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VanTil’s News
Dec. 9-13
Our hot chocolate reading log from last week will
continue into this week. Our goal is for students to
read 20 minutes each day. They can add 1
marshmallow activity each week day. This is instead of
our weekly reading log. It will be due on Dec. 20.

Upcoming Dates Christmas plans...

12/11, 18- After school STEM for those We will be having our third grade
who signed up and paid. Christmas party on 12/20. We will be
12/18- TEAM event- Christmas Carol exchanging gifts as a class—however we
sing along do not exchange names! Please send in
12/20- All school Christmas Chapel, 9 with your child a gift for a member of
a.m., all are welcome, Third Grade the same sex—girls will bring gifts for girls,
Christmas party, half day of school boys will bring gifts for boys. Our gift
1/6- Happy New Year! Back to exchange will take place at the end of the
school day. Please do not spend more than $5
for a gift. Mark the gift To: Girl, From:
Melissa. You may send gifts in at any time.

What We’re Learning

Bible: We are studying the stories Math: We are working on
of Jacob as an adult. telling time to the minute and
calculating elapsed time.
Reading: We will be reviewing the Continue to practice
skills we’ve learned so far: multiplication facts at home.
connecting new learning to prior
knowledge, asking questions Science: We are doing
before, during and after reading, experiments with water.
and reading for answers. We are
How much water can a
beginning inferring unknown words.
sponge hold? How does
Social Studies: We will be water act when it hits a
examining the history of Michigan slope?
and the first people here.

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