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1. 16. P r o j e c t s f o r m b a. b l o g s p o t.


be classified into two categories: 1) Intramental Activities: - which are provided within the
establishment such as toilets, rest centers, canteen, uniforms etc. 2) Extramental
activities:- which are undertaken outside the establishment such as family planning, child
welfare, co- operative stores credit societies, vocational guidance, holiday, home leave,
travel facilities. Intramural activities:- Drinking water Toilets Washing and Bathing
facilities Rest shelters Uniform and protective clothing Recreation facilities Canteen
Extramural activities:- Housing Education facilities Maternity benefits Transportation
Sport facilities Vocational Training Holiday home Social insuranceLabour welfare work
may also be divided into categories:- P r o j e c t s f o r m b a. b l o g s p o t. c o m 16
2. 17. P r o j e c t s f o r m b a. b l o g s p o t. c o m1. Statutory welfare facilities: Washing
facilities Consumer co-operative store Education Housing Transportation Recreation
Canteen, Lunchroom facilities Restroom facilities Clothing facilities2. Non-statutory
labour welfare facilities: Uniform Safety helmet Driving helmet Sweaters Raincoats
Marriage loan facilities Bonus Welfare fund Credit society Leave provision The welfare
board at corporate level consisting of equal representatives of the workman and
management, has been planning, supervising, monitoring and evaluating various
measures. Similarly, area welfare committee has been functioning in the areas for
ensuring proper implementation of welfare activities. In every year one welfare/improving
quality of life fortnight is being celebrated. In providing more and more welfare amenities
and in their maintenance, tremendous enthusiasm and determination is generated during
this fortnight. It is evident during this period that everybody takes special effort to see that
his P r o j e c t s f o r m b a. b l o g s p o t. c o m 17
3. 18. P r o j e c t s f o r m b a. b l o g s p o t. c o m contribution is recognized and does not
go unrecognized, both as an individual and as a team. Even unit tries to be ahead of
others in true and healthy competition spirit.An atmosphere of healthy competition is
evidenced during this period.Community Development & Welfare Activities:- Mining of
coal has profound impact on the communities living in the nearbyvillages where the
mines are established. The obvious impact of introduction of anyindustrial activity in rural
and tribal areas is change in the socioeconomic profile ofthe area. In the above context,
Coal India, WCL and the Nagpur Area strongly believe thatthe people living around are
an important stake holder in the process of minedevelopment and for a sustainable
development; they have to be given share of thebenefits of development of the mining
projects. For this specific purpose andobjective, CIL has laid down a guideline and policy
for community and peripheraldevelopment. The subsidiaries prepare annual action plans
by adapting the CIL-CD Policy forits implementation in its command area. Such activities
are normally taken up in theperipheral villages within a distance of 8km from the mines.
The key areas of thereferred community development and welfare activities, undertaken
on the annualbasis in the peripheral villages around the mines are broadly as under:- -
Creation of community assets (infrastructure) like provision for drinking water,
construction of school buildings, check dams, village roads/ linked roads and culverts,
dispensary and health center, community centers, market place etc. - Skill development
& Capacity building, like vocational training, income generation programmes, entreurship
development programme, literacy programme, adult education etc. - Awareness
programmes and community activities like health camp, medical aids, family planning
camps, immunization camp, and eye checkup camp etc. P r o j e c t s f o r m b a. b l o g s
p o t. c o m 18
4. 19. P r o j e c t s f o r m b a. b l o g s p o t. c o m- Sports and Cultural Activities-
Plantation The beneficiaries of community development activities are normally
inhabitants living in the periphery normally within a distance of 8 km from the mine
boundary or any other location as may be decided by the community development
committee in consultation with the State Government authorities. The beneficiaries
include all communities including employees of WCL, non-employees, SC’s & ST’s and
all other communities living in the villages under consideration. Care is also taken that
the community development budget allocation covers Special Component Plan (SCP) for
benefit of the Scheduled Castes, Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) for benefit of the tribal groups
and Community Development Plan (CDP) for benefit of the community at large. Care is
also taken to utilize at least 15% & 8% of the annual community development allocations
against SCP & TSP respectively. The assets created under the resettlement activities will
be handed over to the Gram Panchayat / State authorities on completion, for smooth
operation and maintenance. Medical Facilities: a) Scheme for reimbursement of
hospitalization expenses: The scheme is intended to provide relief to the employees in
meeting the hospitalization expenses incurred for self and/or dependents. The benefit
under the scheme is availability for minor and major operations. The company avails all
the expenses by reimbursing the total amount paid by the employee at the time of
treatment. b) Reimbursement of expenses of medical check-up: The company has its
own hospital which is situated in each area. Doctors and nurses in these hospitals are
appointed by the company itself. The employees can take treatment from these hospitals
without paying any charge and they can take the medicines from the medical stores
which are in the panel of this company. P r o j e c t s f o r m b a. b l o g s p o t. c o m 19
5. 20. P r o j e c t s f o r m b a. b l o g s p o t. c o m Housing Facilities: a) Company
quarters: The company provides quarters to the employees working in their organization.
With this they get some more facilities like drinking water, free electricity, no tax or rent
for house etc. b) House rent allowances: The area office is providing house rent
allowances to the employees who are not using the housing facility provided by the
company. Such employees stay in the house of their choice by paying rent. For that they
get HR allowance depending on their basic. These people get some proportionate share
of their basic as house rent decided by the company. School Bus Facility: The children of
the employees who are studying in schools and colleges gets school bus facility so that
they can reach to their Destination properly. Education facilities: The talented students /
children of the working employees get scholarship for their performance. The company
also provides loan for higher education. They also motivate children by conducting
competitions and by distributing prizes to them. Funds are also given to the corporation
school for the school building and for the upliftment of the children. Rehabilitation:
Company needs land for mines (where the coal is present) so the land owners are
requested to hand over their land to governmentand in its place company provides job to
one of the family member according tohis/her qualification. Besides this they also gets
some compensation according tothe government policies.Sports and Cultural Activities: P
r o j e c t s f o r m b a. b l o g s p o t. c o m 20
6. 21. P r o j e c t s f o r m b a. b l o g s p o t. c o m Every year sports and other events are
organized for the enjoyment of the worker and their family members. Cultural activities
are also conducted on many occasions. Funds for Community Development: The
company provides funds for the community development such as electricity, water
supply, roads, street lights etc… Canteen: A good and well maintained clean canteen
facility is available at the area office premises, for the employees. SC/ST PLANS:
Organization provides scholarship to children of employees of SC/ST. The percentage to
avail benefit is comparatively low than the open category. Also, the organization helps
the schools and library which belongs to SC/ST’s. Good working conditions: The working
conditions in the area office are excellent. The environment is neat and clean. Lots of
greenery is present in the office premises such pleasant environment keeps employees
fit and fine. Besides these major facilities there are many more facilities like mini LTC and
major LTC. Plants are distributed to the employees in environment week; Ganesh Utsav,
New Year, Independence day, republic day etc are celebrated for the enjoyment of the
employee and his family. Perks and allowance: Common Perquisites: 1) Infrastructure 2)
LTC Facility 3) Subsidized electricity Domestic & Residential: 1) Domestic assistance 2)
Electricity allowance3) Fuel allowance P r o j e c t s f o r m b a. b l o g s p o t. c o m 21
7. 22. P r o j e c t s f o r m b a. b l o g s p o t. c o m Education Allowance: 1) Study in
schools 2) Study in colleges 3) Study in UG/PG Professional Institution 4) Hostel
allowance 5) Professional development allowance Transportation Allowance Personal
allowance etc.Welfare programmes in Area Office WCL1) Revenue Welfare Budget The
budget proposal as per Action Plan is prepared by the Area Welfare Committees at Area
Level and submitted to Welfare Deptt. for deliberation in the welfare board. The welfare
board then examines the proposals areawise, headwise and recommends for approval to
the chairman welfare board and Director Finance and CMD. Finally after approval the
Rev. Welfare budget is communicated to the areas for its implementations.2) Monitoring
by the welfare board The welfare board visits the areas as per the calendar prepared to
monitor the activities of the area and see the implementation of the budget/expenditure.
The welfare board interacts with the area welfare committees at area level.3) 15th August
Awards The welfare board distributes the awards to the awardees on this date every
year. The proposals based on the norms prepared by the welfare board are called from
the areas. The same is compiled by welfare department and awardees list finalized by
the welfare board and approved by the chairman welfare board and CMD and the awards
are distributed on the 15th August Independence day functions at WCL Head quarter. P r
o j e c t s f o r m b a. b l o g s p o t. c o m 22
8. 23. P r o j e c t s f o r m b a. b l o g s p o t. c o m4) Welfare Fortnight Inspection To
improve the standard of living and quality of life, of employees the welfare board has
formulated norms on all welfare activities for which areawise/inter area competitions are
held at company level. At the area level the Ist phase Inter Sub Areas welfare fortnightly
competitions are held. The IInd phase inspection is conducted by the welfare board. After
the inspection the result is compiled and the prizes are distributed at a grand function
which is graced by the Hon’ble Coal Minister.5) Areawise Union Representation (check
off system every year) in the area welfare committee The criteria has been prepared by
the welfare board. Every year based on the check off system figure and the manpower as
on ¼ the calculations are worked out on the basis of the approved criteria for working out
the union representation in the area welfare committee and approved by the competent
authority and circulated to areas for nominations of members by the welfare board, for
functioning of welfare committee.6) Community & Peripheral Development Programme
Various developmental activities for the community residing in & around its various
mining areas for the benefit of its employees, their wards, and the local populace are
undertaken. Such developmental activities are also undertaken in the town and villages,
adjoining coal mining belt, generally within a radius of 8kms. For the benefit of general
popular. For which the budgetary provision is made at the rate Rs.1/- per tonne of coal
produced during the previous year. While planning the activities, to be undertaken in
each financial year, requests and recommendations from village Panchyat, Local District
Authorities and Peoples Representatives are considered. The activities undertaken
include: 1) Construction of approach roads. 2) Tarring of roads. 3) Digging of Borewels.
4) Providing & Installation of hand-pumps. 5) Cleaning of Wells. 6) Laying of Pipelines. 7)
Providing and Fitting Street Lights. 8) Construction/ Installation of Water Tanks. 9)
Construction of additional rooms in existing school building. 10) Providing P r o j e c t s f
o r m b a. b l o g s p o t. c o m 23
9. 24. P r o j e c t s f o r m b a. b l o g s p o t. c o m school furniture and other Lab. Items.
11) Providing books, almirah etc. for libraries. 12) Construction of check dams. 13)
Construction of Community Centers. 14) Village sports. 15) Medical camps. 16)
Construction of Cremation Place/Sheds. 17) Assistance to various social
organization/NGO’s for the development of physically/mentally handicapped persons,
cultural/sports activities etc. The implementations of these activities are monitored by the
area welfare committee at area level and welfare board at the company level. 7) Sports
and Cultural Activities The welfare board monitors the activities of sports and cultural
activities of all the areas. The function of sports & cultural activities are held on the behalf
of the welfare board in each areas. The welfare board monitors the activities of sports
and cultural activities of all the areas. Western Coalfield Limited Nagpur Welfare Budget
(Rs. In lakhs) PARTICULARS 04-05 06-07 08-09School and Education 27 30 22Medical
Services 270 345 544Resi/ Welfare/ Colony Roads 195 206
472Sports/Recreation/Culture: 11 15 30Mahila Mandal 1 1 1Other Expenses 5 6
15SC/ST Plans 18 56 38Water Supply 72 70 105Community Development 16 33
61Special Sanction/Welfare Board 75 28 -GRAND TOTAL 690 790 1288 CHAPTER- 4
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY P r o j e c t s f o r m b a. b l o g s p o t. c o m 24

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