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Carmina M.

Kulili I BEED - B

Roles of Science & Technology In My Life

It is extremely evident nowadays that Science and technology surrounds us. One cannot expect
their life without science and technology revolving around them due on today's generation
demand. Science and technology are undeniably important in our daily life because they made
our life simpler, faster and more secure. While science is the study of physical and the natural
world, technology is the application arising from science. Hence we will need both of them in
our life.

Almost everything that is perceived by our senses is the gift of science and technology. My daily
life have gone easier and way more convenient than before through the intervention of Science
and Technology. One of the best gifts science has given us is the internet, via internet, I stay
connected to my family and friends. I can also study whatever I wanted to. Whenever I am
having difficulties on tough topics given to us at school, I just simply browse the net then I
already understand how, with the help of videos and study materials available over it because
the concepts there are effectively understood more clearly than reading the same from a
textbook. With the use of my mobile phone I could access the internet and with that, I am
becoming increasingly aware of the trends, events and news happening worldwide. The internet
is my primary source of announcements in our school. In that way, I will no longer need to travel
and spend money for fare for important announcements since I commute daily.

Science and Technology provided me a better life. Electrical appliances like micro oven, gas
stoves, refrigerator, rice cooker, etc. have made our respective family's life more comfortable. I
am able to cook food at a very short span and I can also save food from getting wasted by
refrigerating it. Appliances like fan and air conditioners saves my hot summer days. Television,
video games and several social media platforms entertains me a lot during leisure. The invention
of machines to monitor and check our current health conditions lets me know what disease I
might have as well as the recommended treatment for it. Technology has benefited us in
receiving those treatments through various ways and devices like X-ray, scan machines,
operation devices and much more!

Science and Technology in general plays a vital role in my life. Those by-products mentioned
have slowly taken an essential part in people’s day-to-day lives and being without them would
be unimaginable for some of us. We cannot deny that science and technologies leads human
civilization towards a perfect living.

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