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 Question 1

45 seconds

They weren’t on the hook by the phone and they weren’t in her purse. Alison checked the pockets of the jacket
she’d worn the day before, but they weren’t there either. She looked at her watch and realized she would be
late for work if she didn’t leave soon..
What is Alison looking for?
answer choices

Her Keys

Her Car
Her Cat

Her Smoothie

 Question 2

300 seconds

Q. Sometimes we have to “read between the lines.” Authors don’t always tell us everything. We need to use
textual evidence and prior knowledge to understand the text better.
answer choices


 Question 3

900 seconds

Q. Many breeds of dogs are used for work. In many cultures dogs are used to herd sheep. The dogs keep the
flock from being attacked by animals such as wolves. They also keep sheep from wandering off. Sheepdogs
are known for their loyalty and gentleness. Based on your reading of the text, you can INFER that:
answer choices

Sheepdogs are not very smart dogs.

Sheepdogs are gentle and loyal.

There are many breeds of dogs.

Wolves are afraid of sheepdogs.

 Question 4
900 seconds

Q. Macey's mom noticed that she was squinting as she read her book, which was only a few inches away from
her face. She scheduled a doctor's appointment for the next week, and when the doctor said Macey needed
glasses, she tried on every single pair in the office. After spending an hour looking at glasses, mom suggested
that perhaps she should sleep on it and come back and decide in the morning. Macey agreed, but she kept
talking about the pros and cons of each pair all night long.
What can you infer about Macey?
answer choices

Macey is mad at her mother.

Macey does not want glasses.

Macey is very excited about getting glasses.

Macey has trouble making decisions.

 Question 5

900 seconds

Q. As the teacher lectured the class about how important it was to pay attention, Brian found himself staring
out the window again. Suddenly, a little boy came up to the window and peeked in. The boy blew a bubble
with his gum and it exploded all over his face and the window. Brian began laughing so hard he fell out of his
seat. The rest of the class silently stared at him as the teacher walked to his desk.
What can you infer about how the teacher will react?
answer choices

She will ignore him and pretend she doesn't see.

She will laugh at him because he's on the ground.

She will help him up and give him a piece of gum.

She will scold Brian for not paying attention in class.

 Question 6

60 seconds

Q. Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch. Alice would have a fit
if the boots made it so far as the welcome mat. He then took off his dusty overalls and threw them into a
plastic garbage bag; Alice left a new garbage bag tied to the porch railing for him every morning. On his way
in the house, he dropped the garbage bag off at the washing machine and went straight up the stairs to the
shower as he was instructed. He would eat dinner with her after he was "presentable," as Alice had often
What type of relationship do Paul and Alice have?
answer choices

They are brother and sister

They are neighbors

They are colleagues

They are husband and wife

 Question 7

30 seconds

Q. In real life, people who can back up an opinion about a text with Textual Evidence are taken more seriously
than people who can only give a reason of “just because".
answer choices


 Question 8

30 seconds

Q. What is an inference?
answer choices

An inference is something that you think is true based on information that you have.

An inference is directly written in the text

 Question 9

300 seconds

Q. To make an inference, we use evidence from the text, and our prior knowledge.
answer choices


 Question 10

180 seconds

Q. When reading literature, it is important to cite text evidence to support your analysis of the most important
details and events of a story. In addition to citing text evidence to answer comprehension questions, you can
also use text evidence to make inferences.
answer choices


 Question 11

30 seconds

Q. Inferring uses these skills?

• making an assumption based on subtle verbal and nonverbal clues
• judging or concluding that something is true
• analyzing facts and coming to a logical outcome based on
the evidence
• drawing conclusions (reading between the lines)
• realizing “Oh, now I get it!”
answer choices



 Question 12

30 seconds

Q. Joshua went into the backyard to play on the swing set. His new puppy, Rascal,ran beside him. As Joshua
was running toward the play area, he twisted his ankle.The accident caused him a lot of pain. Joshua’s dad was
always doing yard work and making sure that the grass was perfectly cut and the ground was even.Certainly,
he would have noticed that hole and filled it up. Neither Joshua nor his father could figure out how that hole
appeared.Who or what do you think caused the hole?
answer choices


The Father

 Question 13

30 seconds

Q. Rosario was enjoying her vacation in the California sun. She was lying on araft in the ocean. This was
perfect, Rosario thought. There was no noise—no childrenscreaming, no horns honking—and there were no
papers to grade. All she couldhear was the crashing of the waves onto the beach. Rosario sighed and
lookedaround her at the beauty of the ocean. Then she saw something long and graycoming toward her on an
approaching wave. She thought, “This could only be onething!” and started yelling for help. She paddled back
to shore as quickly as she could.She made it to the shore in one piece , but she realized that many people were
laughing at her.
We can infer that the "thing" was not a...
answer choices


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 Question 1

30 seconds

Q. Grandpa sees that his chocolate cake is all gone. Brad has crumbs on his mouth. What do you
think happened?
answer choices

Brad baked his own cake.

Brad needs to brush his teeth better.

Brad ate Grandpa's chocolate cake.
Brad ate Grandpa

 Question 2

30 seconds

Q. Gavin plays baseball and accidentally breaks a window. How do you think he feels?
answer choices

He is scared of getting in trouble.

He feels happy and excited he threw the ball so hard.

He can't wait to break another window.

He is thinking he should study his spelling words.

 Question 3

30 seconds

Q. The desert if a very hot, dry place. How might a coyote stay cool?
answer choices

Sleep during the day and hunt at night.

Take a bath in the lake.

Grow thicker fur.

Build a home using a cactus.

 Question 4

30 seconds

Q. Which detail tells you that Mrs. McCoy is hungry?

answer choices

Her eyes filling up with tears.

She is limping around the room.

She starts reading a book.
Her stomach growls loudly.

 Question 5

30 seconds

Q. Isabel's soccer team cheered. The coach gave them a trophy. What do you think happened?
answer choices

They missed the goal.

The coach got kicked out of the game.

They won the game.

The other team won the game.

 Question 6

30 seconds

Q. Tate stamps his feet and crosses his arms. How do you think he feels?
answer choices



 Question 7

30 seconds

Q. Many animals in the forest eat insects. Why might one kind of insect look like a stick?
answer choices

To stand out in the forest

To blend into the forest
To warn animals not to eat it

To move faster in the trees

 Question 8

120 seconds

Q. How might a character act if he felt sad?

answer choices

Put his head down and sigh

Yell and jump up and down

Smile and wave

Laugh until his sides hurt

 Question 9

30 seconds

Q. What might Kimberly do when she is worried?

answer choices

Practice Dancing

Take a nap in her chair

Play a board game
Pace back and forth

 Question 10

30 seconds

Q. Penguins live in cold, windy places and gather in large groups. Why do you think they stand
close together?
answer choices

To hunt for fish more easily

To dance
To stay warm

To hide from their predators

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