NCHE Guide Lines For Programme Development

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To: All Deans/ HODS / Programme developers and Reviewers

Re: Update guidelines as per NCHE to follow on accrediting programmes

1. Have a brief description of Kabale University 1 – 2 paragraphs

2. Program: Name of the program and its duration in years and semesters
3. Program Description: Explain what the program is all about in one paragraph
4. Program Rationale: Show the justification of the programme in one paragraph
5. Program Objectives: These must be in Action verbs and between 1 – 6
6. Program Learning Outcomes: These must address the impact at the end of the study
of the program in real work situation. It should answer questions on knowledge
gained, skills acquired and changes made on learners in their mind set and attitudes.
7. Program entry Requirements: These must be done according to the level of study
(a) Certificate level
(b) Diploma level
(c) Degree level
(d) Postgraduate level (PGDs, Masters and PhD)

For each, show direct entry requirements, indirect entry and mature entry requirements

8. Resources available
(a) Academic staff: Show them in the table
Name All Their Area Of Status Gender
Qualifications And Specialization Either FT /
Award Institutions PT

(b) Infrastructure
- Lecture space i.e. room available and their capacity
- Library space its capacity and availability of relevant text books
- Computer labs – show/indicate No of computers, labs, computer to student ratio,
internet usage and learning facilities.
9. Program regulations
(a) Assessment and grading
The following Grading for the under graduate programmes shall apply

Range of Marks in Letter Grades Grade Point

percentages Average
80+ A 5
75-79 B+ 4.5
70-74 B 4
65-69 C+ 3.5
60-64 C 3
55-59 D+ 2.5
50-54 D 2.0
0-49 F 0

The following Grading for the post graduate programmes shall apply

Marks Letter Grade Grade Point Interpretation

80-100 A 5 Excellent
75- 79 B+ 4.5 Very Good
70- 74 B 4.0 Good
65- 69 C+ 3.5 Fair
60- 64 C 3.0 Pass
55- 59 D 2.5 Compensatory Pass
0 – 54 F 0 Fail

(b) Progression – show it classified as:

- Normal progress
- Probationary progress
- Retaking a course
- Withdrawal from a program/ courses
- Discontinuation
10. Minimum graduation load, indicate the following:
(a) Assessment of performance
(b) Earning of credits in courses specified in the program load for graduation for each

Minimum total credit unit

For certificate programs 2 years 80
For diploma programs 2 years 80
Undergraduates 3 years 110 – 120
4 years 130 – 140
5 years 200
11. Curriculum structure: Give general overview of the program in matrix form
indicating clearly lecture hour, theory hour, practical hour, tutorial hour and credit
units per course. Indicate the sample
i. Cross cutting papers should also be indicated.
ii. Ensure that each semester has 15 weeks of teaching and 2 weeks of
iii. Each theory courses shall be allocated at least 3 hours per week,
iv. Each practical subject/course shall be allocated practical hours as follows;
(a) Undergraduate science programs, 15 hours practical class per semester
(b) Undergraduate medical programs is 30 hours practical class per semester
(c) Undergraduate engineering programs, 15 hours practical class per semester plus
industrial training
(d) Undergraduate education degree program shall have a minimum of 8 weeks of
school practice during the recess period or intersession semester of the second and
third year.
12. The program content should show course names, course codes, level of course, credit
units and brief description of the courses
13. Show the mode of delivery, model of assessment
14. Study materials with references given. All those and the content given must meet the
minimum standards of NCHE.

NB. NCHE expects submission of any program for accreditation to have these attributes.

Thank you

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