal Government

Levy such charges or fees as may be reasonable for services and facilities provided by the Organisation
and its constituent offices

Carry out such other works or activities as may appear to the Organisation to be necessary, with a view
to making the best use of the assets of the organisation
Engage, in conjunction with other authorities, international agencies or organisations, in any study or
cooperation project related to intellectual property

Enter into contracts for the supply of goods or materials or for the execution of works as may be
necessary for the discharge of any of its duties and functions

Supervise and coordinate the working of all intellectual property offices including the Patent Office,
Trade Marks Registry and Copyright Office

Maintain a system to provide access to public documents and information relating to any intellectual
property kept or maintained by the office

Advise the Government of Pakistan on policy relating to intellectual property rights

Plan for future development and up-gradation of the intellectual property infrastructure and capacity in

Initiate research in the field of intellectual property

Advise the Federal Government regarding international negotiations in the area of intellectual property

Engage in human resource development of staff of all intellectual property offices

Promote awareness about intellectual property issues in the public and private sector

Liaise with counterpart and related technical organisations in other countries

Propose and initiate intellectual property rights legislation for the protection of intellectual property
rights in Pakistan

Monitor the enforcement and protection of intellectual property rights and collect related data

Develop working manuals, references, materials and procedures in order to assist in improving the
protection of intellectual property rights

Coordinate the implementation of foreign-aided technical assistance projects on intellectual property

Perform any other function relating to intellectual property assigned by the Federal Government

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