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PETUNJUK UMUM Mata Pela : 2019 IT)
1. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal Tahun 0 -0 9 .3 0 (120 MEN
: 07.3
sebelum kamu menjawab. Waktu
2. Tulis nomor peserta pada
lembar jawaban komputer (LJK).
3. Untuk menjawab, hitamkan bulatan kecil yang berisi huruf A, B, C atau D
sesuai dengan jawaban yang kamu anggap benar menggunakan pensil 2B.
4. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang kamu anggap mudah.
5. Periksa pekerjaan sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.

A. PILIHAN GANDA Indikator: menyimpulkan isi dari teks

The following text is for questions 1 and 2. 2 The
. text suggests that all students should
A. Appear in Major Exam
All students are hereby informed that the last B. Inform the notice to others
date for submitting Examination Fee is 10th C. Pay late fee to Manager account
March; 2018 (Monday), after that student will D. Submitting examination fee
have to pay late fee there on.
Defaulters will not be permitted to appear in Indikator: mengidentifikasi ekspresi per­
Major Exams. setujuan

Date: 26/02/2018 3 Fira

. : Don, I think Chandra is responsi­ble
Manager Accounts for this case.
Dona : Well, that’s exactly what I think.
Rio Dewanto
From the dialogue, we may assume that…
Indikator: menganalisis dalam teks pengu­ A. Dona agrees with Fira
muman B. Dona disagrees with Fira
C. Dona has no idea about the case
1 When
. does the last date of submiting D. Dona cannot accept the fact
examination fee?
A. Before 10th March 2018 The following text is for question 4.
B. On 10th March 2018
C. Before 26th February 2018 Don’t use this toilet. It’s being repaired.
Thank you.
D. On 26th February 2018
Indikator: mengidentifikasi informasi tersirat C. OSIS prepared a graduation party for
dalam teks notice grade 9
D. The party is for all students in SMP
4 What
. should we do after reading the notice? INSAN CENDEKIA
A. Keep the toilet clean
B. Use another toilet The following text is for questions 7 to 8.
C. Help repair the toilet
D. Use the toilet on purpose COMPUTER DOCTOR
The following text is for question 5.
Dear Ibraheem,
Congratulations on your success winning
the gold medal in 2018 Junior Asian Chess
Hope it will lead you to go international
- Hega
(416) 892- 5925 | (905) 709-5925

Indikator: mengidentifikasi tujuan penu­ ON SITE SERVICE 7

lisan teks ucapan DAYS A WEEK
5 The
. text is written to… Best Rated in Toronto!
A. Ask someone to join a chess competition
B. Inform people about the best Asian
chess player Indikator: menganalisis pengguna suatu iklan
C. Inform that Ibraheem is the best Asian
chess player 7 Who
. is the above text addressed to?
D. Congratulate Ibraheem on Asean Chess A. The computer users
competition B. All computer doctors
C. All advertisement readers
The following text is for question 6. D. The advertisement creators
All of students of year 9
You are invited to Indikator: mengidentifikasi inti dari suatu iklan
Graduation Party of SMP INSAN CENDEKIA 8 What
. does the advertisement focus on?
Date: December, 20th 2017 A. Installment of computer programs
Time : 10 a.m. – 01 p.m. B. Improvement of computer network
Venue : Sultana Hotel Ballroom C. The repairs to computers on offices
JL. S. Parman Kav 9-11 Medan D. Services on all problems of computers
Come and help us celebrate it!
The following text is for question 9.
*Invitation cards are available at OSIS*
Dear Mira,
I am sorry I have to tell you that I can’t come
Indikator: menyimpulkan isi undangan
to your house to work on our projects as
6 From
. the text above we can conclude we have planned before. Unexpected thing
that… happens. My grandma must be hospitalized
A. All students must come to the party soon. I’ll tell you about our plan later.
B. Students of grade 9 invite OSIS for the Dinda
2 party


Indikator: menyimpulkan informasi dalam The following text is for questions 11 and 12.
pesan singkat To : Tom <>
9 From
. the message above, we know that … From : Rajiv <>
A. Dinda and Mira have to work together Date and Time : June 5, 2018 21:30
on their project Subject : Holiday
B. Dinda’s grandma involves in the project
C. Dinda and her grandma will meet Hi Tom, how’s life? We’re going to have a
Mira at the hospital long holiday this summer, aren’t we? What
D. Dinda expects Mira to stay in the are you going to do? You know summer is
hospital with her a good time for camping and hiking. We are
planning to go to the Devon mountain. It’s
The following text is for question 10. a nice place for fishing. There’s a river near
the campsite, but I’m not really keen on it. At
SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENT night we’ll sit around the fire and sing songs.
Friday January 25th, 2018 Why don’t you join us? It’ll be more fun if you
There will be a girls’ basketball short meet- come. Let me know soon.
ing right after school this afternoon in the Your best friend,
school library. The meeting is expected to Rajiv
last around 45 minutes and finish by 5. Every
member needs to be present in this import- Indikator: mengidentifikasi informasi ter­
ant meeting. tentu pada teks email
If anyone unable attend the meeting, find 11 What
. activities is Rajiv going to do at night
Mr. Elder for permission and further details in the Devon mountain?
about the agenda. A. Climb and go camping
Looking forward to see you all in the meeting. B. Go camping and fishing
C. Go camping and hiking
D. Sit around the fire and sing
Indikator: mengidentifikasi informasi da­
lam teks pengumuman Indikator: mengidentifikasi informasi ter­
tentu pada teks email
10 What
. should a student do if she is not able
to attend the meeting? 12 Why
. are they going to go to Devon
A. Go home Mountain?
B. Ask for permission from Mr. Elder A. It’s the summer season
C. Go to the library B. It’s a nice place for holiday
D. Let student know about Mr. Elder C. They’re going to camp and hike
D. They’re going to fish in the river

This text is for the following question 13.

This coastline is polluted
Collecting seafood or swimming
is not recommended

Council and health agency

Indikator: Menganalisis maksud dari teks Indikator: mengidentifikasi informasi ter­
peringatan tentu dalam teks narrative

13 What
. does the warning above mean? 14 What
. did the camel and the mouse deer
A. The visitors are not forbidden to argue about?
collect seafood A. Whether being tall is better than
B. You are prohibited to swim at the being short or not
polluted beach B. Whether a camel is cleverer than a
C. The coastline is not dangerous to mouse deer or not
collect seafood C. Whether being fat is better than being
D. You cannot swim alone at the beach thin or not
D. Whether being big is better than
The following text is for questions 14 to 16. being small or not
The Camel and The Mouse Deer
Indikator: menganalisis informasi yang
Long time ago, there was a camel and tidak benar pada teks narrative
a mouse deer. The camel said, “Nothing like
being tall! Look how tall I am!” The mouse 15 Which
. statement is NOT TRUE according
deer, who heard these words said, “Nothing to the text?
being short! Look how short I am” A. The camel ate some plants from a
The camel said, “Well, if I fail to prove the garden enclosed by a low wall
truth of what I said, I shall give up my hump.” B. The mouse deer ate vegetables in a
The mouse deer said, “If I fail to prove the garden enclosed by a high wall
truth of what I said, I shall give up my snout.” C. The mouse deer was able to eat the
“Agreed!” said the camel. “Just so!” said the vegetables by climbing the garden wall
mouse deer. D. The camel was able to eat the plants
They came to a garden, enclose by a by reaching them with his neck
low wall without any opening. The camel
stood on this side of the wall, and reaching Indikator: menyimpulkan nilai yang di­
the plants within by means of his long neck, usung dalam teks
made a breakfast on them. Then, he turned
16 What
. can we learn from the story?
jeeringly to the mouse deer, who had been
A. We should be generous
standing at the bottom of the wall, without
B. We are better than the other people
even having a look at the good things in the
C. We should be polite to the other
garden, and said, “Now, would you be short
or tall?”
D. We should accept ourselves as we are
Next they came to a garden, enclosed by
a high wall, with a wicket gate at one end.
The following text is for questions 17 to 18.
The mouse deer entered by the gate, and,
after having eaten his fill of the vegetables The Magic Candle
within, came out, laughing at the poor camel One day, a young wanderer lost in the
who had to stay outside because he was too wood. Suddenly, he saw a light from an old
tall to enter the garden by the gate, and said, hut. He knocked on the door, an old wom-
“Now, would you be tall or short?” an opened it. She was crying. She said that
Then, the thought the matter over and a devil had stolen her magic candle. The
came to a conclusion that the camel should candle could grant anything she asked. The
keep his hump and the mouse deer his snout, wanderer asked her where the devil lived. “In
observing, “Tall is good, where tall would do; a castle not far from here,” said the old wom-
of short, again, this is also true!” an.
The wanderer went to the castle. There The following text is for questions 19-22.
he found the devil, but he was old and weak. Pandanus amaryllifolius is a tropical plant
Therefore, when the wanderer grabbed the in the Pandanus genus, which is commonly
magic candle from the devil’s table and ran known as pandan leaves and is used widely
away, he couldn’t chase him. in South Asian and Southern Asian cooking
However, the wanderer was not a kind as a flavoring.
man. He didn’t return the candle to the old
woman, but kept it for himself. He lit the candle The characteristic aroma of pandan is caused
and made a wish, “I want to go far away from by aroma compound, which may give white
here.” bread, jasmine rice and basmati rice their
Suddenly, a genie appeared and took typical smell. The pant is rare in the wild but
him to a beautiful place. There was a party is widely cultivated. It is an upright, green
in the palace. The wanderer wanted to make plant with fan-shaped sprays of long, narrow,
some money. So, he lit the candle again and blade-like leaves and woody aerial roots. The
wished for some jewelry. He sold them to the plant is sterile, with flowers only growing
guests and was soon making a lot of money. very rarely,and is propagated by cuttings.
Then, a princess came to buy some jewelry, The leaves are used either fresh or dried, and
but there was nothing left. The wanderer are commercially available in frozen form in
felt in love with her and asked her to marry Asian grocery stores in nations where the
him. The kind princess said yes, and they got plant does not grow. They have a nutty, bo-
married the next day. tanical fragrance that is used as a flavor en-
In his happiness, the wanderer told the hancer in Indian, Indonesian, Singaporean,
princess about his adventure and the magic Filipino, Malaysian, Thai cuisines, especially
candle. Hearing that, the princess got very rice dishes and cakes. The leaves are some-
angry. At night, she lit the candle and wished times steeped in coconut milk, which is then
the wanderer disappeared. added to the dish. They may be tied in a
bunch and cooked with the food. They may
In the morning, the wanderer awoke and be woven into a basket which is used as a pot
found himself back in his ugly house in the for cooking rice.
As many people observed, the uses of pand
plant are not limited in cooking uses. Pan-
Indikator: menganalisis alasan dalam teks dan leaf is extremely useful for healing var-
bacaan narative ious wounds and diseases such as samllpox,
and is said to be a great pain reliever in such
17 Why
. was the old woman crying? headache, chest pain, arthritis, earache,and
A. The wanderer did not return the candle fever reducer as well.
B. Her magic candle had been stolen
C. She couldn’t chase the wanderer Pandan leaves grow in a sunny area where
D. The wanderer got married they can get plenty of water. It can tolerate
some shade and some drought, but is happi-
Indikator: menyimpulkan suatu informasi est when it is grown in full sun and regularly
dalam teks bacaan narative watered. It isn’t too particular as to soil type,
but the ground should be able to hold some
18 How
. many times did the wanderer lit the moisture. It does not like to grow in water-
magic candle? logged soils so good drainage is important.
A. Once C. Three times
B. Twice D. Four times

Indikator: menemukan ide utama dalam Indikator: mengidentifikasi informasi ter­
paragraf tentu dalam teks recount

19 The
. fourth paragraph mainly talks about 22 Why
. couldn’t the writer have some drink?
the ... A. He refused to pay the drink
A. Botanical features B. The plane had been broken down
B. Medicinal benefits C. There was no drink in the machine
C. Culinary use D. The service made him angry
D. Cultivation
Indikator: menyimpulkan informasi tertentu
Indikator: mengidentifikasi maksud dalam dalam teks recount
suatu kalimat
23 Who
. paid for the breakfast finally?
20 The
. underlined word in “... botanical A. The writer’s mother
fragrance that is used as a flavor enhancer” B. Someone from the airline
means ... C. The writer himself
A. A sweet or pleasing scent D. The waiter
B. A strong offensive smell
C. A disagreeable odor The following text is for questions 24 to 25.
D. A unpleasant odor Marie Currie was born in Poland in 1867.
She was the only person who gained two No-
Indikator: menyimpulkan informasi dalam bel Prizes at that time. She achieved one on
teks physics and one on chemistry. She was born as
21 Pandan
. leaves are used as ... in some of Marie Sklodowska, the daughter of a chemis­
Asian country cuisines. try professor. She was the first woman who
A. Pain reliever attended University of Sorbonne in Paris. As
B. Fever reducer a poor student, she lived in Paris on only ten
C. Wound healer cents a day for 3 years. In 1895, she married
D. Flavor enhancer Pierre Currie, a chemist. They had two daugh-
ters: Irene and Eve. Marie managed three lives
as a researcher, a wife, and a mother.
The following text is for questions 22 and 23.
In 1898, Marie discovered radium. Later
When we flew to Miami, Mum came to she developed a concept of radioactivity,
see us off at the airport. We checked in at which marked the beginning of the atom-
3 o’clock in the morning, but for some rea- ic age. During World War I, Marie and her
sons we had to hang around for hours in the daughter completed a new medical tool the
airport building; I think the plane had been X-ray. Marie died in 1934, only a year before
broken down. It was really boring. We tried her daughter Irene won the Nobel Prize in
to get a drink from the machine, but it had chemistry.
run out, so we had to wait without any drink
until the café opened at 8. The waiters finally
let us in for breakfast at 8.25. We refused to Indikator: menemukan informasi tertentu
pay for the food because we were so angry dalam teks
with the service. Finally, the waiter called for
someone from the airline who listened to 24 What
. is Marie Curie’s achievement during
World War I?
our story, apologized and paid for our meals.
A. She lived with only ten cents a day for
three years
B. She married to her husband and had
6 two daughters


C. She completed the X-ray machine Indikator: menyimpulkan isi teks
with her daughter
D. She was the first woman to study in 27 What
. is mainly discussed in the text?
Sorbonne University A. A king reign
B. A palace complex
Indikator: menyimpulkan informasi dalam C. An Islamic location
teks recount D. A historical mosque

Indikator: menyimpulkan informasi dalam

25 From
. the text we know that…
teks deskripsi
A. Pierre Currie lived in Paris and went to
Sorbonne University 28 From
. the text we know that…
B. Marie Currie’s passion for chemistry A. Some constructions of the mosque
was followed by her daughter take the local style
C. Pierre Currie was a chemistry professor B. The Banjar people burned down the
in Sorbonne University mosque
D. Irene Currie was Marie Currie’s sister C. There is nothing special from this
and had a similar passion mosque
D. The Dutch colonial built the mosque
The following text is for questions 26 to 28.
Masjid Sultan Suriansyah is a historical The following text is for questions 29 and 30.
mosque. Built in 300 years ago, this building On Saturday morning at 9:30, I was walk-
is the oldest mosques in South Kalimantan. ing down Sunda Street, looking for a record
The mosques is located in the North Kuin Vil- store. A man stopped me and asked me the
lage of Banjarmasin. It was built in the reign way to the Hyatt Hotel. I wasn’t sure exactly
of Sultan Suriansyah known as Pangeran where it was, but I walked with him to the
Samudera. He was the first Banjarnese King end of Sunda Street. He was very friendly,
who converted into Islam. This mosque was and his face looked so familiar.
founded on the bank of the Kuin River, near Then I remember where the Hyatt was
Kampung Kraton, which was destroyed by and told him how to get there. He thanked
the colonial Dutch. me and tried to give me something. I thought
The construction of Masjid Sultan Surian- it was money. I said ‘no’ at first, but he really
syah was unique. The roof is layered. It took wanted me to have it, so I took it.
the Banjar’s past architecture before Islam I found the record store and listened to a
came. Different from any other old mosque few records. D’Masive had a new record that
in Banjar, the mihrab has its own roof, sepa- was number two in the top twenty. I decid-
rated from the main building. ed to buy it. I looked in my bag for my wallet
and found a piece of paper the man gave me.
Indikator: mengidentifikasi informasi da­ It was a photo. I was so surprised! He was a
lam teks descriptive singer in D’Masive!

26 Masjid
. Sultan Suriansyah was constructed
in the era of… Indikator: mengidentifikasi ide pokok dalam
A. Banjar people suatu paragraf
B. Colonial Dutch 29 The
. last paragraph tells us about…
C. Kalimantan King A. The writer remembered where the
D. Sultan Suriansyah Hyatt was and told him how to get there

B. The writer was walking down Sunda Indikator: menganalisis karakter tokoh dalam
Street, looking for a record store bacaan
C. The writer found the record store and
was surprised at D’Masive photo 30 What
. are the characteristics of the man
D. D’Masive had a new record that was who stopped the writer?
number two in the top twenty A. Friendly and familiar
B. Selfish and wealthy
C. Kind but boastful
D. Famous but dishonest

The following text is for questions 31 to 32.

How to Use the Palsonic DVD930OPS DVD Player for Karaoke Playback

Step 1 : Connect a microphone to the Mic I input space on the front of your Palsonic DVD930OPS
DVD Player. Connect a second microphone to the Mic 2 input space if two microphones
are desired.
Step 2 : Insert the disc you will sing along with into the player, and then select the track to which
you will sing
Step 3 : Adjust the Microphone Volume Control dial as needed for the microphone volume. This is
located next to the Mic 1/ Mic 2 inputs
Step 4 : Adjust the Echodial as needed for the microphone echo volume. This dial is located next
to the microphone Volume Control dial.
Step 5 : Locate the “Follow” button on your remote control. You will find this immediately below
the number keypad on the left side. Use this to choose the correct partner mode.
Step 6 : Remove voice if needed during VCD playback by pushing “Ch/ Audio” and picking the
right channel. During DVD playback, do the same by pushing “Ch/ Audio” and picking the
right audio mode.
Step 7 : Sing your heart out!!!

Indikator: mengidentifikasi informasi ter­ Indikator: menganalisis referensi kata dalam

tentu dalam teks procedure teks

31 What
. should you do when you need the 32 “Use
. this to chose the correct partner mode”
desired volume? (step 5)
A. Locate the “Follow” button on your What does the underlined word refer to?
remote control A. “Follow” button
B. Adjust the Microphone Volume B. Volume control dial button
Control dial C. The echodial button
C. Connect a microphone to the Mic 1 D. “Ch/Audio” button
input space
D. Insert the disc you will sing along

The following text is for questions 33 to 36.

Sharks are a type of fish that lives in the sea. Sharks have lived on Earth for almost 400 million
8 years. Today, there are about 375 species (kinds) of sharks. The smallest is the dwarf dogfish which


is less than 8 inches (20 centimeters) long. The huge whale shark can be more than 50 feet (15
meters) long.
Sharks, like all fish, are vertebrates (i.e. animals with a backbone). A shark’s skeleton, however,
is not made of bone. It is made of a bendable material called cartilage. Sharks, like other fish, are
cold- blooded. They do not make their own body heat.
Sharks live in seas all over the world. Most sharks live in warm waters. However, sharks have
been spotted near the North and South Pole. Sharks live in salt water, but some can live for a while
in fresh water. Bull sharks, for example, can swim up the Mississippi River. Some kinds of sharks live
in shallow water along coastlines. Other sharks live far out in the open ocean. A few species live
deep down in the sea.
Most sharks have powerful jaws and rows of sharp, triangular teeth. They use their teeth and
jaws to crush their prey or tear out pieces of flesh. Your teeth are anchored in your jaw. A shark’s
teeth are set into its gums. Sharks often loose teeth while eating. However, there are always rows
of new teeth growing behind the first set. As a shark loses teeth, new ones move forward to re-
place them.
Fish, along with shellfish, is the favorite food of most meat-eating sharks. Great white sharks
will sometimes eat larger sea creatures such as seals, dolphins, shales, and other marine mammals.
Sharks play an important role in keeping the ecosystems in balance. Sharks often eat weak
or diseased animals. Biologists fear that without sharks, the number of other animals in the sea
would quickly grow out of control an eat all the food. It might take many years to restore the deli-
cate balance that sharks help maintains.

Indikator: menganalisis informasi tertentu Indikator: menganalisis referensi kata dalam

dalam teks kalimat

33 What
. happens when a shark loses its 35 “As
. a shark loses teeth, new ones move
tooth? forward to replace them.”
A. The sharks will not be able to eat What does the underlined word refers to?
B. The teeth are set into its gum A. Sharks C. Fishes
C. A new tooth will replace it B. Teeth D. Animals
D. There will be a hole in the tooth
Indikator: menyimpulkan informasi tertentu
Indikator: mengidentifikasi ide pokok dalam dalam teks
suatu paragraf
36 From
. the text we know that the sharks
34 What
. is the third paragraph about? are… for our ecosystem.
A. Shark’s habit C. Shark’s life A. Beneficial C. Disturbing
B. Shark’s food D. Shark’s habitat B. Dangerous D. Useless

The following text is for questions 37 to 39.

Ari’s grandmother is a very gentle, loving, and caring person. She never raises her voice at
anyone. She has lived with Ari for as long as he can remember. She takes care of him when his
Mom and Dad go to work.
Ari’s grandmother is a very neat and tidy person. She has very dry grey hair which she usually
pulls up into a bun. She has dark brown eyes that twinkle whenever she sees him. I hardly ever
see them wet. 9
Ari’s grandmother likes to tell stories. She usually tells him brief stories of her childhood. She
can act and imitate the people in the stories. Sometimes, she also tells story about Ari’s grandfa-
ther who has passed away. Ari really loves his grandmother.

Indikator: menyimpulkan isi teks deskripsi C. Likes to tell brief stories of her childhood
D. Is a very gentle, loving, and caring person
37 What
. is the text about?
A. Ari’s story Indikator: menganalisis persamaan kata
B. Grandmother’s hobby tertentu
C. Grandmother’s childhood
D. Ari’s grandmother 39 “She
. takes care of him when Mom and Dad
go to work.” (paragraph 1)
Indikator: mengidentifikasi ide pokok da­
The underlined phrase is closest in meaning
lam suatu paragraf
38 The
. main idea of the third paragraph is A. Be wise
that Ari’s grandmother… B. Be responsible for
A. Always takes care of Ari C. Give money
B. Loves Ari’s grandfather very much D. Play with

The following text is for questions 40 to 42.

First, prepare the tools to make Biopori like a drill ground and materials for the filler hole. After
that, specify the location where you want to create these holes biopori infiltration. The place has
been determined, you simply make a cylindrical hole vertically into the ground with a diameter of
10-30 cm. Design is also the depth of approximately 100 cm or not to exceed the ground water.
If the soil water was shallow, preferably the hole recommended distance is between 50-100 cm.
After the hole -biopori complete, another thing you should do is strengthen the mouth hole with
cement. Finally, fill the hole with organic waste, like garden waste and kitchen waste. That’s all. It
is easy isn’t it?

Indikator: mengidentifikasi rincian peristi­ The word “exceed” means …

wa dalam teks A. Take in C. Hand in
B. Go over D. Put into
40 What
. you should do before making a
cylindrical hole? Indikator: menyimpulkan isi dari teks prosedur
A. Create the infiltration
B. Determine the hole 42 From
. the text above we can conclude
C. Design the depth of hole that…
D. Prepare the material A. It is difficult to make biopori
B. Garden is a place for organic waste
Indikator: menganalisis maksud kata ter­ C. A drill ground can be used to make a
tentu dalam teks cylindrical hole
D. The cement is not strengthening the
41 “…not
. to exceed the ground water.” mouth hole

The following text is for questions 43 to 45. Indikator: menyimpulkan isi dari teks prosedur
Vegetable Noodles 43 The
. text above discusses…
I. Ingredients A. How to prepare vegetable noodles
100 g fine dried egg noodles quickly
1 chicken stock (kaldu) B. How to make vegetable noodles
100 g cauliflower, cut in small florets C. How to describe vegetable noodles
100 g Chinese cabbage, cut in chunky pieces clearly
4 springs onions D. How to serve vegetable noodles
1 large tomato, peeled and chopped deliciously
1 tablespoon light soy sauce
1 teaspoon ground cumin Indikator: menyimpulkan informasi dalam teks
1 teaspoon ground coriander 44 How
. long is to cook vegetable noodle
II. Steps: from preparation?
1. Soak the noodles in hot water for a few It needs… minutes.
minutes until strands are separated drain A. 30 C. 25
2. Prepare the vegetables, finely chop B. 29 D. 20
spring onions. Heat stock in a pan,
add cauliflower, Indikator: mengidentifikasi informasi dalam
cabbage, chopped spring onions, teks
tomato, sauce, cumin, and coriander 45 What
. vegetables are needed to cook
3. Add the noodles, simmer further for 3 vegetable noodle?
minutes or until the noodles are tender. A. Tomato, cabbage, and soy sauce
Serve the noodles immedi­ately. B. Cabbage, onions, and cumin
C. Cauliflower, cabbage, and onion
Preparation time : 15 minutes D. Onion, ground coriander, and tomato
Cooking time : 10 minutes
Serve : 4 bowls

Isilah soal berikut dengan isian singkat!
The following text is for questions 46 and 47.
This languange laboratory is a restricted area. Students may use the laboratory only when
there is the teacher in charge. During the laboratory lesson, a technician will always assist the
activities in case of failure on the hardware and the software. To get the assistance, please give
prior information to the technician since all equipment should be adjusted and checked an
hour before the lessons.
The students may get the copy of audio-video media and the printed materials as far as the
teacher concerns. And, those cannot be distributed to students beyond SMPN 1 Condongca-
tur. At the end of school year the materials should be returned to the laboratory for next year
activities. Don’t hesitate to contact your English teacher for that.
For comfort and safety, no food nor drink is allowed in the laboratory. Put off you shoes out.
Keep clean the laboratory.
Indikator: mengidentifikasi rincian peristiwa Indikator: menganalisis kalimat acak men­
jadi padu
46 .For keep clean and comfort in laboratory,
the student are banned to bring . . . . 49 Arrange
. these words into a meaningful
47 .A person who will always assist the acti­vi­ Must – at – this – be – kept – door –
ties in case of failure on the hardware and 1 2 3 4 5 6
the software is . . . . anytime – closed
7 8
Indikator: menganalisis kalimat acak men­ The best arrangement is …
jadi sebuah paragraf

48 Arrange
. the following sentences into a Indikator: menganalisis kalimat acak men­
good paragraph jadi padu
1) I was very happy when I realized I
could ride motorcycle 50 Lucy’s
. birthday – so – to visit – i –
2) Nonetheless, I got nervous when I 1 2 3 4
passed the narrow street
the chance – went to – last week –
3) I lost my control and fell to the ditch
5 6 7
4) One day, my father bought an old
motorcycle in the hospital – i – missed – the disaster victims
5) My father taught me how to ride the 8 9 10 11
6) My father was very patient and gave The best arrangement is …
me directions
7) In the beginning, everything ran well

The best arrangements is…


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