3-Page Blog

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Well, my understanding of this whole project was to identify the critical conditions that

the world is suffering such as or example to Poverty, global warming, and police brutality and so

on, and go on to write, investigate, research, and visually see the difference what the outcomes

are like has the world’s conflict has decrease or increase in the past decade or has it stayed the

same but no attention has been drawn by the people or government. My topic of the essay was

poverty which was a difficult task but still manages to get my message across but the overall

conflict for me to write this essay was going out in public and finding interviewees and discuss

about what was poverty and what was their opinion about it and is it really a problem for them

why and why not? And what secondly was difficult was also finding sources that correlate with

my discussion of poverty. Beside America suffering in multiple ways like water drought, illegal

drugs, and terrorism, poverty is also the rise of America due to the rents and landlords near or in

the city causing people to work the extra efforts in work to have nearly enough money to pay

rent and not having money to buy food, Other countries like China, Africa, and Europe where

population is rising and the money is useless to buy things. My essay was not the best writing as

I can say but was still able to go into detail what the three countries are suffering and are

managing to stay alive or to have an assisted suicide of the overwhelming stress. The best part of

the essay was about the essay was the time of the due date and i was able to accomplish the essay

before the due date but more time to revise it more and in the end was a solid B.
The website that I have created was terrible… well for at least the first one like I had no

idea what I was doing nor what to put, in short, I had my intro or the (homepage) in the end

while I had the end on the homepage which it was unorganized. I had several questions like I did

not know that you can add more than what you had on your essay like adding more websites,

more wording and what was more surprising was adding more picture or putting a video instead

of a word base or describing what the picture describes or what is going on in the video. I could

say that my second website was way much better now that I got a greater idea and more

knowledge of the website set up as for the first was was a proto-type my website had all the

listing like what is poverty, the organization, the solutions, and the reference page and now ill be

adding the 3 page blog on my website. The website wasn’t so hard as I expected I was thinking I

was going to need someone else to help to create the website and have it look like some

professional did it but I personally can do it while during my break or my free time, I went off

the basic website and into a paid website that had more tools than the other and had more fun

creating it and it was way better than doing the essay because website is all about informing the

audience and interacting with the site. The conflict of creating the website was paying because I

did not know you had to pay for it to launch it to make it publicly see it and the second conflict

was make the images not blurry because I saved photos and as you enlarge it, it becomes blurry

instead of making clear and visual. The website has not been graded at this moment but I feel as

if its a B also because I partly put some effort and fun in it.
My overall thinking about them both is I had no idea where, how, what, or when to start I was

blindly starting the assignment without the knowledge of instructions, and if I did know the

instruction I wasn’t even sure or 100 percent sure. The essay was too little to go into detail about

the interview and too much to discuss about the stats of it. The website was a free space to

interact give information while the essay was limited to talk about the details of what is

specifically is going on in the poverty life. The website I can add countless links, videos,

pictures, and other data to make the reader informative or aware of the global conflicts and what

are the solutions. If I had more time for the website I would have added kahoot, stats, or a facts

about poverty for the kids to understand well.

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