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We’ve been in up and downs. And now we’ve come to the end of this research

study. Firstly, it wouldn’t happen without the guidance of Mr. Felimon Brazas Jr.

Who administered and walk with us.

Secondly, our deepest gratitude is subjected to our parents for supporting us

especially in financial aspect. Who never got tired of providing our needs.

Thirdly, to our classmates who constantly believed on us. Without your patience,

humor, optimism and your constant reminder of what we can do, this research

study won’t be shaped like this without you.

Fourthly, special thanks are given to our respondents who took a big role in this

study. Your views and opinions are crucial for us. Thank you for participating.

Lastly, we give a profound appreciation for ourselves. This has brought us

different perceptions in political, social, and economic views. We’ve learned so

much which we would be bringing to professional field. Our devotion to each of

our capabilities will always stay with us.


Chapter 1 1-8

Introduction 1-2
Statement of the Problem .................................................................. page 3
Objectives ......................................................................................... page 4
Hypothesis......................................................................................... page 5
Conceptual Framework 5-6
Scope and Limitation ........................................................................ page 6
Significance of Study ........................................................................ page 6
Definition of Terms........................................................................ page 7-8

Chapter 2 .............................................................................................. page9

Local Literature 9-14
Foreign Literature 14-16
Local Studies 17-20
Foreign Studies 20-32
Synthesis ......................................................................................... page 33

Chapter 3 ........................................................................................... page 34

Research Design ............................................................................. page 34
Study Area ...................................................................................... page 35
Population and Sample 35-36
Description of the Respondents ...................................................... page 36
Research Instrument........................................................................ page 36
Data Gathering Procedure ............................................................... page 37
Statistical Treatment of Data ......................................................... page 37
Questionnaire 39-41
Chapter 4 42-61
Results and Discussion 42-43
Presentation of Data 43-59
Testing of Hypothesis ................................................................ page 60-61

Chapter 5 62-65

Summary of Data 62-64
Conclusion ..................................................................................... page 65
Recommendation ............................................................................ page 65

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