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Be er than a Google search!

If you are looking for companies that meet a set of
criteria based on their performance, then you need
ProwessIQ, not a Google search. Not even Google
ProwessIQ is an interac ve querying system that runs on
the Prowess database. The Prowess database contains
financial performance data of over 48,000 Indian
companies. It contains data from 1989.
In ProwessIQ you can conduct a search to find all non-
government companies with a market capitalisa on of
over Rs.1,000 million, a PE ra o between 5 and 10, a
dividend yield of over 2 per cent and a debt:equity ra o
of less than 1. Prowess will find all companies that meet
such a set of condi ons and display their names with
values of all the variables stated in the condi ons. This is
just an example, of course.
Ar cula ng a query completely or unambiguously is o en
a challenge while searching for companies. The
ProwessIQ user interface helps the user in ar cula ng the
requirements completely and unambiguously.
Reap the benefits of interac ve querying with ProwessIQ.

Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd.

ProwessIQ is a query-able database of over 48,000 Indian
The Prowess database includes all companies traded on
the Na onal Stock Exchange and the Bombay Stock
Exchange, thousands of unlisted public limited companies
and hundreds of private limited companies.
ProwessIQ The database is built from Annual Reports, quarterly
financial statements, Stock Exchange feeds and other
for Interactive Querying
reliable sources.
of the Prowess Database
There are over 3,500 data-fields per company in the
Prowess database. The database is standardised to
enable inter-company and temporal comparisons.
ProwessIQ provides me-series data from 1989.
Prowess is most useful in applica ons where we need to
find companies that sa sfy a set of condi ons. ProwessIQ
is designed to facilitate the clear ar cula on of the
condi ons of a search and the delivery of a well-
forma ed output of the consequent results.
There are 61 different Query Triggers in ProwessIQ. Each
is designed to facilitate the querying of a dis nct part of
the database. Results of each of the Query Triggers can
be easily combined with those of others. Querying can
therefore be an itera ve process to discover the
companies that best meet the criteria ar culated by you.
This itera ve process of querying is the power of
The full suite of Query Triggers is sophis cated, replete
with specially developed func ons to facilitate easy as
well as some intense querying.

Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd.

Coverage of Companies
Manufacturing Mining Electricity Services Construc on, Financial Total
(other than real estate services Companies
financial) & irriga on
1988-89 1,772 25 9 175 43 30 2,054
1989-90 1,687 23 15 184 42 52 2,003
1990-91 2,158 24 19 237 48 138 2,624
1991-92 2,449 35 17 298 61 209 3,069
1992-93 2,962 39 18 433 92 349 3,893
1993-94 3,736 51 24 683 121 600 5,215
1994-95 4,423 57 28 987 159 1,132 6,786
1995-96 4,472 72 39 1,114 180 1,395 7,272
1996-97 4,281 73 42 1,062 174 1,450 7,082
1997-98 4,372 72 47 1,224 208 1,562 7,485
1998-99 4,857 76 62 1,573 246 1,666 8,480
1999-00 5,040 74 64 1,781 262 1,634 8,855
2000-01 5,031 74 67 2,049 301 1,717 9,239
2001-02 5,270 79 91 2,435 342 2,177 10,394
2002-03 6,358 106 130 3,459 479 3,171 13,703
2003-04 6,894 121 162 4,251 590 3,943 15,961
2004-05 7,914 142 227 5,035 769 4,651 18,738
2005-06 8,386 149 291 5,560 1,025 5,112 20,523
2006-07 8,738 160 346 5,887 1,338 5,454 21,923
2007-08 9,120 191 422 6,456 1,705 5,825 23,719
2008-09 9,756 198 489 7,160 2,020 6,316 25,939
2009-10 9,861 195 505 7,520 2,151 6,461 26,693
2010-11 9,666 196 530 7,881 2,111 6,125 26,509
2011-12 9,776 189 579 8,333 2,165 5,636 26,678
2012-13 9,356 182 598 8,262 2,050 4,795 25,243
2013-14 9,542 165 618 8,808 2,210 4,763 26,106
2014-15 8,767 143 541 8,940 2,208 3,922 24,521
2015-16 7,841 126 554 8,218 2,003 3,589 22,331
2016-17 5,471 101 401 5,595 1,401 2,902 15,871
2017-18 763 11 16 388 70 431 1,679
Unique Companies 22,239 417 1,211 20,517 5,363 13,639 49,007
Total Observa ons 180,719 3,149 6,951 115,988 26,574 87,207 420,588
of financial statements
Updated on: 10 Sep 2018 3:46AM

Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd.

Query Triggers
Each of the 61 Query Triggers listed below is a sophis cated interface
in ProwessIQ to deliver power in the hands of the end-user
Companies and Sets Stocks Prices and Capital Changes
1 Select Company by Name 35 Stock Prices & Ra os : Query
2 Select Companies in Pre-defined Sets 36 Stock Prices & Ra os : Advanced Query
3 Execute User Batches 37 Bulk & Block Deals
Company Address and Iden ty Indicators 38 Dividend Declara ons
4 Address 39 Query on Index Cons tuents
5 Year of Incorpora on 40 Query on Changes in Index Cons tuents
6 Iden ty Indicators 41 Query on Index Cons tuents Data
Ownership Structure and Governance Indicators 42 Changes in Capital
7 Query on Ownership Business Segments and Products
8 Query on Changes In Ownership 43 Loca on of Plants
9 Equity Ownership : Query 44 Main Product / Service Group
10 Equity Ownership : Advanced Query 45 Products Produced/ Traded : Structured Query
11 Equity Holding of Promoters & Major Investors 46 Products Produced/ Traded : Query on Name
12 Name of Director /Manager 47 Raw Material Consumed : Structured Query
13 Query by Director Designa on Category 48 Raw Material Consumed : Query on Name
14 Query by Designa on 49 Structured Search on
Products Produced/Traded Groups
15 Commi ee Name and Designa on
50 Structured Search on
16 Banker
Raw Material Consumed Groups
17 Auditor
51 Business Segments : Annual Financials
18 Auditor Partner
52 Business Segments : Interim Quarterly
19 Registrar
53 Business Segments : Interim Annual
20 Subsidiaries : All subsidiaries
54 Energy Consump on
21 Subsidiaries : Subsidiaries which are Prowess Cos.
55 Product-wise Energy Consump on
22 Board Mee ngs
CapEx and M&A
23 Related Party Transac ons : Query
56 Capital Expenditure Projects
24 Related Party Transac ons : Advanced Query
57 Mergers & Acquisi ons
25 Related party Sum of Transac ons : Query
26 Related party Sum of Transac ons : Advanced Query
58 Addi ons & Upda ons
Financial Statements
Indices and Index Numbers
27 Annual Financial Statements : Query
59 Select Indices by Name
28 Annual Financial Statements : Advanced Query
60 Index Numbers : Query
29 Interim Financial Statements Query : Standalone
61 Index Numbers : Advanced Query
30 Interim Financial Statements Query : Consolidated
31 Interim Financial Statements : Advanced
32 RBI Approval of ECB
33 Industry-wise Exposure of Banks
34 Schedule of Investments

Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd.

Query on Financial Statements

Specify condi ons on

selected indicators


Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd.

Annualisa on toggle

Select product/s
and/or services Enter

Mul ple output formats

Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd.

Query on Business Segments
Mul ple variants
of a report

Upto 60 periods
of data at one go

Navigate Trace back

between values to source


Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd.

Select the year and
progress to various
levels of expression
Report Viewer
Solu ons using Insights into Economic databases,
Company databases Household Well-being analysis & forecasts

First Source People of Indiadx Economic Outlook

A database of companies for Record level demographics data Macro-economic forecasts, insights
business development of Indian households & copious me-series data

ProwessIQ Composi on of Incomesdx States of India

Prowess for Interac ve Querying Record level detailed income data Comprehensive compila on of
of an informa on-rich database for Indian households states & districts data and news

PACE Household Income & Expensesdx Industry Outlook

Prowess Applica on for Record level income & expenses data 197 industries with data,
Credit Evalua on of Indian households insights & forecasts

Prowess TraX Household Expenses Detailsdx Commodi es

Prowess Applica on for Record level data of detailed Comprehensive commodity prices
TRAnsfer Pricing TaXa on consump on expenses of Indian & market intelligence
Prowessdx Tradedx
Prowess data extrac on Household Ameni es, Assets A detailed database of India's
applica on for academia & Liabili esdx foreign trade
Record level data for assets,
PraXis ameni es, investments and
Prowess for learning ra o analysis borrowings of Indian households
CapEx Unemploymentdx
Tracking the crea on of Record level data of unemployment
new capaci es and employment statuses in Indian
CapEx data extrac on Consumer Sen mentsdx
applica on for academia Record level data for consumer
sen ments of Indian households

Mission : Help our clients take informed decisions

Vision : Be the most effective source of economic information & knowledge solutions
Values : Independence, Integrity, Reliability

since 1976

Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd.

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