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Subject: Math
Lesson Topic: Measurement – Part 1 Date: November 20, 2019
Grade: 1 Length: 40 mins

Alberta Program of Study

General Outcome:
Use direct and indirect measuring to solve problems

Specific Learning Outcome:

Demonstrate an understanding of measurement as a process of comparing by:
• Identifying attributes that can be compared
• Ordering objects
• Making statements of comparison
• Filing, covering or matching

Students will ….
• Understand the difference between the words shorter and longer
• Identify objects shorter, longer and the same as the giant’s foot

• Ruler
• Measuring Tape
• Copies of Giant Comparison Worksheet
• Copies of Giant’s Shoe
• Objects that vary in length

Jack and the Beanstalk Package – Teachers Pay Teachers

• Ask students if they have heard the word measure before, ask them what they think the
word means. (Measure – to give a number that describes the length of an object)
• Ask students to think about words that could be used to describe length – talk about the
words shorter and longer
• Ask students what we use to measure – bring out a ruler and tape measure
• Demonstrate how to measure with the ruler– start at end of the object and ruler
• Transition – read the letter from the giant

Main Activity
• Giant Shoe Comparison
o Demonstrate how to measure an object against the giant’s shoe. Show what a
shorter, longer and same as objects look like.
o Explain that there are three stations set-up with shorter, longer, same as objects.
Four students will go to each station and find an object, compare it to the giant’s
shoe and decide if it’s shorter, longer, or the same as. Students will bring this
object back to their desk, then draw and label the object under the corresponding
tab. Repeat twice so students have found three objects.

• Ask students what they found that was shorter than the shoe, what was longer and the
same as
• Review how to measure. Ask do I just place the object on the line? Where do I start the

The completed giant comparison books will allow me to tell if students understand the terms,
shorter and longer and how to measure. This will give me the information to know if I can move
forward with tomorrow’s lesson or if I need to review these terms and how to measure

Students were engaged during demonstration and activity. All students were able to measure
objects correctly – starting at the end of the object and giant’s shoe.

Note: mention other things that can be measured – weight, width, height

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