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Reading Lesson Plan Format

U Student Name: Emma Ludwicki Grade Level: PreK Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: October 9th, 2o19 in the morn

son Type: READ ALOUD

le, Author & Summary of the Text Used in this Lesson:

eer Day by Anne Rockwell

scribe how and provide a rationale for the way you have grouped students for this lesson:
s is a whole group lesson to teach the students about community helpers and the roles they have within our
mmunity. I grouped it this way so everyone could learn about different types of jobs because it applies to their curren

andard(s) Addressed:
undation Block 1 (Oral Language)
c) Make predictions about what might happen in a story
d) Listen attentively to stories in a whole class setting
ginia History and Social Sciences
undation Block 5 (Economics/World of Work)
b) Describe what people do in their community jobs
d) Match job sites to work done

e students will…
1. The students will predict what the book will be about.
2. The students will be taught different types of community helpers and be able to identify them.
Reading Lesson Plan Format

U Student Name: Emma Ludwicki Grade Level: PreK Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: October 9th, 2o19 in the morn

er Two Vocabulary Words and Student Friendly Definitions:

mmunity- a group of people who live in the same place or who have a characteristic in common
b- a special task that grown-ups have

aterials needed/preparation of the learning environment:

● Career Day by Anne Rockwell children’s book

ans for differentiation:

• Give the book to students if they are having trouble seeing the visuals
• Point to the visuals while I am reading.

Before Reading
Reading Lesson Plan Format

U Student Name: Emma Ludwicki Grade Level: PreK Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: October 9th, 2o19 in the morn

gage: Describe how ● I will capture students’ attention by asking them if they have their listening Time
u will: ears on and have their eyes on me. They will already be on the circle because
this will take place during their normal read aloud time.
capture students’
● I will activate students’ prior knowledge by asking them to predict what this
interest and book will be about after introducing the title because they have already seen
introduce the text; some of the jobs on the cover page before.
activate students’ ● I will emphasize that we live in a community that is a place filled with
background buildings, people and jobs.
knowledge; and
set the purpose for

plore: Describe how ● I will preview the text by asking what types of jobs they think we will be talking Time
u will: about today by showing them the front and back of the book.
preview the text

During Reading
plain: Describe how ● I will ask the students to point to the Veterinarian. This shows that after Time
u will: reading this page they are able to identify the job with the person on the page.
model/explain your The page I will have them point to also has other people on it. I will remind
thinking (list page them that a job is a task that grown-ups have.
numbers and what ● I will also have students predict what they think the lady in front of the school
you will say/do) does.
invite students to ● I will also point to each community helper as I read to help them since there
are other people on the pages. This will help them be able to identify them
model/explain their
later on.
thinking about the
words? (list page
Reading Lesson Plan Format

U Student Name: Emma Ludwicki Grade Level: PreK Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: October 9th, 2o19 in the morn

numbers and what

you will say/do)
After Reading
aborate: Describe Time
w you will:
engage students in
developing a more
understanding of the
purpose for listening

aluate: Describe Since my classroom is PreK I will have a short after reading evaluation and will Time
w you will: combine these three sections. I will ask the students what they want to be when they
grow up which will evaluate them if they are able to identify different jobs that were
encourage students presented in the book or what they have previously learned. At the end of the
to assess their discussion, I will tell the students that we have all types of community helpers that help
understanding and our community out through their jobs.
evaluate (formally)
student progress
toward achieving the

osure: Describe how Time

u will: 3 min
remind students of
the lesson objective
link the new
Reading Lesson Plan Format

U Student Name: Emma Ludwicki Grade Level: PreK Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: October 9th, 2o19 in the morn

learning to future

hat could go wrong with this lesson and what will you do about it?
e students could not be engaged in the book. I could stop and ask them another question or to point to something in t
ok to gain back their attention. If students are having trouble seeing the pictures or understanding the page I can give
m the book to see it better.

My read-aloud book was Career Day by Anne Rockwell. I chose this book because my class was learning about the

mmunity. In the community they were learning about places, people, vehicles so this book fit the theme perfectly. For my my les

ecided to have the students make predictions before the book because that would help build on their previous knowledge of

mmunity helpers. Before I had them predict I read the title and showed them the front and back of the book which had some

mmunity helpers on them which helped to activate their brains. In the reading it says, “students activate their world and literary

kground knowledge: to trigger this activation, they think about the title of the book, examine the book cover and inside

strations, and read the first paragraph” (Tompkins, 41). Then I asked the students to predict what type of community helps they

ught were in the book and reminded them that our community is a place where people live and work. The students predicted that
Reading Lesson Plan Format

U Student Name: Emma Ludwicki Grade Level: PreK Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: October 9th, 2o19 in the morn

re were going to be cops, doctors and firefighters in the book. In the reading it states, “students use strategies, such as, predicting

wing inferences, and visualizing, to understand what they’re reading” (Tompkins, 63). I should have also previewed some of the

es instead of just showing them the front and back of the book that way the students could have more ideas on what to predict.

ile I was reading I had the students point to the veterinarian that way it shows me they can identify a community helper which w

of my objectives. All the students got excited to be able to point and they were really happy that they pointed to the right person

he reading it says, “teachers engage students in activities rather than postponing student involvement until after reading”

mpkins, 42). This is what I used when I had the students point to the types of community helpers. I also had the students predict

at the lady in front of the school does and they said to help kids and stop cars. As I read the book I would point to each communi

per that way the students would see who they were and what they were dressed in. At the end of the book I asked the students wh

y wanted to be when they grew up and the students loved this questions. If I were to do this again I would have the students raise

r hand because they all were so excited that they just shouted at me. At the very end I reemphasized that in our community we

e many types of helpers. During my read-aloud I should have asked another question or should have had the students point to

ther community helper to help engage them more. Overall, I thought my read-aloud went well and the kids seem excited to read

ut them. The students also answered all my questions which tells me that they were listening and engaged.
Reading Lesson Plan Format

U Student Name: Emma Ludwicki Grade Level: PreK Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: October 9th, 2o19 in the morn

Your Name: Emma Ludwicki

Grade Level; PreK
Title of Book: Career Day by Anne Rockwell
Criteria Excellent Acceptable Needs work Self-
n points
OBJECTIVE 3-4 Points 1-2 Points 0 Point 4
S& Objectives are explicit and Objectives are not clear Objectives are not
MATERIALS materials are listed. It is and minimal discussion there. Not clear what
clear what you want about what students are students are to learn.
students to learn. The to learn. Worksheets are used.
objective(s) matches the Worksheets are used.
lesson. No worksheets are
BEFORE 3-4 Points 1-2 Points 0 Point 4
Includes comprehension Includes prompting Questions are not of
introduction, scaffolding of questions and are good quality.
topic and prompting connected to the book.
DURING 3-4 Points 1-2 Points 0 Point 4
At least 3 Only 1 question/stopping No stopping points,
questions/stopping points, point, question shows Tier 2 vocabulary or
questions include higher higher level thinking. student engagement.
level thinking questions. Tier 2 vocabulary is
Tier 2 vocabulary is introduced but lacks
introduced and clear clear student friendly
student friendly definitions definitions
are used. Only 1 differentiation
Multiple differentiation option is discussed.
options are discussed. Student engagement is
Student engagement is incorporated.
Reading Lesson Plan Format

U Student Name: Emma Ludwicki Grade Level: PreK Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: October 9th, 2o19 in the morn


AFTER 3-4 Points 1-2 Points 0 Point 4

Closure involves review of Closure involves student Closure is none
comprehension strategy: input. existent.
student input and is
directly related to the
REFLECTIO 3-4 Points 1-2 Points 0 Point 4
N All Reflection questions Reflection is minimal Reflection does not
are addressed (no page and very surface level. show growth of how
limit) Discussion is too brief to change lesson
Discussion about how to how to improve lesson.
improve the lesson.
Reading Lesson Plan Format

U Student Name: Emma Ludwicki Grade Level: PreK Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: October 9th, 2o19 in the morn

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