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THBT Mother Should Stay at Home and Taking Care of Family


In these days, bullying, child pornography, and school violent are very massive and became prevalent
because of children who are raised by strangers, media, cable tv, and music industry with no real
direction and both parents working are the problem with society today. Since million years, generation
to generation, women have been taking and looking after the children, which brings the result a
productive and balanced family life. Based on history, the failure and bankruptcy of society during
Industrial Revolution when women was going out for work. Our goals are children are growing up with
love, feel empathy and compassion, and to have healthy relationships with people for the better future

Can you explain how to develop a better generation without mother, the best person to raise a child at

Our modals are:

1. Creates more online jobs that can be done from home, so mother can still support family
financial while taking care of family at home
2. ..

Our opponent may concern about the equality between men and women. Stay at home and taking care
of family is also a job too, and maybe its the best job because they are developing the next generation.


- Bonding with children is important. When they are separated how can this bond develop and
lead to a life-long relationship.
- Women are leaders in the home. Without mothers living at home who would create the family?
In most instance in nature if is the mother what cultivates a productive family life.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, We live in a society now where both mom's and dad's both have an active role in the raising of
the child. Woman already has gone through nine months of pregnancy which includes back pain,
vomiting and the pushing out the baby, they have already done so much for the birth and creation of
this child.

Can you explain where is the equality between men and women if just the women that should stay at

Our modals are:

1. Standardized daycare for children (facility, staff, learning material), so daycare become the best
place to develop the children
2. Dad also has responsibility to taking care the family
Our opponent may concern about the development of children without mother. The best person to
raise a child is still one of the child's parents. So if the mother cant stay at home, dad can stay at home.


- Some need work. We are not all fortunate enough to able to have a stable financial life with just
one parent working. Money is a significant deciding factor.
- Women are not servants to their family. They have their own lives and are entitled to live their
life as they please. The pursuit of happiness also applies to mothers.

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