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November 14, 2019 To Whom it May Concem: Itis my privilege to recommend Marley Rodwick for a teaching position in your school and district. | have had the honor of mentoring Marley the past few months during her student teaching period. Marley is a natural teacher. Itis. impressive how advanced and comfortable she is with classroom management. Marley is friendly and approachable ‘and is always in control of the classroom. She is a warm enforcer. Students know what is expected of them as she holds them accountable while providing a fun leaming environment. Itreally has been such a pleasure watching Marley teach. She engages the students while being mindful of each students learning joumney and differentiates her teaching fo meet each student's leaming level and needs. Marley designed her lessons to be developmentally appropriate and fast paced so that the students were constantly moving while learning, Marley is a positive and enthusiastic educator. Her passion for teaching is evident and contagious. She has a great rapport with the students, and they respect her. She encouraged each child as an individual to reach alitle higher and succeed. While working directly withthe children, Marley also directed the parent volunteers in the classroom. Her natural affablity helped gain their rust as well Marley has experience in SEP Conferences and has participated in PLC, PD, MTSS, faculty, Leadership Team, and IEP meetings. Professionally my grade level team and faculty members have warmly accepted Marley as a strong contributor to discussions as she shared her insight, experience, and knowledge | am confident that Marley will be an asset to any staff that she works with, She is confident, knowledgeable, has the skills of a seasoned teacher. | believe that she will only continue to grow and become even more effective as a teacher and leader with further opportunities, Itis without reservation and will all sincerity that | highly recommend Marley Rodwick. If you have any questions with regards to her qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact me. a il f ld — Ci B cbaxter@araniteschools,org ‘Student Teacher Mentor First Grade Teacher Upland Terrace Elementary Granite School District

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