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Senior High School

Long Test NO. 1


Instructions: CONTEXT CLUES. Find the meaning of the BOLD word. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer.
1. Projectiles include those items that are shot forward such as a cannon shell, bullet, or rocket.
a.things put down c. things hurt
b.things shot forward d. things broken
2. The professor was a favorite among the students at the college. His sagacity was helpful to them as
they pursued their degrees. The professor was known to use his experience, insight, and common
sense to help students pursue their education.
a. silliness c. wisdom
b. thoughtlessness d. negligence
3. Famous conquistadors include Cortes, who conquered Aztec Mexico and Pizarro, who conquered
Inca Peru.
a. geographers c. victims
b. losers d. conquerors
4. A sleuth, such as Sherlock Holmes, can be very helpful in solving crimes.
a. senior citizen c. pilot
b. man d. detective
5. Zack was a good at many sports. He excelled in swimming, running, horsemanship, fencing, and
target shooting. He decided to compete in the pentathlon rather than having to choose one of the
a. competition with two events c. competition with ten events
b. competition with eight events d. competition with five events
6. The diamond ring was radiantly shining on her finger.
a. brightly c. hardly
b. really d. barely
7 We shopped at the emporium, which is as large as the shopping center, for shampoo and bath soap.
a. amusement park c. large store
b. bathroom d. library
8. The saturated, dripping dog ran in the house after swimming in the lake.
a. wet c. dirty
b. old d. smelly
9. In the pirate story, there were the good guys against the buccaneers.
a. actors c. teachers
b. pirates d. helpers
10. An evanescent ring surrounded the moon as it rose. It was there for a moment, and then it
a. full c. brief
b. ongoing d. bright
11. The sun made the lake water shimmer.
a. dirty c. dark
b. dull d. sparkle or shine

12. Julie bought a gift for her mom at a cart in the mall. The kiosk sells special chocolate candies.
a. car c. office
b. department d. cart
13. Birds that migrate, such as some ducks and geese, leave their home in the winter.
a. swimming c. to move
b. flying d. sprint
14 A limerick is a fun way to use words. You can make up poems, rhymes, and songs.
a. verse c. copy
b. report d. text
15. Our country's highest politician, the president, has the job of making sure our country stays safe.
a. man c. elected person
b. boss d. golfer


1. Which is the most female participated sport? How many participants are there in that sport?

2. Which is the least participated female sport? How many participants are there in that sport?

3. Which is the most participated male sport? How many participants are there in that sport?

4. Which is the least participated male sport? How many participants are there in that sport?

5. Which sport has the same number for both males and females?

1. How many people use direct mail in Australia as a form of advertisement?

2. How many people would use the Radio in Brazil for advertisements?
3. Which country has the lowest use of TV for advertisements?
4. Which country has the lowest use of the Internet for advertisements
5. Out of the three countries, which has the highest use of television for advertisements?

1. Based on the table, how many hours of study would it

take if you want to get a grade of 94?_______
2. How many hours did Wendy spent studying?______
3. What grade did Carlos Get?_____
4. Who has the LEAST studying hours?_____
5. Who are the students that got the same grade? What are
their grades? _____

TOTAL- _____

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