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Assessment review for Hazel Mynes from Miriam Cooper:

Of course, Hazel’s draft is exceptional and cannot see anything wrong with her flyer. The color
is well orchestrated with the author’s outfit. The design’s layout is well balanced. She used
every space for her flyer and does not seem to be cluttered. From a distance, all letters and
words are readable. Capitalized letters/words in boldface to draw attention with the readers or
audiences. The font’s color stayed the same throughout her flyer. Also, the background images
or settings made the texts and words readable. All pertinent information about the workshop
seems to be included in the flyer.

My suggestion:
• To increase the font size a tad larger than the current setting for the author’s book’s
information and availability.
• Decrease the font size with the word ‘Speaker and Topic’ and increase the font size of
the actual names of the speak and the main topics for the workshop

Assessment review for Hazel Mynes from Ivy Koshy:

No comments were submitted from Ivy Koshy as of this date.

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