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Name: _________________________________ Date: _________

Contemporary World Section: _______

Conflicts: Article Study - Questions

Instructions​:​ Watch the video and read the following articles from ‘Article Study - Instructions’ to
answer the following questions. You may refer to the material we have covered in class so far (Workbook
and Google Slides). Work ​individually ​and submit by the due date. Failure to submit on time without
justified excuses will result in 5% deduction/day. Total 20 marks.

Answer the following questions​ ​in the space below.

1. Who are the key players in this conflict? (3)

Your answer here

2. What type of conflict is it? (2) Why is it this type of conflict? (3)
Your answer here

3. What kind of intervention did the US make after the Turkish assault against Syrian Kurds? (2) Who
was involved, and what was the outcome? (3)
Your answer here

4. Research and provide an example of humanitarian aid that has been provided in this region. This can
be from an NGO or any international community (ex. UN). Cite your source. (2)
Your answer here

5. Among the conflicts that we have been discussing in class, find a conflict that you find similar to this
Kurdish conflict. Explain the similarity (5)
Your answer here

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