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Interactive Reading

Grade Level: High School Spanish 3

SOL Standard(s):
SIII.3 The student will understand spoken and written Spanish presented through a variety of
media and based on new topics in familiar contexts.
1. Identify main ideas and pertinent details when listening to or reading materials in a
familiar context; such as live and recorded conversations, short lectures, podcasts, videos,
reports, graphics, and literary selections.

ACTFL Standard(s):
In the Lower Intermediate sub-level, readers can understand some information from the simplest
connected texts that deal with a limited number of personal and social needs, although there will
also be frequent misunderstandings. Low Intermediate readers will be challenged to find
meaning of connected texts of any length.

ACTFL Level: Intermediate Low

Language Objectives: Students will be able to read a paragraph in Spanish and apply vocabulary
terms to it.
Content Objective: Students will be able to identify meaning in vocabulary terms and apply them
to a reading activity.

Directions: You will be given a short paragraph related to the vocabulary we covered in this
unit. You will need to read the paragraph and then write in the blanks the correct vocabulary
word (2 points per blank, 10 points total).

Assessment items:
Read the paragraph about outdoor activities. Then, using the word bank and context clues,
write the correct vocabulary word in the appropriate blank. Do not use words more than
once. Not all words will be used. (2 points per blank)
El parque
Me llamo Pedro y hoy quiero hablar del parque que hay junto a mi casa. Yo me divierto todos los
días en el parque. Allí veo las palomas comiendo y bebiendo agua. También veo pájaros de colores
en los árboles. Yo voy al parque a las cinco de la tarde, cuando termino los deberes de la escuela. Allí
veo a mi amigo Juan y a mi amigo Luis. Con ellos juego al escondite y a otros juegos muy
entretenidos. Luis se va más temprano del parque porque tiene que ir a la escuela de música a
aprender a tocar el piano.

tocar parque árboles pájaros palomas playa

Courtesy of:
Scoring guidelines: Each blank is worth 2 points. There is a total of 10 points. The correct word
in the correct blank gets 2 points. If the wrong word is used, no points will be rewarded.

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. (2012). ACTFL provisional

proficiency guidelines. Retrieved from


Brown, H.D., & Abeywickrama, P. (2018). Language assessment: Principles and classroom

practices (3rd ed.). White Plains, NY: Pearson, Education.

Seeger, T. (n.d.). El parque. Retrieved from

Virginia Department of Education. (2014). Foreign language standards of learning for Virginia

public schools – Level 3. Retrieved from


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