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Charlotte Wood

For: November 18/19, 2019

2nd Grade: Boom whacker Compositions

Essential Question: What songs can we compose using our boom whackers?
Objectives: SWBAT compose short boom whacker composition using “boom whacker notation” in small
Ss will be able to work together in teams with Kagan structures to guide compositions.

MU:Cr1.1.3b, MU:Cr2.1.3b, MU:Cr3.1.3a, MU:Cr3.2.2a, MU:Pr4.2.3b, MU:Pr6.1.4b, MU:Pr6.1.3a
9.1.M.2.B1, 9.1.M.2.E1 (State)

Materials: Boom whackers, piano, crayons, solfege ladder, composition sheets, timer,


1. Hello Song – with movements

2. Teach Do Lives
a. Rote – demo, phrase, 2 phrase, whole
3. Composition Introduction (10-15 min)
a. You have done a great job being SINGERS, let’s now be COMPOSERS
i. What is a composer – talk to a partner or group of 3
b. Have sheet ready – one already colored
c. Every circle is a “TA” - colors equal boom whackers
d. You will work with your teams to compose a song
e. Only do – sol (lose FA for teams of 4)
i. Every person has to agree on a color before it is added
ii. First person chooses a color
iii. Second person is the judge – does everyone agree?
iv. Third person colors the paper
v. Fourth person praise
vi. Fifth person show the matching hand sign
g. Distribute materials to groups – number the kids
h. If there are students who don’t agree – they must have a good reason. If not, let me
j. Give a two-minute warning
4. Teach Five Fat Turkeys
a. Rote – Demo, phrase, 2 phrase, whole
5. Time filler - IOTM
6. Goodbye song
ASSESSMENT: READ COMPOSITIONS – Determine if students followed directions, if they could follow
boom whacker notations, if the teams could cooperate for the final product
Monitor general classroom behavior – can they handle transitions, teamwork, composing as a
class, do they understand the project? Can they visualize the final performance/goal?
Listen for class understanding in Turkey Song – will they be ready to add motions next time?

Develop a rubric for the grading of the project – include performance skills, including steady beat and
instrument technique, and the ability to work in a team/follow class rules.

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