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We do express our deepest sense of gratitude and indebtedness towards our guide ER.
MEHENDER Department of mechanical engineering for his invaluable guidance, constant
encouragement, suggestions, great patience, and continuous technical support which helped
me, survive through crests and troughs of our dissertation work which got completed
successfully. It is a great privilege to work under him, who motivated us in every course of
our work and made us believe.
We also thank PROF. RAKESH THAKUR (HOD ME) and co-ordinator who have equally
given us valuable guidance and advise to improve quality of our work. We express our
sincere thanks for their suggestions, constant and continuous support throughout this work.
WE would like to extend our sincere thanks to our colleagues for their valuable assistance
and co-operation.
We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation for our parents and family members for
their constant encouragement and blessings.

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