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48 - Complex Crimes • Firing a gun once is a single act

EX: machine gun - not a single act; using
In complex crimes, at least two crimes are committed but an automatic weapon killing several people
they constitute only one crime, as only one penalty is is not a complex crime
imposed upon the offender. This is intended to benefit the
offender who is, in the eyes of the law, less criminally Court of Appeals ruling
perverse than on one who commits two or more separate and Although each burst was caused by one single act of pressing the
independent crimes. trigger there was that special mechanism known to the person
using it that he only has to keep pressing the trigger and it would
The Supreme Court said if you commit several crimes by continually fire. It is not the act of pressing the trigger which
performing act let’s just give a single penalty as compared to should be considered it is the number of bullets which is actually
giving several penalty because it is different from performing produced.
several acts to commit several crimes.
Pp v Buyco
Two kinds of complex crimes: Use of automatic weapon killing several people, the SC ruled
complex crime. The reason for this is that the victims seemed to
 Compound Crime – a single act constitutes two or
be standing in a straight line .
more grave or less grave felonies.
Tabaco and Varags case
The single act of throwing a bomb at a group of people killing Using and automatic weapon killing several people, the SC ruled
everyone (5 people), it technically results to 5 cases of murder. not a complex crime. The victims were sitting on a bench.
Since he only committed one act he should not be in the same
situation as the person who performed 5 different acts to kill 5 Two or more grave or less grave felonies.
different people. The law should be in favor to the person  In case the single act produces light felonies, they are either treated
committing one act because he is not as criminal perverse as the as:
person who committed 5 different acts. - separate offenses; or
- absorbed
Hypothetical Case  The rule that light felonies are absorbed should only be applied
when there is only one victim. (abandoned)
Let’s say you have a gun with 6 bullets you fired your gun 6
times and maybe you can kill 6 different people but kung mo
ingon ka na pwede mag linya mo “BANG!” pag pusil ug 3 patay Pp v De Los Santos
sa usa ka bullet you still have 5 more bullets to kill someone. The slight physical injuries caused by Glenn to the ten other
Diba mas kuyaw, pero in the eyes of the law you are less victims through reckless imprudence, would, had they been
criminally perverse when committing one act compared to the intentional, have constituted light felonies. Being light felonies,
one committing several acts. which are not covered by Art 48, they should be treated and
punished as separate offenses. Separate information should have,
therefore, been filed.
 Complex Crime Proper – one offense is a necessary
means for committing the other. Ivler case
Ex: falsifying cedulas so as to collect fees from Abandoned Pp v De los Santos, do not apply art. 48 in cases of
persons to whom they are issued. reckless imprudence because there is only one crime. The word
“resulting in” is just a consequence of the crime. So, there is no
Estafa by means of falsification of public document need for us to talk of a single act resulting in two or more less
 Falsifying extra-judicial partition of estate grave felonies because it only one felony, the felony of reckless
- a person dies leaving several heirs and that person imprudence.
charged has a piece of property in his name, under certain
circumstances you don’t have to go to court to partition the Two people nagsakay sa sakyanan gi dasmagan sa accused, one
property, the person charged presented himself as the only passenger died while the other sustain slight physical injuries.
heir to the interested buyer of the property and adjudicated The fiscal following the ruling of the de los santos case said that
the property unto himself and sell the property to Mr. X two cases must be filed, reckless imprudence resulting in
homicide and reckless imprudence resulting in physical injuries
Compound Crime because the de los santos case said that separate information must
Requisites: be filed for light felonies. The SC said you’re wrong for
1. Only a single act is performed by the offender following us because we changed our mind. Ivler pleaded guilty
for reckless imprudence resulting in slight physical injuries and
2. The sing act produces:
filed motion to quash reckless imprudence resulting in homicide.
a. Two or more grave felonies Pag plead guilty, object dayon sila to the prosecution for reckless
b. One or more grave and one or more less imprudence resulting in homicide, double jeopardy di na pwede
grave felonies fiscal following the de los santos ruling. The SC said Ivler is
c. Two or more less grave felonies correct, since this is one offense the prosecution should have
filed one case, reckless imprudence resulting in homicide and
One single act slight physical injuries. There shall be no splitting of charges,
• Throwing a hand grenade into a group of people only one information because art. 48 does not apply because
is a single act there is only one offense committed there is no complex crime in
• Placing a bomb in an airplane is a single act reckless imprudence.

Criminal Law notes | Fiscal Carillo | Compiled by: Angelika Cotejo EH203 1
Several offenders and several victims How does complex crime favor the accused?
 Where there are several offenders and it cannot be  Instead of several penalties only one penalty is
ascertained who among them killed the several imposed.
deceased, there is only one crime committed. This
ruling should only be applied when it cannot be Penalty for complex crime
ascertained who among the offenders killed the • The penalty is for the most serious crime committed
victims (Sanidad, April 30, 2003; Lawas, June 30, to be applied in its maximum period.
1955; Abellla, Aug 31, 1979)
 Principle of single criminal impulse Continued crime
• A continued, continuing or continuous crime is not
specifically provided for in the RPC. The principles
Complex Crime Proper on continued crime are based on a single criminal
Requisites: impulse and should result in one criminal liability.
1. At least two offenses;
2. One or some must be necessary means to commit • The difference in DELA CRUZ and ENGUERO is
the other; that in DELA CRUZ there was evidence that there
3. Both or all the offenses must be punished under the was a general plan to commit robbery in the vicinity
same statute (RPC). of the eight households. In ENGUERO no such
evidence was presented.
At least two offenses
 Falsification as a means to commit malversation
 Usurpation of official functions as a means to commit ART. 49 - Penalty when crime committed is different from
simple seduction that intended

Necessary means • This article is only applicable in error in personae

 Necessary does not mean indispensable on which the • In aberratio ictus two crimes are committed, therefore,
offense would be considered as an element of the Art. 48 (complex crimes) is applicable;
offense and the result would be one felony • In praeter intentionem (the crime is greater than what
committed. is intended), the offender is liable for the crime
 The other crime must be a means to commit not to actually committed.
conceal. If the other crime is used to conceal the
other, they are separate offenses. Rules:
1. If the penalty for felony committed is higher than the
penalty for the offense which the accused intended,
Applicability of Article 48 the lower penalty shall be imposed in its maximum
 Art. 48 is applicable only when the RPC does not period.
provide a specific penalty for a Special Complex 2. If the penalty for the felony committed be lower than
Crime (RA 7659 “the heinous crime act”) the penalty for the offense which the accused
e.g. Kidnapping w/ Murder of Homicide, intended, the lower penalty shall be imposed in its
Robbery w/ Homicide, Rape with Homicide maximum period.
3. If the act committed also constitutes an attempt or
Primary intention of rape and after thought na lang ang pagkuha frustration of another crime, and the law prescribes a
sa bag na LV. That was merely an afterthought. There was no higher penalty for either of the latter, the penalty for
need anymore for force or intimidation. Dapat rape with robbery. the attempted or frustrated shall be imposed in its
maximum period.
Forcible abduction with rape
 The abduction is a necessary means to commit rape. This
should only be applied to the first rape. If subsequent rapes
are committed, they are separate felonies, since the ART. 50 - 57
abduction was no longer necessary for their commission.
• Rules in determining the imposable penalties for
Requisites: accomplices and accessories of frustrated and
1. Forcibly taking attempted felonies.
2. a woman • Degree is one entire penalty
3. with lewd/ unchaste design
• Period is one of the three equal portions of a divisible
*SC said it is not unchaste for a single man to forcibly take a penalty
single woman because they have no legal impediment to marry • A period when prescribed by the RPC as a penalty for
each other a felony is considered a degree.

Criminal Law notes | Fiscal Carillo | Compiled by: Angelika Cotejo EH203 2
* General rule: if the penalty is composed of 3 periods the
The SC said that if the penalty consists of two indivisible penalty, penalty next lower in degree are the 3 periods immediately
the penalty next lower in degree is the penalty immediately following
3. When the penalty prescribed for the crime is composed
of one or two indivisible penalties and the maximum
ART. 60- Exceptions
period of another divisible penalty the penalty next lower
in degree shall be composed of the medium and minimum
• The rules in Art. 50-57 are not applicable where the
periods of the proper divisible penalty and the maximum
law specifically provides for a penalty for a frustrated or
period of that immediately following. (memorize)
attempted state of a felony.  The penalty for murder consists two indivisible
penalty of dealth and reclusion perpetua and one divisible
penalty of reclusion temporal in maximum period. The
ART. 61 - Rules for graduating penalties penalty immediately following reclusion tempporal is
presion mayor.
Basis for graduation of penalties is the scale in Art. 71.
• Death
• Reclusion Perpetua 4. When penalty prescribed is composed of several
• Reclusion Temporal periods (at least 3) the penalty next lower in degree shall
• Prision Mayor be composed of the period immediately following the
• Prision Correccional minimum prescribed and of the two next following either
• Arresto Mayor from the penalty prescribed or the penalty immediately
• Destierro following. (general rule)
• Arresto Menor
• Public censure Example Illustration:
• Fine max

Prision Mayor med

1.When the penalty prescribed for felony is single and min
Simple robbery
indivisible, the penalty next lower in degree shall be that
immediately following that indivisible penalty.
Death Prision Correccional med

Reclusion Perpetua – penalty min

Reclusion Temporal – penalty next lower in 1 degree lower

degree max

Arresto Mayor med

2. When the penalty prescribed for the crime is composed
of two indivisible penalties, or of one or more divisible min
penalties to be imposed to their full extent, the penalty
next lower in degree shall be that immediately following * not sure but dakog chance na mo gawas sa exam*
the lesser of the penalties prescribed.
Two indivisible:
 Death parricide 5. Not specially provided for in rules 1-4 proceed by
 Reclusion perpetua analogy.
 Reclusion temporal - penalty next lower • If the penalty consists of two periods, the penalty
next lower in degree is the penalty consisting of two
 One or more divisible penalties to be imposed to their periods immediately down the scale.
full extent • If the penalty consists only of one period, the penalty
 One divisible penalty to be imposed to its next lower in degree is the next period immediately
full extent is reclusion temporal; two down the scale
divisible penalties to be imposed to their
full extent are prision correccional to If the given penalty is composed of one, two, or three periods, the
penalty next lower in degree should begin where the given
prision mayor. penalty ends because if it were to skip over intermediate ones, it
 The penalty immediately following the divisible
would be lower but not next lower in degree.
penalty of reclusion temporal is prision mayor
and the penalty immediately following the
It is only after the penalty next lower in degree is already
lesser of the penalties of prision correctional to
determined that the mitigating or aggravating circumstance
prision mayor is arresto mayor.
should be considered.

Criminal Law notes | Fiscal Carillo | Compiled by: Angelika Cotejo EH203 3
ART. 62 - Application of mitigating, aggravating *Affects only those who had knowledge (not necessarily
circumstance and habitual delinquency (mo gawas sa exam) that you participated in how it was committed) of them of
the execution of the act or their cooperation therein.
Par. 1
 Aggravating circumstance which in themselves Two points in acquiring knowledge before you will be
constitute or are included by law in defining the affected of such circumstance:
crime – no effect
 “by means of fire” not taken into 1. At the time of the execution you knew that it is
consideration in arson how the crime will be committed; or
 “dwelling” in robbery with force upon 2. At the time you cooperated
 “abuse of confidence” in qualified theft Even if you are knowledgeable of how the crime was
committed at the actual commission but at the time of your
 Taking advantage of public position and committed cooperation as an accessory you knew it was committed
by a syndicate – maximum regardless of mitigating with treachery then you will also be liable or at least
circumstance affected by that circumstance of treachery.
 Syndicate – two or more persons

Par. 2 - Inherent Par. 5 - Habitual Delinquency

 When the aggravating circumstance is inherent in the
crime – no effect First conviction and first release 10 years to your next
 Evident premeditation inherent in robbery conviction and then to your second conviction and its
and theft release another 10 years to your third conviction. Upon
your third conviction you are already considered as a
Par. 3 - Circumstance relating to the persons participating habitual delinquent. The effect results in an additional
in the crime penalty and not an aggravating circumstance.
• Moral attributes of the offender
Ex. Evident premeditation (aggravating)
 refers only to certain crimes: serious and less serious
Passion or obfuscation (mitigating)
physical injuries, robbery, theft, estafa and
• Private relations of offender and offended party
Ex. Relationship (e.g. father and son)
 it results in an additional penalty; not merely an
• Any other personal cause
increase in the penalty
Ex. Minority
 the additional penalty is imposed upon a third
 the 10 years shall always be computed from the last
*In these three instances the aggravating or mitigating
conviction OR release.
circumstances shall affect only those to whom such
 the subsequent crimes must be committed after
circumstance is present.
conviction of the former crime
Legal principle to use in answering:
 The rule in the RPC or the rule under law for the
ART. 63 - Indivisible penalties
circumstances relating to persons participating
in the crime is that it only affects those to whom
 Single Indivisible Penalty – imposed regardless of the
such circumstance is present. In this case since
presence of any mitigating or aggravating
one of the accused is a relative then only the
relative will be affected by the circumstance of
 Two Indivisible Penalties:
relationship the others cannot be affected as
a. One aggravating – greater penalty
b. No mitigating no aggravating – lesser penalty
• Some mitigating no aggravating -
lesser penalty
Par. 4 - Circumstance consisting in the material execution
• Both – offset according to number
of the crime and importance
 Material execution - treachery
 Means employed - fire Unless you have privilege mitigating circumstance you just don’t
go down by period you go down by actual degrees. If you have
privilege mitigating circumstance you can go down from
reclusion perpetua to reclusion temporal. If it’s two degrees
lower you go down to prision mayor.

Criminal Law notes | Fiscal Carillo | Compiled by: Angelika Cotejo EH203 4
ART. 64 - Penalties which contain 3 periods 3. The difference should be divided into three equal
5 years and 6 months ÷ 3 = 1 years and 10 months
1. No aggravating and no mitigating - medium period
2. Only a mitigating – minimum
3. Only an aggravating – maximum 4. The minimum (including the 1 day) is the minimum of
4. When there are both aggravating and mitigating the minimum period. Add the quotient to the minimum and
circumstances the court shall offset one against the you have the maximum of your minimum period.
6 months and 1 day + 1 years and 10 months = 6 months and 1 day to 2 years and 4 months
5. Two or more mitigating and no aggravating
circumstance - penalty next lower in degree in the
period applicable according to the number and nature 5. Add 1 day to the maximum of the minimum period
of circumstance. This is called a Privileged and you have the minimum of the medium period. Add the
Mitigating Circumstance. (you go down by degree) quotient to the minimum (w/o including the one day) and
 The mitigating circumstance that constitutes the you have the maximum of the medium period of the
privileged mitigating circumstance can no penalty.
longer be considered in deter imposable period.
2 years and 4 months and 1 day to 4 years 2 months

ART. 65 - Dividing penalties (divisible) in 3 equal portions 6. Add 1 day to the maximum of the medium and you
have the minimum of the maximum period of the penalty.
Add the quotient to the minimum of the maximum period
of the penalty.
1. Determine the duration of the penalty in its entirety
by ascertaining the minimum and max 4 years 2 months and 1 day to 6 years
2. Determine the time included in the penalty prescribed
by subtracting the min from the max. the min
subtracted from must not include the 1 day. ART. 66 - Imposition of fines
3. The difference should be divided into 3 equal  Wealth or means of the culprit is the primary
portions consideration
4. The minimum (including the 1 day) is the minimum  Mitigating and aggravating circumstance shall also
of the minimum period. Add the quotient to the be considered
minimum and you have the maximum of your
minimum period.
5. Add 1 day to the maximum of the minimum period ART. 67 - Penalty when accident is present
and you have the minimum of the medium period.  Accident is an exempting circumstance under Art 12,
Add the quotient to the minimum (without including par 4. If not all elements are present then the offender
the one day) and you have the maximum of the is punished in the same manner as a person liable for
medium period of the penalty reckless imprudence under Art 365
6. Add 1 day to the maximum of the medium and you
have the minimum of the maximum period of the
penalty. Add the quotient to the minimum (without
ART. 68 - Penalty upon a person under 18
including the one day) and you have the maximum of
RA 9344
the maximum period of the penalty.
15 years and under – no criminal liability (intervention)
Above 15 below 18 – exempt unless acting with
Illustartive Example: (basin mo gawas sa exam) discernment (diversion)
Prision correccional
ART. 69 - Crime not wholly excusable
1. Determine the duration of the penalty in its entirety
 Some of the elements of a justify or exempting
by ascertaining the min and max.
circumstance is present.
6 months and 1 day to 6 years
2. Determine the time included in the penalty prescribed
 One or two degrees lower. Privileged mitigating
by subtracting the minimum from the maximum. The
minimum subtracted from must not include the 1 day.
6 years - 6 months = 5 years and 6 months

Criminal Law notes | Fiscal Carillo | Compiled by: Angelika Cotejo EH203 5
ART. 70 - Service of Sentence  Fines are increased or decreased by one-fourth (1/4)
of the maximum.
 Simultaneous if the nature of the penalties allow  There must be a minimum and a maximum for this
otherwise the penalties must be served successively. article to be applicable.
 Disqualification, suspension, destierro, censure, civil  Only the maximum is increased or decreased, the
interdiction, confiscation and costs are penalties that minimum is never changed.
may be served simultaneously.
Increasing or decreasing the fine
Penalties of imprisonment  Fine of P200-P2,000
 Multiple penalties consisting of imprison have to be  ¼ of P2,000 = P500
served successively  One degree lower would be a fine of P200 – P1,500
 The order of severity in Art 71 must be observed. The  Two degrees lower would be a fine of P200 – P1,000
most severe must be served first.

Three-fold rule ART. 76 - Legal period of divisible penalties

 A convicts sentence shall not exceed more than 3
times the length of time corresponding to the most  The intention of the law is to give the three periods of
severe of the penalties imposed on him a penalty equal or uniform duration due to the ff:
 equal and uniform duration
Shall not exceed 40 yrs  does not require that they be used even
 Does not include the imposition of subsidiary when the periods of a prescribed penalty
imprisonment correspond to different divisible penalties
 will result in the periods not being of equal
ART. 71 - Graduation of penalties and uniform duration
 Art 65 requires that a divisible penalty be
 Under RA 9346 death has been effectively eliminated divided into three equal portions
from the list of imposable penalties under Art 71  making an exception out of a penalty
 This affects not only the consummated stage and the composed of periods corresponding to
principals but also for the frustrated and attempted different penalties would have no legal
stage as well with the respect to the accomplice and basis.
Arresto Mayor does not follow the general rule.
 Death (capital)  Minimum – 1 month 1 day to 2 months
 Reclusion Perpetua  Medium – 2 months 1 day to 4 months
 Reclusion Temporal  Maximum – 4 months 1 day to 6 months
 Prision Mayor
 Prision Correccional
 Arresto Mayor
 Arresto Menor ART. 77 - Complex Penalty
 Destierro  Complex penalty is a penalty composed of three
 Public Censure distinct penalties, i.e., Reclusion temporal to death
 Suspension  Lightest - minimum
 Next - medium
*Art. 25 - Classification; Art. 70 - Severity  Most severe - maximum
ART. 72-74
 Art. 72 Satisfaction of civil liability is based on the INDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW
chronological order that they are imposed.
 Art 73 Accessory penalties under Arts 40-45 are  A penalty with a minimum and a maximum instead of
deemed imposed. Subsidiary imprisonment not an a straight penalty.
accessory penalty  Authorizes the release of a convict after having
 Art 74. Death shall not be imposed through the served the minimum of his sentence.
process of graduation.
ISL does not apply:
ART. 75 - Increasing or decreasing fine by one or more • Convicted; death or life imprisonment;
degrees • Convicted; of treason, conspiracy or proposal to
commit treason;

Criminal Law notes | Fiscal Carillo | Compiled by: Angelika Cotejo EH203 6
• Convicted of misprision of treason, rebellion,  Max is Prision Mayor in its max (complex crime is
sedition, or espionage; the aggravating circumstance)
• Convicted of piracy;  indeterminate sentence is, therefore, Prision
• Habitual delinquents; Correccional to Prision Mayor Maximum.
• Escaped from confinement or evaded sentence;
• Violated the terms of the conditional pardon;
• Imprisonment; maximum does not exceed 1 year; Privileged Mitigating Circumstance
• Those already sentenced by final judgment at the  General Rule is: find the penalty next lower in degree
time of the approval of the law. (Dec. 5, 1933) to the penalty prescribed by law w/o first considering
• Destierro or suspension the attending circumstances.
 Exception is: a privilege mitigating circumstance
(two or more mitigating circumstance w/o any
RPC and Special Laws aggravating circumstance, Art 64 par 5). In this case
Special Law the privileged mitigating circumstance is applied
 minimum – not less than the minimum prescribed by law first to determine the basis for the minimumof the
 maximum – not exceed the maximum fixed by law penalty prescribed by law.

 minimum – shall be w/in the range of the penalty next Estafa through Falsification by a Public Officer with two
lower to that prescribed by the Code for the offense. mitigating and no aggravating (privileged mitigating
 maximum – that, in view of the attending circumstance. circumstance).
Could be properly imposed under the rules of the RPC.
• Penalty for the more serious offense (falsification) is
Prision Mayor.
• Apply the attending circumstance (privileged
• Ascertain the penalty prescribed for the offense mitigating circumstance) first. One degree lower than
without considering the attendant circumstance Prision Mayor is Prision Correccional. (exception to
• Use the said penalty as the basis for determining the the general rule)
minimum, which is the penalty next lower in degree. • One degree lower than Prision Correccional is
This is the minimum of the indeterminate sentence. Arresto Mayor. Arresto Mayor is the minimum.
• Fix the maximum by imposing the penalty prescribed • Maximum is Prision Correccional in its max, because
by the law taking into consideration the attending it is a complex crime.
circumstances. • Indeterminate sentence is Arresto Mayor to Prision
Correccional Maximum.

Homicide, no mitigating no aggravating

• Homicide is punished by Reclusion Temporal Homicide w/ Direct Assault; one privileged mitigating
• Penalty next lower in degree (1 degree) to Reclusion circumstance (minority) and one ordinary mitigating
Temporal is Prision Mayor. Prision Mayor is the circumstance. (plea of guilty)
minimum of your indeterminate sentence. • Homicide is the more serious offense (Reclusion
• Maximum is Reclusion Temporal in its medium Temporal)
period since there is no aggravating or mitigating • Apply the privileged mitigating, next lower in degree
circumstances. is Prision Mayor. This is the basis for the minimum.
• The indeterminate sentence, therefore, is Prision • One degree lower than Prision Mayor is Prision
Mayor to Reclusion Temporal Medium. Correctional. Prision Correctional is the minimum.
*(kini ang mo gawas sa exam dili katong compute2)
• Prision Mayor is applied in its maximum period
because it is a complex crime but in the minimum
period of the max because of the ordinary mitigating
Frustrated Homicide w/ Direct Assault circumstance of plea of guilty.
 Penalty prescribed for a complex crime is the most • Indeterminate sentence is Prision Correccional to
serious offense Prision Mayor Maximum in its minimum period.
 Direct Assault – Prision Correccional Med-Max.
Penalty for complex crime is for the graver offense
which is Prision Mayor. Probation
 Frustrated homicide – Prision Mayor;
 Penalty next lower to Prision Mayor (basis) is Prision  probation – is a disposition where a convict is
Correccional. (minimum) released subject to conditions imposed by the court
 Prision Correccional is the minimum. and to the supervision of a probation officer.

Criminal Law notes | Fiscal Carillo | Compiled by: Angelika Cotejo EH203 7
 In probation, a convict’s sentence consisting of ART. 89 - Total Extinction of criminal liability.
imprisonment is not executed, rather the convict is
released subject to the conditions of the probation.
When the convict violates the terms, he may be • Death
required to serve the sentence. • Service of sentence
• Amnesty
• Absolute pardon
When to apply for probation • Prescription of the crime
 The application for probation must be filed within the • Prescription of the penalty
period for perfecting an appeal (15 days from • Marriage (ART 344)
 When a convict has perfected an appeal, an Death
application for probation cannot be granted.. Personal penalties – extinguished whether death occurs
before or after conviction.
Sable v Pp Pecuniary penalties are extinguished when death occurs
“the probation law is patently clear that no application for before final judgment. Fines and cost shall subsist if death
probation shall be entertained or granted if the defendant occurs after final judgment.
has perfected the appeal from the judgment of conviction.”
Death before final judgment.
“consequently, probation should be availed of at the first When death occurs before final judgment, e.g., pending
opportunity by convicts who are willing to be reformed appeal, the criminal liability of the accused is extinguished
and rehabilitated; who manifest spontaneity, condition and as well as his civil liability if it is based solely on the
remorse.” offense committed. If the civil liability can be predicated
on some other source of obligation other than delict
Colinares v Pp (crime), e.g., law, contracts or quasi-delict, the claim for
In a real sense, the court’s finding that Arnel was guilty, civil liability survives.
not of frustrated homicide, is an original conviction that
for the first time imposes on him a probationable penalty. Pp v. Bayotas
Had the RTC done him right from the start, it would have • Death of the accused pending appeal of his conviction
found him guilty of the correct offense and imposed on extinguishes his criminal liability as well as the civil liability
him the right penalty of two years and four months based solely thereon. As opined by Justice Regalado, in this
maximum. This would have afforded Arnel the right to regard, “death of the accused prior to final judgement terminates
his criminal liability and only the civil liability directly arising
apply for probation.
from and based solely on the offense committed.
• Corollarily, the claim for civil liability survives
Disqualified from probation notwithstanding the death of accused, if the same may also be
 sentence to a maximum term of imprisonment of predicated on a source of obligation other than delict. ART 1157
more than 6 years; of the Civil Code enumerates these other sources of obligation
 convicted of subversion, crimes against national from which the civil liability may arise as a result of the same act
or omission.
security or public order;
 previously convicted by final judgment by:
Amnesty and pardon
- imprisonment of more than 6 months, and/or
 Amnesty completely extinguishes the offense, the
- fine more than 1, 000.00
penalty and the effects thereof. However, pardon does
 have been once on probation;
not extinguish civil liability.
 those already serving sentence at the time the
 Pardon merely exempts the convict from the
provisions of the probation law became applicable.
punishment the law inflicts for a crime committed.

Periods of probation Amnesty Pardon

 if term of imprisonment is not more than 1 year  Group/class  Individual
probation shall not exceed two years.  May be exercised before  Exercised after conviction
 if sentenced to more than 1 year probation shall not or after conviction
exceed 6 years.  Looks backward  Looks forward
 Completion of the period of probation and discharge  Affects recidivism  Recidivism stays
of the probationer shall operate to restore him to all  Civil liability remains  Civil liability remains
civil rights.  Public act of the  Private act of the President

Prescription of the crime/penalty

Criminal Law notes | Fiscal Carillo | Compiled by: Angelika Cotejo EH203 8
• The State loses the right to prosecute an offender to
the lapse of time. Prescription
• The State loses right to execute final sentence after
the lapse of time.  Prescription of penalties – sentence must be final
• Marriage of the offended woman (ART 344); must be  Prescription of crimes – penalty prescribed by law
in good faith  Prescription of penalties – penalty imposed

Pp v SANTIAGO ART. 91 - Computation of Period

“The manner in which the appellant dealt with the girl • Commences to run on the day the crime is discovered
after the marriage, as well as before, shows that he had no by the offended part, authorities, or their agents
bona fide intention of making her his wife, and the • It is interrupted by the filing of complain or
ceremony cannot be considered binding on her because of information
duress. The marriage was therefore void for lack of • Commences to run again when the proceedings
essential consent. And it supplies no impediment to the terminate without the accused being convicted or
prosecution of the wrongdoer.” acquitted or unjustifiably stopped for any reason not
imputable to him.

ART. 90 - Prescription of crimes

ART. 92 - Prescription of Penalties
 Prescription of penalties – sentence must be final.
The state loses the right to prosecute an offender.  Prescription of crimes – penalty prescribed by law
Penalty Prescription  Prescription of penalties – penalty imposed
Death, Reclusion Perpetua, Reclusion Temporal 20 years
Other Afflictive penalties 15 years
ART. 93 - Computation of period
Correctional penalties 10 years
Except by Arresto Mayor 5 years
 Commence to run when culprit evades service of
Libel and other similar offenses 1 year sentence.
Oral Defamation and Slander by Deed 6 months  Interrupted when convict:
Light Offenses 2 months  Gives himself up
-  Captured
Prescriptive periods of crimes punished by special laws  Goes to a foreign country with which the
(Act No. 3763) government has no extradition treaty, or
Punished by:  Commits another crime before the expiration of
the period Evasion of service of sentence is
 Fine/ Imprisonment (not more than 1 month) - 1 year
essential for the rules on prescription to apply.
 Imprisonment > 1 month, less than 2 yrs - 4 years

Rules in special laws ART. 94 - Partial Extinction

• Period of prescription begins from the date of  Conditional Pardon - Condition usually takes the
commission or date of discovery up to the institution form of an undertaking that the convict shall not
of judicial proceedings. violate any penal law.
• Period is interrupted when proceedings are instituted  Commutation - Commutation reduces the degree of
against guilty person and begins to run again if the penalty or reduces the length of imprisonment.
proceedings are dismissed for reasons not
constituting double jeopardy.
• Accused cannot be convicted of a lesser offense than ART. 97 - Good Conduct Allowances
that charged if the lesser offense has already
prescribed at the time the information was filed.  Good conduct of a prisoner during his imprisonment
will result in a deduction of his sentence:
Interruption First 2 years of good behavior 5 days/ month
 RPC - filing of complaint or information 3rd to 5th year of good behavior 8 days/ month
6th to 10th year of good behavior 10 days/ month
 SPL - institution for judicial proceeding for
11th and sucessive years of good behavior 15 days/ month
investigation and punishment
 RPC & SPL - filing with public prosecutor
 Ordinances - filing of information in court ART. 98 - Special time allowance for loyalty.

Criminal Law notes | Fiscal Carillo | Compiled by: Angelika Cotejo EH203 9
 Offended party reserves the right to institute it
 1/5 of the period of the sentence; separately;
 Evade service during disorders, conflagrations,  Offended party institutes the civil action prior to the
earthquakes, or other calamities; criminal action.
 Gives himself up within 48 hours following the
proclamation announcing the passing away of the
calamity or catastrophe.
 An essential element of this article is that the convict
must leave the penal institution. Separate civil action
 The filing of a criminal action is not necessary to the
filing of and prosecution of a civil action, thus the
ART. 100 - Civil Liability term “separate civil action”.
 However, once a criminal action has been filed, there
 A person who is criminally liable is also civilly are two scenarios that may arise.
liable. • If the criminal action is filed ahead of the
 This principle is based on the dual character of a separate civil action- the separate civil action
crime. arising therefrom cannot be instituted until final
 A crime is (1) an offense against the State because it judgment has been rendered in the criminal
disturbs the social order and (2) it injures a private action.
individual unless there is no private injury that is • If the civil action is filed ahead of the
inflicted or the nature of the crime does not involve criminal action – the civil action shall be
injury to private individuals. suspended in whatever stage before judgment on
the merits. Suspension shall last until final
Acquittal judgment.
 Acquittal in the criminal case does not carry with it
extinction of the civil liability.
 EXCEPTION: When there is a finding in the final Applicability of the rules.
judgment that the act or omission from which the  Identity of parties and subject matter.
civil liability may arise does not exist, the civil  The claimant in the civil action is the offended party
liability is deemed extinguished. in the criminal action and both cases arise from the
same offense or transaction.
Abellana v Pp
Simply stated, civil liability arises when one, by reason of
his own act or omission, done intentionally or negligently, Separate civil action
causes damage to another. Hence, for petitioner to be  If the offended party has reserved the right to file a
civilly liable to spouses Alonto, it must be proven that the separate civil action, he loses the right to intervene in
acts he committed had caused damage to the spouses. the prosecution of the criminal case. (You can still
testify as a witness but you are not allowed to collect
Instances when the extinction of the criminal liability does  If the offended party is represented by a private
not extinguish civil liability. prosecutor in the criminal case and the court did not
 Reasonable doubt. When the acquittal is based that award any civil liability, he cannot file an
proof beyond reasonable doubt has not been independent civil action for said civil liability.
 Non-imputability. In cases of insanity, imbecility or
minority. Prejudicial question
 In actions for negligence. Civil liability may be based  Generally, a criminal case should be decided first
on quasi-delicit before the civil action arising from the crime. An
 Only civil liability. exception to the rule is a Prejudicial Question.
 Independent civil actions. ART 31, 32, 33 and 34 of  A prejudicial question is a civil case that must be
NCC. (do not confuse this with a separate civil action) decided first before the criminal action. It requires:
Under the Rules of Court; Criminal Procedure. (1) a previously instituted civil action whose issues
are similar or intimately related to the issues raised in
When a criminal action is instituted, the civil action for a subsequent criminal action, and
recovery of civil liability arising from the offense charged (2) the resolution of such issue determines whether
shall be deemed instituted with the criminal action unless: the criminal action may proceed or not. (Sec. 6, Rule
 Offended party waives the civil action 111 RRC)

Criminal Law notes | Fiscal Carillo | Compiled by: Angelika Cotejo EH203 10
• A civil action where the genuineness of a document is the victim and that petitioner was responsible therefore –
put in issue is prejudicial to the criminal case for P50,000.00
falsification of the same document.
• A petition for the annulment of a subsequent Loss of earning capacity
marriage on grounds of duress is a prejudicial  The award of P135,331.00 for the loss of earning
question to a criminal case for bigamy. capacity was also in order. The prosecution
satisfactorily proved that the victim was earning an
annual income of P14,000.00 from the harvest of
pineapples. Besides, the defense no longer impugned
Pp v Jadap this award of the trial court. (Seguritan)
As to damages, when death occurs due to a crime, the
following may be awarded: (1) civil indemnity ex delicto Actual damages; receipts
for death of the victim; (2) actual or compensatory  This has to be supported that these damages were
damages; (3) moral damages; (4) exemplary damages; and actually spent and there is need for compensation. Of
(5) temperate damages. course this is not the only way but there must be
sufficient proof of the actual amounts
 Civil indemnity is mandatory and granted to the heirs  It is error for the trial court and the appellate court to
of the victim without need of proof other than the award actual damages of P30,000.00 for the expenses
commission of the crime. In cases of murder and incurred for the death of the victim. We perused the
homicide, moral damages may be awarded without records and did not find evidence to support the plea
allegation and proof of emotional suffering of the fro actual damages. (Seguritan)
heirs, other than the death of the victim, since the
emotional wounds from the vicious killing of the Temperate damages
victim cannot be denied. (Jadap)  When pecuniary loss has been suffered but the
amount cannot, from the nature of the case, be proven
Exemplary damages with certainty, temperate damages may be recovered
 ART. 2230 of the Civil Code states that exemplary (P25,000.00). (Seguritan)
damages may be imposed when the crime was  In People vs Villanueva, we held that when actual
committed with one or more aggravating damages proven by receipts during the trial amount
circumstances, as in this case. (Jadap) to less than P25,000.00 is justified in lieu of actual
damages for a lesser amount. (Quidet vs Pp, GR No.
Pp v Rante 170289, April 8, 2010)
Being corrective in nature, exemplary damages, therefore,
can be awarded, not only in the presence of an aggravating Moral damages
circumstance, but also where the circumstance of the case  Moral damages was correctly awarded to the heirs of
show the highly reprehensible or outrageous conduct of the victim without need of proof other than the fact
the offender. that a crime was committed resulting in the death of
the victim and that the accused was responsible
Pp v. Dalisay therefor. The award of P50,000.00 as moral damages
Simple Rape. As to the amount of damages, the Court conforms to existing jurisprudence. (Seguritan)
finds as correct the award of P50,000.00 as civil
indemnity and P50,000.00 as moral damages in line with
prevailing jurisprudence. Exemplary damages in the ART. 101 - The following shall be civilly liable.
amount of P30,000.00 was also awarded.  Insanity, imbecility and minority, the person having
legal authority or control. If the said person can prove
Pp v. Garcia that there was no fault or negligence on his part, the
insane, imbecile or minor shall answer with his own
Qualified Rape property.
Civil Indemnity - P75,000.00  Avoidance of greater evil or injury, the person for
Moral Damages - P75,000.00 whose benefit the harm has been prevented in
Exemplary - P30,000.00 proportion to the benefit which he may have
Awarded without need of further proof other than the  Compulsion of an irresistible force or under the
commission of the crime. impulse of an uncontrollable fear, those using
violence or causing fear shall be civilly liable.
Seguritan v. Pp
Homicide. Civil Indemnity - without need of proof other ART 102. Subsidiary civil liability (the proprietor or
than that a crime was committed resulting in the death of owner is liable if the offender is insolvent)

Criminal Law notes | Fiscal Carillo | Compiled by: Angelika Cotejo EH203 11
 Innkeepers, tavern keepers, any other person where a  Indemnification – loss of earning capacity
crime is committed in their establishment.
 A violation of municipal ordinance or a general or Civil liability Pecuniary liability
special police action is committed by them or their  Restitution  Reparation
employees.  Reparation  Indemnification
 Notice in advance of the deposit of the goods.  Indemnification  Fine
 Follow the directions of the innkeeper in the care and  Costs
vigilance of the goods
 The goods were taken by robbery with force upon ART. 105 - Restitution
things or theft committed within the inn or house.  Restitution refers to the very same thing taken/stolen.
 To give something similar in kind, amount, species or
quality is not restitution.
ART. 103 - Subsidiary civil liability of other persons.
• Employers,  Generally, the owner of a thing illegally taken may
• Teachers, recover it even from a third person who has acquired
• Persons or corporations engaged in any kind of it by lawful means. When the third person acquires
industry the item in good faith at a public sale, the owner
• Felony committed by servants, pupils, workmen, cannot obtain its return without reimbursing the price
apprentices, or employees while in the discharge of paid therefore.
duties.  Restitution is no longer an option when the
• Must be involved in any kind of industry. acquisition of the item is in the manner and under the
• The felon is insolvent. requirements which, by law, bar an action for
Decision convicting the employee  A person who is not a party to a case cannot recover
 (Relationship is gauged at the time of the commission in the criminal action any indemnity from the
of the crime, not when the driver is found guilty by accused
the court. Meaning to say, if dili kabayd imong driver  If A stole from B, and sold the stolen item to C. if the
kay wala siyay property, ikaw as the owner of the item is recovered from C he cannot recover from A in
transportation company will pay.) case where B is the offended party.
• Binding on the employer. The decision need not
expressly state the liability of the employer.
• The decision regarding the civil liability is binding in ART. 106 - Reparation
the employer not only with the fact of the liability but  Reparation will be ordered by the court if restitution
also with respect to the amount. is not possible. (sentimental value can be awarded if
it is supported by sufficient evidence)
What must be proved  Reparation includes any damages caused by the
• Employer of the convicted employee. felonious act.
• Engaged in industry.  It includes the item’s special sentimental value to the
• Crime committed in the discharge of duty. injured party.
• Execution is unsatisfied; employee is
• Need not be in a separate civil action; ART. 107 - Indemnification
hearing in the criminal action with notice  Indemnification - crimes against persons
to the employer.  Reparation - crimes against property

Examples of Indemnification:
ART .104 - What is included in civil liability  expenses for hospitalization in physical injuries
• Restitution;  suffering of surviving family members
• Reparation of the damage caused;  loss of earning capacity
• Indemnification for the consequential
damages. Loss of earning capacity
 Both the RTC and the Court of Appeals failed to
 Restitution – return of the thing stolen in cases of consider that under ART. 2206 of the Civil Code, the
theft accused are also jointly and severally liable for the
 Reparation - in theft if the thing stolen cannot be loss of the earning capacity of Biag and such
returned, its value. In physical injuries, the expenses indemnity should be paid to his heirs. (Lagat)
for the treatment of the injuries.

Criminal Law notes | Fiscal Carillo | Compiled by: Angelika Cotejo EH203 12
ART. 108 - Obligation to satisfy civil liability; right to
 Obligation - heirs of the person liable.
 Right to demand – heirs of the person injured.
 Obligation is dependent on what property was left by
the person liable.

ART. 109 - Share of each person civilly liable

 Courts shall determine the amount for which each
person must be personally liable.

ART. 110 - Liability of principals, accomplices and

 Those within a particular class (principal, accomplice,
accessory) shall be liable solidarily.

ART. 111 - Obligation to make restitution

 In this article, the person must not be criminally
 He participates gratuitously in the proceeds of the

ART . 112 - Extinction of civil liability

 Same causes for the extinguishment of civil
 payment or performance;
 loss of the thing due
 condonation or remission
 confusion or merger
 compensation (naa kay utang nako, naa
pud koy utang nimo. quits ta.)
 Novation

ART. 113 - Obligation to satisfy civil liability.

 Notwithstanding service of sentence or amnesty,
pardon, commutation an offender shall continue to be
obliged to satisfy civil liability resulting from crime.

Criminal Law notes | Fiscal Carillo | Compiled by: Angelika Cotejo EH203 13

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