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* by Rudi Rastelli *
* Credits: *
* @ifcaro, @Brunestud, @RipCord, *
* @DeLiGht, @Hykem, @aldostools, @eslab *

- Converts PSN-content, like Games, PS1- PS2-Classics, DLCs, Minis, Themes and
Avatars that normally needs activation into free content
- As input you can either use PKG-Files or copied "/dev_hdd0/games/[GameID]"-
- Optional integration of game-updates, unlock-PKGs/EDATs and DLCs
- Converts PSN-games into disc-games (folder- or ISO- format)
- Resigns all PSN-content optionally to 3.55 or 4.21
- Automatic and manual conversion of "*.rif" to "*.rap" files
- Create a "Bubble"-PKG-Install-Disc with the liberated PSN Contents.
- Create a "PS2-Classics-Placeholder" rap-file

1st Steps:
1. Start LIBERATOR and follow assistent to the point to set up LIBERATOR for 1st

Note: You can use the "PSN CONTENT"-folder from the LIBERATOR's program directory.
It's a possible folder structure just for to
show you how to get started... Just copy it elsewhere to follow the "How-To-
Use"-Example (see below)

1. You need a fully installed, activated and updated PSN-game on your PS3. DLCs
could be installed as well(they must be activated)
(Most likely you already have a such a game on your PS3... else got to PSN-store
and buy one)

2. Find out the "GameID" of the game and search in "/dev_hdd0/games/" for a folder
with exactly the name of that "GameID"
Copy that folder to "PSN CONTENT\LOCKED\PSN GAMES\"

3. Now enter "/dev_hdd0/home/0000000x/exdata/" and search for

a) all "*.rif"-files with the "GameID" in it's name and copy them to "PSN
b) an "*.edat"-file with the "GameID" in it's name and copy it to "PSN
(Not all games have "*.rif"- AND "*.edat"-files... often games have only one
TIP: At 1st time just copy over all RIFs and EDATs you'll find.

4. Set up in LIBERATORs main menu:

b) "PSN Game Unlock File" = "PSN CONTENT\UNLOCKS\****[GameID]****.edat" (only if
you've found an *.edat" for your game)
5. Press Button:
a) "GAME FOLDER" -> Creates a liberated [TitleID]-folder for direct installation
to 'dev_hdd0/game/' (see Tips)
a) "PKG" -> Creates a liberated PKG-File
b) "DISC FOLDER" -> Creates a liberated Disc-Game-Folder
c) "ISO" -> Creates a liberated ISO-File

- To get Update-PKGs for each game u can use my PS3 GAME UPDATER

- Sometimes an additional Unlock-PKG-File will be created. Install it to finally

liberate the game.
You can 1st try the liberated game without that Unlock-PKG-File installed. Not
all games need them. Just try !

- If you like you can add (dev_)klics you've found yourself to

"my_klics.txt"(located in "Tools"-subfolder).

- Not all PSN-games will work when they are converted to disc. It's a matter of TRY
(Sometimes it works without problems, sometimes it doesn't work at all, sometimes
with freezes/errors/glitches)

- The icon("ICON0.PNG") of every processed content will be saved in "[LIBERATOR

as "[GameID].PNG". This will most likely shorten the creation of a "Bubble"-PKG-
Install-Disc with "Bubble"-Game-Icons.

- While creating a "Bubble"-PKG-Install-Disc just drag&drop the PKG-Files, which

should be included in the disc.
Then arrange them to your likings. Create disc as game-folder or ISO.

- If you've selected to use "Bubbles" with game-icons LIBERATOR will 1st search in
"[LIBERATOR Programmverzeichnis]\GameIconCache\"
for a "[GameID].PNG"-file. If it's not there it will extract the PKG-file to get
the "ICON0.PNG". This could take a long time.
To avoid this you can add game-icons maunally to "GameIconCache". Just name them

- Keep in mind that a "Bubble"-PKG-Install-Disc can get really big depending on the
number of and size of the PKG-Files you've added.

- Don't update liberated games online or offline !... else they will be locked
again !

- I strongly advice to NOT put the "PSN CONTENT"-directory to deep into sub-
directorys, because 'PKGView' does not like very long paths
and then tends to create an exception.

- With latest webMAN_MOD you can dump (Dev_)Klicensees:
a) Enter "/klic.ps3?log" at 'CUSTOM COMBO'
b) Start Game and press 'PS'-button to call the In-Game-XMB-Menu. Here u press
'R2+QUADRAT' for about 1-2 seconds.
This dumps the '(Dev_)Klicensee' to "dev_hdd0/klic.log"
Repeat this step for as many games as u like
c) Copy "klic.log" to PC.
d) Use "Import 'klic.log' to 'my_klics.txt'" in Liberator's Extra Menu

- Whenever bruteforce approach to obtain Dev_Klicensee fails Liberator prompts you

to enter it manually.
At this time a decrypted EBOOT.BIN(=EBOOT.ELF) should be available in 'Tools'-

- Reduce installation time and disc-space for archivation:

a) Liberate Game(s) as 'GAME FOLDER'
b) Install Game(s): Copy the resulting [TitleID]-folder(s) to 'dev_hdd0/game/'.
Then run 'Rebuild Database' from PS3 recovery mode.
c) Archive Game(s): Pack the resulting [TitleID]-folder(s) with a packer of your
choise(eg WinRAR).


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