SEM 10 Schedule

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Design Dissertation – SEM X

Review 1 - December 20th - 23rd

- Predesign to design
- Concepts
- Initial architectural response to site/context/program (through drawings/sketches/models)
- Translation of research
- Case studies / inferences

Review 2 - January 20th – 23rd

- Exploration of systems (structural/services)

- Case studies
- Consolidated Ideas
- Schematic drawings
- Design explorations through sketches and models

Review 3 - February 28th- March 2nd

- Design development and detailing

- Building systems to be detailed/consolidated
- Design detailing and systems explorations
- Case studies / Inferences

Review 4 - March 20th – 23rd

- Pre-final version
- All drawings to be in place
- Presentation techniques can be laid out (mock-up of a final presentation)
- Medium of presentation to be explored.
- Case studies / Inferences

Review 5 - April 10th – 13th

- Final draft of drawings

- Complete mock prints of the final output, test print to check on scale, colour, line weight.
- Medium of presentation to be finalized
- Final draft of ARD report


1) Attendance with work on all the above review dates is compulsory

2) Design development through relevant drawings and models to be explored at every stage
3) In addition to this there should be a weekly progressive evaluation/discussion. This is to be set
up/conducted by individual guides.
4) Progress reports/comments to be submitted at the end of every month.

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