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Monthly Progress Report No.

Covering Project Activities During
December 2016
Core Team Consultant for
Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement project (WINRIP)
IBRD Loan No. 8043-ID Perentjana Djaja

Our Ref. No. : 03_02/LHW/O/M-12.2016 Jakarta, January OS, 2017

Directorate General of Highways, MPWH

JI. Patimura 20 Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan

Attention: Andria Muharami Fitra, ST. M.Eng

Officer In Charge PMU WlNRIP

Subject : Submission of December 2016 Monthly Progress Report No.48; WlNRIP Loan IBRD

Dear Sir,

In compliance with the Terms of Reference of our Consultancy Contract, we submit herewith the Monthly
Progress Report NoA8 covering the month of December 2016.

This Report is reproduced in twenty (20) copies for distribution to all concerned authorities.

Should you have any comment or additional information that need to be incorporated in the Report, please
feel free to get in touch with us.


1. Direktur Jenderal Bina Marga

2. Inspektorat Jenderal, Kementerian PU-PERA
3. Direktur Transportasi - Bappenas
4. Direktur Pengelolaan Kas Negara (PKN), Kementerian Keuangan
5. Direktur Pengernbangan Jaringan Jalan, Dit.Jen Bina Marga
6. Direktur Jalan Bebas Hambatan, Perkotaan dan Fasilitasi Jalan Daerah, Dit.Jen Bina Marga
7. Direktur Pembangunan Jalan, Dit.Jen Bina Marga
8. Direktur Preservasi Jalan, DitJen Bina Marga
.9. Biro Perencanaan & KLN, Kementrian PU-PERA
10. Kepala Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasionalll Medan
11. Kepala Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional III Padang
12. Kepala Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional V Palembang
13. Kasubdit Keterpaduan Perencanaan & Sistem Jaringan, DPJJ - DJ8M
14. Officer in ChargePIU WINRIP
15. Kepala Satker Pembinaan Administrasi dan Pelaksanaan Pengendalian PHLN
16. PT~ Perentjana Djaja .
17. Yongma Engineering Co, Ltd
18. PT. Epadascon Permata Engineering Consultant
19. File .. ~
. .

PT. PERENTJANADJAJAin subconsultancy with .. Yongma Engineering Co. Ltd and li'PT. Epadascon Pennata Engineering Consultant
CTCOffice: JI. Ciniru VII No. 25, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, 12180
Phone /Fax: (021).7229823
Monthly Progress Report December 2016

1.1 Current Implementation Situation
Civil Works
Implementation of the WINRIP Project is scheduled to be implemented into three (3) Annual Work
Programs (AWP’s). The implementation starts with the preparation of tender documents (detailed
design drawings including associated bidding documents), tendering stage (procurement of works)
and the actual civil works construction implementation.

The original implementation schedules of the three (3) Annual Work Programs (AWPs) are
scheduled in three (3) phases namely ; AWP-1 to start in mid-2011 and to be completed on the last
quarter of 2014, AWP-2 is expected to begin in mid 2012 with target date of completion by mid-
2016 and AWP-3 is expected to start during the early part of 2013 and to be completed during the
middle part of 2017.

However, due to some unavoidable circumstances the original implementation schedules did not

Based on the present status of the program implementation progress, a revised implementation
schedule, the “Project Implementation Timeline” (as shown on Page 1-2) is to be implemented in
order to accommodate the originally delayed schedule into the remaining time frame of the
WINRIP Program until the expiry date of the loan agreement by the end of December 2017. Shown
on Page 1-3 is the current actual status of the implementation relative to the “Project
Implementation Timeline”.

Implementation Status as of December 31, 2016.

Pack Contract Under Under Defect Liability
Package Name Period
No. Sign Construct
1 Krui - Biha √ Completed √
2 Padang Sawah - Sp.Empat √ Completed √
3 Manggopoh - Padang Sawah √ Completed √
4 Ipuh - Bantal √ Completed √
5 Sp. Rampa - Poriaha √ √
6 Ps. Pedati - Kerkap √ √
7 Indrapura - Tapan √ √
8 Bts.Pariaman - Manggopoh √ √
10 Sp. Empat - Sp. Air Balam Proposed to be Cancelled
11 Bantal - Mukomuko √ √
12 Kambang - Indrapura √ √
13 Sp. Rukis - Tj.Kemuning √ √
14 Painan - Kambang √ √
15 Sibolga - Bts.Tap Sel √ √
16 Seblat - Ipuh √ √
17 Sp.Gn.Kemala - Pg.Tampak √ √
19 Lais - Bintunan √ Completed √
20 Lubuk Alung - Sicincin √ √
21 Lubuk Alung - Kuraijati √ √
TOTAL: 18 13 5

Note : Package No.9 (Rantau Tijang – Kota Agung) and Package No.18 (Mukomuko – Bts. Sumbar) are cancelled from the program.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

1- 1
Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Project Implementation Timeline Schedule

Pack Length C'tion 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Km Period J N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D

1 Krui - Biha 25,00 21 mth CONSTRUCTION

2 Padang Sawah - Sp.Em pat 40,90 24 mth CONSTRUCTION

3 Manggopoh - Padang Sawah 32,00 24 mth CONSTRUCTION

4 Ipuh - Bantal 42,40 24 mth CONSTRUCTION






19 LAIS - BINTUNAN 11,60 10 mth Review DED & RS SBD & OE + BD CONSTRUCTION










9 RANTAU TIJANG-KOTA AGUNG 42,00 The Road has been constructed by MPW within 2011-2013. Road condition is good. Proposed to be deleted from the list of WINRIP's work program

18 MUKOMUKO-BTS SUMBAR 25,80 The Road has been constructed by MPW within 2011-2013. Road condition is good. Proposed to be deleted from the list of WINRIP's work program

Original target : 715,60 km ENVIRONMENT & SOCIAL SAFEGUARD

Revised target : 640,00 km PQ Prequalification DED Detail Eng Design LARAP Study
December 31, 2017
RS Road Safety OE Owner's Estimate Appraisal & Public Consultation
Proc Procurement & Sign Contr BD Bid Document LARAP Implementation
COW Preparation for Commencement of Work
SBD Standard Biding Document

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Actual Implementation Timeline of WINRIP

Pack Length C'tion 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Km Period J N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D

Core Team Consultant (CTC) 40 mth 6-Nov-12 IMPLEMENTATION Time extension for sevices 30-Des-17

Design & Supervision Cslt (DSC) 42 mth 19-Jun-13 IMPLEMENTATION 30-Des-17 Time extension for sevices 30-Des-17

TA for Dev.of Sl ope Stabi l i zati on, Desi gn & M anagement PROCUREMENT IMPLEMENTATION

1 Krui - Biha 25,00 21 mth ICB 8 Jan'14 CONSTRUCTION 640 + 93 days #########

2 Padang Sawah - Sp.Empat 40,90 24 mth ICB 6 Jan'14 CONSTRUCTION 730 + 105 days 14-Apr-16

3 M anggopoh - Padang Sawah 32,00 24 mth ICB 6 Jan'14 CONSTRUCTION 730 + 75 days 17-Mar-16

4 Ipuh - Bantal 42,40 24 mth ICB 10 Jan'14 CONSTRUCTION 730 + 90 days 31-Mei-16

5 SIMPANG RAMPA - PORIAHA 11,10 18 mth ICB Review DED & RS PQ PROC 18 Jun'15 CONSTRUCTION 540 + 224 days 20 Jul'17

11 BANTAL - MUKOMUKO 50,10 24 mth ICB Review DED & RS PQ 23 Feb'15 CONSTRUCTION 720 days 11 Feb'17

13 SP RUKIS - TJ KEMUNING 56,30 24 mth ICB Review DED & RS PQ PROC 22-Jul-15 CONSTRUCTION 720 days 11 Feb'17

17 Sp.Gn.KEMALA - Pg. TAMPAK 36,80 24 mth ICB Review DED & RS PQ PROC 04 Sep'15 CONSTRUCTION 720 days 23 Agt'17

6 PS. PEDATI - KERKAP 25,00 15 mth NCB Review DED & RS SBD & OE + BD 11 Mar'15 CONSTRUCTION 450 + 240 days 28 Jan'17

19 LAIS - BINTUNAN 11,60 10 mth NCB Review DED & RS SBD & OE + BD 11 Mar'15 CONSTRUCTION 300+125+53 days 30 Jun '16

15 SIBOLGA - BATAS TAPSEL 36,00 27 mth ICB Review DED & RS SBD & OE + BD PROC 20 Nov'15 CONSTRUCTION 810 - 37 days 31-Des-17

7 INDRAPURA - TAPAN 19,50 21 mth NCB DED RSA & REVISED DED OE & BD 10 Dec'15 CONSTRUCTION 630 days 30 Agt'17

8 BTS.Kt PARIAMAN-MANGGOPOH 46,80 24 mth ICB DED RSA & REVISED DED OE & BD PROC 23 Mar'16 CONSTRUCTION 720 - 71 days 31-Des-17

10 SIMPANG EMPAT - SP.AIR BALAM 61,70 24 mth ICB DED RSA & REVISED DED OE & BD PROC to be canceled

12 KAMBANG - INDRAPURA 55,20 24 mth ICB DED RSA & REVISED DED OE & BD PROC 23-Mei-16 CONSTRUCTION 720 - 132 days 31-Des-17

14 PAINAN – KAMBANG 31,50 21 mth NCB DED Rev-DED RS PROC 13 Aug'16 CONSTRUCTION 630 - 114 days 31-Des-17


20 LUBUK ALUNG – SICINCIN 14,60 18 mth NCB DED Rev-DED RS PROC 1 Sep'16 CONSTRUCTION 540 - 53 days 31-Des-17

21 LUBUK ALUNG – KURAITAJI 16,80 18 mth NCB DED Rev-DED RS PROC 1 Sep'16 CONSTRUCTION 540 - 53 days 31-Des-17

Original target : 715,60 km ENVIRONMENT & SOCIAL SAFEGUARD

1st Revised target : 640,00 km PQ Prequalification DED Detail Eng Design LARAP Study
RS Road Safety OE Owner's Estimate Appraisal & Public Consultation
Proc Procurement & Sign Contr BD Bid Document LARAP Implementation
COW Preparation for Commencement of Work
SBD Standard Biding Document

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

1.2 Disbursement

Loan Allocation and Percent (%) Disbursement To Date

#REF! 1.25




Forecast Dec 2016

% Complete

Original Forecast Forecast Expenditure Rev USD 65.00 mil


Deviation = + 14.47 %
20.00 ACTUAL Dec 2016
Actual Expenditure USD
101.18 mil (40.47 %)



The total disbursement summary from the loan by The World Bank to the end of December
2016 was USD 101,180,236.97 equivalent to approximately 40.47% of the loan funds. The
following table summarizes the individual disbursements as calculated by CTC but retaining
the total disbursement from Client Connection at the end of December 2016. Appendix A
shows the Overall Loan Progress Status.

Loan Totals Disbursed

Disbursement Previous %
Category Description Restructuring to End Dec 2016
This Period Disbursement Disbursed
Amount US$ in US$
Part 1 Betterment and
1 Capacity Expansion of 220,400,000.00 19,454,368.91 74,935,762.23 94,390,131.14 42.83
National Roads.
Part 2
2 17,000,000.00 0 6,790,105.83 6,790,105.83 39.94
Implementation Support
Part 3
3 Road Sector Institutional 0 0 0 0 0
Part 4
4 Contingency for Disaster 0 0 0 0 0
Risk Response
Unallocated 12,600,000.00 0 0 0 0
Original Loan
250,000,000.00 19,454,368.91 81,725,868.06 101,180,236.97 40.47

Breakdown of amount disbursed during the period (December 2016) are for “Statement of Work
Accomplished” for the following civil works contract packages :
 Package No.02 : Final Escalation USD 642,987.66
 Package No.03 : IPC Nos. 27 USD 244,238.04
 Package No.03 : Retention Money USD 435,608.29
 Package No.03 : Final Escalation USD 532,904.76
 Package No.04 : IPC Nos. 09 Final USD 1,522,607.14
 Package No.04 : Retention Money USD 510,635.25
 Package No.05 : MC Nos. 14 - 19 USD 717,141.15
 Package No.06 : IPC Nos. 07 USD 930,102.62
 Package No.06 : IPC Nos. 08 USD 761,205.17
Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

 Package No.07 : IPC Nos. 03 USD 1,042,076.76

 Package No.08 : IPC Nos. 05 USD 1,557,425.73
 Package No.08 : IPC Nos. 06 USD 1,761,294.63
 Package No.11 : IPC Nos. 12 USD 1,110,691.66
 Package No.12 : IPC Nos. 02 USD 334,740.74
 Package No.13 : IPC Nos. 05 USD 784,383.52
 Package No.14 : MC Nos. 04 USD 1,995,758.47
 Package No.15 : IPC Nos. 03 USD 207,955.44
 Package No.15 : IPC Nos. 04 USD 1,831,616.64
 Package No.16 : Down Payment USD 996,825.62
 Package No.17 : IPC Nos. 14 USD 413,278.16
 Package No.17 : IPC Nos. 15 USD 290,193.12
 Package No.19 : IPC Nos. 06 Final USD 152,464.55
 Package No.19 : Retention Money USD 115,324.65
 Package No.20 : MC Nos. 01 - 03 USD 562,909.14

The Ending balance for Special Account as of the end of December 2016 USD 1,012,712.68 (Include Follow
up on BPK audit findings for FY 2014 USD 11,765.00).

1.3 World Bank Implementation Review Mission and Site Visit

Not performed for this month.

1.4 Procurement of Civil Works Contract Under Category 1 of the Loan Agreement
As of end this reporting month, nineteen (19) contract packages are already procured and are
either completed, eighteen (18) under construction and the remaining one (1) package is
proposed to be cancelled
Package No. 10 (Sp. Empat – Sp. Air Balam) is proposed to be cancelled, because the road is
still relatively in the good condition and widening is not needed immediately.
1.5 Procurement of Consultancy Package Under Category 2 of the Revised Loan
Agreement Reallocation.
Technical Assistance for Development of Slope Stabilization, Design and
The Technical Assistance for Disaster Risk Reduction was canceled based on the
results of meeting between DGH and the WB on October 12, 2015. It was decided to
cancel the Technical Assistance and replaced by a “Technical Assistance for
Development of Slope Stabilization, Design and Management” (under Loan Category-
As mentioned in previous Monthly Report, eight (8) interested consultants met the
deadline for submission of “Expression of Interest”. After POKJA’s evaluation, five (6)
consulting firms made the shortlist, three (4) international and two (2) local
The revised proposed shortlisted consultants from POKJA and the revised “Request
For Proposal (RFP) have already been submitted to World Bank for request of No
Objection Letter (NOL). The World Bank had issued No Objection Letter for RFP and
Shortlisted Consultant respectively on September 23, 2016 and October 27, 2016.
RFP had sent by POKJA to all shortlisted consultants on November 2, 2016. Pre-

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Proposal Conference was held on November 22, 2016 and all shortlisted consultants
attended the event. The submission and opening the technical proposals was held on
December 5, 2016. Three (3) consultants submitted the proposals, one (1) consultant
was late for submitting their proposal and other one (1) consultant did not submit the
POKJA evaluated the technical proposal first, while the financial proposal keep closed
in envelope and will be opened after NOL for Techanical Evaluation Report (TER)
issued by the World Bank. Evaluation of technical proposal was finalized by POKJA on
December 23, 2016 with issuance the Technical Evaluation Report (TER). CTC reviewed
the TER and submitted the founding issues and recommendation related the TER to
PMU WINRIP on December 29, 2016.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

2.1 Background

The Government of Indonesia wishes to continue strengthening of the National Road system in
Indonesia while the Eastern Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project (EINRIP which is
assisted by AusAID through the Australian Indonesia Partnership or AIP), is providing support
program of National road and bridge improvement works in Eastern Indonesia. The Western
Indonesia National Road Improvement Project (WINRIP) will provide similar support for National
road and bridge in the Sumatera region of Indonesia. The focus of WINRIP will be roads
administered directly by the National Government, including those currently classified as
Provincial, Kabupaten (District) or non-status roads which are in process of being reclassified as
National roads. In addition, provision will be made for major bridge repair works, rehabilitation,
duplication and replacement as necessary to complement road betterment works.

2.2 Project Development

The loan effectiveness date for the WINRIP is 12 March 2012 and key project data is shown in the
following detail.

Key Project Data WINRIP Loan No. 8043-ID

Project Cost US$350 million
Original Loan Amount US$250 million
Revised Loan Amount N/A
Board Approval Date 26 May 2011
Loan Signing Date 14 December 2011
Effectiveness Date 12 March 2012
Disbursement (as of December 31, 2016) US$ 101,180,236.97 million (40.47%)
Original Closing Date 31 December 2017
Environmental Category B-Partial Assessment

The IBRD loan amount is US$250 million. The Project is intended to finance a part of the DGH
investment program for national roads with a particular focus on the Western corridor of
Sumatera. The corridor is one of the three main corridors in Sumatera and connects the city of
Padang (with a population of around one million) to major towns along the west coast (Bukittinggi,
Sibolga and Bengkulu). It also connects through connector roads on the West coast to Medan in
the northeast and to Pekanbaru in the centre of the island. The project has four components:

Project Component 1: Betterment and Capacity Expansion of National Roads

According to the Amendment No.2 Loan Agreement, this component will cover three work
programs of betterment and capacity expansion of approximately 640 km including replacement of
160 meters of bridges. This civil works program will be executed in three Annual Work
Programs(AWP), as summarized in Table 2.1. The table shows the IBRD assisted scope and costs of
civil works at estimated current (year of implementation) prices, excluding taxes.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Table 2.1 Proposed Physical Works by DGH Program


Type of Works USD USD USD
Km Km Km
Million Million Million
Road Betterment - - 53.10 22.77 - -
Capacity Expansion 137.10 79.70 314.60 127.67 207.60 74.58
Bridge works 0.100 1.94 - - 0.08 2.06
TOTAL 137.20 81.64 367.70 150.45 207.68 76.65
(excluding tax @ current prices)

The batches of projects are termed Annual Work Programs (AWPs) in line with terminology used in
other Bina Marga projects. They are not in fact “annual” programs as such but rather a series of
multi-year programs, each commencing in consecutive years. Hence, hereinafter it will call as just
Work Programs (WPs). It is expected that implementation of the first Works Program (WP-1) will
commence in the third quarter of 2013 and be completed by third quarter or late 2015. The
second Work Program (WP-2) is expected to commence in early 2014 and be completed by late
2015 or middle 2016. The third Work Program (WP-3) is expected to commence in early 2015 and
be completed by mid-2017. The loan will be closed on December 2017.

Table 2.2 presents details of the First Works Program (WP-1). The four packages in this group
should have been free from any land acquisition issues, but in fact two packages (Krui – Biha and
Manggopoh – Padang Sawah) had land issues which were solved by the DGH properly. Thus, there
are no foreseeable impediments to implementation.

Table2.2 IBRD Assisted WINRIP Civil Work WP-1

Road Works Bridge Works Total Cost
2010 Prices
Cost (2010)

Cost (2010)


Link Link


No Province

No. Name No
Road Type


Km Km Km Rp mill m Rp mill Rp mill US$ mill

Krui – Bett’nt
1 Lampung 053.0 K1 IU 221.5 246.5 25.0 148,668 148,668 16.52
Biha to 7 m.

West wa – Bett’nt
2 047.2 K1 IU 0.0 40.9 40.9 189,810 189,810 21.09
Sumatera SimpangE to 7 m.

West AirGadan New

2a 34.1 K1 IU 1 100 17.580 17,580 1.95
Sumatera gBridge Bridge

West oh – Bett’nt
3 047.1 K1 IU 102.2 134.2 32.0 152,435 152,435 16.94
Sumatera PadangSa to 7 m.

Ipuh - Bett’nt
4 Bengkulu 015.3 K1 IU 0.0 42.40 42.40 226,275 226,275 25.14
Bantal to 7 m.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

It should be noted that all road sub-projects have been subject to economic appraisal and have
estimated Economic Internal Rates of Return (EIRR) in excess of 15%. These were selected for
inclusion and are subject to completion of environmental and social screening, to confirm that
there is no land acquisition or resettlement requirements remain outstanding.

Final Engineering Designs, Engineer’s Estimates and bidding documents have been completed for
all projects proposed for WP-1.

Sub-projects to be included in WP-2 and WP-3 have also been determined as listed in Table 2.3.
Final Engineering Designs and Engineer’s Estimates for all WP-2 and WP-3 proposed works require
preparation or finalization. In the cases of some projects, preliminary Engineering Designs were
prepared during Project preparation which will require review and possible amendment by the
Design and Supervision Consultant prior to procurement.

The revised costs presented in Table 2.3 are planning estimates only, and the revised
implementation plan is based on the “Revised Implementation Timeline Schedule” of the civil

Table2.3: IBRD Loan WINRIP Civil Work WP-2 and WP-3


Sumut : Link No. 015.xx,
5. 11.10 152,870 6.0 Mar 2015 18
Sp. Rampa – Poriaha
Bengkulu : Link No. 010.0,
6. 25.00 92,127 7.0 Mar 2015 15
Ps. Pedati – Kerkap
Sumbar : Link No. 019.0,
7. 19.50 178,600 7.0 Jan 2016 21
Indrapura – Tapan
Sumbar : Link No. 024.0,
8. 46.80 379,034 7.0 Jan 2016 24
Bts. Pariaman – Manggopoh
Lampung : Link No. 026.1,
9. - - - - Cancelled
Rantau Tijang - Kota Agung
Sumbar : Link No. 034.1, Proposed to be
10. 61.70 515,842 7.0 -
Sp. Empat - Sp. Air Balam Cancelled
Bengkulu : Link No. 015.2,
11. 50.10 246,500 6.0 Feb 2015 24
Bantal – Mukomuko
Sumbar : Link No. 017.2,
12. 55.20 451,810 7.0 Jan 2016 24
Kambang – Indrapura
Bengkulu : Link No. 006.1,
13. 56.30 316,305 7.0 Jun 2015 24
Simpang Rukis - Tanjung Kemuning
Sumbar : Link No. 017.1,
14. Painan – Kambang 31.50 252,000 7.0 May 2016 21

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016



Sumut : Link No. 016.0,

15. 36.00 376,479 7.0 Oct 2015 27
Sibolga - Bts. TapSel
Bengkulu : Link No. 009.4,
16. Seblat – Ipuh, including Air Galang and 241,500 6.0 May 2016 21
Air Guntung Bridges
Lampung : Link No. 061.1,
17. 36.80 255,269 6.0 May 2015 24
Sp. Gunung Kemala - Pugung Tampak
Bengkulu : Link No. 015.3,
18. - - - - Cancelled
Mukomuko - Bts. Sumbar
Bengkulu : Link No. 009.1,
19. 11.60 35,886 7.0 Feb 2015 10
Lais – Bintuan
20. Sumbar : Link No. 002.0,
14.60 116.800 7.0 May 2016 18
Lubuk Alung – Sicincin
Sumbar : Link No. 027.0
21. 16.80 65,788 7.0 May 2016 18
Lubuk Alung – Kuraitaji

Project Component 2: Implementation Support

This component provides consulting services to support project management and implementation
so as to ensure implementation efficiency and overall quality of the works. It also includes funds
for a small amount of training of DGH staff and for incremental operating costs for the project. This
will provide support to the MPWH for the implementation of the civil works, including: (a)
provision of Core Team Consultants (CTC), Design and Supervision Consultants (DSC) and road
safety audits; (b) Project management support and technical audits. This is directly related to the
implementation of the civil works and covers consulting services for design and supervision of the
civil works in Component 1; management support and technical audits to help improve the quality
of construction and support to governance improvements during procurement and
implementation; and a series of systematic road safety audits of road designs for all project roads
in Component 1. This is to ensure compliance with road safety standards and regulations, identify
road hazards and undertake remedial treatments for safety improvements, (c) slope protection
design and management. This is related to Technical Assistance and Support to Strengthen
Disaster Risk Mitigation in the Road Sector mainly to deal with stabilizing and strengthening, in
particular roadway side cut and high embankment slopes by providing appropriate slope
protection structures. These activities initially is part of Component-3 : Road Sector Institutional
Development, however, due to reallocation or realignment of funds, the propose work, “Technical
Assistance for Development of Slope Stabilization, Design and Management” implementation has
been realigned to Component-2 : Implementation Support. This activity covers consulting service
for design and management of slope protection. The revised Loan Category restructuring is
presented in Table 2.4 and revised implementation is based on the approval of GOI and World

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Tabel 2.4

Revised Amount
Percentage of
Original Amount of of the Loan
Expenditures to be
Category the Loan Allocated Allocated
financed (inclusive of
(expressed in USD) (expressed in
(1) Civil Works under Part 1 of the
220,400,000 220,400,000 70%
Project WP-l
(2) Goods, Non-consulting Services,
Consultants Services and
16,000,000 17,000,000 100%
Incremental Operating Costs* under
Part 2 of the Project
(3) Goods, Non-consulting services and
Consultants' Services under Part 3 1,000,000 Cancelled Cancelled
of the Project
(4) Works, Goods, Non-Consulting
Services, Consultants' Services and
0 0 0%
Incremental Operating Costs* under
Part 4 of the Project
(5) Unallocated 12,600,000 12,600,000 100%
TOTAL : 250,000,000 250,000,000

Project Management Core Team Consultants (CTC)

The CTC will provide support to the PMU and DGH in the management of the Project, based in
Jakarta. Their tasks include financial and progress monitoring and reporting, information
management and dissemination, quality assurance and performance review for the Design and
Supervision Consultants, implementation and monitoring of the anti-corruption action plan,
support for project monitoring and evaluation, and support for implementation of a training
program to support project management and implementation. The CTC contract No. 06-
20/CTC/TA/LN/8043/1112 was signed on 5 November 2012 by both DGH and a Joint Venture of
PT. Perentjana Djaja, Yongma Engineering Co,Ltd, and PT. Epadascon Permata Engineering

Design and Supervision Consultants (DSC)

A Design and Supervision Consultant (DSC) will be responsible for design of WP-2 and WP-3 civil
works and supervision of all civil works. They will have the role of ‘Engineer’ under a FIDIC-type
contract. The tasks include the preparation and maintenance of a quality assurance plan,
validation and updating of designs, supervision of all civil works, environmental and social
monitoring and management, and support for financial and progress monitoring and reporting.
The DSC will also be responsible for quality assurance of materials and workmanship, certifying
whether or not contractors have achieved the required results, as well as documentation and
reporting based on the financial management plan. They will prepare a Quality Assurance system
covering all subprojects, and continuously monitor the effectiveness of their supervision
procedures. The team will be contracted and managed by DGH through the Bina Marga Regional
Office (Balai II), and will be based in Padang, West Sumatera.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Project Component 3: Road Sector Institutional Development

This component which is originally intended to provide technical assistance and support to
strengthen disaster risk mitigation in the road sector, including capacity building support for the
new environment/risk mitigation and road safety unit of DGH has been cancelled due to revision
of the loan allocation. In the meeting, DGH and World Bank agreed upon that DGH will conduct
analytical work of an alternative design for road segment that pass through critical environmental
assets and vulnerable areas especially on slope protection design and management. Due to
deletion of the allocated funds for Category 3 of the loan agreement and reallocated to Category 2
to accommodate the implementation of Technical Assistance for Development of Slope
Stabilization, Design and Management, into Component-2. The Loan Category restructuring can be
seen in Table 2.4 page 2-5.

Project Component 4: Contingency for Disaster Risk Response

This special component will provide preparedness and rapid response to disaster, emergency
and/or catastrophic events as needed. This provisional zero dollar component will be added under
this project to allow for rapid reallocation of loan proceeds from other components under
streamlined procurement and disbursement procedures.

2.3 Project Objective

The main objective of the program will be to increase the effective use of selected sections of
National roads along the Western Sumatera Corridor by reducing road user costs, through
improving the National road network especially in 4 (four) Provinces of Sumatera (North Sumatera,
West Sumatera, Bengkulu and Lampung) and, where desirable, raise the road standard to that set
by the Directorate General of Highways. This will contribute significantly to ensuring that the
national road network in the region provides acceptable standards of service and accessibility, and
is capable of supporting local and regional economic development.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016


3.1 CTC Consultants

3.1.1 Scope of Services

The CTC contract services originally were structured in its different project management elements.

* Inception Phase

A key activity during the inception phase will be to establish lines of communication with PMU-
WINRIP and DSC’s Team Leader as well as with all Provincial Project Managers (Satkers) where
the first works are to be constructed under WP-1.

* Project Management and Support to PMU, including acting DSC until the DSC is established

The Terms of Reference (TOR) identify a number of sub-items to be performed by CTC. The key
factor that will ensure success is that the CTC must work pro-actively and alongside PMU
counterparts and with DSC team in a professional manner based on mutual respect and trust.

* Preparation of Work Programs

The tendering process for WP 1 sub-projects began as soon as procurement committees have
been formed and received appropriate training in the procurement procedures required. The
indicative work programs and cost estimates identified for WP-2 and WP-3 are subject to
verification, and are likely to change following more detailed investigations. Further
preparation for WP-2 and WP-3 will be managed by the PMU supported by the CTC.

* Financial Monitoring

It will be the role of the CTC to first assess the level of understanding of the financial
management, monitoring and reporting procedures by the finance staff at the provincial and
central level and subsequently devise an appropriate training program and assist the PMU in
training delivery.

* Project Progress and Performance Monitoring

CTC will monitor the loan project progress and prepare the report in monthly basis. In the
meantime, GOI and the World Bank have agreed on a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
to measure the project’s performance in achieving its stated development objectives. CTC will
therefore first concentrate on the establishment of precise definitions, calculation methods
and data collection procedures to monitor the KPIs.

* Support for the Implementation of the ACAP

The CTC will assist PMU and be responsible for ensuring the ACAP is properly implemented.
And for revising the Project Management Manual on an annual basis to incorporate necessary
improvements to processes and procedure.
Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

* ESAMP and LARAP Implementation Monitoring

CTC will closely work with BLH and DSC and will monitor and report the action of the
Environmental Management Plan on a periodical basis and/or as required.

* Training to Support Project Implementation

CTC is responsible for preparation and management of all training program required under

* Reporting

CTC is responsible for all reports required under the contract agreement with standardize
forms, charts and tables.

3.1.2 CTC Manning

CTC professional staffs involved in the project as of end of December 2016 are listed in Table

The International Staff (Senior Highway Engineer, Senior Road Safety Audit Engineer and Senior
Procurement Specialist) have completed their respective engagements and man-months have
demoblized on March 31, 2014 and May 31, 2015, respectively.

The task of conducting final Road Safety Audit during post-construction phase which is supposed
to be conducted by the Senior Road Safety Audit Engineer will be performed by the local Road
Safety Audit Engineer with man-months for the task to be covered by Amendment No.4 of the
Consultancy Contract.

The Training Specialist has been demobilized since the end of August 2016 due to completion of
his allocated man-month under Amendement No.4 of the Consultancy Contract.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Table 3.1

Man - Months Duration Man - Month

Man -
Prop. Demob- Used as of
POSITION Original Amend Amend Amend Amend Name Mobilized Month Remarks
Amend ilized end of Dec
Contract No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 Remaining
No.5 2016
Mahbub ur
40.00 - - - - - - A
Per Weiss
- 35.25 12.25 12.25 12.25 12,20 Apr-2013 Mar-2014 12,25 0,00 B
Team Leader Pedersen
- - 23.00 23.00 30,13 30,13 C.T. Arenas Apr-2014 Oct-2016 30,13 0,00 B

13,00 Lee Hee Won Dec-2016 - 1,00 12,00

Senior Highway Moon, Sung

8.00 12.50 14.00 14.00 14,00 14,00 Mar-2013 Mar-2014 14,00 0,00 C
Engineer Hyung
Senior Road Safety
6.00 11.00 13.00 13.00 11,00 11,00 Cho, Woo Sung Jun-2013 Mar-2014 11,00 0,00 C

Wasim ur
Senior 18.00 - - - - - - A
Specialist Sanjeev Kumar
- 16.00 16.00 16.00 16,00 16,00 Jan-2014 May-2015 16,00 0,00 C
Besar Awiat
40.00 9,67 9,67 9.67 9,67 9,70 Nov-2012 Sep-2013 9.67 0,00 B
Assistant Team
Leader - 30,33 6,66 6.66 6,66 6,70 Agus Setiawan Sep-2013 Mar-2014 6,66 0,00 B

- - 23.67 23.67 45,50 45,00 Julius J. Sohilait Apr-2014 - 32,00 12,00

36.00 7,37 7,37 7.37 7,37 7,40 Whiliyanto Nov-2012 Jun-2013 7.37 0,00 B
Highway Engineer
- 28.40 28,63 32.13 38,96 54,00 Lebiyartono Jul-2013 - 42,00 12,00 F
Quality Assurance Uray Abdul
30.00 30.00 30.00 32.00 53,83 54,00 Jul-2013 - 42,00 12,00
Engineer Manaf
Financial Uus
36.00 10.37 10.37 10.37 10,37 10,40 Nov-2012 Oct-2013 10,37 0,00 B
Management Martawijaya
Specialist - 25,63 25,63 29.13 50,96 51,00 YD Tarwanto Oct-2013 - 39,00 12,00
30.00 30.00 30.00 38.50 60,33 60,47 Leti Hermawati Dec-2012 - 48,47 12,00
Social Impact 36.00 9,37 9.37 9.37 9,37 9,40 M. Sutopo Nov-2012 Oct-2013 9,37 0,00 B
Specialist - 26,63 26,63 30.13 39,96 51,97 Witono Sep-2013 - 39,97 12,00
12.00 - - Darmansiri - - - - A
- 12.00 12.00 Muhdi - - - - A
- - 12.00 7.00 7,00 7,00 Mardiansyah Jul-2014 Mar-2015 7,00 0,00 B

12.00 - 4.10 4.10 4,10 4,13 Rudi Rungkat Nov-2012 Mar-2015 4.10 0,00 B
- 24.00 24.00 35.40 40,23 43,20 M. Edhi Fachri Mar-2013 - 43,20 0,00 C

30 - - Agung Lukito - - - - A
Specialist - 25.00 25.00 34.00 55,83 56,00 Sony Thamrin May-2013 - 44,00 12,00

Development 36.00 36.00 36.00 38.00 59,83 95.93 Yakobus Jan-2013 - 47,93 12,00
Road Safety Audit Aditya Moraza
25.00 25.00 19.00 21.00 42,83 42,97 Jun-2014 - 30,97 12,00
Engineer Alwi
Bridge Engineer 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 5,00 Apr-2013 Aug-2013 5.00 0.00 C

Training Specialist - 12.00 12.00 25.00 30,83 31,23 Roedjitarjo Jan-2014 Aug-2016 31,23 0,00 C

Traffic Engineer - - - 1,00 7,00 7,00 Harianto Parman Mar-2015 - 1,00 6,00 D

Contract Doc.
- - - 14,00 M Edhi Fachri Nov-2016 - 2,00 12,00 G
A - Not able to mobilizied due to poor health or personal reasons
B - Resigned due to personal reasons or poor health
C - Task assigment completed
D - Intermittent assignment to update AADT
E - Man-months until December 31, 2016 to be covered Amendment No.5
F- Proposed to be extended

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

3.1.3 CTC Contract

The CTC contract for “Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project” (Contract No.06-
20/CTC/TA/LN/8043/1112) was signed on 05 November 2012. The contract is between the
Government of Indonesia represented by Directorate General of Highways in the Ministry of Public
Works and PT. Perentjana Djaja in joint venture with Yongma Engineering Co.Ltd. and PT.
Epadascon Permata Engineering Consultant.

The Notice To Proceed was issued by letter dated 6 November 2012 from the PPK, and the official
starting date of the contract was set at 6 November 2012.

Likewise, Amendment No. 1 to the original contract was signed on 25 October 2013 to cover
all requirements of the CTC are summarized below.

* Replacement of the Senior Procurement Specialist

* Extending the assignment of the Senior Highway Engineer.
* Extending the assignment of the Senior Road Safety Audit Engineer.
* Extending the assignment of the Procurement Specialist 2 and replacement of the
Procurement Specialist 1.
* Adding the new position of Bridge Engineer.
* Adding the new position of Training Specialist, and
* Adding the new position of Road Safety Engineer.

Amendment No. 2 to the Original Contract and Amendment No. 1 was signed on September 3,
2014 to cover requirements of CTC are enumerated as follows :

* Additional / Modification to Terms of Reference (TOR)

* Amendment to the Team Composition and Staffing Schedule
* Replacement of Foreign and Local Consultants
* Adjustments of Remuneration paid in foreign currency and local currency
* Adjustment inputs of personnel
* Modification to various reimbursable and provisional sum to match the actual requirement

Amendment No.3 to the current CTC Contract (Original Contract and Amendments 1 and 2 was
signed on November 30, 2015 which is in line with the Updated Timeline Bar Schedule taking
into consideration the current and look ahead situations of the WINRIP program.

Based on the current progress of the Project, the services of several local professional and sub-
professional staff have been extended beyond the end of the respective dates of completion
assignments under Amendment No. 2.

In addition, new position of Traffic Engineer for local professional staff have been added to
conduct traffic surveys on six (6) selected road links within the WINRIP Program in order to
update the AADTs and to prepare a “Technical Analysis of the Annual Average Daily Traffic”.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Amendment No.3 covers the requirements of CTC are as follows :

* Amendment to the team composition and staffing schedule

* Adjustment of inputs of personnel
* Adjustment of remuneration paid in local currency
* Adding the new position of Traffic Engineer
* Modification to various reimbursable to match the actual requirements.

Amendment No. 4 to the current CTC Contract (Original Contract and Amendements 1, 2 and 3)
was signed on March 4, 2016 and to expire or completed on December 31, 2017, the same date
as the expiry/closing date of the loan agreement.

Based on the current progress of the Project, services of professional international and local staff
as well as local sub-professional staff have been extended beyond their respective dates of
assignment engagement covered by Amendment No. 3.

Amendment No.4 covers the requirements of CTC are as follows :

* Consultancy services time extension

* Additional/Modification to TOR/Terms of Reference
* Adjustment of input schedule for Professional Staff, Sub Professional and Supporting Staff
* Amendment to the Team Composition
* Amendment of the Staffing Schedule
* Modification to the Provisional Sums
* Adjustment of Remuneration paid in foreign currency and local currency
* Adjustment to the reimbursable expenses
* Amendment to Clause 6.1(b) of the Special Condition of Contract

Proposed Amendment No.5 to the current CTC Contract will cover the following requirements
of CTC :

* Adjustment of input schedule for professional staff, sub-professional and supporting staff.
* Amendment of Staffing schedule.
* Adjustment of remuneration covered by Special Conditions of the Contract, Clause 6.2 (a).
* Adjustment of cost estimates for foreign and local curriencies.

Presented in Table 3.2 is the current status of CTC contract.

Table 3.2

Description USD IDR

Original Contract including 10% VAT 1,404,370 23,556,940,000
Amendment No.1 including 10% VAT 1,447,517 24,668,792,500
Variance Against Original Contract +3,07% +4,72%
Combine Variance Against Original Contract +4.12%
Amendment No. 2 including 10% VAT 1,509,117 24,704,544,150
Variance Against Original Contract +7,46% +4,87%
Combine Variance Against Original Contract +5.81%

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Description USD IDR

Amendment No.3 including 10% VAT 1,473,917 26,328,054,500
Variance Against Original Contract +4.95% +11.76%
Combine Variance Against Original Contract +9.29%
Amendment No. 4 including 10% VAT 1,918,158 40,878,169,529
Variance Against Original Contract +36.58% +73.53%
Combine Variance Against Original Contract +60.12%
Amendment No. 5 including 10% VAT *1,914,495 *41,215,451,529
Variance Against Original Contract *36.32% *73.84%
Combine Variance Against Original Contract *60.22%
* Tentative, pending approval of Amendment No. 5.
Note : Combine variance (USD+IDR) is based on 1 USD = Rp. 9,558 exchange rate used during the
time of signing the original Contract Agreement.

3.2 DSC Consultants

The Design and Supervision Consultant (DSC) is responsible to design of WP-2 and WP-3 civil works
and supervision of all civil works. They will assume the role of ‘Engineer’ under a FIDIC-type
contract. The tasks include the preparation and maintenance of a quality assurance plan,
validation and updating of designs, supervision of all civil works, environmental and social
monitoring and management, and support for financial and progress monitoring and reporting.
The DSC is also be responsible for quality assurance of materials and workmanship, certifying
whether or not contractors have achieved the required results, as well as documentation and
reporting based on the financial management plan. They will prepare a Quality Assurance system
covering all subprojects, and continuously monitor the effectiveness of their supervision
procedures. The team is being contracted and managed by DGH through the Bina Marga Regional
Office (Balai II), and is being based in Padang, West Sumatera.

DSC has been established in Balai II Padang following the contract signing on 11 June 2013
between Balai II and Renardet SA in joint venture with PT. Cipta Strada, PT. Daya Creasi Mitrayasa,
PT. Seecons and PT. Yodya Karya. The Notice To Proceed was issued by the Balai II on 19 June

Shown in Table 3.3 is the present status of the Design Supervision Consultant (DSC) contract.

Table 3.3

Description USD IDR

Original Contract plus 10% VAT 902.660 57,000,575,500
Addendum No.1 plus 10% VAT 1,147,190 60,541,139,347
Variance Against Original Contract +27.09% +6.21%
Note :
1) Adendum No.1 was approved by DGH on 18 December 2016 with World Bank concurrance and
issuance of No Objection Letter (NOL)

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

3.3 Technical Assistance for Development of Slope Stabilization, Design and

The TA’s objective is to provide technical support to DGH in improving their capacity for road
slope/embankment protection and management. It will include identification and inventory of
the existing slope and embankment conditions, assesment of future potential land slide /road
erosion problems, development of risk maps, prioritization of high problem/high risk areas,
and development of the Detail Engineering Design for a limited amount of areas in the
Western corridor of Sumatra. It will also include the review (and revision) of the National
Standard and Manual (NSPM) related to the slope protection, and capacity building.
The current progress of procurement of Consultancy package under Category 2 to be referred
clause 1.5, No.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY of this report.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016


4.1 Detailed Design Preparation

Final Engineering Designs, Engineer’s Estimates and bidding documents have been completed for all
projects proposed for WP-1, WP-2, WP-3.

A brief status of the nineteen (19) sub-projects relative to the procurement of Civil works contracts
and implementation can be found in “Implementation Status” table on Page 1-1 of this Report.
While progress of road safety audit are shown in Appendix B.

4.2 Procurements
Procurement shall be conducted under the Bank’s Procurement Procedures as mentioned in the Loan
Agreement. The International Competitive Bidding (ICB) based on the Bank letter Ref. WINRIP/136 will
apply to the packages with the construction estimated cost of more than US$ 25 Million to comply with
the new Bank’s threshold for ICB. According to the GOI regulation, a prequalification shall be applied for
the packages with the construction estimated cost more than IDR 10 Billion. Review from previous
procurement process, the World Bank in the Aide Memoire requested to GOI, for next 4 ICB subprojects
qualification still used Pre-Qualification and for remaining sub-project must be process with Post
Qualification. As well as for all NCB the World Bank also requested to follow Post Qualification in
procurement process.

As of this reporting month (December 2016), a more detailed current updates are fully indicated in
Sub-Chapter 1.4 Procurement of Civil Works Contract Under Category 1 on Page 1-5 of this Report .

Under Category 3 of Loan Agreement the three (3) consultancy packages (capacity building for disaster
risk reduction, environmental management and road safety) has been cancelled. As a result of the
cancellation of the three (3) Technical Assistance, the “Technical Assistance for Development of Slope
Stabilization, Design and Management” has been included as replacement, but to be part of the Loan
Category-2 ;

Procurement update of the new consultancy package can be found in Sub-Chapter 1.5 Procurement of
Consultancy Package Under Category 2 on Page 1-5 of this Report.

The WINRIP updated Procurement Plan and Progress are shown in Appendix F.

4.3 Civil Works Implementation

As of end of this reporting month (December 2016), five (5) of contract packages were previously
completed and currently under defects liability period for twenty four (24) months effective on the
day the TOCs were issued and thirteen (13) packages are currently under construction.

Details of each contract package are shown in Table 4.1.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016
Table 4.1

Original Revised
Contract Commence
Contract Time
Program Package Contractor Name of Road Province ment of
Signed Contract Contract Completion Extension Contract Completion
# Work Contract Amount
Amount Time Date Time Date

PT. Jaya Konstruksi Nov 25,

1 Biha - Krui Lampung Jan 8, 2014 134,909,211,000 640 CD Oct 9, 2015 93 CD 140,255,020,000 733 CD Jan 20, 2016
Manggala Pratama Tbk 2013
PT.Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Padang Sawah –
West Apr 14,
2 Pratama Tbk Sp. Empat including Dec 6, 2013 Jan 6, 2014 197,936,699,000 730 CD Jan 5, 2016 105 CD 249,348,931,000 835 CD
Sumatera 2016
AWP-1 Air Gadang
PT. Jaya Konstruksi Manggopoh – West Mar 17,
3 Dec 6, 2013 Jan 6, 2014 143,688,963,000 730 CD Jan 5, 2016 75 CD 183,940,872,000 805 CD
Manggala Pratama Tbk Padang Sawah Sumatera 2016
PT. Waskita Karya and PT. Nov 14, May 31,
4 Ipuh - Bantal Bengkulu Jan 13, 2014 186,936,750,000 730 CD Jan 12, 2016 90 CD 194,902,179,000 820 CD
Mulya Turangga (JO) 2013 2016
PT. Nusa Konstruksi Sp. Rampa - North March 17, June 18,
5 107,321,260,310 540 CD Dec 8, 2016 - 107,321,260,310 764 CD Jul 20, 2016
Enjiniring Tbk. Poriaha Sumatera 2015 2015
PT. Waskita Karya (Persero) Feb 27, Mar 11,
6 Ps. Pedati - Kerkap Bengkulu 86,517,470,000 450 CD Jun 2, 2016 240 CD 118,444,156,000 690 CD Jan 28, 2017
Tbk. 2015 2015
West Nov 26, Dec 10, Aug 30,
7 PT. Adhi Karya Indrapura – Tapan 129,699,900,000 630 CD - - -
Sumatera 2015 2015 2017
PT. PP/PT. Statika Mitra Bts. Kota Pariaman West Mar 23, 355,500,000,000 Mar 12, Dec 31,
AWP-2 8 Jan 28, 2016 720 CD - 71 CD 649 CD
Sarana J.O - Manggopoh Sumatera 2016 2018 2017
PT. Hutama Karya/PT. Daya Bantal – Dec 18, Feb 23, 228,899,717,000 Feb 11, 262,611,303,000
11 Bengkulu 720 CD - - -
Mulya J.O. Mukomuko 2014 2015 2017
PT. Lancar Jaya/PT. Cahaya Kambang – West May 23, 358,650,400,000 May 12,
12 Jan 28, 2016 720 CD -116 CD 604 CD Jan 16, 2018
T.A. J.O Indrapura Sumatera 2016 2018
PT. Waskita Karya (Persero) Sp. Rukis – TJ. Dec 18, July 22, July 10,
13 Bengkulu 292,700,000,000 720 CD - - -
Tbk. Kemuning 2014 2015 2017
PT. Yasa Patria West Apr 12, Dec 31,
14 Painan – Kambang Jun 1, 2016 Aug 3, 2016 214,327,429,680 630CD -114 CD - 516 CD
Perkasa/Conbloc, JO Sumatera 2018 2017
PT. Pembangunan Sibolga – Bts. North July 13, Nov 20, Dec 31,
15 260,100,000,000 810 CD Feb 6, 2018 - 37 CD 773 CD
Perumahan (Persero) Tapsel Sumatera 2015 2015 2017
KSO PT Yasa PP-Multi July 30, -
16 Ipuh - seblat Bengkulu Oct 28, 2016 Nov 8, 2016 211,374,500,000 630CD - - -
Structure 2018
PT. Jaya Konstruksi Sp. Gunung Kemala Nov 17, Aug 23,
AWP-3 17 Lampung Sept 4, 2015 199,551,000,000 720 CD - - -
Manggala Pratama Tbk – Pugung Tampak 2014 2017
PT. Roda Tekindo Purajaya Feb 27, Mar 11, June 30,
19 Bintunan - Lais Bengkulu 33,689,452,000 300 CD Jan 4, 2016 125CD 44,419,760.000 425CD
2015 2015 2016
PT. Nindya Karya Lubuk Alung – West Feb 22, Dec 31,
20 Jun 1, 2016 Sept 1, 2016 113,818,300,000 540CD - 54 CD - 486 CD
Sicincin Sumatera 2018 2017
PT. Multi Structure Lubuk Alung – West Feb 22, Dec 31,
21 Jun 1, 2016 Sept 1, 2016 126,301,900,000 540CD - 54 CD - 486 CD
Kuraitaji Sumatera 2018 2017

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

4.4 Civil Works Progress

Activities done during this month on the on-going construction packages were repair and restoration of
deteriorated existing pavements, roadway excavation, embankment formation, spreading of granular
pavement for roadway widening, asphalt paving, structural works, construction of stone masonry side
ditches, stockpiling of raw material, production of crush aggregates, other minor works, bridge construction,
finalization of “Field Engineering” surveys and mobilization of resources of the newly started contract
The four (4) contract packages under implementation program AWP-1 were already completed and now
under defects liability period for two (2) years since the issuance of TOCs.

Under the implementation program AWP-2 and AWP-3, there are currently twelve (12) contract packages
that are on-going construction implementation and one (1) package on AWP-3 is already completed.
Physical progress of two (2) of the packages are lagging far behind schedule with negative slippages of -
45.03% and -23.93% while progress for the other Eight (8) packages are still slightly on or behind schedule,
two (2) packages are on schedule and the rest one has just started on Nov 8,2016 .

Progress status of the on-going civil works contracts as of this reporting period are shown in Table 4.2.

Following are brief status of the on-going construction contract packages :

Package No. 1 : Biha – Krui
The contract package is completed on January 20, 2016 and provisionally handed over to the Employeer and
currently under “Defects Notification Period” until after two (2) years reckoned from the issuance of the

A more detailed previous status during the whole duration of the contract implementation of this Package is
presented in ANNEX P-I Executive Summary Report.

Package No. 2 : Padang Sawah – Sp. Empat (Including Air Gadang Bridge)
The contract package is completed on April 14, 2016 and provisionally handed over to the Employeer and
currently under “Defects Notification Period” until after two (2) years reckoned from the issuance of the

ANNEX P-2 Executive Summary Report present a more detailed status during the whole duration of the
contract implementation of the Contract Package.

Package No. 3 : Manggopoh – Padang Sawah

The contract package is completed on March 17, 2016 and provisionally handed over to the Employeer on
March 17, 2016 and currently under “Defects Notification Period” until after two (2) years reckoned from
the issuance of the TOC.

A more detailed status of the project progress during the whole duration of the contract implementation
are shown in ANNEX P-3 “Executive Summary Report”.

Package No. 4 : Ipuh – Bantal

The contract package is completed on May 31, 2016 and provisionally handed over to the Employeer on
May 31, 2016 and currently under “Defects Notification Period” until after two (2) years reckoned from the
issuance of the TOC.

Shown in ANNEX P-4 “Executive Summary Report” showing the details and status of the project.
Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Table 4.2
Contract Target Progress
Actual Progress Remaining
Program Package Contractor Name of Road Schedule Ending Slippage Time Elapsed Remarks
Accomplished Time
# December 2016
PT. Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Completed
1 Biha - Krui * - - - -
Pratama Tbk PHO : Jan 20, 2016
PT. Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Completed
Padang Sawah –
2 Pratama Tbk * - -- - - PHO : April 14, 2016
Sp.Empat incl.Air Gadang
PT. Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Manggopoh – Padang Completed
3 * - - - -
Pratama Tbk Sawah PHO : Mar 17, 2016
PT. Waskita Karya and PT. Completed
4 Ipuh - Bantal * - - - -
Mulya Turangga (JO) PHO : May 31, 2016
Based on revised contract time
5 PT. Nusa Konstruksi Enjiniring Sp. Rampa - Poriaha 42.32% 42.73% 0.41% 72.87% 207 CD
and schedule
Based on 2nd revised contract
6 PT. Waskita Karya Tbk Ps. Pedati – Kerkap 96.07% 91.65% -4.42% 95.07% 34 CD
time and schedule
Based on original contract
7 PT. Adhi Karya Indrapura - Tapan 43.74% 39.21% -4.53% 60.57% 248 CD
time and schedule
AWP-2 Bts. Kota Pariaman – Based on original contract
8 PT. PP/PT. Statika Mitra J.O 30.85% 32.15% 1.30% 42.75% 371 CD
Manggopoh time and schedule
Based on original contract
11 PT. Hutama Karya/ PT. DMT Mukomuko - Bantal 96.19% 86.28% -9.91% 93.32% 48 CD
time and revised schedule
PT. Lancarjaya/PT. Cahaya Based on original contract
12 Kambang – Indrapura 9.39% 4.02% -5.37% 36.80% 371 CD
T.A. JO time and revised schedule
PT. Waskita Karya (Persero) Based on original contract
13 Sp. Rukis – Tj. Kemuning 46.63% 32.63% -14.00% 72.60% 197 CD
Tbk time and schedule
Based on revised contract
14 PT. Yasa – PT. Conbloc (JO) Painan – Kambang 5.87% 3.94% -1.93% 27.96% 371 CD
time and schedule
PT. Pembangunan Based on revised contract
15 Sibolga – Bts. Tapsel 44.43% 20.51% -23.92% 51.94% 371 CD
Perumahan (Persero) time and schedule
16 PT Yasa-Multi Structure, Jo Seblat –Ipuh 0.26% 0.26% - 92.53% 582 CD
PT. Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Sp. Gn Kemala – Pg. Based on original contract
17 54.12% 41.34% -12.78% 66.48% 241 CD
Pratama Tbk Tampak time and schedule
19 PT. Rodatekindo Purajaya Lais - Bintunan 100% 100% - - -
PHO : June 30, 2016
20 PT. Nindya Karya Lubuk Alung – Sicincin 12.38% 13.60% 1.22% 23.66% 371 CD Based on revised contract time
21 PT. Multi Structure Lubuk Alung – Kuraitaji 9.86% 3.25% -6.61% 23.66% 371 CD Based on revised contract time
* Under defects liability period for 720 calendar days.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Package No. 5 : Sp. Rampa – Poriaha

Based on the revised schedule approved on 23, November 2016. As of the end of this month, the actual
work progress is 42.73% of the scheduled 42.32%. The balanced +0.41% progress is achieved.

ANNEX P-5 “Executive Summary Report” shows the Contractor’s Progress Schedule.

Package No. 6 : Kerkap – Ps. Pedati

Based on the 2nd revised progress schedule, the actual work progress is 91.23% which is still behind
schedule by -4.84% balancing from the scheduled 96.07%.

Basically the only remaining major work item to be completed is the asphalt pavement which is 60.39%
component of the whole contract and the end of this period, 57.63% of the works is already completed
with still 2.76% to be done.

For the Contractor to accomplish with the revised completion date on January 28, 2017. The remain 8.77%
is to be done as of the completion date of which the rest of calendar days are about one month.

ANNEX P-6 “Executive Summary Report” shows the complete details of the contract package.

Package No. 7: Indrapura – Tapan

During this month, the Contractor is trying to stabilize and balancing the progress, however the actual
overall progress is still less on schedule by -4.53%, mainly due to the inclement weather conditions.

Barring any unforeseen circumstances that will interupt or disrupt the execution of the works, the target
date of completion on August 30, 2017 can be easily achieved, provided the Contractor shall produce at
least minimum 7.6% progress every month during the remaining contract time of eight (8) months.
ANNEX P-7 “Executive Summary Report” shows the complete details of the contract package.
Package No. 8 : Bts. Kota Pariaman - Manggopoh
As the month ended, the overall actual work progress was achieved 32.15% which is ahead of schedule by
+1.30% relative to the progress schedule of 30.85%.

The Contractor has ample working areas for each layer of asphalt pavement and working forces,
equipments, manpower including Aggregate materials, etc, also are deemed suitably enough for the works.

At this present, unsettled land acquisition appx. 6 km should be treated and handled as top and urgent
element maintaining the stable progress for this project.

ANNEX P-8 “Executive Summary Report” shows the complete details of the contract package.

Package No. 11 : Bantal - Mukomuko

Based on the revised schedule due to approval of the results of “Field Engineering”, the actual overall
progress attained by the Contractor up to end of this period is 86.28% against 96.19%.

During this month, the negative slippage rate is raised up to -9.81% comparing with -8.8% of the previous

The reason for delayed progress was mainly due to the asphalt pavement works owing to shortage of dust.
(Abu Batu) and frequent broken-down of A/P finisher.

Base on the schedule, the remaining working month is only 2.6 months with 13.72% of the remain work.
Thus, the contractor have to accelerate their work forces on the asphalt pavement works by means of
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Monthly Progress Report December 2016

increasing supply of agreegate materials, especialy Abu batu and changing the main equipments in good

For more details of the Contract Package, refer to ANNEX P-11 “Executive Summary Report”.

Package No. 12 : Kambang - Indrapura

From the commencement date to this month, the construction time has been elapsed of 8 months but the
actual wrok progress to date is only 4.02% against 9.39%.

Delayed works are mosthly General, Earthwork, Granular Pavement and Structures. Furthermore asphalt
pavement works are not started so far.

The weight of work portion for asphalt pavement is to be more than 50% from the total of works.
Therefore, the contractor has been strongly adviced that the preparatory arrangements for executing
asphalt pavement works should be done as early as possible.

Details of the Contract Package are shown in ANNEX P-12 “Executive Summary Report”.

Package No. 13 : Sp. Rukis – Tj. Kemuning

During this month, the work progress is achieved of 9.86% per a month against 4.69% scheduled.

Overall work progress to date is only 32.63% against 46.63% scheduled. Hence the slippage rate of the
progress is to become -14.00% which is considerably improved from the previous month.

For this month progress has been leaded by the asphalt pavement affacted by more than 90% of this
month overall progress.

In order to maintain the constant progress in the future, the contractor has to improve and catch-up the
work progress of granular pavement to obtain the more working areas of the next works, Asphalt

Details of the work progress are shown in ANNEX P-13 “Executive Summary Reports.

Package No. 14: Painan - Kambang

The work progress up to this month is achieved of 3.94%, excepting asphalt pavement due to the fault to
apply the material on site of aggregate stones, etc as the work progress which is not allowed by the
contract, against 5.87% scheduled.

Aggregate stone materials are stockpiled in huge amount, accordingly it is expecting that the next month
progress is to be improved.

ANNEX P-14 “Executive Summary Report” shows the complete details of the project.

Package No. 15: Sibolga – Bts. Tapsel

During this month, the work progress per a month is achieved of 7.28% against 6.95% scheduled.

Overall work progress to date is only 20.52% against 44.45% scheduled. Hence the slippage rate of the
progress is to be -23.93% which is slightly less than the previous month -24.2%.

This month progress has been leaded by the asphalt pavement work mostly affacted by more than 97% of
this month overall progress.
In order to maintain the smooth progress in the future, the contractor has to improve and catch-up the

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Monthly Progress Report December 2016

work progress for espicially Drainage, Earthworks, Granular pavement to obtain the more working areas of
the next work, Asphalt Pavement.

Detailed and work progress of the contract package are shown in ANNEX P-15 “Executive Summary

Package No. 16 : Seblat – Ipuh

Notice to proceed (NTP) to commence the works has been issued on November 8,2016 and pre
construction meeting was held on November 14,2016 in Bengkulu City.

The mobilization of basecamp, construction equipment, manpower etc, is still on going. Hence the
contractor is not in the position to have financial progress up to this month.

Package No. 17 : Sp. Gunung Kemala – Pg. Tampak

Overall actual progress to date 41.43% against 54.12% scheduled. Progress slippage rate to date has
became bigger -12.78% against 7.87% of the last month.

Delayed work progress is mainly due to the Asphalt pavement, Pavement widening & Shoulder, Granular
pavement and Drainage.

However an einclement weather condition in the rainny season could be a reason for delaying progress,
the contractor’s construction management is to be one of the main element, for delay either.

ANNEX P-17 “Executive Summary Report” shows the complete details and work progress of the project.

Package No. 19 : Lais – Bintunan

The contract package is completed on June 30, 2016 and provisionally handed over to the employer and
currently under “Defects Notification Period” until after two (2) years reckoned from the issuance of the

Complete details of the contract package are shown in ANNEX P-19 “Executive Summary Report”

Package No. 20 : Lubuk Alung - Sicincin

Since NTP issued on September 1, 2016, the mobilization of construction equipments and manpowers of
the Contractor are likely to accomplish and espicially development at their own quarry site, located in
adjacement area of the existing main road, 8 km far from the Project end point, Instaling AMP & crushing
plant in the quarry as wall could be a good element to keep a constant progress during the construction.

At September that site construction management and traffic control of the contractor have to be improved
more, actively and maintained by means of establishing feasible working methods, work sequeuces before
starting of the works.

The progress of this month was achieved 13.60% againts 12.38% schedule, thus fairly ahead of +1.22%.

ANNEX P-20 “Executive Summary Report” shows the Contractor’s schedule and work progress.

Package No. 21 : Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji

Since NTP issued on September, 1, 2016, the mobilization of construction equipments, AMP, Crusher plant
etc, have been done fairly, but in spite of a huge quantities of drainage works, work forces, manpower,
sub-contractors for the drainage works are much insufficient.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

The Contractor has to mobilize the working teams much more than the present for the drainage work to
obtain more working areas for the next works, like granular pavement, Asphalt pavement in order to catch-
up the very delayed progress, -6.61% slippage comparing with actual 3.25% and scheduled 9.86%.

ANNEX P-21 “Executive Summary Report” shows the Contractor’s schedule and work progress.

4.5 Quality Assurance

The DSC will be responsible for quality assurance of materials and workmanship, certifying whether or not
contractors have achieved the required results, as well as documentation and reporting based on the
financial management plan. They will prepare a Quality Assurance system covering all subprojects, and
continuously monitor the effectiveness of their supervision procedures.

Following are current problems which were the same problems during the preceeding month and issues
relative to the execution of the works and quality assurance:

Package No.1 : Krui - Biha

a) Completed.
b) Currently under defects notification period for two (2) years until January 17, 2018.

Package No.2 : Padang Sawah – Sp. Empat

a) Completed.
b) Presently under defects notification period for twenty four (24) months until April 18, 2018.
c) Since the design and construction of side cut slope protection works were not included in the
original contract design/construction have to be implemented under a new contract.
d) During CTC site visit on 16 December 2016 several defects of the Air Gadang Bridge was found i.e:
1. Settlement of the bridge approach road toward Air Balam side.
2. Cracks on the left and right sides of the retaining wall facing Air Balam
3. No – maintenance of the bridge deck, causing rain water covering the deck due to blocked drain

Package No.3 : Manggopoh – Padang Sawah

a) Completed.
b) Currently under defects notification period for two (2) years until March 16, 2018.
c) Since the Design and construction of side cut slope protection works were not included the original
contract design/construction have to be implemented under a new contract.
d) A land slip at Sta. 26+500 (left) caused by heavy rain fall was toward Padang Sawah village, was
observed during CTC site visit on 16 December 2016.
Gabions is installed to rectify and is work is expected to completed within 1 month

Package No.4 : Ipuh - Bantal

a) Even through the contract time have been extended, contractor still failed to complete and turned
over the Project to the Employeer on the revised target date of completion on April 11, 2016.
b) Contractor under liquidated damages.
c) Substantially completed, Taking Over Certificate issued by DSC on May 31, 2016.

Package No.5 : Sp. Rampa - Poriaha

a) Field Engineering still to be finalized and approve by DGH.
Following a geotechnical test to obtain rock excavation safest slope /angle . Additionally the unit
Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

price for rock excavation shall be renegotiated between the “Panitia Peneliti Kontrak” and
b) Contractor to prepare and implement catch-up schedule to reduce the huge progress negative
c) Non-conformance findings during TFAC audit inspection during last month shall be immediately
corrected and rectified and conformance report to be submitted.
d) The on-going design revision involving massive quantities of rock excavation shall be thoroughly
Package No.6 : Ps. Pedati - Kerkap
a) Non-conformance findings during TFAC audit inspection during last month shall be immediately
corrected and rectified and conformance report to be submitted.
Repair to non – conforming finding were completed. The repair works was reported by phone; a
formal written report shall be submitted by PPK/Balai

Package No.11 : Bantal - Mukomuko

a) Non-conformance findings during TFAC audit inspection during last month shall be immediately
corrected and rectified and conformance report to be submitted.
Repair to non – conforming finding were completed. The repair works was reported by phone; a
formal written report shall be submitted by PPK/Balai
b) Contractor shall be issued warning letter as the negative slippage is more than -10%.

Package No.13 : Sp. Rukis – Tj. Kemuning

a) Contractor to finalize technical justifications relative to results of Field Engineering.
b) Field Engineering and Technical Justifications just approved by DGH with balance budget.
c) Non-conformance findings during TFAC audit inspection during last month shall be immediately
corrected and rectified and conformance report to be submitted.

Package No.15 : Sibolga – Bts. Tapsel

a) Field Engineering and Technical Justifications are still to be finalized.
b) Field Engineering and Technical Justifications just approved by DGH with balance budget.
c) Non-conformance findings during TFAC audit inspection on August 22, 2016 shall be immediately
corrected and rectified and conformance report to be submitted.

Package No.17 : Sp. Gn. Kemala – Pugung Tampak

a) Field Engineering and Technical Justification are still to be finalized
b) Field Engineering and Technical Justifications just approved by DGH with balance budget.
Package No.19 : Lais - Bintunan
a) Completed.
b) Curren tly under defects notification for two (2) years until June 30, 2018.

Package No. 16: Seblat – Ipuh

a) This is last WINRIP package contracted
1. Work site hand over to Contractor on 7 November, 2016
2. COW/SPMK letter issued by PPK on 8 November, 2016
3. Pre - Construction Meeting (PCM) held on 14 November, 2016
b) Field Engineering and Technical Justifications are still to be being worked on.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

4.6 Environmental and Social Considerations

4.6.1 Current Overall Situation

A project category is assigned to each package as either Category A, B or C depending on the likely degree
of influence on environmental issues with a brief explanation as follows:
Category A project is one which will have a significant negative impact on the environment and may have
an influence on areas outside the actual project area. A project classified as such requires an AMDAL
(ANDAL, RKL/RPL) study.
Category B project is one which affects the people or the environment to some extent but with a smaller
impact than a Category A. The required environmental analysis is a UKL/UPL study only.
Category C project has minimal effect on the people or environment and an environmental analysis is not
required. SPPL are used to handle any minor problem which may arise.
Details of packages that require environmental and social safeguard are given in Appendix E and the
following Table 4.3 provides a summary of the work involved in the 21 WINRIP packages.
All the twenty one (21) packages require environmental impact investigations and studies which need the
approval by Environmental Agency (BLH).
Nine (9) of the twenty one (21) packages are categorized under “Category A” projects wherein AMDAL/EIA
studies are required and have to be approved by World Bank. The nine (9) packages are covered only by
five (5) AMDAL/EIA studies as some single study covers a combination of two (2) or three (3) sub-projects as
indicated in Table 4.3. While 21 social studies (SLARAP and LARAP) require the approval of the World Bank.
Up to 30 June 2016, all the 22 environmental studies for the twenty one (21) sub-projects including a
separate study (UKL/UPL) for Air Gadang Bridge on Package No.2 were approved by BLH with 5 of these
studies (AMDAL/EIA) were granted No Objection Letter (NOL) from the World Bank while all the 21 social
studies (LARAP) were already issued No Objection Letter (NOL) from the World Bank.
Table 4.3
Works No of No of Investigations Approval by Remarks
Program Packages BLH World Bank
1 - AMDAL 1 - AMDAL 1 - EIA Coverage of Single
2 - UKL&UPL 2 - UKL&UPL No Need AMDAL/EIA study are
AWP-1 4 9 2 - SPPL 2 - SPPL No Need the following Packages :
4 - Full LARAP 4 - Full LARAP a) Packages 1 and 17
b) Package 7,12 and
5 - AMDAL 5 - AMDAL 4 - EIA
c) Package 11 and 16
4 - UKL&UPL 4 - UKL&UPL No Need
d) Package 8
AWP-2 9 18 1 - Simple LARAP 1 - SLARAP
e) Package 10
8 - Full LARAP 8 - Full LARAP

3 - AMDAL 3 - AMDAL 1 - EIA

AWP-3 8 16 5 - UKL&UPL 5 - UKL&UPL No Need
8 - Full LARAP 8 - Full LARAP
Total 21 43 Env=22,Soc=21 22 Env= 5, Soc=21
Note: 1) UKL & UPL do not need a NOL from WB, and SPPL not necessary to submit to the WB.
2) Packages 9 and 18 to be deleted.
3) Air Gadang Bridge have separate investigation, hence, total equals 22.

Appendix E shows the Progress of Environmental Safeguard Studies.

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Monthly Progress Report December 2016

4.6.2 Environmental and Social Issues

This section outlines the activities of the Social Impact Specialist and the Environmental Specialist during
November 2016. Environmental Issues

A project category is assigned to each package as either Category A, B or C depending on the likely degree
of influence on environmental issues with a brief explanation as follows:
Category A project is one which will have a significant negative impact on the environment and may have
an influence on areas outside the actual project area. A project classified as such requires an AMDAL
(ANDAL, RKL/RPL) study.
Category B project is one which affects the people or the environment to some extent but with a smaller
impact than a Category A. The required environmental analysis is a UKL/UPL study only.
Category C project has minimal effect on the people or environment and an environmental analysis is not
required. SPPL are used to handle any minor problem which may arise.
Details of packages that require environmental and social safeguard are given in Appendix E and the
following Table 4.3 provides a summary of the work involved in the 21 WINRIP packages.
All the twenty one (21) packages require environmental impact investigations and studies which need the
approval by Environmental Agency (BLH).
Nine (9) of the twenty one (21) packages are categorized under “Category A” projects wherein AMDAL/EIA
studies are required and have to be approved by World Bank. The nine (9) packages are covered only by
five (5) AMDAL/EIA studies as some single study covers a combination of two (2) or three (3) sub-projects as
indicated in Table 4.3. While 21 social studies (SLARAP and LARAP) require the approval of the World Bank.
Up to 30 June 2016, all the 22 environmental studies for the twenty one (21) sub-projects including a
separate study (UKL/UPL) for Air Gadang Bridge on Package No.2 were approved by BLH with 5 of these
studies (AMDAL/EIA) were granted No Objection Letter (NOL) from the World Bank while all the 21 social
studies (LARAP) were already issued No Objection Letter (NOL) from the World Bank.
Table 4.3
Works No of No of Investigations Approval by Remarks
Program Packages BLH World Bank
1 - AMDAL 1 - AMDAL 1 - EIA Coverage of Single
2 - UKL&UPL 2 - UKL&UPL No Need AMDAL/EIA study are
AWP-1 4 9 2 - SPPL 2 - SPPL No Need the following Packages :
4 - Full LARAP 4 - Full LARAP f) Packages 1 and 17
g) Package 7,12 and
5 - AMDAL 5 - AMDAL 4 - EIA
h) Package 11 and 16
4 - UKL&UPL 4 - UKL&UPL No Need
i) Package 8
AWP-2 9 18 1 - Simple LARAP 1 - SLARAP j) Package 10
8 - Full LARAP 8 - Full LARAP

3 - AMDAL 3 - AMDAL 1 - EIA

AWP-3 8 16 5 - UKL&UPL 5 - UKL&UPL No Need
8 - Full LARAP 8 - Full LARAP
Total 21 43 Env=22,Soc=21 22 Env= 5, Soc=21
Note: 1) UKL & UPL do not need a NOL from WB, and SPPL not necessary to submit to the WB.
2) Packages 9 and 18 to be deleted.
3) Air Gadang Bridge have separate investigation, hence, total equals 22.

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Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix E shows the Progress of Environmental Safeguard Studies.

4.6.2 Environmental and Social Issues

This section outlines the activities of the Social Impact Specialist and the Environmental Specialist during
December 2016. Environmental Issues

The main environmental issues, specifically on the packages under construction are the implementation of
mitigating measures on pollution of spilled oil, grease and solid waste in the Contractors Base Camps. Air
and dust pollution along stretches of thickly populated areas are not properly addressed by the
Contractors. Water spraying is not continuously implemented. Dump trucks transporting construction
material are not fully covered and traffic management plan is not fully implemented then impact of the
quarry operation not manage by the supplier cause of erosion on river side and the holes in the quarry site
and not reclaimed, etc.

Environmental issues on each of the individual sub-projects (Packages) are shown in Appendix E of this

Monitoring of Environmental Aspects During Construction

CTC provided revised monitoring forms to DSC and Contractor for use in monitoring of environmental and
social impacts. These forms are to be used every month by the DSC Site Engineer because no available for
Environmental Specialist.

CTC’s environmental staffs actively advises DSC on environmental monitoring, DSC have directly carried out
monitoring or to implement the Environmental and Social Analysis Management Plan (ESAMP) for WINRIP.

CTC’s Environment Specialist monitored the implementation of environmental mitigations during the
month of December 2015 and the following were observed :

Package No.1 : Krui – Biha

a) Take over certificate at 20 January 2016. a)Status on Feb 2016 are: the quarry, AMP & Stone
Crusher permits from Bupati, (the quarry owner & contractor not yet make changes the permission
(Bupati to Governor refer Law No.23 year 2014).b) The monitoring report prepared by the DSC site
supervision team lack some necessary informations ; photograph not provided, remarks not filled
up. b) The RKPPL : Complete, NOL issued from the WB on 23 Feb 2015, & RKPPL implementation
(Environmental Quarterly) was Complete until period 3 (Oct - Dec 2015). c) the external monitoring
of implementation AMDAL (period 4) was submit to the WB on 29 April 2015,/complete. d) The
Integration of recommendation AMDAL in to the design Complete. e) The HIV-AIDS Campaign
complete on 10 November 2016, f). UKL&UPL implementation report for quarry (prepared by quarry
owner) not available.

Package No.2 : Pd. Sawah – Sp. Empat and Air Gadang Bridge

a) the project has been PHO/complete, b) 1 (one) PAP in bridge approach not affected by project, due
the design changes adapted to the field..
b) The HIV-AIDS campaign on 17 November 2015 was complete
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Monthly Progress Report December 2016

c) The external monitoring of implementation AMDAL (period 4) was submit to the WB on 29 April
d) The Integration of recommendation AMDAL in to the design Complete
e) UKL&UPL implementation report for quarry (prepared by quarry owner) not available.

Package No.3 : Manggopoh – Pd. Sawah

a) Take over certificate at 20 March 2016, b) The HIV-AIDS campaign on 17 November 2015 was
complete, c) The quarry, AMP & Stone Crusher permits from Governor/complete. d) the quarry owner
was manage part of environmental impact on quarry with replanting on side river. e) Unknown the
UKL&UPL implementation submit to BLH, f) The monitoring report prepared by the DSC site
supervision team lack some necessary informations ; photograph not provided, remarks not filled up.

Package No.4 : Ipuh – Bantal

a) the project has been PHO/complete, b)

b) The HIV-AIDS campaign on 5 December 2015 was complete
c) The external monitoring of implementation AMDAL (period 4) was submit to the WB on 29 April
d) The Integration of recommendation AMDAL in to the design Complete
e) UKL&UPL implementation report for quarry (prepared by quarry owner) not available.

Package No.5 : Sp.Rampa – Poriaha

 Quarry, AMP & Stone Crusher permits from Bupati was complete (extend licensing until Dec 2017/the
quarry permits was available before new law issued) .)
 The quarry owner has been manage the quarry by reclamation with replanting.
 PPK under process izin pinjam pakai kawasan hutan with the Forestry Ministry related the review
design of link. There issues for the land acquisition. Erosion on some roads segment
 Oil & grease in Base camp has been manage and part of stone hill will be blasting. Explosive/detonator
 The storages explosive was built, Health & Safety was implemented.

Package No.6 : Ps. Pedati – Kerkap

Based on CTC survey on September 2016 environmental issues was found:

a) Oil & grease in Base camp not yet managed, b) part of segment has been asphalt concrete, c) No roads
sign around construction site. d) Lay out the storage of stockpile in base camp is not save, Oil and grease
pollution in base camp is not provide management, e) UKL&UPL implementation report for quarry
(prepared by quarry owner) not available, d) partially electric poles have been removed from the river
bank, but the contractor has not yet installed sheet pile to prevent landslides river bodies.

Package No.11 : Bantal – Muko Muko

a) Base on CTC survey on November 2016 finding: the environmental issues was found are: the civil work
for link under construction, no roads sign on construction areas, cutting and embankment activities
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Monthly Progress Report December 2016

being implemented Oil & grease on base camp part being manage but air pollution on road pavement

b) The location quarry in Ds. Pulau Baru, Kec. Malin deman, Pondok Sugih, the quarry areas not there in
protected areas but on APL (Area Peruntukan lain) total areas about 4 Ha, cavasity for Stone crusher 80
Ton/hour and AMP 60 ton/hour,Permits to operate stone crusher, asphalt mixing plant (AMP), material
quarries and generator sets has been given approval by BPMPPTSP, b).There are utilitas movement and
the budget include in the BOQ: electricity 38 unit, Telephone 16 unit and trees about 460 trees which
include in BOQ are 375 trees, removal of obstructions (telephone and electric poles and trees) are on-

c) The AMP was moved and the AMP existing has been use by package No 11 (same contractor). The
quarry areas not manage by the supplier, the holes on quarry site not reclaimed then The quarry, AMP
& Stone Crusher permits from Bupati, (the quarry owner under process permit by Governoron (Bupati
to Governor refer Law No.23 year 2014).

d) Amdal implementation report under process submit to PMU/PPK & WB.

Package No.13 : Sp. Rukis – Tj. Kemuning

a) Civil works activities already done until 25 Km. such as clearing and grubbing, roadway excavation along
shoulders, stone crusher and quarry operations. b)The contractor’s work method for shoulder is impresisive
in which excavation and filling back takes place immediately and signage was placed along the working
areas. c) Civil works activities already done until 25 Km. such as clearing and grubbing, roadway, Asphal
pavement on part of segmen , d) The contractor’s work method for shoulder is impresisive, in which
excavation and filling back takes place immediately and signage was placed along the working areas, e) The
monitoring report prepared by the DSC site supervision team lack some necessary informations ;
photograph not provided, remarks not filled up.f) The HIV-AIDS campaign was complete), g). shoulder
widening & asphalt pavement on link along 25 Km ongoing, land acquisition problem on link in Kab.Kaur
(PAPs not yet receive the compensation) implicated the contractor can't work, The contractor has been
implement the excavation management/the shoulder, excavation not opened. Roads sign around
construction site, base camp enough clean, guardrail, part of installed, field inspection on May 2016was
found that some drums kept neat no occur land , but inspection on Sep 2016 drum is not stored and there
has been a bit of oil and diesel fuel contamination, 19 electricity pole in 25 Km (Kab.Manna) will affected
by project, most of the electricity poles have been moved. There is realignment on two poin (Sta 18 &
Sta.22) but the land has been compensated. The quarry was closed, because there is NGO claim, the quarry
permits from Bupati was complete the current under process in Province for Governor permits, there was a
complaint from an NGO, the quarry is closed, this condition causing delays in civil work for package No.13
but the contractor has been finding the new quarry in Kab.Kaur and the quarry has been complete permits
from Governor

Package No.19 : Lais – Bintunan

a) The project has been PHO on 30 June 2016, b) the RKPPL complete (WB NOL issues on 14 Dec 2015). b)
Based on CTC survey at 20 April 2016 that the project will PHO, the contractor has been manage the

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Monthly Progress Report December 2016

environmental management such as replanting, road sign implement, embankment etc. c) the RKPPL
implemetation period 1 (Oct to Dec 2015) was submit to PMU/WB firs of Feb 2016, period Jan - March 2016
complete. b) The HIV-AIDS campaign, complete on 13 Jan 2016. c) the quarry, AMP & Stone Crusher
permits from Governor complete.

Package No.15 : Sibolga - Bts Tapsel

The RKPPL informally has been submit to WB, the current under process submit to WB (formally), Based on
CTC survey on August 2016 was found as follows : a)Land acquisition problems, PAPs not agreed to release
their properties, some squater not yet move, b) water pipes belonging was cross the road pavement,
shoulder widening and mortal, c) The Contractor has been implement the Health & road sapety aspect on
project (good), d)There are puddles in basecamp, the contractor should improve the layout stockpile
storage on basecamp, e). The Direction Kit (Office and Mess) Contractor staff good, Clean & healthy. g) The
HIV-AIDS campaign, complete on 27 Jan 2015. f). the electric poles waterways belonging to the community
& and street vendors have not been moved . g). The quarry ,AMP & Stone Crusher permits complete by

Package No.17 : Sp. Gn.Kemala - Pugung Tampak

 Base camp was built on a hill it has the potential landslides, No license for quarry, AMP & Stone
Crusher, b) while the base camp & stone crusher has built. c) Some roads segment will be construction
by blasting method, d) the RKPPL was complete. The Quarry/AMP/Stone Crusher permits was
complete, then The monitoring report prepared by the DSC site supervision team lack some necessary
informations ; photograph not provided, remarks not filled up. There issued on land acquisition on .

 There's issues for land acquisition on Pekon Kebuayan & Sindi. PAPs not agreed to release their
properties in Pekon Kebuayan & in Pekon Way Sindi 1 PAP not yet moving cause of the contractor can't
work at the location. The Contractor has been implement the Health & road sapety aspect on project
on some segmen, Eart work & shoulder excavation & drainage construction is underway, the
contractor has been manage the construction areas with traffic management (road sign, flaghmen
etc). The proposed blasting methods on STA 11, will be canceled & the new proposed widening to
seaword. : partially electric poles have been removed Quarry, AMP & Stone Crusher permits from
governor was complete

Package No.7 : Indrapura - Tapan

The base camp activity has been operate, the power for AMP & stone crusher activities used genset. the
civil work was done for the excavation shoulder and widening, the quarry & base camp permission under
process to ESDM/Governor. AMDAL implementation will submit to BLH under preparation by CTC

Package No.8 : Manggopoh – Bts. Pariaman

The project under construction,. a) The project under construction, based on CTC site field finding that the
base camp enough clean because power from PLN for operate AMP & base camp, the civil work has been
base AC along 7 Km & excavation shoulder on some segment. The quarry & base camp permits (Governor)

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Package No.20 : Lubuk Alung-Sicincin

The project under construction. b) the RKPPL training on 26 to 27 October 2016, c)The permits for Quarry
complete from Governor & AMP/Stone crusher under process in BLH Kab.Pariaman, UKL-UPL
implementation will submit to BLH under preparation by CTC.

Package No.21 : Lubuk Alung - Kurataji

The project under construction. b) the RKPPL training on 26 to 27 October 2016, c)The permits for Quarry
complete from Governor & AMP/Stone crusher under process in BLH Kab.Pariaman, UKL-UPL
implementation will submit to BLH under preparation by CTC.

1. Review Design Integration, Road Safety Aspects and Monitoring of Environmental Studies

Task 5.8.0 of CTC-2 TOR (Implement the Environmental and Social Analysis Management Plan/ESAMP) and
paragraph 10.9 of the PMM requires ensuring that environmental management aspects of contracts have
been implemented in accordance with AMDAL, UKL&UPL, SPPL studies and Environmental issues will be
integrated in the design and to prepare environmental mitigation on construction stage for contractor
(Contractor Program for Executing Environmental Management Plan CPEMP/RKPPL). CTC has submitted to
PMU all of reports of Review Integration AMDAL,UKL&UPL and SPPL. .

2. External Monitoring Report (Satker/PPK to BLH) for Implementation of AMDAL/UKL&UPL/SPPL on

Pre Construction Phase, Construction Phase and Post Construction Phase.

The 3st external monitoring reports of AMDAL, UKL/UPL and SPPL implementation for BLH are preparation
by CTC has been submit to PMU on 22 July 2016 (Base on CTC surveys on packages above).
The reports which cover four (6) contract packages are as follows :
First (1st) External Monitoring for BLH
 Package No.6 (Ps. Pedati – Kerkap)
 Package No.11 (Bantal – Mukomuko)
 Package No.13 (Sp. Rukis – Tj. Kemuning)
 Package No.19 (Lais – Bintunan)
 Package No.5 (Sp. Rampa – Poriaha)
 Package No.15 (Sibolga – Bts. Tapsel)
 Package No.7 (Indrapura – Tapan)

For while for package No.8 (Manggopoh-Bts.Pariaman) has been submit to PMU on 29 September 2016 and
DGH to WB on 13 Oct 2016.

3. The Contractor Action Plan on Environmental Management and Monitoring (RKPPL)

The RKPPL provided by the Contractors for the packages (Packages 1,2,3,,6,13 and 19) under
implementation schedule AWP-1 were completed and No Objection Letter (NOL) have been already issued
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by the World Bank.

The current activity on 3(three) packages under construction such as packages No.11:Bantal-Muko Muko
the RKPPL has been submit to the WB on 23 Dec 2015, while other 3 (three) packages are No.5:Sp.Rampa-
Poriaha and No.17: Sp.Gn.Kemala-Pgng Tampak has been submit to PMU/WB at 27 April 2016, then No.15:
Sibolga-Batas Tapsel. No. 8 Manggopoh-Bts.Pariaman tgl 2 November 2016, then for packages : No.7:
Indrapura-Tapan, No.12: Kambang-Indrapura, No. 14 (Painan – Kambang), under preparation by the
contractor. No.20 (Lubuk Alung Sicincin) & No.21 (Lubung Alung – Kurataji) complete & informal was submit
to WB on Sep 2016, For 1 (one) remaining package, No.16 (Seblat – Ipuh) RKPPL will be prepared upon
construction starts.

4. Environmental Quarterly Report

The CTC has finalized the environmental quarterly report for the period April to June 2015 for Packages
No.1: Krui-Biha, No.2: Padang Sawah-Sp.Empat, incl.Air Gadang bridge, No.3: Manggopoh-Padang sawah
and No.4: Ipuh-Bantal. The report has been submitted to PMU and the WB on 3 July 2015.

Environmental Quarterly Reports for the period January to March 2016 for Packages No.2,4,5,6,11,13,15,17
and 19 complete and has been submit to PMU/WB on 28 June 2016

Environmental Quarterly Reports for the period April to September 2016 for Packages No.5,6,13,15 &17 has
been submit to PMU/WB on November 2016

Socialization of HIV-AIDs Campaign

The socialization of HIV-AIDs activities on 14 (Fourten) packages has been Complete, are packages No.1
(Krui-Biha = 10 Nov 2015) , No.2 : Padang sawah-Sp.Empat, incl.Air Gadang bridge and No.3 manggopoh-
Padang Sawah = 17 Nov 2015 and No.4 : Ipuh-Bantal = 4 Dec 2015. Package No.11 : Bantal – Muko Muko =
5 Dec 2015. Package No.6 : Psr Pedati-Kerkap= 12 Jan 2016. Package No.19: Lais-Bintunan: 13 Jan 2016 then
package No.13 :Sp.Rukis-Tj.Kemning = 19 January 2016. Package No.5: Sp.Rampa-Poriaha = 27 Jan 2016.
Package No.15: Sibolga-Bts Tapsel = 28 Jan 2016, Package No.7 (Indrapura-Tapan) & No.12 (Kambang –
Indrapura) = 6 September 2016, Package No.8 (Bts.Pariaman – Manggopoh) = 4 October 2016, was
complete and all of reports has been submit to PMU/Balai and the WB, The schedule to carried out the
workshop on HIV/AIDS for new package ongoing construction No.14 Painan-Kambang on 29 November

Presented in Attachment No.1 is the Summary of Studies and submitted Reports mid of Dec, 2015.

Quarries Management.

In most packages under construction, the project contractor purchase material from suppiers that have
valid licenses, but the supplier not implement the environmental management and monitoring plans on
quarry site refer to license.

As the World Bank Safeguard Policy considers a quarry as project area of influence, we therefore urgent
CTC environmental specialist to discuss this issues with the respective BLHs and check the owner of the
quarry complies with the provisions in its environmental license.
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The generally permission of quarry, AMP & Stone Crusher on packages WINRIP under construction the
permits from Bupati, (the quarry owner not yet make changes the permission (Bupati to Governor refer
Law No.23 year 2014), except quarry in package No.6 was provide by Governor but the package No.6 no
license available for AMP & Stone Crusher, the permit was expired .

Package No.5
The quarry, AMP & Stone Crusher permits from Bupati, (the quarry owner has been extentd licensing/the
quarry permits was available before new law issued) . e) the contractor has been manage the quarry area
such as reclamation & air quality & noise measurement, etc as UKL&UPL recommendation and the
contractor was prepare the implementation of UKL&UPL of quarry report and will be send to the BLH.

Package No.6
There 3 Quarry has used by package no 6, one of quarry permit (CV Sabana) was complete from Head of
Mining Agency of Bengkulu province on 25 June 2015, & the remaining 2 quarry under process permision
to Governor decree the owner has been manage the quarry as direction from the mining agency of
Kab.Bengkulu Utara. the UKL&UPL implementation to BLH under preparation (based on owner
information). The genset permision complete, the material quarry (agregat) enough from 1 (one) quarry CV

Package No.7
'The quarry, AMP & stone crusher permit complete from Governor, the quarry owner not yet submit the
UKL&UPL implementation to BLH but periodic report to Mining Agency has been done.

Package No.8
'The quarry permit from Head of Mining Agency of West Sumatera Province,complete. & Base camp permit
complete.the contractor under measurement of dust , water quality & noise in base camp location.

Package No.11
The quarry & the AMP & Stone Crusher permits complete from Governor refer to Law 23 year 2014. the
owner not yet submit the UKL&UPL implementation to BLH) but periodic report to Mining Agency has been

Package No.12
The quarry & the AMP & Stone Crusher permits complete from Governor refer to Law 23 year 2014. the
owner not yet submit the UKL&UPL implementation to BLH) but periodic report to Mining Agency has been

Package No.13
The AMP&StoneCrusher permits was decided by Govenor on 16 January 2016 (refer to Law 23,year 2014),
The quarry permits complete from ESDM Bengkulu province, Unknown UKL/UPL implementation by owner

Package No.14
The AMP & Stone Crusher under preparation of UKL&UPL, Quarry complete by Governor. Unknown
UKL/UPL implementation by owner

Package No.15
The quarry, AMP & stone crusher permits complete by Governor/ Head of Mining Agency of North
Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

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Sumatera province the contractor has been manage the environmental impact such as water river quality
caused quarry activity, the owner not yet submit the UKL&UPL implementation to BLH (under process)
Unknown UKL/UPL implementation by owner

Package No.17
The quarry & base camp permits complete by Governor (ESDM/ of Lampung Province), the contractor
under prepare implementation of UKL&UPL quarry and base camp & will submit to BLH Kab. Pesisir Barat &
periodic reporting every months to Mining Agency.

Package No.20
The permits for Quarry complete from Governor & AMP/Stone crusher under process in BLH Kab.Pariaman

Package No.21
The permits for Quarry complete from Governor & AMP/Stone crusher under process in BLH Kab.Pariaman

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Monthly Progress Report December 2016 Social Issues

1. Monitoring Report of the LARAP

Package No. 1 : Krui – Biha
Province : Lampung
A. Previous Status :
 LARAP implementation documents approved by World Bank on January 4, 2013
 Monitoring Report No.1 (revised) approved by World Bank on June 26, 2013
 Monitoring Report No.2 approved by World Bank on October 20, 2015.
B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions
 No more issue, LARAP fully completed.
C. Update during this reporting month of December 2016
a) Construction completed in January 20, 2016.
b) Total PAP = 2,815; Compensated = 2,815; Percent complete = 100%.
c) No update for reporting of the certification progress of PAP lands.
2. Monitoring Report of the LARAP
Package No. 2 : Padang Sawah – Sp. Empat
Province : Sumatera Barat
A. Previous Status :
 LARAP documents approved by World Bank on January 13, 2013
 Monitoring Report No.1 (revised) approved by World Bank on July 19, 2013
 Additional LARAP Implementation documents approved by World Bank on July 21, 2014
 Monitoring Report No.2 approved by World Bank on Feb. 12, 2015
 Satker PJN I West Sumatera has issued a statement on the status of 1 PAP along Air Gadang
Bridge, and land acquisition plan belonging of 24 peoples as in Additional LARAP Document of
this package on August 16, 2016.
B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions
a) No more issue, LARAP fully completed
C. Update during this reporting month of December 2016
a) Construction completed in April 19, 2016.
b) Total PAP = 466; Compensated = 466; Percent complete = 100.00%.
3. Monitoring Report of the LARAP
Package No. 3 : Manggopoh – Padang Sawah
Province : Sumatera Barat
A. Previous Status :
 LARAP documents approved by World Bank on January 4, 2013
 Monitoring Reports No.1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 already approved and World Bank issued No Objection
Letter (NOL).
 Monitoring Report for the remaining 1 PAP already submitted to WB
B. Pending Issues, Concerns and Actions
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 No more issue, LARAP fully completed.

C. Update during this reporting month of December 2016
a) Construction completed on March 17, 2016.
b) Total PAP = 1,338; Compensated = 1,338; Percent complete = 100%.

4. Monitoring Report of the LARAP

Package No. 4 : Ipuh – Bantal
Province : Bengkulu
A. Previous Status :
 LARAP documents approved by World Bank on December 10, 2012
 Monitoring Report No.1, 2 and 3 already approved and No Objection Letter (NOL) were issued by
World Bank
B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions
 No more issue, LARAP fully completed.
C. Update during this reporting month of December 2016
a) Construction completed in April 11, 2016.
b) Total PAP = 261; Compensated = 261; Percent complete = 100%.
5. Monitoring Report of the LARAP
Package No. 5 : Sp. Rampa – Poriaha
Province : Sumatera Utara
A. Previous Status :
 LARAP documents approved by World Bank on September 16, 2013.
 World Bank accepted the revised LARAP documents and issued No Objection Letter on November
12, 2013 to the action plan implementation of the LARAP.
 Additional LARAP documents approved by World Bank on January 8, 2016.
 Existing permit on forest land for road project from Ministry of Forest has submitted to WB
B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions
a) Existing permit on forest land for road project from Ministry of Forest still need to clarify to
Forestry Ministry
b) Expected the compensation payments for all of the 68 PAPs has paid lower far than
appraisal value, so that it need the remedial action and budget allocation in next year.
C. Update during this reporting month of December 2016
a) Final appraisal result is under prepared by the Consultant
b) Total PAP = 71; Compensated = 68; Percent Complete = 96%.
c) Revision of the Additional LARAP documents is under approval by Bupati of Tapanuli
6. Monitoring Report of the LARAP
Package No. 6 : Pasar Pedati - Kerkap
Province : Bengkulu
A. Previous Status :
 World Bank issued on May 30, 2015 a No Objection Letter on the revised LARAP documents for
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 Monitoring Report concerning the compensation payment for 546 out of 637 PAPs was given No
Objection Letter (NOL) on March 23, 2015.
 Monitoring Report regarding compensation payment for the remaining 91 PAPs out of 637 PAPs
has been given No Objection Letter (NOL) on January 5, 2016.
B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions
 No more issue, LARAP fully completed.
C. Update during this reporting month of December 2016
a) On-going construction.
b) Total PAP = 637; Compensated = 637; Percent complete = 100%.
c) No update for certification process of PAP lands.
7. Monitoring Report of the LARAP
Package No. 7 : Indrapura - Tapan
Province : Sumatera Barat
A. Previous Status :
 LARAP documents approved by World Bank on October 14, 2014.
 Implementation action plan of the LARAP was issued No Objection Letter (NOL) on March 17,
2015 by the World Bank.
 A report of the compensation payment for 276 from total 861 PAPs already submitted to World
Bank on February 9, 2016 and no objection letter (NOL) was issued on March 16, 2016.
 Monitoring Report No. 2 for the compensation payments of 207 PAPs submitted to WB on July 21,
2016 and no objection letter (NOL) was issued on August 18, 2016.
 A monitoring report of the payment progress for 89 PAPs has submitted to WB and no objection
letter (NOL) was issued on November 12, 2016
B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions
a) Compensation payment for 8 from the remaining PAPs is under payment preparation by
PPK/Satker PJN II West Sumatera.
C. Update during this reporting month of December 2016
a) A monitoring report of the payment progress for the remaining of APs is under preparation
by Satker.
b) Total PAP = 861; Compensated = 853; Percent Complete = 99.1%.
8. Monitoring Report of the LARAP
Package No. 8 : Bts. Pariaman - Manggopoh
Province : Sumatera Barat
A. Previous Status :
 LARAP documents submitted to World Bank on August 7, 2014.
 LARAP documents approved by World Bank on August 12, 2014.
 Monitoring Report for the payment of 840 PAPs has been submitted to World Bank on January 14,
2016 and No Objection Letter (NOL) issued on March 8, 2016.
 Monitoring Report for compensation payment of 926 PAPs submitted to WB on May 9, 2016 and
no objection letter (NOL) was issued on May 12, 2016
B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions

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a) No more issue, LARAP fully completed

C. Update during this reporting month December 2016
a) A monitoring report of the payment progress for 440 PAPs has submitted to WB
b) Total PAP = 2,206 (updated); Compensated = 2,206; Percent complete = 100.0%.

9. Monitoring Report of the LARAP

Package No. 9 : Rantau Tijang – Kota Agung
Province : Lampung
Cancelled from the WINRIP Program.
10. Monitoring Report of the LARAP
Package No. 10 : Sp. Empat – Sp. Air Balam
Province : Sumatera Barat
A. Previous Status :
 LARAP documents submitted to World Bank on August 7, 2014.
 LARAP documents approved by World Bank on August 12, 2014.
 Monitoring Report for payment of 1,421 PAPs has been submitted to World Bank on January 14,
2016 and Bank issued No Objection Letter (NOL) on March 8, 2016.
B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions
a) Payments for the remaining 1,190 PAPs not yet paid by Satker PJN I West Sumatera and
Local Government.
C. Update during this reporting month of December 2016
a) Monitoring Report for payment of 138 PAPs on-going preparation by Satker PJN I Sumatera
b) PPK/Satker PJN I West Sumatera and Local Government continue the appraisal and
payment processing of the remaining PAP.
c) Total PAP = 2,915; Compensated = 1,725; Percent complete = 59.18%.
11. Monitoring Report of the LARAP
Package No. 11 : Bantal - Mukomuko
Province : Bengkulu
A. Previous Status :
 World Bank issued on May 30, 2014 a No Objection Letter (NOL) on the revised LARAP documents
for implementation.
 Monitoring Report No.1 and No.2 were issued No Objection Letters (NOL) from the World Bank.
 Monitoring Report for 15 of the remaining 123 PAPs was given No Objection Letter (NOL) on
November 26, 2015
 A monitoring report of the payment progress for the remaining 89 PAPs already submitted to WB
and no objection letter (NOL) was issued on October 28, 2016
B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions
a) No more issue.
C. Update during this reporting month of December 2016
a) Complete.
b) Total PAP = 243 (updated); Compensated = 243; Percent complete =100%.
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12. Monitoring Report of the LARAP

Package No. 12 : Kambang - Indrapura
Province : Sumatera Barat
A. Previous Status :
 LARAP documents approved by World Bank on October 14, 2014.
 Signed Action Plan of LARAP was given No Objection Letter (NOL) by the World Bank.
 Monitoring Report for compensation payment of 216 PAPs submitted to WB on May 26, 2016.
 A Monitoring Report of the compensation payment progress for 60 PAPs has submitted to WB
and no objection letter (NOL) was issued on November 14, 2016
B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions
a) Pending of assessment process is a hindrance to complete compensation payment
C. Update during this reporting month of December 2016
a) Currently there are 28 Km out of the total length of 56 Km, that land aquisition is not
b) Total PAP = 2,337; Compensated = 1,053; Percent complete = 45.1%.
13. Monitoring Report of the LARAP
Package No. 13 : Sp. Rukis – Tj. Kemuning
Province : Bengkulu
A. Previous Status :
 World Bank issued on May 30, 2014 a No Objection Letter (NOL) on the revised LARAP documents
for implementation.
 Signed Action Plan of LARAP was given No Objection Letter (NOL) by the World Bank.
 World Bank issued on August 18, 2015 No Objection Letter (NOL) on the monitoring Report No.1.
 World Bank issued on October 13, 2015 No Objection Letter (NOL) on the monitoring Report No.2.
 Monitoring Report No.3 for compensation payments of 193 PAPs in Kab. Kaur submitted to WB
which was submitted on February 23, 2016 has been issued by the Bank the NOL on March 8,
 Monitoring Report No.4 for compensation payments of 188 PAPs in Kab. Kaur submitted to WB
which was submitted on October 6, 2016 has been issued by the Bank the NOL on October 12,
 Monitoring Report of the payments progress for 333 PAPs has submitted to WB has been issued
by the Bank the NOL on November 18, 2016.
B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions
a) Compensation payments for the remaining 1,069 PAPs being done until 2017 by Satker
C. Update during this reporting month of December 2016
a) DIPA 2016 amounting to RP. 10 Billion was ready
b) Total PAP = 3,198; Compensated = 2,129; Percent complete = 66.57%.
c) The payment for the remaining of APs will be continued in FY2017. The budget needed for
the FY2017 payment is around 4.5 billion IDR.

14. Monitoring Report of the LARAP

Package No. 14 : Painan - Kambang

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Province : Sumatera Barat

A. Previous Status :
 World Bank issued on December 19, 2014 the No Objection Letter to the LARAP documents.
 LARAP’s signed action plan was given No Objection Letter (NOL) by World Bank.
 Monitoring Report No.1 for compensation payments of 126 PAPs submitted to WB which was
submitted on July 20, 2016 has been issued by the Bank the NOL on August 1, 2016.
 Monitoring Report of the payments progress for 62 PAPs has submitted to WB on Nov 11, 2016
B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions
a) Pending of assessment process is a hindrance to complete compensation payment.
C. Update during this reporting month of December 2016
a) A monitoring report for the payment progress is under preparation by Satker
b) Total PAP = 1,087; Compensated = 763; Percent complete = 70.2%.
15. Monitoring Report of the LARAP
Package No. 15 : Sibolga – Bts. Tapsel
Province : Sumatera Utara
A. Previous Status :
 World Bank approved the LARAP documents on February 6, 2014 for implementation in acquiring
Road Right of Ways and removal of obstruction.
 Monitoring report No.1 for 40 of the remaining 1.554 PAPs was given No Objection Letter (NOL)
on November 16, 2015.
 Monitoring Report No.2 for payment of remaining 72 PAPs already submitted to World Bank.
 Monitoring Report-3 for the compensation payment for 237 from the remaining 1.439 PAPs
already be submitted to WB on February 19, 2016 and Bank issued no objection letter (NOL) on
March 16, 2016.
 Monitoring Report No.4 for compensation payment of 55 PAPs submitted to WB on April 13,
2016 and Bank issued no objection letter (NOL) on May 19, 2016.
 Monitoring Report No.5 for compensation payment of 34 PAPs submitted to WB on August 8,
2016 and Bank issued no objection letter (NOL) on August 18, 2016.
 Monitoring Report No.6 for compensation payment of 127 PAPs is under submission to WB.
B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions
a) Due limited to limited supply of map fields from BPN as one of the documents needed for
find disbursement by Treasury Office affect the progress of payments release.
C. Update during this reporting month of December 2016
a) Compensation payment for the remaining 1,326 PAPs will be paid on next year.
b) Total PAP = 2,003; Compensated = 677; Percent complete = 33.8%.

16. Monitoring Report of the LARAP

Package No.16 : Seblat - Ipuh
Province : Bengkulu
A. Previous Status :
 World Bank issued on May 30, 2014 a No Objection Letter (NOL) on the revised LARAP documents
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for implementation.
 World Bank issued No Objection Letter (NOL) on Monitoring Report No.1 and 2 for LARAP
 Monitoring report for 102 of the remaining 120 PAPs was given No Objection Letter (NOL) on
November 26, 2015.
 Updated LARAP documents submitted on February 22, 2016 to World Bank with NOL issued by
Bank on March 8, 2016.
 Monitoring Report No.3 for compensation payment of 33 PAPs submitted to WB on October 24,
2016 and NOL issued by Bank on November 11, 2016
B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions
a) No more issue
C. Update during this reporting month of December 2016
a) Total PAP = 259; Compensated = 259; Percent complete = 100.00%.
17. Monitoring Report of the LARAP
Package No.17 : Sp. Gunung Kemala – Pg. Tampak
Province : Lampung
A. Previous Status :
 World Bank approved the corrected LARAP documents on November 12, 2013
 Monitoring Report for 154 of the total 2.014 PAPs was given No Objection Letter (NOL) on
October 13, 2015.
 Monitoring Report for 735 of the remaining 1.860 PAPs was given No Objection Letter (NOL) on
November 26, 2015.
 A Monitoring Report for the compensation payments progress for 1,156 APs was given No
Objection Letter (NOL) on November 18, 2016.
B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions
a) Certification (290 plots) not yet resolved
A. Update during this reporting month of December 2016
a) A Monitoring Report for the compensation payments progress for the remaining Aps is
under preparation by Satker
b) Compensation payments for the remaining 21 PAPs is under completion process.
c) Total PAP = 2.301; Compensated = 2.280; Percent complete = 99.08%.
18. Monitoring Report of the LARAP
Package No.18 : Mukomuko – Bts. Sumbar
Province : Bengkulu
Cancelled from the WINRIP Program.

19. Monitoring Report of the LARAP

Package No.19 : Lais - Bintunan
Province : Bengkulu
B. Previous Status :
 World Bank issued on May 30, 2014 No Objection Letter (NOL) on the revised LARAP documents
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for implementation
 World Bank issued No Objection Letter (NOL) on Monitoring Report No.1 for the LARAP
 Monitoring Report for 208 of the remaining 272 PAPs was given No Objection Letter (NOL) on
November 26, 2015.
 A Monitoring Report for the compensation payments progress for the remaining of 64 APs has
submitted to WB and NOL issued by Bank on November 11, 2016.
C. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions
 No more issue LARAP fully completed.
 Certification (290 plots) not yet resolved
D. Update during this reporting month of December 2016
a) No update for affected land certification
b) Total PAP = 538 (updated); Compensated = 538; Percent complete = 100%.
20. Monitoring Report of the LARAP
Package No. 20 : Lubuk Alung - Sicincin
Province : Sumatera Barat
A. Previous Status :
 World Bank issued NOL to LARAP documents on December 19, 2014.
 NOL WB of the Monitoring Report of the payments progress for 670 PAP on Sep 26, 2016.
B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions
a) No more issue LARAP fully completed.
C. Update during this reporting month of November 2016
a) A monitoring report for the payment progress is under preparation by Satker
b) Total PAP = 937; Compensated =937; Percent complete =100.0%.

21. Monitoring Report of the LARAP

Package No. 21 : Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji
Province : Sumatera Barat
A. Previous Status :
 World Bank issued NOL to LARAP documents on December 19, 2014.
 NOL WB of the Monitoring Report-1 for compensation payment of 515 out of the total 1,245
PAPs on August 23, 2016
B. Pending Issues, Concern and Actions
a) No more issue LARAP fully completed
C. Update during this reporting month of November 2016
a) A Monitoring Report of the compensation payments progress for 236 Aps is under
submission to World Bank
b) Reporting the last payment is under preparation by Satker
c) Total PAP = 1,245; Compensated = 1,245; Percent complete = 100.0%.

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4.7 Anti Corruption Issues

4.7.1 Anti‐Corruption Action Plan (ACAP)

ACAP for WINRIP was developed from the previous SRIP experiences. Basically, it has the same main
components of involving the Community Representative Observers (CRO) in the bid opening and Third
Party Monitoring (TPM) during the construction supervision although modification was made on the
selection process of the CROs for SRIP. Within this plan there are four main pillars as indicated separately
a) Community Representative Observers (CRO)
b) Publication / Disclosure
c) Complaints Handling System (CHS)
d) Third Party Monitoring (TPM)
4.7.2 Community Representative Observers (CRO)

The Community Representative Observers, who are required to observe the actual bidding activities, were
appointed for WP-1 group. All of the CROs were university staff, selected in accordance with the World
Bank suggestion to request assistance from local universities.

CRO is the independent observer who is not related directly or indirectly to the Contractors, Consultants,
and Suppliers or not be part of the WINRIP’s management, and not a member of any political party.

CROs selection procedures:

a. Review the criteria and qualifications of candidates for the CRO.

b. Director of Planning, DGH/ as Chairman of the Project Management Unit, delegated the authority to
the selection of the CRO to the Head of National Roads Implementation Agency
(BBPJN) / Head of Procurement Services Unit (Unit Layanan Pengadaan - ULP), hereinafter referred to as
Head of Balai.
c. Head of Balai to invite CRO candidates from the local universities or colleges.
d. Selection of CRO to be facilitated by Balai (BBPJN) / Procurement Services Unit (Unit Layanan
Pengadaan - ULP).
e. Elected CRO and substitute CRO must attend one day training to be conducted by the PMU / CTC
f. Head of Balai to report the result of CRO selection by attaching the Minutes of Election Meeting and
send an approval application letter of the CRO to Director of Planning DGH as the Chairman of PMU.
g. Based on the report and a written request from the Head of Balai, the Director of Planning DGH as the
Chairman of PMU must sign a Letter of Agreement and the Decree of the Establishment of CROs.

The duties and obligations of CRO are:

a. CRO must be present in any procurement activity (Pre-Bid Meeting, Site Visit, Bids Submission and
Opening of Bids, and Announcement of Bids Winner) by invitation of the Procurement Committee, and
are required to sign the attendance list
b. If the elected CRO is unable to attend on procurement activities, a Substitute CRO shall be appointed to
attend these activities.
c. In discharging of duties the Substitute CRO have the same responsibilities as elected CRO.

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d. The CRO / Substitute CRO, after attending the Procurement activities, required to make a report of
his/her activities and submit them to the PMU and copy furnished to the related Head of Balai.

CRO as the representative of the community is to be independent observers and in performing their duties
voluntarily and not demanding benefits of their works.

In the performance of its duties, the CROs receive transportation cost from their home / office to the
location of procurement meeting, and also he / she also receives per diem or Out Station Allowance (OSA)
and hotel accommodation if necessary to stay. CROs also get additional charged for their reporting costs.
The financing standards adjusted to the General Cost Standard (Standar Biaya Umum) issued by the
Ministry of Finance.

The CRO’s financing charged to the Contract for Consulting Services for Technical Assistance for Core Team
Consultants (CTC) No: 06-20/CTC/TA/LN/8043/1112, dated 5 November 2012.

4.7.3 Publication / Disclosure

The second task under ACAP is publication of related ACAP documents for public disclosure with easy
access to the general public and this is mainly manifested in the ACAP segment of the WINRIP website. This
ACAP section has been being designed to attain the best possible transparency of the project.

Ministry of Public Work (MPW) will provide necessary information in the Project Implementation Plan (PIP),
Project Management Manual (PMM) on its website, and in the bidding documents, such as contact point
for complaint (mail and e-mail address, phone, fax, text message). The contact will also include the Bank’s
Fraud and Corruption Hotline. MPW will hold Annual Accountability Meetings to enhance accountability
and project information sharing with civil society. The PMM will provide guidelines on disclosure of
information related to the project. MPW official website will display critical information on WINRIP to
enhance both internal and external monitoring of the project:

 Work Plan and Procurement Plan.

 Quarterly newsletter containing information on the list of contracts, implementation progress, projects
related activities, number, types and status of complaints in each location. The newsletter will also be
made available to civil society in hard copy and through electronic mailing system.

 Mid-Term Review Report, promptly after completion of the mid-term review implementation support is
carried out in accordance with the loan agreement;

 All final audit reports (financial or otherwise, including qualified audit reports) prepared in accordance
with the loan agreement and all formal responses of the government in relation to such reports. The
publication should be done within one month after the report is accepted as final.

 Contracts awarded with information on general scope of work (with location), value, and summary
information of the awarded firms/ contractors. The practice in other projects demonstrates that
disclosure of contracts awarded will help in reducing fraudulent practices

Ministry of Public Works (MPW) maintains a website:, with a link to ''
for information on semi e-procurement or e-procurement. PMU WINRIP supported by CTC will develop
their own website:, and with it all the information and data about WINRIP be
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inputted or uploaded on this site.

In the application of one of the components of ACAP, the public disclosure and transparency, it is necessary
to spread information and increase the capacity of all stakeholders involved in the implementation of this
WINRIP project, through a variety of relevant training. The trainings have been expressed in the TOR of CTC
WINRIP and described in the Project Implementation Plan (PIP).

One of the major risks to effective project implementation and management derives from the likelihood
that project management staff does not have adequate training in or experience of the management of
large-scale projects.

4.7.4 Complaints Handling Mechanism (CHS)

The ACAP as adopted by the Ministry of Public Works for WINRIP states on the subject of “Complaints
Handling System”. The Community Development Specialist and the Management Information Specialist will
play a crucial role in the set-up of the Complaints Handling System (CHS) within PMU, in cooperation with
the PMU officer(s) in charge of the Complaints Handling Unit (CHU).

CHS essentially has four main components as follows:

 Data Entry.

All complaints are expected to be submitted through the WINRIP website but in fact, to date, most
complaints have been received by letter, either directly or indirectly, although a few were sent by fax
or email. However, to attain the best possible transparency of the project, complaints submitted
manually through letter, facsimile, telephone, e‐ mail or visit to the Public Works regional offices will
be entered in the WINRIP website by the CHS team of CTC. The possibility of using the ‘short message
service’ (SMS) from a cell phone for complaints was considered and it was decided that all SMS
messages, although not treated as formal complaints, will be recorded as additional information.

 Complaint Registration.

Every submitted complaint is registered and stored into the CHS database, categorized, and sent to
the correlated expert for future consultation in order to formulate a response.

 Complaint Assessment.

The CHS Team assesses the urgency and complexity of all complaints. Simple complaints are followed
by the formulation of a response for PMU’s approval before uploading the formal response into the
WINRIP website. Complex complaints are followed by a thorough investigation.

 Field Investigation and Analysis.

In the case of an investigation being required, the CHS team will make field visits and take necessary
action such as discussion with related institutions (Satker, Dinas, Supervision Consultant, etc); invite
the complainer; interview the contractor; etc. Findings will be used for analysis to formulate a
conclusion, solution, next action and any further decision.

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4.7.5 Third Party Monitoring (TPM)

All WINRIP packages are designed to have external parties involved in conducting an independent
assessment of the project throughout construction. Project information is accessible through the WINRIP
website (under construction), project information booth which is normally maintained in the
PPK/Satker/Dinas office or, project announcement (billboard) at each site. ACAP requires a third party, from
outside the project, to independently monitor the progress of construction work of each link and these
personnel are provided by universities nearby each package.

It was decided that the best method of recruitment for TPM was through the universities closest to each
package and PMU mailed invitations asking them to express their interest in forming independent
monitoring teams of Third Party Monitors. This concept is based on the fact that Universities/Technical
Faculties have the engineers available for recruitment and Universities could use this opportunity to be
involved in public service. It is hoped that this concept will be more effective and more efficient in getting
legitimate, competent, independent Third Party Monitoring (TPM).

The duties of a TPM included:

a) Report to the PPK for his intended package and obtain copies of all drawings and contract
b) Make at least three (3) separate visits to site, with each visit up to four (4) days long, and ascertain that
the works are being carried out in compliance with the drawings and documentation.
c) Prepare and submit a report for the PMU following each visit with their last report post PHO.

4.8 Road Safety Audit

Since the Senior Road Safety Audit Engineer has been mobilized on 1st May 2013 until his
demobilization on April 1st 2014, technical design and road safety engineering review and road safety
audit for several packages in AWP-2 and AWP-3 sub-projects has been implemented.

However, there were still some task which were not covered by the Senior Road Safety Engineer during
the duration of the road safety audit stage. Upon mobilization of the National Road Safety Engineer and
the Assistant Road Safety Engineer who were mobilized on June 2, 2014 and November 3, 2014
respectively, the remaining road safety audit works were continued.

The remaining works are as follows :

1. Road Safety Audit at DED stage, for :

a. AWP-3 sub-project (Packages 14, 16, 20 and 21)
2. Road Safety Audit at Construction Stage, for :
a. AWP-1 sub-projects (Packages 1, 2, 3 and 4)
b. AWP-2 sub-projects (Packages 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13)
c. AWP-3 sub-projects (Packages 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 21)
3. Road Safety Audit at Pre-opening Stage, for :
a. AWP-1 sub-projects (Packages 1, 2, 3 and 4)
b. AWP-2 sub-projects (Packages 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13)
c. AWP-3 sub-projects (Packages 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 21)

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Road Safety Audit at detailed design stage is to identify the road safety weaknesses in design drawings
through site visiting, review of design drawings and official meeting with stake holder. Road Safety
Audit report is the recommendation for improvement of road safety.

Road Safety Audit at Construction stage or Traffic Management and Safety Monitoring is to check the
performance of contractors related to the implementation of application management and traffic
safety in the field.

Road Safety Audit at pre-opening stage is to ensure that the road has been built as designed and to
identity any safety issues that may have been missed through the design procees.

The overall progress of the different stages of Road Safety Audit are shown in Appendix B.

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5.1 Draw‐Downs and Future Costs
Details of the disbursements already made from the loan are listed in the following

5.2 Disbursement
The total disbursement by World Bank from the loan to the end of December 2016 was
USD 101,180,236.97 equivalent to approximately 40.47% of the loan funds. A total
disbursement of USD 19,454,368.91 was made during the month of September 2016 for the
payment Interim Payment Certificates for the Statement of Work Accopmplished under
Category 1 Part 1 of the loan agreement.

The total expenditure to date measured in the term of the World Bank commitment, not
including the Special Account advance, is shown in Appendix C. The following table
summarizes the individual disbursements as calculated by CTC but retaining the total
disbursement from Client Connection at the end of December 2016.

Loan Restructuring Totals Disbursed to

Category Description Amount USD End December 2016 % Disbursed
in USD
Part 1 Betterment and
1 Capacity Expansion of 220,400,000.00 94,390,131.14 42.83
National Roads.
Part 2
2 17,000,000.00 6,790,105.83 39.94
Implementation Support
Part 3
3 Road Sector Institutional 0 0 0
Part 4
4 Contingency for Disaster 0 0 0
Risk Response
Unallocated 12,600,000.00 0 0
Original Loan
250,000,000.00 101,180,236.97 40.47

5.3. Management Information System

5.3.1. General Overview

The Management Information System tasks are as follows below:

1) Information System
a. Develop and manage the File Storage as database system to store soft copy
documents into the server.
b. Establish the Document Management System (DMS) to provide:
 Letter Database System, used to record all information of incoming and
outgoing letter.

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 Document Library System, used to record all information of hard copy

documents then store it into library shelves.
c. Create and updated content of the WINRIP official website.
d. Develop and updated content of the Website Geographic Information System
(WebGIS) of spatial and roads information that overlay into Google Maps.
e. Develop, manage and updated content of the Financial Management
Information System (FMIS), the web based application to monitoring the
financial report and the physical progress report.
f. Provide and manage of the Complaint Handling System (CHS), used and
support the ACAP activities to accommodate complaints from the public.

2) Data Collection and Document Upload

a. Collecting data and updating list of data catalog every month.
b. Uploading documents into a file storage server.

3) Technical and Computer Troubleshooting

a. Setting up and manage cable network of local area network and internet
b. Setting up and manage hardware problem of the computer, printer, copier
and phone.
c. Software installation and cleaning up of computer virus.

5.3.2. Database

Typical Workflow of Hard Copy Stored Shelves

Database Management

Incoming and File Storage

Administrator Soft File Saved
Outgoing Data Server

Data Database
Information Application

A typical workflow in management of incoming and outgoing data is divided into 3

types of data handling, below:

1. Hardcopy, the document is stored in a rack.

2. Soft files, saved in the File Storage Server.
3. Data information, inputted in database applications.

For further handling that needs to be made an integrated database management

system so that all data can be stored properly. The database system has been

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

prepared to store all of WINRIP project information in a systematic, easily

traceable, maintainable, and manageable format as outlined below with the following

a. File Storage Server, used to stored all files of report and other document. Please
check the URL address
b. Document Management System (DMS), used to record all information of letter and
document files. The URL address of the DMS application will be at The DMS have 2 main modules below:
1. Letter Database System, used to record all information of incoming and
outgoing letter.
2. Document Library System, used to record all information of document and
report files.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

6.1 World Bank and GOI Compliance

6.1.1 World Bank Missions

During the month, there was no mission by the World Bank nor monthly coordination meeting
to update the Action Plans.

6.1.2 Agreed Key Actions and Mission Plans during Recent World Bank Mission

A list of the key actions monitored during the period are listed below.

No. Action By Whom New Deadline (s)

Inform the WB if the Contractor can finish the package 16 PPK through
1. January 30, 2017.
within 2017. PMU and CTC.
Send to the WB informally the proposed contract
2. modification for package 03. PMU and CTC. December 14,
Issue a NOL to the contract modification for time
3. WB. December 23,
extension for package 05.
Inform the WB about the contract modification to include
the PPK through
4. December 30,
additional drainage and accesses to houses in package PMU and CTC.
06 (contact finishes on January 28, 2017).
Inform the WB if the Contractor of package 13 was able to
5. comply with 400 m3 of quarry material production per day. PMU and CTC. January 16, 2017.
Inform the WB if the Contractor of package 15 was able to
6. PMU and CTC. January 16, 2017.
achieve 20% of cumulative progress by the end of 2016.
Inform the WB after completion of field engineering if
package 20 can be completed within 2017; and what
7. PMU and CTC. January 10, 2017.
Bina Marga will do considering that this package is in
good condition.
Submit to the WB the proposal evaluation report for the
8. PMU and CTC. January 11, 2017.
slope stabilization, design, and management.
Send to the WB the #2 DSC contract modification for price
9. PMU and CTC. January 30, 2017.
Send to the WB formally the request for NOL to CTC contract
10. amendment No. 5. PMU and CTC. December 15,
 RKPPLs for
packages 07,
Send to the WB the environmental management and
14, and 20:
11. monitoring plans (RKPPLs) for packages 07, 14, and 20 to PMU and CTC.
the Bank.
30, 2016.
Training for
package 16:
First week of
January 2017.
February 2017 for
12. Cary out HIV/AIDS workshops. PMU/CTC/ DSC. packages
16, 20, and 21.
Send to the WB the final LARAP document for package 05
signed by the relevant Government authority, including a
13. comparison between the amount paid to affected people PMU and CTC. December 15,
and the amount due to them according to the appraisal, as 2016.
well as a list of remedial actions.

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No. Action By Whom New Deadline (s)

Send to the WB the necessary clarification about the right

14. of use permission from the Forestry Department for the PMU and CTC. January 16, 2017.
existing road at package 05.
Carry out remedial actions for the LARAP implementation
15. PMU. March, 2017.
of package 05.

Send to the WB the monitoring report of LARAP

16. PMU. March, 2017.
implementation of package 05.
 Packages 07,
Submit to the WB LARAP monitoring reports for packages 08, and 21:
17. PMU.
07, December 30,
08, 15, 20, and 21. 2016.
 Packages
15, and 20:
January 30,
Completely follow up on the FY2015 audit findings, and
18. PMU and CTC. December 30,
report to the WB.
Submit to the WB the quarterly IFR for the period October to
19. December, 2016. PMU. February 15, 2016.
 Package 03:
January 10,
 Package 05:
January 10,
 Package 06:
Send to the WB the TFAC response for packages 03, 05, 06, PMU/DSC/ December
20. 16, 2016.
07, 11, 13, 15, and 17. CTC.
 Package 07:
January 23,
 Package 11:
January 04,
 Package 13:
January 10,
 Package 15:
January 10,
 Package 17:
January 24,
Upload the mid-term review report on WINRIP website
21. PMU/CTC. January 31, 2017.
(please send link to the Bank).
Submit to the WB the 2015 IRMS traffic data for the 19 road
22. packages. PMU/CTC. December 30,
This activity must
23. Submit regularly to the WB the quarterly progress reports. PMU. be
carried out every
calendar quarter.
Update the newsletter quarterly, including the list of This activity must
24. contracts, implementation progress, project related PMU. be
workshops, and number, typology and status of carried out every
complaints. calendar quarter.

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6.1.3 Performance Indicators

Key Performance Indicators are developed and agreed between the World Bank and GOI,
and will be monitored over the whole project period the changes in variables will be
calculated annually. The set indicators are describe in the project Appraisal Document
(PAD) and the Loan Agreement between the GOI and the World Bank.

The overall progress towards achieving the PDO of increasing the effective use of selected
sections of national roads along the Western Sumatra Corridor by reducing road user costs
is considered moderately satisfactory. Progress in implementation has picked up, and
there has been an advance with respect to several project indicators. In addition, a project
restructuring is being processed which should bring the project largely back on track.

The PMU provided an update on the achievement of the indicator targets. There has been
relatively good progress on three of the five intermediate indicators. For one of the
remaining intermediate indicators on bridge improvement, progress is expected within the
next semester. The last intermediate indicator related to institutional strengthening will be
cancelled in the framework of project restructuring. For the PDO indicator on AADT, CTC
carried out static traffic counts in March 2015 and confirmed that the original indicator
targets are adequate. The mission refined a few indicators definitions/baselines and
updated some indicator targets to take into account the project implementation delays.
These changes will be reflected in the upcoming project restructuring.

From the “baseline 2010 AADT and estimated AADT for the year 2014/2015, the
extrapolated AADT for the year 2013 resulted to 11,254 vehicles per day or 8.8% above the
targeted 10,347 vehicles per day in 2013. Shown in Table 6.1 is the comparison between
target and actual estimated AADT.

Table 6.1
Year Targeted AADT Estimated
Baseline (2010) 7,837
FY1 (2013) target 10,347
FY1 (2013) actual 11,254
FY2 (2014) target 11,351
FY2 (2014) actual 12,696
FY3 (2015) target 12,453
FY4 (2016) target 13,304
FY5 (2017) end target 14,214

Appendix I shows the updated WINRIP Performance Indicators.

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6.2 Implementation Support Components

6.2.1 Core Team Consultant (CTC)

The CTC is responsible to provide support to the PMU and DGH in the management of the Project,
based in Jakarta. The CTC tasks include financial and progress monitoring and reporting, information
management and dissemination, quality assurance and performance review for the Design and
Supervision Consultants (DSC), implementation and monitoring of the anti-corruption action plan,
support for project monitoring and evaluation, and support for implementation of a training
program to support project management and implementation.

The CTC contract No. 06-20/CTC/TA/LN/8043/1112 was signed on 5 November 2012 by both DGH
and a Joint Venture of PT. Perentjana Djaja, Yongma Engineering Co.Ltd., and PT. Epadascon
Permata Engineering Consultant.

The main CTC activities during December 2016 are as follows:

 Preparation of Monthly Progress Reports.

 Monitoring the implementations of the ESAMP, anti-corruption action plans, complains from project
site, progress of LARAP, procurement activities and financial progress.
 Prepared and issued various letters to PMU and DSC.
 Preparing the draft of outgoing letter for PMU and PIU.
 Submitted various Reports to PMU concerning environmental, the status of LARAP implementations
and Site Visit Reports of each Specialist who conducted site inspection.
 Monitored the actual construction progresses of the on-going contract packages and advised PMU
of the current situations of the sub-projects.
 Reviewed the draft of control amendment of technical justification variation order Package 5 and
Package 17.
 The review and coments an the technical evaluation made by POKJA for the selection of consultancy
service for Technical Assistance for Development of Slope Stabilization Design and Management.
 Community Development conducted monitoring on TPM activity for package 5 in North Sumatera
Province and package 8 in West Sumatera Province.
 Monitoring of RKPPL Implementation on packages 7, 12, 14 0n December 7 – 10, 2016 and Packages
5 & 15 on December 19 – 21, 2016.
 Monitoring Larap for Package 5 & 15 on December 15 until 17, 2016.
 Introducing TFAC World Bank Mission for Package 8,12,14,16,20 and 21 in Padang City.
 Conducted Road Safety Audit during construction for Package No. 7.
 Team Leader of CTC and Quality assurance Specialist conducted site orientation tour for packages 2,
3, 8, 20 & 21.

6.2.2 Design and Supervision Consultant (DSC)

The Design and Supervision Consultant (DSC) will be responsible for design of WP 2 and WP 3 civil
works and supervision of all civil works. They will have the role of ‘Engineer’ under a FIDIC-type
contract. The tasks include the preparation and maintenance of a quality assurance plan, validation
and updating of designs, supervision of all civil works, environmental and social monitoring and
management, and support for financial and progress monitoring and reporting.
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The DSC will also be responsible for quality assurance of materials and workmanship, certifying
whether or not contractors have achieved the required results, as well as documentation and
reporting based on the financial management plan. They will prepare a Quality Assurance system
covering all subprojects, and continuously monitor the effectiveness of their supervision procedures.
The team will be contracted and managed by DGH through the Bina Marga Regional Office (Balai II),
and will be based in Padang, West Sumatera.

DSC contract was negotiated in Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional II (Balai-II) of DGH. The
negotiation result and draft contract have been sent to WB on 25 March 2013 for review and
approval. The Bank issued no objection letter on the negotiation results and draft contract with
letter dated 19 April 2013.

6.2.3 Study on Development of Slope Stabilization Design and Management

This component consists of technical assistance for analytical work of an alternative design for road
segment that pass through critical environmental assets and vulnerable areas especially on slope
protection design and management.

6.3 Anti‐Corruption Issues

6.3.1 Anti-Corruption Action Plan (ACAP)

The main duties of the Community Development Officer are implemented of Anti-Corruption
Measures, and Monitoring their Effectiveness. Provide assistance as required with the establishment
of anti-corruption measures necessary to support the project, and monitor and report their
effectiveness based on the Anti-Corruption Action Plan (ACAP) agreed between the World Bank and
the DGH.

The following tasks particularly need to establish procedures to be undertaken:

 Selection of Community Representative Observers (CROs) of civil society groups to attend

the Procurements process on key procurement steps including Pre-Bid meeting and site visit,
bids submission and bids opening, and the announcement of the bid winner. These CROs
will be invited from local universities or other selected independent institutions, and will sign
the attendance list for the procurement/selection process.

 Establishment of a Third Party Monitoring (TPM) mechanism, whereby the media and civil
society groups can become involved in monitoring the progress of the project. This
Mechanism will include regular sharing of information with the media.

 Establishment and Management of a Complaints Handling Mechanism System (CHS), which

includes maintaining project complaint log and filing to monitor status of follow-up of each
complaint. This mechanism will include provision for follow up investigations of substantial
complaints by the Inspectorate General of Ministry of Public Works or third party audit to
ensure independence and reliability of the system. The CTC assignment concerns the
monitoring of the aspects of Anti-Corruption Action Plan (ACAP) implementation and where
required act pro-active in resolving issues when such a matter arises. The Community
Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

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Development Officer has a major role in monitoring performance and assists PMU in the set-
up and follow-through of the Complaints Handling Unit (CHU) for the ACAP related incidents

 Enhanced Disclosure Provisions and Transparency, Ministry of Public Work (MPW) have been
provided necessary information in the Project Implementation Plan (PIP), Project
Management Manual (PMM) on their website, and in the bidding documents, such as
contract point for complaint (mail and e-mail address, phone, fax, text message). The contact
will also include the Bank’s Fraud and Corruption Hotlines. MPW will hold Annual
Accountability Meetings to enhance accountability and project information sharing with civil
society. The PMM will provide guidelines on disclosure of information related to the project.
MPW official website will display critical information on WINRIP to enhance both internal
and external monitoring of the project

6.3.2 Community Representative Observers (CRO)

The Anti-Corruption Action Plan (ACAP) activity on Community Representative Observers (CROs)
aspect as is follow:

 The selection and establishment of CROs for all 19 packages was finish on November 2015.

 The last announcement of the winner of the procurement bidding is for Package 16: (Seblat
– Ipuh) was announced by No Objection Letter from the World Bank and from the Ministry
of Public Works and Housing (Letter No. KU.03.01-Mn/902), dated September 26, 2016).

The activities progress of Community Representative Observers (CROs) from January 2013 until
December 2016, as shown in Appendix H1.

6.3.3 Third Party Monitoring (TPM)

The Third Party Monitoring (TPM) component activity during December 2016 was as follow:

Monitoring TPM Package 05 (Simpang Rampa – Poriaha) in North Sumatera Province.

Community Development Officer was monitored the TPM activity on package 05 (Simpang
Rampa – Poriaha) in North Sumatera Province, on December 15 - 17, 2016

Coordination meeting with PPK 12 (Sibolga Cs) of Satker PJN II of North Sumatera Province and
TPM Team for Package 05 from Universitas Graha Nusantara Padangsidempuan. The discussion
concerning about preparation of TMP first monitoring to project field of Packages 05 on subject
the local community issues gathered by TPM while conducting site observation; and problems
faced by Contractor especially those related to local community

The monitoring / field visited by TPM jointly with the Contractor (PT. Nusa Konstruksi Enjiniring,
Tbk), and the Supervision Consultant (Renardet SA Cs). The visit was started from the base camp
included stone crusher, AMP, and portable batching plan. Site visit continued to the project site.

According to information from the Supervision Consultant progress plan in November 2016 is
96.82% and actual progress is 35.23% so there is a behind schedule - 61.59%.
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The main project works are follows:

Provision of new roads on the entire project.
 Earthworks and granular pavement layers
 Drainage works including culverts and drainage ditches.
 Minor alignment improvements.
 Construction of five bridges at stream/river locations.
 Two-layer asphalt concrete resurfacing.

The Project activity is still focused on earthworks and granular pavement layers (excavation and
compaction of pile foundation class B and A, cutting the cliff), alignment improvement, concrete
construction of bridges, and drainage works.

The results of monitoring by TPM in general can be summarized as follows:

The relationship between the Contractor and the Supervision Consultant is quite good
Base Camp conditions:
 Base camp is potentially waterlogged due to unavailability of the drainage channel to
drain the water.
 Stone crusher using a crusher jaw to jaw so that the stone material outbreak or
aggregates produced was non-standard shape, which are long and flakiness.
 Stockpile location was not given the floor so that the material was so dirty,
 The gross aggregate materials because it does not washed,
 Between the different types of aggregate material on the stockpile was not given
separator / separator so that the material becomes mixed,
 The contractor does not have to mix Concrete Batching Plant, just use portable / a mini
batching plan.
 Some things that happen in the field, such as, among others:
 Drawing of DED does not conform to the field conditions, such as road boundary is not
including area of road owning.
 Field engineering lead, design changes that result in that area should be released into
the wider and larger volume of work
 The area of Way too narrow due to land acquisition, resulting in a very steep cliff slope,
not according to the angle shear (potentially catastrophic landslide).
 To improve the alignment so at the several places should be held slope cutting by way
of rock blasting.
Acquisition of land constraints of public unwillingness to exempt their property because it is
customary communal rights.
The relationship with the community is pretty good, but not yet fully accepted because the scarcity
of government officials including project management met with the local community.
The contracting funds are not enough to complete the job, because of the changing of design , thus
requiring addendum of funds and time. If there is no addendum of fund and time so the paving or
asphalting will be done along the ± 3 km only. The contractor has submitted an addendum funds and
the time for 299 working days.
The construction site is located in the hills so that the following technical problems arise:
 The cutting of high cliff with a steep slope (not in accordance with the angle of soil

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

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shear), in several locations (for example KM 13+300 – 13+600 from Simpang Rampa),
could potentially landslides, even in KM 11+000 – 11+300 already landslides is quite
 At KM 11+500 blasting is being implemented to cut the solid rocky cliffs.
 At KM 11 + 670 should be held drilling to determine the structure of the rock layers,
considering this location is including the Sumatran Fault area.
 At 13+ KM 200, needs to be installed a large box culvert, to be sufficient to
accommodate the flow of water from the catchment area at the the surrounding
 At KM 13 + 200 and 13 + 600, there are high cliff cutting works, with steep gradients,
could potentially landslides.
The construction site at KM 14 + 100 until the end of the project at the Poriaha on peat land or soft
ground, thereby potentially decrease the road surface, it is recommended that multiplied the
number of culverts linking between both sides of the road, and it would be better on both sides of
the road reinforced with sheet pile or a strong enough embankments so that the soil under the road
surface does not move sideways.
There are five bridges on the road section with a cast in-site of concrete construction, in which as
visually the work is seems less of quality. May need to be examined the Compressive Strength if it
meets the specification requirements or not.
Communities around the project supports the project, only need intensive communication approach
of the authorities in order that they are more open-minded. Especially the impact on the community
if the road has been in operation, in order that they can build settlements according to the rules and
regulations concerning the border road, as well as to avoid negative impacts such as natural
disasters (landslides and floods)

Monitoring TPM Package 08 (Batas Kota Pariaman – Manggopoh) in West Sumatera Province

Community Development Officer was monitored the TPM activity on package 08 (Batas Kota
Pariaman – Manggopoh) in West Sumatera Province, on December 22 - 24, 2016.

On line coordination with PPK 10 (Mr. Agung Setyawan, ST, MT), TPM Team for Package No. 13 from
Universitas Bung Hatta Padang, Site Supervision Engineer (Mr. Heru Setiawirawan), Deputy General
Superintendent of Contractor (Mr. Nicky), and the TPM was done several days before.

On the first day, December 22, 2016, together with TPM team from Bung Hatta University was
directly to project site for the first stage monitoring for conducting observation on the project site of
Package 08 (Batas Kota Pariaman – Manggopoh) to finds the local community issues and problems
faced by Contractor especially those related to local community, and other issues like: project
management, environmental and social impact, as well as the application of the specifications in the
technical work.

The Results of monitoring /a observation activity was recorded as follows:

Base camp is not have a problem with the surrounding community, but necessary the drainage
channels in order of that water does not stagnate or flooding on the location of stone crusher and

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Asphalt Mixing Plant (AMP) were in the base camp loction.

There are two units Stone Crusher , each having a washing system of row material, wherein the
system is as follows, namely: row material entered on the first breaking jaw, then the material was
sifted through which the small granulated to be separated (using for the selected materials), which is
hard-grained (usually already broken) entered into conveyor to washing, then go to the second jaw
breaker, then go to the next conveyor and broken by breaking cone-shaped, or jaw to jaw to cone.
The quality of aggregate material is good and clean with rounded shape split fractions, with
composition of length and flakiness < 10%.
Work was carried out spot by spot because there are several locations have not completed the land
acquisition process (LARAP), for example in the STA or KM 7-12, most KM 12-18, and a small portion
at KM 19 - 30. The problem of land acquisition, among others:
 According to the information from the PPK, that until the end of November 2016 were
paid 540 Project Affected People (PAP), there are still 100 Project Affected People (PAP)
was unpaid and awaiting funding from Budget 2017 (DIPA 2017).
 According to the information there are several people who are not willing to be paid
with the price set by the results of appraisal, for example, residents at KM 16 and 26,
because the district government has previously promised a higher price
 There are also people who have not been registered by the Appraisal Consultant, while
their location of land or buildings were affected or include of construction project
works, for example, there are about 25-30 PIP/WTP at the Agam Regency.
Retaining wall with the pair of rounded river stones and mortar of sand coarse-grained.
The quality of the mortar is worse because less of Portland cement, so the quality of the masonry
looks not meet the requirements of specification.
Drainage channels on the bend location was installed in situ, while the location of the straight,
mostly using U-Ditch prepared by the pre-cash method, wherein the concrete mixture were taken
from Batching Plan, to the location of the Casting workshop..
Work focused on the widening of the road and sealing the first layer of AC-Base, shoulders and
drainage work is still waiting for the completion of land acquisition and removal the utilities.
The Constraints of utilities include the Regional Water Company / Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum
(PDAM), The Instalation of Telecommunication Company (Telkom), and Moving Pole / Installation of
State Electricity Company (PLN).
 The Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) have no budget available for the
removal of pipelines. Solutions offered by the contractor is the contractor provides the
pipes for pipeline replacement, while reassembling instalation is the responsibility of
the PDAM. But they are not willing to do it, because there are no available funds for the
purchase of fittings and labor costs.
 The transfer of power poles State Electricity Company (PLN) in total 216 pieces, of
which PLN promises to be inserted into the 2017 budget (DIPA 2017).
 Pole / installation of Telkom removal as total as 527 pieces, have been moved as much
as 88 pieces, the rest promised incorporated into the 2017 budget (DIPA 2017)
In some locations already begun work asphalting the base layer (Asphalt Concrete - Base "AC-Base")
while the Surface Between (Asphalt Concrete - Binder Course "AC-BC") and the Asphalt Concrete -
Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Wearing Course ("AC-WC" ) has not been implemented.

In general the work results on road construction by Contractor PT. Pembangunan Perumahan
(Persero) joint operation with PT. Statika, is good enough, the progress plan on December 23, 2016
is 25.4% and actual progress on December 20, 2016 is 30.12% that means there is a positive
deviation of 4.72%.

The 2nd day, Friday December 23, 2016 TPM was held a coordination meeting with Project Manager
(PPK 10) in PPK’s Office for report of TPM monitoring the records / results.

Although this monitoring was focused on Package 13, the Community Development Officer used this
opportunity for discuss the Monitoring Report and Financial Report (invoice documents) of other
packages in West Sumatera Province, like packages 03, and 02.

Monitoring TPM Package 06 (Pasar Pedati – Kerkap) and 11 (Bantal – Mukomuko) in Bengkulu

Community Development Officer was monitored the TPM activity on 06 (Pasar Pedati – Kerkap) and
package 11 (Bantal – Mukomuko) in Bengkulu Province, on December 29 - 31, 2016.

The first day activity of the TPM Team ofr Packages 06 and 11 from University of Bengkulu was
coordination meeting with PPK 01 (Seblat – Batas SUMBAR) and PPK 02 (Kota Bengkulu - Seblat) of
Satker PJN I of Bengkulu Province. The discussion concerning about preparation of TMP third
monitoring to project field of Packages 06 and 11 on subject of the local community issues gathered
by TPM while conducting site observation and problems faced by Contractor especially those related
to local community

The next activity of TPM team was meeting with the Supervision Consultant (Renardet SA Cs) and
the Contractors (PT. Waskita Karya, Persero) in Base Camp Office of Package 06. The subject of
meeting is discussion on the project situation and its progress; project problems and the obstacles of
implementation in the field; procedure and methodology of works technical implementation to
meet the requirements of the specification; environment and social impact of or against the
community; and how the efforts and solutions to complete the work on time, meet quality standards
according to the specifications, and in accordance with available funds.

After meeting the activity continued with a site visit to project location stat from STA 0+000 at KM
6+680 until STA 5+000. Because it was late in the evening, then site observation shall be continued
for next day.

The second day was planned for observation of Package 06 and Package 11, but one of the TPM
member is sick, it was decided to focus observe the package 06 only. The observation was stated
from STA 5+000 until end point of project at STA 20+888 or Km 27+568, and ended up at the
location of AMP and Stone Crusher.

The Results of monitoring /observation activity was recorded as follows:

 Progress plan per December 25, 2016 is 96.072% and actual progress is 91.227%, which
represents a slippage of 4.846%.
 This package is scheduled for PHO on January 28, 2017 that mean still requires the

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completion of 8.772% in one month.

 Asphalting works is 60.387% of total construction works, current conditions is completed
70% part of asphalt work (60 387%).
 Paving of foundation layer with Asphalt Concrete (AC-Base) and the second layer or - Asphalt
Concrete Binder Course (AC-BC) have completed of the whole length of the project which is
20 888 KM (100%).
 The paving of the third layer or Asphalt Concrete- Wearing Course (AC-WC) has been
completed for 10 KM (STA 5+000 –STA 15+00), still left about 10 888 KM unfinished. The
question is: whether within 3 weeks this work can be completed?. There are some notes for
 AMP conditions that is old and often trouble.
 Aggregate material is cannot be provided by the contractor themself, because one of the
stone crusher does not function / damaged, the other one of stone crusher cannot sufficient.
The current conditions is the Contractors buy materials from external suppliers, it means
depending on the supply from outside
 Another note is material of own production is dirty or less clean, because it is not washed, so
the quality of the asphalt is not good.
 Another obstacle is the uncertain weather, often rain
 The paving of AC-WC is along a ± 600 m per day, equivalent to the capacity of AMP is
approximately 250-300 tons per day

Drainage ditches beside the road only a few were built, there are about 5 km unfinished and 8 km
was canceled due to the cost less, but it is very necessary because its impacts on the community
around the project and also the durability of the construction of the road itself.

The culverts line is installed does not match the location because it was installed in the higher level
or sometimes its small dimensions, it is the potential for ponding of water on the road.

In the tender documents stated that construction work including maintenance of 9 existing bridges
on this road segment. In fact there are other programs that work on handling the maintenance of
the Bridges from state budget (APBN) or the APBD budget?

At KM 10 + 535 there is construction work on installation of sheet pile using steel profiles to protect
the riverbank and the road from erosion. The steel sheet pile will be installed holder anchor, to
strengthen the construction of sheet pile from the horizontal soil pressure due to traffic loads. On
top of this sheet pile will be installed the concrete beam construction as the cover of this sheet pile,
and it is need time, as an estimation it is takes time more than one month.

Compaction of the road shoulder by using material class S was finish about 9 km, which is between
KM 7 and KM 15, so there are still about 11 KM not yet be done

There are locations with very large cliff steepness of almost 90º, with a low retaining wall, thereby
potentially landslides.

The Minor works still quite a lot, such as the completion of the drainage channels and culverts,
safety installation on the inlet and outlet of the culverts, installation of traffic signs, guard rails, KM
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marking, the installation of street lighting, whereas for road marking can not be done which is
awaiting completion of the asphalt layer 3 or Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course (AC-WC)

 Note of TPM activities during December 2016:

 The first monitoring stage by TPM for package 05 (Simpang Rampa – Poriaha)
 The first monitoring stage by TPM for package 08 (Batas Kota Pariaman – Manggopoh)
 The 3rd monitoring stage of TPM Package 06 (Pasar Pedati – Kerkap).

 Program of TPM up to January, 2016:

 The TPM Training for package 16 (Seblat – Ipuh) in Bengkulu Province
 The first monitoring / field visit stage by TPM for package 17 (Simpang Gn. Kemala – Pg.
Tamapak in Bengkulu Province

The activities progress of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) from January 2013 until December 2016,
as shown in Appendix H2.

6.3.4 Complaint Handling System (CHS)

The Community Development Officer with collaboration with MIS Specialist has developed a
software application of Complaint Handling System (CHS) in integrated to website of WINRIP

In the implementation of Complaint Handling System (CHS) essentially there are four main
components as follows:
 Data Entry.
 Complaint Registration.
 Complaint Assessment.
 Field Clarification and Analysis.
 Problem Solving and taking the Decision

The final draft of Complaint Handling System (the framework of the complaint procedures on the
web site of WINRIP and provided ACAP inputting data in the web site) has ready to be operated.

However these applications still continuously to be refined by considering input from various parties.
The CHS team has been monitored and noted the public complaints via website of Sytem Informasi
Pemantauan Proyek “SiPP” / Project Monitoring Information System and WINRIP website.

During December 2016 Community Development Officer and Information Management have not
received any complaint from the communities or any parties to the Complaint Unit of PMU.

The Complaints Handling Mechanism System (CHS) Activities is shown in Appendix H3.

6.3.5. Public Disclosures / Publication

Publication and disclosure is an attempt to increase transparency of information to the public, so

the public can easily to access information about the project WINRIP. Some components of
publication and disclosures are as follows: a) announcing the information about the project through
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dissemination activities and provision the leaflets, b) installation of the project information boards,
c) the provision of space / project information booth, d) providing important information that can
only be accessed by public with submitted an officially applications to the authorities, and e) the
provision of information in the website which can be accessed via the internet.

The Community Development Team has sent the CRO’s activities and Third Party Monitoring (TPM)
activities and has been up load to the website of WINRIP.

 All data and report documents of the Community Development activities on Community
Representative Observers (CROs) for 19 packages (# 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 21#) has been uploaded on the website of WINRIP.
 The Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for all of 19 packages was completed selected / appointed and
all of the TPM’s data has been entry /uploaded to the website of WINRIP (# 01, 02, 03, 04, 05,
06, 07, 08, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 21).
 Review and identify the changing of Project Management Manual (PMM) Modules from
Revision-1 version to Revision-2.
 Prepare draft of Agreement Letter of Director of Roads Net-Working Development on
establishment of Working Group /Task Force for updating and improvement of the PMM.
 Prepare draft proposal of Price Adjustment / Escalation Workshop for the projects that funding
by foreign aid or loan.
 The Information Management Specialist has been updated the WINRIP website due to the PMU
request to more simple, completed the information, and easy to accesses.

The Works Activities for Publication / Disclosure is shown in Appendix H4.

6.3.6. Action Plan for Next Months (October 2016)

The Activities plan for future months, in order of priority are as follows:

 Conduct TPM Training for package 16 (Seblat – Ipuh) in Bengkulu Province.

 Monitoring TPM Package 17 in Lampung Province.

6.4 Road Safety Audit

6.4.1 Activities during This Month ( December 2016)

The Road Safety activities of this month are:
1. Regularly Road Safety Design check at the office.
2. Attending Introductory meeting with New PMU in Bina Marga, December 6,2016
3. Attending meeting shifting PIU from Road Development to Road Preservation in Bina Marga,
December 13, 2016
4. Attending WB meeting in Bina Marga, December 14, 2016
5. Road Safety Audit at Construction Stage of Package #7 Indrapura – Tapan, 7-9 December, 2016

6.4.2 Current status of the project for technical field as of December 2016
The Details of Program of Road Safety Audit as of the end of December 2016 are shown in the table
on Appendix B.
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6.5 Management Information System

Mr. Andria as officer in charge of PMU had to request a cloud system of the WINRIP-Storage
server. He wants all files and documents on the server at CTC office can be accessed online
from the PMU office and other places.

We have used the WINRIP-Storage server for 3 years in the local network at the CTC office.
And now we are changing that local server into a cloud server by using the WD (Western
Digital) framework. That makes it easy to access data on the WINRIP-Storage server. All of
CTC personnels can access the WINRIP-Storage server by using LAN network, and the others
can access the server by using a cloud system.

Regarding to document update, the DMS application is still online well. And upload activities
into the DMS database continues as usual. Then number of files that have been uploaded to
increase rapidly. The data that has been uploaded to the DMS database until the end of
December 2016 are: 796 records of letters and 408 records of documents.

6.5.1 Building The Cloud System

1) Background
When we are on site, we often want to download a file from the local server in the office.
This can be done by connecting the local server into the internet using a cloud system. Then
all of personnels can access the local server by using LAN network, and the others can access
the server by using a cloud system.

2) Objectives
 Facilitate to access the local server using either a LAN network and using a cloud
 Easily share files between the CTC personnels and other parties outside.
 Accelerate of updating the data between the CTC with the PMU.

3) How to connect to the WINRIP-Storage server with a cloud system

Here is how to access the WINRIP-Storage server using cloud system:
1 Connected to the internet and run browser
(Chrome, Firefox, IE)

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2 Type the address of CTC-WINRIP cloud.

Password: xxxxxxxxxxxx

3 Click the [CTC] folder

4 Select the folder of CTC personnel

5 Then click the file name to download it.

4) Security certificate error

The WINRIP-Storage cloud server running on https system with a high security level. If there
is an error message to access the server, then perform the following steps:
1 Select and click the option number 3.
Accept your device's security certificate.

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2 Click the button [Continue]

3 Click the link [ADVANCED]

4 Click the link [Proceed to winrip-

6.5.2 DMS Statistic

Today the DMS application already stored many file of Letters and Documents. And the next
days will be more files are stored in the DMS database. At the end, it is expected to store all
of files that related with WINRIP project.

Below is the number of Letter files that have been stored in DMS database, updates until the
end of December 2016. This Letter statistics have sorted by "Package".

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

6 - 16


P1 Krui - Biha

P2 Padang Sawah - Sp Empat
Monthly Progress Report

P3 Manggopoh - Padang Sawah

P4 Ipuh - Bantal

Document Type
P5 Sp Rampa - Poriaha

P6 Pasar Pedati - Kerkap
15 17

P7 Indrapura - Tapan


P8 Bts Kota Pariaman - Manggopoh


P9 Rantau Tijang - Kota Agung


Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project


P10 Sp Empat - Sp Air Balam

P11 Bantal - Mukomuko

6 - 17
P12 Kambang - Indrapura

P13 Sp Rukis - Tj Kemuning
12 12


P14 Painan - Kambang

Sorted by Package
Letter Statistic

P15 Sibolga - Batas Tapsel


Sorted by Document Type

P16 Seblat - Ipuh

Document Statistic


P17 Sp Gn Kemala - Pg Tampak


P18 Mukomuko - Bts Sumbar

P19 Lais - Bintunan


P20 Lubuk Alung - Sicincin


P21 Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji


until the end of December 2016. This Document statistics have sorted by "Document Type".
December 2016

And here are the number of Document files that have been stored in DMS database, updates
Monthly Progress Report December 2016

6.6 Quality Assurance

During the period December 2016 the Quality Assurance Engineer conducted site visit to
package 20, 21, 08, 02, and 03 with Team Leader CTC, prepared site visit reports for TFAC
works shop and make site visit TFAC reports for packages 07.
Appendix D shows the activities of the Quality Assurance Engineer during this period.

6.7 Project Risks and Mitigation Measures

6.7.1 Risks Related to Delays

Since the detailed engineering design (DED) is under responsibility of the Design and
Supervision Consultant (DSC), delay on DSC establishment affected the procurement of
AWP-2 and AWP-3 sub-projects. The DED of several subprojects of WP-2 and WP-3 were
prepared and completed by respective P2JN. The CTC has then been instructed by DGH to
review the DEDs of seven packages completed by the P2JNs (package 5, 6, 11, 13, 15, 17 and

6.7.2 Financial Risks

The following factors will be monitored during implementation of the loan project.
 Loan Amount
 Actual Tender Prices
 Price Adjustments
 Contract Amendments (Additive or Deductive Variations)
 Currency Fluctuation
 Current Estimated Situation
No risk was detected until preparation of this report, however CTC prepared revised cost
estimates in anticipation of future cost claims to cover contract price escalations and
variation orders. A revised factor from 10% have been reduced to 5% for both additional
cost components is applied on the original cost.

6.7.3 Risks Related to Quality

The quality of work is inherently tied to the competence of the Contractors and the diligence
of the Supervision Teams. The competence of contractors shall be considered at the time of
bid evaluation and prior to the award of any contract.

The quality of supervision however is influenced by the following factors:

 Ensuring that supervision staff levels are fully manned with competent, honest,
qualified and experienced personnel.
 The provision of properly equipped laboratories with properly trained operators for
each package.
Package supervision comes under the responsibilities of the immediate supervision teams
and the relevant DSC and the Quality Assurance Engineer from CTC.

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6.8 Training to Support Project Implementation

Since the Training Specialist and his Assistant demobilized at the end of September, CTC still to
continue conducting or delivering training for different disciplines.
During this month there were 2 (two) training for different disciplines :
1. Third Party Monitoring Training was held on October 12 -14, 2016 in Padang City,
conducted by Community Development Specialist.
2. Preparation environmental management and monitoring workplan (RKPPL Trainging
No.8) including training on Management of road works environmental impact during
construction phase, was held on October 25 until 28, 2016 in Padang City, conducted by
Environmental Specialist and Road Safety Engineer.

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7.1 Current Situation
The main issues during this month of December 2016 are as follows:
a) The big negative slippage (behind schedule) of two (2) on-going construction sub-
projects, Packages 13 and 15.
b) Delayed issuance of Notice to proceed will affect the twenty one (21) months’ time of
completion of Contract Package 16. The completion date will keep on stretching further
beyond the expiry date of the loan agreement on December 31, 2017.
c) LARAP implementation for Packages #05, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 17 cannot be completed in
FY 2016 and splitzing program for land acquisition in the provinces of Lampung,
Bengkulu, and North Sumatra is still not budgeted
d) Amendment to the extension of the implementation time and increase the contract
value for Package #05 should follow the direction of WB in accordance with the letter
ref.WINRIP / 364 dated November 23, 2016
e) The contract agreement for Package #03 Manggopoh-Padang sawah has not been
amended related to the calculation of the final quantity of the works.
f) Land acquisition of Package #15 Sibolga-Batas Tapsel obstacles along the 4 km for the
people in the village of Pinang Baru - Pinangsori sub district not willing acquisited
g) Changes in the design of pavement widening from flexible to rigid pavement in Package
#15 is not supported by the consent of the DGH.
h) Commencement of work of the Technical Assistance for Development of Slope
Stabilization, Design & Management estimated April 2017 with a 11 month time for
services going beyond the loan closing date
i) If the cancellation of Package #10 Sp.Empat-Sp.Air Balam impact on the reduction of
loan allocation for Civil Works, then, civil works loan allocation is not sufficient to
finance 18 civil works packages including variation orders for Package #05 and #17 and
the Price Adjustment for 18 packages of civil works.
j) There is a road damage due to water scouring on the side ditch Package #03
Manggopoh-Padang Sawah
k) Roads damaged by settlement (land slide) in the Sta 6+300 and Sta 6+400 Package #01
Krui-Biha have not been repaired
l) Production of crushed stone tends to form a flaky and elongated beyond the
requirements of 10% allowed in the specification.

7.2 Actions Required

a) Two (2) of the on-going construction packages are on critical situation due to big
negative progress slippages which may affect the timely completion of the projects.
Design Supervision Consultant (DSC) shall closely monitor, preferably on a weekly basis.
Contractors shall prepare a “Catch-Up’ Schedule on how to complete the remaining
works within the contract time. High level management meeting have been conducted
on November 21, 2016 in the DGH office.
b) Currently, the contractor is doing staking out and field engineering to determine the
condition of the existing road. Once the field engineering is completed, the contractor
will submit alternative proposals for completion of the project.

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Monthly Progress Report December 2016
c) The budget for land acquisition of Packages #05, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 17 have been
allocated in fiscal year 2017. The PIU is requested to remind the PPK to allocate the fund
for splitzing programs especially for provinces of Lampung, Bengkulu, and North
d) The PPK has prepared contract amendment of Package #05 for time extension 224
calendar days and prepares the data for the contract amendment for additional contract
value of 22.3 billion rupiahs.
e) Contract Amendment and technical justification of Package #03 related to the final
quantity is being reviewed by the PIU and PMU. CTC and PMU will consult to the WB’s
Procurement Specialist related to the legal aspects of the contract in terms of making
amendment after the TOC.
f) If the issue of land acquisition in Package #15 cannot be resolved, roadwork in that
segment of the road will use the existing ROW.
g) Any changes to the contract must follow the instructions set forth in the Project
Management Manual of WINRIP
h) Proposed extension of the loan closing date
i) Proposal for a loan restructuring being prepared by DPJJ-DGH
j) Information on related Satker that the repair work being carried out by the disaster
k) It has been discussed with the Bank in terms of the possibility of financing such works
within the defect notification period. WB requires data on the implementation of the
road construction and design for handling the road settlement.
l) CTC has written to DSC to evaluate the entire stone crusher in WINRIP and find out
causes and remedies.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

During the period the CTC received and issued letters. Lists of letters received and issued are
shown in Appendix J.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Table of Contents

1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................ 1-1

1.1 Current Implementation Situation.......................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Disbursement..........................................................................................................................................1-4
1.3 World Bank Implementation Review Mission and Site Visit...............................................................1-5
1.4 Procurement of Civil Works Contract Under Category 1 of the Loan Agreement...........................1-5
2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Background.............................................................................................................................................2-1
2.2 Project Development.............................................................................................................................2-1
2.3 Project Objective ......................................................................................................................................2-6
3 CONSULTANCY SERVICES ........................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 CTC Consultants ......................................................................................................................................3-1
3.1.1 Scope of Services ........................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 CTC Manning ................................................................................................................. 3-2
3.1.3 CTC Contract.................................................................................................................. 3-3
3.2 DSC Consultants.....................................................................................................................................3-6
3.3 Technical Assistance for Development of Slope Stabilization, Design and Management............3-7
4 CIVIL WORKS............................................................................................................................ 4-1
4.1 Detailed Design Preparation...................................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Procurements ............................................................................................................................................4-1
4.3 Civil Works Implementation ...................................................................................................................4-1
4.4 Civil Works Progress.................................................................................................................................4-3
4.5 Quality Assurance.....................................................................................................................................4-8
4.6 Environmental and Social Considerations...........................................................................................4-10
4.6.1 Current Overall Situation............................................................................................ 4-10
4.6.2 Environmental and Social Issues................................................................................ 4-11
4.6.2 Environmental and Social Issues................................................................................ 4-12
4.7 Anti Corruption Issues..........................................................................................................................4-28
4.7.1 Anti‐Corruption Action Plan (ACAP) ........................................................................... 4-28
4.7.2 Community Representative Observers (CRO)........................................................... 4-28
4.7.3 Publication / Disclosure ............................................................................................... 4-29
4.7.4 Complaints Handling Mechanism (CHS) .................................................................... 4-30
4.7.5 Third Party Monitoring (TPM)..................................................................................... 4-31
4.8 Road Safety Audit ...............................................................................................................................4-31
5 FINANCIAL & MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS.......................................................... 5-1
5.1 Draw‐Downs and Future Costs..............................................................................................................5-1

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

5.2 Disbursement..........................................................................................................................................5-1
5.3. Management Information System ......................................................................................................5-1
6 PROJECT PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................................ 6-1
6.1 World Bank and GOI Compliance ........................................................................................................6-1
6.1.1 World Bank Missions .................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.2 Agreed Key Actions and Mission Plans during Recent World Bank Mission ........... 6-1
6.1.3 Performance Indicators ................................................................................................ 6-3
6.2 Implementation Support Components...............................................................................................6-4
6.2.1 Core Team Consultant (CTC)........................................................................................ 6-4
6.2.2 Design and Supervision Consultant (DSC)................................................................... 6-4
6.2.3 Study on Development of Slope Stabilization Design and Management................ 6-5
6.3 Anti‐Corruption Issues .............................................................................................................................6-5
6.3.1 Anti-Corruption Action Plan (ACAP) ............................................................................ 6-5
6.3.2 Community Representative Observers (CRO)............................................................ 6-6
6.3.3 Third Party Monitoring (TPM)...................................................................................... 6-6
6.3.4 Complaint Handling System (CHS)............................................................................. 6-12
6.3.5. Public Disclosures / Publication.................................................................................. 6-12
6.4 Road Safety Audit ................................................................................................................................6-13
6.4.1 Activities during This Month ( December 2016)....................................................... 6-13
6.5 Management Information System ....................................................................................................6-14
6.6 Quality Assurance................................................................................................................................6-18
6.7 Project Risks and Mitigation Measures............................................................................................6-18
6.7.1 Risks Related to Delays ............................................................................................... 6-18
6.7.2 Financial Risks.............................................................................................................. 6-18
6.7.3 Risks Related to Quality .............................................................................................. 6-18
6.8 Training to Support Project Implementation......................................................................................6-19
7 ISSUES and RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 Current Situation ...................................................................................................................................7-1
7.2 Actions Required....................................................................................................................................7-1
8 CORRESPONDENCES ............................................................................................................... 8-1

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016


ACAP : Anti Corruption Action Plan

AER : Application Evaluation Report
AIP : Australian Indonesia Partnership
AMDAL : Environmental Management (Analisis Mengenai Dampak
ANDAS : Analisis Dampak Sosial
AWPs : Annual Work Programs
Balai : Regional Office for National Roads Implementation
BAPPENAS : Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (National
Development Planning Agency of GOI)
Bappedalda : Regional Environmental Impact Agencies
BBPJN : Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional (Regional Office for
National Roads Implementation)
BER : Bid Evaluation Report
BLH : Badan Lingkungan Hidup
BPK : Badan Pemeriksaan Keuangan (Audit Board of the Government
of Indonesia)
CAD : Computer Aided Design
CHS : Complaint Handling System
CTC : Core Team Consultant
CHU : Complaint Handling Unit
CRO : Community Representative Observer ( = WPM)
DIA : Directorate of Implementing Affairs
DRND : Directorate of Road Network Development
DGH : Directorate General of Highways
DMS : Document Management System
DRP : Directorate Road of Preservation
DMS : Document Management System
DSC : Design and Supervision Consultants
EA : Executing Agency
EINRIP : Eastern Indonesian National Roads Improvement Project
EIRTP-1 : Eastern Indonesia Regional Transport Project First Project
ESAMP : Environmental and Social Assessment Plan
ESS : Environmental and Social Safeguards
FMIS : Financial Management Information System
FIDIC : Federation Internationale des Ingenieur Conseils

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

FMIS : Financial Management Information System

GIS : Geographic Information System
GOI : Government of Indonesia
IA : Implementation Agency
IBRD : International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IFR : Interim Financial Report
IRMS : Integrated Road Management System
Kabupaten : Regency
KPIs : Key Performance Indicators
KPPN : Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara (Indonesian: State
Treasury Service Office)
LAN : Local Area Network
LARAP : Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan (Rencana Tindak
Pengadaan Tanah dan Pemukiman Kembali)
MIS : Management Information System
MOF : Ministry of Finance
MPW H : Ministry of Public Work & Housing
MPRs : Monthly Progress Reports
P2JN : Perencanaan Pengawasan Jalan dan Jembatan Nasional
PDF : Portable Document Format
PMU : Project Management Unit
PAPs : Project Affected Peoples
PMM : Project Management Manual
PMU : Project Management Unit (WINRIP)
POKJA : Bina Marga Project Managers and Procurement Committes
PPC : Project Preparation Consultants
PP3 : Pemantau Pihak ke 3
PPK : Sub Project Manager
PPR : Project Progress Report
QPRs : Quarterly Progress Reports
RKL/RPL : Rencana Pengelolaan/Pemantauan Lingkungan
RS : Road Safety
Satker : Satuan Kerja (Work Unit for Road Project Implementation)
SPPL : Surat Pernyataan Pengelolaan Lingkungan
SRIP : Strategic Road Infrastructure Project
TA : Technical Assistance

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

TOR : Terms of Reference

UKL/UPL : Upaya Pengelolaan Lingkungan / Upaya Pemantauan Lingkungan
(Site Specific Environmental and Monitoring Plan)
WINRIP : Western Indonesia Roads Improvement Project
WB : World Bank
WP : Work Program
WPs : Works Programs
WPM : Wakil Pengamat dari Masyarakat (or Community Representative
Observer / CRO )

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix A : Overall Loan Progress
Appendix B : Road Safety Audit Progress
Appendix C : Financial Progress
Appendix D : Quality Assurance Progress
Appendix E : Environmental and Social Progress
Appendix F : Procurement Plan and Progress
Appendix G : WINRIP Website Progress
Appendix H : ACAP Training/Dissemination Progress
Appendix I : Performance Indicator
Appendix J : Correspondences

Annex P-1 : Package No. 1
Annex P-2 : Package No. 2
Annex P-3 : Package No. 3
Annex P-4 : Package No. 4
Annex P-5 : Package No. 5
Annex P-6 : Package No. 6
Annex P-7 : Package No. 7
Annex P-8 : Package No. 8
Annex P-11 : Package No. 11
Annex P-12 : Package No. 12
Annex P-13 : Package No. 13
Annex P-14 : Package No. 14
Annex P-15 : Package No. 15
Annex P-16 : Package No. 16
Annex P-17 : Package No. 17
Annex P-19 : Package No. 19
Annex P-20 : Package No. 20
Annex P-21 : Package No. 21

Attachment 1 : Summary of Studies and Reports on Environmental Activity

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016


Annex P-1 : Package No. 1

Annex P-2 : Package No. 2

Annex P-3 : Package No. 3

Annex P-4 : Package No. 4

Annex P-5 : Package No. 5

Annex P-6 : Package No. 6

Annex P-7 : Package No. 7

Annex P-8 : Package No. 8

Annex P-11: Package No.11

Annex P-12: Package No.12

Annex P-13: Package No.13

Annex P-14: Package No.14

Annex P-15: Package No.15

Annex P-16: Package No.16

Annex P-17: Package No.17

Annex P-19: Package No.19

Annex P-20: Package No.20

Annex P-21: Package No.21

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

05-Jul-15 Status tanggal : December 25, 2016
Length Taking Contract Remaining
COW Physical Progress (%) PROGRESS ACHIEVEMENT ( % )
Package No. & Name WORK CONTRACT of Over / Amount Time
SIGN DATE Project End of Avg up
Contractor PRO- Time for (incl VAT) days
Sch Actual Dev Target Highest to this This Month
GRAM Complation ( Km ) DNP IDR million % month
Biha - Krui (A) 25-Nov-13 8-Jan-14 10-Jan-16 154.073 100,00 100,00 - - - - - -
01 PT Jaya Konstruksi MP, Tbk
9-Jan-18 154.073 154.073 -
Padang Sawah - Simpang Empat (C) 6-Dec-13 6-Jan-14 19-Apr-16 226.713 100,00 100,00 - - - - - -
02 WP-1 40,90
PT Jaya Konstruksi MP, Tbk 835 19-Apr-18 226.713 226.713 -
Manggopoh - Padang Sawah (C) 6-Dec-13 6-Jan-14 20-Mar-16 165.157 100,00 100,00 - - - - - -
03 WP-1 32,00
PT Jaya Konstruksi MP, Tbk 805 20-Mar-18 165.157 165.157 -
Ipuh - Bantal (B) 14-Nov-13 13-Jan-14 11-Apr-16 196.438 100,00 100,00 - - - - - -
04 WP-1 42,40
PT WASKITA KARYA - PT DMT, JO 820 11-Apr-18 196.438 196.438 -
Simpang Rampa - Poriaha (D) 17-Mar-15 18-Jun-15 20-Jul-17 107.321 42,320 42,730 0,410 207 8,18 8,46 2,25 8,46
20-Jul-19 ######## ####### 27,13%
Kerkap - Pasar Pedati (B) 27-Feb-15 11-Mar-15 28-Jan-17 86.517 96,072 91,650 (4,422) 34 8,77 12,91 4,15 3,45
06 WP-2 25,00
PT. WASKITA KARYA Tbk 690 28-Jan-19 ######## ####### 4,93%
Indrapura - Tapan (C) 3-Dec-15 10-Dec-15 30-Aug-17 129,700 43,743 39,209 (4,534) 248 7,62 7,86 3,00 7,68
07 WP-2 19,50
PT. ADHI KARYA (Persero) Tbk 630 30-Aug-19 56,735 50,854 39,43%
Bts Kota Pariaman - Manggopoh (C) 28-Jan-15 23-Mar-16 31-Dec-17 355.500 30,852 32,151 1,299 371 4,94 9,61 3,22 3,75
08 WP-2 46,80
PT. PP-STATIKA Consursium 649 31-Dec-19 ######## ####### 57,25%
Bantal - Mukomuko (B) WP-2 18-Dec-14 23-Feb-15 11-Feb-17 262.611 96,193 86,279 (9,914) 48 6,86 10,07 3,92 1,43
11 50,10
PT. HUTAMA KARYA - PT. DMT, JO 720 11-Feb-19 ######## ####### 6,68%
Kambang - Indrapura (C) WP-2 28-Jan-15 23-May-16 31-Dec-17 358.650 9,392 4,021 (5,371) 371 7,37 1,89 0,50 1,89
12 55,20
PT. LMKP 588 31-Dec-19 ######## ####### 63,20%
Simpang Rukis - Tanjung Kemuning (B) WP-2 18-Dec-14 22-Jul-15 10-Jul-17 292.700 46,63 32,630 (13,997) 197 9,59 10,31 1,81 9,86
10-Jul-19 ######## ####### 27,40%
Painan - Kambang (C) WP-2 1-Jun-16 3-Aug-16 31-Dec-17 214.327 5,870 3,940 (1,930) 371 5,65 0,11 0,79 0,11
31-Dec-19 ######## 72,04%
Sibolga - Batas Tapsel (D) 13-Jul-15 20-Nov-15 31-Dec-17 260.100 44,430 20,514 (23,916) 371 6,114 7,267 1,465 7,267
15 PT. PP
31-Dec-19 ######## ####### 48,06%
Seblat - Ipuh (B) 28-Oct-16 8-Nov-16 30-Jul-18 211.375 0,260 0,260 - 582 5,25 0,08 0,13 0,08
16 KSO PT Yasa Patria Perkasa-PT Multi Structure
29-Jul-20 549,574 549,574 92,53%
Sp.Gn Kemala - Pugung Tampak (A) 17-Nov-14 4-Sep-15 23-Aug-17 199.551 54,120 41,340 (12,780) 241 7,333 8,003 2,584 2,474
17 PT Jaya Konstruksi MP, Tbk
23-Aug-19 ######## ####### 33,52%
Bintunan - Lais (B) 27-Feb-15 11-Mar-15 8-May-16 33.689 100,000 100,000 - - - - - -
19 WP-3 11,60
PT RODATEKNINDO PURAJAYA 425 8-May-18 ######## ####### -
Lubuk Alun - Sicicin (C) 1-Jun-16 1-Sep-16 31-Dec-17 113.818 12,383 13,602 1,219 371 7,40 9,83 3,40 9,83
20 PT Nindya Karya (Persero) Wilayah I
31-Dec-19 ######## 76,34%
Lubuk Alun - Kuraitaji (C) 1-Jun-16 1-Sep-16 31-Dec-17 126.302 9,860 3,250 (6,610) 371 8,06 1,16 0,81 1,05
21 WP-3 16,80
PT MULTI STRUCTURE 487 31-Dec-19 ######## ####### 76,34%
TOTAL CIVIL WORKS PROGRESS OF WINRIP: 3.364.974 50,531 44,356 (6,175)
3.364.974 ######## #######

Note :
(A) Lampung Provience ; (B) Bengkulu Provience ; (C) West Sumatra Provience ; (D) North Sumatra Provience.
Status tanggal : December 25, 2016
Package No. & Name Work
Contract COW
Contractor Program Actual LAND ACTION
BIHA - KRUI 25-Nov-13 100,000
01 PT Jaya Konstruksi MP, Tbk WP-1 8-Jan-14 100,000 - Take over / PHO Take over certificate telah diterbitkan Engineer
10-Jan-16 -
02 PT Jaya Konstruksi MP, Tbk WP-1 6-Jan-14 100,000 - Take over / PHO Take over certificate telah diterbitkan Engineer
19-Apr-16 -
MANGGOPOH - PADANG SAWAH 6-Dec-13 100,000 Take over certificate telah diterbitkan Engineer
Status : Take over / PHO, ada penambahan volume
03 PT Jaya Konstruksi MP, Tbk WP-1 6-Jan-14 100,000 - (Berdasarkan original Kontrak), penambahan
final Quantity yang belum terakomodir
20-Mar-18 - quantity, masih menjadi pembahasan di Lt 8.
IPUH - BANTAL 14-Nov-13 100,000 Status Take over / PHO, penyelesaian addminis trasi
04 PT WASKITA KARYA - PT DMT, JO WP-1 13-Jan-14 100,000 - terkait pembayaran denda, proses pemba yaran Take over certificate telah diterbitkan Engineer
11-Apr-16 - oleh Kontraktor ke negara
SIMPANG RAMPA - PORIAHA 17-Mar-15 42,320 Inspeksi khusus sdh sering dilakukan, proses
Ada WTP tambahan berdasarkan DED Justek sdh disetujui, sesuai "Balance Budget" ada
18-Jun-15 42,730 persetujuan dgn mengakomodir kondisi actual
05 WP-2 dan perlu LARAP tambahan, tdk penambahan waktu, bbrp item pek. Vol. Kontrak
PT. NUSA KONSTRUKSI ENJINIRING Tbk. lapangan menunggu rekomendasi tenaga ahli
20-Jul-17 0,410 mengganggu lapangan awal sdh habis.
Geologi dari Subdit Geoteknik & manajemen lereng
KERKAP - PASAR PEDATI 27-Feb-15 96,072 St Crusher (2) yang saat ini sudah siap produksi
Masih ada lahan pekerjaan untuk St Crusher (2), sampai saat ini belum juga
PT. WASKITA KARYA Tbk tetap diupayakan agar izin prinsip genset serta
06 WP-2 11-Mar-15 91,650 widening belum bebas, mengganggu mendapatkan izin genset & izin quarry baru dari
quarry barunya bisa diterbitkan oleh instansi yang
pekerjaan bahu jalan instansi terkait.
28-Jan-17 (4,422) berkompeten segera mungkin.
INDRAPURA - TAPAN 3-Dec-15 43,743 Masih ada lahan pekerjaan untuk
Hasil produksi dari stone cruisher utk agg kasar dan segera dilakukan perbaikan jow & cone agar hasil
07 PT. ADHY KARYA Tbk WP-2 10-Dec-15 39,209 widening belum bebas, dlm tahap
halus pipih,perlu perbaikan jow & cone produksi sesuai, persyaratan spesifikasi
30-Aug-2017 (4,534) musyawarah

Bts Kota Pariaman - Manggopoh 28-Jan-15 30,852 Masih ada lahan pekerjaan untuk Secara keseluruhan, tidak ada masalah, krn
lahan yang belum bebas sudah disampaikan kepada
,08 PT. PP-STATIKA Consursium WP-2 23-Mar-16 32,151 widening belum bebas, mengganggu progress Pek Aspal, potensi masalah, di pek
PPK fisik dan akan ditindak lanjuti.
31-Dec-17 1,299 pekerjaan saluran drainase
BANTAL - MUKOMUKO 18-Dec-14 96,193 2 AMP, sering rusak, Produksi Abu Batu, tdk
11 PT. HUTAMA KARYA - PT. DMT, JO WP-2 23-Feb-15 86,279 Tidak ada masalah mencukupi, Pembyaran IPC, terhalang, tunggu revisi Kekurangan Abu Batu, beli di Tapan Sumbar
11-Feb-17 (9,914) DIPA
Kambang - Indrapura 28-Jan-15 9,392 Pek Patching tidak bekerja dengan benar, AMP
. In order for the equipment to plant and all the
PT. LMKP 23-May-16 4,021 Proses pelaksanaan penilaian, Sisa belum operasi, sertifikat dan coldbin masih perlu 1 matchup of completeness must be ready, hold the
12 WP-2
WTP = 2.323; Payed in 2016 unit, perlu 5 Unit, dan belum ada bahan aspal
11-Feb-17 (5,371) asphalt must be in complete

Sp. RUKIS-TANJUNG KEMUNING 18-Dec-14 46,627 Pembebasan Lahan pada Sta 25+000 Stone Crusher is not a maximum
will do a full time mechanic standby at the site of the
13 PT. WASKITA KARYA WP-2 22-Jul-15 32,630 s/d Sta 56+270, belum terealisasi, production,Crusher is unstable, because jaw and
AMP and Stonr Crusher actifity
10-Jul-17 (13,997) mengganggu pelaksanaan konstruksi screen are broke.
Painan - Kambang 1-Jun-16 5,870 Proses Peralatan Item Mobilisasi sangat lambat.
Pembebasan tanah dlm tahap Proses penyelesaian Mobilisasi dan Lahan, tetap
14 KSO YASA - CONBLOC WP-2 3-Aug-16 3,940 Kenaikan progress, mencurigakan, tdk sesuai, dgn
musyawarah dil;akukan
31-Dec-17 (1,930) peralatan, ada permainan pd Quantity record
SIBOLGA - Batas TAPSEL 13-Jul-15 44,430 Terjadinya keterlambatan adalah sebagai berikut : Proses penyelesaian Lahan, tetap dilakukan & pen
Tidak mulus melaksanakan pekerjaan
15 PTPP WP-3 20-Nov-15 20,514 AMP dan St Crusher, sering rusak, target yebab keterlambatan, sgr diperbaiki & dilengkapi
karena masih banyak yang belum bebas
31-Dec-17 (23,916) penyerapan terganggu. dengan suku cadang alat2 heavy Equpment
16 SEBLAT – IPUH 28-Oct-16
Proses penyediaan Bukti pembayaran
WP-3 8-Nov-16 Just started project, field engeeniring still proses
dan SPH, Finalized in 2016
Sp.Gn KEMALA-PUGUNG TAMPAK 17-Nov-14 54,120 Justek belum disetujui, shg menjadi kendala
Tidak ada masalah, sisa beberapa dilapangan, krn bbrp item pek. Vol. Kontrak awal Inspeksi khusus sdh dilakukan, proses persetujuan
17 PT Jaya Konstruksi MP, Tbk WP-3 4-Sep-15 41,340
tempat, tinggal musyawarah sdh habis. dgn mengakomodir kondisi actual lapangan
23-Aug-17 (12,780)
BINTUNAN-LAIS 27-Feb-15 100,000
Take over certificate akan diterbitkan Engineer,
19 PT RODATEKNINDO PURAJAYA WP-3 11-Mar-15 100,000 - Take over / PHO
proses administrasi
8-May-16 -
Lubuk Alun - Sicicin 1-Jun-16 12,383 Proses penyelesaian Mutual Check, . Pada Nop 2016, Dalam tahap pembayaran. Anggaran tersedia dalam
20 Lahan yang sudah bebas di stripmap
PT Nindya Karya (Persero) Wilayah I WP-3 1-Sep-16 13,602 hujan berlangsung di lokasi Proyek sehingga hal ini DIPA 2016
nyatanya masih bermasalah
31-Dec-17 1,219 mengganggu kegiatan survei
Lubuk Alun - Kuraitaji 1-Jun-16 9,860 Kontraktor terkendala mendapatkan izin Kontraktor mengurus izin penambangan dengan
PT MULTI STRUCTURE WP-3 1-Sep-16 3,250 Proses koordinasi dgn Pemda; Payed in penambangan untuk Quarry batu yg sesuai berkoordinasi dengan pihak terkait (stakeholder)
2016 spesifikasi, sementara Quarry batu milik suplier yg terutama Pemerintah Daerah Setempat untuk dapat
31-Dec-17 (6,610) sudah ada izin tidak memenuhi spesifikasi. memproses izin lebih cepat.
Rantau Tijang – Kota Agung
9 Length project = 42 km (Lampung WP-2 Deleted
10 WP-2 Deleted
Annex P-1
MONTH : 11-Jan-16


Package No. 01 Time Elapsed (Days) 733 January 11, 2016

Sub Project Manager / PPK Joko Wisargo, ST, MT Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00

Contractor PT JAYA KONSTRUKSI MP, Tbk Actual Overall Progress (%) 100,00 1. Take over, finish 1. Take over certificate issueid by Engineer, finish
Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV PT SEECONS Balance (%) 0,00
Contract Sign 25-Nov-13 Progress This Month (%) 8,98
Commencement Date 08-Jan-14
Time for Complation (Contract) 640 (Days) DISBURSEMENT *)
Time for Complation (Add) 733 (Days) Status date
Take Over Date (Contract) October 9, 2015 Accumulative Rp. 130.774.826.944,60 84,88%
Take Over Date (Add) 10-Jan-16 *) Include advance payment
Contract Amount Rp. 134.909.211.000,00
Contract Amount (+ PPN) Rp.,00
Addendum 01 Amount) Rp. 127.504.563.636,36 PROGRESS SCHEDULE
Addendum 1 Amount (+ PPN) Rp.,00 PACKAGE #01
Comp Add.4 Accum Actual Accum Accum
Div Description Total Total Last this to this Sch to this
% % Month Month Month Month
I General 8,25 7,54 7,22 0,32 7,54 7,54
II Drainage 34,19 25,35 24,29 1,06 25,35 25,35 70

III Earthworks 3,95 4,65 4,14 0,51 4,65 4,65

Pavement Widening &
IV 1,47 1,02 0,54 0,48 1,02 1,02
Shoulders 50
V Granular Pavement 9,22 7,49 7,07 0,42 7,49 7,49
VI Asphalt Pavement 40,14 41,07 40
38,74 2,32 41,07 41,07 Series1
VII Structures 1,09 6,41 5,23 1,18 6,41 6,41
30 Series2
Reinstatement & Minor
VIII 1,20 6,05 3,47 2,58 6,05 6,05
20 Series3
IX Day Work 0,14 0,09 - 0,09 0,09 0,09
Routine Maintenance
X 0,36 0,33 0,31 0,01 0,33 0,33
TOTAL 100,00 100,00 91,02 8,98 100,0 100,00
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Note :
Volume Accumulative to this Month = Volume Final Quantity


Year 2014 2015 2016
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan
The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Original Progress Schedul (%) 0,22 0,87 1,69 5,62 11,11 18,06 24,50 31,58 38,99 46,36 52,53 60,68 67,46
Rivised Progress Schedul Add.1 (%) 31,90 35,31 40,53 47,72 56,69 65,59 75,18 84,21 94,42 100,00
Rivised Progress Schedul Add.2 (%) 88,43 91,76 96,08 100,00
Actual Progress (%) 0,10 0,58 0,79 1,59 2,93 3,71 4,79 5,98 8,60 11,28 12,83 16,08 18,71 21,04 25,88 32,67 37,50 42,84 45,05 55,51 65,00 70,08 91,02 100,00 100,00
Balance (%) (0,12) (0,29) (0,90) (4,03) (8,18) (14,35) (19,71) (25,60) (30,39) (35,08) (39,70) (44,60) (48,75) (14,27) (14,65) (15,06) (19,18) (22,75) (30,13) (28,70) (29,43) (18,35) (0,73) 3,92 -
Annex P-2


MONTH : 20-Apr-16


Package No. 02 Time Elapsed (Days) 835 April 20, 2016

Sub Project Manager / PPK ISMAN, ST Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00

Contractor PT JAYA KONSTRUKSI MP, Tbk Actual Overall Progress (%) 100,00
1. Take over, secara fungsional tercapai , menunggu perbaikkan 1. Take over certificate akan diterbitkan Engineer, setelah perbaikan
Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV PT CIPTA STRADA Balance (%) 0,00
minor, akan diselesaikan 14 hari setelah tanggal TO Minor dan Administrasi diselesaikan oleh Kontraktor
Contract Sign 06-Dec-13 Progress This Month (%) 3,17
Commencement Date 06-Jan-14
Time for Complation (Days) original 730 DISBURSEMENT *)
Time for Complation (Days) Add 835 Status date 25-Nop-15
Take Over Date 19-Apr-16 Accumulative Rp. 204.720.917.000 90,30%
Contract Amount Rp. 197.936.699.000,00 *) Include advance payment
Contract Amount (+ PPN)
Addendum 01 Amount) Rp. 226.713.217.000,00
Addendum 1 Amount (+ PPN) PROGRESS SCHEDULE
Amand 100
Comp ment Accum Actual Accum Accum Sch
Div Description Total Last this to this 90
04 to this
% % Month Month Month Month
I General 10,46 3,38 3,00 0,38 3,38 3,378
II Drainage 3,53 3,24 3,19 0,05 3,24 3,244
III Earthworks 4,44 4,69 4,52 0,17 4,69 4,691

Pavement Widening & 60

2,26 1,95 1,88 0,07 1,95 1,948

V Granular Pavement 10,49 10,94 10,55 0,40 10,94 10,944 50

VI Asphalt Pavement 52,09 57,03 57,03 - 57,03 57,028
VII Structures 14,35 16,12 14,64 1,47 16,12 16,115 40
Reinstatement & Minor Series1
1,65 2,00 1,44 0,56 2,00 2,002
30 Series2
IX Day Work 0,12 0,11 0,04 0,07 0,11 0,108
Routine Maintenance 20 Series3
0,62 0,54 0,54 - 0,54 0,541

TOTAL 100,00 100,00 96,83 3,166 100,000 100,000 10

Note :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28


Year 2014 2015 2016
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
The month of time for complation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Original Progress Schedul (%) 0,45 0,90 2,20 3,45 7,17 13,58 17,48 20,63 27,88 33,56 38,81 44,72 50,52 56,13 62,58 67,95 73,65 79,35
Revised Progress Schedul (%) 66,920 71,104 81,035 87,075 91,345 95,62 100,00
Revised Progress Schedul (%) 95,62 96,17 96,75 97,25 98,21 100,00
Actual Progress (%) - 0,113 1,024 2,192 4,106 5,962 9,685 13,853 22,546 25,613 31,449 33,726 39,968 44,252 49,983 54,511 50,998 58,346 64,017 71,362 77,800 83,268 92,53 93,20 92,85 95,73 96,83
Balance (%) (0,45) (0,79) (1,17) (1,26) (3,07) (7,62) (7,80) (6,78) (5,33) (7,95) (7,36) (10,99) (10,56) (11,88) (12,59) (13,44) (22,65) (8,57) (7,09) (9,67) (9,27) (8,08) (3,09) (2,97) (3,90) (1,52) (1,37)
0,91 1,17 1,91 1,86 3,72 4,17 8,69 3,07 5,84 2,28 6,24 4,28 38,29
Annex P-3
MONTH : 21-Mar-16


Package No. 03 Time Elapsed (Days) 805 March 21, 2016

Sub Project Manager / PPK Agung Setyawan, ST. MT Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00

Contractor PT JAYA KONSTRUKSI MP, Tbk Actual Overall Progress (%) 100,00 1. Take over certificate issueid by Engineer, akan
Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV PT DACREA Balance (%) 0,00 1. Take over, finish diterbitkan Engineer, setelah perbaikan Administrasi
Contract Sign 06-Dec-13 Progress This Month (%) 0,87 diselesaikan oleh Kontraktor
Commencement Date 06-Jan-14
Time for Complation (Days) 805 DISBURSEMENT *)
Take Over Date 20-Mar-16 Status date 25-Nop-15
Contract Amount Rp. 143.688.963.000,00 Accumulative Rp. 154.098.974.328,00 93,30%
Contract Amount (+ PPN) *) Include advance payment
Addendum 01 Amount) Rp. 165.157.772.000,00
Addendum 12 Amount (+ PPN)
Comp Revised Accum Actual Accum Accum 100
Div Description Total Total Last this to this Sch to this
% % Month Month Month Month 90

I General 10,210 10,211 2,39 - 2,39 2,39

II Drainage 13,170 13,172 10,09 - 10,09 10,09
III Earthworks 3,040 3,040 6,99 - 6,99 6,99 70
Pavement Widening &

IV 2,450 2,453 1,50 0,42 1,92 1,92

Shoulders 60

V Granular Pavement 11,270 11,267 11,25 - 11,25 11,25

VI Asphalt Pavement 55,810 55,810 59,72 - 59,72 59,72
VII Structures 0,800 0,804 5,28 - 5,28 5,28 40

Reinstatement &
2,267 2,266
0,57 0,45 1,02 1,02
Minor Works 30
IX Day Work 0,220 0,222 0,69 - 0,69 0,69 Series2

Routine Maintenance 20 Series3

X 0,760 0,756 0,65 - 0,65 0,65
10 Series4
TOTAL 100,00 100,00 99,13 0,87 100,00 100,00
Note : 0
93,78 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27


Year 2014 2015 2016
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Original Progress Schedul (%) 0,26 1,00 1,67 2,45 4,78 7,45 10,70 14,27 21,53 30,10 36,95 44,01 51,62 58,67 65,63 73,03 79,97
Rivised Progress Schedul (%) 63,15 70,14 74,54 82,69 89,96 95,17 97,89 100,00
93,78 98,11 99,31 100,00
Actual Progress (%) 0,24 0,48 2,07 2,43 2,87 5,45 5,70 7,01 12,43 14,45 19,30 24,38 29,11 30,11 32,97 39,72 40,98 44,98 48,56 54,37 65,63 85,01 91,15 96,30 98,34 99,13 100,00
Balance (%) (0,02) (0,52) 0,40 (0,02) (1,91) (2,00) (5,00) (7,26) (9,10) (15,65) (17,65) (19,63) (22,51) (28,56) (32,66) (33,31) (38,99) (25,16) (25,98) (28,32) (24,33) (10,16) (6,74) 2,52 0,23 (0,18) -
0,24 1,59 0,36 0,44 2,58 0,25 1,31 5,42 2,02 4,85 5,08 4,73 1,00
Annex P-4


MONTH : 25-Apr-16


Package No. 04 Time Elapsed (Days) 836 April 25, 2016

Sub Project Manager / PPK DICKY ERLANGGA ST. MSi Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00 - Take over, secara fungsional terkendala, dengan - PPK, SSE dan GS akan menghitung kebutuhan

Contractor PT WASKITA KARYA - PT DAYA JO Actual Overall Progress (%) 94,53 permintaan Warga (LSM), untuk menambah Box real waktu untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan
RENARDET S.A JV PT YODYA KARYA Culvert di Sta 28+900, pekerjaan Base Klas B, Base Konstruksi dengan mengakomodir
Supervision Consultant Balance (%) -5,47
Klas A, Prime Coat, Tack Coat, AC-Base, AC-BC, AC-
Contract Sign 14-Nov-13 Progress This Month (%) 2,91 permintaan warga (LSM)
WC, dan Marka Jalan tertunda, shg melebihi waktu
Commencement Date 10-Jan-14 kontrak
Time for Complation (Days) Original 730 DISBURSEMENT *) - Prosentasae progress, terkendala di Item AC- - PPK, SSE dan GS akan menghitung kebutuhan
Time for Complation (Days) addendum 820 Status date 25-Nop-15 WC, dan Penyerapan Provisional Sum, yang real Penyerapan Provisional Sum untuk
akan digunakan memenuhi permintaan warga melaksanakan Box Culvert di Sta 28+200
Take Over Date 08-Apr-16 Accumulative Rp. 109.732.977.618,82 64,57%
Contract Amount Rp. 169.942.500.082,97 *) Include advance payment
Contract Amount (+ PPN) Rp. 186.936.750.091,27 - Secara real progress akhir tidak akan - PPK,akan memubuat laporan berdasarkan
Addendum 01 Amount) Rp. 178.580.076.791,92 mencapai 100 %, dikarenakan adanya sisa PS Final Quantity yg dibuat SSE & GS
Addendum 1 Amount (+ PPN) Rp. 196.438.084.000,00

Comp Add Final Accum Actual Accum Accum 100
Div Description Total Total Quantity Last this to this Sch to this
% % % Month Month Month Month 90
I General 7,26 6,723 5,994 0,521 - 0,521 5,994 80
II Drainage 11,73 8,176 8,176 7,915 0,261 8,176 8,176

III Earthworks 3,43 3,064 3,064 3,054 0,010 3,064 3,064

Pavement Widening & 60
IV 3,24 3,045 3,045 3,040 0,005 3,045 3,045
V Granular Pavement 17,28 16,820 16,820 16,820 - 16,820 16,820 50
VI Asphalt Pavement 51,47 46,269 47,020 46,875 0,144 47,019 47,020
VII Structures 2,44 4,818 4,818 4,682 0,137 4,818 4,818 Series1
Reinstatement & Minor 30 Series2
VIII 2,82 10,903 10,881 8,544 2,337 10,881 10,881
IX Day Work 0,14 - - 0,000 - 0,000 0,000
20 Series3
Routine Maintenance 10 Series4
X 0,19 0,182 0,182 0,169 0,013 0,182 0,182
TOTAL 100,00 100,00 100,00 91,619 2,907 94,527 100,000 0
Note : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28


Year 2014 2015 2016
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,11 0,32 0,75 1,14 6,57 10,29 12,85 15,81 20,08 24,22 32,76 40,88 47,93 55,61 63,45 69,09 75,72 81,55 84,79 90,84 94,62 97,05 98,80 100,000
Rivised Progress Schedul (%) 28,57 37,28 48,18 56,89 64,18 73,78 84,47 91,89 98,53 100,000
61,23 62,143 76,26 86,77 96,29 100,00
Actual Progress (%) - 0,18 0,40 0,53 0,56 0,78 0,87 1,45 3,73 5,35 8,10 9,35 13,86 21,76 27,67 35,43 39,36 42,14 44,24 46,28 50,09 53,17 61,23 70,324 78,69 84,64 91,62 94,53
Balance (%) (0,11) (0,14) (0,35) (0,61) (6,01) (9,51) (11,99) (14,36) (16,35) (18,88) (24,66) (31,53) (34,07) (33,85) (35,79) (33,66) (36,35) (39,40) (40,56) (44,56) (44,53) (43,88) (37,57) 8,181 2,431 (2,131) (4,667) (5,473)
0,22 0,13 0,03 0,22 0,09 0,59 2,27 1,62 2,76 1,25 4,51 7,90
Annex P-5
MONTH : December 25, 2016


Package No. 05 Time Elapsed (Days) 556 December 25, 2016

Name Sp Rampa - Poriaha Time Elapsed (%) 102,963 MAJOR PROBLEMS ACTION TO BE TAKEN
Sub Project Manager / PPK Herison Manjerang, ST,MT Scheduled Progress (%) 42,319 1. Penarikan MC hanya 12. Penarikan MC ini telah disepakati bersama oleh pihak yang terkait.

Contractor PT. NUSA KONSTRUKSI ENJINIRING Tbk. Actual Overall Progress (%) 42,733 sampai Okt 2016 krn Add
Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV PT Seecons Balance (%) 0,414 Balance Budget be lum
Contract Sign 17-Mar-15 Progress This Month (%) 7,483 diterbitkan & realisa si
Commencement Date 18-Jun-15 progress pek ± 42%.
Time for Complation (Days) 540 Days DISBURSEMENT *) 2. Rekomendasi teknis Berdasarkan hasil rapat pembahasan Paket 05 Simp. Rampa-Poriaha, Tim Pembahasan Teknis
Add Time for Complation (Days) 764 Days Status date October 23, 2016 untuk usulan perubahan dihasilkan rekomendasi Teknis sebagai berikut :
Take Over Date 20-Jul-17 Accumulative Rp. 34.391.649.365,41 32,05% waktu pelaksanaan dan a. Opsi tahap pertama Balance Budget dengan nilai kontrak tetap sebesar Rp. 107.321.260.310,-
Contract Amount Rp. 107.321.260.310,00 *) Include advance payment nilai kontrak pada paket (termasuk PPn 10%) dengan penambahan waktu pelaksanaan 224 hari kalender;
Contract Amount (+ PPN) Rp. 118.053.386.341,00
Addendum 01 Amount) b. Opsi tahap kedua untuk memenuhi kebutuhan minimum lapangan diusulkan penambahan nilai
Addendum 1 Amount (+ PPN) kontrak sebesar Rp. 22.822.124.520,- shg merubah nilai kontrak Rp. 107.321.260.310,- (termasuk PPn)
menjadi Rp. 130.143.384.830,- (termasuk PPn) dgn penambahan waktu pelaksanaan 299 hari kalender;

c. Persetujuan perpanjangan waktu pelaksanaan ini sudah mencakup keseluruhan pengajuan klaim
perpanjangan waktu dari penyedia jasa.
PHYSICAL WORK PROGRESS BY CATEGORY d. pada saat ini opsi yang dipilih adalah opsi yang pertama untuk ditindaklanjuti
Comp Accum Actual Accum Accum 3. Curah Hujan Nov 2016 3. kontraktor harus membuat action plan untuk memacu progress di lapangan.
Div Description Total Last this to this Sch to this tinggi
% Month Month Month Month
I General 8,087 1,241 (0,143) 1,098 4,049
II Drainage 2,772 0,370 0,003 0,372 1,590
III Earthworks 21,280 14,586 4,261 18,847 10,960
Pavement Widening & 100
IV 1,281 - - - 0,507
Shoulders 90
V Granular Pavement 8,036 2,683 0,273 2,956 3,737 Series1

VI Asphalt Pavement 38,751 - 3,095 3,095 17,362 70

VII Structures 16,216 16,360 (0,035) 16,325 2,086 60 Series3
Reinstatement & Minor
VIII 3,481 - - - 1,989 50
IX Day Work 0,096 0,010 0,029 0,040 0,041
Routine Maintenance
X - - - - 20
TOTAL 100,000 35,250 7,483 42,733 42,319 10
Note : 0
Progress Minus dikarenakan penyesuaian Bobot terhaqdap 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Addendum Kontraktor
Year 2015 2016 2017
Month Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March Apr May June July August Sep Oct Nop Dec Jan Feb March Apr May June July
The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,22 0,99 3,89 8,90 16,87 23,69 36,44 40,23 46,08 50,69 56,28 60,45 66,93 69,02 78,66 88,79 96,82 99,74 100,00
Rivised Progress Schedul (%) 41,88 41,99 53,49 63,38 76,53 87,93 97,61 99,43 100,0
Actual Progress Original (%) 0,32 0,58 1,09 1,69 2,72 3,08 3,53 5,78 10,11 10,11 16,29 18,44 26,83 28,19 30,00 31,28 35,25 42,73
Rivised Actual Progress (%) 34,277 42,73
Balance (%) 0,10 (0,41) (2,80) (7,20) (14,16) (20,61) (32,91) (34,45) (35,97) (40,58) (40,00) (42,02) (40,10) (40,83) (48,66) (57,51) (61,57) (57,00) 0,741
0,51 0,60 1,03 0,36 0,45 2,25 4,33 - 6,18 2,15 8,40 1,36
Annex P-6


MONTH : 25-Des-16


Package No. 6 Time Elapsed (Days) 655 December 25, 2016

Sub Project Manager / PPK FERRY SUTIMARJAYA,ST.MT Scheduled Progress (%) 96,07 1. Pada bulan ini kondisi Stok Material Bt Pecah untuk 1. Penyedia jasa diharapkan u/ fokus memproduksi

Contractor PT. WASKITA KARYA Tbk Actual Overall Progress (%) 91,23 Pek Perkerasan Berbutir Klas S belum me menuhi Material Kelas S serta tetap produksi material u/
Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV PT. SEECONS Balance (%) -4,84 target. Saat ini stock material hanya mencukupi untuk kebutuhan asphalt AC-WC krn stock u/ material agg klas
Contract Sign 27-Feb-15 Progress This Month (%) 3,45 Pek. Patching dan Rekon serta produksi u/ Pek Aspal A sudah tidak banyak lagi dibutuhkan krn sebagian besar
Commencement Date 11-Mar-15 AC-Base serta AC-BC + AC-BC (L)saja. Hal ini pek Rekon & patching hampir selesai. Selain itu agar
disebabkan krn hanya St. Crusher (1) yang produksi produksi batu pecah mencukupi kebutuhan maka St
Time for Complation (Days) 450 Calendar Days
sedangkan St Crusher (2), sampai saat ini belum juga Crusher (2) yang saat ini sudah siap produksi tetap
Add Time for Complation (Days) 690 Calendar Days Status date 25-Nop-16
mendapatkan izin genset & izin quarry baru dari diupayakan agar izin prinsip genset serta quarry
Take Over Date Original 02-Jun-16 Accumulative Rp. 80.617.752.553,76 93,18% instansi terkait. barunya bisa diterbitkan oleh instansi yang
Take Over Date Addendum 28-Jan-17 *) Include advance payment berkompeten segera mungkin.
Contract Amount (incl PPn) Rp. 86.517.470.000
Add Contract Amount (incl PPn) Rp. 118.444.155.000
2. Rekomendasi site visit tim Audit Keselamatan Jalan 2. Kontraktor serta PPK dan Konsultan sudah melakukan
(AKJ) PMU & CTC yg menginspeksi kondisi Rambu lalu Koordinasi dengan tim Audit Keselamatan Jalan tentang
PHYSICAL WORK PROGRESS BY CATEGORY lintas terpasang serta Kelengkapan utilitas jalan secara bagaimana kondisi ideal yang harus diterapkan
keseluruhan sesuai DED yg ada demi keselamatan dilapangan demi keselamatan pengguna jalan dan sesuai
Comp Accum Actual Accum Accum pengguna jalan telah diterbitkan pada tgl. 10 -12- 2016 dengan peraturan per undang undangan yang berlaku.
Div Description Total Last this to this Sch to this
% % Month Month Month Month
I General 0,83 1,69 0,69 - 0,69 1,58
II Drainage 2,09 1,61 1,32 - 1,32 1,61
III Earthworks 7,20 8,58 8,46 - 8,46 8,59
Pavement Widening & 100
IV 4,02 2,93 1,53 0,22 1,75 2,10
Shoulders 90 Series1
V Granular Pavement 11,06 16,48 15,49 0,02 15,52 16,48
80 Series2
VI Asphalt Pavement 70,65 60,39 54,53 3,10 57,63 57,77

VII Structures 0,92 5,63 4,77 - 4,77 5,64 70

Reinstatement & Minor 60
VIII 2,38 2,15 0,46 0,10 0,56 1,77
Works Series4
IX Day Work - - - - - -
Routine Maintenance 40
X 0,85 0,54 0,52 - 0,52 0,53
Works 30
TOTAL 100,00 100,00 87,78 3,446 91,23 96,07
Note :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23


Year 2015 2016 2017
Month March Apr May June July August Sep Oct Nop Dec Jan Feb March Apr May June July August Sep Oct Nop Dec Jan
The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,17 0,59 1,28 3,09 4,38 8,17 14,27 25,82 38,49 49,93 62,08 75,00 85,36 95,41 100,00 100,00
Rivised - 1 ; Progress Schedul (%) 36,34 60,47 74,94 100,00
Rivised - 2 ; Progress Schedul (%) 58,86 70,27 79,80 88,09 96,07 100,00
Actual Progress (%) 0,07 0,33 0,76 1,04 1,18 2,27 10,03 15,13 18,75 20,54 23,04 25,89 27,55 32,701 36,164 39,34 46,1149 56,3087 64,4379 74,8708 87,7812 91,2271
Balance (%) -0,10 -0,26 -0,53 -2,05 -3,20 -5,90 -4,24 -10,69 -19,74 -29,38 -39,04 -49,11 -57,81 -62,71 -0,18 -21,12 -28,82 -2,56 -5,83 -4,93 -0,31 -4,84
0,42 0,29 0,13 1,10 7,76 5,09 3,62 1,79 2,49 2,85 1,67 5,15
Annex P-7


MONTH : 25-Des-16


Package No. 07 Time Elapsed (Days) 381 December 25, 2016

Name Tapan - Indrapura Time Elapsed (%) 60,48% MAJOR PROBLEMS ACTION TO BE TAKEN
Sub Project Manager / PPK Paides Tabril, ST,MT Scheduled Progress (%) 43,743 - stone cruisher Tapan blm bisa produksi karena izin -
segera dilakukan percepatan pengurusan izin

Contractor PT ADHI KARYA (Persero) Actual Overall Progress (%) 39,209 masih dalam pengurusan
Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV PT. SEECONS Balance (%) (4,534)
Contract Sign 03-Dec-15 Progress This Month (%) 7,861 - U-Dith rencana daerah urban dipasang menurun,tp - akan di survei lokasi pemasangan baru terutama di daerah
dgn kondisi di Lap. Karna banyak TPD tdk bisa pemukiman penduduk
Commencement Date 10-Des-15
dipasang menurun
Time for Complation (Days) 630 DISBURSEMENT *)
Take Over Date 30-Agust-17 Status date 25-Mei-16 - pelaksanaan widening utk Klass A tdk bisa maksimal krn - segera dilakukan proses percepatan izin stone
kekurangan dari abu batu cruisher,agar tdk ada kendala dgn abu batu dan Klass A
Contract Amount Accumulative Rp. 34.391.649.365 29%
Contract Amount (+ PPN) Rp. 117.909.073.274,40 *) Include advance payment
Addendum 01 Amount) Rp. 129.699.900.000,00
Addendum 1 Amount (+ PPN)


Comp Actual Accum
Amand Accum Sch
Accum Last
Div Description Total ment this to this to this 100
% % Month Month Month 90
I General 2,45 1,15 0,004 1,149 1,600
II Drainage 21,84 2,93 1,416 4,346 10,420 80
III Earthworks 5,38 3,24 0,903 4,147 3,770
Pavement Widening & 70
IV 1,09 - - - -

V Granular Pavement 9,22 3,84 1,200 5,035 1,328 60
VI Asphalt Pavement 51,16 16,94 4,203 21,140 22,121 Series1
VII Structures 6,08 2,68 2,679 3,870
Reinstatement & Minor Series2
VIII 2,48 0,33 0,131 0,460 0,420 40
IX Day Work 0,09 0,08 - 0,083 0,088 Series3
Routine Maintenance
X 0,20 0,17 0,004 0,170 0,126
Works 20
TOTAL 100,0 - 31,348 7,861 39,209 43,743
Note : 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25


Year 2015 2016 2017
Month Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
The month for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Original Progress Schedul (%) 0,048 0,106 0,361 0,584 1,210 2,000 4,180 6,170 9,250 15,740 24,130 33,560 43,410 53,600 63,160 72,060 80,850 88,260 93,300 98,000 100,00
Revised Progress Schedul (%) 0,161 0,311 0,587 0,665 1,235 1,918 3,901 5,630 8,720 16,786 24,437 32,366 43,743 53,151 62,904 72,649 80,609 87,106 94,032 98,202 100,00
Actual Progress (%) 0,151 0,311 0,589 0,818 1,175 3,616 4,753 5,633 12,869 16,700 23,487 31,348 39,029
Balance (%) (0,010) - 0,002 0,153 (0,060) 1,698 0,852 0,003 4,149 (0,086) (0,950) (1,018) (4,714) - -
0,59 0,23 0,36 2,44 1,14 0,88 7,24 3,83 6,79 7,86 7,68 (39,03) (3,62)
Annex P-8


MONTH : 25-Des-16


Package No. 08 Time Elapsed (Days) 277 December 25, 2016

Name Bts Kota Pariaman - Manggopoh Time Elapsed (%) 42,68% MAJOR PROBLEMS ACTION TO BE TAKEN
Sub Project Manager / PPK Agung Setyawan, ST. MT Scheduled Progress (%) 2,773 - 1. ' masih ada lahan pekerjaan untuk - 1. lahan yang belum bebas sudah disampaikan

Contractor PT. PP - STATIKA CONSORTIUM Actual Overall Progress (%) 32,151 widening belum bebas kepada PPK fisik dan akan ditindak lanjuti.
Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV PT. SEECONS Balance (%) 29,379
Contract Sign 28-Jan-16 Progress This Month (%) 3,751 -
Commencement Date 23-Mar-16
Time for Complation (Days) 649 DISBURSEMENT *) 2. Pekerjaan saluran U-ditch pada STA 2. lahan yang belum bebas sudah disampaikan kepada
Take Over Date 31-Des-17 Status date 25-Des-15 15+250 sebelah kiri tidak bisa dilanjutkan PPK fisik dan akan ditindak lanjuti.
Contract Amount Rp. 323.181.818.181,82 Accumulative Rp. 47.684.285.000.000 13,41 karena ada utilitas PDAM, tiang listrik, dan
Contract Amount (+ PPN) Rp. 355.500.000.000,00 *) Include advance payment telepon
Addendum 01 Amount) Rp.
Addendum 1 Amount (+ PPN)


Comp Actual Accum PACKAGE # 08
Accum Last Accum Sch
Div Description Total ment this to this 100
to this
% % Month Month Month Month
I General 2,13 0,234 0,196 0,430 1,215
II Drainage 19,56 0,480 0,100 0,580 6,549 80
III Earthworks 6,43 2,800 0,780 3,580 2,296
Pavement Widening & 70
IV 3,43 0,231 - 0,231 - PHYSICAL PROGRES (%)
V Granular Pavement 14,77 5,002 1,361 6,363 7,439 60

VI Asphalt Pavement 48,29 17,157 1,268 18,425 11,429

VII Structures 2,97 1,936 0,039 1,975 1,725
Reinstatement & Minor 40
VIII 2,16 0,447 - 0,447 0,095
IX Day Work 0,05 - - 0,025 30
Routine Maintenance
X 0,20 0,113 0,007 0,120 0,079
Works 20
TOTAL 100,0 - 28,400 3,751 32,151 30,852
Note : 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25


Year 2016 2017 2018
Month Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
The month for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Original Progress Schedul (%) 0,020 0,090 0,166 0,31 0,44 2,77 7,58 13,22 22,21 30,85 39,60 48,22 55,71 66,39 74,64 78,72 83,79 90,13 94,80 97,82 99,27 99,96 100,00
Revised Progress Schedul (%)
Actual Progress (%) - 0,269 1,123 2,37 3,59 5,91 9,69 18,79 28,40 32,15
Balance (%) (0,020) 0,179 0,957 2,063 3,148 3,142 2,118 5,573 6,188 1,299 - - - -
0,94 1,25 1,22 2,33 3,78 9,10 9,61 3,75 (32,15) - - - (5,91)
Annex P-11


MONTH : 25-Des-16


Package No. 11 Time Elapsed (Days) 671 December 25, 2016

Sub Project Manager / PPK DICKY ERLANGGA ST. MSi Scheduled Progress (%) 96,19 Common Excavation is for Widening and Reconstruction Contractor should fill Aggregate Base Class B & Class A as soon

Contractor PT. HUTAMA KARYA, Tbk JO PT. DMT Actual Overall Progress (%) 86,28 Road Signs for safety and Police Line is a enough Please add Road Signs and Police Line for safety
Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV PT. CIPTA STRADA Balance (%) (9,91)
Asphalt Finisher DMT Ipuh is often trouble Please repair Asphalt Finisher DMT in Ipuh as soon as possible
Contract Sign 18-Dec-14 Progress This Month (%) 1,43
Commencement Date 23-Feb-15 Product of Stone dust is a few Please add product of Stone dust or buy at other
Take Over Date 11-Feb-17 DISBURSEMENT *) Hotmix had not implemented maximum yet Please implement it maximum
Time for Complation (Days) 720 Calendar Days Status date 25-Sep-16 Selected Embankment had implemented normally Please implement it maximum
Contract Amount Rp. 228.899.717.000,00 Accumulative Rp. 187.824.960.813,32 78,67% Aggregate Base Class B had not implemented maximum yet Please implement it maximum
Amendment - 02 Date 28-Oct-15 *) Include advance payment Aggregate Base Class A had not implemented maximum yet Please implement it maximum
Take Over Date Amendment - 02 11-Feb-17 Cash flow of Contractor is disturbed because IPC for June, July
Contractor will look for funding resources to GM PT. HK in Jakarta
Time for Complation (Days) 720 Calendar Days and August 2016 still waiting revised DIPA APBNP
Amount Amendment - 02 (+ PPN) Rp. 262.611.303.000,00

Comp Amend- Accum Actual Accum Accum
Div Description Total 02 Last this to this Sch to this 90
% % Month Month Month Month
I General 0,888 0,854 0,874 - 0,874 0,854
II Drainage 1,973 2,493 2,652 - 2,652 2,493 70

III Earthworks 26,298 11,273 10,548 0,017 10,564 11,273

Pavement Widening & 60
IV 5,133 3,597 2,087 - 2,087 3,597
V Granular Pavement 7,312 14,409 14,113 0,094 14,207 14,409 50
VI Asphalt Pavement 48,545 52,347 43,466 1,265 44,731 52,347
VII Structures 5,536 9,879 10,641 0,016 10,657 9,879
Reinstatement & Minor 30
VIII 3,998 4,873 0,221 0,028 0,249 1,084
Original Schedule
IX Day Work - - - - - - 20
Routine Maintenance Revised Schedule
X 0,318 0,278 0,251 0,006 0,257 0,261
Works 10 Progress Actual
TOTAL 100,00 100,00 84,853 1,427 86,279 96,194
Note : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


Year 2015 2016 2017
Month March Apr May June July August Sep Oct Nop Dec Jan Feb March Apr May June July August Sep Oct Nop Dec Jan Feb
The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,39 2,18 4,68 7,70 9,91 14,17 18,72 22,96 27,34 30,87 35,92 42,90 49,60 57,19 64,53 71,98 74,96 80,07 85,18 89,48 93,91 96,18 99,45 100,00
Rivised Progress Schedul (%) 20,01 22,98 25,39 29,15 36,74 43,85 51,45 58,80 66,39 70,16 77,18 84,00 89,39 93,63 96,19 99,45 100,00
Actual Progress (%) 1,477 5,59 6,59 9,13 10,00 11,28 15,09 17,23 23,22 24,82 26,84 33,04 38,87 44,59 51,81 56,74 58,88 65,03 71,00 74,78 84,85 86,28
Balance (%) 1,083 3,415 1,916 1,431 0,092 (2,891) (3,637) (2,782) 0,233 (0,562) (2,307) (3,700) (4,978) (6,861) (6,988) (9,654) (11,28) (12,15) (13,01) (14,61) (8,78) (9,91)
1,00 2,54 0,87 1,28 3,80 2,15 5,99 1,61 2,02 6,20 5,83 5,71
Annex P-12


MONTH : 25-Des-16


Package No. 12 Time Elapsed (Days) 216 December 25, 2016

Name Kambang - Indrapura Time Elapsed (%) 36,73% MAJOR PROBLEMS ACTION TO BE TAKEN
Sub Project Manager / PPK PAIDES TABRIL , ST,MT Scheduled Progress (%) 9,39 1 Phsyic progress on field has been delayed 1. In order for the extra work and preparation have to be
good for the material, heavy equip, and energy must be

Contractor PT. LANCARJAYA MANDIRI ABADI - PT. CAHAYA Actual Overall Progress (%) 4,02
TUNGGAL ABADI , JO. Balance (%) (5,37) ready, and do overtime work if necessary

Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV PT. Daya Creasi Mitrayasa Progress This Month (%) 1,89 2. For equipment stone crusher product its not work properly because 2. The stone crusher equipment is must be repaired and
the engine is often problematic and damaged, so the need is supposed to need more extra time of the operations
Contract Sign 28-Jan-16 be 600 tons/day recently reached 200 tonnes/day less 400 tons/day
Commencement Date 23-May-16 DISBURSEMENT *)
Take Over Date 31-Dec-17 Status date 25-Nop-15 3. Asphal Progress like peg patching not working properly, considering 3. In order for the equipment to plant and all the matchup of
35.865.040.000,00 asphalt matchup plant didnt have yet an operation certificated and completeness must be ready, hold the asphalt must be in
Time for Complation (Days) 720 Calendar Days (Contract) Accumulative Rp. 11,00%
coldbin still need 1 unit where should need 5 unit, and yet no asphalt complete
Time for Complation (Days) 588 Calendar Days (Addendum) *) Include advance payment materials
Contract Amount Rp. 358.650.400.000,00 4. For the work of widening road shoulders should be progress with 4. For the work of widening the tools for work must and
complete equipment should not be simply workmanship using mandatory used grader and 1 unit of heavy equipment in
excavators accordance with the procedure
Comp Comp Accum Actual Accum Accum 5. For the work of installation stone and mortar work the concrated The tool must be fix or change with the n5. ew tools, for the
amd.01 Sch to this mixer tool its broke and not working target plan has been reached
Div Description Total Last this to this
% Month Month Month Month

I General 2,75 3,64 0,66 - 0,66 1,52 PROGRESS SCHEDULE

II Drainage 10,79 3,75 - - - 0,08 PACKAGE # 12
III Earthworks 7,72 6,23 0,29 0,18 0,47 1,83 100
Pavement Widening &
IV 2,96 2,67 - - - - 90
V Granular Pavement 17,37 18,49 0,67 1,42 2,08 4,02
VI Asphalt Pavement 50,68 57,59 - - - -
VII Structures 5,09 5,49 0,31 0,27 0,58 1,58 70

Reinstatement & Minor

VIII 2,47 1,96 0,11 0,02 0,13 0,31 60
IX Day Work 0,04 0,05 0,01 0,01 - 50
Routine Maintenance Series1
X 0,13 0,13 0,08 0,08 0,05 40
Works Series2
TOTAL 100,00 100,00 2,13 1,89 4,021 9,39
30 Series3
Note :


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25


Year 2016 2017 2018

Month May June July August Sept October Nov Des January Feb March April May June July August Sept October Nov Des January Feb March April May
The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,088 0,579 0,839 1,264 1,613 4,103 8,312 14,092 21,504 31,995 44,068 56,497 71,438 77,986 77,986 80,168 82,883 85,503 89,120 91,761 94,286 97,306 99,446 99,785 100,00
Rivised Add - 01Progress Schedul (%) 0,088 0,579 0,839 1,264 1,614 2,277 5,570 10,899 18,313 29,284 41,679 54,224 69,991 76,980 79,921 82,891 85,609 89,726 94,156 100,00
Rivised Add -02Progress Schedul (%) 1,50 2,34 4,93 9,39 15,87 27,24 40,55 54,23 70,99 77,90 80,34 83,37 86,33 90,58 95,17 100,00
Actual Progress (%) 0,215 0,605 0,869 0,980 1,054 1,967 2,132 4,021
Balance (%) 0,13 0,03 0,03 (0,284) (0,559) (0,374) (2,801) (5,371)
Annex P-13


MONTH : 25-Des-16


Package No. 13 Time Elapsed (Days) 522 December 25, 2016

Name Sp Rukis - Tanjung Kemuning Time Elapsed (%) 72,50% MAJOR PROBLEMS ACTION TO BE TAKEN
Sub Project Manager / PPK ENDRO KUSUMOJOYO, ST.MT Scheduled Progress (%) 46,63 1. 1. The main equipment is often damaged (stone crusher and AMP), 1. Mechanics of the major equipment procurement, namely PT.
such as AMP broken from the date of 13 - 16 December 2016. So the Rutraindo prompted full time on site work / basecamp

Contractor PT. WASKITA KARYA Tbk Actual Overall Progress (%) 32,63
work hotmix be constrained material which also caused difficulties
Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV PT. CIPTA STRADA Balance (%) (14,00)
Contract Sign 18-Dec-16 Progress This Month (%) 9,86 2. Quarry early in the District Kedurang approximately 10 km 2. Already carried out a review by the new General
from the Basecamp was closed by Police since December 2015 Superintendent. While waiting for permission to quarry
Commencement Date 22-Jul-15
until today. So that the material making the distance be Kedurang reissued, contractors have bought quite a lot of
Take Over Date 10-Jul-17 DISBURSEMENT *) approximately 50 km from Basecamp with system purchase material that kaur Districts that were located 50 km and
Time for Complation (Days) 720 Calendar Days Status date 25-Nop-15 from Merak in Banten Province.
Contract Amount Rp. 292.700.000.000,00 Accumulative Rp. 64.550.410.934,90 31,02% 3. Unavailability of cash week to become obstacles in carrying 3. Has been discussed at a meeting in Jakarta with the
*) Include advance payment out work such as diesel oil faltered, payments to Sub-Contractors Director of PT. Waskita Karya that is now no longer a
are blocked, jammed rental equipment, overtime is not the way problem. And General Superintendent has been


Comp Accum Actual Accum Accum PROGRESS SCHEDULE
Div Description Total Last this to this Sch to this PACKAGE #13
% Month Month Month Month
I General 0,38 0,365 0,017 0,382 0,292
II Drainage 1,87 0,520 0,015 0,535 1,526
III Earthworks 16,52 3,733 0,083 3,816 7,091 80
Pavement Widening &
IV 4,11 - - 0,630 70

V Granular Pavement 8,43 5,933 0,686 6,619 12,468

VI Asphalt Pavement 64,33 10,420 9,053 19,473 22,227
VII Structures 2,05 1,107 0,001 1,107 1,730 50
Reinstatement & Minor
2,14 0,692 0,007 0,698 0,573 Series1
Works 40
IX Day Work - - - Series2
Routine Maintenance 30
X 0,18 - - 0,091 Series3
TOTAL 100,00 22,770 9,862 32,632 46,628
Note : 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25


Year 2015 2016 2017

Month July August Sept October Nov Des January Feb March April May June July August Sept October Nov Des January Feb March April May June July
The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,02 0,21 1,65 4,18 6,69 9,61 14,62 20,36 26,94 33,58 41,24 47,87 50,63 58,32 63,60 68,28 72,97 77,66 82,62 86,79 91,19 95,75 99,36 99,74 100,00
Rivised Progress Schedul (%) 0,20 0,90 2,20 4,00 5,80 7,50 9,50 11,50 13,30 15,40 16,13 20,18 24,00 27,82 32,00 36,44 41,47 46,63 54,87 63,48 72,34 81,13 90,08 97,87 100,00
Actual Progress (%) - 0,36 0,88 2,20 3,39 13,71 13,84 14,37 14,62 16,02 17,34 18,25 18,55 19,06 19,25 21,80 22,77 32,632
Balance (%) (0,02) 0,14 (0,77) (1,98) (3,30) 4,10 (0,78) (5,99) (12,32) (17,56) (23,90) (29,63) (32,08) (39,26) (44,34) (46,48) (50,20) (14,00)
Annex P-14
MONTH : 25-Des-16


Package No. 14 Time Elapsed (Days) 144 December 25, 2016

Name Painan - Kambang Time Elapsed (%) 22,86% MAJOR PROBLEMS ACTION TO BE TAKEN
Sub Project Manager / PPK YAHYA, ST Scheduled Progress (%) 5,866
Lahan Belum Bebas dari STA 13+00 to STA 31+500 sedang Proses Sosialisasi
Contractor 'PT YASA JV CONBLOC Actual Overall Progress (%) 3,941

Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV PT. CIPTA STRADA Balance (%) (1,924)

Contract Sign 1-Jun-16 Progress This Month (%) 0,109

Commencement Date 3-Aug-16
Take Over Date 24-Apr-18 DISBURSEMENT *)
Time for Complation (Days) 630 Calendar Days Status date 25-Des-16
Contract Amount Rp. 214.322.429.680,00 Accumulative Rp.,00 15,45%
*) Include advance payment


Comp Accum Actual Accum Accum PACKAGE # 14
Div Description Total Last this to this Sch to this
% Month Month Month Month
I General 0,38 0,653 0,002 0,654 1,173
II Drainage 1,87 0,018 - 0,018 0,003 80
III Earthworks 16,52 1,884 0,026 1,910 1,070
Pavement Widening & 70
IV 4,11 - - - -

V Granular Pavement 8,43 0,713 0,078 0,792 2,169 60
VI Asphalt Pavement 64,33 - - - -
VII Structures 2,05 0,115 - 0,115 0,958
Reinstatement & Minor
VIII 2,14 0,325 - 0,325 0,368 40
IX Day Work - 0,005 - 0,005 0,020 Series1
Routine Maintenance
X 0,18 0,119 0,003 0,122 0,105 Series2
Works 20
TOTAL 100,00 3,832 0,109 3,941 5,866
Note : 10
Terjadi lonjakan Quantity Record pd bulan Nov 2016, untuk laporan
Des 2016, Versi SSE dirubah, shg terjadi perubahan yg signifikan 0
(INKONSISTENSI) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Pelanggaran dilakukan SSE, terhadap ketentuan , SSKK 66.2.a5 & THE MONTH OF TIME FOR COMPLATION
Ketentuan PMM 7.10 serta pendelegasian wewenang Eng point 7
Dilaporkan Progress Nov 2016, sesuai original lap SSE dan Des 20166
sesuai Lap SSE Des 2016, setelah Sidak di Paket 14

Year 2016 2017 2018

Month Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,17 0,34 0,51 0,94 2,02 4,47 7,12 10,30 14,85 21,63 29,98 38,68 47,74 54,09 63,68 71,43 79,18 86,11 92,51 97,49 100,00
Rivised Progress Schedul (%) 0,17 0,56 0,72 1,78 5,87 10,38 15,36 20,60 28,07 35,22 40,30 47,16 56,10 73,62 87,09 96,50 100,00
Actual Progress (%) 0,175 0,47 2,65 3,83 3,94
Balance (%) 0,00 (0,09) 1,92 2,05 (1,92)
Annex P-15


MONTH : 25-Des-16


Package No. 15 Time Elapsed (Days) 401 December 25, 2016

Project Manager / Ka. Satker Ir. ASNER SILALAHI, MT Scheduled Progress (%) 44,443 1. Terjadinya keterlambatan adalah sebagai berikut :

Sub Project Manager / PPK HERISON MANHERANG, ST Actual Overall Progress (%) 20,522 - Pihak kontraktor belum maksimal melaksanakan pekerjaan - Kontraktor harus meningkatkan kinerjanya dengan memaksimalkan
Contractor PT. PEMBANGUNAN PERUMAHAN Balance (%) -23,921 'Kondisi Cuaca Extrim Frekuensi hujan tinggi/ hampir tiap pelaksanaan Diusahakan pelaksanaan pek dgn melihat waktu yg tepat
hari hujan dalam pelaksanaan
Supervision Consultant A Joint Venture of Renardet, S.A. Progress This Month (%) 7,275
Contract Sign 13-Jul-15 - Alat-alat seperti AMP, Stone Crusher sering mengalami - Perlu Penambahan suku cadang alat, & teknisi untuk setting alat.
Commencement Date 20-Nop-15 DISBURSEMENT *) kerusakan/alah Setting Untuk masing2 pek harus menambah grup pekerja
Time for Complation (Days) 810 Status date 25-Des-15 - Tidak mulus mengatur pelaksanaan pekerjaan karena masih - Perlunya Koordinasi dengan Instansi Yang terkait dalam pelaksanaan
Take Over Date 06-Feb-18 Accumulative Rp. 32.085.946.000 12,34% banyak lahan yang belum bebas atau mensiasati keadaan dilapangan.
Contract Amount,00 *) Include advance payment - Kendala utama tidak tersedianya material yang cukup - Perlu penambahan dari luar bagaimanapun caranya agar pekerjaan
Contract Amount (+ PPN) maksimal


Comp Amand Accum Actual Accum PACKAGE #15
Sch to
Div Description Total ment Last this to this this 100
% % Month Month Month Month
I General 2,30 2,30 1,07 - 1,07 1,54 90
II Drainage 19,42 5,13 0,09 - 0,09 5,88
III Earthworks 13,18 6,34 1,85 - 1,85 3,48
Pavement Widening &
1,95 2,16 - 0,15 0,15 1,75 70

V Granular Pavement 11,46 24,41 3,85 - 3,85 7,63 60

VI Asphalt Pavement 45,06 40,48 3,83 7,07 10,90 15,70
VII S t r u c t u r e s 3,81 16,75 2,16 - 2,16 6,68 50
Reinstatement & Minor Series1
2,78 2,39 0,37 0,06 0,43 1,75
IX Day Work 0,04 0,04 0,01 - 0,01 0,03 Series2
Routine Maintenance 30
- - - - - - Series3
TOTAL 100,00 100,00 13,247 7,275 20,522 44,443
Note : 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28


Year 2015 2016 2017 2018
Month Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
The month for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Original Progress Schedul (%) 0,11 0,45 1,04 3,18 5,57 8,98 13,46 19,96 23,32 29,77 36,32 42,33 48,17 53,91 58,43 64,27 69,63 75,51 81,15 87,09 90,01 93,88 97,32 98,67 99,68 100,00 100,00 100,00
Revised Progress Schedul (%) 7,43 11,84 14,11 18,47 23,77 30,08 37,47 44,45 49,94 57,02 63,52 70,645 77,503 84,692 88,240 93,111 97,64 99,37 100,00
Actual Progress (%) 0,147 0,464 0,919 1,419 1,688 2,337 4,719 5,587 5,956 8,943 8,988 12,042 13,247 20,514
Balance (%) 0,03 0,02 (0,12) (1,76) (3,88) (6,64) (8,74) (14,37) (8,15) (9,52) (14,78) (18,04) (24,23) (23,94)
0,46 0,50 0,27 0,65 2,38 0,87 0,37 2,99 0,04 3,05 1,21 7,27 18,18
Annex P-16


MONTH : 25-Des-16


Package No. 16 Time Elapsed (Days) 47 December 25, 2016

Name Seblat - Ipuh Time Elapsed (%) 7,46 MAJOR PROBLEMS ACTION TO BE TAKEN
Project Manager / Ka. Satker Scheduled Progress (%) 0,260

Sub Project Manager / PPK DICKY ERLANGGA ST. Msi Actual Overall Progress (%) 0,260 Not Yet Mobilization Equipment and laboratory fasilities immediately contractor mobilized
Contractor KSO PT Yasa Patria Perkasa-PT Multi Structure Balance (%) 0,000
Supervision Consultant A Joint Venture of Renardet, S.A. Progress This Month (%) 0,077
Contract Sign 28-Oct-16
Commencement Date 08-Nop-16 DISBURSEMENT *)
Time for Complation (Days) 630 Status date
Take Over Date 30-Jul-18 Accumulative Rp.
Contract Amount 236.454.636.363,64 *) Include advance payment
Contract Amount (+ PPN),00

Accum PACKAGE #15
Comp Amand Accum Actual Accum Sch to 100
Div Description Total ment Last this to this this
% % Month Month Month Month 90
I General 1,40 0,174 0,069 0,243 0,243
II Drainage 13,85 - - 80
III Earthworks 6,57 - -
Pavement Widening & 70

IV 2,32 - -
V Granular Pavement 10,85 - -
VI Asphalt Pavement 51,52 - - 50
VII S t r u c t u r e s 8,41 - - Series1
Reinstatement & Minor 40
VIII 4,79 - -
Works Series2
IX Day Work 0,05 - - 30
Routine Maintenance Series3
X 0,24 0,009 0,009 0,017 0,017 20
TOTAL 100,00 - 0,183 0,077 0,260 0,260
Note :
1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 6,00 7,00 8,00 9,00 10,00 11,00 12,00 13,00 14,00 15,00 16,00 17,00 18,00 19,00 20,00 21,00


Year 2016 2017 2018
Month Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
The month for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Original Progress Schedul (%) 0,07 0,26 0,54 4,03 8,73 12,40 17,12 21,87 25,29 30,86 36,98 43,59 52,25 58,94 63,06 69,89 75,30 80,70 86,70 92,22 100,00
Revised Progress Schedul (%)
Actual Progress (%) 0,183 0,260
Balance (%) 0,11 -
(0,26) - - - - - - - - - - - -
Annex P-17


MONTH : 25-Des-16


Package No. 17 Time Elapsed (Days) 467 December 25, 2016

Name Sp Gn Kemala - Pg Tampak Time Elapsed (%) 64,86111 MAJOR PROBLEMS ACTION TO BE TAKEN
Sub Project Manager / PPK Joko Wisargo, ST, MT Scheduled Progress (%) 54,12 1. Monthly Progress will continue minus, due to several items of 1. Contract changes should be decided by the ministry PUPR, given the

Contractor PT JAYA KONSTRUKSI MP, Tbk Actual Overall Progress (%) 41,34 work can not progress because it has exceeded the initial change request contact has been almost one year.
contract. And the assurance of working to change the contract has
Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV PT. Cipta Strada Balance (%) (12,77)
not been approved.
Contract Sign 17-Nov-14 Progress This Month (%) 2,48
Commencement Date 15-Sep-15 2. Technical justification for additional funds according to the 2. - Ministry of Public Works should immediately ratify technical
needs of the field yet to be ratified by the Ministry of Public justification increment funds
Take Over Date 03-Sep-17 DISBURSEMENT *)
Works, it will cause a delay in the execution of work.
Time for Complation (Days) 720 Calendar Days Status date 25-Jun-16
Contract Amount Rp. 199.551.233.000,00 Accumulative Rp. 63.328.946.125,00 34,91% 3.The Ministry of Public Works must immediately implement the payment
3. Implementation of the cliff cutting work was stopped by
of land aquisation.
*) Include advance payment citizens, for the completion of land aqcuisition problems until

PHYSICAL WORK PROGRESS BY CATEGORY Implementatition of work is expected to be delayed, if the land
aquisition problems are not resolved immediately.
Comp Add Accum Actual Accum Accum
Div Description Total Total Last this to this Sch to this
% % Month Month Month Month PROGRESS SCHEDULE
I General 8,05 1,608 0,011 1,619 1,43 PACKAGE #17
II Drainage 12,92 3,671 0,530 4,202 9,95
III Earthworks 16,93 15,214 0,058 15,271 13,07
Pavement Widening & 90
IV 7,36 0,696 0,120 0,815 3,41
V Granular Pavement 4,09 0,232 0,568 0,800 3,58
VI Asphalt Pavement 42,82 14,434 0,702 15,136 20,06 70

VII Structures 1,98 2,574 0,478 3,052 2,12

Reinstatement & Minor 60
VIII 5,30 0,138 - 0,138 0,14
Works 50
IX Day Work 0,23 0,054 0,007 0,061 0,15
Routine Maintenance 40
X 0,34 0,241 0,008 0,249 0,23
TOTAL 100,00 - 38,863 2,481 41,344 54,12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25


Year 2015 2016 2017
Month Sep Oct Nop Dec Jan Feb March Apr May June July August Sep Oct Nop Dec Jan Feb Feb March Apr May June July August
The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,18 0,70 1,18 1,51 2,39 3,80 6,09 10,09 14,15 18,21 21,04 26,32 33,01 39,79 46,73 54,12 61,80 69,15 75,00 80,05 85,25 90,26 95,19 100,00 100,00
Rivised Progress Schedul (%)
Actual Progress (%) 0,921 1,13 1,42 3,05 3,45 4,11 6,16 9,54 13,81 16,99 17,41 20,332 28,34 33,32 38,86 41,34
Balance (%) 0,74 0,43 0,24 1,54 1,06 0,31 0,07 (0,55) (0,34) (1,23) (3,63) (5,99) (4,68) (6,47) (7,87) (12,79)
0,29 1,63 0,40 0,66 2,05 3,38 4,28 3,18 0,42 2,92 8,00 4,99
Annex P-19


MONTH : 09-Mei-16


Package No. 19 Time Elapsed (Days) 425 May 9, 2016

Sub Project Manager / PPK FERRY SUTIMARJAYA,ST.MT Scheduled Progress (%) 100,00 Take over, secara fungsional tercapai , menunggu Take over certificate akan diterbitkan Engineer, setelah

Contractor PT RODATEKNINDO PURAJAYA Actual Overall Progress (%) 99,11 perbaikkan minor, akan diselesaikan 14 hari setelah perbaikan Minor dan Administrasi diselesaikan oleh
Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV Balance (%) -0,89 tanggal TO Kontraktor
Contract Sign 27-Feb-15 Progress This Month (%) 1,96 Prosentasae progress, terkendala final quantity, dan PPK, SSE dan GS akan menghitung kembali perhitungan
Commencement Date 11-Mar-15 Penyerapan Provisional Sum final quantity, dan Penyerapan Provisional Sum
Time for Complation (Days) Original 300 Calendar Days DISBURSEMENT *)
Time for Complation (Days) Add 425 Calendar Days Status date 25-Okt-15
Take Over Date 08-Mei-16 Accumulative Rp. 25.961.261.097,90 77,06%
Contract Amount Rp. 33.689.452.000 *) Include advance payment
Contract Amount Rp. 44.417.760.000


Comp Add 02 Accum Actual Accum Accum PACKAGE #19
Div Description Total Total Last this to this Sch to this
% % Month Month Month Month
I General 0,43 0,32 0,32 0,32 0,32 90
II Drainage 3,15 2,73 2,73 2,73 2,73
III Earthworks 11,96 11,31 11,31 11,31 11,31 80
Pavement Widening &
IV 5,30 4,02 4,01 4,01 4,02 70
V Granular Pavement 10,69 8,82 8,82 - 8,82 8,82 60
VI Asphalt Pavement 59,66 64,41 64,40 64,40 64,41
VII Structures 2,00 4,02 4,02 - 4,02 4,02 50
Reinstatement & Minor Series1
VIII 6,79 4,35 1,50 1,96 3,46 4,35 40
IX Day Work Series2
Routine Maintenance
0,03 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,02
Works 20
TOTAL 100,00 100,00 97,14 1,96 99,11 100,00
Note : 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Year 2015 2016
Month March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Des Jan Feb March April May
The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,12 1,40 8,96 18,40 21,37 23,62 37,37 58,19 87,25 100,00
Rivised Progress Schedul (%) 43,60 52,20 67,79 79,68 98,93 100,00
Actual Progress (%) 0,15 1,30 6,28 14,54 16,21 22,41 28,90 49,74 57,15 57,48 52,77 77,34 80,78 97,14 99,11
Balance (%) 0,03 -0,10 -2,68 -3,86 -5,16 -1,21 -8,47 -8,45 -30,10 -42,52 0,57 9,55 1,10 (1,79) (0,89)
4,98 8,26 1,67 6,20 6,49 20,84 7,42 0,32 (4,71) 24,57 3,44 16,36
Annex P-20
MONTH : 25-Des-16


Package No. 20 Time Elapsed (Days) 115 December 25, 2016

Name LubuK Alun - Sicincin Time Elapsed (%) 23,66% MAJOR PROBLEMS ACTION TO BE TAKEN
Sub Project Manager / PPK Miral Mukhazi, ST. Scheduled Progress (%) 12,38 1. Pada bulan Nopember 2016, hujan berlangsung di lokasi Proyek 1. Kontraktor harus segera membuat actin Plan untuk
Contractor 'PT Nindya Karya (Persero) Actual Overall Progress (%) 13,60 sehingga hal ini mengganggu kegiatan survei memacu progres survei

Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV PT.Yodya Karya (Persero) Balance (%) 1,22

Contract Sign 1-Jun-16 Progress This Month (%) 8,99

Commencement Date 1-Sep-16 2. Lahan yang sudah bebas di stripmap nyatanya masih bermasalah 2. Kontraktor akan mendata kembali area yang
Take Over Date 31-Dec-17 DISBURSEMENT *) bebas selagi melakukan pekerjaan
Time for Complation (Days) 486 Calendar Days Status date 25-Des-16
Contract Amount Rp. 113.818.300.000,00 Accumulative Rp. 11.950.921.500,00 11,55%
*) Include advance payment


Comp Accum Actual Accum Accum
Div Description Total Last this to this Sch to this
% Month Month Month Month
I General 0,90 0,626 0,076 0,702 0,547
II Drainage 32,44 3,066 8,916 11,982 11,836
III Earthworks 6,64 - - - - 80
Pavement Widening &
IV 3,78 - - - -
Shoulders 70

V Granular Pavement 9,52 - - - -

VI Asphalt Pavement 42,49 - - - -
VII Structures 1,83 - - - - 50
Reinstatement & Minor Series1
VIII 1,93 - - - - 40
IX Day Work 0,04 - - - - Series2
Routine Maintenance
X 0,43 - - 0,918 - Series3
Works 20
TOTAL 100,00 3,692 8,992 13,602 12,383
Note :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Year 2016 2017 2018

Month Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,30 0,57 4,81 12,51 19,71 30,61 45,72 57,80 68,70 71,89 77,79 84,28 89,32 95,60 98,79 100,00
Rivised Progress Schedul (%) 3,95 12,38 19,58 30,48 45,58 57,67 68,57 71,76 77,66 84,15 89,19 95,47 98,66 100,00
Actual Progress (%) 0,390 0,63 3,77 13,60
Balance (%) 0,09 0,06 (1,04) 1,09
Annex P-21
MONTH : 25-Des-16


Package No. 21 Time Elapsed (Days) 115 December 25, 2016

Name LubuK Alun - Kuraitaji Time Elapsed (%) 23,66% MAJOR PROBLEMS ACTION TO BE TAKEN
Sub Project Manager / PPK Agung Setyawan, ST. MT Scheduled Progress (%) 9,86 1. Kontraktor masih terkendala untuk mendapatkan izin 1. Kontraktor mengurus izin penambangan dengan
Contractor 'PT Multi Structur Actual Overall Progress (%) 3,25 penambangan untuk Quarry batu yang memenuhi persyaratan berkoordinasi dengan pihak terkait

spesifikasi, sementara Quarry batu milik suplier yang sudah (stakeholder)terutama Pemerintah Daerah
Supervision Consultant RENARDET S.A JV PT. CIPTA STRADA Balance (%) (6,61)
ada izin tidak memenuhi spesifikasi. Setempat untuk dapat memproses izin lebih cepat.
Contract Sign 1-Jun-16 Progress This Month (%) 1,05
Commencement Date 1-Sep-16 2. Manajemen lapangan kontraktor untuk mengambil 3. Manajemen Lapangan harus mendapatkan
Take Over Date 31-Dec-17 DISBURSEMENT *) keputusan pelaksanaan teknis masih sangat tergantung wewenang yang lebih luas untuk mengambil
Time for Complation (Days) 486 Calendar Days Status date 25-Des-16 dengan keputusan manajemen perusahaan di pusat terutama keputusan yang lebih cepat dalam pelaksanaan
Contract Amount Rp. 126.301.900.000,00 Accumulative Rp. 18.945.285.000,00 9,10%
yang berkaitan administrasi keuangan tanpa harus menunggu keputusan pusat.
*) Include advance payment


Comp Accum Actual Accum Accum
Total Last this to this Sch to this
% Month Month Month Month PACKAGE #21
I General 3,34 2,110 0,290 2,400 2,317 100
II Drainage 36,79 - 0,370 0,370 5,111
III Earthworks 6,17 - - - 1,077
Pavement Widening & 80
IV 2,29 - - - -
V Granular Pavement 7,72 - - - 0,274 70

VI Asphalt Pavement 37,82 - - - 0,081

VII Structures 3,29 - - - 0,922
Reinstatement & Minor 50
VIII 2,24 0,020 0,390 0,410 -
Works Series1
IX Day Work 0,04 - - - 0,009 40
Routine Maintenance Series2
X 0,30 0,070 0,070 0,069 30
TOTAL 100,00 2,200 1,050 3,250 9,860 20
Note :

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Year 2016 2017 2018

Month Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
The month of time for complation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Schedl Progress Original (%) 0,56 2,40 4,37 12,27 21,33 28,48 37,16 43,98 50,80 55,91 62,73 71,26 76,82 82,58 94,28 100,00
Rivised Progress Schedul (%) 2,05 3,03 9,86 20,07 28,23 35,21 42,76 50,07 55,91 61,52 69,07 75,59 81,76 91,81 100,00
Actual Progress (%) 0,780 1,94 2,20 3,25
Balance (%) 0,22 (0,11) (0,83) (6,61)
Monthly Progress Report December 2016


Summary of Submitted Environmental Reports

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Correspondence of Environmental Safeguard and Reporting on CTC WINRIP
Environmental Activity, CTC WINRIP

As of December 2016
No of Date of Recomendation/
Name of Link Province Environmental Safeguard Duarations CTC Letters to PMU Sent to WB WB NOL/Letters
Package Environmental Permits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Krui - Bha Lampung 1 SPPL November 2010 1X 24 Sep 2013 30 Sep 2013 20 Nov 2013 /NOL
Environmental Feasibility : 12 Oct 2012
2 AMDAL 1X 24 Sep 2013 30 Sep 2013 20 Nov 2013/NOL
Environmental permits: 21 Nov 2012

Monitoring of Integration
AMDAL into Design - 1X 15 August 2014 NN NN

AMDAL Implementation Report
(PIU to BLH) - each 6
17 April 2015 ; 6 Oct
2015 ;
29 April 2015 ; 19 Oct
11 Mei 2015 ; 14 Des
5 RKPPL - 1X 28 Jan 2015 06 Feb 2015 23 Feb 2015/NOL
3 July 2015 ; 13 Nov 31 July 2015 ; 24 Nov 13 August 2015:
6 RKPPL Implementation Report - Quarter 2015 ; 4 Feb 2016 ; 17
Feb 2016
2015 ; Informal to WB 4
& 17 Feb 2016
14 Dec 15 ; 19 Feb
7 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 8 January 2016 15 March 2016 NN

2 Padang Sawah - Sp Empat Sumatera Barat 1 SPPL Nov. 2013 1X - 20 Jan 2014 14 April 2014/NOL

Jembatan Air Gadang Sumatera Barat 2 UKL & UPL Recommendation: Nov 2013 1X - 09 June 2014 08 Auguts 2014/NOL

UKL&UPL Implementation
Report (PIU to BLH) - each 6
17 April 2015 ; 6 Oct
2015 ; 28 Jun 2016
29 April 2015 ; 19 Oct
2015 : 21 Juli 2016
11 Mei 2015 ; 14 Des
2015 ; 22 Juli 2016

4 RKPPL - 1X 11 Dec 2014 19 Dec 2014 30 Jan 2015/NOL

31 July 2015 ; 24 Nov

3 July 2015 ; 13 Nov 13 August 2015:
5 RKPPL Implementation Report - Quarter 2015 ; 4 Feb 2016 ; 17
Feb 2016 ; 28 Jun 2016
2015 ; Informal to WB 4
& 17 Feb 2016 ; 21 Juli
14 Dec 15 ; 19 Feb
2016 ; 22 Juli 2016

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 8 January 2016 15 March 2016 NN

3 Manggopoh - Padang Sawah Sumatera Barat 1 SPPL 30 Dec 2013 1X - 20 Jan 2014 14 April 2014

SPPL Implementation Report
(PIU to BLH) - each 6
17 April 2015 29 April 2015 11 Mei 2015

3 RKPPL - 1X 11 Dec 2014 19 Dec 2014 30 Jan 2015/NOL

3 July 2015 ; 13 Nov 31 July 2015 ; 24 Nov 13 August 2015:

4 RKPPL Implementation Report - Quarter 2015 ; 4 Feb 2016 ; 17
Feb 2016
2015 ; Informal to WB 4
& 17 Feb 2016
14 Dec 15 ; 19 Feb

5 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 8 January 2016 15 March 2016 NN

4 Ipuh - Bantal Bengkulu 1 SPPL (Initial study) 20 Dec 2013 1X April 2013 - -
06 Feb 2015
2 UKL & UPL Environmental permits : 6 Des 2014 1X - 23 Feb 2015
(Environment permits)

Page 1 of 5
No of Date of Recomendation/
Name of Link Province Environmental Safeguard Duarations CTC Letters to PMU Sent to WB WB NOL/Letters
Package Environmental Permits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

UKL&UPL Implementation
Report (PIU to BLH) - each 6
17 April 2015 ; 6 Oct
2015 ; 28 Juni 2016
29 April 2015 ; 19 Oct
2015 : 21 Juli 2016
11 Mei 2015 ; 14 Des
2015 ; 22 Juli 2016

4 RKPPL - 1X 28 Jan 2015 06 Feb 2015

31 July 2015 ; 24 Nov
23 Feb 2015/NOL

3 July 2015 ; 13 Nov 13 August 2015:

5 RKPPL Implementation Report - Quarter 2015 ; 4 Feb 2016 ; 17
Feb 2016 ; 28 Jun 2016
2015 ; Informal to WB 4
& 17 Feb 2016 ; 21 Juli
14 Dec 15 ; 19 Feb
2016 ; 22 Juli 2016
6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 8 January 2016 15 March 2016 NN

5 Sp. Rampa - Poriaha Sumut 1 UKL & UPL Recommendation : 8 Dec 2011 1X 24 Sep 2013 30 Sep 2013 20 Nov 2013

Monitoring of Integration
UKL&UPL into Design - 1X 11 Nov 2014 NN NN

UKL&UPL Implementation
Report (PIU to BLH) - each 6
28 Jun 2016 NN

4 RKPPL - 1X 26 April 2016

4 Feb 2016 ; 17 Feb
13 May 2016
Informal to WB 4 & 17
30 Juni 2016

19 Feb 2016 ; 22 Juli

6 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter 2016 ; 28 Jun 2016;11 Feb 2016 : 21 Juli 2016;
2016; 19 Des 2016
Nov 2016 28 Nov 2016
6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 29 February 2016 15 March 2016 NN

6 Ps. Pedati - Kerkap Bengkulu 1 UKL & UPL Recommendation : 9 Nov 2011 1X 24 Sep 2013 30 Sep 2013 20 Nov 2013

Monitoring of Integration
UKL&UPL into Design - 1X 29 Oct 2015 NN NN

UKL&UPL Implementation
Report (PIU to BLH) - Quarter 28 Jun 2016 21 Juli 2016 22 Juli 2016

4 RKPPL - one time 4 Nov 2015 24-Nop-15 14 Des 2016 (NOL)

13 Nov 2015 ; 4 Feb 24 Nov 2015; Informal to 14 Des 2016 (NOL) ; 19

5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter 2016 ; 17 Feb 2016 ; 28 WB 4 & 17 Feb 2016; 21 Feb 2016 ; 22 Juli 2016;
Jun 2016 ; 11 Nov 2016 Juli 2016; 28 Nov 2016 19 Des 2016

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 12 February 2016 15 March 2016 NN

Environmental feasibility : 05 Feb 2014 ;

7 Indrapura - Tapan Sumatera Barat 1 AMDAL 1X - 09 June 2014 08 August 2014
environmental permits : 5 Feb 2014
Monitoring of Integration
AMDAL into Design - 1X 2 Dec 2015 NN NN

AMDAL Implementation Report
(PIU to BLH) - each 6


5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter NYS NYS NN

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 29 Sept 2016 13 October 2016 NN

8 Bts. Kota Pariaman - Manggopoh Sumatera Barat 1 AMDAL Environmental permits : 23 July 2013 1X - 20 Jan 2014 14 April 2014

Page 2 of 5
No of Date of Recomendation/
Name of Link Province Environmental Safeguard Duarations CTC Letters to PMU Sent to WB WB NOL/Letters
Package Environmental Permits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Monitoring of Integration
AMDAL into Design - 1X 6 Oct 2015 NN NN

AMDAL Implementation Report
(PIU to BLH) - each 6
29 Sept 2016 13 October 2016 NY

4 RKPPL - 1X 02 November 2016 14 November 2016 23 November 2016

5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter NYS NYS NN

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 11 November 2016 UP NN

Bentungan- Tais (N.013.018 ; 43,42

9 Bengkulu

10 Sp. Empat - Air Balam Sumatera Barat 1 AMDAL Environmental permits : 23 July 2013 1X - 20 Jan 2014 14 April 2014

11 Bantal - Mukomuko Bengkulu 1 AMDAL Environmental permits : 3 April 2014 1X - 09 June 2014 08 August 2014

Monitoring of Integration
AMDAL into Design - 1X 10 Dec 2014 NN NN

AMDAL Implementation Report
(PIU to BLH) - each 6
28 Jun 2016 21 Juli 2016 22 Juli 2016

4 RKPPL - 1X 10 Des 2015 23-Des-15 8 Jan 2016/NOL

13 Nov 2015 ; 4 Feb 24 Nov 2015; Informal to 14 Des 2016 (NOL) ; 19

5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter 2016 ; 17 Feb 2016 ; 28 WB 4 & 17 Feb 2016; 21 Feb 2016 ; 12 Juli 2016;
Jun 2016 ; 11 Nov 2016 Juli 2016; 28 Nov 2016 19 Des 2016

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 8 January 2016 15 March 2016 NN

Environmental Feasibility : 05 Feb 2014 ;

12 Kambang - Indrapura Sumatera Barat 1 AMDAL 1X - 09 June 2014 08 August 2014
Environmental permits : 5 Feb 2014

Monitoring of Integration
AMDAL into Design - 1X 2 Dec 2015 NN NN

AMDAL Implementation Report
(PIU to BLH) - each 6


5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter NYS NYS NN

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 29 Sept 2016 13 October 2016 NN

Recommendation : 31 Jan 2012 (Link of Sp Rukis

13 Sp. Rukis - Tj. Kemuning Bengkulu 1 UKL & UPL Mana-Bts Kab Kaur & 4 Feb 2012 (Bts Kaur - Tj 1X - 09 June 2014 08 August 2014
Monitoring of Integration
UKL&UPL into Design - 1X 6 Oct 2015 NN NN

UKL&UPL Implementation
Report (PIU to BLH) - each 6
28 Jun 2016 21 Juli 2016 22 Juli 2016

4 RKPPL - 1X 4 Nov 2015 24-Nop-15 14 Dec 2015/NOL

4 Feb 2016 ; 17 Feb Informal to WB 4 & 17
19 Feb 2016 ; 22 Juli
5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter 2016 ; 28 Jun 2016 : 11 Feb 2016 : 21 Juli 2016;
2016; 16 Des 2016
Nov 2016 28 Nov 2016

Page 3 of 5
No of Date of Recomendation/
Name of Link Province Environmental Safeguard Duarations CTC Letters to PMU Sent to WB WB NOL/Letters
Package Environmental Permits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 12 February 2016 15 March 2016 NN

Environmental Feasibility : 05 Feb 2014 ;

14 Painan - Kambang Sumatera Barat 1 AMDAL 1X - 09 June 2014 08 August 2014
Environmental permits : 5 Feb 2014
Monitoring of Integration
AMDAL into Design - 1X 2 Dec 2015 NN NN

AMDAL Implementation Report
(PIU to BLH) - each 6


5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter NYS NYS NN

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 21 Des 2016 28 Des 2016 UP

15 Sibolga - Bts. Tapsel Sumut 1 UKL & UPL Recommendation : 8 Dec 2011 1X 24 Sep 2013 30 Sep 2013 20 Nov 2013

Monitoring of Integration
UKL&UPL into Design - 1X 11 Nov 2014 NN NN

UKL&UPL Implementation
Report (PIU to BLH) - each 6
28 Jun 2016 21 Juli 2016 22 Juli 2016

4 RKPPL - 1X 02 November 2016 14 November 2016 23 November 2016

28 Juni 2016 : 11 Nov 21 Juli 2016; 28 Nov 22 Juli 2016; 19 Des
5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter
2016 2016 2016
6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 29 February 2016 15 March 2016 NN

Sebelat-Ipuh Inc.Air Lalang & Air

16 Bengkulu 1 AMDAL Environmental permits : 3 April 2014 1X - 09 June 2014 08 August 2014
Gunung Bridges
Monitoring of Integration
AMDAL into Design - 1X 10 Dec 2014 NN NN

AMDAL Implementation Report
(PIU to BLH) - each 6


5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter NYS NYS NN

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X NYS NYS NYS

Sp. Gunung Kemala-Pg. Tampak, Inc Environmental Feasibility : 12 Oct 2012

17 Lampung 1 AMDAL 1X 24 Sep 2013 30 Sep 2013 20 Nov 2013
Way Tauu Bridge Environmental permits: 21 Nov 2012
Monitoring of Integration
AMDAL into Design - 1X 11 Nov 2014 NN NN

AMDAL Implementation Report
(PIU to BLH) - each 6
28 Jun 2016 21 Juli 2016 22 Juli 2016

4 RKPPL - 1X 26 April 2016 13 May 2016 30 Juni 2016

28 Juni 2016 : 11 Nov 21 Juli 2016; 28 Nov 22 Juli 2016; 19 Des
5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter
2016 2016 2016

Page 4 of 5
No of Date of Recomendation/
Name of Link Province Environmental Safeguard Duarations CTC Letters to PMU Sent to WB WB NOL/Letters
Package Environmental Permits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 8 January 2016 15 March 2016 NN

Seblat - Ketahun (N.013.005 :

18 Bengkulu
Panjang 42,07km)

19 Lais- Bintunan Bengkulu 1 UKL & UPL Recommendation : 9 Nov 2011 1X 24 Sep 2013 30 Sep 2013 20 Nov 2013

Monitoring of Integration
UKL&UPL into Design - 1X 6 Oct 2015 NN NN

UKL&UPL Implementation
Report (PIU to BLH) - each 3
28 Jun 2016 21 Juli 2016 22 Juli 2016

4 RKPPL - 1X 4 Nov 2015 24-Nop-15 14 Dec 2015/NOL

13 Nov 2015 ; 4 Feb 24 Nov 2015; Informal to 14 Des 2016 (NOL) ; 19

5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter 2016 ; 17 Feb 2016 ; 28 WB 4 & 17 Feb 2016: 21 Feb 2016 ; 22 Juli 2016;
Jun 2016 ; 11 Nov 2016 Juli 2016; 28 Nov 2016 19 Des 2016

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X 12 February 2016 15 March 2016 NN

20 Lubuk Alung - Sincin Sumatera Barat 1 UKL & UPL Recommendation : 27 Dec 2011 1X 24 Sep 2013 30 Sep 2013 20 Nov 2013

Monitoring of Integration
UKL&UPL into Design - 1X 29 Oct 2015 NN NN

UKL&UPL Implementation
Report (PIU to BLH) - each 6


RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter NYS NYS NN

5 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X NYS NYS NN

21 Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji Sumatera Barat 1 UKL & UPL Recommendation : 27 Dec 2011 1X 24 Sep 2013 30 Sep 2013 20 Nov 2013

Monitoring of Integration
UKL&UPL into Design - 1X 29 Oct 2015 NN NN

UKL&UPL Implementation
Report (PIU to BLH) - each 6


5 RKPPL Implementation Report Quarter NYS NYS NN

6 HIV - AIDS Campaign Report - 1X NYS NYS NN

Keterangan : incl. 1 Document Studi Amdal NYS: Not Yet Started

incl. 1 Document Studi Amdal NY : Not Yet

incl. 1 Document Studi Amdal NN : Not Need

UP : Under Process

Page 5 of 5
Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix A

Overall Loan Progress

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix - A
31 December 2016
Estimated Contractor(s) or Total Est. Budget Contract Value PROGRESS
Starting Completion Consultant(s) Man-Month WB + GOI Total ( WB + GOI ) Planned Actual Balance Remarks
Proc. Respon-
Category Description Date Date Name (Excl. the (PIP) Original Revised (in 000) Physical Man-Month Physical Man-Month Physical Man-Month
Method sibility
Amendment No. 1 In Amendment No. 2 In Amendment No. 3 In Amendment No. 4 In Amendment No. 5 In Amendment No. 6 In
Supp. Staff) (USD, Excl.VAT) In IDR In USD (%) ( MM ) (%) ( MM ) (%) ( MM )

1 Betterment and Capacity 308.730.000,00 $222.678.368,65

Expansion of National

1.A AWP-1 ICB DGH 81.630.000,00 $57.821.551,95

1. Krui-Biha 08-Jan-14 10-Jan-16 PT. Jaya Konstruksi Rp 134.909.211.000,00 $11.757.337,74 Rp Rp 100% 100% 0,00% Completed
2. Pd. Sawah-Sp. Empat 06-Jan-14 19-Apr-16 PT.Jaya Konstruksi Rp 197.936.699.896,00 $17.250.183,32 Rp 226.713.217.000 100% 100% 0,00% Completed
3. Manggopoh-Pd. Sawah 06-Jan-14 20-Mar-16 PT. Jaya Konstruksi Rp 143.688.963.435,00 $12.522.493,13 Rp 156.157.772.000 100% 100% 0,00% Completed
4. Ipuh-Bantal 10-Jan-14 11-Apr-16 PT. Waskita Karya Rp 186.936.750.000,00 $16.291.537,76 Rp 196.438.084.000 100% 100% 0,00% Completed

1.B AWP-2 and AWP-3 ICB & NCB DGH 227.100.000,00 $164.856.816,70
5. Sp. Rampa - Poriaha 18-Jun-15 08-Des-16 PT. Nusa Konstruksi Enjiniring Tbk Rp 107.321.260.000,00 $8.084.464,03 42,32% 42,73% 0,41% Ongoing Construction
6. Ps Pedati - Kerkap 11-Mar-15 02-Jun-16 PT. Waskita Karya Tbk Rp 86.517.470.000,00 $6.641.396,33 96,07% 91,65% -4,42% Ongoing Construction
7. Indrapura - Tapan 10-Des-15 30-Agust-17 PT. Adhi Karya Rp 129.699.900.000,00 $9.350.065,79 43,74% 39,21% -4,53% Ongoing Construction
8. Bts. Kt Pariaman - Manggopoh 23-Mar-16 31-Des-17 PT. PP/PT. Statika Rp 355.500.000.000,00 $25.627.995,00 30,85% 32,21% 1,36% Ongoing Construction
9. R. Tijang - Kt. Agung Cancelled
10. Sp Empat - Sp Air Balam Propose to be Cancelled
11. Bantal - Mukomuko 23-Feb-15 11-Feb-17 PT. Hutama Karya - PT. DMT, JO Rp 228.899.717.000,00 $18.765.198,80 Rp 262.611.303.000 96,19% 86,28% -9,91% Ongoing Construstion
12. Kambang - Indrapura 23-Mei-16 31-Des-17 PT. Lancarjaya/PT. Cahaya T.A Rp 358.650.400.000,00 $25.855.107,34 9,39% 4,02% -5,37% Ongoing Construstion
13. Sp. Rukis - Tj. Kemuning 22-Jul-15 10-Jul-17 PT. Waskita Karya Rp 292.700.000.000,00 $23.454.051,00 46,63% 32,63% -14,00% Ongoing construction
14. Painan -Kambang 03-Agust-16 31-Des-17 KSO Yasa - Conbloc Rp 214.327.429.680,00 $16.286.741,38 5,87% 3,94% -1,93% Ongoing Construction
15. Sibolga - Bts Tap Sel 20-Nop-15 31-Des-17 PT. PP Rp,00 $19.954.872,00 44,43% 20,51% -23,92% Ongoing Construction
16. Seblat - Ipuh 0,26% 0,26% 0,00% Waiting NTP
17. Sp. Gunung Kemala - Pg.
04-Sep-15 23-Aug-17 PT. Jaya Konstruksi Rp 199.551.233.000,00 $16.335.263,93 54,12% 41,34% -12,78% Ongoing construction
18. Mukomuko - Bts. Sumbar Cancelled
19. Lais- Bintunan 11-Mar-15 08-Mar-16 PT. Rodatekindo Purajaya Rp 33.689.452.000,00 $2.586.125,12 Rp 44.419.760.000 100% 100% 0,00% Completed
20. Lubuk Alung - Sicincin PT. Nindya Karya Rp 113.818.300.000,00 $8.578.485,27 12,38% 13,60% 1,22% Ongoing Construction
21. Lubuk Alung -Kuraitaji PT. Multi Structure Rp 126.301.900.000,00 $9.519.374,20 9,86% 3,25% -6,61% Ongoing Construction
1.C Contingency - DGH 6.170.000,00

2 Implementation Support 16.000.000,00

2.A Core Team Consultants (CTC) QCBS DGH 06-Nop-12 30-Des-17 PT. Perentjana Djaja 556 5.000.000,00 $1.276.700,00 $1.315.925,00 $1.371.925,00 $1.339.925,00 $1.918.158,00 212.95 187.95 25.00 Supporting PMU.
Joint Venture with Rp21.415.400.000,00 Rp22.426.175.000 Rp22.458.676.500 Rp23.934.595.000 Rp40.878.169.529
Yongma Engineering Co.Ltd. Or US$ equivalent total : 25-Okt-13 03-Sep-14 30-Nop-15 04-Mar-16
PT. Epadascon Permata $3.512.681,91 $3.641.077,48

Design preparation and

2.B Design & Superv. Consultants QCBS DGH 19-Jun-13 18-Nop-16 Renardet S.A. 1.068 10.000.000,00 $820.600,00 42.33 36.33 -6.00
construction supervision.
Joint Venture with Rp51.818.705.000,00
PT Cipta Strada Or US$ equivalent total :
PT. Daya Creasi Mitrayasa $6.465.729,72
PT. Seecons
PT. Yodya Karya

2.C Development of Slope Stabilization,

Design and Management
2.D Incremental Operating Cost Varies PMU 1.000.000,00
Including Technical Audits

4 Contingency for Disaster DGH -

Risk Response

5 Unallocated DGH 18.100.000,00

Total 342.830.000,00 232.656.780,28

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix B

Road Safety Audit Progress

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix B. Road Safety Audit Progresss (December 2016)
Estimated Road Safety Audit
Link No
Pkg Length Width Cost / Design Stage Construction Stage PHO Stage Total Process
No Name of Sub-project Remarks
No. (km) (m) Excl.VAT Status Submission of Submission of Submission of (%)
Old (2004) New (2009) (mil. RP) Site Visiting Site Visiting Site Visiting
Report Report Report
1. No Road Safety Audit at Design Stage.
Process 2. Road Safety Engineering Review by CTC, Dec, 2014
1 #1 Biha - Krui 17.053.0 17.027.0 25.00 7 163.535 100%
3. RSA at Construction Stage/Monitoring of Traffic Mgmt & Safety by CTC, Dec, 2014
Date 13-Nop-14 29-Des-14 13-Nop-14 29-Des-14 11-Feb-16 22-Feb-16 4. RSA at PHO stage by CTC, February, 2016
1. No Road Safety Audit at Design Stage.
Process 2. Road Safety Engineering Review by CTC, Nov, 2014
2 #2 Padangsawah - Simpangempat 06.047.2 06.021.0 40.90 7 228.772 100%
3. RSA at Construction Stage/Monitoring of Traffic Mgmt & Safety by CTC, Nov, 2014
Date 09-Okt-14 05-Nop-14 09-Okt-14 05-Nop-14 06-Apr-16 12-Apr-16 4. RSA at PHO stage by CTC, April, 2016
1. No Road Safety Audit at Design Stage.
Process 2. Road Safety Engineering Review by CTC
3 #3 Manggopoh -Padangsawah 06.047.1 06.022.0 32.00 7 167.678 100%
3. RSA at Construction Stage/Monitoring of Traffic Mgmt & Safety by CTC, Nov, 2014
Date 09-Okt-14 05-Nop-14 09-Okt-14 05-Nop-14 17-Mar-16 23-Mar-16 4. RSA at PHO stage by CTC, March, 2016
1. No Road Safety Audit at Design Stage.
Process 2. Road Safety Engineering Review by CTC
4 #4 Ipuh - Bantal 13.051.1 13.003 42.40 7 247.105 100%
3. RSA at Construction Stage/Monitoring of Traffic Mgmt & Safety by CTC, Dec, 2014
Date 13-Nop-14 29-Des-14 13-Nop-14 29-Des-14 14-Apr-16 26-Apr-16 4. RSA at PHO stage by CTC, April, 2016
1. Technical Advisory Report by International RSA CTC, Sept 2013
5 #5 Sp.Rampa – Poriaha 03.075.0 9.7 6 152.870 33%

Date 08-May-13 17-Sep-13

1. Technical Review & RSA at Design Stage done by International RSA CTC
Process 2. RSA at Construction Stage/Monitoring of Traffic Mgmt & Safety by CTC, Sep, 2015
6 #6 PS.Pedati - Kerkap 13.010.0 13.009.0 20.88 7 92.127 83%
3. RSA at PHO stage by CTC, November, 2016
Date 18-Jul-13 17-Sep-13 25-Agust-15 08-Sep-15 17-18 Nov-16 19-Des-16
1. Technical Advisory Report by International RSA CTC, Sept 2013
Process 27-Sep-13 2. Road Safety Audit by Dit. EA & RS, May 2014
7 #7 Indrapura – Tapan 06.019.0 06.34.0 19.50 7 175.812 33%
3. Result of Highway and RSA Final DED Review by CTC, Nov 2014
Date Apr-14 Mei-14 08-Des-16 22-Des-16
1. Technical Advisory Report by CTC, Sept 2013
Process 27-Sep-13 2. Road Safety Audit by Dit. EA & RS, May 2014
8 #8 Bts.Pariaman – Manggopoh 06.24.0 06.23.0 46.80 7 374.647 33%
3. Result of Highway and RSA Final DED Review by CTC, Nov 2014
Date Apr-14 Mei-14
1. Technical Advisory Report by CTC, Sept 2013
Process 27-Sep-13 2. Road Safety Audit by Dit. EA & RS, May 2014
9 #10 Sp.Empat – Sp. Air Balam 06.034.1 06.020.0 61.70 7 511.375 33%
3. Result of Highway and RSA Final DED Review by CTC, Nov 2014
Date Apr-14 Mei-14
1. Technical Review & RSA at Design Stage by International RSA CTC , Jul, 2013
Process 2. RSA at Construction Stage/Monitoring of Traffic Mgmt & Safety by CTC, Dec, 2015
10 #11 Bantal - Mukomuko 13.015.2 13.002.0 50.10 6 262.611 66%

Date 18-Jul-13 18-Jul-13 17-Des-15 29-Des-15

1. Technical Advisory Report by International RSA CTC, Sept 2013
Process 27-Sep-13 2. Road Safety Audit by Dit. EA & RS, May 2014
11 #12 Kambang – Indrapura 06.17.2 06.033.0 45.20 7 438.675 33%
3. Result of Highway and RSA Final DED Review by CTC, Nov 2014
Date Apr-14 Mei-14
1. Technical Advisory Report by International RSA CTC, Sept 2013
12 #13 SP.Rukis - TJ.Kemuning 13.006.0 13.021.0 56.30 7 316.304,8 33%

Date 18-Jul-13 18-Jul-13

1. RSA DED Report by CTC, June, 2015
13 #14 Painan – Kambang 06.017.1 06.032.0 31.50 7 118.993 33%

Date 15-Apr-15 15-Jun-15

1. Technical Advisory Report by International RSA CTC, Sept 2013
14 #15 Sibolga – Bts TapSel 03.016.1 03.044.0 35.86 7 376.479 33%
Date 23-Sep-13
1. RSA DED Report by CTC, Sept, 2014
15 #16 Seblat – Ipuh 13.010.0 13.004.0 34.50 6 110.237 33%

Date 14-Agust-14 01-Sep-14

16 #17 Sp.Gng Kemala–Pg.Tampak 17.061.1 17.025.0 36.80 6 255.269 0% No Road Safety Audit at Design Stage

1. Technical Advisory Report by International RSA CTC, Sept 2013
Process 2. RSA at Construction Stage/Monitoring of Traffic Mgmt & Safety by CTC, Sep, 2015
17 #19 Lais - Bintuan 13.009.1 13.007.0 10.80 7 35.886 100%
Estimated Road Safety Audit
Link No
Pkg Length Width Cost / Design Stage Construction Stage PHO Stage Total Process
No Name of Sub-project Remarks
No. (km) (m) Excl.VAT Status Submission of Submission of Submission of (%)
Old (2004) New (2009) (mil. RP) Process Site Visiting Site Visiting Site Visiting
Report Report Report
17 #19 Lais - Bintuan 13.009.1 13.007.0 10.80 7 35.886 100%
3. RSA at PHO stage by CTC, May, 2016
Date 18-Jul-13 17-Sep-13 25-Agust-15 08-Sep-15 19-Mei-16 24-Mei-16
1. RSA DED Report by CTC, June, 2015
18 #20 Lubuk Alung – Sicincin 06.009.1 06.041.0 14.60 7 54.557 33%

Date 15-Apr-15 15-Jun-15

1. RSA DED Report by CTC, June, 2015
19 #21 Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji 06.027.0 06.025.0 16.80 7 65.788 33%

Date 15-Apr-15 15-Jun-15

9 Rantau Tijang – Kota Agung 17.026.1 17.032.0 42.00 7 149.831


18 Mukomuko – Bts.Sumbar 13.015.3 13.001.0 25.80 6 69.233


Notes :
Road Safety Engineering Review by CTC
Road Safety Audit by International RSA CTC
Road Safety Audit by Dit. EA & RS DGH
Road Safety Audit by CTC
Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix C

Financial Progress

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix C Financial Progress

The table below shows total expenditure to date measured in the terms of World Bank

Percentage WB Percentage of
Date Completion of Expenditure Available Source
time Commitment Expenditure
31/03/2012 1.45% - - -
30/04/2012 2.90% - - -
31/05/2012 4.35% - - -
30/06/2012 5.80% - - -
31/07/2012 7.25% - - -
30/08/2012 8.70% - - -
30/09/2012 10.15% - - -
31/10/2012 11.60% - - -
30/11/2012 13.05% - - -
31/12/2012 14.50% 800,000 0.32% Actual
31/01/2013 15.95% 800,000 0.32% Actual
28/02/2013 17.40% 800,000 0.32% Actual
31/03/2013 18.85% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual
30/04/2013 20.30% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual
31/05/2013 21.75% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual
30/06/2013 23.20% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual
31/07/2013 24.65% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual
31/08/2013 26.10% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual
30/09/2013 27.55% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual
31/10/2013 29.00% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual
30/11/2013 30.45% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual
31/12/2013 31.90% 2,207,915 0.88% Actual
31/01/2014 33.35% 4,940,115 1.98% Actual
28/02/2014 34.80% 4,940,115 1.98% Actual
31/03/2014 36.25% 4,966,535 1.99% Actual
30/04/2014 37.70% 4,966,535 1.99% Actual
31/05/2013 39.15% 6,109,480 2.44% Actual
30/06/2014 40.60% 6,263,610 2.51% Actual
31/07/2014 42.05% 6,470,288 2.59% Actual
31/08/2014 43.50% 6,470,288 2.59% Actual
30/09/2014 44.95% 6,681,304 2.67% Actual
31/10/2012 46.40% 6,991,757 2.80% Actual
30/11/2014 47.85% 7,323,303 2.93% Actual
31/12/2014 49.30% 11,533,045 4.61% Actual
31/01/2015 50.75% 11,533,045 4.61% Actual
28/02/2015 52.20% 12,794,201 5.12% Actual
31/03/2015 53.65% 14,918,776
4.61% 5.97% Actual
30/04/2015 55.10% 18,424,843
Actual 7.37% Actual
Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project
Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Percentage WB Percentage of
Date Completion of Expenditure Available Source
time Commitment Expenditure
31/05/2015 56.55% 21,646,890 8.66% Actual
30/06/2015 58.00% 23,691,573 9.48% Actual
31/07/2015 59.45% 27,426,670 10.97% Actual
31/08/2015 60.90% 27,861,670
9.48% 11.14% Actual
30/09/2015 62.35% 31,214,254 12.49% Actual
31/10/2015 63.80% 33,538,544 13.42% Actual
30/11/2015 65.25% 37,740,899 15.10% Actual
31/12/2015 66.70% 48,269,952 19.31% Actual
31/01/2016 68.15% 48,845,535 19.54% Actual
28/02/2016 69.60% 50,144,535 20.06% Actual
31/03/2016 71.05% 52,938,748 21.18% Actual
30/04/2016 72.50% 58,007,328 23.20% Actual
31/05/2016 73.95% 61,427,937 24.57% Actual
30/06/2016 75.40% 65,009,653 26.00% Actual
31/07/2016 76.85% 70,619,401 28.25% Actual
31/08/2016 78.30% 70,846,499 28.34% Actual
30/09/2016 79.75% 74,387,379 29.75% Actual
31/10/2016 81.20% 78,314,016 31.33% Actual
30/11/2016 82.65% 81,725,868 32.69% Actual
31/12/2016 84.10% 101,180,236 40.47% Actual
31/01/2017 85.55%
28/02/2017 87.00%
31/03/2017 88.45%
30/04/2017 89.90%
31/05/2017 91.35%
30/06/2017 92.80%
31/07/2017 94.25%
31/08/2017 95.70%
30/09/2017 97.15%
31/10/2017 98.60%
30/11/2017 99.05%
31/12/2017 100.00%

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix D

Quality Assurance Progress

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix D: Quality Assurance Progress

December 2016
No Activities has been done Date of Finish/
1. Make appendix D. QA for Monthly Report of November, 2016. Decemberr 01, 2016

2. Still sick December 02, 2016

3. Introduction to a meeting with the PIU (project implementation units) in the December 05, 2016
DGH office center.
4. Internal meetings and introductions with the chairman of the PMU and create December 06, 2016
site visit TFAC reports.

5. Request for a site visit to the packages (20, 21 and 22) at Padang and December 07, 2016
packages (11, 06 and 13) at Bengkulu and make site visit TFAC reports

6. Make a check list form data is a Consultant for the site visit and continue for December 08, 2016.
make site visit TFAC reports
7. Attended the meeting of package 05 and package 15 with Director December 09, 2016
Preservation of DGH. .

8. Public Holiday December 12, 2016.

9. Participate introductory meeting with new Team Leader CTC, revision PMM December 13, 2016.
chapter 7 for audit TFAC, and request a trip to packages 20, 21, 08, 02 and 03
in the Padang.
10. Monthly meetings with World Bank and preparation site visit to the package December 14, 2016.
20, 21, 08, 02 and 03.

11. Site visit to package 20, 21, 08, 02, and 03 December 15 to 18, 2016.

12. Make financial accountability statements site visit to package20, 21, 08, 02, December 19, 2016.
and 03 and make internal reports site visit

13. Make site visit reports TFAC workshop and make site visit TFAC report December 20, 2016.
packages 07

14. To be continued for make a site visit TFAC report package 07 and December 21, 2016
improvement the PMM chapter 7
15. To be continued improvement PMM chapter 7 and make site visit reports December 22, 2016
package 20, 21, 08, 02 and 03.

16. Attended a meeting with the chairman of the PMU and complete the revision December 23, 2016.
of the TFAC findings.
No Activities has been done Date of Finish/
17. Official Leave December 26, 2016.

18. Leave December 27, 2016

19. Make a table non conformity finding TFAC for all package December 28, 2016

20 To be continued make a table non conformity finding TFAC for all package December 29, 2016

21 Preparation MPR section Quality Assurance for the month of December 2016 December 30, 2016
Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix E

Environmental Progress and Social Progress

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix E : Progress of Social Safeguard Studies on WINRIP
as Dec 31, 2016

Length Width Social Screening Approval Status by The World Bank
o Budget THE WB Approval
No Loan Package Name Provinces Remedial Action
c Alocated,Year (A=Studi LARAP ;
(Km) (m) Result Comments Status
u B=Implementation
AWP - 1
1 Krui - Bha Lampung 25 7 LARAP Total PAP 2.805 in 21 Pekon. Land affected 28.763,12 Rp. 5.172.349.955 Pending issue: Certification of the land affected is A. NOL LARAP 04 Jan SOCIAL: PPK/Satker PJN II Lampung has to submit the result of the land
M2 ; Aset affected : building 882,13 M2; Fence 2.445,41 APBN, Satker PJN II under process 2013 ; certicification to PMU/WB
ICB/Prior M ; Trees 653 rod ; paddy field 25 plots ; Social & Pablic Lampung, 2011 - 2012 B. NOL Mon Report (MR)
Facilities 18 April 2013, Rev 26 June

2 Padang Sawah - Sp Empat Sumatera Barat 40,9 7 ICB/Prior

LARAP Total PAP 430 . No Land affected . Aset affected: Rp.2.340.600.000 Complete A. NOL LARAP 13 Jan 2013 SOCIAL: complete
building 149 unit = 2.110 M2 ; Fence 2 unit = 341.8 M ; APBD Prov Sumbar, ;
Kiosks BBM: 25 unit; Trees: 873 rod ; Mosque: 2 unit Dinas PU, 2012

2a Including Air Gadang Bridge Sumatera Barat 100 m 7 Total PAP 15. Land affected 2,110 M2 ; Aset affected: B. NOL MR-1: 19 July
building 6 unit = 410 M2 ; Trees 72 rod. 2013, MR-2:12 Feb 2015

3 Manggopoh - Padang Sawah Sumatera Barat 32 7 ICB/Prior

LARAP Total PAP 1.338 . No affected land . Aset affected:Rp. 1.147.700.000 Complete A. NOL LARAP 04 Jan 2013 SOCIAL : Complete
building 115 unit = 668,33 M2; Culvert 661,05 m; APBD Prov Sumbar,
concrete & foundations 1.421,60M ; Soil embankment Dinas PU, 2012/2013;
B. NOL MR-1: 26 June
4.9 M from APBD 2014 2013, MR-2: 5 Mar 2014,
5.564,21 M3; Trees 5.324 rod
MR-3: 23 Jun 2014, MR-4:
12 Feb 2015, MR-5: 17 Mar

4 Ipuh- Bantal Bengkulu 42,4 7 LARAP Total PAP are change from 227 PAP becomes 257 PAP. Rp.286.743.000. Complete A. NOL LARAP 10 Dec 2012 SOCIAL: Complete
257 PAP has received compensation from The Local APBN, Satker PJN I,
Government as : Affected Assets: house building = Bengkulu, 2013
ICB/Prior B.NOL MR-1: 6 Jan 2014,
307,05 M2; terace = 672,84M2; fence = 503,85M ;
MR-2: 5 Mar 2014, MR-3:
foundation = 8,9 m; pavement = 2,632,01M2; Trees = 82 12 Feb 2015
rod, tomb = 7 unit

AWP - 2
5 Sp. Rampa - Poriaha Sumatera Utara 11,1 6 NCB/Post
Simple Permit on forest land for road project from Ministry of Rp.2.900.000.000 (1). Additional LARAP approval WB on January 8, A. NOL LARAP 16 Sept SOCIAL: a) Existing permit on forest land for road project from Ministry
LARAP and Forest still need to be clarified by Local Government, APBN, Satker PJN II, 2016. 2013, and approval of Forest still need to clarify to Forestry Ministry
Additional compensation payment for 7.724 trees affected Sumut, 2016 (2) Compensation payment for 68 from the total 71 revision the report 12 Nov b) Expected the compensation payments for all of the 68 PAPs has paid
LARAP (Additional LARAP) PAPs already paid by project, but not yet reported. (3) 2013; lower far than appraisal value, so that it need the remedial action and
Existing permit on forest land for road project from budget allocation in next year. c) Revision of the Additional LARAP
Ministry of Forest has submitted to WB documents is under approval by Bupati of Tapanuli Tengah

B= Not Yet

6 Ps Pedati - Kerkap Bengkulu 25 7 LARAP Total PAP = 637. Affected land = 3,625 M2. Terrace = RP. Complete, certification process for 136 plots A. NOL LARAP 20 SOCIAL: Certification will resolve on the next year
2,925 M2 ; Fence = 4,169 M, pavement = 4399 m2 APBN, Satker PJN I, November 2013;
Bengkulu, 2014
NCB/Post B: NOL MR-1: 23 Mar 2015.
NOL MR-2: 26 Nov 2015

7 Indrapura - Tapan (1 Doc Amdal) Sumatera Barat 19,5 7 ICB/Prior

LARAP Total PAP 861 change original 1,193. Partilly affected Rp 3,5 Billion. APBN a) Total PAPs 861, and already compensated 853. NOL Larap: Oct 14, 2014 SOCIAL: Now, PMU/CTC waiting a data progress of compensation
building ( houses an kiosks) = 4,013 M2 : Affected fence 2015, Payment for the remaining 8 Aps is under completion payment for the remainig PAPs from Satker PJN II - West Sumatera
= 19,206 m : Partially affected other building (terrace, by Satker B: NOL WB Monitoring Province
decker and floors) = 9,401 M2, and trees = 3,290. Report-1 (276 PAP) on
March 8, 2016. Monitoring
Report-2 (207 PAP) on
August 18, 2016.
Monitoring Report-3 (89
PAP) on Nov 12, 2016

8 Bts. Kota Pariaman - Manggopoh Sumatera Barat 4680% 700% ILARAP Total PAP 1.575 change from original 1,282. Partilly Rp 12.76 Billion. APBD No more issue, LARAP fully completed A. NOL LARAP 12 Sep 2014; SOCIAL: A monitoring report of the payment progress (440 Aps) is under
C affected building ( houses an kiosks) = 8,352 M2 : Prov Sumbar, Dinas PU, submission to WB
B Affected fence = 3,673 m : Partially affected other
/ building (terrace, decker and floors) = 8,771 M2 and B: NOL WB for the
P trees = 7,863. Monitoring Report-1 (840
r Aps) on March 8, 2016.
Monitoring Report-1 (926
Aps) on May 12, 2016.

9 Rantau Tijang - Kota Agung / Replace to Lampung 4200% 700% ILARAP LARAP is under preparation by Balai III Palembang. This A. - ENVIRONMENTAL: Link of Bengkunat-Biha already completed by AMDAL
Bengkunat - Biha (already completed by C package was changed to Bengkunat - Biha study with environmental permit from the Governor at 2012. WILL
10 Sp Empat - Sp Air Balam Sumatera Barat 6170% 700% rILARAP Total PAP 2059 change from original 1,514. Partilly Rp 14.02 Billion. APBD a) Total PAPs 2.915, and already compensated 1.725. A. NOL LARAP 12 Sep 2014; SOCIAL: PPK/Satker PJN I West Sumatera and Local Government are
C affected building ( houses an kiosks) = 11,523 M2 : Prov Sumbar, Dinas PU, b) PPK/Satker PJN I West Sumatera and Local continuing the process of payments to the remaining of the PAPs
B Affected fence = 2,613 m : Partially affected other Government is under payment process for the
B: NOL WB for the
/ building (terrace, decker and floors) = 11,538 M2 and remaining PAP.
Monitoring Report-1 on
P trees = 4,369
March 8, 2016

11 Bantal - Mukomuko (1 Paket doc AMDAL) Bengkulu 50,1 6 ICB/Prior

LARAP Total PAP 243 (updated) . No affected land. House RP. 8.237.443.000 No more issue, LARAP fully completed A. NOL LARAP 20 SOCIAL: complete
building = 261.7 M2; kiosks = 147.7 m2, terrace = 412.9 APBN Satker PJN I, November 2013;
m2, Fence = 249 M ; Trees= 36 rod, foundation = 17.2 Bengkulu, 2014
B: NOL WB-1: 2 Dec 2014,
m2, retaining wall = 35.1 m, pavement = 2,937 m2
NOL WB-2: 12 Feb 2015.
NOL WB-3: 26 Nov 2016.
NOL WB-4: 28 Oct 2016

12 Kambang - Indrapura (1 Doc Amdal) Sumatera Barat 55,2 6 ICB/Prior

LARAP Total PAP 2.337. Partilly affected building ( houses an Rp 9.08 Billion. APBD Total PAPs 2.337, and already compensated 1053. NOL Larap: Oct 14, 2014 SOCIAL: Compensation payment for the remaining PAP is being done by
kiosks) = 2,057 M2 : Affected fence = 32,741m : Prov Sumbar, Dinas PU, project
Partially affected other building (terrace, decker and
B: NOL MR_1 (216) on June
floors) = 17,144 M2 and trees = 3,225
7, 2016. NOL MR_2 (60) on
Nov 14, 2016

13 Sp Rukis - Tj Kemuning Bengkulu 56,3 7 ICB/Prior

LARAP Total PAP: 3.412 change from original 2,564 . Affected RP. 11.295.833.000 Compensation for 2,129 of the total 3,198 APs already A. NOL LARAP 20 SOCIAL: The payment for about 1,069 affected persons (APs) will
land = 88,852 M2. Aset affected : building 111 unit = APBN, Satker PJN I paid by Satker and the remaining 1,069 APs will be November 2013; complete in FY2017. The budget needed for the FY2017 payment is
2.196 M2 ; Fence 127 unit = 1.575 M ; Trees 363 rod ; Bengkulu, 2014 paid on the next year. Certification for affected land B: NOL WB-1: 18 Aug 2015, around 4.5 billion IDR. Certification for affected land is resolved by
electricity pole 25 unit not yet resolved by project NOL WB-2: 13 Oct 2015, project on the next year
NOL WB-4: 14 Oct 2016,
NOL WB-5: 18 Nov 2016.
Length Width Social Screening Approval Status by The World Bank
o Budget THE WB Approval
No Loan Package Name Provinces Remedial Action
c Alocated,Year (A=Studi LARAP ;
(Km) (m) Result Comments Status
u B=Implementation
AWP - 3
14 Painan -Kambang (1 doc Amdal) Sumatera Barat 31,5 7 ICB/Prior
Simple Total PAP 1.092. Partilly affected building ( houses an Rp 22.62 Billion. APBD Total PAPs 1,087 and already compensated 763, and A. NOL LARAP 19 SOCIAL:Compensation payment for the remaining PAP is being done by
LARAP kiosks) = 10,474 M2 : Affected fence 21,735m : Partially Prov Sumbar, Dinas PU, for the remaining of Aps will completed on the next December 2014; project
affected other building (terrace, decker and floors) = year.
B: NOL MR_1 (126) on Aug
20,988 M2 and trees = 1044
1, 2016. NOL MR_2 (62) on
Nov 14, 2016

15 Sibolga - Bts Tap Sel Sumatera Utara 36 7 ICB/Prior

LARAP Total PAP 1.448 . Land affected 1.531 plot = 45,831M 2. Rp 19.34 Billion. Total PAPs 2,003 and already compensated 677, and A. NOL LARAP 28 October SOCIAL: Compensation payment for the remaining of 1,326 PAPs will be
Aset affected : building 340 unit = 3.399 M 2 ; Fence 12 APBN, Satker PJN II, for the remaining of Aps will completed on the next 2013 and NOL revise 05 paid on next year (DIPA 2017: 9 Billion)
Sumut, 2015 year. Feb 2014;
unit = 1.563 M ; Trees 385 rod, Terrace = 991,607 M 2
B: NOL WB-1: 16 Nov 2015.
NOL WB-2: 8 Mar 2016.
NOL WB-3: 15 Mar 2016.
NOL WB-4: 19 May 2016.
NOL WB-5: 18 Aug 2016.
NOL WB-6: 16 Nov 2015 is
under submission to WB.

16 Seblat - Ipuh including (1 Amdal) Bengkulu 34,5 6 ICB/Prior

Simple Total PAP 259 changed from original 316. No affected Complete A. NOL LARAP 20 SOCIAL: Complete
LARAP land, Affected assets: building= 658 M2 ; Terrace= 98; November 2013; NOL
Fence= 232 M ; Trees 33 rod Update LARAP on Jun 7,

Air Lalang & Air Guntung Bridge 64 m 6 B: NOL MR-1: 12 Feb

2015, NOL MR-2 on Jan 5,
2016, NOL MR-3 on Nov
11, 2016

17 Sp.Gunung Kemala - Pg. Tampak Lampung 36,8 6 ICB/Prior

LARAP Total PAP 2301 (updated) . Land affected 1.926 plot = Rp 64.0 Billion a) Total PAPs 2,301, and already compensated 2,280. A. NOL LARAP 16 Sept SOCIAL: A Monitoring Report for the compensation payments progress
194.278 M2. Aset affected : building 440 unit = 4.557 APBN, Satker PJN II b) Payment for the remaining of 21 Aps is under 2013 for the remaining Aps is under preparation by Satker. Certification for
M2 ; ; Trees 4.267 rod ;paddy field 48.602 clumps. Lampung, 2015 completion process affected land is resolved by project on the next year
B: NOL Monitoring Report -
1 on Jul 2015 and NOL MR-
2 on Oct 13, 2015, NOL MR-
3 on Jan 5, 2016, NOL MR-
4 on Nov 18, 2016

18 Mukomuko - Bts. Sumbar / Replace to Bengkulu 2580% 600% NLARAP APBN, 2015 LARAP is under preparation by Balai III Palembang. This A. - ENVIRONMENTAL: Based on CTC survey for environmental screening is
Sorkam - Sibolga C package was changed to Sibolga - Sorkam conclusion that this packages need completed by UKL&UPL. WILL
19 Lais- Bintunan Bengkulu 11,6 7 NCB/Post
LARAP Total PAP 556. Affected land = 9,504 M2. Aset Rp.3.349.829.000 Complete A. NOL LARAP 20 SOCIAL: Certification (290 plots) will be resolved 2017
affected : floor = 1,381 M2; Terrace: 652 M2; Fence = APBN, Satker PJN II November 2013;
3,276 M; Tomb = 18 units; Trees 379 rod; utilities 14 Bengkulu B: NOL MR-1: 23 Mar 2015.
unit NOL MR-2: 26 Nov 2015

20 Lubuk Alung - Sicincin Sumatera Barat 14,6 7 NCB/Post

Simple Total PAP: 937 (updated), Affected land: 46,579 m2, PT Rp 46.86 Billion. APBD Total PAP = 937; Compensated =937; Percent complete A. NOL LARAP on Dec 19, SOCIAL: Reporting the last payment is under preparation by Satker
LARAP KAI Affected land: 682 m2, Partilly affected building Prov Sumbar/ APBN = 100.0%. MR-2 (236) is under submission tp WB 2016
(houses and kiosks) = 528m2, Affected fence = 294m, 2016
B: NOL Monitoring Report-
Irrigation channal: 2.600m.
1 (670) on Sep 26, 2016

21 Lubuk Alung -Kurataji Sumatera Barat 16,8 7 Simple Total PAP: 1,245 (updated), Affected land: 40,612 m2, Rp 39.64 Billion. APBD Total PAP = 1,245; Compensated = 1.245; Percent A. NOL LARAP on Dec 19, SOCIAL: A Monitoring Report of the compensation payments progress
LARAP Partilly affected building (houses and kiosks) = 360.9m2 Prov Sumbar/ APBN complete = 100%. 2014 for 236 Aps is under submission to World Bank, and Reporting the last
Affected fence = 284m Irrigation channal: 433m 2016 payment is under preparation by Satker
NCB/Post B: NOL Monitoring
Report_1 (515) on Oct
2015 on Aug 23, 2016
Status 28 December 2016

Monitoring of
Monitoring of Monitoring of RKPPL
(AMDAL/UKL&UPL/SPPL Monitoring of HIV-AIDs Campaign
Length Width Environmental Safeguard RKPPL AMDAL/UKL&UPL/SPPL implementation Remedial Action
Pack implementation) to BLH, activity
Loan Package Name Integration in to the Design (Quarterly report)
. No. WB&PPK)

(Km) (m) Environmental Screening Status Status Civil work Status Remarks Status Remarks Status Remarks Status Remarks

ENVIROMENTAL: a) The project PHO on 20 Jan 2016. b) The RKPPL :

Complete, NOL issued from the WB on 23 Feb 2015, & RKPPL implementation
Submit to WB 29 Submit (3x) period ,3
Air pollution, traffic Complete P2JN Complete (10 Nov 2015) (Environmental Quarterly) was Complete until period 3 (Oct - Dec 2015). c) the
The report was April 2015 Oct-Dec 2015 to PMU
congestion, steep slopes, 2010 for SPPL & Complete NOL the HIV-report submit to external monitoring of implementation AMDAL (period 3) was submit to the WB
1 Krui - Bha 25 7 SPPL/AMDAL PHO OK submit to PMU on OK (period 1) & 19 OK OK (17 Feb 2016) & to WB
soft soil and rivers and AMDAL env.permit WB 23 Feb 15 PMU on 8 Jan 2016 & WB on 14 Dec 2015. d) The Integration of recommendation AMDAL in to the design
20 August 2014 October 2015 on 18 Feb 2016. (PHO
beach abrasion 2012 13 Jan 2016 Complete.
(period 2) 20 Jan 2016)
e) The HIV-AIDS campaign complete on 10 Nov 2015. e) UKL&UPL
implementation report for quarry (prepared by quarry owner) not available.

Padang Sawah - Sp. Ampat 40,9 7 ENV IRONMENTAL: a) The RKPPL :Complete. NOL WB issued on 30 Jan 2015.
b) the external monitoring of implementation UKL&UPL to BLH (period 1) was
Submit to WB 29 submit to the WB on 29 April 2015. & (period 2) on 14 Dec 2015, period 3 was
Submit (3x) period ,3
one link,sensitive April 2015 submit on 29 April 2016 .the Air Gadang bridge construction has been finish, the
Complete (17 Nov 2015) Oct-Dec 2015 to PMU
areas/resident, The report was (period 1) & 19 current on process PHO, contractor has been handing part of environmental
SPPL&UKL/ Complete P2JN Complete NOL the HIV-report submit to (17 Feb 2015) & to WB
2 public,facilities, squater (no PHO OK submit to PMU on OK October 2015 OK OK impact on package No 2 such as install road sign etc,c) RKPPL implementation,
UPL Bridge 2010 WB 30 Jan 15 PMU on 8 Jan 2016 & WB on 18 Feb 2016. period
Including Air Gadang Bridge 100 m 7 land acquisition), 11 Dec 2014 (period 2) & 29 period (October to December 2015) has been submit to PMU & WB on 14 Dec
13 Jan 2016 Jan-March 2016, 28
market,sopt soil and rivers April 2016 2015, period Jan to March 2016 has beeb submit to WB&PMU on 28 June 2016.
June 2016
(Period 3) d) The HIV-AIDS campaign complete on 17 Nov 2015. e) the quarry, AMP &
Stone Crusher permits has been refer to Governor decree. (Bupati to Governor
refer Law No.23 year 2014)
ENV IRONMENTAL: a) TOC 20 Mar 2016, b) The RKPPL :Complete NOL WB
issued on 30 January 2015. b) the external monitoring of implementation SPPL
was submit to the WB on 29 April 2015/Complete. c) RKPPL implementation
Complete (17 Nov 2015) Submit (3x) period ,3
Air pollution, traffic Complete, The report was (periode October to December 2015)has been submit to PMU& WB on Dec
Complete P2JN Submit to WB 29 the HIV-report submit to Nov-Dec 2015 to PMU
3 Manggopoh - Padang Sawah 32 7 SPPL congestion, market on NOL WB 30 PHO OK submit to PMU 11 OK OK OK 2015,d) The HIV-AIDS campaign complete on 17 Nov 2015. e) the quarry, AMP
2010 April 2015 PMU on 8 Jan 2016 & WB (17 Feb 2015) & to WB
street, soft soil and rivers Jan 15 Dec 2014 & Stone Crusher permits has been refer to Governor decree. (Bupati to Governor
13 Jan 2016 on 18 Feb 2016.
refer Law No.23 year 2014), the quarry owner has been manage part of the
quarry impact refer to UKL&UPL.

Complete P2JN Submit to WB 29  a) The project was PHO, b) The RKPPL :Complete NOL WB issued on 23 Feb
Submit (3x) period Oct-
2010 and UKL&UPL April 2015 2015, c) the external monitoring of implementation UKL&UPL (period 1) to BLH
Geometric, traffic Complete (4 Dec 2015) Dec 2015 to PMU (17
KLH Complete, The report was (period 1) &19 was submit to the WB on 29 April 2015 & (period 2) submit to WB on 14 Dec
SPPL congestion, steep slopes, the HIV-report submit to Feb 2016) & to WB on
4 Ipuh - Bantal 42,4 7 recommendation 30 NOL WB 23 PHO OK submit to PMU 11 OK October 2015 OK OK 2015 & period 3 submit to WB on 29 April 2016. c) The implementation of
/UKL&UPL soft soil and rivers and PMU on 8 Jan 2016 & WB 18 Feb 2016. period
Oct 2014 Feb 15 Dec 2014 (period 2) & 29 RKPPL (periode january to March 2016 complete. d) The HIV-AIDS campaign
beach abrasion 13 Jan 2016 Jan-March 2016, 28
&env.permits 8 Dec April 2016 complete on 4 Dec 2015. e) the quarry, AMP & Stone Crusher permits from
June 2016
2014. (Period 3) Bupati, (the quarry owner & contractor not yet make changes the permission
(Bupati to Governor refer Law No.23/2014)
a)The RKPPL has been submit to PMU/WB at 27 April 2016. b). The external
Protected forest, slope Submit to WB
Complete (28 Jan 2016) monitoring of implementation UKL&UPL to BLH has been submit to PMU/WB on
stability, water quality, Run Complete, informal 29 April Submit to PMU, period
Complete Balai I The report submit the HIV-report submit to Sep 2016 . b) The HIV-AIDS campaign complete on 28 Jan 2016. e) the quarry,
5 Sp. Rampa - Poriaha 11,1 6 UKL/UPL off, bridges acces, NOL WB on Construction OK OK 2016 (period 1) OK OK July - September 2016
2010 to PMU 11 Nov 14 PMU on 28 Feb 2016 & AMP & Stone Crusher permits from Bupati, (the quarry owner has been extentd
continued traffic access & April 2016 formal 28 June target mid of Oct 2016.
WB 15 March 2016 licensing/the quarry permits was available before new law issued) . f) the quarry
quarry problem 2016
owner has been manage the quarry & under preparation UKL-UPL
implementation report will be send to BLH.

a) The RKPPL complete, WB NOL issues on 14 Dec 2015, b) UKL&UPL
Submit to WB implementation for BLH not yet prepare,Based on CTC survey on Sep 2016 was
Complete (11 Jan 2016)
Comersial areas, traffic Complete NOL The report submit informal 29 April Submit to PMU, period found that the contractor not yet fulfill to implement the environmental impact
the HIV-report submit to
6 Ps. Pedati - Kerkap 25 7 UKL/UPL congestion, market on the Complete TLKJ 2011 WB 14 Dec Construction OK to PMU on 30 July OK 2016 (period 2), OK OK July - September 2016 management such as no road sign on construction site, the oil & grease pollution
PMU on 2016 & WB on
street, air pollution & noise, 2015 15 formal 28 June target mid of Oct 2016. on base camp etc. The UKL&UPL implementation period 2 has been submit to
16 Feb 2016
2016 PMU/WB at 29 April 2016. b) The HIV-AIDS campaign complete on 12 Jan 2016.
c) UKL&UPL implementation report for quarry (prepared by quarry owner) not
Sensitive forest areas,
Complete (6 Sep 2016)
social issues, slope Complete ENVIRONMENTAL; a) COW 10 Dec’15, The project under construction, AMP &
RKPPL under The report submit Under the HIV-report submit to Submit to PMU, period
stability, water quality, Environmental stone crusher has been operete . Quarry permits complete by Governor, & base
7 Indrapura - Tapan 19,5 7 AMDAL preparation by Construction OK to PMU on 30 July P preparation by OK PMU on 29 Sep 2016 & OK July - September 2016
waste management, air permits Feb 2014, camp permit on process to Governor. HIV-AIDS Campaign complete, AMDAL
contractor 15 CTC WB (informally, 30 Sep target mid of Oct 2016.
pollution,squater on ROW NOL 8 Aug 2014 implementation will submit to BLH under preparation by CTC
Comersil areas, market, ENVIRONMENTAL; a) The project under construction, based on CTC site field
Complete Complete (4 Oct 2016) the
public facilities, Air Complete, has The report submit Submit to PMU, period finding that the base camp enough clean because power from PLN for operate
Bts. Kota Pariaman - Environmental Submit to PMU HIV-report will be submit
8 46,8 7 AMDAL pollution, traffic congestion, been submit to Construction OK to PMU on 30 July OK OK OK July - September 2016 AMP & base camp, the civil work has been base AC along 7 Km & excavation
Manggopoh permits Juli 2013, 28 Sep 2016 to PMU & WB mid of Oct
market on street, soft soil PMU/WB 15 target mid of Oct 2016. shoulder on some segment. The quarry & base camp permits (Governor)
NOL 14 April 2014 2016.
and rivers available. AMDAL implementation was submit to WB on 29 September 2016
Sensitive forest areas,
social issues, slope Complete
NA (Not yet The report submit
stability, water quality, Environmental Proposed Proposed
10 Sp. Empat - Sp. Air Balam 61,7 7 AMDAL started OK to PMU on 30 July NYS NYS Proposed DELETED NYS Proposed DELETED Proposed DELETED
waste managemnt, bridge permits Juli 2013, DELETED DELETED
construction) 15
access road & quarry NOL 14 April 2014
ENVIRONMENTAL :.a) The RKPPL complete, NOL WB issues on 23 Dec 2015.
b) The project under construction, based on CTC survey at April 2016 was found
Sensitive areas, social Submit to WB that the contractor not full implement yet the environmental mitigation for the
Complete Complete (5 Dec 2015)
issues, market on the Complete informal 29 April Submit to PMU, period activities, such as: Traffic aspec (traffic acident) and vegetation (loss of endemic
Environmental The report submit the HIV-report submit to
11 Bantal - Mukomuko 50,1 6 AMDAL street, geometric, waste NOLWB 8 Jan Construction OK OK 2016 (period 2), OK OK July - September 2016 trees and fauna disturbance, shoulder excavation not cover soon & no traffic sign
permits April 2014, to PMU 11 Dec 14 PMU on 8 Jan 2016 & WB
managemnt, continued 2016 Formal 28 June target end of Nov 2016. surounding. c) the AMDAL implementation report (period 2) has been submit to
NOL 8 Aug 2014 13 Jan 2016
traffic access, etc 2016 WB on 29 April 2016. d) The HIV-AIDS campaign complete on 5 Dec 2015. c)
the quarry, AMP & Stone Crusher permits from Governor refer Law No.23 year
2014, was complete.
Complete (6 Sep 2016)
Resident, productive land, Complete ENVIRONMENTAL; a) The project under construction, b) CTC proposed site visit
RKPPL, under The report submit Under the HIV-report submit to
Catcment areas,rivers, Environmental period Oct - Dec 2016, on Nov 2016 for preparing the external monitoring report of implementation
12 Kambang - Indrapura 55,2 6 AMDAL revision by the Construction OK to PMU on 30 July P preparation by OK PMU on 29 Sep 2016 & OK
slope stability, squater on permits Feb 2014, target Dec 2016 AMDAL and will be submit to PMU/PPK/WB. HIV-AIDS Campaign complete on
contractor. 15 CTC WB (informally, 30 Sep
the street, land acquisition. NOL 8 Aug 2014 6 Sep 2016.

ENVIRONMENTAL : a)The RKPPL complete, WB NOL issues on 14 Dec 2015).

b) Based on CTC survey on August 2016 was found that the shoulder widening
complete until 25 Km, the embankment on side river in Start project under
Submit to PMU,(Period
Submit to WB construction, the remaining 26 Km in Kab.Kaur not yet start activities cause of
one link,sensitive/ steep Complete (14 Jan 2016) 2), Nov-Dec 2015) on
Complete NOL The report submit informal 29 April land acquisition problem and the budget (APBN available on TA.2017. other
slopes,soft soil and rivers, Complete P2JN the HIV-report submit to 17 Feb 2016 & to WB
13 Sp. Rukis - Tj.Kemuning 56,3 7 UKL/UPL WB 14 Dec Construction OK to PMU on August OK 2016 (period 2), OK OK issues finding many electical poil should move, there are river embankment
squater on the street, 2011 PMU on 12 Feb 2016 & on 18 Feb 2016.period
2015 15 Formal 28 June (retaining wall) also re alignment, c) the RKPPL implemetation period 1 (oct to
resident, productive land. WB 16 Feb 2016 Jan-March 2016, 28
2016 Dec 2015) was submit to PMU on firs of Feb 2016, period April to Sep 2016
June 2016
under process submit to PMU c) The HIV-AIDS campaign, complete on 14 Jan
2016. d) the AMP & Stone Crusher permits from Governor complete but (the
quarry in Kab.Kaur permit from Governor under process.
Sensitive forest areas,
ENVIRONMENTAL; a) The project under construction, b) CTC proposed site
social issues, slope Complete
RKPPL under The report submit Under Complete (6 Sep 2016) visit on 28 November 2016 for preparing the external monitoring report of
stability, water quality, Environmental Under preparation by
14 Painan - Kambang 31,5 7 AMDAL revision by the Construction OK to PMU on 30 July P preparation by OK the HIV-report submit to P implementation AMDAL and will be submit to PMU/PPK/WB, c) 'the RKPPL
waste managemnt, permits Feb 2014, CTC
contractor 15 CTC PMU on 19 Sep 2016 training on 26 to 27 October 2016,d) The permits for Quarry complete from
continued traffic access & NOL 8 Aug 2014
Governor & AMP/Stone crusher complete by Bupati.
quarry problem

Environmental: The RKPPL informally has been submit to WB, the current under
process submit to WB (formally), Based on CTC survey on August 2016 was
found as follows : a)Land acquisition problems, PAPs not agreed to release their
Submit to WB
resident, commersil areas, Complete (27 Jan 2016) properties, some squater not yet move, b) water pipes belonging was cross the
Complete, has informal 29 April Submit to PMU, period
land acquisition/social Complete Balai I The report submit the HIV-report submit to road pavement, shoulder widening and mortal, c) The Contractor has been
15 Sibolga - Bts.Tap Sel 36 7 UKL/UPL been submit to Construction OK OK 2016 (period 1), OK OK July - September 2016
issues, Facility & utilities 2010 to PMU 11 Nov 14 PMU on 28 Feb 2016 & implement the Health & road sapety aspect on project (good), d)There are
PMU/WB Formal 28 June target mid of Nov 2016.
problem, etc. WB 15 March 2016 puddles in basecamp, the contractor should improve the layout stockpile storage
on basecamp, e). The Direction Kit (Office and Mess) Contractor staff good,
Clean & healthy. g) The HIV-AIDS campaign, complete on 27 Jan 2015 . f) The
quarry ,AMP & Stone Crusher permits complete by Governor.

Seblat - Ipuh including 34,5 6 Complete
sensitive areas/steep training CTC proposed ENVIRONMENTAL : a) The project not yet started, b) CTC need check to field
Environmental The report submit Proposed schedule on
16 AMDAL slopes, soft soil and rivers proposed on Construction OK NY schedule site visit NY NY NY for preparing the external monitoring report of implementation AMDAL (Pre -
permits April 2014, to PMU 11 Dec 14 February 2016
Air Lalang & Air Guntung Bridge
64 m 6 and beach abrasion 17 January on Feb 2016 Construction phase) and should submit to PMU/PPK/WB
NOL 8 Aug 2014
36,8 6 ENVIRONMENTAL: The RKPPL has been submit to PMU/WB at 27 April 2016.
Based on CTC Survey on 27 April 2016m was found as follows: a).the PAPs
were unpacking building, excavation and soil embankment activities ongoing, ±
Submit to WB
sensitive areas/resident, Complete Complete (10 Nov 150 electricity pole/tiang listrik should moving, shoulder widening ongoing,
Complete, informal 29 April Submit to PMU, period
Sp.Gunung Kemala - land acquisition, steep Environmental The report submit 2015)the HIV-report has errosion in basecamp site, Oil & grease in Base camp not manage, part of
17 AMDAL NOL WB on Construction OK OK 2016 (period 1), OK OK July - September 2016
Pg.Tampak 30 m 6 slopes,soft soil and rivers permits 2012, NOL to PMU 20 Aug 14 been submit to PMU on 8 stonehill will be blasting, part of link was soil errosion,No roads sign around
April 2016 Formal 28 June target mid of Nov 2016.
and beach abrasion WB 20 Nov 2014 Jan 16 & WB 13 Jan 2016 construction site, Quarry permits from governor under process, The AMP &
Stone Crusher permits was complete, b) The HIV-AIDS campaign, complete on
27 Jan 2015 . d) the quarry owner has been manage the quarry as UKL&UPL
ENVIRONMENTAL: :a) The project has been PHO on 30 June 2016, b) the
Submit to PMU &
RKPPL complete (WB NOL issues on 14 Dec 2015). b) Based on CTC survey at
Submit to WB forward to WB on 13
Complete (12 Jan 2016) 20 April 2016 that the project will PHO, the contractor has been manage the
one link,sensitive/air Complete NOL The report submit informal 29 April Nov 2015 (period 1)
the HIV-report submit to environmental management such as replanting, road sign implement,
19 Lais - Bintuan 11,6 7 UKL/UPL pollution, traffic congestion, Complete TLKJ 2011 WB 14 Dec Construction OK to PMU on 30 July OK 2016 (period 2), OK OK &Period 2 to WB 18 Feb
PMU on 2016 & WB on embankment etc. c) the RKPPL implemetation period 1 (Oct to Dec 2015) was
squater on the street, etc 2015 15 Formal 28 June 2016, period Jan-March
16 Feb 2016 submit to PMU/WB firs of Feb 2016, period Jan - March 2016 complete. b) The
2016 2016, 28 June 2016
HIV-AIDS campaign, complete on 13 Jan 2016. c) the quarry, AMP & Stone
Crusher permits from Governor complete.

ENVIRONMENTAL; a) The project under construction. b) the RKPPL training on

sensitive areas/resident, Complete, The report submit Under Proposed schedule for
Under preparation by 26 to 27 October 2016, c)The permits for Quarry complete from Governor &
20 Lubuk Alung - Sicincin 14,6 7 UKL/UPL land acquisition, steep Complete TLKJ 2011 informal was Construction OK to PMU on 31 July P preparation by NY HIV/AIDS Socialization on P
CTC AMP/Stone crusher under process in BLH Kab.Pariaman. UKL-UPL
slopes,soft soil and rivers submit to WB. 15 CTC Feb 2017
implementation will submit to BLH under preparation by CTC.

ENVIRONMENTAL; a) The project under construction. b) the RKPPL training on

Complete, The report submit Under Proposed schedule for
one link,sensitive/steep Under preparation by 26 to 27 October 2016, c)The permits for Quarry complete from Governor &
21 Lubuk Alung - Kurajati 16,8 7 UKL/UPL Complete TLKJ 2011 informal was Construction OK to PMU on 31 July P preparation by NY HIV/AIDS Socialization on P
slopes,soft soil and rivers CTC AMP/Stone crusher under process in BLH Kab.Pariaman.UKL-UPL
submit to WB 15 CTC Feb 2017
implementation will submit to BLH under preparation by CTC

P Process
NA Not Available
The packages has been PHO / complete
NY Not Yet
Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix F

Procurement Plan & Progress

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Appendix F

Procurement Plan of Civil Works

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project (WINRIP)
Name of Executing Agency: Directorate General of Highways , Ministry of Public Works. 13500 Edit 250112 Updated December 30, 2016
Estimated Cost Estimated Cost Evalt.Qualification Construc
Qualification Schedule Design PQ Document Invitation for Submission Notification Bidding Document Invitation Bid Bid Evaluation Report Contract Contractor Contract Amount
EE EE Procuremen WB Prior/ Report Commence tion Completion
Ref. No. Province ⁶ Pre- for Bids Opening Signature (Incl. VAT10%)
Sub - Project Link No. Length (Incl. VAT) (Incl. VAT) t Method Criteria Post Rewiew Actual of of ment Date Period Date
Submission Submission WB NOL qualification Submission WB NOL Submission Date Date Submissio WB NOL Date
(Km) IDR (x10 ) USD million (Pre/Post) Date Date Date Application Date Date Qualification Date n Date Date (day) IDR

AWP -1
1 Krui - Biha Lampung 053.0 25,00 163.534,85 12,11 ICB Pre Prior Schedule 12-Jan-11 09-Feb-11 09-May-11 07-Aug-11 15-Dec-11 09-Feb-12 13-Sep-12 28-Feb-13 01-Mar-13 07-Mar-13 18-Apr-13 05-May-13 19-May-13 18-Jun-13
Revised PT. Jaya Konstruksi
179.888,33 17-May-13 27-May-13 08-Jul-13 10-Sep-13 24-Sep-13 14-Nov-13 06-Dec-13 640 07-Sep-15 134.909.211.000
Manggala Pratama, Tbk.
Actual 25-Jan-11 21-Feb-11 02-Nov-11 28-Dec-11 30-Dec-11 28-Feb-12 25-Jan-13 28-Mar-13 17-May-13 27-Jun-12 31-Oct-12 27-May-13 18-Jul-13 10-Sep-13 18-Sep-13 25-Nov-13 08-Jan-14 09-Oct-15
Amendments 733 10-Jan-16

2 Padang Sawah - Sp.Empat West Sumatera 047.2 40,90 228.772,24 16,95 ICB Pre Prior Schedule 12-Jan-11 09-Feb-11 09-May-11 07-Aug-11 15-Dec-11 09-Feb-12 13-Sep-12 28-Feb-13 01-Mar-13 07-Mar-13 18-Apr-13 05-May-13 19-May-13 18-Jun-13
Revised PT. Jaya Konstruksi
Including Air Gadang Bridge 0,10 251.649,47 17-May-13 27-May-13 08-Jul-13 10-Sep-13 24-Sep-13 14-Nov-13 06-Dec-13 730 06-Dec-15 197.936.699.000
Manggala Pratama, Tbk.
Actual 25-Jan-11 21-Feb-11 02-Nov-11 28-Dec-11 30-Dec-11 28-Feb-12 25-Jan-13 28-Mar-13 17-May-13 27-Jun-12 31-Oct-12 27-May-13 18-Jul-13 10-Sep-13 18-Sep-13 06-Dec-13 06-Jan-14 05-Jan-16
Amendments 835 19-Apr-16 249.348.931.000
3 Manggopoh - Padang Sawah West Sumatera 047.1 32,00 167.678,40 12,42 ICB Pre Prior Schedule 12-Jan-11 09-Feb-11 09-May-11 07-Aug-11 15-Dec-11 09-Feb-12 13-Sep-12 28-Feb-13 01-Mar-13 07-Mar-13 18-Apr-13 05-May-13 19-May-13 18-Jun-13
PT. Jaya Konstruksi
184.446,24 Revised 17-May-13 27-May-13 08-Jul-13 10-Sep-13 24-Sep-13 14-Nov-13 06-Dec-13 730 06-Dec-15 143.688.963.000
Manggala Pratama, Tbk.
Actual 25-Jan-11 21-Feb-11 02-Nov-11 28-Dec-11 30-Dec-11 28-Feb-12 25-Jan-13 28-Mar-13 17-May-13 27-Jun-12 31-Oct-12 27-May-13 18-Jul-13 10-Sep-13 18-Sep-13 06-Dec-13 06-Jan-14 05-Jan-16
Amendments 805 20-Mar-16 183.940.872.000

4 Ipuh - Bantal Bengkulu 015.1 42,40 247.105,24 18,30 ICB Pre Prior Schedule 12-Jan-11 09-Feb-11 09-May-11 07-Aug-11 15-Dec-11 09-Feb-12 13-Sep-12 28-Feb-13 01-Mar-13 07-Mar-13 18-Apr-13 05-May-13 19-May-13 18-Jun-13 PT. Waskita Karya (Persero),
271.815,76 Revised 17-May-13 27-May-13 08-Jul-13 10-Sep-13 24-Sep-13 14-Nov-13 06-Dec-13 730 06-Dec-15 Tbk. and PT. Daya Mulia 186.936.750.000
Actual 25-Jan-11 21-Feb-11 02-Nov-11 28-Dec-11 30-Dec-11 28-Feb-12 25-Jan-13 28-Mar-13 17-May-13 27-Jun-12 31-Oct-12 27-May-13 18-Jul-13 10-Sep-13 18-Sep-13 14-Nov-13 13-Jan-14 12-Jan-16 Turangga, J.O.
Amendments 820 12-Apr-16 196.438.084.000

Sub Total AWP - 1 807.090,72 59,78 769.982.907.000

A W P - 2 and 3
17 Sp.Gng Kemala - Pugung Tampak Lampung 061.1 36,80 255.269,25 18,91 ICB Pre Prior Schedule 30-Sep-13 14-Oct-13 30-Sep-13 14-Oct-13 06-Nov-13 18-Dec-13 22-Jan-14 06-Feb-14 10-Feb-14 02-Dec-13 16-Dec-13 17-Feb-14 01-Apr-14 30-Apr-14 14-May-14 7-Jul-14 11-Aug-14 31-Jul-16
Revised PT. Jaya Konstruksi
19-May-14 2-Jun-14 9-Jun-14 14-Feb-14 28-Feb-14 16-Jun-14 28-Jul-14 1-Sep-14 15-Sep-14 8-Nov-14 13-Dec-14 720 1-Dec-16 199.551.233.000
Manggala Pratama, Tbk.
Actual 30-Sep-13 10-Oct-13 30-Sep-13 10-Oct-13 11-Nov-13 30-Dec-13 28-Feb-14 13-Jun-14 25-Jun-14 19-Dec-14 7-Jan-14 4-Jul-14 15-Aug-14 10-Oct-14 14-Oct-14 17-Nov-14 4-Sep-15 23-Aug-17
Amendments 758 30-Sep-17

5 Simpang Rampa - Poriaha North Sumatera 015. 9,70 152.870,49 11,32 ICB Pre Prior Schedule 06-Nov-13 20-Nov-13 06-Nov-13 20-Nov-13 22-Nov-13 6-Jan-14 7-Feb-14 21-Feb-14 24-Feb-14 2-Dec-13 16-Dec-13 4-Mar-14 15-Apr-14 19-May-14 2-Jun-14 23-Jul-14 22-Aug-14 12-Feb-16
Revised PT. Nusa Konstruksi
26-May-14 9-Jun-14 16-Jun-14 2-Jun-14 16-Jun-14 23-Jun-14 4-Aug-14 8-Sep-14 22-Sep-14 15-Nov-14 20-Dec-14 540 11-Jun-16 107.321.260.310
Enjiniring, Tbk.
Actual 07-Nov-13 15-Jul-14 07-Nov-13 18-Nov-13 23-Dec-13 10-Feb-14 9-Jun-14 15-Jul-14 22-Jul-14 18-Jul-14 22-Jul-14 11-Aug-14 22-Sep-14 18-Nov-14 27-Jan-15 17-Mar-15 18-Jun-15 8-Dec-16
Amendments 764 21-Jul-17

11 Bantal - Mukomuko Bengkulu 015.2 50,10 246.499,55 18,26 ICB Pre Prior Schedule 06-Nov-13 20-Nov-13 06-Nov-13 20-Nov-13 22-Nov-13 6-Jan-14 7-Feb-14 21-Feb-14 24-Feb-14 2-Dec-13 16-Dec-13 4-Mar-14 15-Apr-14 19-May-14 2-Jun-14 23-Jul-14 22-Aug-14 11-Aug-16 PT. Hutama Karya (Persero)
Revised 26-May-14 9-Jun-14 16-Jun-14 2-Jun-14 16-Jun-14 23-Jun-14 4-Aug-14 8-Sep-14 22-Sep-14 15-Nov-14 20-Dec-14 720 8-Dec-16 and PT. Daya Mulia 228.899.717.000
Actual 07-Nov-13 25-Jun-14 07-Nov-13 18-Nov-13 23-Dec-13 10-Feb-14 16-Jun-14 25-Jun-14 11-Jul-14 21-Jul-14 6-Aug-14 22-Aug-14 3-Oct-14 4-Nov-14 13-Nov-14 18-Dec-14 23-Feb-15 11-Feb-17 Turangga, J.O.
Amendments 720 11-Feb-17 262.611.303.000

13 Sp Rukis - Tj Kemuning Bengkulu 006.1 56,30 316.304,67 23,43 ICB Pre Prior Schedule 06-Nov-13 20-Nov-13 06-Nov-13 20-Nov-13 22-Nov-13 6-Jan-14 7-Feb-14 21-Feb-14 24-Feb-14 2-Dec-13 16-Dec-13 4-Mar-14 15-Apr-14 19-May-14 2-Jun-14 23-Jul-14 22-Aug-14 11-Aug-16
Revised PT. Waskita Karya (Persero),
26-May-14 9-Jun-14 16-Jun-14 2-Jun-14 16-Jun-14 23-Jun-14 4-Aug-14 8-Sep-14 22-Sep-14 15-Nov-14 20-Dec-14 720 8-Dec-16 292.700.000.000
Actual 07-Nov-13 25-Jun-14 07-Nov-13 18-Nov-13 23-Dec-13 10-Feb-14 16-Jun-14 25-Jun-14 11-Jul-14 21-Jul-14 6-Aug-14 22-Aug-14 3-Oct-14 4-Nov-14 18-Nov-14 18-Dec-14 22-Jul-15 10-Jul-17

6 Ps. Pedati - Kerkap Bengkulu 010.0 20,88 92.127,40 6,82 NCB Post Post Schedule 13-Nov-13 27-Nov-13 13-Nov-13 27-Nov-13 04-Dec-13 03-Jan-14 02-Feb-14 16-Feb-14 16-Mar-14 15-Apr-14 9-Jul-15
Revised PT. Waskita Karya (Persero),
14-Nov-14 28-Nov-14 5-Dec-14 4-Jan-15 22-Feb-15 8-Mar-15 450 30-May-16 86.517.470.000
Actual 21-Nov-13 - 19-Nov-14 24-Nov-14 29-Dec-14 - - 3-Mar-15 11-Mar-15 2-Jun-16
Amendments 690 28-Jan-17 118.444.156.000

19 Lais - Bintunan Bengkulu 009.1 10,80 35.886,28 2,66 NCB Post Post Schedule 13-Nov-13 27-Nov-13 13-Nov-13 27-Nov-13 04-Dec-13 03-Jan-14 02-Feb-14 16-Feb-14 16-Mar-14 15-Apr-14 9-Feb-15
Revised 14-Nov-14 28-Nov-14 5-Dec-14 4-Jan-15 22-Feb-15 8-Mar-15 300 1-Jan-16 PT. Rodateknindo Purajaya. 33.689.452.000
Actual 21-Nov-13 - 19-Nov-14 24-Nov-14 29-Dec-14 - - 3-Mar-15 11-Mar-15 4-Jan-16
Amendments 425 8-May-16 44.419.760.000

15 Sibolga - Batas Tapsel North Sumatera 016.1 36,00 376.479,38 27,89 ICB Post Prior Schedule 13-Nov-13 27-Nov-13 27-Dec-13 10-Jan-14 17-Jan-14 28-Feb-14 30-Mar-14 13-Apr-14 11-May-14 10-Jun-14 28-Aug-16
Revised 16-Dec-13 30-Dec-13 14-Nov-14 28-Nov-14 15-Jan-15 26-Feb-15 31-Mar-15 14-Apr-15 22-Jun-15 10-Aug-15 810 27-Oct-17 PT. PP (Persero), Tbk.
Actual 30-Dec-13 28-Feb-14 18-Dec-14 23-Dec-14 12-Jan-15 23-Feb-15 24/04/2015 7-May-15 3-Jul-15 20-Nov-15 6-Feb-18
Proposed amendment for shortened construction period so that the work is completed not later than loan closing date. 773 31-Dec-17

8 Bts.Kota Pariaman - Manggopoh West Sumatera 024.0 46,80 379.034,45 28,08 ICB Post Prior Schedule 14-Jul-14 28-Jul-14 04-Aug-14 18-Aug-14 25-Aug-14 06-Oct-14 10-Nov-14 24-Nov-14 17-Jan-15 16-Feb-15 5-Feb-17
Revised PT. PP (Persero), Tbk.- PT.
01-Dec-14 15-Dec-14 11-Mar-15 25-Mar-15 1-Apr-15 15-May-15 22-Jun-15 6-Jul-15 11-Sep-15 30-Oct-15 720 18-Oct-17 355.500.000.000
Statika Mitrasarana, J.O.
Actual 18-Dec-14 22-Dec-14 12-May-15 26-May-15 28-May-15 13-Aug-15 9-Oct-15 9-Dec-15 28-Jan-16 23-Mar-16 12-Mar-18
Proposed amendment for shortened construction period so that the work is completed not later than loan closing date. 649 31-Dec-17

10 Simpang Empat - Sp.Air Balam West Sumatera 034.1 61,70 515.842,21 38,21 ICB Post Prior Schedule 14-Jul-14 28-Jul-14 04-Aug-14 18-Aug-14 25-Aug-14 06-Oct-14 10-Nov-14 24-Nov-14 17-Jan-15 16-Feb-15 5-Feb-17
Revised 01-Dec-14 15-Dec-14 11-Mar-15 25-Mar-15 1-Apr-15 15-May-15 22-Jun-15 6-Jul-15 11-Sep-15 30-Oct-15 720 18-Oct-17 Canceled
Actual 18-Dec-14 22-Dec-14 12-May-15 26-May-15 28-May-15 13-Aug-15 9-Oct-15 22-Feb-16

7 Indrapura - Tapan West Sumatera 019.0 19,50 178.600,23 13,23 NCB Post Prior Schedule 14-Jul-14 28-Jul-14 04-Aug-14 18-Aug-14 25-Aug-14 29-Sep-14 3-Nov-14 17-Nov-14 29-Dec-14 28-Jan-15 19-Oct-16
Revised PT. Adhi Karya (Persero),
01-Dec-14 15-Dec-14 11-Mar-15 25-Mar-15 1-Apr-15 6-May-15 11-Jun-15 25-Jun-15 21-Aug-15 4-Sep-15 630 25-May-17 129.699.900.000
Actual 18-Dec-14 22-Dec-14 12-May-15 26-May-15 28-May-15 13-Aug-15 9-Oct-15 12-Oct-15 3-Dec-15 10-Dec-15 30-Aug-17

12 Kambang - Indrapura West Sumatera 017.2 55,20 451.810,58 33,47 ICB Post Prior Schedule 14-Jul-14 28-Jul-14 04-Aug-14 18-Aug-14 25-Aug-14 06-Oct-14 10-Nov-14 24-Nov-14 17-Jan-15 16-Feb-15 5-Feb-17 PT. Lancarjaya Mandiri
Revised 01-Dec-14 15-Dec-14 11-Mar-15 25-Mar-15 1-Apr-15 6-May-15 11-Jun-15 25-Jun-15 21-Aug-15 4-Sep-15 720 23-Aug-17 Abadi - PT. Cahaya Tunggal 358.650.419.000
Actual 18-Dec-14 22-Dec-14 12-May-15 26-May-15 28-May-15 13-Aug-15 9-Oct-15 26-Nov-15 28-Jan-16 23-May-16 12-May-18 Abadi, J.O.
Proposed amendment for shortened construction period so that the work is completed not later than loan closing date. 588 31-Dec-17

14 Painan - Kambang West Sumatera 017.1 31,50 267.588,30 19,82 NCB Post Prior Schedule 01-Oct-14 15-Oct-14 01-Oct-14 15-Oct-14 22-Oct-14 26-Nov-14 31-Dec-14 14-Jan-15 25-Feb-15 11-Mar-15 30-Nov-16
Revised 10-Jul-15 24-Jul-15 10-Aug-15 24-Aug-15 2-Nov-15 16-Dec-15 13-Jan-16 27-Jan-16 2-Mar-16 16-Mar-16 630 5-Dec-17 KSO YASA - CONBLOC 214.327.429.680
Actual 10-Sep-15 22-Oct-15 22-Oct-15 2-Nov-15 5-Jan-16 22-Mar-16 4-Apr-16 1-Jun-16 3-Aug-16 24-Apr-18
Proposed amendment for shortened construction period so that the work is completed not later than loan closing date. 516 31-Dec-17

16 Seblat - Ipuh, Including Bengkulu 009.4 34,50 269.559,20 19,97 NCB Post Prior Schedule 01-Oct-14 15-Oct-14 01-Oct-14 15-Oct-14 22-Oct-14 26-Nov-14 31-Dec-14 14-Jan-15 25-Feb-15 11-Mar-15 30-Nov-16
KSO. PT. Yasa Patria
Air Lalang & Air Guntung Bridge 0,052 Revised 10-Jul-15 24-Jul-15 10-Aug-15 24-Aug-15 22-Oct-15 19-Nov-15 17-Dec-15 31-Dec-15 4-Feb-16 18-Feb-16 630 8-Nov-17 Perkasa - PT. Multi Structure 211.374.500.000
Actual 4-Sep-15 22-Oct-15 30-Sep-15 22-Oct-15 22-Oct-15 19-Nov-15 11-Jan-16 24-Aug-16 28-Oct-16 8-Nov-16 30-Jul-18

20 Lubuk Alung - Sicincin West Sumatera 002.0 14,60 131.302,20 9,73 NCB Post Prior Schedule 01-Oct-14 15-Oct-14 01-Oct-14 15-Oct-14 22-Oct-14 26-Nov-14 31-Dec-14 14-Jan-15 11-Feb-15 25-Feb-15 18-Aug-16
Revised 10-Jul-15 24-Jul-15 10-Aug-15 24-Aug-15 2-Nov-15 16-Dec-15 13-Jan-16 27-Jan-16 2-Mar-16 16-Mar-16 540 6-Sep-17 PT. Nindya Karya (Persero) 113.818.304.610
Actual 25-Aug-15 22-Oct-15 22-Oct-15 2-Nov-15 5-Jan-16 22-Mar-16 23-Mar-16 1-Jun-16 1-Sep-16 22-Feb-18
Proposed amendment for shortened construction period so that the work is completed not later than loan closing date. 487 31-Dec-17

21 Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji West Sumatera 027.0 16,80 164.629,30 12,19 NCB Post Prior Schedule 01-Oct-14 15-Oct-14 01-Oct-14 15-Oct-14 22-Oct-14 26-Nov-14 31-Dec-14 14-Jan-15 11-Feb-15 25-Feb-15 18-Aug-16
Revised 10-Jul-15 24-Jul-15 10-Aug-15 24-Aug-15 2-Nov-15 16-Dec-15 13-Jan-16 27-Jan-16 2-Mar-16 16-Mar-16 540 6-Sep-17 PT. Multi Structure 126.301.991.202
Actual 25-Aug-15 22-Oct-15 22-Oct-15 02-Nov-15 05-Jan-16 22-Mar-16 23-Mar-16 01-Jun-16 1-Sep-16 22-Feb-18
Proposed amendment for shortened construction period so that the work is completed not later than loan closing date. 487 31-Dec-17

18 Sorkam - Sibolga North Sumatera 28,20 197.400,00 14,62 NCB Post Prior Schedule

9 Biha - Bengkunat Lampung 39,61 316.880,00 23,47 ICB Post Prior Schedule
Sub Total AWP - 2 & 3 3.578.534,22 265,08 2.794.820.256.813

Total AWP - 1 , 2 & 3 4.385.624,95 324,86 3.564.803.163.813

1 USD = Rp13.500,00 (Exchange rate assumption for APBN-P FY 2016, Ministry of Finance)

C:\Users\Tediero\AppData\Local\Temp\Appendix F Procurement Management for Civil Works Dec 2016 edf_21EA1E4

Procurement Plan of Implementation Support and Road Sector Institutional Development
Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project (WINRIP)
Name of Executing Agency: Directorate General of Highways , Ministry of Public Works. STATUS December 30, 2016
Contract Review by Preparation Dateline of The Opening of Final
Ref. Procurement advertised in Submission Technical Evaluation Contract Service Start
Contract Description Project Cost (US$) (US$)
Bank Schedule of Draft EOI
WB NOL to RFP Evaluation and Short List issuance Date of Financial Evaluation Negotiation & Draft Contract Period (Month) Consultant Remarks
No. (excl. VAT)
MPW Report Sign date
(Prior/Post) REOI Submission RFP to the Receipt of Proposal Report
shortlisted Proposals
Allocated Original Addendum Actual Submission WB NOL firms Submission WB NOL Submission Submission WB NOL Original

2 Implementation Support

USD USD PT. Perentjana Djaja,

Core Team Consultant (Project Management, 1,276,700 + 1,743,780 + Schedule 14-Nov-10 05-Dec-10 23-Jan-11 12-Feb-11 12-Mar-11 02-Apr-11 23-Apr-12 04-Jun-12 22-Jul-12 05-Aug-12 12-Aug-12 15-Sep-12 29-Sep-12 22-Okt-12 12-Nov-12 Yongma Eng. Co. Ltd
a Technical Assistant, Enviromental & Social Aspect 5.000.000 IDR IDR QCBS Prior 40 61,83 and PT. Epadascon
21,415,400,00 37,161,972,29 Permata Engineering
and Road safety Audit) Actual 26-Nop-10 07-Jun-11 07-Jul-11 30-Jan-12 07-Mar-12 09-Des-11 06-Mar-12 20-Mar-14 30-Apr-12 14-Jun-12 29-Jun-12 27-Agust-12 03-Sep-12 21-Sep-12 12-Okt-12 05-Nop-12 16-Nop-12
0 9 Consultant

USD 820,600 USD Renardet S.A., PT.

Design and Supervision Consultant (Design AWP- + 1,042,900 + Schedule 11-Dec-11 08-Jan-12 27-Feb-12 26-Mar-12 07-May-12 28-May-12 08-Oct-12 22-Oct-12 05-Nov-12 12-Nov-12 19-Nov-12 26-Nov-12 01-Apr-13 18-Apr-13 02-May-13
Cipta Strada, PT. Daya
b 2 & 3 and Construction Supervision of Civil Works 10.000.000 IDR IDR QCBS Prior 42 55 Creasi Mitrayasa, PT.
51,818,705,00 55,037,399,40 Seecons, PT. Yodya
Project) Actual 26-Nop-10 07-Jun-11 07-Jul-11 02/04/2012 10-Agust-12 20-Jan-12 23-Mei-12 31-Agust-14 23-Okt-12 20-Des-12 21-Feb-13 05-Mar-13 13-Mar-13 25-Mar-13 19-Apr-13 11-Jun-13 25-Jun-13
0 6 Karya (Persero)

Schedule 15-Dec-15 22-Dec-15 19-Jan-16 29-Jan-16 12-Feb-16 05-Feb-16 19-Feb-16 26-Feb-16 08-Apr-16 06-May-16 20-May-16 03-Jun-16 17-Jun-16 15-Jul-16 29-Jul-16 12-Aug-16 26-Aug-16 12

Technical Assistance for Development of Slope Revised 24-Jun-16 15-Jul-15 04-Aug-16 01-Aug-16 08-Aug-16 18-Aug-16 26-Aug-16 29-Aug-16 28-Sep-16 21-Oct-16 04-Nov-16 21-Nov-16 25-Nov-16 05-Dec-16 16-Dec-16 13-Jan-17 23-Jan-17 11
c Stabilization, Design and Management, Western 1.000.000 QCBS Prior reallocation
Indonesia Roads
2 Revised 02-Nov-16 05-Dec-16 09-Jan-17 23-Jan-17 07-Feb-17 13-Feb-17 20-Feb-17 06-Mar-17 31-Mar-17 03-Apr-17 11

Actual 24-Jun-16 15-Jul-15 04-Agust-16 18-Agust-16 23-Sep-16 02-Sep-16 27-Okt-16 02-Nop-16 05-Des-16


C:\Users\Tediero\AppData\Local\Temp\Appendix F Procurement Management for Consultants Dec 2016 edf_21EE4AE

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix G

WINRIP Website & Application Progress

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Management Information System (MIS) Status on December, 2016
1 File Storage The storage server to stored all of The new version of application has been soft files of reports and documents. completed on February 2015.

2 DMS (Document The application to record all The DMS applications is already finals developed
Management System) information of letter and document with the addition of features such as parent-child files. mechanism, letter comments, and direct
notification. The data that has been inputted in
the DMS database until the end of May 2016 are
796 records of letters and 402 records of
3 Website The WINRIP official website. The website has been developed on August 2013.
4 WebGIS The spatial data and roads The application has been developed on October information that overlay into 2013.
Google Maps.
5 FMIS (Financial The application to monitoring a The programming modules that have been The programming modules that not
Management Information financial and physical progress finished are as follows: yet finished are as follows:
System) report.  Project Data  Consultant Services  Financial and Physical Progress  Reports
 Progress Summary
 History of Financial and Physical Progress
 User

6 CHS (Complaint Handling The application to accommodate The application has been developed on January
System) complaints from the public. 2014.
7 WINRIP Cloud The WINRIP-Storage server on cloud The cloud system is running online in December system. 2016.
Last Updated at The End of December 2016


1 Krui - Biha    
#2014          PIP
Loan Agr.
  #01
#03 PAD #03 #03
Pd Sawah - Sp
     #04
        
#04 #04
#05 #05 #05
Manggopoh - Pd  #06 #06 #06
Sawah    #07          #07 #07
#08 #08 #08
4 Ipuh - Bantal     #09
         #09 #09
#10 #10 #10

Sp Rampa -
  
#12    
#13 #13
Ps Pedati -
   #14      #14
#15 #15

Indrapura - Tapan     
#16 #16
#17 #17
Bts Kota
Pariaman -      #19
Manggopoh #20
Rantau Tijang -
Kota Agung   #22
Sp Empat - Sp Air
Balam   #24
Bantal -
Mukomuko         #27
Kambang -
Indrapura    #29
Sp Rukis - Tj
Kemuning      #31
Painan -
Kambang      #34
Sibolga - Bts
Tapsel     #36
16 Seblat - Ipuh     #39
Sp Gn Kemala -
Pugung Tampak      #41
Mukomuko - Bts
Sumbar  #44
19 Lais - Bintunan        #46

Lubuk Alung -
Sicincin    
Lubuk Alung -
Kuraitaji    
*(Read the list of glossary on the next page).
Last Updated at The End of December 2016
HIV/ UKL/ Design
1 Krui – Biha 
Padang Sawah – Sp.Empat (incl. Air
Gadang Bridge) 
3 Manggopoh – Padang Sawah  
4 Ipuh – Bantal 
5 Simpang Rampa – Poriaha   
6 Ps. Pedati – Kerkap   
7 Indrapura – Tapan   
8 Bts.Kota Pariaman – Manggopoh    
9 Rantau Tijang – Kota Agung

10 Simpang Empat – Air Balam 

11 Bantal – Mukomuko   
12 Kambang – Indrapura    
13 Sp Rukis – Tj Kemuning   
14 Painan – Kambang  
15 Sibolga – Batas Tapsel  
Seblat – Ipuh (incl. Air Lalang & Air
Guntung Bridge)
17 Sp.Gng Kemala – Pugung Tampak  
18 Mukomuko – Batas Sumbar

19 Lais – Bintunan   
20 Lubuk Alung – Sicincin  
21 Lubuk Alung – Kuraitaji  
Glossary of the Document Types in the DMS database.


1 Addendum ADD
2 Aide Memoire AM
3 Amendment AMD
4 Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan AMDAL
5 Audit AUDIT
6 Bid Document BD
7 Bid Evaluation Procurement Report BEPR
8 Commencement of Work COW
9 Complaint Report CR
10 Contract CONTRACT
11 Detail Engineering Design DED
12 Draft Project Completion Report DPCR
13 Engineer Estimate EE
15 Inception Report IR
16 Interim Financial Report IFR
17 Invoice INV
18 Land Acquisition Resettlement Action Plan LARAP
19 Loan Agreement LA
20 Mid Term Review MTR
21 Minute of Meeting MOM
22 Monthly Progress Report MPR
23 Photo PHOTO
24 Pre-Construction Meeting PCM
25 Procurement Plan PP
26 Procurement Readines Assessment Report PRAR
27 Project Appraisal Document PAD
28 Project Completion Report PCR
29 Project Implementation Plan PIP
30 Project Management Manual PMM
31 Project Monitoring and Evaluation Report PMER
32 Provisional Hand Over PHO
33 Quarterly Progress Report QPR
34 Rencana Kerja Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan Lingkungan RKPPL
35 Report RPT
36 Road Safety and Traffic Management Monitoring Report RSTMMR
37 Road Safety Audit RSA
38 Road Technical Analysis RTA
39 Surat Pernyataan Pengelolaan Lingkungan SPPL
40 Term of Reference TOR
41 Third Party Monitoring TPM
42 Training Implementation Report TIR
43 Upaya Kelola/Pemantauan Lingkungan UKL-UPL
44 Video VIDEO
45 Wakil Pengamat Masyarakat WPM
46 Workshop Implementation Report WIR
Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix H

ACAP Training /Dissemination Progress

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix H ACAP Activity Progress

Appendix H1
Activities Progress of Community Representative Observers (CROs) and the Works Plan
January 2013 – December 2016

Date of Finish/
No Subject of Activities
1. Orientation and studied of WINRIP documents and Development of Works Plan January 2013

2 Prepared of Workshop of Procurement Document Evaluation. February 2013

3. Conducted Workshop of Procurement Document Evaluation for POKJA, Satker/PPK, Balai Febr. 28, 2013 –
BBPJN and PMU. March 01, 2013
4. Provided of Term of Reference (TOR) of the CRO's Selection and Guidelines for CRO’s March 1, 2013
5. Provided the Materials (Slide Presentation/Power-point) of General Explanations about March 8, 2013
WINRIP and the CRO’s selection and
6. Provided Training Materials for CROs. March 8, 2013

7. Sending an official letter No. Hm.0603/Bp-11/0175/2013, from the Director of Planning as March 11, 2013
Chairman of PMU to Head of BBPJN II & III, about the Selection of CROs/WPM, + TOR and
Guidelines Document
8 Preparation of Socialization on CROs selection in BBPJN II Padang for package 02 Padang March 31, 2013
Sawah – Simpang Empat and package 03 Manggopoh - Padang Sawah, and Socialization on
CROs selection in BBPJN III Palembang for package 01 Krui – Biha and package 04 Ipuh –

9. Socialization on CROs selection in BBPJN II Padang for package 02 Padang Sawah – Simpang April 9, 2013
Empat and package 03 Manggopoh - Padang Sawah
10 Socialization on CROs selection in BBPJN III Palembang for package 01 Krui – Biha and April 11, 2013
package 04 Ipuh – Bantal.
11. Sent the Invitation letter from Head of BBPJN III to Rector of Universities /Head of Colleges in May 17, 2013
Palembang, about selection of the CROs for package 01. Krui – Biha (Prov. Lampung) and
package 04. Ipuh – Bantal (Prov. Bengkulu).
12. Sent the Invitation letter from Head of BBPJN II to Rector of Universities /Head of Colleges in May 20, 2013
Padang, about selection of the CROs for package 02. Padang Sawah – Simpang Empat and
package 03. Manggopoh - Padang Sawah (Prov. Sumatera Barat).

13. Selection of CROs for Packages Krui – Biha Province Lampung and Ipuh – Bantal Province May 23, 2013
Bengkulu, and training for selected CROs in BBPJN III Palembang
14. Selection of WPM/CROs for Packages Manggopoh – Padang Sawah and Padang Sawah – May 27, 2013
Simpang Empat, and training for selected CROs in BBPJN II Padang
15. Sending an official letter No. Hm.0603/Bp-11/0175/2013, from the Director of Planning as May 28, 2013
Chairman of PMU to Head of BBPJN II & III, about the Selection of CROs/WPM, + TOR and
Guidelines Document
16. Guiding the Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional (Balai) II Padang to compose the May 29, 2013
Application Letter for Approval of selected CROs for Package 03. Manggopoh – Padang
Sawah, package 02. Padang Sawah – Simpang Empat, and Balai III Palembang for Package 01.
Krui – Biha Province Lampung and Package 04. Ipuh – Bantal Province Bengkulu.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Date of Finish/
No Subject of Activities
17. Compiling summary of the results of Selection the Community Representative Observers June 1 - 9, 2013
(CROs)/ Wakil Pengamat dari Masyarakat (WPM) and the Training activities for selected
CROs for four Packages AWP-1

18. Assist PMU to prepare the Approval letter of selected CROs for four AWP-1 Packages, and June 1 - 9, 2013
prepare of the Decree on Establishment the CROs of AWP-1 WINRIP from Director of
Planning DGH, as the Chairman of PMU.

19. Monitor and observation the Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit activities of Procurement Process June 10 - 16,
that held by the Procurement Committee, in BBPJN II and III, on 10 June 2013 by CROs in 2013
implementing their tasks on the

20. Evaluate of the CROs observation on Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit activities Jun.17 - 23, 2013
21. Examine the report of CROs on the monitoring and observation of Pre-Bid Meeting and Site June 24 - 30,
Visit at the packages of Annual Works Program - 1 (AWP-1) WINRIP. 2013
Modify the template of monitoring the report of the CROs, to be more focused and more

22. Monitor /Observe of Bids Submission and Bids Opening for four packages AWP-1 by July 18, 2013
Community Representative Observers (CROs) for Package 01, 02, 03, and 04

23. Monitoring and examined of the CRO’s Report on the monitoring and observation of Bid August, 2013
Submission and Bid Opening activities for four packages of Annual Works Program - 1 (AWP-
1) WINRIP, which have been carried out on July 18, 2013

24 Preparation on the Socialization of CROs selection to the Procurement Committee (POKJA) of October 2013
Sumatera Utara province, for package Simpang Rampa – Poriaha and package Sibolga – Batas
Tapanuli Selatan

25 Monitored /Observed of Procurement progress on Commencement of Bid Winners for four November 2013
packages AWP-1 (Package 01, 02, 03, and 04) and informed to related Community
Representative Observers (CROs).
26 Carried out the dissemination of CROs selection to the Procurement Committee (POKJA) of November 19 –
Sumatera Utara province, for package Simpang Rampa – Poriaha. in Balai (BBPJN) I Medan 20, 2013
and in Project Management (Satker) Office.
27 Carried out the CROs selection for package 17: Simpang Gunung Kemala – Pugung Tampak in July 17, 2014
28 Carried out the CROs selection for package 05: Simpang Rampa – Poriaha in North Sumatera August 20, 2014
29 Carried out the CROs selection for package 11: Bantal – Mukomuko, and package 13: Sept. 1, 2014
Simpang Rukis – Tanjung Kemuning in Bengkulu province.
30 Ms. Hesti Aulia Sari, ST, CRO for Package 11: Bantal - Mukomuko, meet the invitation of the Oct. 03, 2014
Procurement Committee (Pokja of Procurement Unit/Unit Layanan Pengadaan BBPJN III,
PIU/Satker PJN Region I Bengkulu Province).
31 Ms. Hot Maria Angelina, ST, CRO for Package 13: Simpang Rukis - Tanjung Kemuning was Oct. 03, 2014
attended Bid-Opening meeting meet the invitation by the Procurement Committee (Pokja of
Procurement Unit/Unit Layanan Pengadaan BBPJN III, PIU/Satker PJN Region II Bengkulu
32 Carried out the CROs selection for package 06: pasar Pedati –Kerkap and package 19: Lais - Nov. 27, 2014
Bintunan in Bengkulu province.
33 The elected CROs (Ms. Hot Maria Angelina, ST and Ms. Hesti Aulia Sari, ST) attanded Pre-Bid Dec. 05, 2014
Meeting and site visit for package 06 (Pasar Pedati – Kerkap) and package 19 (Lais –
Bintunan), Bengkulu Province
34 The Community Development team CTC WINRIP has carried out the selection of CROs for Dec. 16, 2014,
Package 15: Sibolga – Batas Tapanuli Selatan. The Elected CRO is Ernie Shinta Y. Sitanggang,
ST, MT, and Ir. M. Koster Silaen, MT as the substitute CRO (both from Politeknik Negeri
Medan / State Polytechnic of Medan)
Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project
Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Date of Finish/
No Subject of Activities
35 The elected CROs for package 06 (Pasar Pedati – Kerkap) and package 19 (Lais – Bintunan) Dec. 29, 2014
Bengkulu Province was attanded the Bid-Opening Meeting.
36 Ir. M. Koster Silaen, MT as the substitute CRO of Package 15: Sibolga – Batas Tapanuli Selatan Jan. 26, 2015
was attended the Pre-Bid Meeting.
37 Ir. M. Koster Silaen, MT as the substitute CRO of Package 15: Sibolga – Batas Tapanuli Selatan Feb. 23, 2015
was attended the Bid Opening Meeting
38 The Community Development team CTC WINRIP has carried out the selection of CROs for June 12, 2015
four packages WINRIP in West Sumatera province, as follow;
6 The appointed CRO for Package 07: Indrapura – Tapan, is Ir. Riswandi, M.Si, and
Apwiddhal, ST, MT as the substitute CRO, both from State Polytechnic of Padang
(Politeknik Negeri Padang).
7 The appointed CRO for Package 08: Batas Pariaman – Manggopoh, is M. Nursyaifi
Yulius, MT (Mgt), and Ir. Alzahri, MT as the substitute CRO, both from Bung Hatta
University of Padang (Universitas Bung Hatta Padang).
8 The appointed CRO for Package 10: Simpang Empat – Simpang Air Balam, is Ir. Drs.
Heldi, M.Si, and Ir. Afrizal Naumar, MT as the substitute CRO, both from Bung Hatta
University of Padang (Universitas Bung Hatta Padang).
9 The appointed CRO for Package 12: Kambang – Indrapura, is Syaiful Amri, SST, MT,
and B. Army, ST, MT as the substitute CRO, both from State Polytechnic of Padang
(Politeknik Negeri Padang)
39 The appointed CRO Ir. Riswandi, M.Si for Package 07: Indrapura – Tapan, and the appointed June. 15-16, 2015
CRO Syaiful Amri, SST, MT for Package 12: Kambang – Indrapura were attended the Pre-Bid
Meeting and Site Visit as invited by the Procurement Committee (Pokja) of PIU/Satker PJN
Region II of West Sumatera Province
The appointed CRO M. Nursyaifi Yulius, MT (Mgt) for Package for Package 08: Batas Pariaman
– Manggopoh, , and the appointed CRO Ir. Drs. Heldi, M.Si for Package 10: Simpang Empat –
Simpang Air Balam were attended the Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit as invited by the
Procurement Committee (Pokja) of PIU/Satker PJN Region I of West Sumatera Province.
40 The appointed CRO Ir. Riswandi, M.Si for Package 07: Indrapura – Tapan, and the appointed July. 02, 2015
CRO Syaiful Amri, SST, MT for Package 12: Kambang – Indrapura were sent the Observation
Report on Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit.
41 The appointed CRO M. Nursyaifi Yulius, MT (Mgt) for Package for Package 08: Batas Pariaman July. 10, 2015
– Manggopoh, , and the appointed CRO Ir. Drs. Heldi, M.Si for Package 10: Simpang Empat –
Simpang Air Balam were sent the Observation Report on Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit.
42 The CRO for Package 07: Indrapura – Tapan (Ir. Riswandi, M.Si), and the CRO for Package 12: August 13, 2015
Kambang – Indrapura (Syaiful Amri, SST, MT) were attended the Bid Opening Meeting.
43 The CRO for Package for Package 08: Batas Pariaman – Manggopoh (M. Nursyaifi Yulius, MT August 13, 2015
(Mgt), and the CRO for Package 10: Simpang Empat – Simpang Air Balam (Ir. Drs. Heldi, M.Si)
were attended the Bid Opening Meeting.
44 Selection of CROs for packages 16 (Sebelat – Ipuh) in Bengkulu province, as follow; Nov,.4-5, 2015
10 The appointed CRO for Package 16 is Mr. Besperi, ST, MT, and and Ms. Anggi Nidya
Sari, ST., MT as the substitute CRO. Both of them were from Bengkulu University.
45 Selection of CROs for packages 14, 20, and 21 in West Sumatera province, as follow; Nov,.16-17, 2015
11 The Elected CRO for Package 14 (Painan - Kambang) were Mr. M. Nursyaifi Yulius,
MT (Mgt), and Mr. Ir. Alzahri, MT, as the substitute CRO, both of them were from Bung
Hatta University.
12 The Elected CRO for Package 20 (Lubuk Alung - Sicincin), were Mr. Ir. Riswandi, M.Si
and Mr. Syaiful Amri, SST., MT, as the substitute CRO, both of them were from State
Politechnic of Padang (Politeknik Negeri Padang).
13 The Elected CRO for Package 21 (Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji) were Mr. Jafril Tanjung, DR.
Eng and Mr. Ophiyandri, Ph.D as the substitute CRO, both of them were from Andalas

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Date of Finish/
No Subject of Activities
46 The substitute CRO for Package 16: Sebelat – Ipuh, Ms. Anggi Nidya Sari, ST., MT was Nov. 05, 2015
attended the Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit as invited by the Procurement Committee (Pokja)
of PIU/Satker PJN Region I of Bengkulu Province.
47 The substitute CRO for Package 14: Painan - Kambang, Mr. Ir. Alzahri, MT was attended the Nov. 18, 2015
Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit as invited by the Procurement Committee (Pokja) of
PIU/Satker PJN Region II of West Province.
48 The Elected CRO for Package 20 (Lubuk Alung - Sicincin), Mr. Ir. Riswandi, M.Si, was attended Nov. 18, 2015
the Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit as invited by the Procurement Committee (Pokja) of
PIU/Satker PJN Region I of West Sumatera Province.
49 The Elected CRO for Package 21 (Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji), Mr. Jafril Tanjung, DR. Eng, was Nov. 18, 2015
attended the Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit as invited by the Procurement Committee (Pokja)
of PIU/Satker PJN Region I of West Sumatera Province.
50 The substitute CRO for Package 16: Sebelat – Ipuh, Ms. Anggi Nidya Sari, ST., MT was Nov. 19, 2015
attended the Bid Opening Meeting, invited by the Procurement Committee (Pokja) of
PIU/Satker PJN Region I of Bengkulu Province.
51 The substitute CRO for Package 16: Sebelat – Ipuh, Ms. Anggi Nidya Sari, ST., MT, was sent Nov. 25, 2015
the observation report on Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit
52 The CRO for Package 14: Painan - Kambang, Mr. Ir. Alzahri, MT was attended the Bid Opening Jan. 05, 2016
Meeting as invited by the Procurement Committee (Pokja) of PIU/Satker PJN Region II of
West Province.
53 The Elected CRO for Package 20 (Lubuk Alung - Sicincin), Mr. Ir. Riswandi, M.Si, was attended Jan. 05, 2016
the Bid Opening Meeting as invited by the Procurement Committee (Pokja) of PIU/Satker PJN
Region I of West Sumatera Province.
54 The Elected CRO for Package 21 (Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji), Mr. Jafril Tanjung, DR. Eng, was Jan. 05, 2016
attended the Bid Opening Meeting as invited by the Procurement Committee (Pokja) of
PIU/Satker PJN Region I of West Sumatera Province.
55 The Elected CRO for Package 20 (Lubuk Alung - Sicincin), Mr. Ir. Riswandi, M.Si, was sent the Jan. 06, 2016
Observation Report on Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit.
56 The CRO for Package 07: Indrapura – Tapan (Ir. Riswandi, M.Si), was sent the Observation Jan. 19, 2016
Report on Bid Opening and Bid Winner Announcement.
57 The CRO for Package 12: Kambang – Indrapura (Syaiful Amri, SST, MT) was sent the Jan. 19, 2016
Observation Report on Bid Opening and Bid Winner Announcement.
58 The CRO for Package 14: Painan - Kambang, (Mr. Ir. Alzahri, MT) was sent the observation Jan. 25, 2016
report on Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit.
59 The Elected CRO for Package 21 (Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji), Mr. Jafril Tanjung, DR. Eng, was Jan. 29, 2016
sent the Observation on Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit.
60 The CRO for Package for Package 08: Batas Pariaman – Manggopoh (M. Nursyaifi Yulius, MT Feb. 17, 2016
(Mgt), was sent the Observation Report on Bid Opening and Bid Winner Announcement.
61 The CRO for Package 14: Painan - Kambang, (Mr. Ir. Alzahri, MT), was sent the Observation May 10, 2016
Report on Bid Opening and Bid Winner Announcement
62 The Elected CRO for Package 20 (Lubuk Alung - Sicincin), Mr. Ir. Riswandi, M.Si, was sent the May 10, 2016
Observation Report on Bid Opening and Bid Winner Announcement
63 The Elected CRO for Package 21 (Lubuk Alung - Kuraitaji), Mr. Jafril Tanjung, DR. Eng, was May 31, 2016
sent the Observation on Bid Opening and Bid Winner Announcement

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix H.2
The Progress of Third Party Monitoring (TPM) Activities and Works Plan for Next Steps
January 2013 – December 2016
No Subject of Activities Target Completed

1. Preparation the initial draft of ToR of selection the TPM Dec, 2013 Dec, 2013
2. Providing the TPM selection guidelines. Dec, 2013 Dec, 2013
3. Providing the Training Materials for the TPM Dec, 2013 Dec, 2013
Preparing the official letter from the Director of Planning as Chairman of
4. Jan, 2014 Jan. 24, 2014
PMU to Head of BBPJN II & III, about the Selection of TPM.
Preparing the official letter from the Director of Planning as Chairman of
5. Jan., 2014 Jan 29, 2014
PMU to Universities, about the Selection of TPM.
Preparing the official letter from the Official in Charge/Ketua Pelaksana
6. Jan, 2014 Jan 13, 2014
Harian PMU to Satker/PPK, about the Selection of TPM
Preparing the official letter from the Official in Charge/Ketua Pelaksana
Feb. 07, 2014
7. Harian PMU to Universities and Satker/PPK, about the Socialization of Feb. 2014
Feb. 13, 2014
TPM Selection for Package 01, 02, & 03
8. Socialization of the TPM selection for package 01: Krui - Biha. Feb. 2014 Febr. 14, 2014
Socialization of the TPM selection for package 02: Padang Sawah –
9. Feb. 2014 Febr. 18, 2014
Simpang Empat and package 03: Manggopoh – Simpang Empat
Preparing the official letter from the Director of Planning as Chairman of
10. PMU to University of Bengkulu, about the Selection of TPM for package Jan, 2014 Febr. 19, 2014
04: Ipuh - Bantal.
11. Help the PMU on formulating the TPM Evaluation Team March 2014 Febr. 25, 2014
Implementation of selection of the TPM for four AWP-1 packages by TPM
12. March 2014 March 10, 2014
Evaluation Team
Delivery of the Preparatory Training for elected TPM for package 01: Krui
13. June 2014 June 5 - 6, 2014
– Biha in Lampung
Delivery of the Preparatory Training for elected TPM for package 02:
14 Padang Sawah – Simpang Empat, and package 03: Mangopoh – Padang June 2014 June 17-18, 2014
Sawah in West Sumatera
Delivery of the Preparatory Training for elected TPM for package 04: Ipuh
15 July 2014 July 7 – 8, 2014
– Bantal in Bengkulu
16 Approval process of elected TPM July 2014 July 7 – 8, 2014

17 Assist PMU to prepare the Decree on Establishment the TPM of AWP-1 August 2014 Sept. 1, 2014
WINRIP from Director of Planning DGH, as the Chairman of PMU.
Sending the Coordination Letter from Director of Planning, Directorate
General of Highways to the Head of BBPJN Region I Medan, about
18 Selection of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for package 05 (Simpang October 2014 Oct, 07, 2014
Rampa – Poriaha, and package 15 (Sibolga – Tapanuli Selatan border) in
North Sumatera.
Sent the Information Letter about participation of Third Party Monitoring
19 (TPM) on WINRIP, from Director of Planning, Directorate General of October 2014 Oct, 03, 2014
Highways to the University of Lampung (UNILA) for package 17 (Simpang
Gunung Kemala – Pugung Tampak) in Lampung Province.
Sent the Information Letter about participation of Third Party Monitoring
20 (TPM) on WINRIP, from Director of Planning, Directorate General of October 2014 Oct, 03, 2014
Highways to the University of Sumatera Utara (USU) for package 05
(Simpang Rampa – Poriaha) in North Sumatera Province
Sent the Information Letter about participation of Third Party Monitoring
21 (TPM) on WINRIP, from Director of Planning, Directorate General of October 2014 Oct, 20, 2014
Highways to the University of Bengkulu (UNIB) for package 11 (Bantal –
Mukomuko) and package 13 (Simpang Rukis - Tanjung Kemuning) in
Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project
Monthly Progress Report December 2016

No Subject of Activities Target Completed

Bengkulu Province.

Selection of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for packages 17 (Simpang

22 November 2014 Dec. 4, 2014
Gunung Kemala – Pugung Tampak) Lampung Province

23 Selection of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for packages 11, and 13, December 2014 Dec. 22, 2014
Bengkulu Province

24 Socialization and Explaination of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for January 2015 Jan, 28, 2015
packages 05, and 15 in Universitas Graha Nusantara Padang-sidempuan

25 Socialization and Explaination of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for January 2015 Jan, 30, 2015
packages 05, and 15 in Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan
The Employment Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding between
TPM (packages 01, 02, 03, and 04) with the CTC WINRIP (PT. Planners
26 November 2014 Feb. 26, 2015
Djaja) has been signed.

Delivery of the Preparatory Training for elected TPM for package 11:
March 11-12,
27 Bantal – Mukomuko and package 13: Simp. Rukis – Tj. Kemuning, in January 2015
Selection of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for packages 05, and 15,
28 March 2015 April 9, 2015
Northern Sumatera Province
Selection of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for packages 06, and 19, in
29 May 2015 May 5, 2015
Bengkulu Province
Delivery of the Preparatory Training for elected TPM for package 06:
30 Pasar Pedati – Kerkap and package 19: Lais – Bintunan, in Bengkulu June 2015 June 4-5, 2015
The TPM of package 01 (Krui - Biha) has been doing site observations (field
31 July 2015
visit) for the first phase
TPM package 02 (Padang Sawah - Simpang Empat) and package 03
32 July 2015
(Mangopoh - Padang Sawah), had conducted a field visit for first phase
The TPM of package 01 (Krui - Biha) has been done site observations (field 3 week of
visit) for the second phase August 2015
The TPM of package 04 (Ipuh - Bantal) has been done site observations 4 of August
(field visit) for the first phase 2015
The Community Development Team of CTC WINRIP has monitored the
35 Agt. 19 -21, 2015
TPM’s Activity on TPM Package 01 Krui - Biha
The Community Development Team of CTC WINRIP has monitored the
36 Agt. 27 -28, 2015
TPM’s Activity on TPM Package 04 Ipuh - Bantal
The Community Development Team of CTC WINRIP has monitored the
Sept. 10 - 11,
37 TPM’s Activity on TPM Package 02 (Padang Sawah – Simpang Empat)
package 03 (Manggopoh Padang Sawah)
The TPM of Package 02 (Padang Sawah – Simpang Empat) an package 03
38 (Manggopoh Padang Sawah) had been done site observations (field visit) Sept, 2015
for the first phase
Delivery of the Preparatory Training for appointed TPM for package 05:
39 Sp. Rampa – Poriaha and package 15: Sibolga – Batas Tapsel in North October 9, 2015
Sumatera Province
Delivery of the Preparatory Training for appointed TPM for package 17:
40 Oct. 22, 2015
Sp. Gunung Kemala – Pugung Tampak in Lampung Province
TPM package 04 Ipuh – Bantal has submitted their Field Visit Monitoring
41 Oct. 27, 2015
Report to PMU WINRIP
TPM package 03 Maggopoh – Padang Sawah has submitted their Field
42 Nov. 11, 2015
Visit Monitoring Report to PMU WINRIP
TPM package 01 Krui – Biha has submitted their Field Visit Monitoring
43 Nov. 26, 2015
Report to PMU WINRIP
The Community Development Team of CTC WINRIP has monitored the
44 Dec. 03-04, 2015
TPM’s Activity on TPM Package 11 (Bantal – Mukomuko) package 13
Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project
Monthly Progress Report December 2016

No Subject of Activities Target Completed

(Simpang Rukis – Tanjung Kemuning) in Bengkulu Province
Selection of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for packages 07 and 12 in
45 Dec. 22, 2015
West Sumatera Province
Selection of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for package 16 in Bengkulu
46 Dec. 29, 2015
Selection of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) for packages 08 and 10 in
47 Jan. 14, 2016
West Sumatera Province
The Community Development Team of CTC WINRIP has monitored the
48 TPM’s Activity on TPM Package 04 (Ipuh – Bantal) and package 11 (Bantal Apr. 6-8, 2016
– Mukomuko) in Bengkulu Province
The Community Development Team of CTC WINRIP has monitored the
49 TPM’s Activity on TPM Package 02 (Padang Sawah – Simpang Empat) and Apr. 20-22, 2016
package 03 (Manggopoh – Padang Sawah) in West Sumatra Province
The Community Development Team of CTC WINRIP has carry out of
50 Socialization of the TPM for package 14, 20, 21 to Andalas University of Apr. 27, 2016
padang in BBPJN II Padang.
Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on
51 package 06 (Pasar Pedati – Kerkap) and package 19 (Lais – Bintunan) in May 18–20, 2016
Bengkulu Province.
Community Development team has carry out of TPM selection for package
52 20 (Lubuk Alung - Sicincin) and package 21 (Lubuk Alung – Kuraitaji) in May 26, 2016
West Sumatera Province
Community Development team has delivered of the Preparatory Training
53 for appointed TPM for package 07and package 08 in West Sumatera June 9, 2016
Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on
54 package 05 (Simpang Rampa – Poriaha) and package 15 (Sibolga – Batas June 20–22, 2016
Tapsel) in North Sumatera Province.
Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on
55 July 27–29, 2016
package 17 (Simpang Gn. Kemala – Pugung Tampak) in Lampung Province.
Community Development team has carry out of TPM selection for package
56 Agt. 11–13, 2016
14 (Painan – Kambang) in West Sumatera Province
Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on
57 Agt. 24–26, 2016
package 06 (Pasar Pedati – Kerkap) in Bengkulu.
Community Development team has delivered of the Preparatory Training
58 for appointed TPM for package 12 and package 14 in West Sumatera Sept. 27, 2016
Community Development team has delivered of the Preparatory Training
59 for appointed TPM for package 20 and package 21 in West Sumatera Oct. 13, 2016
Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on
60 package 07 (Indrapura – Tapan) and package 12 (Kambang – Indrapura) in Nov. 16–19, 2016
West Sumatera Province.
Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on
61 Nov. 28–30, 2016
packages 13 (Simpang Rukis – Tanjung Kemuning) in Bengkulu Proince.
Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on
62 Dec. 15 - 17, 2016
package 05 (Simpang Rampa – Poriaha) in Nort Sumatera Province.
Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on
63 Dec. 22 - 24, 2016
package 08 (Bt. Kota Pariaman – Manggopoh) in West Sumatera Province.
Community Development team has monitored the TPM activity on
64 Dec. 29 - 31, 2016
package 06 (Ps. Pedati – Kerkap) in Bengkulu Province.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix H.3
Works Activities on Complaints Handling Mechanism System (CHS)
March 2013 – December 2016

Completion Plan/
No Subject of Activities / Item of Tasks
Progress Condition
Review of Minister Decree of Public Works No. 323/2005 concerning the procedures of
1 April 18, 2013
Handling input from communities on the environment of the Ministry of Public Works
Preparation of Complaints Register and the complaints address (developing of web site of Completed on the
WINRIP) and provided ACAP to inputting data in the web site. middle of Feb. 2014.
Preparation of Complaint Handling Procedure (already available on the website
3 April 2014
The completion of the Initial investigation of a complaint Procedure, and the procedure
4 for the investigation of Complaints, as well as the conclusion of investigation (already April 2014
available on the website application
Monitored and noted the public complaints via SiPP website and WINRIP website, but
5 December 2014
until December 2014 have no complaint about the WINRIP programs
Clarification of Community complaint for package 02 & 03 by Jejak Media Group (JMG) by
Mr. Buyung on gravel aggregate materials, routine maintenance, and watering work site
6 (dust pollution). It has been followed up by PPK 09 and PPK 10 to hold a clarification March 23, 2015
meeting, followed by the elements PPK, Supervision Consultant (DSC), and Jejak Media
Group (JMG).
Clarification of information of work implementation on package 04: Ipuh - Bantal was
unfavorable, by TPM member (Mr. Hardiansyah, ST, MT). The information obtained from
the local mass media. The problem is that the people around the location of the package
Ipuh - Bantal especially road users complained about the excavation of road widening is
left open for an extended period of time without equipped with signs and safety fence,
7 March 26, 2015
felt very dangerous, especially when driving at night, and according to the information
some of the riders had been an accident which the vehicle plunged into the hole dug.
This information has been followed up by PPK 01 Bengkulu together with the Supervision
Consultant (DSC Field Team) to instruct the Contractor to install traffic signs and safety
fences in places that endanger of road user
On May 11, 2015, Mr. Dr. M. Fauzi, ST, MT,, the main observer of the Third Party
Monitoring for Package 11 (Bantal - Mukomuko) Bengkulu Province, conveying
information from local newspaper clippings (Koran Rakyat Bengkulu) containing news that
a 1.5-year-old toddler fell and nearly drowned in the excavation of the road widening
Package 11 (Bantal - Mukomuko) which flooded about 80 cm deep. That is because the
8 excavation is situated in the location residential and not immediately undertaken, and May 11, 2015
were not given the signs and safety fence.
The complaint was submitted to the PMU and forwarded to the related PIU / PPK to be
Until the end of May there has been no follow-up report to the complaint from the PIU /
PPK 01 linked.
The CHS team has been received the copy of complaints letter from Tender Participants
on package 08 to the Procurement Committee. Disclaimer of submitted by the tender
participants of package 08 (Batas Kot Pariaman – Manggopoh) PT. Adhi Karya (Persero)
9 Tbk – PT. Yasa Patria Perkasa, JO by letter No: ADHI-YASA/12/I/2016 dated January 12, Jan. 15, 2016
2016, to the Procurement Committee concerning to the results of Bid Evaluation Report
(BER) section III, clause 4, point 4.2 (b): Specific Construction Experience in Key Activities
specifically on the experience of aggregate base production.
CHS team has been received the other similar complaint to the Procurement Committee
was submitted by the same tender participant of package 12: Painan – Kambang (PT. Adhi
Karya (Persero) Tbk – PT. Yasa Patria Perkasa, JO) by letter No: ADHI-YASA/11/I/2016
10 Jan. 15, 2016
dated January 4, 2016. The content of complaint was the similar subject i.e. the results of
Bid Evaluation Report (BER) section III, clause 4, point 4.2 (b): Specific Construction
Experience in Key Activities specifically on the experience of aggregate base production
Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project
Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Completion Plan/
No Subject of Activities / Item of Tasks
Progress Condition
CHS team has been received the complaints from Riki Susanato (Konsorsium Nasional LSM
Provinsi Bengkulu) dated February 02, 2016. Riki Susanato and Edy Novriansyah had sent a
letter No: 06/Khusus/XII/2015 dated December 11, 2015 on a request for public
information related to the documents of WINRIP project in Bengkulu province. But this
request was unable to fulfill by Satker PJN Wil. I of Bengkulu Province, especially in
11 relation to Contract Document / Letter of Agreement between the Project Feb. 02, 2016
Implementation Unit of WINRIP for Bengkulu Province with the Contractors.
By not granting of the request of the documents, then Riki Susanto delivered the
complaint through the Complaint Handling System (CHS) of WINRIP website (www.winrip- The complaint was submitted to the PMU WINRIP and the relevant
stakeholders to immediately follow-up.
On January 20, 2016, there was a World Bank letter No. 281 on reviewing Bid Evaluation
Report (BER) for Package 16: Seblat – Ipuh in Bengkulu Province. World Bank has and have
comments on the Bina Marga proposed rejection of the five lower priced bidders.
January 20, 2016
12 As a follow up of these comments, on February 10, 2016 has been held Discussion
February 10, 2016
Meeting to respond to the letter. Meeting followed by elements from the WB, PMU, Pokja
PJN Reg. 1 of Bengkulu Province. Clarification should be explained in the revision of BER
and sent to World Bank.
The Complaint from Civil Society of villages in around the project STA 28+900 (Desa
Pondok Kandang, Desa Pondok Suguh, dan Desa Karya Mulya) was submitted through a
letter of district head (Surat Camat) of Pondok Suguh, No. 620.52/56/K.05/IV/2016 dated
13 April 11, 2016, sent to the Supervision Consultants (Field Team DSC of Package 04) on the April 11, 2016
request of one extra culvert / box culvert again, because the existing culvert in small size
and its surface less downward, which is predicted when it rains the water could not flow
easily or drained from the settlement and the Villages will be flooded
Complaint by Buyung Fajri from Jejak Community sent to PMU WINRIP" via e-mail on subject of performance audit of PT, JAYA KONTRUKSI MP.Tbk
14 May 11, 2016,
that was Addendum until April 19, 2016 but the work is still ongoing until April 23 2016,
how it could happen, we ask for explanation
Complaint by Buyung Fajri from Jejak Community sent to PMU WINRIP" via e-mail on subject evaluation of stone masonry works on bridge
15 approach of Air Gadang Bridge in package 02 (Padang Sawah – Simpang Empat) West May 14, 2016
Sumatera Province. The stone masonry works by contractor PT. JAYA KONTRUKSI MP.Tbk
is bed quality, did not match to the specification
Complaint by Buyung Fajri from Jejak Community sent to PMU WINRIP" via e-mail and to Menteri PUPERA by e-mail minister of Public Works and on
16 May 17, 2016
subject of the National Road in Pasaman Barat - West Sumatra province, many of them
were which seriously damaged.
Complaint by Buyung Fajri from Jejak Community sent to PMU WINRIP" via e-mail
17 on subject that Air Gadang Bridge until May 31, 2016 is not yet be May 31, 2016
The Community Development Officer and Information Management Specialist was
meeting with World Bank (Mr. Andri Wibisono) on topic of completeness the WINRIP
18 website included Complaint Handling System (CHS). The main subject is the completeness August 2, 2016
of the website application program, the completeness data sources, and the applicable
and accessible of this website, so everyone can access or find the data that they needs.
Will establish if there is a
The establishment of the settlement Commission Handling the Complaint under the
19 case that needs special
Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Public Works (Executing Agency) if it necessary handling

Preparation of the device for Executing Agency such as: Procedures announcement of Done by Procurement
Specialist and the
20 penalties, procedures for the annual Survey, Procedure Annual Independent Review, the Contract Examiner
process of Auctions Committee

The development of a code of conduct and actions for Implementing Institutions/

21 Done by PMU of DGH
Implementing Agency (Bidders, Suppliers, contractors and Consultants)

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Completion Plan/
No Subject of Activities / Item of Tasks
Progress Condition
Have been carried out
Support the PMU in the Management and Monitoring of the implementation policy in
22 throughout project
handling public complaints implementation period

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix H.4
Works Activities on Publication / Disclosure Activities
January 2013 – December 2016

Completion Plan/
No Subject of Activities / Item of Tasks
Progress Condition

Conducted Workshop of Procurement Document Evaluation for POKJA, February 28, 2013
Satker/PPK, Balai BBPJN and PMU – March 01, 2013

Conducted Workshop of World Bank Guidelines of Procurement for WINRIP to

2 April 24 – 25, 2013
the POKJA, Satker/PPK, Balai BBPJN and PMU

Review training materials on Project Management Manual (PMM), especially First updating April 29, 2013
CHAPTER XI of the anti-Corruption Action Plan (ACAP)

The second Review of training materials on Project Management Manual Second updating on
(PMM), Chapter I - XII December 18, 2013

The third Review of training materials on Project Management Manual (PMM), third updating on
Chapter I - XII April, 2014

Establishment of Information
Preparing Method Transparency to the Public, and Improvement the procedures
6. System (MIS) was finish on
to the Public Disclosure through information media (website). March 2014

The updating of Project Management Manual (PMM), Chapter 3, 9, 11, and 13,
7. June 2014
has been held in Bogor
Delivery of the Preparatory Training for elected TPM for AWP-a packages: 01,
8 June 2014
02, and 03

9 Delivery of the Preparatory Training for elected TPM for AWP-a packages: 04 July 2014

The implementation of Dissemination/training of the PMM to Stakeholders for

10 September 10 - 11 2014
Packages 01, 02, 03, and 04
Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of the Community
11 Representative Observers (CROs) activities for packages 01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 11, From Augt 2013 – April, 2015
13, 05, 06, 19, and 15 into the WINRIP’s website.
Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of the Third Party
12 Monitoring (TPM) activities for packages 01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 11, and 13 into the From Augt 2013 – April, 2015
WINRIP’s website.
Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of Procurement of
13 Contractors for packages 01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 11, 13, 05, 06, and 19 into the From Augt 2013 – April, 2015
WINRIP’s website.
Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of Environmental
14 activities for packages 01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 11, 13, 05, 06, and 19 into the WINRIP’s From Augt 2013 – April, 2015
Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of Social Safeguard /
15 LARAP for packages 01, 02, 03, 04, 17, 11, 13, 05, 06, and 19 into the WINRIP’s From Augt 2013 – April, 2015
Inputting / upload / update of Progress Report/ Actual Status (fisichal works
16 and financial) of each package that has been contracted (packages 01, 02, 03, From Augt 2013 – April, 2015
and 04) into the WINRIP’s website.
Inputting / upload of Monthly Progress Report (MPR December 2012 – December
17 Every Month
2014) into the WINRIP’s website.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Completion Plan/
No Subject of Activities / Item of Tasks
Progress Condition
Inputting / upload of Quarterly Progress Report (QPR December 2012 –
18 Every Three Months
December 2014) into the WINRIP’s website.
Delivery the IFM Training for Stakeholders (Official and staff of Satker, Official
19 26 – 27 November 2014
and staff of PPK) packages 01, 02, 03, and 04.
Every three months for
Publish the Quarterly Newsletter on official website of MPW and WINRIP’s
20 Quarterly Newsletter October –
website December 2015
Delivery the IFM Training for Stakeholders (Official and staff of Satker, Official
21 Feb. 11 - 12, 2015
and staff of PPK) packages 05, 11, 13, and 17.
Report of Technical and Financial Audit Consultants (TFAC) for Packages 02 and
22 Feb. 27, 2015
03 has been received from TFAC Team
Delivery of the Preparatory Training for elected TPM for package 11: Bantal –
Mukomuko and package 13: Simp. Rukis – Tj. Kemuning, in Bengkulu. This
training followed the elements of TPM, Satker/PPK, Contractors, Supervision
Consultants, and Balai BBPJN III Palembang.
23 This training is intended to provide an explanation of the scope of duties of TPM March 11 – 12, 2015
and provide information to all elements involved in the implementation of the
project that the community be involved in monitoring the implementation of
the project which is represented by the TPM, in accordance with the Loan
Every three months for
Publish the Quarterly Newsletter on official website of MPW and WINRIP’s
24 Quarterly Newsletter January –
website March 2015
Delivery of PMM Socialization to Stakeholders (Balai BBPJN III, PIU/PPK,
25 contractors and Supervision Consultants ‘DSC’) for four Packages (06, 11, 13, May 6 – 7, 2015
and 19) in Bengkulu Province
Delivery of the Preparatory Training for elected TPM and Work Plan for manage
and monitor the Environment / Rencana Kerja Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan
26 Lingkungan (RKPPL) for package 06: Ps. Pedati – Kerkap and package 19: Lais – June 4 – 5, 2015
Bintunan, in Bengkulu. This training followed the elements of TPM, Satker/PPK,
Contractors, Supervision Consultants, and Balai BBPJN III Palembang.
Every three months for
Publish the Quarterly Newsletter on official website of MPW and WINRIP’s
27 Quarterly Newsletter April –
website June 2015
The Mid-Term Report of the first semester 2015 has been written by the early of
28 July, 2015
July 2015
Delivery of PMM Training for Stakeholders (PPK, contractors and Supervision
29 November 23 – 24, 2015
Consultants ‘DSC’) for Packages 17, 05, and 15
Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of the Community
30 Representative Observers (CROs) activities for packages 07, 08, 10, 12, 14, 16, From May – Dec, 2015
20 and 21 into the WINRIP’s website.
Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of the Third Party
31 Monitoring (TPM) activities for packages 05, 06, 07, 12, 15, 19 and 16 into the December, 2015
WINRIP’s website.
Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of Procurement of
32 Contractors for packages 07, 08, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 and 21 into the WINRIP’s From June – Dec, 2015
Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of Environmental
33 From May – Dec, 2015
activities for 07, 08, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 and 21 into the WINRIP’s website.
Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of Social Safeguard /
34 LARAP for packages for 07, 08, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 and 21 into the WINRIP’s From May – Dec, 2015

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Completion Plan/
No Subject of Activities / Item of Tasks
Progress Condition
Inputting / upload / update of Progress Report/ Actual Status (physically works,
35 financial and audits) of each package that has been contracted (packages 05, 06, From May – Dec, 2015
07, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19) into the WINRIP’s website.
Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of the Community
36 Representative Observers (CROs) activities for packages 14, 20 and 21 into the January, 2016
WINRIP’s website.
Inputting / upload / update of data/documents/reports of the Third Party
37 Monitoring (TPM) activities for packages 14, 20, and 21 into the WINRIP’s December, 2015
Updated the Project Management Manual (PMM) Chapter III : Planning and
38 January, 2016
Review and Updated of the Project Management Manual (PMM) Chapter IX :
39 March, 2016
Performance Monitoring and Evaluation,
Review and Updated of the Project Management Manual (PMM) Chapter XI:
40 April, 2016
Anti-Corruption Action Plan (ACAP)
Review and Updated of Power-point presentation of the Project Management
41 Manual (PMM) Chapter IX : Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, Chapter XI: June, 2016
Anti-Corruption Action Plan (ACAP)
The Information Management Specialist and Community Development Officer
immediately follow up the results of the meeting with World Bank to be
42 completed and perfected. The results of that meeting be used as an ingredient August 11, 2016
of Kick-off and Wrap-up Meeting, which would then be inserted in the Final Adie
Memoire of August 11, 2016
Delivery of PMM Socialization to Stakeholders (Balai BPJN III, PIU/Satker Region I
and II of West Sumatera, PPK 06 (pack. 20), PPK 10 (Pack. 08 & 21), PPK 14
43 Augt. 29 –31, 2016
(Pack. 14), PPK 15 (Pack. 07), contractors and Supervision Consultants ‘DSC’) for
four Packages (07, 08, 14, 20, and 21) in West Sumatera Province
Delivery of TPM Preparatory Training for packages 12 and 14 in Padang, West
44 Sept. 26 – 28, 2016
The CTC (Community Development Team) has been carried out preparatory
45 training for Third Party Monitoring (TPM) of packages 20 and 21 in Padang, West October 13, 2016
Review and identify the changing of Project Management Manual (PMM)
46 Oct. 18 - 24, 2016
Modules from Revision-1 version to Revision-2.
Prepare draft of Agreement Letter of Director of Roads Net Working
47 Development on establishment of Working Group /Task Force for updating and Oct. 25 - 27, 2016
improvement of the PMM.
Prepare draft proposal of Price Adjustment /Escalation Workshop for the
48 Oct. 28 – Nov. 14, 2016

Activities Plan for Next Step

Delivering the other training programs of WINRIP shall inline of project Depend on project
implementation progress. implementation progress
Public Expose on ACAP to the civil society forum in each project location (each Before the construction works
package) started
Plan for three time monitoring
Monitoring of the implementation of disclosure and transparency of information
3 to field for each package during
to each package during contraction period. contraction period

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix H.5
Status of WINRIP’s Anti-Corruption Action Plan Activity
Edition: December, 2016

ACTIONS No STATUS (as of December, 2016)
1 MPW will provide the Contact information for 14 Complaint Handling System has been established, written
complaints related to WINRIP in the PIP, PMM, MPW in PMM (Chapter 11.4), and published on DGH website
website and in bidding documents. linked to WINRIP website
15 Contact information is provided in Bidding Documents
Chapter 2: Instruction to Bidders (Instruksi Kepada Peserta Lelang -
IKP 34).
2 Work programs and Procurement Plan published on Work Programs and Procurement Plan available in the MPW website
the official website of MPW and made available to the ( and (
public. 16 Open, click Pengadaan there
are available data on Procurement Plan, Procurement Information,
and List of Contract awarded.
3 Procurement Plan updated annually. 17 Done. Officially sent to World Bank.
4 Quarterly newsletter published on the official website Quarterly newsletter is updated every three months (quarterly) for
of MPW, including information concerning the list of year 2015 has developed 3 newsletters (the first Newsletter is of
contracts, implementation progress, project-related December – March 2015),. The previous quarterly Newsletters was
workshops and the number, typology and status of published on WINRIP website ( linked to
complaints. DGH website (, and the most recent is of
April – June 2016 have been developed but did not been published.
18 Quarterly Newsletter is attached with: Summary Physical
Works Implementation Progress, List Implementation of Training /
Enhanced Disclosure and Transparency

Workshop, and the List of packages that have been contracted.

Such information has been inputted or uploaded on the website
WINRIP ( linked to the website of D.G.
of Highways
5 Quarterly newsletter sent by MPW to the civil society Quarterly newsletter published on the website WINRIP developed in
forum in each project province in hard copy or the form of tables and descriptions of activities (see point 4 above).
through an electric mailing system. 19 The Quarterly Newsletter period of July - September 2016
has been sent to the civil society forum: i.e. Indonesian Road
Development Association / Himpunan Pengembangan Jalan
Indonesia (HPJI) and Indonesian Transportation Society /
Masyarakat Transportasi Indonesia (MTI) in central level and to
the provincial level where the WINRIP project are developed, by e-
6 Bidding documents, short-list of consultants and 20 The Bidding Documents such as: Standard Bidding
requests for proposals (this provision does not include Document, Bid Invitations, Instruction to Bidders, General
actual bids and proposals) issued in accordance with Specifications, Detailed Engineering Design/Drawing, General
the procurement provisions of the loan agreement Condition of Contracts, Special Condition, Bill of Quantity, Owner
available to any member of public promptly upon Estimate, etc, are available on MPW website
request, subject to payment of a reasonable fee for ( and some of them were uploaded in
producing bidding documents and request for WINRIP website (, and continuously
proposals. Documents available until a year after added for which are available data.
completion of the contract entered into for the goods, 21 Contract Packages #01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 11, 13,
works or services in question. 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, and 21 have been awarded.
22 Packages # 01, 02, 03, 04, and 19, has been Taking Over
23 Packages # 05, 06, 07, 08, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 20 and 21
were under construction
24 Packages #16 has been awarded, current situation is
preparation for Commencement of Works COW).
25 Package 10, is expressed not as a priority on the WINRIP by
the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, so it is deleted from
WINRIP program.
26 Packages # 09 and 18 proposed to delete from project list,
because the available funds are insufficient

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

ACTIONS No STATUS (as of December, 2016)
7 Information as follows published in UNDB on-line, and ICB Contract Award Notice for Packages #01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 08, 11,
on MPW website within two weeks of contract award 12, 13, 15, and 17 were published.
(after Bank’s no objection): (a) name of each bidder 27 Package #10 is deleted from WINRIP
who submitted a bid; (b) bid prices as read out at the
bid opening; (c) name and evaluated prices of each
bid; (d) name of bidders whose bids were rejected and
the reasons for rejection; and (e) name of the winning
bidders and the prices, as well as the duration and
summary scope of the contract awarded.
8 List of all contracts awarded in the three months The information is available, but there has been no request by any
preceding the date of the request by any person or person or company.
company request available, including the name of the 28 The Data of Physical progress of packages that are under
contractor/ supplier/ consultant, the contract amount, constructions had been completed with any changes of the
the number of bidders/proposals, the procurement contact like: review design, CCO, technical justification,
method and the purpose of the contract. memorandum, amendment, addendum, etc.

9 Final audit reports (financial or otherwise, including MPW has sent report as a response to the Bank regarding the
qualified audit reports) and all formal responses of the findings of the audit report.
government in relation to such reports publicly 29 The Final Audit for 2012, 2013 and 2014 have been
available. The audit reports and all formal responses completed, and uploaded to website (http://www.winrip-
will be published on the MPW official website within linked to
one month after the report is accepted as final. 30 The Final Audit for 2015 had been held by BPK, and the
audit results are being responding and follow up by DGH and the
related parties.
10 Financial, technical and physical progress of the Those reports are available on WINRIP website (http://fmis.winrip-
project monitored by an IT system (integrated SiPP) as linked to Bina Marga website
publicly accessible project monitoring system. (
31 The financial, technical and physical progress was already
uploaded in the website. It’s have been completed with
information of name of contractors, number of contract, date of
contract, contract Price, duration of contract, etc.
32 The tutorial guidance has been developed and already
been sent by MIS specialist.
33 The financial progress report is updated every three
months as the IFR quarterly report.
The technical and physical progress is updated every month as the
Monthly Progress Report, and every three months as the Quarterly
Progress Report
11 Representatives of civil society groups invited to CROs for 19 packages (#01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 10, 11, 12, 13,
attend the public bid openings and other key 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21) have been selected, and have attended the
procurement steps. Community Representative required meeting (Pre-Bid Meeting and Bid Opening Meeting).
Observers (CROs) invited from local universities or Attendances list are available.
other selected independent institutions. Attendance
list for the procurement/selection process signed.
12 Guidelines on appropriate procedures for the above 34 The Appropriate procedures are written in PMM Chapter
Enhanced Civil Society Oversight

provided in the PMM. 11.2, and in the TOR of CROs Selection.

13 Third Party Monitoring (TPM) mechanism established. 35 TPM for all 19 Packages #01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 10, 11, 12,
This mechanism includes regular sharing of 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, and 14# had been selected.
information with the media. 36 TPM Letter of Agreement for Packages #01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07,
08, 11, 13, 15, 17, and 19 had been signed.
37 For Packages 12, 14, 20, and 21 are under process
38 Package 16 is waiting for preparatory training.
39 For Package, 10 is deleted from WINRIP program.
14 Annual Accountability Meetings held. First meeting The Annual Accountability Meetings were held through the following
held at the province level before procurement of activities:
contractors or service providers. 40 Coordination meeting at the Regional level (Balai- BBPJN) and in
each province
41 Public Expose of LARAP to the community around the project area
42 Socialization of projects during selection of CROs and TPM at local
universities near project sites and in the same province. (Detail
dates of Socialization meeting and training of the CROs and TPM
Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project
Monthly Progress Report December 2016

ACTIONS No STATUS (as of December, 2016)
can be found in the Monthly or Quarterly Report of WINRIP in the
WINRIP’s website)
43 Public expose and dissemination of information to inhabitants
around the project is delivered through Project Information Board.
44 PMM workshop has been carried out in:
45 Padang on September 12, 2014 for four AWP-1 packages #
01, 02, 03, and 04.
46 Bengkulu on May 6 – 7, 2015, delivery of PMM Socialization
to Stakeholders (Balai BBPJN III, PPK, contractors and
Supervision Consultants) for four Packages # 06, 11, 13, and 19.
47 Bogor on November 24 – 25, 2015, delivery of PMM
Socialization to Stakeholders (BBPJN I, BBPJN III, PPK 08, PPK 12,
contractors and Supervision Consultants) for three Packages
(05, 15, 17).
48 The PMM Socialization has been held in Padang on August
29 – 30, 2016 for project stakeholders of six packages in West
Sumatera Province # 07, 08, 12, 14, 20, and 21.
Target group of this socialization as follows: BBPJN II, PIU/
Satker PJN Region I and II of West Sumatera Province, PPKs who
are handling the projects (PPK 06, PPK 10, PPK 14, and PPK 15),
Design and Supervision Consultant (DSC), Field Supervision
Consultants, and Contractors.

15 Enhanced complaints handling mechanism, which A Complaint Handling System has been established, written in PMM
includes maintaining project complaint log and filing (Chapter 11.4), and published on WINRIP website (http://chs.winrip-
to monitor status of follow-up of each complaint,
established by the MPW.
16 Complaints received acknowledged to the 49 Up to present as recorded 10 complaints have been followed up.
complainant by the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) 50 Complaint procedures and handling mechanism are written in
within seven (7) days of receipt with a copy to PMU, PMM (Chapter 11.4) and uploaded to website (http://chs.winrip-
DGH and then World Bank. Bid-related complaints
Enhanced Complaints Handling Mechanism

received during bid evaluation period responded after 51 Complaints are handled by the Secretariat of Complaint Handling
the contract award. All complaints handling Unit (CHU) under PMU WINRIP, and CHU will update the
component included in the MPW website, and complaint status.
updated on a monthly basis. 52 Dispute resolution of complaints will be handled by different
institutions (PPK, Satker, Inspectorate General, Komisi
Penyelesaian Pengaduan), depending on the type of complaints
(i.e. general matters, technical matters, or specific matters).

17 Information concerning the alternative conduits for 53 The information of Complaint procedures has been disseminated
complaints (telephone hotline, dedicated email to the different institutions related to project implementation
address and PO Box) widely disseminated. (PPK, Satker, Contractors, Engineer/ Supervision Consultants)
during PMM workshop and to the CROs & TPM during
introductory training.
54 PPK will put the information of complaint procedures and
other project information to the public through Project
Information Board.
18 Strict procedures to ensure anonymity of informants. The procedures ensure anonymity of informants

19 Recording and appropriate referral of all incoming It has been established in the WINRIP website (http://chs.winrip-
complaints undertaken by MPW with each case
generating an automatic, standard format report to
the Bank.
20 “Semi E-Tendering” on the MPW official public Semi e-procurement was applied before November 2014 and full e-
Mitigating Collusion,
Forgery and Fraud

website used by MPW for both works and consultant procurement was applied afterward.
services. Key information (see list) published on the

official website ( (a) invitation for bids;

(b) download of bidding documents; (c) bid
clarifications; (d) minutes of bid opening; (e)
information of contract award.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

ACTIONS No STATUS (as of December, 2016)
21 All specifications defined in the bidding documents, Done.
and all clarifications sought through written
correspondence and replies sent to all bidders.
22 Key indicators of submitted bids analyzed by MPW, Applicable only to AWP-1 (Packages #01, 02, 03, and 04).
through CTC. Short technical report for each group of
bidding (the bidding packages simultaneously invited)
prepared and shared with the Bank.
23 Contracts awarded within original bid validity period. 55 The last information from the Procurement Specialist, there are six
(6) contracts awarded within original bid validity period (Package #
04, 06, 11, 13, 17, and 19).
56 Twelve (12) contracts awarded after original bid validity period
(Packages # 01, 02, 03, 05, 07, 08, 12, 14, 15, 16, 20, and 21).
57 One package is deleted from WINRIP program (# 10).
24 Guidelines for preparation of specifications/ selection Done
criteria in the bidding documents and request for
proposals prepared to ensure compliance with the
Bank Guidelines.
25 FIDIC arrangements used by MPW with the Done
independent supervision consultant having
responsibility as the “Engineer” in the works contracts.
26 Criteria for nominating procurement committees Done
established by MPW. Each Project Implementation
Unit includes a specified procurement officer and
financial management officer.
27 Procedures to maintain proper project and Done
procurement filing established by MPW, including
filing of advertisements, bidding documents/request
for proposals, clarifications/addenda to bidding
document/request for proposals, minutes of bid
opening, evaluation reports, contract award and final
contract documents, and also for regular review of
accounting reports, including all supporting
documents (i.e. travel report, receipts, etc.).
28 Regular interim audits conducted by third parties, Done.
which include review of procurement process and
29 Remedial actions and sanctions for cases of fraud and No cases of fraud and corruption have been encountered so far. If
corruption that are reported and for which evidence is such case happened MPW will use remedial actions and sanctions
Sanctions and Remedies

found established by MPW. based on GOI and Bank regulations.

30 Information regarding fraud, corruption, collusion It will be done if there are such cases.
and/or coercive practice cases (resulting in the
termination of the contract and possibly other
penalties), where lessons are learned and funds are
retrieved, widely disseminated.
31 Disbursement to any given contract/location It will be done if there are such cases.
suspended or stopped completely if cases of
corruption not dealt with effectively.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix I

Performance Indicator

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix I: WINRIP Performance Indicators

Project Development Objective Indicators


Unit of Baseline FY5 (2017) FY5 (2017)
Indicator Name Core (2013) (2013) (2014) (2014) (2015) (2015) (2016) (2016)
Measure (2010) end target end actual
target actual target actual target actual target actual

Increase of AADT Number Value 8,241 10,880 11,936 4,140 13,094 12,696 13,990 N.A. 14,947
on project road
Date 31-Dec-2010 31-Dec- March 9-Aug- 31-Dec-2017
sections (all
14 2015 16
vehicle types)
Comments 2010 baseline is Results Results 2015 2017 target calculated using the growth
the simple from IRMS from IRMS forecasts for four vehicle types on page 39
average of the static data not of the PAD, weighing them by the typical
AADT of the 19 traffic yet traffic composition from the 2010 Master
WINRIP sections counts on available Plan for Arterial Road Network in Sumatra
(page 41 of 6 links in 4 Island (motorcycles 54.9%, cars 24.6%,
PAD). provinces buses 2.7% and trucks 17.8%)

Baseline FY1 FY1 FY2 FY2 FY3 FY3 FY4 FY4

Unit of FY5 (2017) FY5 (2017)
Indicator Name Core (2010) (2013) (2013) (2014) (2014) (2015) (2015) (2016) (2016)
Measure end target end actual
target actual target actual target actual target actual

Average vehicle Percentage Value 0.00 n.a. 3.00 n.a. n.a. 5.00
operating cost
Date 31-Dec-2010 31-Dec- 10-Nov- 9-Aug- 31-Dec-2017
for a typical car
14 15 16
reduced by at
least 5% on Comments Vehicle
project roads Target not Target not operating
assessed assessed costs will
(base year
because because be
operating cost: no works no works assessed
US$0.19/veh-km) completed completed at project

Baseline FY1 FY1 FY2 FY2 FY3 FY3 FY4 FY4

Unit of FY5 (2017) FY5 (2017)
Indicator Name Core (2010) (2013) (2013) (2014) (2014) (2015) (2015) (2016) (2016)
Measure end target end actual
target actual target actual target actual target actual

Average vehicle Percentage Value 0.00 n.a. 5.00 n.a. N.A. 8.00

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

operating cost Date 31-Dec-2010 31-Dec- 10-Nov- 9-Aug- 31-Dec-2017

for a typical bus 14 15 16
reduced by at
Comments Vehicle
least 8% on Target not Target not operating
project roads assessed assessed costs will
because because be
(base year
no works no works assessed
operating cost: completed completed at project
US$0.35/veh-km) end

Baseline FY1 FY1 FY2 FY2 FY3 FY3 FY4 FY4

Unit of FY5 (2017) FY5 (2017)
Indicator Name Core (2010) (2013) (2013) (2014) (2014) (2015) (2015) (2016) (2016)
Measure end target end actual
target actual target actual target actual target actual

Average vehicle Percentage Value 0.00 n.a. 7.00 n.a. N.A. 10.00
operating cost
Date 31-Dec-2010 31-Dec- 10-Nov- 9-Aug- 31-Dec-2017
for a typical
14 15 16
heavy truck
Comments Vehicle
reduced by 10%
Target not Target not operating
on project roads assessed assessed costs will
(base year because because be
operating cost: no works no works assessed
completed completed at project
US$0.65 veh-km)

Baseline FY1 FY1 FY2 FY2 FY3 FY3 FY4 FY4

Unit of FY5 (2017) FY5 (2017)
Indicator Name Core (2010) (2013) (2013) (2014) (2014) (2015) (2015) (2016) (2016)
Measure end target end actual
target actual target actual target actual target actual

Average Percentage Value 0.00 0.00 -15.29 5.00 3.7 7.84 20.00
passenger travel
Date 31-Dec-2010 31-Dec- 31-Dec- 10-Nov- 9-Aug- 31-Dec-2017
time for light
13 14 15 16
vehicles reduced
by at least 20% Comments For 4 For 9 For 12
on project roads ongoing ongoing ongoing
(base year speed: works works works
only only only
51 km/h)

Unit of Baseline FY1 FY1 FY2 FY2 FY3 FY3 FY4 FY4 FY5 (2017) FY5 (2017)
Indicator Name Core
Measure (2010) (2013) (2013) (2014) (2014) (2015) (2015) (2016) (2016) end target end actual

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

target actual target actual target actual target actual

Average Percentage Value 0.00 0.00 -19.57 5.00 -2.17 1.27 20.00
passenger travel
Date 31-Dec-2010 31-Dec- 31-Dec- 10-Nov- 9-Aug- 31-Dec-2017
time for large
13 14 15 16
buses reduced by
at least 20% on Comments
For 4 For 9 For 12
project roads No ongoing ongoing ongoing
(base year speed: available works works works
only only only
46 km/h)

Baseline FY1 FY1 FY2 FY2 FY3 FY3 FY4 FY4

Unit of FY5 (2017) FY5 (2017)
Indicator Name Core (2010) (2013) (2013) (2014) (2014) (2015) (2015) (2016) (2016)
Measure end target end actual
target actual target actual target actual target actual

Average Percentage Value 0.00 0.00 -17.50 5.00 -6.53 -1.25 20.00
passenger travel
Date 31-Dec-2010 31-Dec- 31-Dec- 10-Nov- 9-Aug- 31-Dec-2017
time for heavy
13 14 15 16
trucks reduced
by at least 20% Comments For 4 For 9 For 12
on project roads ongoing ongoing ongoing
(base year speed: works works works
only only only
40 km/h)
Intermediate Results Indicators

Baseline FY1 FY1 FY2 FY2 FY3 FY3 FY4 FY4

Unit of FY5 (2017) FY5 (2017)
Indicator Name Core (2010) (2013) (2013) (2014) (2014) (2015) (2015) (2016) (2016)
Measure end target end actual
target actual target actual target actual target actual

Value 0.00 0.00 0 3.00

Date 15-Dec- 15- 31-Dec-
Satisfactory 9-Aug-
2015 Dec- 2017
completion of 16
Number 2015
slope protection
designs Comments Study in
ing phase

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Number of km of Value 0.00 0.00 0 5 5.38 80 134.54 380 217 640.00

Date 31-Dec-2010 31-Dec- 10-Nov- 9-Aug- 31-Dec-
national roads in Dec-14
the project 13 15 16 2017
region as Comments
planned/ Roads Rev. Rev. Rev.
Rev. Target
rehabilitated, Target Target Target

Baseline FY1 FY1 FY2 FY2 FY3 FY3 FY4 FY4

Unit of FY5 (2017) FY5 (2017)
Indicator Name Core (2010) (2013) (2013) (2014) (2014) (2015) (2015) (2016) (2016)
Measure end target end actual
target actual target actual target actual target actual

Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 48.00 0.00 96.00 100 160.00
Number of Date 31-Dec-2010 31-Dec- 10-Nov- 9-Aug- 31-Dec-
meters of Meters 13 15 16 2017
improved bridges
Comments rehabilitated, Rev. Rev. Rev.
Rev. Target
Rural" Target Target Target

Baseline FY1 FY1 FY2 FY2 FY3 FY3 FY4 FY4

Unit of FY5 (2017) FY5 (2017)
Indicator Name Core (2010) (2013) (2013) (2014) (2014) (2015) (2015) (2016) (2016)
Measure end target end actual
target actual target actual target actual target actual

Satisfactory Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 16.00 60.00 16 100.00
completion of
Date 31-Dec-2010 31-Dec- 9-Aug- 31-Dec-2017
technical audits 0
Percentage 13 16
for all road
projects of Comments Rev. 0 out of Rev. 3 out of Rev. 3 out
component 1 Target 19 Target 19 Target of 19

Baseline FY1
Unit of (2010) (2013) FY5 (2017) FY5 (2017)
Indicator Name Core (2013) (2014) (2014) (2015) (2015) (2016) (2016)
Measure actual end target end actual
target target actual target actual target actual

Satisfactory Percentage Value 0.00 0.00 0 40 80 90 100 100 100 100.00

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

completion of Date 31-Dec-2010 31-Dec- 9-Aug- 31-Dec-2017

road safety 13 16
audits carried
out by CTC or
TLKJ for all road 16 out Rev. 19 out Rev. 19 out
projects of of 19 Target of 19 Target of 19
component 1

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix J


Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Appendix J Correspondence


Date From To Activity

December 1, Pokja Satker Team Leader CTC Undangan Pembukaan Dokumen

2016 Direktorat Penawaran untuk Pekerjaan
Pembangunan Jalan Technical Assistance for
Development of Slope
Stabilization, Design and
Management Western Indonesia
Road under WINRIP IBRD Loan
No. 8043-ID

December 2, Direktur Kepala BPJN III Penyampaian Surat Bank Dunia

2016 Pembangunan Jalan Padang terhadap Hasil Audit TFAC Paket
No. 11: Bantal – Mukomuko di
Provinsi Bengkulu; WINRIP IBRD
Loan No. 8043-ID

December 2, Direktur Kepala BBPJN II Penyampaian Surat Bank Dunia

2016 Pembangunan Jalan Medan tentang Hasil Evaluasi Usulan
Perubahan Kontrak Paket 05: Sp.
Rampa – Poriaha di Provinsi
Sumatera Utara; WINRIP IBRD
Loan No. 8043-ID

December 2, Direktur Direktur Penyampaian Persetujuan Bank

2016 Pengembangan Pembangunan Jalan Dunia terhadap Laporan
Jaringan Jalan Monitoring Pelaksanaan LARAP
Paket No. 17: Sp. Gn. Kemala –
Pg. Tampak di Provinsi Lampung
dan Paket No. 13: Sp. Rukis – Tj.
Kemuning di Provinsi Bengkulu;

December 2, Team Leader DSC SSE Package 20 Review Design of Direct Overlay
2016 WINRIP for WINRIP Packages

December 2, Team Leader DSC SSE Package 21 Review Design of Direct Overlay
2016 WINRIP for WINRIP Packages

December 2, Team Leader DSC All Site Supervision The Shape of Crushed
2016 WINRIP Engineers Aggregates

December 5, Direktur Direktur Preservasi Penyampaian Persetujuan Bank

2016 Pengembangan Jalan Dunia tentang Laporan
Jaringan Jalan Monitoring Pelaksanaan LARAP
Paket No. 05: Sp. Rampa –

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Date From To Activity

Poriaha di Provinsi Sumatera

Utara; WINRIP Loan IBRD 8043-

December 5, Direktur Direktur Preservasi Penyampaian Surat Keputusan

2016 Pengembangan Jalan Direktur Jenderal Bina Marga
Jaringan Jalan tentang Pembentukan Project
Management Unit (PMU) dan
Project Implementation Unit

December 6, Direktur Preservasi CTC WINRIP Undangan Pembahasan

2016 Jalan Finalisasi Fisik dan Keuangan
Paket 03 Manggopoh Padang
Sawah WINRIP IBRD Loan 8043-

December 6, Pokja Direktorat World Bank Minutes of Technical and

2016 Pembangunan Financial Proposal Opening of
Technical Assistance for
Development of Slope
Stabilization, Design and
Management, Western
Indonesia Roads, WINRIP IBRD
Loan No. 8043-ID

December 7, Direktur Preservasi CTC WINRIP Pembahasan Permasalahan dan

2016 Jalan Percepatan Pelaksanaan
Pekerjaan pada Paket WINRIP di
Provinsi Sumatera Utara

December 8, Direktur Direktur Jenderal Bina Penyampaian Hasil Evaluasi

2016 Pembangunan Jalan Marga Usulan Perubahan Kontrak Paket
17: Sp. Gunung Kemala – Pugung
Tampak (WINRIP IBRD 8043-ID)

December 8, Director of Road World Bank Submission Request Time

2016 Network Extension for the Draft Contract
Development Addendum No. 1 of Design
Supervision Consultant (DSC)

December 8, Direktur Jenderal Kepala BPJN V Persetujuan Perubahan Kontrak

2016 Bina Marga Palembang Paket 17: Sp. Gunung Kemala –
Pugung Tampak (WINRIP IBRD

December 8, Site Supervision PPK 06 Laporan Hasil Audit TFAC

2016 Engineer Package 13

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Date From To Activity

December 8, World Bank Director of Road Submission Request Time

2016 Network Extension for the Draft Contract
Development Addendum No. 1 of Design
Supervision Consultant (DSC)

December 8, World Bank Director of Road Transmission of Quality

2016 Network Inspection (TFAC) Report for
Development Package No. 7: Indrapura –
Tapan, West Sumatra Province

December 9, Kasubdit CTC WINRIP Undangan Sosialisasi Sistem

2016 Keterpaduan Monitoring Pinjaman dan Hibah
Perencanaan dan Luar Negeri (PHLN)
Sistem Jaringan

December 9, Director of Road World Bank Submission of Interim Financial

2016 Network Report (IFR) for July – September
Development 2016; WINRIP Loan IBRD 8043-ID

December 13, Direktur Preservasi Kepala BBPJN II Penyampaian Persetujuan Bank

2016 Jalan Medan Dunia terhadap Laporan
Monitoring Pelaksanaan LARAP
Paket No. 05: Sp. Rampa –
Poriaha di Provinsi Sumatera
Utara; WINRIP IBRD Loan No.

December 13, Direktur CTC WINRIP Undangan Rapat Koordinasi

2016 Pengembangan Bulanan WINRIP; Loan WINRIP
Jaringan Jalan 8043-ID

December 13, World Bank Director of Road Transmission of Quality

2016 Network Inspection (TFAC) Report for
Development Package No. 17: Simpang
Gunung Kemala – Pugung
Tampak, Lampung Province

December 13, Direktur Kepala BBPJN V Penyampaian Persetujuan Bank

2016 Pembangunan Jalan Palembang dan BPJN Dunia terhadap Laporan
III Padang Monitoring Pelaksanaan LARAP
Paket 17: Sp. Gunung Kemala –
Pg Tampak di Provinsi Lampung
dan Paket 13: Sp. Rukis – Tj
Kemuning di Provinsi Bengkulu;
WINRIP IBRD Loan No. 8043-ID

December 13, Direktur Kepala BBPJN II Penyampaian Persetujuan Bank

2016 Pembangunan Jalan Medan dan BPJN III Dunia tentang RKPPL Paket 08:
Padang Bts Kota Pariaman – Manggopoh
di Provinsi Sumatera Barat dan
Paket 15: Sibolga – Bts Tapsel di

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Date From To Activity

Provinsi Sumatera Utara; WINRIP

IBRD Loan No. 8043-ID

December 13, Direktur Kepala BPJN III Penyampaian Persetujuan Bank

2016 Pembangunan Jalan Padang Dunia terhadap Laporan
Monitoring Pelaksanaan LARAP
Paket No. 19: Lais – Bintunan di
Provinsi Bengkulu; WINRIP IBRD
Loan No. 8043-ID

December 14, Co Team Leader DSC GS 03 Perbaikan Temuan Audit TFAC

2016 pada Tanggal 14-15 Februari

December 14, Kasubdit CTC WINRIP Penyampaian Notulen Rapat

2016 Pemantauan dan Pembahasan Permasalahan dan
Evaluasi Direktorat Percepatan Pelaksanaan
Preservasi Jalan Pekerjaan pada Paket WINRIP di
Prov. Sumatera Utara

December 14, Kasubdit CTC WINRIP Penyampaian Notulen Rapat

2016 Pemantauan dan Pembahasan Finalisasi Fisik dan
Evaluasi Direktorat Keuangan Paket 03 Manggopoh
Preservasi Jalan – Padang Sawah WINRIP IBRD
Loan 8043-ID

December 14, Direktur Jenderal Bupati Tapanuli Permohonan Percepatan

2016 Bina Marga Tengah Pembebasan Tanah Ruas Jalan
Nasional Sibolga – Bts. Tapsel di
Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah,
Sumatera Utara

December 15, Direktur Direktur Preservasi Penyampaian Surat Bank Dunia

2016 Pengembangan Jalan tentang Laporan Hasil Audit
Jaringan Jalan TFAC untuk Paket No 17: Sp. Gn
Kemala – Pg. Tampak di Provinsi
Lampung; WINRIP Loan IBRD

December 15, Direktur Direktur Preservasi Penyampaian Persetujuan Bank

2016 Pengembangan Jalan Dunia untuk Usulan Kontrak
Jaringan Jalan Addendum No. 1 DSC WINRIP
terkait Perpanjangan Waktu
Loan IBRD 8043-ID

December 15, Direktur Direktur Preservasi Penyampaian Surat Bank Dunia

2016 Pengembangan Jalan tentang Laporan Hasil Audit
Jaringan Jalan TFAC untuk Paket No. 7:
Indrapura – Tapan di Provinsi
Sumatera Barat; WINRIP Loan

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Date From To Activity

IBRD 8043-ID

December 19, BBPJN II Medan Direktur Preservasi Penyampaian Amandemen 02

2016 Jalan pada Paket 05: Sp. Rampa –
Poriaha; WINRIP IBRD Loan No.

December 20, Team Leader DSC GS 21 Submission of Construction

2016 WINRIP Execution Sequence and Traffic
Management Plan

December 20, Team Leader DSC GS 20 Submission of Construction

2016 WINRIP Execution Sequence and Traffic
Management Plan

December 20, Team Leader DSC GS 02 Noted Defects on Air Gadang

2016 WINRIP Bridge Second Approach

December 20, Team Leader DSC GS 01 Land Slide and Road Settlement

December 21, Kepala BPJN III Kepala BPKP Permohonan Verifikasi terhadap
2016 Padang Perwakilan Sumatera Penambahan Nilai Kontrak
Barat Pekerjaan WINRIP Paket 03
(Pelebaran Jalan Manggopoh –
Padang Sawah)

December 22, Direktur Direktur Preservasi Penyampaian Surat Bank Dunia

2016 Pengembangan Jalan tentang RKPPL (April –
Jaringan Jalan September 2016) untuk Paket
No. 05 dan 15 di Provinsi
Sumatera Utara, Paket No. 06,
11, 19 dan 13 di Bengkulu serta
Paket 17 di Lampung dan
laporan Pelaksanaan Sosialisasi
HIV/AIDS dan K3 Paket No. 08 di
Provinsi Sumatera Barat; WINRIP
Loan IBRD 8043-ID

December 23, Direktur Preservasi Kepala BPJN III Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan Fisik
2016 Jalan Padang pada Paket 20: Lubuk Alung –
Sicincin di Provinsi Sumatera
Barat; WINRIP Loan IBRD No

December 23, Direktur Preservasi Kepala BPJN III Realisasi Pelaksanaan Kontrak
2016 Jalan Padang Addendum No. 01 DSC WINRIP;
WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

December 23, Direktur Preservasi Kepala BPJN III Pekerjaan Tambah Drainase
2016 Jalan Padang pada Paket No. 06: Pasar Pedati
– Kerkap di Provinsi Bengkulu;

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Date From To Activity

WINRIP Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID

December 23, Direktur Preservasi Kepala BBPJN II Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan Fisik

2016 Jalan Medan pada Paket No. 05 Sp. Rampa –
Poriaha di Provinsi Sumatera
Utara; WINRIP Loan IBRD No.

December 23, Direktur Preservasi Kepala BBPJN II Penyampaian Surat Bank Dunia
2016 Jalan Medan dan BPJN III tentang Tindak Lanjut Audit
Padang TFAC Paket No. 06: Kerkap – Ps.
Pedati dan Paket No. 19: Lais –
Bintunan di Provinsi Bengkulu;
WINRIP IBRD Loan No. 8043-ID

December 23, Direktur Preservasi Kepala BPJN III Penyampaian Surat Bank Dunia
2016 Jalan Padang tentang Laporan Hasil Audit
TFAC Paket No. 07: Indrapura –
Tapan di Provinsi Sumatera
Barat; WINRIP IBRD Loan No.

December 23, Direktur Pokja Direktorat Penyampaian Surat Bank Dunia

2016 Pembangunan Jalan Pembangunan Jalan tentang Request for Proposal
ULP Pusat 2 (RFP) Final dan Jadwal yang telah
direvisi untuk Technical
Assistance for Development of
Slope Stabilization, Design and
Management; WINRIP IBRD Loan
No. 8043-ID

December 23, Direktur Preservasi Kepala BPJN III Penyampaian Persetujuan Bank
2016 Jalan Padang Dunia untuk Usulan Kontrak
Addendum No. 1 DSC WINRIP
terkait Perpanjangan Waktu
IBRD Loan No. 8043-ID

December 23, Direktur Preservasi Kepala BBPJN V Penyampaian Surat Bank Dunia
2016 Jalan Palembang tentang Laporan Hasil Audit
TFAC Paket No. 17: Sp. Gn.
Kemala – Pg. Tampak di Provinsi
Lampung; WINRIP IBRD Loan No.

December 23, Team Leader DSC Team Leader CTC DSC Monthly Progress Report
2016 WINRIP WINRIP and Site Supervision Engineers
Monthly Project Report

December 27, Team Leader DSC Team Leader CTC Contractor’s Performance
Package No. 13 and Package No.

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Date From To Activity


December 27, Plh Direktur Sekditjen Bina Marga Permohonan Bantuan

2016 Pengembangan Narasumber untuk
Jaringan Jalan Pemutakhiran Project
Management manual (PMM)
Western Indonesia National
Roads Improvement Project
(WINRIP) IBRD Loan No. 8043-ID

Report Submission
Date From To Activity

December 8, 2016 Site Supervision PPK 06 Laporan Hasil Audit TFAC

Engineer Package 13

December 8, 2016 World Bank Director of Road Transmission of Quality

Network Inspection (TFAC) Report for
Development Package No. 7: Indrapura –
Tapan, West Sumatra Province

December 9, 2016 Director of Road World Bank Submission of Interim Financial

Network Report (IFR) for July – September
Development 2016; WINRIP Loan IBRD 8043-ID

December 13, World Bank Director of Road Transmission of Quality

2016 Network Inspection (TFAC) Report for
Development Package No. 17: Simpang Gunung
Kemala – Pugung Tampak,
Lampung Province

Date From To Activity

December 1, 2016 Pokja Satker Team Leader CTC Undangan Pembukaan Dokumen
Direktorat Penawaran untuk Pekerjaan
Pembangunan Jalan Technical Assistance for
Development of Slope
Stabilization, Design and
Management Western Indonesia
Road under WINRIP IBRD Loan
No. 8043-ID

December 6, 2016 Direktur Preservasi CTC WINRIP Undangan Pembahasan Finalisasi

Jalan Fisik dan Keuangan Paket 03
Manggopoh Padang Sawah

December 9, 2016 Kasubdit CTC WINRIP Undangan Sosialisasi Sistem

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Date From To Activity

Keterpaduan Monitoring Pinjaman dan Hibah

Perencanaan dan Luar Negeri (PHLN)
Sistem Jaringan

December 13, Direktur CTC WINRIP Undangan Rapat Koordinasi

2016 Pengembangan Bulanan WINRIP; Loan WINRIP
Jaringan Jalan 8043-ID

December 17,

December 28,

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Outgoing Letter

Date From To Activity

December 2, 2016 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Submission Draft of Explanatory
Note of Proposal of
Amendment No.3 Project Loan
Agreement, WINRIP Loan IBRD
December 2, 2016 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Submission of Interim Financial
Report (IFR) WINRIP Period of
July – September 2016
December 6, 2016 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Annual leave proposal of Julius
J.Sohilait, CTC Co Team Leader
December 6, 2016 CTC WINRIP DSC WINRIP Review Design and
Implementation of Package #15
December 15, CTC WINRIP Director of Road Submission of LARAP
2016 Preservation, DGH Implementation Monitoring
Report for Package No. 08: Bts.
Pariaman – Manggopoh in West
Sumatera Province; WINRIP
Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID
December 19, CTC WINRIP DSC WINRIP DSC Monthly Progress Report
2016 and Site Supervision Engineer’s
(SSE) Monthly Project Report
December 19, CTC WINRIP DSC WINRIP Follow Up Action for Road
2016 Settlement (Land Slide) in
Package No. 01: Krui – Biha, Sta
December 9, 2016 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Submission Report of Road
Safety Audit at PHO Stage for
Package No. 06: Kerkap – Pasar
Pedati; WINRIP
December 21, CTC WINRIP DSC WINRIP Contractors Performance of
2016 Package No.13 and Package
No.15 at the end of December
December 21, CTC WINRIP DSC WINRIP Noted Defects on Air Gadang
2016 Bridge; WINRIP
December 21, CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Duty Trip Report of Team
2016 Leader CTC WINRIP
December 21, CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Submission of HIV/AIDS
2016 Socialization Implementation
Report for Package No. 14:
Painan – Kambang; WINRIP
IBRD Loan 8043-ID
December 21, CTC WINRIP DSC WINRIP Contract Amendment Package
2016 No. 05: Sp. Rampa – Poriaha on
North Sumatera Province;

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Date From To Activity

December 23, CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Submission Report of Road
2016 Safety Audit at Construction
Stage for Package No. 07:
Indrapura – Tapan; WINRIP
December 23, CTC WINRIP Director of Road Submission of LARAP
2016 Preservation, DGH Implementation Monitoring
Report for Package No. 21:
Lubuk Alung – Kuraitaji in West
Sumatera Province; WINRIP
No. 8043-ID
December 28, CTC WINRIP Team Leader of DSC Provisional Hand-Over Package
2016 WINRIP No. 06: Pasar Pedati – Kerkap;

December 29, CTC WINRIP Team Leader of DSC Civil Works Progress Ending
2016 WINRIP December, 2016
December 29, CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Review of Technical Evaluation
2016 Report of Consultant Selection
for Technical Assistance of
Development of Slope
Stabilization, Design and
Management; WINRIP

Report Submission

Date From To Activity

December 2, 2016 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Submission of Interim Financial
Report (IFR) WINRIP Period of
July – September 2016
December 15, 2016 CTC WINRIP Director of Road Submission of LARAP
Preservation, DGH Implementation Monitoring
Report for Package No. 08: Bts.
Pariaman – Manggopoh in West
Sumatera Province; WINRIP
Loan IBRD No. 8043-ID
December 9, 2016 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Submission Report of Road
Safety Audit at PHO Stage for
Package No. 06: Kerkap – Pasar
Pedati; WINRIP
December 21, 2016 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Duty Trip Report of Team
December 21, 2016 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Submission of HIV/AIDS
Socialization Implementation
Report for Package No. 14:
Painan – Kambang; WINRIP
IBRD Loan 8043-ID
December 23, 2016 CTC WINRIP OIC PMU WINRIP Submission Report of Road

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

Monthly Progress Report December 2016

Date From To Activity

Safety Audit at Construction
Stage for Package No. 07:
Indrapura – Tapan; WINRIP
December 23, 2016 CTC WINRIP Director of Road Submission of LARAP
Preservation, DGH Implementation Monitoring
Report for Package No. 21:
Lubuk Alung – Kuraitaji in West
Sumatera Province; WINRIP
No. 8043-ID


Date From To Activity

- - - -
- - - -

Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project

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