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Tentishev memorial AsMI

General Medicine faculty

Subject – Manasology

1st year II nd semester (5 year and 6 year )

Manas exam questions

1. When the 1000th anniversary of the epic was celebrated?

2. Why Epic Manas is important for Kyrgyz people? seven wisdoms about of Manas ( Kyrgyz
3. What is the name of Kazakh scientific researcher of Manas epic?
4. What is the difference between Mahabharata and Manas epic?
5. Where was born the greatest Manaschy Sayakbay Karalayev?
6. Why Russian researchers collected information about Manas?
7. Where was born the greatest Manaschy Sagimbai Orozbakov ? Describe about his job
8. What was the name of the father of Manas?
9. Manas epic is longer than Mahabharata:
10. What was the name of the father of Kanykei?
11. What was the name early of the Manas?
12. When the recording of the first part of Sayakbay Karalayev’s version of Manas Trilogy has
13. Who is believed that was the first Manas epic singer?
14. What are types of Manaschy/Manas epic singer?
15. What was the name of the horse of Semetei?
16. What was the name of the grandfather of Almambet?
17. What was the name of the daughter of Akunkhan's?
18. What was the original name of wife of Manas?
19. What was the name of the father of Manas?
20. Saiakbai Karalaev’s version of Manas is considered as the longest. What is the length of his
21. What was the nationality of Kanykey?
22. Where was born the greatest Manaschy Jusup Mamai ? Describe about his job
23. What was the name of the daughter of Shaoruk?
24. Who from the Manaschys is ethnic Kyrgyz Manaschy from China?
25. Since when the teaching of the epic Manas has become important in schools and higher
26. According to the epic by whom was Manas killed?
27. When Manas died what happened with Kanykey and Semetey?
28. Why Manas epic has ideological sense for Kyrgyz nation?
29. Which part of the epic is the longest?
30. Reflection of military art in the epic. Military sports games. Horse and sports games.
31. What was the name of the Advisor of Manas?
32. Who from Manaschy has served to Soviet Red Army?
33. What was the name of the father of Konurbai?
34. What was the name of the first wife of Manas’?
35. What was the name of mother of Kanykei?
36. What is the name of Kyrgyz national game for boys?
37. What is the name of the horse of Manas?
38. How many parts divided Epic of Manas?
39. What was the name of the father of Bakdolot, father-in-law of Dzhakyp?
40. Kyrgyz military sports games… Describe about the one Kyrgyz game
41. Who among the greatest Manaschys was called the Homer of the 20th century?
42. Why Manaschys say that they saw visionary dream?
43. What is characteristic to Great Manaschys?
44. Tell about seven wisdoms of the Manas (with Kyrgyz language)
45. When independence the Kyrgyz people Soviet Union?
46. What was the name of the Afghan Khan?
47. The name of the one Kyrgyz national games (Ordo)
48. What was the name of the horse of Bakai?
49. What was the name one of the main rulers of China?
50. What is the name of the horse of Almanbet?
51. What was the name of the son of Nogoikhan?
52. Which place of Kyrgyzstan is believed to be the homeland of the legendary hero Manas?
53. What was the name of the grandfather of Manas?
54. Who was the name of first of storyteller? Describe about Ulukbar Atabek and his job
55. What is the name of first president of Kyrgyzstan?
56. Tell about the game of KOK-BORU
57. Who was the initiator to integrate “seven wisdoms or testaments of Manas" into school
58. What was the name of enemy of Semetei?
59. Who among the greatest Manaschys gave all three parts of Manas (Manas, Semetey, Seitek)
for recording during the Soviet time?
60. Manas Epic is longer than Odyssey:

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