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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Ilocos Norte
Badoc, Ilocos Norte

First Periodical Test in Mathematics 9

I. Multiple Choice : Read each of the following items carefully. Choose the letter of the correct
1. It is a polynomial equation of degree two that can be written in the form ax 2 + bx + c=0, where
a , b, and c are real numbers and a ≠ 0.
a. Quadratic Inequality c. Linear Inequality
b. Quadratic Equation d. Linear Equation
2. Which of the following is an example of quadratic equation ?
a. 5w – 3q= 12 b. 4m-5 + 5= 0 c. 4p2 + 5p- 12=0 d. 5/m2 – 25=0
3. The quadratic term in the equation -5x - 4x + 10 =0 is ___________.

a. -5x2 b. 5x2 c. -4x d. 10

4. Which of the following does not belong to the group ?
a. 4x2 – 16=0 b. -3x2 + 2x -10=0 c. 2x2 – 3= 5x d. 3x – 2y = 7
5. Which of the following quadratic equation is written in standard form ?
a. ( x+ 2) 2–( x +5) 2= 35 b. 3h2 – 2h+ 6=0 c. ( c + 4)(c-6)= 28 d. 4z2 – 2z= -15
6. In the quadratic equation -5t2 + 12= -6t, the values of a , b and c are ______________.
a. a=- 5 , b= 12, c= -6 c. a=- 5, b=- 6, c= 12
b. a = -5, b= 6 ,c =12 d. a= 5, b= 12 , c= 12
7. How many real roots does the quadratic equation s2 = 12s2- 18 have ?
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3
1 2
8. Which of the following is the standard form of the equation 𝑥 − 3 = 𝑥 ?
1 1
a. 2x2 –x + 3=0 b. 𝑥 2 − 𝑥 − 3 = 0 c. –x2 + 𝑥- 3=0 d. x2 –x + 6=0
2 2
9. The roots of the quadratic equations are 5 and -6. What is the equation ?
a. x2+x -30=0 b. 2x2- 10x + 5 =0 c.2x2-3x +9=0 d. x2 + 10x-25=0
−𝒃±√𝒃𝟐 −𝟒𝒂𝒄
10. In the quadratic formula 𝑥 = , the radicand or the expression under the radical sign
b2- 4ac is referred to as the___________.
a. quadratic formula b. discriminant c. extraneous root d. quadratic inequality
11. What is the nature of the roots of the quadratic equation if the value of the discriminant is
negative ?
a. imaginary & unequal c. real , rational, & unequal
b. real, rational & equal d. real, irrational & unequal
12. Which of the following values of x make the equation x2 + 7x- 18=0 true ?
I. -9 II. 2 III. 9
a. I and II b. II and III c. I and III d. I, II and III
13. Which of the following quadratic equations has no real roots?
a. 2x2 + 4x= 3 b. t2 – 8t- 4=0 c. 3s2 – 2s=-5 d.- 2x2 + x+ 7=0
14. One of the roots of 2x - 13x + 20=0 is 4. What is the other root ?

a. −2⁄5 b. − 5⁄2 c. 2⁄5 d. 5⁄2

15. What are the values of a, b and c in the equation 5x= ( 2x +1 ) 2 ?
a. a= -4, b=1, c=-1 b. a=2 , b=-5, c=1 c. a= 4, b=-1, c=1 d. a=-4, b=7, c=-1
16. What are the roots of 3 ( x - 1 )= 24 ?

a. 3 and 24 b. 3 and 8 c. 3 and -1 d. 3 and -3

17. If x4 = 16 is equivalent to ( x2 )2= 16, which of the following are two of its solutions?
a. ± 16 b. ± 8 c. ± 4 d. ± 2
18. In solving the equation t2- 5/2 t= -1 by completing the square, what must be added to both
sides to make the left side a Perfect Square Trinomial ?
25 5 25 25
a. 2 b. 4 c. 4 d. 16
19. Which of the following quadratic equations can be solved easily by extracting square roots ?
a. x2 + 7x+12=0 b. 2t2 +7t- 3=0 c. 4t2 – 9=0 d. 3x2 + 2x -8=0
20. What is the sum of the roots of 2x2 -50=0?
a. 25 b. 0 c. 5 d. -5
21. Find the product of the roots of 2x2 = x + 3.
a. ½ b. 3/2 c. -1 d. -3/2
22. What is the best method to solve the quadratic equation 3x -11x + 10=0?

a. square root property b. factoring c. completing the square d. quadratic formula

23. What is the discriminant of 5x = 3x + 2?

a. 49 b. -49 c. 7 d. √7
24. If the reciprocal of a number is subtracted from the original number, the difference is 8/3. Find
the original number .
a. 1/3 b. 3 c.-3 d.-1
25. The graph of a quadratic inequality is a ____________.
a. straight line b. parabola c. curve line d. zigzag line
26. Which of the following mathematical statements is not a quadratic inequality ?
a. 5s2- 4s + 5=0 b. 3t2- t + 4≤ 0 c. -2t2- t ≥ 9 d. 3w2+10w > 5
27. Which of the following mathematical sentence is a quadratic inequality?
a. 3s2-5s=1 b. 12-5x+x2=0 c. 3m + 20≥0 d. x2<10x-3
28. What type of line is used if the inequality is x +x-11> 0 ?

a. Solid b. Dotted c. Vertical d. Horizontal

29. Which of the following is not a possible value for x of the inequality x +7x+12 > 0 ?

a. -5 b. 20 c. -3 d. -2
30. Which of the following is a possible solution of the inequality 2x2-5x≤3
a. -2 b. -1 c. 0 d. -5

II. Solve the following :

A. Identify the sum and product of each given equation by completing the table below.
Given Sum of the roots ( -b/a) Product of the roots ( c/a)
x + 5x- 14=0
2 31. 33.
3x2 – 12x + 21=0 32. 34.

B. Show your complete solution in solving the problem: (35-40)

The length of a tarpaulin is 3 ft. more than its width and its area is 54 ft.2 . What is the length of
the tarpaulin?


Since parabola is a graph for quadratic inequality, what do you think are the
applications of parabola in real-life? Where can you see a parabola shape?

Prepared by : Approved :


Teacher I OIC/Head Teacher III

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