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SEM I 2015/2016

MATRIX NO.:______________________________
SECTION NO.:_____________________________
PROGRAM CODE:__________________________


These sections should be in your lab reports:

1. Title
A title should indicate the lab work that you have done.

2. Abstract
An abstract is a summarization of your written lab report. The summary must be written in a
concise paragraph about 150 words. This abstract often includes the purposes of your
experiment, the brief theory, and your result of experiment and also the conclusion.

3. Introduction
The introduction is more narrowly focused than the abstract. Usually a good introduction should
have an objective of the experiment, theory and important formula that related to the experiment.

4. Equipment
You need to list out all the equipments or materials used in your experiment, including the
quantity of each.

5. Procedure
This section describes each step in your experiment in details. Your procedure should be written
in chronological order by listing step by step. A diagram showing the experiment apparatus
should be drawn.

6. Results and Data Analysis

Results and data analysis should be cover table, calculations and plotted graphs. The tables
should have a descriptive title i.e. Table 1: The time taken of pendulum. Each parameters must
have symbols and units.
All calculations must be neatly presented with a subheading that describe the purposes of
calculations and write the results in SI unit. Graph should include a title, axis label including
symbols and units for of data being plotted.

7. Discussion
The discussion should have answer the questions posed in your laboratory manual. Explain and
compare your results to trends described in the background theory. Discussion on your result
should also consider the possible reason for discrepancies (sources of error), precautions
consideration and suggestions regarding any possible changes needed in the design of the

8. Conclusion
Conclusion is a clear and short statement as a result of your experiment that includes its
percentage of error.

9. Reference
The references include your lab manual and any outside reading that you have done. Minimum
number of references that you should have is three with at least two citations from books or
journals. List your references by alphabetical name of the author i.e. Giancoli, D. C. Physics for
Scientist and Engineers: with Modern Physics. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009

10. Appendix
Your data sheet from the laboratory manual must be attached together as an appendix in your


1. Use past tenses when writing your report since the experiment is already finish.
2. Use present tenses when writing about the theory, equipment or other things that still exist.


General Laboratory Safety

1. Conduct yourself in a responsible manner during the laboratory sessions.

2. Do not touch any equipment or other materials in the laboratory room until you are asked to
do so.
3. Do not eat food, drink beverages or chew gum in the laboratory.
4. Prepare yourself by read lab manual before you are coming for the laboratory sessions.
5. Dress properly during a laboratory session. You are compulsory to wear shoes which it
completely cover your foot. No sandals allowed.
6. Ask the lab instructor if you have a problem to use equipment.

Report Submission

1. Your lab report must be written in handwriting. Any typing form is not allowed.
2. You are supposed to work in groups of three or four members which will be arranged at the
beginning of your class.
3. Your report must be your own group work; any misconduct will not be tolerated.
4. Please submit only a copy of report per group. Please use the cover report provided as in
5. The due date of submission for each report is depend on your instructor.

TITLE: Free Fall Motion


If a body of mass m is accelerated from the state of rest in a constant gravitational field (gravitational
force, mg it performs a linear motion. By applying the coordinate system in a way that the x axis
indicates the direction of motion and solving the corresponding one- dimensional equation of motion,
d 2  h
We get: m  mg
dt 2
We obtain, for the initial conditions h  0   0
dh  0 
the coordinate h as a function of time (see Figure 1):
1 2
h t   gt (1)
The height is directly proportional to the square of time.
This can be displayed by a representation of h(t2) as shown in Figure 2.

From the regression line of the data, we can calculate the gravitational acceleration because the slope is
equal to 1/2 g according to equation (1).

Figure 1: Height of fall as a function of falling

time Figure 2: Height of fall as a function of square
of falling time


1. To study the motion of an object in free fall and determine the functional relationship
between height of fall and time of fall, h = h (t).

2. To calculate the value of acceleration due to gravity, g


1. Release holder 7. Cursor (1 pair)

2. Plug point 8. Metal stick, 1 m

3. Digital counter 9. Steel ball, 19 mm diameter

4. Support base 10. Support rod

5. Right angle clamp 11. Connecting wires

6. Plate holder


1. Set up the equipments as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Experimental set-up

2. Then, set up the digital counter for display, function and trigger in options of ms, timer
and respectively.

3. Grip the steel ball at the release holder before the digital counter is switch on.

4. Lift the plate holder 10 mm above, this condition will be your reference for initial
position for each following measurements.

5. Release the steel ball and record the reading.

6. Press the reset button of digital counter and repeat the experiment twice.

7. Record time elapsed for 10 different displacements.

8. Plot the graph height versus the square of time, t 2.

9. Determine the magnitude of the gravity based on your plotted graph.

10. Comment about your graph and make a comparison between the value of the gravity that
you get with the actual value. (Report this in your discussion)


yo = ___________ Unit : _____________

Time elapsed, t
Displacement, y
Unit :
Unit :
Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3

TITLE: Projectile Motion


If a body of mass m moves in a constant gravitational field (gravitational force mg), the motion lies in a
If the coordinate system is laid in this plane (x, y plane – see figure 1) and the equation of motion:
m 2 r  t   mg
r   x, y  ; g :  0,  g 

is solved, then, with the initial conditions

r  0  0
v  0    v cos  , v sin  

we obtain the coordinates as a function of time t:

x  t   v cos  t
g 2
y  t   v sin  t  t
From this, the maximum height of projection h is obtained as
a function of the angle of projection :
v 2
h sin 2 
and the maximum range s is:
v 2
s sin 2

Figure 1: Movement of a mass point under the effect of

gravitational force.


1. To determine the range as a function of the angle of inclination.

2. To determine the maximum height of projection as a function of the angle of inclination.

3. To determine the maximum range as a function of the initial velocity.


1. Ballistic pendulum 5. Metal stick, 1 m

2. Recording paper 6. Steel ball, 19 mm diameter

3. Two tier platform support 7. Speed measuring attachment

4. Barrel base 8. Connecting wires


Figure 2: Experimental set-up

1. Set up the equipments as shown in Figure 2.

2. Put the steel ball in the stage 1 of firing spring, where the angle scale reads 0o.

3. Release the trigger of the firing spring and record the initial velocity of the ball. At the
same time, measure the range and the height of the released steel ball. Repeat your

4. Repeat the procedure above for different angles with inclination 15 0 until it reach
maximum angle, 900.

5. Then, repeat procedures 2 to 4 for stage 2 and stage 3 of firing spring.

6. From your data, plot the graphs of

a) range of the projectile as a function of the angle.

b) height as a function of the angle.

c) range as function of the initial velocity.

7. State the angle of the firing ball when the range is a maximum. Give your justification
between your value and the theoretical value. (State this in your discussion).

8. Discuss the relationship between height of projection and inclination angle. (State this in
your discussion).

9. What is the relationship between range and initial velocity? (State this in your

10. Explain the possibility changes on angle (θ) , range (R) and height (h) when we use a
different mass of steel ball. (State this in your discussion).


Initial velocity, vo Angle, θ Range, R Height, h

Unit : Unit : Unit : Unit :
Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

TITLE: Work Done by Varying Forces


When forces act on a solid body, the resulting deformation (translation and rotation movements are
suppressed in the following) depends to a large extent on the material as well as on the size and on the
direction along which the exterior forces act. When the solid body regains its original shape after the
exterior force stops acting, that is, the interior restoring forces of the material can bring the solid body
back to its original equilibrium position, the material is called elastic.

A helical spring is a very simple example of an elastic body. In addition, if deviations l from the
equilibrium position l of the helical spring are not very large, the restoring force FR of the spring is
found to be proportional to its elongation (or to its compression) l :

FR   Dl (1)

This is Hooke’s law or the linear law of forces, where the proportionality constant D, which is a general
magnitude of reference, is called the spring constant in the case of a helical spring. If an exterior force
acts on the spring, such as the weight Fw  mg of a mass (g = 9.81 m/s2: acceleration of terrestrial
gravity) in this experiment, a new stable equilibrium is reached for the length of the spring l1 , for which
the weight mass m is equal to the restoring force of the spring:

FR  Dl  mg  Fw (2)

The elongation of the helical spring is therefore proportional to the forces Fw exerted by the weights:

l  Fw (3)


1. To determine the spring constants of helical spring.


1. Tripod base 4. Barrel base

2. Weight holder 5. Right angle clamp

3. Slotted weights (10 g and 50 g) 6. Thread

7. Holding pin 9. Support rod

8. Metal stick, 1 m


Figure 1: Experimental set-up Figure 2: Measurement of the elongation of the helical


1. Set up the equipments as shown in Figure 1.

2. Measure and record the position of xo at the end of the spring without any slotted weight.

3. Then, load the 10 g slotted weight on the helical spring using the weight holder. Record
the spring elongation, ∆ l = │xi – xo│. Repeat the measurement twice and record it.

4. Increase the slotted weight in steps of 10 g until a maximum load of 200 g.

5. Repeat procedure 3 and 4 for another helical spring.

6. Plot the graph weight, Fw against the elongation, ∆ l for helical springs.

7. From the graph, determine the spring constants for both helical springs.

8. Comment about your graph and make a comparison between the values of the constant
that you get with the actual value. (Report this in your discussion)

9. Explain whether the helical spring follow the Hooke’s Law.


yo = ___________ Unit : _____________

Elongation, ∆ l
Mass,m Unit :
Unit : Spring 1 Spring 2
Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3

TITLE: Moment


The equilibrium conditions for a rigid body, on which forces Fi act at point ri ; are:

F  Fi  0
T  ri  Fi  0
T is the moment, or torque.

The origin of the coordinates, with reference to which the moments are defined, can be selected free in the
equilibrium state.

In the present case, one obtains

r1  F1  r2  F2

and for the magnitudes

T  r1F1  r2 F2 sin  (1)

See figure 1.

Figure 1: Compensating moments


1. To determine moment as a function of the distance between the origin of the coordinates
and the point of action of the force.

2. To determine moment as a function of the angle between the force and the position vector
to the point of action of the force.

3. To determine moment as a function of the force.


1. Moment disk 7. Weight holder

2. Spring balances 8. Metal stick, 15 cm

3. Tripod base 9. Slotted weight

4. Support base 10. Fish thread

5. Right angle clamp 11. Barrel base

6. Bolt with pins


Figure 1: Experimental set-up

1. Set up the equipment as shown in figure 1.

2. For each task please refer to the figure 2 as your reference.

Task 1 (Investigating moment as a function of the distance)

(i) The weight holder with a slotted weight of 0.05 kg is hanging at the end of moment disk.
The position of a spring balance is fix at r1 = 0.12 m from the pivot point.

(ii) Adjust the spring balance so that the angle between the horizontal line of moment disk
and weight holder is π/2.

(iii) Record the reading of spring balance. Repeat the measurement twice.

(iv) Vary the distance r2 value from the end of moment disk. (You need to repeat procedure
(ii) and (iii)).

Task 2 (Investigating moment as a function of the angle)

(i) The position of spring balance and weight holder are fix at r1 = r2 = 0.09 m. The weight
holder with the slotted weight is fixed at 0.05 kg.

(ii) The spring balance is set at 15o and records its reading. Make sure the angle weight
between holder and the horizontal line of moment disk is π/2.

(iii) Repeat the measurement twice.

(iv) Procedure (iii) and (iv) are repeat by varying the angle with inclination of 15 o.

Task 3 (Investigating moment as a function of the force)

(i) The position of spring balance is fixed at r1 = 0.06 m and the position of weight holder is
fixed at r2 = 0.09 m.

(ii) Put the slotted of mass 0.01 kg at the weight holder. Record the reading of spring
balance, make sure the angle between weight holder and the horizontal line of moment
disk is π/2.

(iii) Repeat the measurement twice.

(iv) Procedure (iii) is repeat by varying the mass of slotted weigh, up to maximum of 0.10 kg.

3. Plot the following graphs.

a) Moments, T (N/m) against distance, r2 (cm)

b) Moments, T (N/m) against sin θ (◦)

c) Moments, T (N/m) against mass, m (g)

Comment all the above graphs.


Task 1

Force, F
Distance, r2
Unit :
Unit :
Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3

Task 2

Force, F
Angle, θ
Unit :
Unit :
Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3

Task 3

Force, F
Mass, m
Unit :
Unit :
Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3


EXPERIMENT : ..................................................................................................................
DATE OF EXPERIMENT : ...................................................................................................................
DATE OF SUBMISSION : ...................................................................................................................
LAB INSTRUCTOR : ..................................................................................................................
PREPARED FOR : ...................................................................................................................


Item Marks
Abstract /10
Introduction /5
Equipment / Material /5
Procedure /10
Result & Data Analysis /25
Discussion /30
Conclusion /5
Reference /5
Appendix /5

** By signing above, you attest that you have contributed to this written lab report and confirm that all
the work contained in this lab report is your group’s own work.


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