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Jurnal Perancangan Sistem Informasi 1-4 (2019)


Online transportation technology disruption control Bluebird Group

Aditya Syamsudin A.Md Anggy Fitria Sari, S.TP, MT

Universitas Mercubuana Universitas Mercubuana
Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract - At present, the development of online 84.1%. Other reasons are fast (81.9 %), comfortable (78.8%),
motorcycle taxis is very rapid. Along with the increasing and the last reason is safe (61.4%).
activity and transportation needs in all regions, ojek is a In recent years, competition between online and
very appropriate choice. The view of the people to choose
conventional motorcycle taxis is increasingly attractive. The
the mode of online transportation compared to
conventional is an evaluation of the government. This is very significant difference between online motorcycle taxis
because these online transportation modes have and conventional motorcycle taxis can determine people's
competitive advantages, including lower costs, product preferences. There will be a gap social if the government does
uniqueness, and a focus on a narrower market share. An not take action should be able to sync between online and
example of this happened to the Blue Bird company, which conventional modes of transportation.
had become the top ranked transportation mode which
was disrupted due to the presence of online taxis. In the
end, Blue Bird's management decided to change its
strategy by joining Gojek, one of the biggest online players One of the main requirements for a business in order to
in Indonesia in launching and developing the Go-car. This win competition in the industry is ownership of competitive
method is one of Blue Bird's efforts to gain competitive advantage. Competitive advantage is a position where a
advantage. company controls a business competition (Porter, 1998).
According to Pardede (2011) competitive advantage is the
Keywords: Online transportation, competitive advantage, advantage possessed by a company compared to its
Blue Bird, Gojek competitors in the market.
I. PRELIMINARY According to Porter, 3 types of generic strategies in
Changes in the transportation model from conventional to achieving competitive advantage define them as follows ,
application-based transportation are very popular among the namely:
people and this is a form of social change in society that
requires ease in the use of transportation modes. Changes that 1. Low Cost Strategy
occur in society are normal symptoms. Its influence can Low Cost strategy emphasis on producing mass (equal in
spread rapidly to other parts of the world thanks to the every aspect) with the cost per unit is very low. This product
existence of modern communication (Soekanto 2009: 259). (goods or services) is usually aimed at consumers who are
At present, the development of motorcycle taxis relatively easily affected by price sensitive or using prices as a
online is very rapid. Along with the increasing activity and deciding factor. In terms of customer behavior, this type of
transportation needs in all regions, ojek is a very appropriate strategy is very suitable for customer needs included in the
choice. The view of the people to choose the mode category of low-involvement behavior, when consumers do
of online transportation compared to conventional is an not care much about brand differences, relatively do not need
evaluation of the government. So far the government has paid product differentiation, or if there are a large number of
little attention to the means of transportation used by the consumers having significant bargaining power. This strategy
general public. There are still many public transportation makes the company able to withstand price competition and
facilities that have escaped the government's attention. even become a market leader in determining prices and
Based on a survey conducted on 5-16 April 2017 through ensuring a high (above average) and stable market profit level
the Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) involving through aggressive methods in cost efficiency and
4,668 respondents, the main reason for respondents choosing effectiveness. To be able to run a low cost strategy, a company
to use online transportation was cheap with a percentage of must be able to meet the requirements in two fields,

Jurnal Perancangan Sistem Informasi 1-4 (2019)

namely: resources and organization. This strategy is only increasing consumer purchasing decisions. The rapid
possible if it has several advantages in the field of corporate development of information technology also influences the
resources, namely: strong capital, skilled in process business world. The flow of circulation in the business world
engineering, strict supervision, easy to produce, and low is very fast and even has become an urgent interest. By
distribution and promotion costs. Whereas from the field of utilizing information technology, companies can do marketing
organization, companies must have: the ability to control costs using the internet or what is called e-marketing ( electronic
tightly, good control information, target-based incentives marketing ). This is in line with the results of research by
(allocation of results-based incentives). Mardiani et al (2013) which states that e-marketing has an
2. Product Differentiation Strategy effect on purchasing decisions.
Product Differentiation Strategy, encourages companies to Blue Bird was originally a car rental service provider
be able to find their own uniqueness in the target market. The company that specifically serves foreign journalists and other
uniqueness of the products (goods or services) that are customers visiting Jakarta. Blue Bird was established to
prioritized allows a company to attract as much interest as provide alternative quality transportation services. Blue Bird
possible from its potential consumers. Various ease of has become the driver of taxi fare based on
maintenance, additional features, flexibility, comfort and the meter system in Indonesia.
various other things that are difficult to imitate your opponent Initially, Blue Bird taxis were conventional taxis that were
are a few examples of differentiation. This type of strategy is in great demand by the public, taxis that prioritized more
usually aimed at potential consumers who do not prioritize safety and comfort for each passenger. Quality service is the
prices in making decisions ( price insensitive). goal of Blue Bird. Blue Bird targets middle and upper
3. Focus consumers such as office workers and tourists. Blue Bird taxi
Focus strategies are used to build competitive advantage in passengers are not price sensitive, which will not be a
a narrower market segment. This type of strategy is intended problem.
to serve the needs of consumers whose numbers are relatively As technology develops, many online taxi-based
small and in making decisions to buy relatively not influenced applications have sprung up in several cities. The emergence
by prices. In its implementation, especially in medium and of online taxis makes people have many choices to choose the
large scale companies, the focus strategy is integrated with mode of public transportation that suits their needs. Thus, Blue
one of the other two generic strategies, namely low cost Bird experienced a very significant decline in profits.
strategies or strategies to differentiate product characteristics . B. Blue Bird is naturally disrupted against Online Taxis
As described before, Blue Bird had become
a transportation mode of a top ranking for metropolitan
residents of the city. Comfort and safety provided by Blue
A. History of Blue Bird and Online Taxis
Bird attract the upper classes to use the mode of transport, but
Business competition requires to create consumer
unfortunately, high cost make Blue Bird can not be enjoyed by
purchasing decisions by providing quality products at
all people. Until there was a new breakthrough in online taxis,
competitive prices, and good service is a supporting factor for
one of the brands discussed in this journal was Grab.
the company's success in increasing competitive advantage.
The development of Grab Business or other online taxis
One competitive strategywhich can be applied by companies
has continued to erode the profits that Blue Bird has. Blue
in achieving competitive advantage according to Porter
Bird's revenue growth last occurred in 2015, when Blue
(2007) is a cost advantage and differentiation. The
Bird's revenue rose 15 percent to Rp 5,47 trillion from Rp 4,75
cost leadership strategy is chosen if the company is ready to
trillion a year earlier. However, in the following year, Blue
become a low-cost producer in its industry, serves many
Bird's revenue dropped 12% to Rp. 4,79 trillion as the impact
industry segments, and has a broad scope. The company will
of the mushrooming of taxis online , especially in Jakarta,
be the cost leader if it produces the same product with its
Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jadetabek). (source:
competitors with the lowest costs while the differentiation
Throughout 2017, Blue Bird again recorded a decline in
strategy requires the company to choose attributes that can
revenue. Taxis with the Blue Bird pictorial logo earned
distinguish itself from its competitors and the company
revenues of Rp 4,2 trillion, down 12% from 2016 amounting
provides something for consumers that is not provided by its
to Rp 4,79 trillion. Blue Bird of Jadetabek revenue reached Rp
3,26 trillion, down 10 percent from Rp 3,63 trillion. While
In addition to increasing competitive advantage,
outside income Jadetabek reached Rp 940,31 billion, down
companies must also take the opportunity to utilize
19% from Rp1,15 trillion. ( source :
information technology that is currently developing in

Jurnal Perancangan Sistem Informasi 1-4 (2019)

In the beginning, Blue Bird actually had its own There are also several important points developed as follows:
application, namely Blue Bird Taxi Mobile Reservation , long 1. Added digital map system. Where the taxi buyer knows the
before Grab, Uber, or Gojek was known in the wider position of the driver, and the driver knows the position of
community in Indonesia. However, there are several factors the buyer.
that trigger a decrease in income at Blue Bird due to the 2. Electronic payment letter and assessment of drivers .
appearance of Grab or other online taxis. 3. Add a series of promotions such as discounts
1. Rates 4. Developing promotion of cooperation
This far enough tariff difference makes people switch to with Mastercard . For example, gift tickets to watch the
online taxis. Blue Bird charges Rp. 6,500 per kilometer. While ball to Europe.
Grab charges Rp. 3,500 per kilometer and Uber charges 5. Develop a business with Mc Donalds. Both parties agree
Rp. 2000 per kilometer. These three services also offer a that their customers will get a special offer when accessing
minimum rate for each customer who uses the the My Blue Bird or McDelivery application online .
service. For Blue Bird the minimum cost is higher than 6. Add payment system by issuing e-vouchers
both. For Blue Bird the minimum tariff is IDR 20 thousand, 7. Collaboration with Traveloka. Blue Bird cooperates with
for Grab a fee of IDR 10,000 and a minimum fee of IDR this travel site as a provider of premium airport
3,000. ( source: transportation vehicles that can be ordered via the
2. Payment Type Traveloka application
Blue Bird : Cash or Vouchers, Credit or Debit cards According to the simulation calculations presented on
Uber : Cash and Credit Cards the website, My Blue Bird application , for example,
Grab : Cash and e-money (OVO) has been downloaded by around 1 , 5 million users. This
automatically increases the number booking . Then,
C. Blue bird collaborates with online taxis for disrupted collaboration with a number of partners, namely Go-Jek,
opponents Traveloka, McDonald's, and Mastercard, also began to show
The decline in net income from Blue Bird taxi group due results. For example, calculated from a collaboration with Go-
to the enormity of the development of online makes the Jek: let's say there are 8,000 Blue Bird taxis that operate on
management of Blue Bird decided to change the the Go-Jek platform per day and generate an average income
strategy by joining Gojek premises, one of the major players of Rp 200,000 per driver on an average year of business
in Indonesia's largest Online Taxi although actually own collaboration with Gojek ( 365 days) can generate revenue of
application. Gojek hooks Blue Bird in launching and IDR 584 billion. This is with assumptions - again the
developing Gocar in order to compete with other online taxis. assumption - the driver who gets a passenger from Go-Jek on
Blue Bird's collaboration with Gojek is Blue average only gets Rp 200 thousand meter. ( Source:
Bird's strategy to survive in the transportation business. It can
be said, bluebird is a transportation company that they can IV. CONCLUSION
survive in the era of Digital, if compared with the transport As explained above, it can be seen that online taxi
companies more be small scale, where the company - the development has become a disruption for conventional taxis,
company went bankrupt as a result can not withstand the pace for example a Blue Bird. The presence of online taxis has
of digital development of this transport, one of which the made the taxi taxi players tedious. Not a few conventional taxi
Company Express Transportation. companies have closed . This competition also led to the
In the context of collaboration with Go-Jek, there are two disruption of Blue Bird against online taxis.
patterns that have been carried out by Blue Bird . First, the Effect of Online Taxi Distribution : Blue Bird revenue has
Go-Jek application is provided sub-application Go- Blue decreased by 12% in 2017 . The cause of the decline in profits
Bird facilitates anyone who wants to order a taxi at Blue of conventional taxis or more precisely Blue Bird is because
Bird rates (not Go-Jek rates). ( source: online taxis offer lower / cheaper rates , apart from the
C. Bluebird developed the My Blue Bird application affordable price, the application system is also quite simple
In today's digital age, the needs of the community and easy, and payment systems can be made with cash / cash ,
with smartphones and all practical activities, make Bluebird credit up to e-money.
management and all activities practical, making Bluebird Blue Bird efforts in the fight against online taxi disruption
management think ahead to develop the Blue Bird Taxi Mobile and can survive on competitive taxi to competitive
Reservation applicationintoMy Blue Bird, perfect the advantage online transportation are:
application to make people feel comfortable using it. 1. Joining Online daring for supporting go-car program.

Jurnal Perancangan Sistem Informasi 1-4 (2019)

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