Port Samples, Letter, Etc

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GWAR Portfolio Table of Contents and Student Letter

Table of Contents for GWAR Portfolio

The Table of Contents is a document that uses concise information about the content of
your portfolio. If it accurately captures your content, readers will be able to decide where
they want to start or quickly return to a specific item. The example below includes labeled
sections and all the components that make them up. You will adapt the sections to meet
your needs.

Your audience: GWAR Instructors

Student Name:
Class Name:
Instructor Name:

Table of Contents

1. Letter to Portfolio Reader

2. First piece of writing in your portfolio by name
A. Final Draft
B. Third Draft
C. Second Draft
D. First Draft
E. Assignment description from syllabus
3. Second piece of writing in your portfolio by name
A. Final Draft
B. Third Draft
C. Second Draft
D. First Draft
E. Assignment

4. Third piece of writing in your portfolio by name

A. Final Draft
B. Third Draft
C. Second Draft
D. First Draft
E. Assignment
Student Letter for GWAR Portfolio

Audience: Your teacher

Your GWAR Portfolio Letter asks you to produce and submit a cover letter that
discusses each piece of writing you include in your portfolio. Your letter should be
approximately 500 words (2 pages, double spaced). While several letter formats exist,
we will use one format so you are sure you learn an acceptable format. This format will
also assist the WRL and other tutoring centers on campus to help you if you have any
additional questions.

Your letter should follow the format below:

 In the first paragraph briefly indicate what pieces of writing you are including and
why. For example, “I begin my portfolio with Essay One because it was the piece of
writing I made the most changes to and feel I grew most as a writer. The second
project I include is Project Two…” and state your reason. “The third project is…” and so
 In the second and possibly third paragraph go into more depth about why you include
Essay One, discussing the process you went through in producing it, such as what types
of revisions you made and why, how your instructor guided you toward revision, and
how you believe you have changed and grown as a writer.
 The next paragraphs should follow the format of the bullet point above by discussing
your experiences producing the remaining pieces of writing in your portfolio.
 Your final paragraph or two will draw from your discussion above and argue why you
believe you should receive a passing portfolio. Things to think about are the types of
revisions you made, and the growth you experienced as a writer.

Below is a Block Letter model letter with technical details; this is followed by an
example without the guidelines so you can see what your letter should look like.

Model Block Letter Form

808 Windy Lane Your Address

Long Beach, CA 90840 Your City, State, and Zip
MyName@csulb.edu Your Email Address
Skip a line
May 15, 2016 Put current date
Skip a line
Dr. Sara Who  Teacher/Recipient’s Name and Title
CSULB  Teacher’s School Name
MCB 915  Teacher’s Office Location
Long Beach, CA 90811 City, State, Zip
 Skip a line
Dear Professor Who: Recipient’s Name. Notice use of
 Skip a line
Paragraph One: Introduce the purpose of the letter
and its relationship to the portfolio.
 Skip a line between paragraphs
Paragraphs 2-3: Discuss
 Skip a line between paragraphs
Paragraph 4-5: Discuss
 Skip a line between paragraphs
Paragraph 5-6: Discuss
 Skip a line between paragraphs
Concluding 1-2 paragraphs
 Skip a line before Closing
Sincerely, Closing
Your signature goes in these three spaces  Skip three lines: One
Your signature goes in these three spaces  Skip Two
Your signature goes in these three spaces  Skip Three
Maria Rodriguez  Your Typed Name
 Skip a line
Enclosure: GWAR Writing Portfolio List what you are enclosing with
your letter.

Model Block Letter with Text

808 Windy Lane

Long Beach, CA 90840

May 15, 2016

Dr. Sara Who

MHB 915
Long Beach, CA 90811

Dear Professor Who:

Your first paragraph will orient the reader, and answer, what is this? For example,
“In my portfolio for Class A, I have selected three writings that challenged me and
helped me to grow.” Second, you will state what writings and their titles you have
included in the order that you discuss them in the next paragraphs. For example, “I
have included Essay Title One because I feel it challenged me to rethink how I
think and made me revise to reflect this growth. Next, I have included Essay Title
Two because… Last, I have included Essay Title Three because…”

Discuss Essay Title One (1-2 paragraphs)

Discuss Essay Title Two (1-2 paragraphs)

Dr. Sara Who 2

Discuss Essay Title Three (1-2 paragraphs)

Your final paragraph or two will draw from your discussion above and argue why
you believe your work should receive a passing portfolio.


María Rodríguez
María Rodríguez

Enclosure: GWAR Writing Portfolio

Note 1: If you write more than one page, you need to number all pages
starting with page 2 and put the recipient’s name at the top of the page
(See Example A top right).
Note 2: If you include additional documents with any professional letter
you write, make sure to include “Enclosure,” as noted above in the sample

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