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5. Art. 1839(1); 4. Ant. 1866;p.203 "5. A 1855;p, 185 Y had notice, not knowledge; Example, pp- 139-140; Art. 1833 3. (@)Itdepends; Art. 1834 (©) Art. 1834; Example, p. 137 j 5. (@) Art.1860 4. P320,000 — P150,000 = P170,000 - P20,000 = (b) Art.1861 P150,000 — P90,000 [P30,000 x 3] = P60,000 (profits) +3 = P20,000 (share of each in profits; Art. 183%(1) PART Il — PRIVATE CORPORATIONS 5. P335,000 - P320,000 - P15,000 (liability of partnership to W) + 3 = P5,000 (personal liability THE CORPORATION CODE of each partner to W) OF THE PHILIPPINES Y and Z liable to X P10,000 each (BP. BLG. 68) But separate creditors, C and D, have preference over separate property of Y and Z (Art. Title | — GENERAL PROVISION “a Hee) DEFINITIONS AND CLASSE So: X gets only P5,000 from Y (20,000 - 15,000) 1. Definitions 5, p2l X gets nothing from Z who remains liable to x for PLO000 (Art. 1839(9]) 1, Sec-2 ? ! 0 ets 10 ey eh sad corporation i That the term for wh ; certiat fincorporation, Ke of issuance ofthe IL. Discussions 6 pte 3 p.219 7. $ee.9 4 p.230 see I. Discussions 1. pp. 215-217 2. pp.234-235 3. pp. 242-243 1. Sec. 5; pp: 242-225 5. pp.218219 6p. 285 7. p.2i7. 8.) p.236 lems |. Itdepends; Sec. 2; p. 213; Sec. 4 ah Sec. 9; pp. 251-25, No. (2) No: p. 236, No. (3) Title I— INCORPORATION AND. ORGANIZATION OF PRIVATE CORPORATIONS I. Definitions Wop 2 p.290 3. p.289 4, pp. 293-294 4, Sec. 13;p. 268, No.l) 1. pp. 274-276 4, p.290 2. No;Sec. 10; p. 255 SHS TOR OEE Problems Ikdepends: Sec.» Tedepends; Sec.) No, pp. 259.269 Yes; subscribe 75000. — POM; paidup — 299, op Tie I—BoARD oF omEcTORS TRUSTESIoMcES © 4, No; See.23;p. 33, No.) PA ry Sep 510 3, depends; Sec.28: Pp. ‘A, NorSee 3p. 31 ‘Title IV —PO' er LE abetinitore 1 po 2 pol 3, p.36b 4 pas 5. pale or text is 19 orporati tof incorpora late of issuance ofthe cera oo TL Discussions 1. p.358 4. pp. 387-388 2 pp.372373 5 pote 3 p39 MI. Problems 1. Yes; pp. 384-385 No; pp. 364-365; No. (2); Example z 3. 4 : 5. Itdepends; p. 379, No. (2) Title V— BY-LAWS I Definition 1. p.398 I. Discussions II Problems L 1. p.400 2. pp. 405-406 3. p.399 1. No, p. 400, No. (4) No; Sec. 47, Ist par; p. 402, No. (1) Yes; Sec. 48, Ist par; p. 405, No. (2) ‘Title VI— MEETINGS 2 a Definitions 1. p.409 2 p.427 3. pp.422-423 pee 1 pall 2 p.Aaa & pp arias su. Palen ses % SSL tren ay a “Pends, pp, 415.416, 3. Sec. 55 No. (4) a Title Vit— sto cKS Stocciowpers 1. _ Definitions 1. pas2 Ces 2 p.A5s 5. ptt A. Yes;p-446,No.@) 5, It depends; Sec. 66 a Ee j soci Sto ists 1p eof incorpo corporation which sia B the ceria Discussions zz az | IL. Problems Problems Definition 4: Title VIII— CORPORATE BOOKS AND RECORDS 1. Definition 1 para Discussions 1, Sec. 74, Ist par; pp. 473-474 2 p.479 1. No; p. 476, No. (1) 2. Yes; p.477 Title IX— MERGER AND CONSOLIDATION Definitions 1. p.487 2. p.487 Discussions 1. pp. 487-488 2 pp. 486-487 pp. 485-486, No. (1) No; as long as the procedure prescribed is, followed; pp. 488-489 Title X — APPRAISAL RIGHT p.491 Sec. 81 Sec. 85; p. 496 1, Definition nl ‘Title x1 Non, *T9Ck conromamions 1.88.87, pan 4 Discussion 1. PP-508y5 Problem it. Tedepends, pp. 53.504 TilleXIl— CLOSE CORPORATIONS 1, Definition 1, 6.96 TL Discussions 1. Sec. 98 2 ps 1, Problems A, _Ttdepends; Sec. 97, 2nd and 3x pars 2, Tedepends;Sec.105, Title III — SPECIAL CORPORATIONS ‘Chapter 1 — Educational Corporations \. Definitions 1, p55 Dee L 2, Secs, 110, 16; p- 536, No. (2) Title XIV — DISSOLUTION I. Definitions 1 p.538 2 I, Discussions 1. p.539 2. III, Problems 1 pp. 850-551 538, (a) Itdepends; Sec. 122, 1st par. (&) pp. §51-552 2. No; pp. 120-121 Title XV — FOREIGN CORPORATIONS L Definitions 1 p.556 2 *p.556 I. Discussions 1. pp.557-558 2. pp. 568-569 IL Problems 1. Sec. 133;p.568 2 Yes;p.575,No. (1) Title XVI — MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Definitions 1, Sec. 137 2. p.587

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