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RA6: YADA & IPC Assessment Template

Name: Julia Kent

Respondent #1

- Relationship to the other Person(s): Sister

- Your Top 3 Strengths:

1. You are honest with how you feel, letting others know how you feel about the
2. You are trustworthy. You keep your word and don't tell anyone even if prodded by
others to.

3. You stick to what you believe and are not easily swayed by others opinions. If you
disagree you do so respectfully.

- Your Top 3 Weaknesses:

1. When in a high stress argument or environment your first instinct is to make it stop or
walk away/avoid it.

2. When upset or hurt sometimes you hold it in, instead of going directly to the person
and telling them how you feel.

3. In some situations you have a difficult time relating/understanding the other persons
perspective, especially if you disagree with that person or you are in an argument with them.
This isn't always present during the argument itself but comes out later in processing.

Respondent #2

- Relationship to the other Person(s): Friend

- Your Top 3 Strengths:

1. You genuinely care about others and what they have to say. You are a good listener!

2. You are trustworthy.

3. You stand up for the truth and call people out for being dishonest!

- Your Top 3 Weaknesses:

1. You tend to not share your true opinion until everyone in the group shares. This
sometime comes across as you simply following along instead of leading.

2. Sometimes I think you might express your frustration or hurts to a third party, rather
than to the direct source. This can be good for processing at times, yet it can also make the
involved party larger which can be hurtful.

3. I think you might stretch yourself thin at times. While I know a lot of the time you are
doing things you enjoy, I think sometimes you do it out of fear or anxiety of missing out. I think
saying no is challenging for you when it comes to hanging out with friends/family.

Respondent #3

- Relationship to the other Person(s): Roommate

- Your Top 3 Strengths:

1. Reliable

2. Personable

3. Prioritizes relationships

- Your Top 3 Weaknesses:

1. Decisiveness

2. Confrontation

3. Compromise

Based on your YADA Report & IPC Assessments & conversations with your evaluators:

What are your IPC goals (for improvement) moving forward? (minimum of 3)

1. I will become more comfortable with confrontation to others.

2. I will work on relating/understanding the other persons perspective even if I disagree.

3. I will learn to keep my beliefs but be willing to compromise.

How are you going to achieve these goals (script the critical moves)?

(minimum of 2 per goal)

Goal #1: Go Directly to the Source

1. When I am upset by something someone said or did to me, I will go straight to the person

and express why I am upset, rather than telling other sources.

2. I will not walk away from conflict, but rather stay and work through it with that person

using an “I-Statement” to express my feelings.

Goal #2: Be more empathetic even when I disagree

1. When I am having a conversation with someone and disagree, rather than expressing my

opinion I will express how I am supportive of them.

2. I will be sure to listen first rather than immediately sharing my opinion.

Goal #3: Be able to say no to things

1. When I don't want to do something, I will say no and give an explanation as to why so

that I do not feel like I am disappointing them.

2. I will turn down the request, rather than the person.

What were your 3 biggest insights, takeaways, and/or challenges with the

YADA Report and/or IPC Assessment?

One takeaway would be that I have some strengths and things to be proud of, however it
is extremely important to know your weaknesses so that you can grow. My weaknesses are all
things that I can easily work on, therefore I need to place them into my life. It is one thing to
know them, however it is another to actively work on them. One challenge was that I got some
contradictions from different people. For example, my sister told me that I am strong in my
beliefs and the first to show them to others, whereas my roommate said that I often follow what
others say. I also saw differences in other aspects, so it is interesting to see that people who
know me in different contexts see me so differently. Another insight to me was that many people
see me as a trustworthy person as I was told that multiple times, and the test also said I had an
80% loyalty factor.

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