UNIT 1 - Gap Fill

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Unit 1 LIFE

 (a length of) a very thin fibre T_________________

 A building or room where people perform their jobs, or these places generally.
 a business or an organization that provides a particular service especially on behalf
of other businesses or organizations : A__________ (n)
 A ceremony or service held shortly after a person's death. F____________.
 A change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.
 A cloth made by hand or machine. T_________________
 A colour or shade. H___________.
 A colour, especially with regard to how light or dark it is. S____________
 A contest, in particular a swimming race or skiing, in which competitors may use any
stroke or method. F____________.
 A difference between two or more people or things that you can see clearly. :
 A feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment: P_____________.
 a large cover, often made of wool, used especially on beds to keep people warm: B-
 A member of a worldwide organization of young men and boys for character
development and citizenship training. S____________
 A person receiving medical treatment: P_________.
 A person who gives a younger or less experienced person help and advice over a
period of time, especially at work or school. M_________________
 A person who knows a lot about a particular subject and is employed to give advice
about it to other people . : C_______________
 A person who study of the human race, especially of its origins, development,
customs and beliefs : A_____________(n)
 A person who study the life and structure of plants and animals: B________(n)
 A person who takes part in a contest. : C_________
 A person whose job is weaving cloth and other materials (= making them by crossing
threads over and under each other):W_______________
 A piece of fabric worn around the neck or head. S____________
 A piece of paper or other material that gives you information about the object it is
attached to L_______________.
 A repeated decorative design: P___________.
 a series of connected metal rings, used for pulling or fastening things: C____(n)
 A set of clothes worn together, especially for a particular occasion or purpose:
 A short piece of information that you give to a person when you cannot speak to
them directly: M____________________
 a small piece of metal or plastic, with a design or words on it, that a person wears to
show that they belong to an organization, support something: B__________(n)
 A sport in which two people fight and try to throw each other to the ground
 A state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended: P_________.
 A Thing that is or may be chosen: O_________.
 A treatment that helps someone feel better, grow stronger, etc., especially after an
illness T_________________
 A type of coat without sleeves, made from one large piece of cloth with a hole in the
middle for the head to go through : P____________
 An idea or opinion of what something or someone is like I_________________.
 An official rule made by a government or some other authority : R____________
 Another word for jumper or sweater J__________________.
 Any animal that belongs to the group of mammals that includes humans, apes
and monkeys : P____________
 Beautiful; very attractive. G_____________.
 Bold-coloured paint used to decorate the face. F_______________.
 Consisting of or based on numbers and data. S____________
 Convey a thought or feeling in words or by gestures and behaviour.
 Enough; adequate. S____________
 Fearful; frightened. S____________
 Great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy. S____________
 Happening or doing something at the arranged or correct time; not late :
 Having a lower than usual temperature. : C________________
 Having power and influence over others. D_______________.
 Immediately appealing or noticeable; striking. E_______________.
 in a way that is suitable, acceptable or correct for the particular circumstances
 Interact or connect with others to exchange information and develop professional or
social contacts: N_________.
 Involving doing something together or working together with others. : C_________
 Light in colour or shade: P___________.
 Material made by weaving or knitting cotton, wool, silk, etc.: C______________
 Materials used to wrap or protect goods: P___________.
 Needing no outside help in satisfying one's basic needs, especially with regard to the
production of food. S____________- S____________
 Not intentional U_________________
 Not involving war or violence: P_____________.
 One who furnishes or provides what is needed. S____________
 Polite, especially in a way that shows respect. : C_______
 Scientists who study primates : P____________
 Someone who competes with or opposes another in a contest, game, or argument:
 Something that shows what a situation is like ________________.
 Strong and barely controllable emotion: P____________.
 The ability to do something dangerous. : C__________
 The ability to use your knowledge and experience to make good decisions and
judgments. W__________________
 The act or process of decorating something such as the inside of a house by painting
it. : D____________
 The conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated.
 The condition of being physically fit and healthy. F______________.
 The fact of being more important, powerful or noticeable than somebody. :
 The fact of somebody dying or being killed. : D_________
 The feeling of being sad : S____________
 The force that causes things, especially good things, to happen to you by chance and
not as a result of your own efforts or abilities L________________.
 the hard pointed or curved outer part of a bird’s mouth: B__________(n)
 The high standard that you expect from a person who is well trained in a particular
job : P____________
 The inside part of something I___________________.
 the qualities that make a person or thing different from others
 The soft, thick hair that grows on the bodies of sheep and some other animals
 The state of being happy or content. H_____________.
 The state of being successful, especially in making money : P____________
 The state of having a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and
culture. S____________
 the strong feeling that you have when something has happened that you think is
bad and unfair :A____________(n)
 Thinking about what is good in a situation : P____________
 Thread used for making cloth or for knitting Y_____________
 to be present at an event : A____________(v)
 to feel or express great sadness, especially because of someone's death:
 To have strong feelings of liking a friend or person in your family L_______________.
 to make a connection between people or things in your mind :A_________(v)
 To make cloth by repeatedly crossing a single thread through two sets of long
threads on a loom. W____________________
 To make something less : R____________
 To put new paint and/or paper on the walls of a room or house : R____________
 To put something into use, operation, or a place for the first time
 To represent something. S____________
 To show something clearly by giving proof or evidence. : D______________
 Words that you say to God giving thanks or asking for help : P____________

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