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Installation and Maintenance Instructions for the original Speck Biffel Pumps and Pumpmeister Pumps Pumpmeister pump Batfel pump I. Location of the Pump: The pump should be installed in a frost-proof room which should be as dry as pos- sible. The pump may be placed on a low foundation, the anchor bolts of which should be grouted with cement, but it should not be connected to the brickwork of the house. The pump should be easily accessible from all sides and it should be posi- tioned as near as possible to the well. No foundation is required for self-contained Pumping units with horizontal tanks or with Pumpmeister piston pumps using vertical tanks IL. Installation: a) Suction Line: The suction line should be as short as possible and on no account should its inside diameter be smaller than that of the pump connecting pipe thread. Good jointing and pressure testing are essential. Do not use elbows, only bends. The pipe line be- tween the pump and the well should have a continuous fall. A pressure-tested foot valve must be installed at the end of the suction line. If the well bore is too narrow, an intermediate valve may be installed near the well head (in place of the foot valve) Install a throttle valve in the suction line if a positive suction head is available and, if necessery, use a suction air chamber. Install a suction air chamber immediately on suction inlet if long, narrow suction lines are used, but in any case if the suction line exceeds 30 m (100 ft) in length. Hourly discharge up to Litres (Imp. gal) 4000 (800) 8000 (1760) 15000 (3300) Capacity of suction air chamber Litres ( 7.5 (16) 12 (26) 20 (4.4) Support the suction line leading to the pump. b) Suction Head: Buffel pumps and Pumpmeister pumps are tested for suction lifts of 8.5 m (27.8 ft) and 8 m (26.2 ft) respectively, the test being carried out with cold water. The actual suction head should not exceed 8 or 7.5 m (26.2 or 24.6 ft) respectively. For suction heads between 6 and 8 m (196 and 262 ft) and suction lenghts exceeding 30 m (100 ft), we should be consulted on the choice of suction line diameter. In any case use the next larger pipe dimension. c) Delivery Line: The delivery line between the pump and tank should be rising or at least horizontal Use only bends. Elbows may only be used on the outlet side of the pressure tank No non-return valve is required in the delivery line. It merely causes noisy operation d) Safety Valve: Pumpmeister pumps and Buffel pumps are provided with a built-in diaphragm safet valve which can be manually tripped; no other eafety valves are therefore required, For pumps not incorporating a built-in safety valve, a safety-valve must be mounted ext ‘to the pump. This valve must be adequately dimensioned to suit the pump arge. 2 e) Shut-off Valve: This may only be installed behind the safety valve in the delivery line. In installations using overhead tanks, provision must be made for closing the pipeline leading to the overhead tank at the pump. ) Snifting Valve: This is inserted into the thread provided for this purpose in accordance with the drawing. 9) Water Level Gauge with Pressure Gauge: To be carefully installed in vertical tanks. h) Pressure Swit To be connec to the pressure tank. The switching limits can be altered within the switch itself in accordance with the operating instructions. i) Automatic Air Volume Control: Air volume control equipment can be installed subsequently in accordance with the operating instructions supplied with each set of equipment. When the pumping unit has been installed, all pipe joints should be tested under pressure and painted with soap solution to indicate any air Sequence of fittings to be used for pumping units with vertical tanks: Pump, safety valve (if not already fited), shut-of valve, pressure vessel or overhead tank. For delivery lines longer than 30 m (100 ft) the next larger pipe dimension Satie sclgsied aind or oa ihvcnal proteus tankeetould beret mise aeteyy behind the pump. Ill. Pumping Units with Horizontal Tank: For complete pumping units with horizontal tank no special base is required. The accessories for automatic function are ready fitted. It is barely necessary to assemble the suction line as explained in paragraph IW/a and Il/b. 3 IV. Installing the Motor: The V-belt pulleys of the pump and of the motor must be carefully aligned. Pro sion is made for displacing, changing or reversing the two halves of the rocker on their pins. The motor pulley can also be reversed. The V-belt should be tensioned as required with the rocker adjusting screw. (19.c) V. Electrical Switchgear: The pump should be connected to the electrical supply system by a qualified electri cian, In domestic supply systems with pressure vessel, the circuit is as follows: Supply — line fuses — overload relay — pressure switch — motor. Every motor should be puctected by an overload relay. This “contactor should be adjusted to the nominal motor current and a trip test should be carried out. VI. Starting the Pump: Fresh engine oil having a viscosity of SAE 30 or SAE 40 should be poured into the crankcase until the oil can be seen at the upper edge of the oil level indicator (24) The pump is then filled with water (33) while the belt pulley is turned. Correct direc- tion of rotation must be observed (indicator arrow on the housing). VII. Maintenance of Biiffel and Pumpmeister pumps: 1. Lubrication: The oil level should be checked at 3-monthly intervals and topped up if necessary. Lubricants: only high-grade fresh engine oll of SAE 80 or SAE 40 viscosily should be used. The oil should be changed for the first time after 3 months, subsequently every two years and under continuous operating conditions at approximately half-yearly inter- vals. To remove oil, release oil drain plug (16) and allow oil to drain. Clean the crankcase. Replace the plug and fill in fresh oil. Oil requirements: Pump type PM10 PM15 PM 20 PM30 BS 15 BS 25 BS 40 BS50 S75 S100 S150 Oil quantiy lt 01 01 02 03 02 os 08 14 15 <8 6 Pints O17 O47 034 041 031 041 113 1.7 26 52 104 4 2. Stuffing Box (6): The stuffing box is of the compound type and requires practically no maintenance. In the event of leakage tighten the gland by hand. If re-tightening is ineffective, the stuffing box packing must be renewed. To replace the packing, remove stuffing box nut (6a), withdraw old packing rings and insert new packing rings with offset joints. 3. Drive: The connecting rod of Biiffel pumps should be re-adjusted after approximately 1 operating year if sight knocking can be heard in the housing, To do this, the lock nut (17a) is released, the socket clamping screw unscrewed, and one or more (as required) of the 0.1 mm (0.0039 in.) shims removed from the connecting rod slot. The clamping screw (17a) is then re-tightened and locked. After re-starting the pump, it should be checked for approximately 1 hour to ensure that the connecting rod is not too tight, as this may result in overheating, 4, V-Belts (34): The V-belts should be re-tensioned after the first and second month of operation, care being taken not to use excessive tensioning force. 5. Replenishing the air contents in the pressure vessel: The air reservoir in pumping installation equipped with an air volume control is automatically regulated. In pumping installations without such equipment, the air in the pressure vessel is replenished by means of the snifting valve. The air must be replenished if the pump starts immediately on water being drained from the system and if it stops immediately the water cock is closed. The snifting valve screw should be slighthly opened until air sucking can be clearly heard. The greater the air content in the pressure vessel, the more water can be drained off before the pump is switched on agai 6. Safety Valve (20): The built-in SPECK diaphragm safety valve, which can be manually tripped, con- forms to the regulations laid down by German authorities. To check the performance of this valve it should be tripped manually at least once every year. ‘The main switch should always be opened before the pump is touched, Filling plug The diaphragm safety valve eae arranged for manual tripping conforms to the latest regulati- ‘ons of German authorities and provides absolute safety for the pumping installation. The valve opens normally with a vessel pressure of 4 atm gauge (668 b/ 8q. in. gauge) wich can be varied up to a vessel pressure of 6 atm gauge (85.3 Ib/sq, in gauge). Also: If the pump is oversatura- ted with air and no longer pro- vides any suction lift, momentary lifting of the lever ensures that the pump provides suction and discharges water. cf © droin plug The suction and delivery sides of the pump can be mutually exchanged. Depending on local conditions, the suction and delivery sides of Speck piston pumps can be mu- Z- Volve bridge tually exchanged. This very often fe dispenses with difficult installa- Eo ve; tion work. The pressure dome very valves with the safety valve must also be turned through 180°, so that the safety valve is always on the delivery side. Before making any complaints if the set does not function correctly, please road the following notes. Often you will be able to find the defect yourself. If there is nothing you can do about it, or if you cannot find the defect, do not hesitate to write to us, describing the fault accurately. You will immediately receive al the necessary Information. We know that the pump should work properly because it was tested carefully before delivery, Please do not forget to quote type and serial-number of your pump. Fault Reason Remedy 1, Pumps is running without ) Air escapes from the tank Brush soapy water on all delivering water ‘connections in the alr 3 'b) Water running back to well. Take out foot valve and clean it. ©) Delivery pipe not tight. Tap Make the pipes tight, or close in scullery or garden Is open. the teps, starts soon attor @ 4) Not enough air in the Pump air red but stops immedi. te . meee oe. this happens several Make tight. . the tank is not tight. 3. Pump does not suck in air. a) Snifting valve stuck. Open the rubber lip with a tool having @ rounded point. b) Inlet orifice of the snifting Clean out. valve blocked. ©) Rubber lip not tight. Replace by a new one. 4. Pump not working a) No electric current. [cal eee? b) Pressure ewitch not {justing screws sufficiently tight. a little. See special operating Instructions. ©) Pressure switch sticks. Lubricate all joints. 4) Motor protection relay has tripped. Fault Reason 5 Pump runs continuously, __) Pressure ewiteh tightened 5 on the does not switch off. ) too much. b) Pressure switch sticks. Lubricate all joints. c) Contacts stick together. Clean them. & Motor temperature exceeds 2) Stuffing box too tight. Slacken it off o little. ° RESO b) Motor connections wrong. ‘Check voltage and check con- nections against wiring diagram. . Delivery of pump below rated a) Suction pipe not tight. Make tight. Sr b) Well dry. IF possible, lower the foot valve. ©) Open snifting valve. Screw it down. 4d) Valves dirty. Check and clean them. 8. Pump knocks strongly while it No air in the air chamber (5) ‘Open snifting valve and let ia running. ‘some air in. Unsatisfactory operation may also be duo to the following reasone: The suction pipe leaks, the delivery Bipe ie damaged. possibly at a point where the damage cannot be seen, for Instance undereround: the ‘Suction or delivery pipes are constricted by mineral or organic deposits, etc. It Is often overlooked that ¢ valve which is supposed to be open is actually closed, and vice versa. Freauentiy, when new walle are taken Into service, stones, sand, et. stick tothe valves. The valves must then be cle: yaned. 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