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EB Rosa Ramalho – School year: 2018 / 2019 MARK X 100 %

Não Satisfaz
English Written Test Satisfaz
5th Form Satisfaz Bastante
First Name:_____________________________________Surname:_____________________________________________
No:____Form/Class:________Date: _____________________________________________________________________

Enc. de Ed.: __________________________________________ Teacher:


A. Listen again and circle the right answer.

1. Tom is ______________________________.
a) English b) American
2. He is a ______________________________.
a) teacher b) student
3. In the morning he has ______________________________.
a) a bath b) a shower
4. At breakfast the family has ___________________________.
a) coffee b) milk
5. He has lessons ______________________________.
a) in the morning b) in the morning and in the afternoon
6. After doing homework, he ______________________________ with his brother.
a) studies b) plays
7. Before going to bed, he ______________________________.
a) brushes his teeth b) watches TV


B. Read about Susan’s daily routine.

Susan gets up at 6.30 in the morning to feed her cat. Then she has a shower,
gets dressed and has breakfast at 7.15 with her mother, father and sister. She
always drinks chocolate milk and eats cookies for breakfast. Her sister, Rachel,
likes cereals with milk. After breakfast her mum drives Susan and Rachel to
school. After leaving them in school, her mum does the house chores before
going to work.
Susan has classes in the morning and has lunch in the school canteen. In the
afternoon Susan and her sister play tennis in the City Hall. They go home at Dictionary:
feed – alimentar
6.30 pm. with their father. When they arrive home they do their homework and after – depois
sometimes watch TV. At 8 pm they have dinner and after that they play chess City Hall – Câmara
once a week. They brush their teeth and go to bed every day at 10.30 pm.

C. True (T) or False (F)? Correct the false sentences.

Sentences T F Correct the false sentences.

1. Susan gets up at half past seven.
2. She feeds her cat before having a shower.
3. She has breakfast at quarter past eight.
4. Susan has got a brother.
5. Susan goes to school by car.
6. Susan has karate classes in the afternoon.

D. Choose the correct answer according to the text.

1. After having a shower Susan... a) gets up b) gets dressed c) goes to school
2. For breakfast she always drinks... a) water b) orange juice c) chocolate milk
3. Before lunch her mum does... a) the chores b) gymnastics c) the breakfast
4. They go home with... a) their aunt b) their grandfather c) their father
5. After dinner they usually... a) play chess b) watch TV c) do their homework

E. Answer these questions according to the text.

1. Who is Rachel?
2. Where does Susan have lunch?
3. When does Susan play tennis?
4. What does do Susan after arriving home?
5. What time do they go to bed?


F. Complete with the Present Simple.

1. My father ___________ (get up) every day at 7.30 am.

2. Aunt Lucy never ___________ (wash) her hair at home.
3. John ___________ (have (got)) French classes on Mondays and Fridays.
4. We ___________ (play) computer games after school.
5. Pauline and Joyce sometimes ___________ (do) their homework with their grandmother.
6. Mariah usually ___________ (go) to school by bus.
7. Michael and I ___________ (be) best friends.

8. They always ___________ (watch) TV after dinner, I ___________ (prefer) to play
computer games.
9. That dog ___________ ( eat) a bone
10. I always _____________ ( study) in my bedroom.

G.Write sentences.

1. I / music lessons / have / in the afternoon/ .

2. go / to the cinema / on Sunday / they /.
3. Sharon / dinner / every day / prepare /.
4. in the living room / / is / he /.
5. get up /at/ they / half past seven /.
6. Do/ he/ in/ his homework/ the afternoon/.

H. Write sentences in the negative. Don`t forget to use don`t or doesn`t.

1. I go to school by bus.
2. She gets up at 7 o’clock.
3.They play football every day.
4.We watch TV after dinner.

I. Match the questions and the answers.

Do you like reading? 1 • • a Yes, I do.

Does Tim play the guitar? 2 • • b Well, I prefer playing cards.
Do you study hard? 3 • • c Yes, I do. I love mystery books.
Do you like playing chess? 4 • • d No, they don’t.
Does Mia like sports? 5 • • e No, he doesn’t.
Do they usually go to concerts? 6 • • f Yes, she does. She plays tennis.

J. Imagine you are talking with Pauline. Complete the dialogue using the sentences in the box.
Careful because some are not necessary.

What time do you go to school? What’s your nationality?

Does your school start at half past eight? When do your classes start?
Do you help your mother at home? What’s your favourite hobby?
Where are you from?


K. Complete the sentences about Adam’s school days.

a) He ____________ at 7 o’clock. b) He ________ at half past seven. c) He ________ at 8 o’clock.

d) He ________ at one o’clock. e) He __________ football f) He __________ at eight o’clock.


I. What time is it?

1.____________________________ 2. _____________________________

3.____________________________ 4. ____________________________


M) Describe ten actions of your daily routine. Use the words in the box.

have breakfast wake up

go home do homework

go to school have dinner

have lunch go to bed

have lessons watch TV

During the week I usually wake up at ____________________________________________________


Well done!

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