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The researchers came up with this research because for the past decade, technology had been rapidly

changing and influencing people including students. Cellphone is one of these technologies. Cellphone
had caught the attention of the people especially youngsters. Genereation E to be exact. Generation E is
a generation wherein students lose interest in reading books and spend more time using their cellphone.
But cellphone made a positive effect as associated in education.

According to Sarwar, M., Soomro, T.R., (2013), the positive impact of cellphone in relation to education is
that students can access information more easily anytime and anywhere. They said that smartphones
can also make a collaboration between teachers and their students easier. Students who were not
capable of gaoing to school can be updated through cellphone and can even attend class by using it. The
researchers said that these devices can play a big part in education system because with these, students
can access to a massive amount of educational and learning resources that can be a great help. In
addition to this, they also found out that there are negative impacts of cellphone regarding education
and those negative impacts includes the following. First, these devices are being used as a cheating tool
and serve as a distraction for students. Second,smartphones will be misused to access information to
find answers in the internet. Third, they can easily read the saved notes to help them in their test. And
finally, they also found that cellphone can also be used for bullying and hazing.

Chen and teng (2010) also found positive and negative impact of cellphone in the academic performance
of the students. They said that if the internet is used to seek an information, a student can have a better
academic performance but for those who are using internet for playing video game they're most likely to
have a lower level of academic performance.

With all the negative impacts being said, a research made by Whitten, C. et al. (2016) found that
according to the paradigm of the educators that they have interviewed, usage of texting and social
media have a negative impact in the way of students' writing. They also found that the educators
recommend the students to be a pleasure reader because of its benefits not only to have a better
academic performance but also in such way that they can express themselves through writing. They also
said that reading can widen a vocabulary and can make a person knowledgable about proper sentence

Reading books on the other hand doesn't affect the students in a negative way but affect them in such
way that it could help them improve their academic performance. Ameyaw, S.K., Sylvester, K.A., (2018)
found in their study that 45.19% of the respondents can acknowledge the use or importance of reading
they also said that reading helps them to gain more knowledge. In addition to this, According to palani
(2012) reading must be a habit because it can develop many things that can really be a help to people
like gaining knowledge and can create new ideas. He supported the findings of other researches and said
that reading can widen a person's vocabulary. He said that good books can lead a person to a right
direction. Hence, book is the best companion because it helps a person with his whole being. He also
mentioned that reading relieves stress and reading books helps stretching our muscles in our brain for a
healthier and better functioning mind.
This research used quantitative research structure with correlational as the research design to find out
whether or not there is a significant relationship between the book and cellphone usage and the
academic performance of the students. Correlational is the state or relation of being correlated;
specifically : a relation existing between phenomena or things or between mathematical or statistical
variables which tend to vary, be associated, or occur together in a way not expected on the basis of
chance alone. (Merriam Webster Dictionary)

This research will be conducted in Nueva Ecija High School Senior High from the month of december-

The respondents will be the grade 11 and 12 students enrolled in Humanities and Social Sciences in
School Year 2019-2020.

The sampling technique will be random sampling. The researchers will randomly select the respondents
from the given population.

This research used survey questionnaire as the research tool to gather data.

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