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1332- Diversity Alienage 1331- Fed Q

Article 3 Section 2 - Minimal Diversity- const basis of 1332, need complete Article 3 Section 2 - Fed Juris. Const./Fed Law/Treaties
diversity under 1332
1. Arising Under (Normal) needs all 3 elements
1. Diversity a. Well pleaded complaint
a. Complete Diversity i. Original complaint must have federal issue in it
i. Individual = state domicile b. Substantial
ii. US citizen c. Will parties dispute federal issues
b. Alienage jurisdiction i. FTCA
i. US citizen v. non-US citizen ii. If private cause of action for anything under a fed st
ii. US citizenship dominates if also foreign citizen- its arising under juris.
applies to dual citizenship 2. State claims with embedded federal issues
iii. Ex. TX v Jordanian (PRA of MD) = alienage a. Grable 1-3 plus:
jurisdiction i. 4. Will it flood fed cts? Disrupt sharing of power
c. Joining a foreign party
i. Tack on foreign so long as USA citizens keeps
ii. Can have MD & France v TX & France
iii. Stateless ppl are none of the 4 categories and
so no alienage jurisdiction or citizenship, cant
sue in fed ct
d. Foreign P can sue US citizens
2. Also need to be greater than 75k, can’t be 75k exact
a. Aggregation
i. Can sue one D for multiple claims and aggregate
ii. Can aggregate multiple tortfeasors for the same
claim ie mult tortfeasors
How to determine citizenship not of individuals
b. Corporation citizenship
i. To determine PPB/headquarters- use Nerve center
test + incorporated
ii. Also look to Corp activities, corp assets, and total
c. Behalf of others
i. dead/minor/mentally incompetent
1. Take that person’s domicile
Supplemental 1367

1. Common Nucleus of Operative Fact 1331

a. Gibbs- must come from the same question
2. Diversity Case Anchor 1332
a. No supp juris by P against parties joined by rule 14/19/20/24 when it violates diversity
3. Courts Use Discretion 1331

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