3 Baluyot Reflection

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Matthew Baluyot


I am not going to lie, this time around I was challenged with this subject that I was to take the
second time around, but it was easier with Maam Payot-Lee being our adviser this time around.
This is my second time around to take Mycology and Virology as a summer term, and even
though it is my second time around, I still had to adjust with the habit of studying once again—
making so much time per day to solely read and listen to lectures regarding this discipline in
Laboratory Medicine.
Without looking at my notes in making this reflection, let us go first to mycology, which is the
study of fungus and the fungal infections they consist to humans, with the subcategories like
superficial, cutaneous, subcutaneous, and opportunistic mycoses, offer a variety of effects in
the body once infected by a certain subcategory. Fungus is relevant in the pathogenesis of
these diseases in us humans. The importance of fungi in our life application is to always be
careful of our hygiene and exposure prophylaxis in new places that we go to. In the end of the
day our healthy skin will be an investment when we grow old.
Personally, the study of viruses spoke to me on a deeper level as a person that would always be
exposed to different strains of viruses every single year—the complexity of virology amazes me
to a deeper extent. On a personal level I had more fun studying and listening to Viruses as
compared to Mycosis, maybe this is because Viruses are more rampant in the news cycle and
public health clinics as compared to fungi, also considering some of these viruses do not have
any means of treatment yet, and viruses makes people more susceptible to contamination
because of their airborne characteristic in some of these subtypes.
Overall, the study of these disciplines is quite interesting as to be the reason why I’m still
pursuing medical technology, even though I am long due to finish this Bachelor’s degree, I am
still determined. It goes to show that throughout the setbacks life gives each and every one of
us, a reminder of adversary in life is necessary to the growth of us in being a better version of
ourselves we strive to be every single day.

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